07-15-2008 Meeting CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday,July 15, 2008 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Forum 4. Approval of the Agenda 5. Approval of Consent Agenda a) Minutes 1) June 17, 2008 Regular Meeting 2) July 1, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Grading Permit for David Houghton, 23580 Melanie Trail (Resolution 07-15-08-01) 6. Public Hearings (None) 7. Committee Reports 8. Staff Reports a) Police Department Deputy Chris Majeski 1) National Night Out on August 5, 2008 b) Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence c) City Engineer Paul Hornby 1) Novak Ave. Drainage Issues d) City Attorney Dave Hebert 1) Development Agreement for Old Marine Estates e) Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp f) City Administrator Anne Hurlburt 1) Letter of Agreement with City of Roseville for Ice Rink Boards 2) Comments on City of Hugo Comprehensive Plan 3) Status of Watershed District Rulemaking 9. General Business a) 2007 Audit and Financial Statements, LarsenAllen b) Adopt Purchasing Policy (Resolution No. 07-15-08-02) c) Adopt Fixed Assets Policy (Resolution No. 07-15-08-03) 10. Adjournment d)i June 17, 2008 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Pete Crum, Michael Hametty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Bonestroo Engineer Paul Homby, City Planner Sherri Buss, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) May 20, 2008 Regular Meeting 2) June 3, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 05/01/08 $989,473.78 Receipts + 13,962.26 Expenditures 86,108.79 Payroll 19,621.37 - 105,730.16 Ending Balance 05/31/08 $897,705.88 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Adoption of Records Retention Schedule(Resolution 06-17-08-01) e) Certificate of Compliance for Medical Staffing Partners, 14800 Scandia Trail (Resolution 06-17-08-02) f) Amendment to 2008 Budget Councilmember Crum, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. ICE RINK COMMITTEE Administrator Hurlburt provided an update on the joint project between the City of Roseville and Scandia to provide replacement boards for Scandia's ice rink. The City of Roseville has confirmed that boards from Roseville's indoor rink are slated for removal on the weekend of July 25-27. The Ice Rink Committee met on June 10, 2008 to strategize a plan for removal of the old boards and reconstruction of the replacement boards. Volunteers will be recruited for work dates scheduled for July and August. The City of Roseville will ask Scandia to sign an agreement June 17, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 2 relating to liability for salvage of their boards. That agreement will be brought to the Council at a later date. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Mayor Seefeldt gave an update on the Comprehensive Plan Committee meetings. The consultants have submitted a draft plan, which will be reviewed at two upcoming meetings on June 23 and 25 (6:00 p.m.). Councilmembers were invited to attend these work sessions. PARK AND REC COMMITTEE—UPDATE ON WIND IN THE PINES PARK Administrator Hurlburt relayed a report from the Park and Recreation Committee regarding recent improvements to Wind in the Pines Park. Great River Greening installed waterbars and steps to control erosion and stabilize trails in the park. Committee Chair Karen Schik arrived at 7:40 p.m. to provide additional information to the Council. Natural oak logs were utilized for the installation of the steps. The committee is very pleased with the work, and will meet with GRG next week to finalize the project. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the past month. Recent burglaries are being investigated. FIRE DEPARTMENT Mayor Seefeldt extended a thank you to the Fire Department for the hours of volunteer work they have done in prepping the building's floor for seal-coating, and also for their presence at the recent opening of the Big Marine Park Reserve. Assistant Fire Chief Jim Finnegan presented the activity report for the past month and gave an update on the siren issue. Nelcom will be working on the conversion of the siren to an alternate frequency so that it will sound only in cases of pager failure and as a civil defense warning. This work is expected to be done by the end of June. Assistant Fire Chief Finnegan reported that the department provided assistance to the Hugo Fire Department by covering an eight-hour shift there. CITY ENGINEER Pilar Road Area Street Improvements, Resident Survey Bonestroo Engineer Paul Hornby summarized the responses to the recent survey sent to property owners of Pilar Road and several connected streets. The survey was mailed on May 22. As of this date, 25 of the 35 surveys sent out were returned to the office. Submitted comments and concerns will provide helpful information regarding problematic drainage areas, sight distance concerns and erosion. Many responses were in favor of keeping the rural and scenic character of the roadway by having it remain unpaved. Easement acquisition would add to the cost of the project, although it is unknown at this time to what extent that would be. The Capital Improvements Committee will analyze improvements to these roadways as part of the Pavement Management Plan at a future committee meeting. June 17, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 3 BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL Building Official Steve Thorp's submitted report was reviewed. Councilmember Peterson inquired about the status of various code enforcement actions. Mr. Thorp will be back in the office next week and will contact Councilmember Peterson regarding her questions. CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2009 Budget Meeting Schedule Administrator Hurlburt has recommended that the council meet in two work sessions and schedule a special meeting in September to adopt the preliminary 2009 budget and certify the maximum tax levy. Meeting dates of August 6 and August 26 were scheduled to review recommendations from the Capital Improvements Committee and discuss a draft budget. Council will hold a special meeting on September 10 to adopt a preliminary budget and tax levy. Draft Purchasing Policy As the city currently lacks a written purchasing policy, Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft purchasing policy for council's review. A specific policy is necessary to give staff guidelines for purchasing goods and services for the city. Consensus of the council agreed that the policy is well written and falls within state guidelines. The draft policy will be distributed to the fire department, attorney and auditor for comments before adoption of a final purchasing policy at a future council meeting. Draft Fixed Assets Policy The city's auditors have recommended that the city adopt a fixed assets policy. Treasurer Colleen Firkus prepared a draft policy for review. The policy has guidelines for establishing the value of existing and new capital asset purchases, their useful lives for depreciation purposes, and procedures for keeping the inventory up to date in the future. The policy will be submitted to the auditor for review and brought back to the council for final adoption by resolution at a later date. DESIGNATION OF CITY ENGINEER—RESOLUTION 06-18-08-03 Bonestroo, the city's engineering firm,has informed the City that Tom Peterson has resigned from the firm effective June 13, 2008. They have proposed Paul Hornby to replace him as the City Engineer. Their 2007 rates would continue to be in effect for the remainder of 2008. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to adopt Resolution 06-18-08-03 Appointing a City Engineer. The motion passed unanimously. CITIZEN'S PETITION FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FOR TILLER CORPORATION MINING PROJECT (RESOLUTION 06-18-08-04) A citizen's petition was submitted to the MN Environmental Quality Board (EQB)by Scandia resident John Lindell, 11240 218th Street. Mr. Lindell addressed the council with his concerns regarding the recent approval of Tiller's Conditional Use Permit for a mining operation, specifically his determination that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) should be a requirement before allowing mining into the groundwater. The main issue addressed by the June 17, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 4 citizen's petition was that Tiller had accelerated its mining timetable with its proposal for mining into the groundwater. The EQB determined that the City of Scandia is the appropriate governmental unit to decide the need for an EAW. City Planner Sherri Buss presented her report with findings that the project is exempt from further environmental review. Prior EAWs completed in 1987 and 1999 included an analysis of Tiller's mining operations. Plans submitted for the Conditional Use Permit that included mining into the groundwater and creation of the proposed lake were part of the phasing plan identified in the earlier EAWs. These plans provide no substantial change in the proposed project which would affect the potential for significant adverse environmental effects, therefore qualifying the project as exempt from further environmental review. Permits and safeguards required by local, state and federal regulations have not changed, and Tiller is in compliance with these permits and safeguards. The City's hydrogeologist's review of the existing groundwater studies for the Tiller Mine concluded that the impacts of mining into the groundwater will have a negligible effect on ground water tables in the area and on lake levels. The potential impacts evaluated in the 1987 and 1999 EAWs were identified, and no new impacts were identified when the research was reviewed in 2008. Councilmembers Peterson and Yehle both commented that based on these findings, this project does not meet the requirements necessary to request a new EAW. Councilmember Harnetty views this as a well run operation and he trusts management to continue to operate in a well maintained manner. Attorney Hebert advised that conditions are reassessed every year through the Annual Operators Permit process. An EAW may be requested at any point there appears to be potential for environmental impacts not previously addressed. Tim Brown, 23110 Manning Trail, inquired about the number of mining operations in the state that currently mine into the groundwater. Mike Caron, Tiller Corporation, listed off a number of locations that operate by this process with asphalt/concrete plants on site. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to adopt Resolution 06-18-08-04 Exempting Tiller Corporation Mining Operation in Scandia from Additional Environmental Review for Operations Proposed in the 2008 Conditional Use Permit. The motion passed unanimously. CARNELIAN-MARINE-ST. CROIX WATERSHED DISTRICT General Discussion/Background Information By invitation, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed Administrator Jim Shaver was present to add to a discussion of issues pertaining to the Watershed. Mayor Seefeldt began with a history of water management organizations in Scandia. Watershed Districts are separate units of local government, with authority established by state law and requiring no accountability to local government units. Erich Kertzscher, 21355 Parrish Road, took issue with how the Watershed is funded by separate tax levies which show up on property tax statements to all residents within the WD, with no June 17, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 5 accountability of the WD budget to an outside agency. Mr. Kertzscher sees no tangible benefits to being taxed without representation, as the DNR also oversees water quality. Mr. Kertzscher would like to see Scandia work together with other tiers of government to take up action on this issue. Councilmembers agreed that people do wish to see something for their money. A recommendation was made to Mr. Shaver to supply the city with copies of the Watershed meeting minutes that can be added to the Scandia website and to present occasional reports to the council. Council considered it would be helpful to the public if the Watershed could designate where money is being spent in Scandia. Mr. Shaver added that the Citizen Advisory Committee is a means for residents to become involved in the Watershed. Second Draft of Proposed Rules A second draft of the CMSCWD rules dated April 30, 2008 was reviewed. Some changes were made in response to the City's comments on the first draft, the most significant being the threshold for erosion control permits and changing the access zone for wetlands and public water bodies to 50 feet or half the lot width, whichever is smaller. Comments from City Attorney Hebert have not been fully addressed, leaving concerns about the significant expansion of regulatory requirements and the impact on property owners' use of their land. Council directed Administrator Hurlburt to prepare a letter addressing the city's previous comments to the Board of Soil Water Resources, as this agency is currently reviewing the Watershed's draft rules. County Commissioners and legislators will also be copied on this letter. CITY PARTICIPATION IN TACO DAZE The Comprehensive Plan Committee has recommended that the City sponsor a booth during the Taco Daze festivities (September 6) to provide information on the Comprehensive Plan draft plan, parks-related issues and other city information. Staff was directed to proceed with the planning of a booth and tables to display maps of the Comprehensive Plan and Parks information. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk July 1, 2008 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Council members Pete Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt, Donnette Yehle. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Administrator Hurlburt added to the agenda a report on the Community Center's well issue. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. COMMUNITY CENTER WELL TESTING Administrator Hurlburt reported that a routine testing of the Community Center's water supply by the MN Department of Health detected the presence of contamination. The recommended steps have been taken to disinfect the well. In the meantime, notices are in place and bottled water is available to all users of the Community Center. A certified well contractor is currently working on the well and a retest of the water supply will be done soon. The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Susan Rodsjo, Peter Schwarz, Building Official Steve Thorp and TKDA Planner Berry Farrington. Absent: Commissioner Christine Maefsky. AM-TECH DESIGNS—CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT,RESOLUTION 07-01-08-01 Bob and Michelle Carlson, owners of Am-Tech Designs, a light steel fabrication business, have applied for an amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit to allow for construction of an accessory building. Am-Tech is located in the Hawkinson Business Park, 21080 Ozark Court. The applicants propose to remove a current accessory structure and replace it with a 25 feet by 50 feet three-sided structure. TKDA Planner Berry Farrington presented the Planner's report in which approval of an amended CUP was recommended. The structure meets all standards of Section 9.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. A recommendation to require decorative ground cover along the building edge facing the right of way as required in Section 9.12 was added as a condition of approval in the Planner's report. A condition from the CUP granted in 1995 to require that the parking lot be striped and marked for handicap parking was also included in the draft resolution. Chairman Chris Ness opened the public hearing. As there were no public comments, Chairman Ness closed the hearing. Councilmember Harnetty inquired about the reasoning behind the handicap parking requirement. Building Official Thorp explained the federal law which requires the business to be accessible to the disabled. Commissioner Schwarz felt that requiring landscaping within the narrow area between the building edge and the parking lot would be impractical and difficult to maintain. The area is about one foot in width. Chairman Ness agreed and stated his view that natural vegetation would be acceptable in that space. Councilmember Peterson questioned if the building material will match the existing business structure. Applicant Bob Carlson replied that it will be an exact match. The Planning Commission recommended to the City Council to adopt draft resolution 07-01-08- 01 with the elimination of Condition#3 requiring decorative ground cover in the space between the building and parking lot. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to adopt draft Resolution 07-01-08-01 with the elimination of Condition #3. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to amend the above motion to include the requirement for decorative ground cover. Councilmember Harnetty stated that he sees this as a nuisance ordinance that is not practical or necessary in this situation. Councilmember Crum felt that the applicant should be held to what is stated in the ordinance, otherwise the council is being ad-hoc in their decisions. Voting yes on the amendment: Crum, Peterson, Seefeldt, Yehle. Opposed: Harnetty. A vote to approve the draft Resolution 07-01-08-01 as amended passed unanimously. SET SPECIAL MEETING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan Committee has recommended that a date be set for a public meeting (Thursday, August 21) and a public hearing (Thursday, September 18) on the new Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing would also be an official meeting of the City Council. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to set a special meeting date for September 18, 2008 to conduct a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk SCAN D.,,.A. City of Scandia Treasurer's Report June 30, 2008 Beginning Balance 06/01/08 898,705.88 Receipts 52.084.80 Expenditures 70.710.12 Payroll 24,053.31 - 94,763.43 Adjustments: Safe Box Rental - 35.00 Ending Balance 06/30/08 855,992.25 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer 610 CA. .I..:)1_3= . 2008 CASH BALANCES AT END OF MONTH FUND JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 101 GENERAL 396,088 279,159 152,070 77,088 -12,296 -53,728 301 DEBT SERVICE 544,454 544,454 549,362 500,810 500,810 500,810 401 CAPITAL IMPR 207,796 207,796 206,562 191,717 190,752 190,115 404 PARK CAP IMPR 45,395 41,562 34430 34,430 34,430 34 430 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 33,820 9,732 9,732 9,732 9,732 9,732 602 201 SEWER 128,809 105,485 114,354 117,781 117,611 116,252 801 ESCROW 56,550 56,550 57,550 58,300 57,050 57,800 TOTAL 1,412,912 1,244,740 1,124,059 989,858 898,090 855,411 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/03/08 4:04 PM *Expenditure Guideline Summary© Page 1 Current Period:June 2008 YTD YTD MTD % Description Budget Amount Amount Balance of Budget Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 41000 Administation&Finance $342,762 00 $178,614.36 $20,450.23 $164,147.64 52.11% Dept 41110 City Council $18,713.00 $9,631.36 $4,178.18 $9,081.64 51.47% Dept 41410 Elections $5,770.00 $545.51 $0.00 $5,224.49 9.45% Dept 41910 Planning&Building $170,244.00 $102,295.20 $22,258.59 67,948.80 60.09% Dept 42100 Police $101,883 00 $47,137.36 $0.00 54,745.64 46 27% Dept 42200 Fire Dept $308,812 00 $88,925.70 $6,491 94 19,886.30 28 80% Dept 43000 Public Works $583,165.00 $179,220.14 $26,476.89 03,944.86 30 73% Dept 43210 Sewer&Water $3,330.00 $2,483.24 $11.07 $846.76 74.57% Dept 45000 Parks&Recreation $45,922.00 $32,852.69 $3,408.38 13,069.31 71.54% Dept 45180 Community Center $52,926.00 $23,304.60 $2,300.98 29,621.40 44.03% Fund 101 GENERAL FUND $1,633,527.00 $665,010.16 $85,576.26 $968,516.84 40.71% Fund 301 DEBT SERVICE Dept 47302 2002 Blacktop Bond $209,561.00 $209,561.25 $0.00 -$0.25 100.00% Dept 47304 2004 Blacktop Bond $255,240.00 $7,620.00 $0.00 $247,620.00 2 99% Dept 47307 2007 Blacktop Bond $305,163.00 $27,581.25 $0.00 $277,581.75 9.04% Dept 47310 Fire Hall/Public Works Bond $121,135.00 $20,970.50 $0.00 $100,164.50 17.31% Fund 301 DEBT SERVICE $891,099.00 $265,733.00 $0.00 $625,366.00 29.82% Fund 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSs $59,600.00 $17,681.83 $637.50 $41,918.17 29.67% Fund 404 PARK ACQUISITION AND DEV $14,000.00 $11,991.41 $0.00 $2,008.59 85.65% Fund 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT $0.00 $24,088.11 $0.00 -$24,088.11 0.00% Fund 602 201 SEWER FUND $51,594.00 $33,338.15 $8,548.38 $18,255.85 64.62% Report Total $2,649,820.00 $1,017,842.66 $94,762.14 $1,631,977.34 38.41% 5. C1 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM Page 1 Payments SCANDIA m i e n ;e s.o t_ a Current Period:July 2008 Batch Name 7-15-08 User Dollar Amt $51,575.09 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $51,575.09 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1460 ADVANTAGE COATING, INC. Cash Payment E 101-43000-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Public Works-Floor Coating $5,308.81 Invoice 3569 Cash Payment E 101-42200-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Fire Dept.