12-17-2007 Budget Workshop CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Special Meeting Monday, December 17, 2007 5:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion of 2008 Budget and Property Tax Levy 3. Adjournment y,,, c G,.............\ _' rye ,��r.. , c SCANDIA Memominnesota To: Mayor and City Council From: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Colleen Firkus,Treasurer Date: 12/12/2007 Re: Information for December 17, 2007 Special Meeting In preparation for your discussion at the special meeting on the 2008 budget and tax levy,we have prepared the following information: 1. List of recommended changes to expenditure budgets in the General Fund We suggest some changes to the expenditure budgets to reflect recent decisions on employee pay rates and an examination of year-to-date expenditures in a number of categories. The changes represent a net spending increase of$7,562. This is primarily due to consultant billings for the Comprehensive Plan project,which were expected to be$32,000 in 2007 but have been approximately$20,500. The difference($11,400)has been added to the Planning and Building budget and will need to be funded with reserves carried over from 2007. Department Account Description Draft Revised Net Administration & Finance Various Personal Services $160,545 $161,272 $727 Administration & Finance 322 Postage $1,800 $2,500 $700 Administration & Finance 304 Legal Services $50,000 $40,000 $10,000 Administration & Finance 351 Legal Notices Publishing $2,500 $4,000 $1,500 Public Works Various Personal Services $160,060 $163,295 $3,235 Planning & Building 312 Planning Services $56,000 $67,400 $11,400 +$7,562 2. Year-end cash balances forecast Year-end cash balances have been estimated for all city funds,based on end of November balances and estimates of December expenditures. A spreadsheet is attached. The balance in the General Fund is less than the desired 40%of budget for cash flow purposes. Balances in the other funds exceed that percentage. Inter-fund borrowing will be needed for cash flow. 3. Revised budget for 201 Sewer Project(602). Revised revenue and expenditure budgets for the 201 Sewer Project have been prepared and are attached to this memo. Revenue from user fees will need to be$51,600, an increase of 36%from the $38,155 billed in 2007. The primary reason for the change in this budget from the draft is an increase in pumping expenses of$12,500 over the 2007 budget. (Pumping is required every three years.) We are currently working on an update to the ordinance governing the 201 system, which we will be bringing to the Council at one of the first meetings of 2008. Before property owners are billed for 2008,we recommend that the basis for billing(season/year round and number of bedrooms)as well as the frequency of billing be reviewed. With annual charges at about$650 per year for some properties it may be time to bill in more than one or two installments each year. We should also consider if there should be some change in the budgeting practice to avoid large budget and billing fluctuations in years when pumping expenses are incurred. Attachments: • 2007 Year-end Cash Balance Forecast • Revised Revenue and Expenditure Budgets,201 Sewer Project(602) ' i MP-1000(0I0M . U),-. Nb) MOV'I I ,-I 1 WWP-WVOMW(. r•r-WU)r. vrnoM iel .-; 0 W m IN.NU)OV W CON CO 00)OCWONON) CNO'NV'CN00 (00 _ (7(7 d)(00)NU)0 cONOODOI hCOCi00 OD I-N Wt.V V V--NM NNUV^. NVMN .N- co wo D- 1 W 00000000 0 0 0 0 OW OOo 0000 U) O O O 0 lap 00000000 fO U) r 0M O Z (M O(9 N .- 0. e e •N W I N VP 0)1 N lO _�_ W i_ I ___ I OWN 00 0) I (0 yT W, dwW.M om a $)) co v 0n I v .- N as O W N (6,-o O N 1 N 'ice N I Cj 1 3 I ❑ Z 11 1-d l ! I� 0 MX W Q WW L H'J M)•eWNmONr. U). 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