-Floor Coating $6,321.45 Invoice 3568 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $11,630.26 Refer 1462 AIR FRESH PORTABLE TOILETS - Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Monthly Rental $320.00 Invoice 6842 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $320.00 Refer 1464 ALLMANN,LAURIE _ Cash Payment E 101-45000-439 Refunds Issued Tennis Class Refund $25.00 Invoice 7-8-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 1463 AMERICAN FLAGPOLE&FLAG CO _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Lightpole Flags $44.00 Invoice 6-27-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $44.00 Refer 1461 AMERIPRIDE LINEN&APPAREL S - Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Community Center Supplies $104.95 Invoice M006299-0608 Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Community Center Supplies $116.15 Invoice M600268-0608 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $221.10 Refer 1527 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER - Cash Payment E 101-42200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery Pager Repair $12.50 Invoice 3509 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $12.50 Refer 1525 BARTON SAND& GRAVEL CO. Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Modified Class 5 Gravel $353.65 Invoice 6-30-08 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $353.65 Refer 1465 BENNER,JOAN Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1466 BILDEAUX,ALEX Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1467 BOROWICK, ERIC CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM Page 2 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t o Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45180-439 Refunds Issued Hall Rental Refund-Overpayment $10.00 Invoice 6-20-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $10.00 Refer 1469 CITIBUSINESS CARD _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies Data Practices Handbook $24.55 Invoice 7-01-08 Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Comm.Center Water $94.77 Invoice 6-27-08 Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Public Works Mtg.Supplies $37.28 Invoice 6-12-08 Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Rescue Equipment $418.50 Invoice 6-12-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $575.10 Refer 1468 CONNEXUS ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Hay Lake Shelter $13.20 Invoice 6-27-08 Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Wyldewood Streetlights $65.69 Invoice Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas 201 System $26.72 Invoice Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $105.61 Refer 1470 ECM PUBLISHERS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Am-Tec Public Hearing $31.25 Invoice IT 00118236 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $31.25 Refer 1471 FEDERATED CO-OPS _ Cash Payment E 101-45000-406 Grounds Care Weed Control for Ballfields $83.78 Invoice J20996 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $83.78 Refer 1472 FRONTIER _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 Telephone City Hall $207.74 Invoice 6514332274 Cash Payment E 602-43210-321 Telephone 201 Dialer $74.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone Bldg.Official $74.19 Invoice 6514335762 Cash Payment E 101-43000-321 Telephone Public Works $61.35 Invoice 6514335223 Cash Payment E 101-42200-321 Telephone Fire Dept. $138.45 Invoice 6514334383 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $555.73 Refer 1473 FXL, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-300 Assessor Assessor Services $1,500.00 Invoice 7-2008 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 1476 GOEKEN, MIKE i; CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM Page 3 ! ;e Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1475 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Locator Tickets $15.95 Invoice 8060813 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $15.95 Refer 1474 GREENE IMPLEMENT, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Riding Mower Parts $68.35 Invoice S54213 Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Riding Mower Parts $13.98 Invoice S54212 Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Riding Mower Fan $232.10 Invoice S53215 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $314.43 Refer 1477 GREGS AUTO GLASS REPAIR, INC Cash Payment E 101-43000-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery Windshield Repair-Dump Truck $50.00 Invoice 11443 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 1479 HEBERT,WELCH, HUMPHREYS,P _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-304 Legal Fees June Prosecution $858.00 Invoice 14976 Cash Payment E 101-41000-304 Legal Fees Legal Services $1,511.00 Invoice 14981 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,369.00 Refer 1480 HULLEMAN, MARY _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge Training $53.20 Invoice 6-17-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $53.20 Refer 1478 HURLBURT,ANNE _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-331 Travel Expenses Mileage $99.52 Invoice 7-10-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $99.52 Refer 1526 HUSNIK WELL DRILLING CO. Cash Payment E 101-45180-223 Building Repair&Suppli Comm.Center Well Repairs $1,762.00 Invoice 1747 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,762.00 Refer 1481 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL Cash Payment E 101-41910-433 Dues and Subscriptions Thorp Dues $100.00 Invoice 2644899 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 1482 J SCOTT PLUMBING _ Cash Payment E 101-45180-223 Building Repair&Suppli Comm.Center Bypass Valve $250.00 Invoice 7-1-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM r"'r':1 Page 4 t K v �T :; Payments SCANDIA m i n -n e s o t o Current Period:July 2008 Refer 1529 KEEPRS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Fire Badges $77.73 Invoice 84334-81 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $77,73 Refer 1483 KRINKE, TOM Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt. Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1484 LARSONALLEN LLP _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi Audit Services $4,510.00 Invoice 274122 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $4,510.00 Refer 1485 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST _ Cash Payment E 101-45000-361 Liability/Property Ins Accident Coverage-Rink Project $501.00 Invoice 13476 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $501.00 Refer 1487 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-413 Office Equipment Rental Monthly Copier Charge $181.48 Invoice 102203700 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $181.48 Refer 1486 LOFFLER _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-413 Office Equipment Rental Quarterly Copier Charges $552.16 Invoice 90577 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $552.16 Refer 1492 MAEFSKY, CHRISTINE Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt.Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1488 MCKELVEY, MARTY Cash Payment E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Cleat Kids Supplies $4.08 Invoice 6-17-08 Cash Payment E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Volleyball Net $17.92 Invoice 7-9-08 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $22.00 Refer 1489 MENARDS - Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Fire Dept.Supplies $11.15 Invoice 35738 Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Fire Dept.Supplies $15.24 Invoice 42463 Transaction Date 7/10/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $26.39 Refer 1493 MILBRANDT ENTERPRISE _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Fire Dept. $202.35 Invoice 6-13-08 Cash Payment E 101-45180-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Community Center $1,155.53 Invoice 6-13-08 , CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM --. s 'K Page 5 r Payments ,10 SCANDIA. m i n n e s -o t o Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-42200-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Fire Dept. $256.20 Invoice 7-10-08 Cash Payment E 101-45180-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Community Center $1,309.82 Invoice 7-10-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,923.90 Refer 1494 MINNESOTA LIFE INSURANCE CO. _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life Hurlburt Life $3.70 Invoice 7-2008 Cash Payment E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Morrison Life $3.70 Invoice 7-2008 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $7.40 Refer 1490 MN DEPT. OF LABOR&INDUSTRY Ck#000006E 7/9/2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-438 Misc.Contractual 2nd Qrt.Bldg.Permit Surcharge $362.01 Invoice 7-9-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $362.01 Refer 1491 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE Cash Payment E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life Office Staff Life Ins. $48.00 Invoice 7-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life Building Official Life $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Publci Works Life $48.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $112.00 Refer 1498 NEOPOST LEASING _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-413 Office Equipment Rental Postage Equipment Lease $113.17 Invoice 5115608 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $113.17 Refer 1497 NESS, CHRIS Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt. Planning Commission $300.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 1495 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 Telephone Admin.Cell $40.10 Invoice 721650231-036 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone Bldg.Official Cell $40.10 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-321 Telephone Public Works Cell Phones $120.30 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-321 Telephone Fire Dept.Cell Phones $160.39 Invoice Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $360.89 Refer 1499 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT,INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies Office Supples $129.13 Invoice 779939 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $129.13 Refer 1496 OLSONS SEWER SERVICE CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM Page 6 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:July 2008 EE Cash Payment E 101-42200-385 Sewer Pumping&Maint Septic Pumping-Fire $240.56 Invoice 71808 Cash Payment E 101-42200-385 Sewer Pumping&Maint Septic Pumping-Public Works $160.38 Invoice 71808 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $400.94 Refer 1500 PETERSONS PLANTS - Cash Payment E 101-45180-406 Grounds Care Comm.Center Planters $74.55 Invoice 6-27-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $74.55 Refer 1503 RASMUSSEN,MATT Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt. Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1501 RODSJO, SUSAN Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt. Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1502 RUF, EDWARD Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt. Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1504 RYBAK AGGREGATE LLC - Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Grade#3 Limestone $53.77 Invoice 1166 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Grade#3 Limestone $184.88 Invoice 1070 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Grade#3 Limestone $55.00 Invoice 1075 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Grade#3 Limestone $106.40 Invoice 1127 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $400.05 Refer 1506 SCANDIA STORE - Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Comm.Center Water $12.36 Invoice 2985 Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies& Eq Fire Dept.Dinner $113.24 Invoice 2983 Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $125.60 Refer 1511 SCHIK, KAREN ----------- - Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Parks Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1510 SCHWARZ,PETER Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1507 SECURITY STATE BANK Ck#000007E 6/5/2008 7 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM t 3s , Page 7 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s>o t o Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies Safe Deposit Box Rent $35.00 Invoice 6-5-08 Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $35.00 Refer 1509 SELECT ACCOUNT Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Hurlbut HSA $100.00 Invoice 7-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Thorp HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Morrison HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Morrison Contribution $310.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Egelkraut HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Egelkraut Contribution $200.00 Invoice Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $910.00 Refer 1513 SHERILL REID Cash Payment E 101-41000-314 Animal Control Animal Control $75.00 Invoice 08-141 Cash Payment E 101-41000-314 Animal Control Animal Control $75.00 Invoice 08-142 Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 1515 SHERMAN, LARRY • Cash Payment E 101-41910-439 Refunds Issued Driveway Escrow Refund $500.00 Invoice 7-8-08 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 1512 SKUPIEN,DAN Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Parks Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1505 SRC, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 Recycling June Recycling $2,320.50 Invoice 7-10-08 Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 Recycling July Recycling $2,320.50 Invoice 7-10-08 Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 Recycling Spring Heavy Metal Day $1,414.69 Invoice 6-30-08 Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Log House Landing $87.92 Invoice 7-8-08 Cash Payment E 101-45180-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Community Center $124.42 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Lighted Ballfield $63.04 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Fire Hall $33.17 Invoice Transaction Date 7/9/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $6,364.24 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM • Page 8 K Payments SCANDIA m i ,n n e s o t a Current Period:July 2008 Refer 1528 ST. CROIX SCUBA&SNORKELING _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq SCUBA Equipment $262.00 Invoice 2154 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $262.00 Refer 1530 STILLWATER MEDICAL GROUP Cash Payment E 101-42200-305 Medical Fees Firefighter Screening $255.00 Invoice 6-27-08 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $255.00 Refer 1514 SUNRAMP SOLUTIONS _ Cash Payment E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Past Due Sales Tax $86.52 Invoice 63099 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $86.52 Refer 1508 SW/WC SERVICE COOPERATIVE _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Huriburt Health Coverage $272.00 Invoice 8-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Eklund $272.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Thorp $272.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Morrison $697.60 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Morrison Contribution $174.40 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Egelkraut $697.60 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Egelkraut Contribution $174.40 Invoice Transaction Date 6/5/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,560.00 Refer 1516 TKDA Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Stanek Variance $118.08 Invoice 200802482 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Am-Tec CUP Amendment $799.27 Invoice 200802481 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Christ's Household of Faith CUP $223.60 Invoice 200802480 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Lee Wind Generator CUP $39.36 Invoice 200802479 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Tiller CUP $1,082.06 Invoice 200802478 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services General Planning Services $368.41 Invoice 200802483 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,630.78 Refer 1517 TODDS HOME CENTER _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-212 Fuel Fuel $1,075.67 Invoice 6-25-08 Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Supplies $77.37 Invoice CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:23 PM Page 9 Payments SCANDIA m n n e s o t a Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Comm.Center $8.96 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45180-406 Grounds Care Comm.Center Grounds $27.68 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45000-406 Grounds Care Parks Grounds Care $54.84 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-212 Fuel Fuel-Fire $493.81 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Supplies-Fire $121.70 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,860.03 Refer 1518 UNION SECURITY INSURANCE CO Cash Payment E 101-41000-135 Employer Paid Disability Hurlburt-LTD $39.50 Invoice 7-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-135 Employer Paid Disability Thorp-LTD $25.40 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability Morrison-LTD $45.20 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability Egelkraut-LTD $39.50 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $149.60 Refer 1519 V.I.P.PEST CONTROL Cash Payment E 101-45180-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Pest Control $34.08 Invoice 5972 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $34.08 Refer 1520 VOGEN, TOM Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio 2nd Qrt Parks Committee $60.00 Invoice 6-23-08 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1523 WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDE _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Mining Resolutions $138.00 Invoice 70697 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Lee CUP Resolution $46.00 Invoice 72251 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $184.00 Refer 1522 WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYO _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Parcel Search-Am-Tec $115.63 Invoice 1008722 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $115.63 Refer 1521 WASHINGTON COUNTY Cash Payment E 101-41000-300 Assessor 2008 Assessment Fee $328.00 Invoice 60785 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $328.00 Refer 1524 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Old Maintenance Garage $32.59 Invoice 158600592 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/11/08 2:24 PM •..r►,j.. Page 10 Payments SCANDIA. m 1 n'n e s o t a Current Period:July 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Community Center $481.48 Invoice 158596824 Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Lift Station#1 $18.97 Invoice 302519740 Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Uptown Streetlights $206.80 Invoice 302785259 Cash Payment E 101-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Uptown Sewer $12.78 Invoice 303033579 Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Flashing Light $28.89 Invoice 303328935 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Aerator $8.52 Invoice 303682753 Cash Payment E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Fire Siren $3.38 Invoice 157282155 Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Bliss LS 3&4 $15.53 Invoice 158096510 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Ballfield $110.69 Invoice 158258140 Cash Payment E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Annex Electric $39.25 Invoice 158247297 Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Bliss LS#2 $40.61 Invoice 158239128 Cash Payment E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Firehall $428.99 Invoice 158248888 Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Public Works $286.00 Invoice 158248888 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Warming House $21.69 Invoice 158239784 Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Streetlights $271.56 Invoice 159455302 Transaction Date 7/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,007.73 Fund Summary 10100 SECURITY STATE BANK 101 GENERAL FUND $51,399.26 602 201 SEWER FUND $175.83 $51,575.09 Pre-Written Check $397.01 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $51,178.08 Total $51,575.09 Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Issue Grading Permit to David and Dorothy Houghton, 23580 Melanie Tr. N. (Resolution No. 07-15-08-03) Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Per City of Scandia Development Code 5.9-2; 'Placement of natural rock rip rap including associated grading of the shoreline and placement of a filter blanket, is permitted if the finished slope does not exceed three feet horizontal to one foot vertical, the landward extent of the rip rap is within ten feet of the ordinary high water mark, and the height of the rip rap above the ordinary high water level does not exceed three feet. A permit and/or approval must be obtained from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and a grading permit is obtained from the Zoning Administrator.' a grading permit must be obtained from the Zoning Administrator (the City Council.) • The applicant would like to remove an old retaining wall and replace it with boulders. A 2 foot high 65 foot long boulder wall is proposed and within 10 feet of the OHWof Bone Lake along the shoreline of the applicant's residence. • Comfort Lake Watershed District has been to the site and does not have any objections to the proposed rip rap. • The MN DNR Waters jurisdiction is defined as the point where the vegetation changes from aquatic to terrestrial. The photo clearly shows that the wall is above this point, it is exempt from DNR permitting requirements. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution issuing the grading permit to David and Dorothy Houghton at 23580 Melanie Tr.. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 07-15-08-03 Materials provided: • Photo • Application Contact(s): David Houghton, 651 433-5891 Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official (23580 melanie tr) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO.: 07-15-08-01 RESOLUTION ISSUING A GRADING PERMIT WITHIN THE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT AREA AT 23580 MELANIE TRAIL WHEREAS, a grading/land alteration permit has been applied for at 23580 Melanie Trail North to allow the replacement of an existing retaining wall with a 2-foot high, 65-foot long boulder wall ; and WHEREAS, the project is exempt from a MN DNR Waters work permit as long as it is above the Ordinary High Water Level; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does issue a grading/land alteration permit for David and Dorothy Houghton at 23580 Melanie Trail with the following stipulations: 1. Natural boulders or rocks shall be used as recommended by the DNR and shall be free of debris that may cause pollution or siltation. 2. A filter of crushed rock, gravel or filter fabric material is placed underneath the rock. 3. That natural vegetation is planted between the shoreline and the rip rap wall where the vegetation has been damaged or removed. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 15th day of July, 2008. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/City Clerk opi ,,,, 1•• 4 4c; • ' ,7, , ' :.....e iti",,,A.,„-;,.. -A. .,,* ,, -,i0i,t'.., 'y,A 14.;,•?''A•it•-•. •''. ':- A•Sit"'- • s. 3 'X w •.TM'- 1 IV _ ,.ate s7r t .w ..-40 + t • p <, •F` � A 8 ,...sr j,A.' , ,c.. _ • �• I ram,: ter:,,° S . .. .. s .."' ,/' Asir-� .h �``+F* a a7,, 6 .4 r,t• f L fr' '4 • ♦� R" / try. -:.,f tip"y"i", .J1•a� '' € •••' r a ,mow ,* , t• __,--- 7 c,,.•.,..,/... t; _ !+ q R ^! i. --4.., '�,!!,v. ff,� " . .M'*.t,?• a�` . 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'61t ,i 1 ��ji."°'T' --w.••, Ttf+s t -.. t - x t - , ��4 .4 _ i �" s � [ I ' SAS 1, ' }L 7 t y CITY OF SCANDIA 14727 2091h St N.,Scandia MN 55073 651-433-5762 fax 651-433-5112 Grading/Land Alteration Permit Application Permit number (assigned by City): Date issued Project Address: PID number or legal description: Owner: /? � t �Cv /46�L f41 f/ Phone W —/'33 7/ Address: V. 3 c ',e5 J4j1f_L , i2 ". SCAA/.4, General Contractor:• L., e& C-,,,C, ,' LLC State Lic. # f 6/71f&7f Address: hoc- 1• cjv CVN 1ivN C->S05C0 Phone j( (;;CAS Check applicable: Shoreland zone: within 1000 feet of a lake, pond or flowage or within 300 feet of a river or stream. [Consult the Scandia Shoreland Management Ordinance for specifics. Federal, State and Local agencies may also govern the Shoreland zone,the St.Croix River and other applicable areas.] ➢ Grading or filling is prohibited within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone. )=• Any grading or filling in the Shoreland zone requires a permit. ➢ No cutting or removal of trees within the building setback from the ordinary high water level shall be permitted. See ordinance for specific requirements of wetland types and allowable circumstances. > MN DNR and Watershed District may also govern. ❑ Grading of fifty (50) cubic yards or more and/or the disturbance of 1,000 square feet or more. ❑ Clearing trees in an area larger than 20,000 square feet. ❑ A building, driveway permit has been issued or final plat approval was received. Submittal Documents: ❑ Existing and finished grade plan. ❑ Drainage and erosion control plan, ❖ Provide SWPPP if a NPDES permit is required: > Grading one acre or more of soil, > Any grading, if it is determined that the activity poses a risk to water resources. 0 Signature: �.� Date: , 6 -'Q52 Phone number to contact when permit is issued: Cell-yes [] no [] FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection is required when finished grade plan is achieved. Building Permit Fee S Escrow S Other S TOTAL $ BUILDING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE: Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: ,p, City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: None—information only. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Monthly reports on calls and citations issued are received from the Washington County Sheriff's office. • Deputy Chris Majeski will be present at the City Council Meeting to answer any questions that the Council may have concerning police protection for the City. Recommendation: N/A Attachments/ • Citations by city report, 06/01/08 to 06/30/08 Materials provided: • Contract ICR's report, 06/01/08 to 06/30/08 Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Huriburt, Administrator (sheriff report) Page 1 of 1 07/01/08 ALCOPFR$ (11) PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 1 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: SCANDIA From Date: 6/01/2008 To: 6/30/2008 SCANDIA Offense Offense Location Citation # Date Time 6/04/2008 1800 ST CROIX TR/205TH ST SW396784 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 65/55 6/06/2008 2045 BIG MARINE 661691 Statute 86B 501 1 WC W/OUT PROPER PFD'S 6/06/2008 1609 MAYBERRY TR/ LOFTON AV SW396389 Statute 169 686 NO SEATBELT 6/07/2008 1955 15200 BLK 240TH ST N 92324 Statute SPEED 6/10/2008 0053 SCANDIA TR/ NOVAK AV SW396380 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 70/55 6/10/2008 1151 SCANDIA TR/LOFTON AV SW396390 Statute 169 797 3 NO INSURANCE 6/10/2008 0000 213TH ST N & MANNING TRL 92322 Statute NO BRAKELIGHTS 6/11/2008 1010 KIRBY AVE N & SCANDIA TRL N 92323 Statute UNATTENDED VEH CHECK 6/13/2008 1620 13000 BLK HWY 97 91714 Statute SPEED/LIC IN POSS 6/13/2008 1441 OLINDA TRL N & 220TH ST N 92325 Statute SPEED 6/14/2008 1910 HWY 97/OLINDA TR SW389038 Statute 171 24 1(3) DAS 6/14/2008 2050 SCANDIA TR/214TH ST SW389040 Statute 169 14 2A SPEED 76/55 6/14/2008 1800 HWY 97 & POMROY AVE 91715 Statute SPEED 6/17/2008 1435 OLINDA &220TH ST N 92244 Page 1 ALCOPFR$ (11) Statute SPEED 6/18/2008 1145 LOFTON AV/232ND ST SW396392 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 64/55 PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 2 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: SCANDIA From Date: 6/01/2008 To: 6/30/2008 Offense Offense Location Citation# Date Time 6/20/2008 1745 12300 BLK SCANDIA TR SW396789 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 70/55 6/21/2008 1615 MANNING / MAYBERRY SW387635 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 65/55 6/21/2008 1015 13300 BLK 188TH ST SW396394 Statute 169 79 EXP REG (MAY 08) 6/24/2008 1835 ST CROIX TR/220TH ST SW396395 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 64/55 6/25/2008 2045 ST CROIX TR/235TH ST SW388465 Statute 169 14 2A SPEED 65/55 6/25/2008 0955 SCANDIA TR/LOFTON AV SW396397 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 64/55 Total for City: SCANDIA 21 ** END OF REPORT " Page 2 CJBWPFR$ (11) PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 1 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/08 To 6/30/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 6/01/08 1:21:13 108016990 0136 ST CROIX TR GUN SHOTS HEARD 6/01/08 7:53:17 108017003 0175 ST CROIX TR 911 HANG UP 6/01/08 16:09:33 108017043 0173 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/01/08 16:14:42 108017045 0173 182ND ST ALARM 6/01/08 16:22:44 108017046 0184 MANNING TR MEDICAL 6/01/08 18:20:30 108017058 0173 OLGILVIE AV ALARM 6/02/08 0:27:37 108017090 0136 GOOSE LAKE DISTURBANCE 6/02/08 7:26:53 108017100 0175 240TH ST ALARM CANCEL 6/02/08 10:04:58 108017133 0175 OXBORO AV THEFT REPORT 6/02/08 11:47:21 108017146 0191 LAYTON AV MEDICAL 6/02/08 14:01:42 108017183 0175 OXBORO AV ALARM 6/02/08 19:03:26 108017218 0132 205TH ST SUSP PH CALLS 6/03/08 11:14:33 108017293 0100 OLINDA TR PANIC ALARM **CANCELL 6/03/08 15:59:14 108017324 0190 180TH ST W/W EXP VEH REG 6/03/08 16:53:40 108017337 0190 180TH ST LN DISPATCH DEER/POSSESSION PERMI 6/03/08 20:21:41 108017360 0159 OLINDA TR ACCIDENT REPORT/COLD 6/04/08 5:20:50 108017379 0145 MAYBERRY TR RECOVERED STOLEN VEH RE: F 6/04/08 6:56:35 108017382 0190 OAKHILL CT MEDICAL 6/04/08 8:22:33 108017390 0190 QUALITY TR MEDICAL 6/04/08 9:18:13 108017397 0153 BIG MARINE LAKE REQUESTING HAZARD BUOY(S)ON B 6/04/08 11:47:39 10801 7432 0190 QUENTIN AV COWS IN ROAD 6/04/08 14:24:28 108017467 0149 170TH AV SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM VIOLATION 6/04/08 15:01:19 108017485 0159 LANGLY AV DUMPING COMPLAINT 6/04/08 18:05:08 108017516 0159 ST CROIX TR SPEED 65/55MPH CIT#SW396784 6/04/08 19:52:36 108017525 0159 MAYBERRY TR REQ EXTRA PATROL & DRIVING COM 6/04/08 21:58:30 108017531 0159 SCANDIA TR W/W NO PLATE LIGHTS 6/05/08 4:49:09 108017547 0142 228TH ST BARKING DOGS 6/05/08 12:53:30 108017325 0190 NOVAK AV WAN NO FRONT PLATE 6/05/08 13:38:06 108017599 0190 SCANDIA TR MV LOCKOUT 6/05/08 15:25:47 108017614 0190 235TH ST IOD 6/06/08 7:53:15 108017661 0175 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/06/08 9:52:51 108017686 0175 236TH ST TREE DOWN ON POWER LINE 6/06/08 12:12:05 108017732 0175 NOVAK AV FIRE ALARM 6/06/08 14:55:49 10801 7764 0190 218TH ST TREE BLOCKING ROADWAY 6/06/08 15:18:17 108017768 0190 218TH ST DOG ORD VIOL 6/06/08 15:26:52 108017769 0190 OAKHILL RD CHECK THE AREA 6/06/08 16:12:19 108017777 0190 MAYBERRY TR CITE NO SEATBELT 6/06/08 16:43:15 108017783 0190 QUINNELL AV THEFT REPORT 6/06/08 20:41:14 108017805 1271 BIG MARINE LAKE WATERCRAFT VIOLATION 6/07/08 6:33:27 108017839 0136 OLINDA TR HORSES ON ROAD 6/07/08 10:00:13 108017850 0190 QUALITY TR NEIGHBOR COMPLAINT 6/07/08 18:19:11 108017896 0158 ST CROIX TR 911 ABANDON 6/07/08 18:42:03 108017900 0158 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAING/CHECK THE AR 6/08/08 9:40:05 108017950 0175 MANNING TR POSS OFP VIO CELL 651-491-03 6/08/08 16:41:32 108017980 0165 BONE LAKE LOUD MUSIC COMPLAINT *COMP 6/08/08 16:55:20 108017981 0165 OLGILVIE AV BURNING COMPLAINT 6/08/08 18:04:26 108017988 0165 ST CROIX TR FOUND PROPERTY Page 1 CJBWPFR$ (11) 6/08/08 19:23:53 108017994 0165 BIG MARINE LAKE VEH LOCKOUT 6/08/08 20:22:57 108018000 0165 SCANDIA TR INFOMRATON/STALLED VEH 6/09/08 15:14:32 108018096 0147 213TH ST AUD ALARM 6/09/08 15:36:21 108018099 PARISH RD RECEIPT#080000733 6/09/08 15:38:03 108018100 PARRISH RD RECEIPT#080000734 PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 2 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/08 To 6/30/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 6/09/08 18:45:56 108018119 0147 MEADOWBROOK AV ASSIST 6/10/08 0:57:06 108018147 0173 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC CIT-SPEED 70/55 6/10/08 1:58:43 108018154 0173 HWY 97 DK DRIVER 6/10/08 10:57:01 108018192 0190 OLINDA TR DEER IN ROADWAY 6/10/08 11:19:58 108018196 0190 213TH ST W/W NO BRAKELIGHTS 6/10/08 11:53:27 108018203 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE NO INSURANCE/NO MN DL 6/10/08 12:24:29 108018212 0190 OAKHILL RD DOMESTIC 6/10/08 19:10:34 108018267 0158 180TH ST LN REPORTED CSC 6/10/08 20:45:51 108018275 0124 PARKVIEW LN 911 MISDIAL 6/10/08 22:05:32 108018282 0158 OREN RD ANIMAL DISPATCH 6/11/08 5:47:18 108018295 0173 MANNING TR WARRANT ARREST 6/11/08 10:12:47 108018321 0190 KIRBY AV UNATTENDED VEHICLE CHECK 6/11/08 19:46:49 108018372 0190 OAKHILL RD PUBLIC PRESENTATION 6/12/08 15:51:36 108018480 0190 MAYBERRY TR VANDALISM 6/12/08 17:01:07 108018491 0191 QUALITY TR SUSP VEH 6/12/08 17:33:05 108018494 0190 OLFIELD AV PARKING VIOLATION 6/12/08 19:58:00 108018507 0190 240TH ST W/W SPEED 6/12/08 21:12:40 108018514 0145 OZARK AV MEDICAL 6/12/08 23:40:51 108018530 0173 QUINT AV FIRE ALARM 6/13/08 13:10:47 108018646 0190 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE-OFF 6/13/08 14:43:27 108018653 0190 OLINDA TR W/W SPEED 6/13/08 16:25:08 108018668 0111 HWY 97 TRAFFIC SPEED 6/13/08 23:14:07 108018710 0136 KIRBY AV SUSP VEH 6/14/08 5:55:15 108018739 0136 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 6/14/08 5:55:15 108405807 0136 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 6/14/08 17:32:46 108018794 0111 ST CROIX TR INFORMATION ON DK DRIVER 6/14/08 18:10:41 108018798 0111 HWY 97 TRAFFIC/SPEED 6/14/08 18:32:29 108018803 0170 MANNING TR MISSING DOG INFORMATION 6/14/08 19:13:37 108018809 0170 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC CITATION #SW389038 DAS 6/14/08 20:56:51 108018818 0170 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC CITATION #SW389040 SPE 6/14/08 21:48:23 108018823 0111 MEADOWBROOK AV 911 HANG UP 6/14/08 22:58:28 108018839 0142 BIG MARINE LAKE CHECK THE LAKE 6/15/08 3:39:04 108018858 0142 OLINDA TR ALARM 6/15/08 13:15:09 108018890 0100 OLINDA TR HOUSE FIRE 6/15/08 15:28:51 108018902 0158 KIRK AV INJURED DEER 6/15/08 16:25:10 108018911 1262 BIG MARINE LAKE ABANDONED BOAT INFO 6/16/08 0:06:23 108018950 0195 PARKVIEW AV OUT OF CONTROL JUV FEMALE 6/17/08 11:29:39 108019218 0175 240TH ST OUT OF CONTROL SON FL 6/17/08 14:14:03 108019242 0175 ST CROIX TR AOA/STOLEN VEH 6/17/08 14:37:32 108019245 0190 OLINDA TR W/W SPEED 6/17/08 20:02:42 108019286 0147 240TH ST MEDICAL 6/17/08 20:34:21 108019288 0190 209TH ST CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 2 CJBWPFR$ (11) 6/17/08 21:27:48 108019295 0190 240TH ST JUVENILE RUNAWAY 6/18/08 11:45:14 108019353 0190 LOFTON AV CITE SPEED 6/18/08 11:51:54 108019354 0190 228TH ST DOG ORD VIOL 6/18/08 17:06:24 108019416 0158 215TH ST GUN SHOTS 6/18/08 21:26:05 108019446 0158 SCANDIA TR SUSP M'S 6/18/08 22:40:18 108019457 0173 BONE LAKE NOISE/FISHING/LIGHTING COMPLAI 6/19/08 9:56:57 108019490 0190 180TH ST LN SUS VEH 6/19/08 16:13:23 108019551 0190 MANNING TR TRAFFIC ARREST-GM INTENT TO ES 6/19/08 22:16:12 108019597 0149 220TH ST BARKING DOG COMPLAINT 6/20/08 7:37:10 108019618 0110 LOFTON AV ANIMAL CONCERN PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 3 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/08 To 6/30/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 6/20/08 16:48:59 108019698 0170 SCANDIA TR POSS DK DRIVER 6/20/08 17:45:42 108019706 0159 SCANDIA TR SPEED 70/55 CIT#5W396789 6/20/08 18:43:51 108019710 0159 MANNING TR WAN SPEED 6/20/08 19:54:39 108019713 0170 MANNING TR WAN#92345 SPEED 6/21/08 0:09:07 108019736 0173 220TH ST BARKING DOGS 6/21/08 8:52:16 108019754 0190 MAYBERRY TR VANDALISM REPORT 6/21/08 9:38:15 108019756 0190 PILAR RD AUD ALARM "CANCELLED/PROP 6/21/08 10:01:52 108019759 0190 SCANDIA TR EXTRA PATROL REQUEST 6/21/08 10:18:05 108019760 0190 188TH ST CITE EXPIRED VEH REG 6/21/08 14:16:39 108019779 0190 OLINDA TR MEDICAL 6/21/08 16:20:20 108019791 0111 MANNING TR TRAFFIC/SPEED 6/21/08 17:29:19 108019802 0149 ST CROIX TR DOMESTIC 6/21/08 18:57:16 108019812 0149 OAKHILL RD PROPERTY DAMAGE 6/21/08 22:58:11 108019834 0136 220TH ST BARKING DOG COMPLAINT 6/22/08 13:26:39 108019890 0175 185TH ST FIRE ALARM 6/22/08 14:05:23 108019895 0175 LAYTON AV VEH LOCKOUT 6/22/08 14:51:44 108019899 0175 SCANDIA TR POSS DK DRIVER 6/22/08 19:00:51 108019924 0111 LARKSPUR AV THEFT REPORT 6/23/08 1:13:58 108019953 0136 SCANDIA TR ARREST:B CARD/4TH DEG DUI/POI 6/23/08 8:07:36 108019970 0175 MAYBERRY TR PROPERTY DAMAGE 6/23/08 8:36:00 108019975 0175 MELANIE TR MEDICAL 6/23/08 10:36:03 108020013 0175 LAKAMAGA TR 911 MISDIAL 6/23/08 12:56:17 108020045 0183 OLINDA TR AUD ALARM 6/23/08 18:48:19 108020101 0158 MANNING TR LOOSE HORSES 6/23/08 21:02:01 108020111 0158 238TH ST VEHCILE LOCKOUT 6/24/08 15:25:56 108020210 0190 OLINDA TR WAN SPEED 6/24/08 18:38:27 108020234 0190 ST CROIX TR CITE SPEED 6/24/08 22:24:35 108020263 0121 OAKHILL RD UNWANTED MALE 6/25/08 7:53:56 108020288 0190 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED/30 MINS/ 6/25/08 7:59:07 108020289 0190 PARKVIEW LN LOUD MUSIC 6/25/08 9:39:39 108020310 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE SPEED 6/25/08 15:27:34 108020350 0147 SCANDIA TR SUSP VEH 6/25/08 20:54:54 108020389 0124 ST CROIX TR SPEEDING CITATION SW388465 6/25/08 22:41:32 108020403 0147 OLINDA TR VEH IN THE DITCH 6/26/08 11:00:00 108020451 220TH ST RECEIPT#080000842 6/26/08 12:19:25 108020470 0190 MANNING TR INS REQUEST FORM 6/26/08 13:29:29 108020505 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE NO INSURANCE Page 3 CJBWPFR$ (11) 6/26/08 19:54:19 108406285 0100 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 6/27/08 9:27:33 108020603 0190 PICKETT AV ANIMAL CONCERN 6/27/08 11:21:25 108020622 0190 228TH ST W/W SPEED 6/27/08 13:03:55 108020631 0190 LAKAMAGA TR LOOSE HORSE 6/27/08 14:42:11 108020642 0190 OAKHILL RD ATTEMPTED BREAK-IN REPORT 6/27/08 15:18:36 108020646 0190 BIG MARINE LAKE SUSP ACTIVITY/EXTRA PATROL 6/27/08 16:27:22 108020657 0100 236TH ST OFFICERS INFO 6/27/08 21:25:34 108020691 0158 OBRIEN TR VEH LOCKOUT 6/28/08 10:03:36 108020746 0190 OLINDA TR LOOSE HORSES **CANCELLE 6/28/08 19:13:35 108020793 0156 MAYBERRY TR MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT 6/28/08 22:09:56 108020813 0110 OXBORO AV FIREWORKS COMP 6/29/08 3:29:19 108020839 0126 OAKHILL RD STRUCTURE FIRE 6/29/08 15:38:14 108020878 0159 OLINDA TR ALARM 6/29/08 17:37:34 108020892 0129 OAKHILL CT MEDICAL 6/29/08 18:40:16 108020899 0183 KILLIAN AV NOTIFICATION PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 4 7/01/08 5:26:59 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/08 To 6/30/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 6/29/08 22:02:00 108020916 0159 OAKHILL RD W/W BLUE LIC PLATE LIGHT 6/29/08 22:18:08 108020921 0159 220TH ST LOST DOG INFORMATIONAL 6/30/08 10:56:23 108020970 0100 SCANDIA TR RECKLESS DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/30/08 11:45:17 108020979 0160 OLINDA TR 911 HANG UP 6/30/08 11:48:23 108020980 0160 LOFTON AV THEFT REPORT 6/30/08 14:39:01 108021042 0160 SCANDIA TR CVSA INSPECTION WITH YAX1939 6/30/08 21:27:53 108021090 0111 ST CROIX TR CAR VS DEER Total I C Rs Processed: 163 ** END OF REPORT ** Page 4 Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider whether or not to hold a "National Night Out" (NNO) event in Scandia on Tuesday, August 5, 2008. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Deputy Chris Majeski would like to discuss with the Council whether or not you are interested in having an event at the Scandia Community Center. He will present some ideas for your consideration, as outlined in the attached memo. • NNO is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW). There are generally no costs to register or participate. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council discuss the deputy's recommendations and give direction. Attachments/ • Proposal for Scandia NNO from Deputy Majeski Materials provided: • NATW Press Release • History of NATW & "National Night Out" Contact(s): Deputy Chris Majeski, (612) 741-6573 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (national night out) Page 1 of 1 07/11/08 0 I4ATIclt.A C.,......„......_... 2008 National Night Out August 5, 2008 700pm Scandia Community Center Why have National Night Out in Scandia? Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness in your neighborhood. Generate support for, and participation in, Scandia crime prevention programs. Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. Send a message to criminals that your neighborhood is organized and fighting back. What to expect at Scandia's National Night Out? A K-9 demonstration will be conducted by the Washington County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office Water Patrol unit will also be on hand. Scandia Fire Department will give a demonstration. Fingerprinting for all children present. Meet Scandia's City Council Members and staff. Discuss what can be done to help your neighborhood prevent crime. Food, fun and fellowship with our community. wow NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOWN WATCH I Wynnewood Road Suite 102 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wynnewood,PA 19096 610-649-7055 Fax:610-649-5456 www.natw.org Register Now for National Night Out 2008 — August 5th The National Association of Town Watch (NATW) has announced that the "25th Annual National Night Out(NNO) program will culminate on Tuesday, August 5, 2008. Any municipality, law enforcement agency,crime prevention organization, community group or neighborhood association that was not officially registered with NATW for Night Out 2007 is invited to contact NATW now to receive information on National Night Out 2008. (Note: The State of Texas will be testing NNO on October 7th this year.) There is no cost to register or participate. Once registered with NATW, local coordinators receive an organizational kit full of `how-to' materials including planning suggestions, sample new releases, artwork, and promotional guides —and interim updates throughout the year. NNO 2007 involved 35.4 million people in 11,310 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide. National Night Out 2008 is expected to be the largest ever. NNO is sponsored by NATW in partnership with Target. National Night Out, a year-long community building campaign, is designed to: (1) Heighten crime prevention awareness; (2) Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; (3) Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and (4) Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Along with the traditional outside lights and front porch vigils, most cities and towns now celebrate National Night Out with a variety of special citywide and neighborhood events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, festivals, visits from local law enforcement, safety fairs, and youth events. Don't delay! Organizing in most communities begins early in the year. For free registration material call 1-800-NITE OUT or visit the National Night Out website at www.nationalnightout.org # # # Contact: Matt Peskin, National Project Coordinator/ 1-800-NITS-OUT Email: info@natw.org SPONSORS OF"NATIONAL NIGHT OUT" •AMERICA'S NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME The History of NATW & "National Night Out" The National Association of Town Watch (NATW) is a nonprofit, crime prevention organization which works in cooperation with thousands of crime watch groups and law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Since 1981, NATW has been dedicated to the development, growth and maintenance of organized crime and drug prevention programs nationwide. NATW's network has grown to include over 6,000 crime, drug and violence prevention organizations. National Night Out, 'America's Night Out Against Crime,' was introduced by the Association in 1984. The program was the brainchild of NATW Executive Director Matt A. Peskin. In an effort to heighten awareness and strengthen participation in local anticrime efforts, Peskin felt that a high-profile, high-impact type of crime prevention event was needed nationally. At that time, he noted that in a typical 'crime watch community', only 5 to 7% of the residents were participating actively. Due to the growth and success of these programs, he felt this percentage was too low. Subsequently, he proposed a national program which would be coordinated by local crime prevention agencies and organizations - but that would involve entire communities at one time. The first National Night Out was introduced early in 1984 - with the event culminating on the first Tuesday in August. That first year, 400 communities in 23 states participated in National Night Out. Nationwide, 2.5 million Americans took part in 1984. The seed had been planted. In subsequent years, participation has grown steadily. The 21st Annual National Night Out last August involved 34.2 million people in 10,325 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide. National Night Out 2005 will culminate on August 2nd. Close to 10,500 communities are expected to take part. (For more information, visit www.nationalnightout.orq) While the traditional 'lights on' and front porch vigils remain a part of NNO, activities have expanded considerably over the years to include block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from police, festivals, neighborhood walks, safety fairs, contests, rallies and meetings. Peskin said, "It's a wonderful opportunity for communities nationwide to promote police-community partnerships, crime prevention, and neighborhood camaraderie, While the one night is certainly not an answer to crime, drugs and violence, National Night Out does represent the kind of spirit, energy and determination that is helping to make many neighborhoods safer places throughout the year. It [NNO] is a night to celebrate safety and crime prevention successes - and to expand and strengthen programs for the next 364 days." /4.1% 0. ; c '^ p �. City of Scandia {x ENGINEERING UPDATE SCANDIA. July 2008 1 C 0 The purpose of this update is to provide you with information on various projects and engineering activities for the month. HIGHLIGHTS FOR TIME PERIOD 5/15/08- 7/7/08 • Pilar Road-The City Council discussed the responses from the questionnaire the residents have completed during the last Council Meeting • Tii Gavo- Construction is still ongoing which includes: construction of the filtration basins, sediment basins, and infiltration ponds. They are also working on the wastewater treatment system. • Pavement Management- Preparing report, pavement condition ranking completed. City Projects: 1. 2007 Street Paving • Two year warranty period ends October, 2009. • Record Plans complete • Dresel Contracting will be removed silt fences the week of May 12-16. All areas have good vegetation established. • No action taken this month. 2. Pilar Road • Reviewed maps and road easement information. Made list of issues we will encounter with the future paving. Still gathering information on past surveys and right-of-way along Pilar Road. • Worked on several drafts of the questions to ask residents and will have this for review by City Council on 5/20/08. Once there is consensus on the questions, a letter questionnaire with self-addressed stamped envelop will be mailed. • The City Council has reviewed the questionnaire that the residents have completed. Private Developments: 1. Wyldewood Acres • Still some landscaping to be done by developer. • Cracked sidewalk at several locations along Odell- caused by developer's equipment. • No action taken this month. 568gen\Engineering Updates 1 2. Nature's Walk • Dead trees were removed and replaced in Fall, 2007. • Letter of Credit: $7,500 for landscaping. • No action taken this month. 3. Wild Bush Acres • Letter of Credit: $60,000 for streets, $1,500 for Landscaping. 3 trees are questionable. • No action taken this month. 4. The Sanctuary • Bituminous wear course still needs to be placed. • Letter of Credit: On 10/4/05, amount was reduced to $9,375 for streets and $3,000 for landscaping. • No action taken this month. 5. Willowbrook Church • No action taken this month. 6. Tii Gavo • A revised landscape plan was approved in January. (tree species-number and location, native prairie in several of the outlots) • Rehbein has been retained by the developer and their crews will complete all the necessary work in 2008. • The first meeting of 2008 was held at the developer's office on 4/8/08. Representatives from Superior Land Preservation, Rehbein, Landmark Surveying, Critical Connections, Ayres, Bonestroo and Scandia were in attendance. Items discussed included work schedule,base course paving, erosion control, seeding, and infiltration pond construction. • Rehbein started grading and shaping the gravel on Meadowridge Lane on Tuesday, 5/13/08. The first infiltration pond excavation will start this week. • Concrete Curb & Gutter has been installed within the development. • The remaining base course was paved on June 9, 2008. • Contractor has nearly completed all the infiltration, filtration and sedimentation basins. • The SWPPP permit inspections have been completed by Jason Husveth up through June 30, 2008. • The Contractor has made substantial headway on the wastewater treatment system. • Private utilities are scheduled for installation in July and August. 7. White Rock Ranch • Final plat has been approved. • No action taken this month. 8. Old Marine Estates • No action taken this month. 568gen\Engineering Updates 2 Studies and General Engineering: 1. Pavement Management Study • Project was ordered on March 18, 2008. The five step process includes roadway inventory, roadway condition rating, roadway priorities, cost estimates and preparation of a report. Total cost of$9,800. • Pavements were inspected and conditions rated on 5/8/08. This has been entered into a spreadsheet. • Paul Hornby will be presenting a draft of the report to the Capital Improvement Committee and City Council on August 6, 2008. 2. 2008 Road Striping • Sent list to County- we are included in the stripping program which will take place this summer. Estimated cost of$10,000 to $15,000 for stripping roads in Scandia. • All the striping has been completed other the East end of 240th Street North. The County will finish the work once the road is targeted for the desired alignment. 3. Projects that are complete and in warranty period • Lofton Court Drainage. Will inspect in July. • Perkins Ave. berm. Will inspect in July. • Novak Avenue turnaround and 182nd Street drainage. One year inspection in October. No action taken this month. • Olsen/Sandgren Project. One year inspection in June. No action taken this month. • Manning Overlook. No action taken this month. 568gen\Engineering Updates 3 Meeting Date: 7/15/2008 Agenda Item: � C 1� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive a report and recommendations from City Attorney Paul Hornby regarding Novak Avenue Drainage issues. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Council last discussed this issue at the June 3 meeting. Since then, the area has been reviewed by the CMSCWD and the Washington Conservation District, and the engineers have reviewed the videos submitted by Ronald and Diane Pottratz, 21450 Novak. • A copy of this report has been provided to Mr. & Mrs. Pottratz, who may be in attendance at the July 15 meeting. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council receive the report and give direction as to the next steps. Attachments/ • Report dated July 10, 2008 from Paul Hornby, Bonestroo Materials provided: Contact(s): City Engineer Paul Hornby, (651) 967-4625 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (novak drainage) Page 1 of I 07/11/08 Memorandum J Bonestroo To: Ms. Anne Hurlburt Project: Novak Avenue North 2335 Highway 36 W City of Scandia Date: tune 2,2008 St.Paul,MN 55113 From: Paul Hornby Client: City of Scandia,Minnesota Tel 651-636-4600 Fax 651-636-1311 Re: Drainage review north of TH 97 File No: 568-08000-0 www.bonestroo.com On Sunday, May 25, 2008,the City experienced a precipitation event with locally heavy rainfall amounts. Bonestroo received a resident drainage concern (Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz)at 21450 Novak Avenue on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, located approximately 800 feet north of TH 97. The drainage concern identified drainage runoff from the farm field at the north end of Novak Avenue over-topping the roadway surface from east to west and creating a pond on Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz's property. Mrs. Pottratz stated the runoff contained silt and corn stalks leaving debris on their property when the water receded. The property owner identified that this situation has occurred over the past few years. The property owner contacted the Mayor who took photographs of the area after the rain event and forwarded the pictures to City staff. Bonestroo was asked to perform a review of the drainage concern by City staff on May 27,2008. Bonestroo performed a site review and took additional photographs on May 28, 2008. Mark Hanson of Bonestroo met with the Mr. Pottratz on May 29, 2008, to discuss the event and concerns. Novak Avenue is constructed in the west 33 feet of the rights of way. Novak Avenue was shaped and paved in 2004 and a turn-around constructed at the north end on the east side of the rights of way in 2007. A house was also constructed in 2004 at the north end and east of Novak Avenue. There are oversized culverts, from those typically installed,crossing the house driveway and the turn-around to convey drainage in the ditch along the east side of the roadway. The size of the culverts is 21 inches in diameter. We have talked to residents and City staff and estimate that the City received approximately 2 inches of rainfall within a one hour period. This rainfall event most closely corresponds to a ten to fifteen year design frequency storm runoff event. We reviewed the photographs provided by the City and we can identify that storm water crossed the private drive north of the City right of way for Novak Avenue. The source of storm water runoff was the farm field north and East of Novak Avenue as well as surrounding properties. Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz indicated the culvert was not plugged and have an event video(we are assuming this culvert reference is to the north culvert, east of Novak Avenue that crosses the residential driveway). The photographs indicate water was flowing through the culvert,evidenced by the sediment in the pipe, distribution of corn stalks, and the direction the grass was lying down after the event. It is also evident that the storm runoff exceeded the capacity of the culvert,ditch, or both during this event. It is also evident the storm water flowed to the west side of Novak Avenue. The photographs show that the Pottratz's driveway culvert capacity was also exceeded either due to the amount of flow and/or obstructed with debris. Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz's property does �f I 1 , --. . \, . �� \�/ Cl ; • • I+ a yet _ �� /' �i V u �'� J t i A ----, _ __ '' / 7 , _. ,. .___ ..,.... , N--_______ E N :,\ . —__ ir -..j w .,. :c if, ... . , _ . ....,_ ...i._ i 1 .. , , 198/ ______±, _ • • ._ � li I . / r ? ' ', .f yT -� r - 22 0�c� � 0 L '/ f T7fnvJF�riu�✓� N__..... . __'d I 7 • �__�.�. ,..� �,#-4 c�r+. �s ©t �, +� i Tub i' ;J , , ,. , I „ , ,. . ,. , -A \ -- 4 --- , ‘,„:„ .....______,._____. ...., _,... ,: ; ,__ . i, 1 ,' 't — ,--__'-� 0 mot_ Ir-- ( .,:-______,,' . • • � ._ i,_ 1 S Q'Deso _sIar` ` '' J` ....____pr- r T C\,'-1,7) ,_7_"---- 0 ''.' \ ) 7--,.•,- - - _ • — _ - q , I \ . _ - _ '• 0 '050 •�'_ 2 `_ -�' C L_ _ : ! S . 70000 FEET WIS.j 514 (MARINE bN ST. 74 74$ )11 t'1 SCALE 1 :24 -I 2 MN 1000 0 3000 2000 3000 Memorandum 4 Bonestroo 2335 Highway 36 W To: Ms.Anne Huriburt Project: Novak Avenue Drainage Date: July 10, 2008 St.Paul,MN 55113 From: Paul Hornby Client: City of Scandia Tel 651-636-4600 Fax 651-636-1311 Re: Resident drainage issue-Pottratz File No: 568-08000-0 www.bonestroo.com In May of this year the City received a resident drainage concern from Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz at 21450 Novak Avenue North. The drainage event that resulted in the resident concern is detailed in our memorandum to the City dated June 2, 2008. The discussion in the June 2, memorandum corresponded to the May 27, 2008, photographs provided by the City and the May 28, 2008, photographs provided by Bonestroo staff. A copy of this memorandum and site photographs are enclosed for your reference. Since the photographs were taken Mr. and Mrs. Pottratz provided a copy of video they made during the May 25, 2008, precipitation event, and spring snow melt, This information has been helpful to indentify were the runoff origin, and the manner it was conveyed in the ditch systems. The City requested that the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District(CMSCWD)review drainage in this area and discuss potential solutions. The CMSCWD reviewed the drainage area with the Washington Soil and Water Conservation District. The suggested outcome of their review appears to be with regard to erosion and sediment control. The recommendation identified is to work with the agricultural land owners to grade a strip along the driveway north of the Novak Avenue right of way and plant hay as a buffer. In addition to the erosion and sediment control recommendations,the following steps should be implemented. 1. The east private driveway ditch extending north of Novak Avenue should be re-graded to add depth and width sufficient to contain the runoff in the ditch. The series of photographs and video provide evidence that the existing ditch does not contain the runoff within the existing ditch channel. Runoff overtops the ditch and sheets south onto the pavement surface of Novak Avenue. The sheet flow is split by the roadway crown distributing flow to the east and west ditches of Novak Avenue. An engineering analysis of the runoff needs to be prepared to size the ditch channel properly. 2. The private driveway ditch improvement noted above should include the construction of rock check dams to control the rate of runoff and the velocity of flow in the channel. This measure will also provide an erosion and sediment control aspect to the improvements, but will also require periodic maintenance to provide consistent performance. 3. The north driveway ditch of the Pottratz residence should be blocked along the west side of Novak Avenue. This existing driveway ditch slopes away from Novak Avenue towards the residence. Flow along the west side of Novak Avenue is directed west along the driveway to the existing low point in the Pottratz driveway where it overtops and flows south across the property, and then to a low area in the southeast corner of the lot. It appears that this existing flow condition has resulted in past drainage issues for the owners and that the driveway and ditches were not constructed properly. The described improvement will re-direct the Novak Avenue west ditch flow through the Pottratz driveway culvert and to the south. The driveway ditch block will need to be constructed higher than the existing driveway to provide a driveway overflow near Novak Avenue under high flow conditions, instead of at the existing driveway low point. The Pottratz driveway ditch with this improvement would then channel runoff from their property and the existing overland flow from properties to the north. There are at least three private property owners that would benefit from the improvements identified above and the majority of the improvements would be constructed on private property. Cooperation from the benefitting property owners will be required to move forward with the improvements. Should there be a need for the City to initiate the project, the property owners would need to give the City access to their property to perform the work. Assessments or other financial arrangements with the benefitting property owners should be considered for this improvement project. This review of the drainage conditions is based upon the photographs, videos and on-site review of the drainage area. Prior to implementation of the improvements identified above, a more detailed engineering analysis should be performed confirm the improvements will reduce future runoff incidences experienced earlier this year. If you have nay questions or comments regarding this drainage review, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-967-4625. Page2of2 contain debris consisting of sediment and corn stalks north and south of their driveway, indicating the storm water flowed west along their driveway,over-topping the driveway to the south and then southeast to a low point on their property. When driveway culverts are installed they do impose a restriction of flow when compared to the ditch capacity. In rural applications a 15-inch to 18-inch driveway culvert is common. The existing culverts are 21-inches in diameter crossing the driveway and turnaround. Potential solutions to reduce impacts could involve: • Re-shaping the ditches north of the 21-inch culverts in combination with some rock check dams or other methods to slow the transmission of water downstream from the farm field. • Improve the overland drainage and/or upsizing the 21-inch culverts in the easterly right of way of Novak Avenue to contain the storm water in the easterly 33 feet of right of way. This improvement would be dependent on the ability to work within a portion of the farm fields. We suggest working with the farm owners north of the public rights of way, the Watershed District, and the Soil and Water Conservation District to look at potential solutions and funding to reasonably resolve this issue. Once this drainage review is completed,we would report back to the City Staff and City Council to discuss the resulting alternatives. Please do not hesitate to contact me, at 651/967-4625, with any questions or comments you may have regarding this drainage issue. 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'•_ tr -. , 1." _,Y„o,1i�a. dl` ,- .�-9r -� . .3 .`"'.` • _ ..:-ram ,?,''' ' 1903,Jpg 1904.jp9 a c' rr a N a., .. . ems* vim. ; ,. -:---:--2=';',';'----1. 4.kZ..''td.'-‘:Ii`j10,',''':f- ' '1. '•-I =,.: aa 4 j i,,,,,„y�� 4x Iz�Je[` ey a a� [` 1- - �k• s b a ',.,"` —4. - „e �Y. i7., C i�4i' S a"e. 1 p i 215.jP9 216.JP9 rm. - = � c a 44-*! ` -., 1 t ,. --t' `..- J�r1 - F .jn +1� 217.JP9 i) July 13, 2008 City of Scandia Scandia, Mn. 55073 Paul Hornby Bonestroo St. Paul, MN 55113 Subject: Novak Avenue Drainage Dear Sir: We have received and reviewed the document provided from Bonestroo. The document and suggested steps does not correct the existing problem. Bonestroo and the City of Scandia are not dealing with the real issue. The ditch on the East side of Novak does not adequately handle the run off it is crossing the street into our property. We have to express again that we did not have this issue until the City approved the application to build on the east side of Novak Ave. The City approved this situation so we believe it is theirs and the other property owner to fix it properly. The City is missing the main point of this situation and that is the run off is crossing over the street and into our property. This is not acceptable. We need to remind all of you that Novak Avenue is not in the correct position. We knew of this situation when we purchased the property and we had this discussion with Tom Peterson of Bonestroo when the road was paved. By our calculations, the ditch is actually on our property it is not the road easement footage. How much does the road need to go to the east, we do not know. This question also needs to be addressed prior to making any major changes. Also by our estimation, when the road moves over to the correct position the East property owners drain field and septic system would be very close to the road, it might even be on the City property right now. Again, the City approved this construction. Now to address the recommendations to our property, the ditches and flowages are constructed properly. All work was done to accommodate the water that flows on our property, which was doing correctly until the obstruction of the east side ditch. It was stated in the letter that our north driveway slopes towards our residence, which is correct, however we are receiving run off from across the road and this flooding us. This driveway is used blocking it is not expectable. If you look on the east side of Novak, the driveway and turn around is also elevated higher than the road with a slope towards our residence. The primary driveway ditch on the north side was constructed to support run off due to the slope of our property. We did have pooling of water on the north side of our primary driveway, so we installed a drainage system to carry the water under the driveway and flow to the south. Currently this system is plugged due to the debris from the May storms. This system was never intended to be a support additional run off from the city. We have never had a water flowage issue from the north property on the west side of Novak; all flowage comes from our property. Currently the water flows properly to south as it was intended to do. By channeling water run off from the east side of Novak to our property will create issues on our southeast corner due to the heavy water flow already existing. The road ditch is a flat plain, with the added water run off it would flood our front and possibly our backyard. If more run off is added to this southwest corner, we will have backup of flow occurring in the back of our property. We already have two points of water run off coming from the north and from the west, which we have channeling from the back of our property around the south to the southwest corner. We have to evaluate the entire water run off that is happening on our property before any changes can be made. Again, we did not have this issue until the property to the east of Novak was developed. Each property owner should be responsible for his or her own run off. To give a short history the resident first installed an inadequate culvert. We noticed that the culvert was not handling the water flow, reported this to the City, and was directed to Tom Peterson of Bonestroo. Tom Peterson then decided to install the current culvert residing on the east side of Novak and it still did not correct the problem. We believe we have been very patient in trying to get this situation resolved. We are welling to work with the City, this situation needs to be corrected before another storm or spring run off happens. Regards, Ron and Diane Pottratz 21450 Novak Ave. N Scandia, Mn. 55073 This letter was emailed and faxed to the City of Scandia on July 13, 2008 Also faxed to Paul Hornby of Bonestroo on July 13, 2008 Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve development agreement with John & Sandra Swanson for the Old Marine Estates Subdivision. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The final plat for Old Marine Estates minor subdivision, to create three lots at 11980 Lakamaga Trail, was approved by the Council at its April 1, 2008 meeting(Resolution 04-01-08-01.) A condition of approval was that the Development Agreement shall be fully executed and financial guarantees provided prior to issuance of a building permit. • The attached agreement has been drafted by City Attorney David Hebert. Recommendation: N/A Attachments/ • Draft Development Agreement Materials provided: Contact(s): David Hebert, (651) 464-3397 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (old marine estates dev agreement) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 [***June 25, 2008 Draft***] CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OLD MARINE ESTATES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 2008, by and between the City of Scandia, 14727 209th Street North, Scandia, MN 55073, a Minnesota subdivision organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota(hereinafter referred to as "City"), and John T. Swanson and Sandra N. Swanson, husband and wife, 11980 Lakamaga Trail, Marine On St. Croix, MN 55047 (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"). WITNESS: WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a Preliminary Plat (the "Preliminary Plat") for a major subdivision and development of approximately 13.17 acres into 3 single-family residential lots to be known as "OLD MARINE ESTATES" (the "Project"); and, WHEREAS, the City intends to grant Developer final plat approval for the Project; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City to enter into development contracts as described in Minnesota Statutes Sec. 462.358, Subd. 2(a); and, WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to set forth the respective rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement with respect to the development. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual promises and conditions contained herein, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows: 1. a) Letter of Credit for Costs and Fees. Developer shall, contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, furnish to the City a Letter of Credit or cash deposit in the sum of$5,300.00 (the "Security") to be held and released by the City, as provided in Section 5 (d) to insure completion of the construction of the required improvements and related expenses and the costs of compliance with the approved Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan. b) Deposit and Payment for Costs Incurred by City. Contemporaneously with the execution of this agreement, the Developer shall deposit with the City the sum of $ cash escrow to cover the costs of the City Engineer, Attorney and Planner for preparation of this Agreement, review of subdivision and contract documents and final construction plans, together with such inspection and administrative costs as may be incurred. All reasonable administrative, legal and engineering costs incurred by the City in connection with the subdivision shall be documented in a form suitable for inspection by Developer and charged against said escrow account. Developer shall within ten (10) days after notice by the City Administrator replenish the escrow provided in this section in such amount as said Administrator deems reasonable based on verifiable obligations remaining to be completed pursuant to this Agreement. Any funds remaining in the escrow account after completion and acceptance of the project shall be reimbursed to Developer. The City shall not be liable to pay interest on the funds held. All costs reasonably incurred by the City in connection with the development of the Project shall be billed to the Developer and paid by it upon receipt of an invoice therefore. The City may draw against the Security for any amount remaining unpaid 30 days after receipt of the invoice. The Security shall be maintained until completion of Developer's obligations with 2 respect to the Project and removal of all temporary soil stabilization and erosion control devices (such as silt fencing). After the completion of all obligations of the Developer, the Security shall be released as provided in Section 5 (d). 2. Improvements. Developer shall construct the following described improvements for OLD MARINE ESTATES (collectively, the "Improvements") in accordance with the following plans prepared by the Developer's Engineer and approved by the City Engineer: (i) Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan; and (ii) Final Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan. a) Monuments. Within one year of recording of the Plat all lot and block corners and angle points which are identified on the Plat must be monumented with iron surveyor's pipes by Developer to assure proper setbacks within the lots. b) Private Improvements. Developer shall construct, pursuant to the approved Plan, all storm water controls, drainage systems, rain gardens, berms, swales and/or other storm water drainage devices as required by such plan. c) Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control. Soil stabilization shall be employed throughout the Project to insure the integrity of the soils. Developer shall install erosion control devices as required by the Grading and Drainage Plan approved by the City Engineer prior to construction startup or as shown on the plans, and such devices shall be removed or maintained at the discretion of the City Engineer or City Building Official until the City's final acceptance of the improvements. Vegetative ground cover shall be installed immediately upon completion of any phase of site or lot grading. 3 d) Completion of Improvements. Subject to Unavoidable Delays (as hereafter defined), all Improvements shall be substantially completed in accordance with the approved plans on or before July 1, 2009. 3. Unavoidable Delays. The deadlines set forth in Section 2 and the dates for Developer's performance of its other obligations hereunder may be extended if Developer provides the City written notice of delays incurred by Developer due to causes beyond Developer's reasonable control, including but not limited to delays in material and equipment deliveries, labor or equipment shortages, weather conditions that interfere with completion of the Improvements hereunder (collectively, "Unavoidable Delays"). In the event of an Unavoidable Delay, the deadlines and dates for performance of Developer's obligations hereunder shall be extended for the period of the delay, provided, however, if such delays cause Developer to be unable to complete the Improvements due to cold weather or frost conditions, such deadlines and dates shall be extended until a date in the following year by which Developer, subject to road limitations and further Unavoidable Delays, can complete the Improvements. Developer shall repair or replace any material or labor that is reasonably rejected by the City Engineer or City Building Official as defective or not in compliance with the approved plans therefore, to the reasonable satisfaction and approval of the City Engineer at the sole cost and expense of Developer, provided the City Engineer has given written notice of such defect or noncompliance, supported by technical evidence, to Developer prior to expiration of the Warranty Period. b) Staking and Inspection. Developer authorizes the City Engineer and City Building Official to perform inspection relative to the construction and grants them a 4 License to enter the Project to perform all necessary work and /or inspections until final approval by the City of all Improvements. c) Acceptance of Improvements. Upon notice by Developer that any of the Improvements have been completed, the City Engineer or City Building Official will inspect in a timely manner the Improvements to insure that the Improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved Plans and the terms of this Agreement. d) Financial Guaranty. To finance construction of the Public Improvements and secure Developer's obligations set forth in Section 2, Developer shall provide to the City an automatically renewable Irrevocable Letter to Credit or cash deposit (the "Security") in the sum of $5,300.00. Developer shall be entitled to a reduction in the Security on a dollar for dollar basis as Improvements are inspected and approved by the City Engineer or City Building Official, except that the Security shall not be reduced below an amount equal to 125% of the cost of the work to be completed as determined by the City Engineer or City Building Official until the Improvements have been approved by the City as complete. To obtain a reduction in the Security the Developer will give notice to the City of completion of a portion of Improvements. The City Engineer or City Building Official will inspect the completed Improvements within ten (10) days of the Developer's notice, and, provided the completed Improvements are approved, the reduction in the Security will occur on a dollar-for-dollar basis within thirty (30) days thereafter subject to the limitations stated above. 5 If the Security does not automatically renew, then at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Security, Developer shall provide the City with a new Security for a period of at least one (1) year beyond the expiration date of and for the same amount as the Security then in effect or Developer shall be in default hereunder with no opportunity to cure, and the City may immediately demand from the surety the amount of the Security then in effect. Any Security provided under this section shall permit the City to draw upon the Security immediately following any Developer default hereunder that is not cured within any applicable notice period and opportunity to cure by Developer and for such portion thereof as is certified by the City Engineer or City Building Official to be reasonably necessary to cure such default. 6. Fees and Charges. In addition to those City Costs for which the Developer is responsible pursuant to Section 1 hereof, Developer and City agree that Developer shall pay the following: a) Recording Fees. All fees and charges in connection with recording this Agreement, this Plat and any required easements with Washington County. b) Park Dedication. Developer shall satisfy the City's park dedication requirements (or fees in lieu thereof) by payment of the sum of$3,000.00 upon execution of the Plat. 7. Permits: Approvals: and Certificates of Occupancy. a) Other Governmental Units. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals and licenses required from any 6 governmental agencies as may be necessary for Developer's construction of the Improvements as herein contemplated, and Developer shall construct the Improvements in accordance with the requirements of all such permits, approvals and licenses and the legal requirements of such other governmental agencies. b) Intentionally Omitted. c) Building Permits. No building permits shall be issued for construction of a residence within the Project until the following conditions have been satisfied: (i) The Plat and this Development Agreement must be recorded with the County. (ii) With respect to the lot for which a permit is requested, the erosion control devices required by the approved drainage and erosion control plan must be substantially constructed. (iii) All other building permit requirements of the City's ordinances applicable to residential structures have been complied with, provided that in the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of such ordinances, the terms of this Agreement shall control the building permit process for the Project. d) Certificates of Occupancy. No certificates of occupancy shall be issued for a residence within the Project until the common driveway serving Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 of the Plat has been constructed to City standards. 8. Restrictions Applicable to All Lots. Following acceptance of the Improvements by the City, all residential lots within the Project shall be maintained and occupied in accordance with the following restrictions: a) Drainage Improvements. All wetland, rain garden and other drainage areas within the Project (collectively, the "Drainage Areas") shall not be filled, altered or disturbed without the prior written consent of the City. Grazing by domestic animals 7 shall not be permitted within the Drainage Areas. It shall be the obligation of the Owner of a lot to maintain and repair the Drainage Areas to their design function and capacity. Notwithstanding the sale of any lot, Developer and its agents and contractors, shall have the right to enter upon the lots for the purpose of repairing the Drainage Areas and related drainage appurtenances. Additionally, the City, and its agents and contractors, shall have the right to enter upon any lot on which Drainage Areas exist for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining the same. In the event that any Drainage Areas on a lot have been filled, altered or disturbed (any such event is hereafter referred to as a "Disturbance") without the prior written consent of the City and the same is not corrected within thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the City to the owner(s) of such lot, the City, and its agents and contractors, shall have the right to enter upon such lot for the purpose of performing work necessary to correct the Disturbance and repairing any damage caused by the Disturbance, and assess the costs thereof against the lot, provided, however, that in the event of an emergency, the City shall not be required to provide notice and an opportunity to the lot owner(s) to perform such necessary work, but may nonetheless assess the cost thereof to the lot. b) Improvements in Road and Easement Areas. Other than mailboxes, ground cover (grass) and driveways, no improvements shall be installed by any owners or occupants of lots in public or private road right-of-ways or in utility or drainage easement areas adjacent thereto. 8 c) Advertising Signs. All signs advertising the development of the Project and general sales of lots or residences within the Project (including lighting of such signs), other than standard single yard signs for sales of individual lots, must comply with the City's sign ordinances and policies and be approved by the City in advance of installation. d) Resubdivision. There shall be no subdivision of any of the lots within OLD MARINE ESTATES without the consent of the City. e) Access to Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Old Marine Estates shall be from a shared driveway located on Lot 2, more particularly described on Exhibit B attached. The driveway shall be built to meet the requirements of the City Fire Chief to allow emergency vehicle access. A driveway maintenance agreement approved by the City shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. Landscape Requirements. Developer shall landscape the site in accordance with the approved Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan and the City Development Code. All plantings shall be maintained and, if necessary, replaced as provided in the City Development Code. Developer may remove the trees for the driveway, and must complete the deferred maintenance on the remainder of the pine plantation, to ensure its health and function for the future. The required maintenance includes thinning the remaining trees, removing dead or diseased trees, and removing invasive and exotic trees. Maintenance must be completed within one year of final plat approval, and the City may inspect the maintenance. 10. Miscellaneous. 9 a) Plat Recording. All applicable conditions of Final Plat approval must be met prior to the recording of the Plat. The Plat must be recorded with the Washington County Recorder within one hundred twenty (120) days of Final Plat approval unless reasonably extended or said approval shall be null and void. All financial requirements of the City shall be delivered to the City Administrator upon execution of the Plat. b) Conveyance of Lots. The Plat and this Development Agreement must be recorded with the Washington County Recorder's Office prior to Developer's transfer of fee title or a contract vendee's interest in any lot within the Project. 11. Developer's Representations. a) General. Developer hereby represents, warrants, and covenants to the City that as of the date of this Agreement, the statements set forth in this section are true and correct. b) No Disability. Developer knows of no legal disability that would prevent it from carrying out this Agreement. c) Ownership. Developer owns marketable fee title to the Project (subject to mortgage and related financing instruments). d) Execution No Violation. The execution, delivery, and performance of the Agreement does not and will not result in any breach of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, contract, agreement or instrument to which Developer is a party or by which it or the Project is bound. e) Litigation. There are no pending nor, to the knowledge of Developer, threatened actions or proceedings before any court or administrative agency which will 10 materially adversely affect the financial condition, business, or operation of Developer or the ability of Developer to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 0 Compliance. Developer will comply with and, subject to Unavoidable Delays, duly and promptly perform all of its obligations under this Agreement. 12. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be deemed to be a restrictive covenant and the terms and conditions hereof shall run with the land described herein and be binding on and inure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives and assigns of the parties hereto, and shall be binding upon all future owners of all or any part of the Plat, and shall be deemed covenants running with the land. 13. Title Evidence. Developer shall furnish the City with evidence of fee ownership of the property being platted by way of an attorneys title opinion or title insurance policy dated not earlier than 30 days prior to the execution of the Plat. 14. Insurance. Intentionally omitted. 15. Indemnification. Developer agrees to defend and hold the City, and its officials, employees and agents, harmless against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, judgments, damages, penalties, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of the negligent actions or omissions, intentional misconduct or default hereunder by Developer, its employees and agents, in connection with the Project. 16. Care of Premises. Developer shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from the work and, at the completion of the work, shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials and will leave the premises 11 acceptable to the City. Developer shall not permit the tracking of significant amounts of soil from the site onto the adjacent public streets. 17. Events of Default: Remedies. a) Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "Event of Default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement, any one or more of the following events: (i) Subject to Unavoidable Delays, failure by Developer to commence and complete construction of the Improvements pursuant to the terms, conditions and limitations of this Agreement, within thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the City to Developer, or such longer period of time as may reasonably be required to cure such default provided Developer is proceeding with diligence to do so. (ii) Failure by Developer to substantially observe or perform any material covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under this Agreement, within thirty(30) days after notice thereof by the City to Developer, or such longer period of time as may reasonably be required to cure such default provided Developer is proceeding with diligence to do so. b) Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the City, subject to any rights of third parties agreed to by the City pursuant to this Agreement, or otherwise by written, executed instrument of the City, may take any one or more of the following actions: (i) The City may suspend its performance under the Agreement until it receives assurances from Developer, deemed adequate by the City, that Developer will cure its default and continue its performance under the Agreement. (ii) The City may initiate such action, including legal or administrative action, whether in law or in equity, as is necessary for the City to secure performance of any provision of this Agreement or recover any amounts due under this Agreement from Developer or recover any damages sustained by the City as a result of Developer's default hereunder. 12 (iii) The City may immediately draw on the Security or exercise its rights under this Agreement. (iv) The City may withhold building permits until the necessary corrective action is completed by Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Developer have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF SCANDIA: By By Dennis D. Seefeldt, Anne Hurlburt, City Board Chairman City Clerk/Administrator DEVELOPERS: John T. Swanson Sandra N. Swanson 13 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) On this day day of , 2008, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, appeared Dennis D. Seefeldt and Anne Hurlburt, to me personally known, who being by me first duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the Mayor and City Clerk/Administrator of the City of Scandia, who by authority of the City Council of the City of Scandia, did sign said instrument and acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said City of Scandia. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) On this day day of , 2008, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, appeared John T. Swanson and Sandra N. Swanson, husband and wife, to me personally known, who being by me first duly sworn, did sign said instrument and acknowledge said instrument to be their free act and deed. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: HEBERT AND WELCH, P.A. 20 NORTH LAKE STREET, SUITE 301 FOREST LAKE, MN 55025 TELEPHONE: 651-464-3397 14 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, OLD MARINE ESTATES, Washington County, Minnesota. EXHIBIT B CITY FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Letter of Credit or Cash Deposit $ 5,300.00 2. Costs escrow $ 3. Park Fees $ 3,000.00 EXHIBIT C (Page 1 of 2) LEGAL DE'SCRIPTION Council Report June 2008 Steve Thorp Scandia Code Official Building information: • # permits issued: May 2008 = 30 • # new residential units: 1 YTD=2 • Totals for 2008 a) Valuation=$482,269.00 YTD=$1,338,417 b) Permit Fees=$4,821.90 YTD=$12,654.90 c) Plan Review Fees=$1,732.22 YTD=$5295.97 Code enforcement/zoning actions: • TOTAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: 51 1. court action: 0 (1 warrant has been outstanding since 11/19/07) 2. actively pursuing: 21 3. closed cases: 30 • new cases: 0 for the month of June; • 11 Exterior Storage violations, 2 Shoreland Regulation infractions, 4 Farm Animal violations, 1 unlicensed car, 3 miscellaneous (foreclosure or empty homes) Planning: Tii Gavo: The septic system is being installed. The Sanctuary: Made the developer aware that we are looking for the final on the development. Zoning issues: 1. Am Tec received an amendment to their CUP. 2. Meisters was informed they need an amendment to their CUP. 3. CHOF is in the process of getting a CUP for their operation. Daily Activities: • Building inspections; • Zoning inspections; • Resident interaction including phone calls, emails and in person regarding zoning, planning and building issues; City of Scandia Building Permits June-08 PERMITS Permit# Date Address Owner Work Valuation 8-041 6/3/2008 12303 Lakamaga Tr Girl Scout Council reroof $ 5,000.00 8-042 6/3/2008 12624 182nd St Richared Burton furnace replacement $ 3,500.00 8-043 6/3/2008 21420 Lofton Ave Ken Luno reroof $ 5,700.00 8-044 6/3/2008 12393 228th St T. & P. Juen reside $ 6,800.00 8-045 6/3/2008 20540 St Croix Tr N Norman Ostrand window replacement $ 6,692.00 8-046 6/3/2008 22798 Olgilvie Ave N D. & B. Melander reroof $ 8,000.00 8-047 6/6/2008 13230 Scandia Tr J. & E. Tarlizzo new home construction $ 272,700.00 8-048 6/6/2008 13707 240th St N D. Krueger reroof $ 3,532.00 8-049 6/6/2008 13895 236th St J. & L. Semlak reroof $ 4,400.00 8-050 6/6/2008 13277 Lakamaga Tr F. Heinonen furnace replacement $ 11,306.00 8-051 6/6/2008 18773 Layton Ave D. Jessup reroof $ 1,000.00 8-052 6/6/2008 19151 Layton Ave N J. Dahlberg window replacement $ 10,000.00 8-053 6/10/2008 13287 Mayberry Tr B. & K. Lushanko addition and deck $ 37,700.00 8-054 6/13/2008 23600 Manning Tr Joe Haselbauer new furnace $ 2,000.00 8-055 6/13/2008 14197 240th St C Preisler attached garage 26 x 2z $ 21,200.00 8-056 6/13/2008 21080 Olinda Tr C Schmitt new window $ 1,200.00 8-057 6/13/2008 13707 Scandia Tr T Mueller reroof $ 7,000.00 8-058 6/13/2008 14760 Scandia Tr W. LaRoche new roof deck over exis $ 2,000.00 8-059 6/13/2008 22620 Meadowbrook C. S. Hill replacing window $ 3,800.00 8-060 6/13/2008 23319 Lofton Ave J Fallin reroof $ 6,500.00 8-061 6/13/2008 15261 Oakhill Rd S Scott reroof $ 2,800.00 8-062 6/30/2008 23401 Quentin Ave J. Herman garage $ 10,800.00 8-063 6/30/2008 19320 Newgate Ave D Lenz reroof $ 11,000.00 8-064 6/30/2008 12580 182nd St R. Brown Etal replacing window $ 13,000.00 8-065 6/30/2008 10821 Mayberry Tr C Dreis reroof $ 8,300.00 8-066 6/30/2008 13050 182nd St P Houle reroof $ 3,500.00 8-067 6/30/2008 10767 202nd St L. & I. Skogland reroof $ 7,000.00 8-068 6/30/2008 13450 188th St I Kronmiller replacing window $ 2,609.00 8-069 6/30/2008 14670 Scandia Tr Malmquist reroof $ 2,730.00 8-070 7/1/2008 23110 St Croix Tr B. Andreski grading $ 500.00 $ 482,269.00 permit spreadsheet June 08 7/11/2008 8:55 AM City of Scandia Building Permits June-08 FEES Permit # Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Total 8-041 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-042 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-043 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-044 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-045 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-046 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-047 $ 1,956.95 1,272.02 $ 3,228.97 8-048 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-049 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-050 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-051 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-052 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-053 $ 512.45 333.10 $ 845.55 8-054 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-055 $ 349.50 $ 349.50 8-056 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-057 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-058 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-059 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-060 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-061 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-062 $ 195.50 127.10 $ 322.60 8-063 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-064 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-065 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-066 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-067 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-068 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-069 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-070 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $4,821.90 $1,732.22 $ 6,554.12 Letters of Credit Name Purpose Date issued Initial amount Current balance Expiration Nature's Walk landscape 10/20/04 $ 25,000.00 $ 7,500.00 6/15/2009 Sanctuary final project 7/19/2005 $ 96,000.00 $ 12,375.00 90 days after final Tii Gavo grading 10/1/06 $ 250,000.00 $ - Expired Tii Gavo construction 6/28/07 $ 1,514,344.00 $ 564,344.00 6/28/2009 Tii Gavo landscape 6/28/07 $ 177,687.00 $ 177,687.00 6/28/2009 Wild Bush Acres landscape 10/20/05 $ 350,000.00 $ 60,000.00 10/2/2008 Childers variance 12/6/05 $ 30,000.00 $ 5,000.00 6/6/2011 Meeting Date: 7/15/2008 Agenda Item: t.F City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a letter of agreement with the City of Roseville for ice rink boards. Deadline/ Timeline: The Ice Rink Committee is scheduled to pick up the boards from Roseville on July 26. Background: • The City of Roseville is replacing the dasher boards of their indoor ice arena, and has agreed to allow Scandia to salvage the old boards for reuse at our ice rink. • Roseville would like a written agreement concerning Scandia's "purchase" of the dasher boards (for the price of$1.00.) • The attached letter has been reviewed by the City of Roseville and City Attorney David Hebert. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council authorize the Administrator to sign the letter of agreement with Roseville. Attachments/ • Draft letter Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Roseville re ice rink boards) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 July 16, 2008 Brad Tullberg, Skating Center Superintendent City of Roseville 2661 Civic Center Drive Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Dear Mr. Tullberg: Please accept this letter as the City of Scandia's agreement to acquire from the City of Roseville, for the price of$1.00, all used hockey rink boards and stanchions (excluding Plexiglas) which will be discarded from your indoor ice rink. The City of Roseville will be responsible for removing the dasher boards and the City of Scandia will be responsible for transporting all of the materials from your site at our own cost. All materials will become the property of the City of Scandia to use or dispose of as Scandia sees fit. All materials will be available to the City of Scandia on or about July 26, 2008. Please give me a call (651 433-2274) or e-mail me at a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us if you need to discuss'this information. Sincerely, Anne Hurlburt Administrator Meeting Date: 7/15/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a letter to the City of Hugo regarding their request for review and comment on their 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Deadline/ Timeline: Review period ends November 5, 2008. Background: • Minnesota law requires each municipality to submit its proposed comprehensive plan to adjacent governmental units and affected school districts before submitting it to the Metropolitan Council. Adjacent units are allowed 6 months to review and comment on an updated comprehensive plan. • The City of Hugo submitted its plan to Scandia on June 11, 2008. They have requested comments as soon as possible so that the Metropolitan Council's review can begin. • The full plan (over 700 pages) was submitted on a CD in PDF format. A copy of the planned land use map has been attached for your review. • The plan appears to have little impact on the City of Scandia's planning. The planned density of the Agricultural area outside of the city's urban service area is 1 unit/ 10 acres, 1/5 in a PUD. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council approve return of the comment form provided by the City of Hugo indicating "no comment" on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Attachments/ • Planned Land Use Map Materials provided: • Comment Sheet Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (hugo comp plan) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 y-j, dew I ueld esn puel ocoz s .. a., s co s x m 1n `° a 1 a Z w a aco D Q m OV 0 x_ M N = o caz .0) ,.., (7) .... .- ...=.. Q) CU ai 8 . Ln!J J O C E N rn .� " ml c O (0 W c 21 Z ; rn .N E §, a a ° 2 3 N z Q `� > -5 2 'x m' 8 c a' d 2 a in c' U Ja _ iii0I o F.3NOt .__,af I —AIDI I 3NOL4A3i -ie1 I_I erTs�l I I ,1 I I 1 , // t-- - I _ I, I 71 1 , _if 1 ...-""- 13)1 1 , , Imo; f- , LEI l.— • !Noi II -- 1 _i- -- I ^ _ I r r m I I Q I rII 1 Ills.MI lON s NV,1 . N tiE_ 4 i — * ._____ si - _ —• NsINI ;I QOOMNI II t I L i�1�11 �r, O,IN 1 b° illWNN3H - -I 1--- loom I '� L I j I .,..„63f,`. _ 1 r +itf'1� ' • w •: J - .. - r e f l l ,_________\ . .. — 1114X0.1 `i-* ,` x 9 g- FOX, 1 G r 1- � Ism ti ' -.. 9. "^, �,� ��. MNA .��n aP I :Ra -__spa , ,,o x max= ; T- m - -�l- Ab • 1'1 F ��qy - MN3d '•,.-.-' t i. 11 � L. i � ' , -ram _ • 4. ,I WOa(13 ' likt..,.4. . IIII N�i213R3 3/L3 c �. '411.:dm.thi 11114111 LS N00113 _r I3 1 1 2030 Hugo Comprehensive Plan Comment Sheet H City of ugo Name of adjacent or affected governmental unit , y� 6-� fCt r t c( 1 '- Contact information Name: ,4r7/7C Title: ( /-1./ 0//>A(lr22 '' Address: / 0d7 dD 71k - creofid/Cf_ /7J SS 679 Phone: 057 - '3 - 7� Email: 4,/ ,- @_ U. Se11 2'rrc vh0 - 6L Please check one of the following boxes: As a representative of the governmental unit listed above, I have received and reviewed the draft 2030 Hugo Comprehensive Plan and have no comments. ❑ As a representative of the governmental unit listed above, I have received and reviewed the draft 2030 Hugo Comprehensive Plan and have the following comments that are listed below: Completed by /� Name: 4//7e A(07'/6()K Date: Signature: Please return to: Bryan Bear Community Development Director Hugo City Hall 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North Hugo, MN 55038 Meeting Date: 7/15/2008 Agenda Item: 3' 1 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive status report on rulemaking by the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix (CMSCWD) and Comfort Lake Forest Lake(CLFLWD) watershed districts. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • CMSCWD held a public hearing on their latest rules draft on Monday, July 7. The rules were not adopted pending further discussion among their board and possible development of memoranda of understanding with the municipalities. • CLFLWD has completed an initial draft set of rules. They have requested a meeting on July 16 with elected officials. A hearing has not been set. Recommendation: I will provide a verbal report at the meeting. No action is requested. Attachments/ • Letter dated June 27, 2008 from CLFLWD Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (watershed rules update) Page 1 of 1 07/11/08 COMFORT LAKE Randy Anhorn l-WATERSHEQ DISTRICT- Administrator/Limnologist FOREST LAKE 220 North Lake Street 651.209.9753 Forest Lake, MN 55025 randy.anhorn a{�clflwd.org Prote aLruwYourWaterResources June 27, 2008 PAID Honorable Mayor Dennis Seefeldt City of Scandia JUN 3 0 2008 Scandia Community and Senior Center 14727 209th Street North Scandia, MN 55073 CITY OF SCANDIA Dear Mayor Seefeldt, As you may be aware, the Comfort Lake — Forest Lake Watershed District (District) Board of Managers has recently completed their draft rules after a year and a half long process. Throughout the process, your city staff has participated in multiple Technical Advisory Committee/ Citizen's Advisory Committee (TAC/CAC) meets to ensure that the District rules reflect the goals of its citizens and member communities. Enclosed for your review are the proposed rules for the Comfort Lake— Forest Lake Watershed District. The draft rules can also be downloaded from the District's website at: clflwd.ora As a continuation of the rulemaking and community involvement process, the District Managers would like the opportunity to discuss the rules directly with the policy makers of the District's member communities. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 2:30 p.m. at the Forest Lake City Hall located at 220 North Lake Street Forest Lake. Please pass the invite on to other members of your city council and planning commission, or you may wish to designate a representative from the council and planning commission. If you have questions on the District's draft rules, rulemaking process, please contact Randy Anhorn, District Administrator/Limnologist, at 651.209.9753. Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to seeing the City representive. Sincerely, Comfort Lake—Forest Lake Watershed District L6c 41:11����I L� Jackie A. Anderson --%President CC: Administrator Anne Hurlburt Board of Managers Jackie A. Anderson—President Richard P. Damchik—Vice President John T, Lynch—Secretary Jon W. Spence—Treasurer Wayne S. Moe—Manager Meeting Date: 6/17/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Accept the Auditors Report and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2007 and direct publication of the summary financial statement as required by state law. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: Brock Geyen of LarsonAllen will be present at the June 17 City Council meeting to present the audit report and answer any questions. Recommendation: 1 recommend that the Council receive the report and, unless additional discussion is needed at a subsequent meeting, accept the report. Attachments/ • SAS 114 Letter for Year Ended December 31, 2007 Materials provided: • Financial Statements for Year Ended December 31, 2007 Contact(s): Brock Geyen, LarsonAllen (612 397-3070) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (audit 2007) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: 9 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt purchasing policy(Resolution No. 07-15-08-02) Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Council received the draft purchasing policy at the June 17 meting. Since then, the draft has been referred to city staff and auditor for review and comment. • Based on comments received, one change has been made to the draft policy. There was a concern by the Fire Department that it might not be possible to obtain quotes for some purchases that fall between $2,000 and $10,000. They were concerned about fuel purchases (which, if many vehicles were refueled at one time could exceed $2,000) and equipment for which there is only one supplier/vendor source. The policy has been revised to add the following sentences to Section II b): "Quotes will not be required if the purchase is available from a single source." The policy indicates that the Administrator"may" require two or more quotes, so does provide the necessary discretion to cover the concern about fuel purchases. I cannot foresee circumstances under which multiple quotes would be required for fuel purchases. Recommendation: I recommend that, unless additional changes are desired, that the Council adopt the attached resolution adopting the purchasing policy. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 07-15-08-02 Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (purchasing policy adoption) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO.: 07-15-08-02 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PURCHASING POLICIES WHEREAS, the Scandia City Council has determined that a purchasing policy is necessary to provide guidance to staff involved in the purchasing of materials, equipment and services; and WHEREAS, the objectives of the policy are: • To obtain supplies, equipment, and services as economically as possible. • To ensure that all purchases are best suited to the specific needs of the city. • To ensure adherence to the budget approved by the City Council. • To provide for the most efficient use of staff and City Council time and resources. • To ensure compliance with all applicable policies, statutes, and regulations of the City, the State, and the Federal Government. • To ensure that qualified and responsible bidders are selected for city projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does adopt the attached "Purchasing Policy", said policy taking precedence over any other policy that may have been established in the past that may be in conflict. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 15th day of July, 2008. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/City Clerk Resolution No.:07-15-08-02 City of Scandia Purchasing Policy Approved by the City Council July 15, 2008 I. INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES The purchasing policy for the City of Scandia is established by the City Council to provide guidance to staff involved in the purchasing process. Council grants staff the authority to purchase materials, equipment and services, within the budget previously approved by the Council, consistent with this policy. The objectives of the policy are: a) To obtain supplies, equipment, and services as economically as possible. b) To ensure that all purchases are best suited to the specific needs of the city. c) To ensure adherence to the budget approved by the City Council. d) To provide for the most efficient use of staff and City Council time and resources. e) To ensure compliance with all applicable policies, statutes, and regulations of the City, the State, and the Federal Government. f) To ensure that qualified and responsible bidders are selected for city projects. II. PURCHASING STANDARDS AND METHODS a) Small Purchases Less than $2,000 Purchase of budgeted items or services costing less than $2,000 may be authorized by the City Administrator or department head (Fire Chief, Building Official and Maintenance Supervisor.) Such small items may be charged on account, on a city-authorized credit card or purchased with petty cash as may be appropriate or most convenient for the particular purchase. The staff member making the purchase shall endeavor to obtain the best prices available on the open market. b) Purchases Greater than $2,000 and less than $10,000 Purchase of items or services costing more than $2,000 and less than $10,000 may be authorized by the City Administrator. The Administrator may require the department to obtain two or more quotes to ensure that the price is competitive. Quotes will not be required if the purchase is available from a single source. Prior review of the purchase by the City Council is required in the following cases: 1) if the purchase would cause an individual line item in the departmental budget to be exceeded by $1,000, or cause the departmental budget to be exceeded by any amount for that year; or 2) if the purchase is budgeted within the Capital Improvement, Equipment Replacement or Park Capital Improvement Fund budgets. c) Purchases Greater than $10,000 and less than $50,000 All purchases costing more than $10,000 and less than $50,000 must be pre- 2 Resolution No.: 07-15-08-02 authorized by the City Council. At least two quotes shall be obtained and reviewed by the City Administrator prior to submission to the City Council. The quotes shall be kept on file for one year. d) Purchases greater than $50,000 Sealed bids shall be solicited when and in the manner provided by state law for all purchases over $50,000. Prior to solicitation of bids, the department shall prepare specifications to be reviewed by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council. The specifications shall reserve the city's right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities or irregularities. After bids are received and tabulated, the successful bid will be presented to the City Council for approval by resolution. The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, represents the best combination of quality, service and price. The determination of whether or not the bidder is responsible will be made by the City Council based on Section IX of this policy. e) Consultants and Professional Services The city hires a variety of consultants and purchases professional services on an on-going basis (such as City Engineer, City Planner, City Attorney, etc.) as well as on a project-by-project basis. Competitive bidding is not required for professional services. For new on-going services, and for projects or assignments exceeding $2,000 in cost, the City Council shall review and approve a request for proposals prior to its issuance. The Council shall also determine the procedure to be used to select the consultant or contractor. III.EMERGENCY PURCHASES Emergency purchases not meeting the requirements of this policy may be made by staff where an immediate purchase is necessary to correct a situation which would adversely affect the life, the health and safety of people, personnel and/or to protect the environment. To the greatest extent possible, this policy should be followed, and every effort shall be made to notify the department head and City Administrator as soon as possible when the need for an emergency purchase arises. Such emergency purchase shall be explained to the City Administrator on the next working day, and to the City Council at their next regular meeting. IV.COOPERATIVE PURCHASING Where a purchase contract has been awarded in compliance with applicable state statutes, and where it is legally permissible for the city to participate in that contract, the City Administrator or appropriate Department Head may purchase supplies named in that contract, without obtaining quotes or fulfilling the competitive bidding requirements. 2 Resolution No.:07-15-08-02 V. CITY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNTS The City Council authorizes city credit cards to be issued in the names of the City Administrator,Treasurer, Fire Chief and Maintenance Supervisor. Credit cards may be used for small purchases less than $2,000 as authorized by this policy. No cash advances or checks for transfers shall be permitted. Any purchase directed by or made by an employee using a city credit card that is not approved by the Council shall be the responsibility of the employee. VI.DOCUMENTATION OF PURCHASES As soon as practical following any purchase, the responsible staff person shall submit documentation including receipts and quotes to the department head, who shall initial them signifying approval before forwarding them to the City Administrator's office. Credit card statements alone will not qualify as adequate documentation. The City Administrator shall ensure that proper documentation has been provided before submitting claims to the City Council for approval. All receipts and quotes shall be retained as required by the city's retention policy. VII. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS The City Administrator/Clerk shall present a list of all claims to be paid to the City Council for approval at its regular monthly meeting. The Council delegates authority to staff to pay the following type of claims prior to Council approval: a) Payroll and related expenses (such as taxes, employee benefits, etc.) b) Principal and interest payments on obligations of the city. c) Claims that would result in payment of late charges or interest if payment is deferred until the next regular Council meeting. d) Electronic funds transfers to the State of Minnesota for permit surcharges. e) Payments for postage to the U.S. Post Office or for refilling a postage meter, if credit card payments are not accepted or timely Council approval is not practical. VIII. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Surplus, salvage, obsolete and unneeded materials or equipment belonging to the city may be disposed of by the City Administrator, or by a department head upon the approval of the Administrator. Disposal of any item valued at $100 or more shall require prior authorization by the City Council. The method of disposition shall be appropriate to the type of item and shall be approved by the Council at the time they determine that the item may be disposed of. The method of disposal shall comply with all requirements of state law, including all restrictions on the sale of city-owned property to a city officer or employee. 2 Resolution No.: 07-15-08-02 IX.RESPONSIBLE BIDDER POLICY The City Council will review the qualifications and experiences of bidders for construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance of real or personal property after bids are opened and before a contract is awarded, to determine if the bidder is "responsible". A "responsible"bidder is a bidder qualified to do the work. This will be determined by assessing the bidder's skill, resources, experience, successful performance or similar contracts (on time and on budget), and all other matters bearing upon the likelihood that the contract will be successfully completed. In all cases where a bidder is unknown or where there are any questions about the qualifications of the bidder, the following information will be required of the apparent low bidder in the form of a questionnaire, as follows: You are required to complete and return this questionnaire before the Scandia City Council considers awarding you the contract. 1. Identify all similar public projects in which you were the contractor. If you have had more than five such contracts, list only the last five contracts, and as to each contract identified provide the following information: Project Description: Date: Contact Person at City/County/State: Were change orders in excess of 5% requested? If yes, explain the circumstances. Were liquidated damages assessed? If yes, explain the circumstances. Was the project completed on schedule? If no, explain the circumstances. 2. Describe all construction arbitration claims and any construction or project litigation in which you have been a party in the last five years. 3. Identify all public projects you have had with the City of Scandia or New Scandia Township in the last 5 years. 2 Resolution No.: 07-15-08-02 4. In the last five years has a bonding company ever refused to issue you a performance bond? If yes, explain the circumstances. 5. In the last five years have any claims been filed against a performance or payment bond that you have provided a public entity? If yes, explain the circumstances. 6. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been fined by a federal or state agency for a contract or workplace matter(such as wage or hour or safety violations), or debarred under Part 29, Title 49 CFR or any other law from submitting bids on public projects? If yes, explain the circumstances. 7. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been charged or convicted of a crime involving the awarding,bidding or performance of a government contract? If yes, provide full details. 2 Meeting Date: 07/15/2008 Agenda Item: 9 C ) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt fixed assets policy(Resolution No. 07-15-08-03) Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Council received the draft fixed assets policy at the June 17 meting. Since then, the draft has been referred to city staff and auditor for review and comment. ■ No comments were received or changes made to the draft. Recommendation: I recommend that, unless additional changes are desired, that the Council adopt the attached resolution adopting the fixed assets policy. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 07-15-08-03 Materials provided: Contact(s): Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (fixed assets policy adoption) Page 1 of 1 07/10/08 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO.: 07-15-08-03 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FIXED ASSETS POLICIES WHEREAS, the Scandia City Council has determined that a fixed assets policy is necessary to provide a standard system of control for all fixed assets owned by the City of Scandia; and WHEREAS, it is also necessary to establish procedures giving direction to City staff regarding the operation and maintenance of the Fixed Asset Control System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does adopt the attached "Fixed Assets Policy", said policy taking precedence over any other policy that may have been established in the past that may be in conflict. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 15th day of July, 2008. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/ City Clerk Resolution No.: 07-15-08-03 City of Scandia Fixed Assets Policy Approved by the City Council on July 15, 2008 1. PURPOSE These procedures are intended to provide a standard system of control for all fixed assets owned by the City of Scandia. These procedures also give directions to City staff regarding the operation and maintenance of the Fixed Asset Control System (FACS). II. DEFINITIONS Ancillary Costs Costs, in addition to purchase or construction costs, related to placing a capital asset into its intended use or state of operations. Asset Life This is the standard estimated useful life of an item. To be considered a fixed asset, an item must have a useful life greater than one year. Asset Value This is the value of an item. The value will be based on the invoice plus ancillary costs. Buildings A building is a structure that is permanently attached to the land,has a roof, is partially or completely enclosed by walls, and is not intended to be transportable or movable. Certain buildings or structures that are part of infrastructure networks such as pumping stations may be reported as infrastructure rather than buildings. Building Improvements Capitalized costs that materially extend the useful life of a building or increase the value, or both, beyond one year. Building improvements should not include maintenance and repairs done in the normal course of business. Capital Assets Under the requirements of GASB 34, capital assets include land, improvements to land, easements, buildings, building improvements, vehicles, machinery, equipment, works of art and historical treasures, infrastructure and all other tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initial 2 useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period (one year). Capitalization Threshold The dollar value at which a government elects to capitalize tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initial useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period of one year. Depreciation The process of allocating the cost of assets over a period of time, rather than deducting the cost as an expense in the year of acquisition. Depreciation Method The method used to calculate the allocation (depreciation) of the cost of a capital asset over its estimated useful life. The most commonly used method is straight-line depreciation, which allocates the cost evenly over the life of the asset. Estimated Useful Life An accounting estimate of time period that an asset will be able to be used for the purpose for which it was purchased or constructed. Fixed Asset An item obtained by the city with a value greater than $5,000 and an estimated useful life greater than one year. A Fixed Asset may or may not be a Capital Asset under the requirements of GASB 34. Full Month Convention Under a full month convention, property placed in service at any time during a given month is treated as if it had been placed in service on the first day of that month. This allows depreciation to be taken for the entire month in which the asset is placed in service. If the property is disposed of before the end of the estimated useful life, no depreciation is allowed for the month of disposition. Infrastructure Assets that are long-lived capital assets that normally are • stationary in nature and can be preserved for a significantly greater number of years than most capital assets. They are permanent installations. Examples include water/sewer mains, roads, bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, etc. Infrastructure Infrastructure improvements are capital costs that Improvements materially extend the useful life or increase the value of the infrastructure, or both. 3 Land Any parcel of land that is city owned whether developed or undeveloped. Include costs for initial acquisition, professional fees, demolition, interest, taxes, commissions, etc. Land Improvement Grading, roads and parking lots on city owned land that will be capitalized. Inexhaustible— Expenditures for improvements that do not require maintenance or replacement, expenditures to bring land into condition to commence erection of structures, expenditures for improvements not identified with structures, and expenditures for land improvements that do not deteriorate with use or passage of time are additions to the cost of land and are generally not exhaustible and therefore are not depreciable. Exhaustible—Other improvements that are part of a site, such as parking lots, landscaping, wells, septic systems, walkways, driveways, fences and other man-made improvements are usually exhaustible and are therefore depreciable. Depreciation of site improvements is necessary if the improvement is exhaustible. Machinery & Equipment Includes motorized and non-motorized equipment that has a primary function or use for a city street, park, ice arena, fire fighting or utility maintenance, etc. It includes items such as tractors, mowers, and snow plows. This item does not include licensed, motorized vehicles. Other Improvements Other improvements not included in other definitions. Park Improvements Improvements made to a city park that will be capitalized. This category would include items such as playground equipment,back stops, bleachers, flagpoles, etc. Vehicles Motorized vehicles owned by the city such as trucks. III. CAPITAL ASSETS AND CAPITALIZATION THRESHOLDS A capital asset is real or personal property that has a value equal to or greater than the capitalization threshold for the particular classification of the asset and has an estimated useful life greater than one year. The city reports capital assets in the follow categories: Land/Land Improvements Buildings/Building Improvements 4 Machinery and Equipment Vehicles Infrastructure Other Improvements For financial statement purposes only, a capitalization threshold is established for each capital asset category as follows: Land/Land Improvements $10,000 Buildings/Building Improvements $25,000 Machinery and Equipment $5,000 Vehicles $5,000 Infrastructure $20,000 Roadways-Orig. Constr/Reconstr $50,000 Resurfacing/Re-ditching $20,000 Curbing $20,000 Road Under-drain $30,000 Sidewalks $20,000 Sewer Lines-New/Original $40,000 Pipe Lining $35,000 Corrugated Pipe $20,000 Services $20,000 Water Lines-New/Original $40,000 Hydrants(Lake) $20,000 Traffic Signals & Street Lights $20,000 Bridges-New/Original $50,000 Bridge Deck Replacement $25,000 Other Improvements $25,000 Other assets $5,000 Capital asset improvement costs should be capitalized if the costs exceed the capitalization threshold and either the value of the asset or estimated life is increased by 25% of the original cost, or the cost results in an increase in the capacity of the asset, or the efficiency of the asset is increased by more than 10%. IV. FIXED ASSET INVENTORY VALUATION AND CAPITALIZATION CRITERIA Capital assets should be recorded and reported at their historical costs, which include the vendor's invoice (plus the value of any trade-in or allowance, if reflected on the invoice) plus sales tax, initial installation cost (excluding in-house labor), modifications, attachments, accessories or apparatus necessary to make the asset usable and render into service. Historical costs also include ancillary charges such as freight and transportation charges, site preparation costs, and professional fees. 5 For Fixed Assets that are purchased, the cost will be based on the invoice plus ancillary costs of preparing the asset for use. Trade-in values will not be used to reduce the carrying cost of the new asset. Assets purchased under a lease or installment method should be valued at the discounted present value of total payments. Additional costs will include those necessary so the asset may be ready for use. Assets acquired by donation, cost will be fair value on date of gift and any costs of preparing asset for use. Property acquired under eminent domain will have a cost determined by the court plus any additional attorney fees, or costs associated with preparing land for intended use. Assets acquired by forfeiture/seizure are based on the fair value on date of forfeiture/seizure and additional costs associated with preparing the asset for intended use. For all fixed assets the ancillary costs of preparing the asset for intended use includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Land: Legal fees, appraisal and negotiation fees, surveying fees, site preparations costs, demolition of unwanted structures and damage payments. 2. Buildings & Improvements: Architect fees, legal fees, appraisers, costs of fixtures, damage claims, insurance premiums, interest and related construction costs. 3. Machinery, Equipment & Furniture: Transportation charges, installation costs. 4. Motor Vehicles: Transportation charges, painting and installation of additional equipment. It will be the responsibility of the department head to inform the Treasurer of any additional costs associated with an asset. V. ACQUISITIONS In 2008 asset listings were compiled based on a physical inventory taken by city staff. Enterprise fixed asset listings were reconciled to audit work papers. Values were determined as follows: 1. If traceable to audit work papers, historical cost or fair market value at the time received were used. 6 2. If not traceable to audit work papers,historical cost from City records, or land will be valued at County assessed value at January 1, 2008 When a department acquires a new asset, the department head is responsible for completing an "Asset Acquisition Form" and providing the Treasurer with the Original. (An example of this form is attached.) Noted on the Asset Acquisition Forms should be the following: 1. Description: The description should clearly describe the asset, keeping in mind that this description will be used to help identify the asset in the future, without being too lengthy. 2. Acquisition Date: This is the date the asset was acquired. 3. Vendor: This is the name of the vendor from whom the asset was purchased. 4. Cost: This is the cost of the item. Cost will be based on the invoice plus additional costs of preparing the asset for use. Trade-in values will not be used to reduce the carrying cost of the new asset. 5. Model Number: This is the model number assigned to the asset by the manufacturer, if applicable. 6. Estimated Useful Life: This is the standard useful life of the item. See recommended schedule in Appendix. 7. Physical Location: This is the intended location in which the asset will be used or stored. 8. Serial or VIN Number: This is the serial or VIN number assigned to the asset by the manufacturer, if applicable. 9. Expenditure Account: This is the expenditure account that the invoice for the asset is coded to. This code will be assigned by the Treasurer and may be left blank by the purchaser. 10. Acquisition Code: This is the code which describes the funding source of the asset. This code will be assigned by the Treasurer and may be left blank by the purchaser. 11. Function Code: This describes the function of the department that owns the asset. Examples include general government, public safety, public works and parks and recreation. This will be assigned 7 by the Treasurer and may be left blank by the purchaser. The acquisition form should be signed by the department head. The Treasurer shall add the new asset to the database. The Treasurer is responsible for recording completed construction projects in the year completed. VI. RETIREMENTS When a department retires an asset or transfers it to another department, the department head is responsible for completion of an "Asset Retirement/Transfer Form". The Treasurer must receive the original. (An example of this form is in the Appendix.) The Fixed Asset Retirement/Transfer form should include the following information: I. Asset Description: The description should be detailed and should include the year, model,model number, color,make, type and other pertinent information relating to the asset. 2. Department: This line refers to the department retiring or otherwise changing the asset. 3. Date of Change: This is the date the change took place. 4. Type of Change: The department head should state whether the asset was sold, transferred, destroyed or traded in. If SOLD the amount of the sale and copy of receipt of cash should be attached. If TRANSFERRED the name of the department receiving the asset and its new location. If TRADE IN the amount of the trade in allowance received on a new item. Description of new item that trade was applied towards. If DESTROYED the amount of compensation received from insurance, if the asset was destroyed as a result of an accident. A copy of the cash receipt should be attached. If the asset was destroyed please note how it was destroyed, examples would include junked, totaled in an accident, stolen, etc. 8 The Asset Retirement/Transfer Form should be signed by the department head. The Treasurer shall update the database. Trade in value will be coded as a credit to the account; the gross cost will be coded as a debit to the account. By January 3 l St of each year, the Treasurer will supply department heads with a preliminary worksheet of assets as of December 31 St of the prior year. Department heads will conduct a physical inventory of all assets. Each department will notify the Treasurer of any additions, deletions, modifications or leases or property that have not been previously reported or are not reflected on the preliminary list. The City Administrator will review the results of the inventories and reconcile it with the appropriate accounting ledgers. VII. SALE OF ASSETS No assets owned by the city shall be sold to an officer or employee of the city unless the sale conforms to Minnesota Statue 15.054. Property, except real property, may be sold to an employee after reasonable public notice at a public auction or by sealed bid, if the employee is the highest bidder and is not directly involved in the auction sealed bid process. VII. DEPRECIATION Depreciation will be calculated using the straight line method over the estimated useful lives of assets. The full-month convention will be used to record the dates an asset in placed in service or disposed of(unless the asset is fully depreciated). The total amount depreciated can never exceed the asset's historic cost less salvage value. At the end of the asset's estimated life, the salvage value will remain. The following guideline will be used to estimate the useful life of an asset. See Appendix for recommended schedule. 9 APPENDIX DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE Buildings 15-75 years Buildings Foundation/Frame/Structure 40 years Buildings-Temporary 25 years HVAC Systems (a/c heating) 20 years Roof 20 years Electrical 30 years Plumbing 30 years Sprinkler System 20 years Security/Fire Alarm System 10 years Cabling 10 years Floor Covering(other than carpet) 15 years Carpeting 7 years Interior Construction 15 years Interior Renovation 10 years Fire Alarm System 10 years Telephone Equipment 10 years Machinery, Equipment, Radio 3-15 years Water Meters 20 years Business/Office Equipment 7-10 years Athletic Equipment 10 years Audio Visual Equipment 7 years Computers (monitors, CPU,printers) 5 years Radio Communications 10 years Fire Department Equipment 10 years Furniture 15 years Grounds Equipment— Mowers 10 years 10 Kitchen Equipment - Appliances 10-12 years Outdoor Equipment—Playgrounds 15 years Custodial Equipment 10 years Photocopiers 5 years Mounted Equip w/Truck Chassis 8 years Plazas and Pavilions 60 years Vehicles 3-12 years Cars & Light Trucks 3-8 years Heavy trucks (more than 13,0001bs) 8-10 years Fire Trucks 15 years Heavy Equipment-Loaders, Graders 5-50 years Boat 10 years Land Not Depreciable Infrastructure 20-50 years Sewer Mains, Lift Stations 50 years Water Mains 50 years Street Lights 30 years Wells & Pump Houses 25 years Roads & Highways 20-50 years (includes curb & gutter) Paved 30 years Asphalt (Rural) 40 years Asphalt (Urban) 20 years Non-Paved 50 years Public Parking Lots 15 years Sidewalks 16-20 years Sewer System (Storm & Sanitary) 20-40 years Water System 20-40 years Bridges (Pedestrian) 30 years Land Improvements 5-30 years Fencing, Gates 20 Years Landscaping, Ball Park 10-30 years Parking Lots 15 years Outside Sprinkler Systems 20 years Athletic Fields, Bleachers 10-15 years Paths and Trails 20 years Tennis & Basketball Courts 20 years Retaining Walls 20 years Outdoor Lighting 20 years Outdoor Equipment 20 years Benches, Swings, Slides 5 years Boat Facility, Piers, Ramps 25 years 1i FIXED ASSET ACQUISITION FORM Asset Description: Acquisition Date: Acquisition Cost: Vendor Name: Model No. Estimated Useful Life: Physical Location: Serial or VIN No. (if applicable) For Finance Dept Use Only Asset No. Asset Class: Expenditure Acct: Acquisition Code (D: Function Code (G, PW, PK, PS, RB, SR): Entered in FAC System? Yes No Notes: 12 FIXED ASSET RETIREMENT/TRANSFER FORM Asset Description: Department: Date of Change: Type of Change: Sold Transferred Destroyed Traded In If Sold, Amount of Sale: If Transferred, New Department: New Location: If Destroyed, Insurance Compensation: Description of Destruction: For Finance Dept. Use Only Entered in FAC System? Yes No Notes: 13 FIXED ASSET POLICY CODES Asset Class Land Buildings Machinery & Equipment Motor Vehicles Infrastructure Roads & Highways Land Improvements Other Improvements Function Code G= Gen. Govt. PW = Public Works RB = Road & Bridge PS = Public Safety PK = Parks SR = Sewer(or PW) Acquisition Code GF = General Fund CIP = Capital Improvement Fund PIF = Park Improvement Fund ERF = Equipment Replacement Fund GO= General Obligation Bond REV =Revenue Bond GOREV = General Obligation Revenue Bond EQ = Equipment Certificate LEASE = Lease-Purchasing Financing DON = Donations or Grants MN = Minnesota State Aid Fund UT= Utility Fund 14