08-06-2008 Worksop Pavement Mgmt Plan CITY OF SCANDIA Q��, � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Special Meeting Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Pavement Management Plan—City Engineer Paul Hornby 3. Overview of 2008 Budget Issues 4. 2009-2013 Draft Capital Improvement Program 5. Adjournment sckrthiA 111 I n n 4` 5 t 1 1 .1 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN City of Scandia July, 2008 Project Number: 000568-08137-0 Bonestroo 2335 Highway 36 W , St.Paul,MN 55113 Tel 651-636-4600 Fax 651-636-1311 www.bonestroo.com Bonestroo July 28, 2008 Ms. Anne Hurlburt City Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209th Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Pavement Management Plan City of Scandia, Minnesota Bonestroo File No.: 000568-08137-0 Dear Ms. Hurlburt: Enclosed for your review is the Pavement Management Plan for the City of Scandia. This plan addresses the lifecycle maintenance and rehabilitation of the City street system. The purpose of this plan is to provide the City with a tool to assist in planning roadway improvements by properly matching the maintenance and rehabilitation method with the pavement condition. The Plan goal is to extend the life of the City streets and reduce lifecycle costs. The Pavement Management Plan identifies proposed street maintenance and rehabilitation options, estimated costs in year 2008 construction data, and recommended improvements program. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council and Staff to discuss the process identified in this Plan at any mutually convenient time. Sincerely, BONESTROO Paul T. Hornby, P.E. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Paul T. Hornby, P.E. Date: July 28, 2008 Reg. No.23359 CITY OF SCANDIA -PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 4 Purpose of the Study 4 Summary of Findings 4 Policy Decisions and Recommendations 5 Analysis Methodology 5 Introduction 6 Street Life Cycle 6 Resident and City Expectations 7 Existing Conditions 10 Street Condition 10 Street Surface Evaluation 10 Proposed Improvements 12 City Streets 13 Utilities 13 Proposed Life Cycle 13 Cost Estimate 15 Financing 16 General Tax Levy 16 Special Assessments 16 Budgetary Costs 17 Conclusions and Recommendations 18 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan 4 Bonestroo Page 2 Appendix A: Pavement Management Figures A-1 Figure 001 — Street Network Map Figure 002 — PASER Ratings— 2008 Inspections Figure 003 — Rehabilitation Options for Current Conditions Appendix B: Maintenance and Rehabilitation Cost Estimate B-1 Appendix C: 5 Year Maintenance Options C-1 Appendix D: City Maintenance and Construction Maps D-1 Tables Table la: Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Options 4 Table 1b: Rating & Mileage Summary 5 Table 2: Pavement Condition Ranking 10 Table 3: Pavement Rating vs. Age 11 Table 4: Option Cost Comparison 14 Table 5: Proposed Lifecycle 14 Table 6: Lifecycle Cost Per Lineal Foot 15 Figures Figure 1: Typical Pavement Lifecycle 7 Figure 2: Extended pavement Lifecycle 7 Figure 3: Condition Rating vs. Pavement Age 16 City of Scandia Project No. 568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan ,e�Bonestroo Page 3 • CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Executive Summary Purpose of the Study The City of Scandia authorized the preparation of this Pavement Management Plan to determine the current condition of the existing City street system and develop a street maintenance and rehabilitation program. The purpose of this report is to provide information to guide decision making for street maintenance and rehabilitation including: 1. Developing a pavement management plan that will preserve and/or improve the quality of the City's streets in a fiscally responsible manner. 2. Developing and implementing a plan that considers immediate and long term needs. 3. Preparing a systematic plan and a workable method of financing. 4. Providing information for the public to be better informed and involved in decision making. Summary of Findings The study identifies the pavement condition for each City street and the most cost effective method of maintenance for different points in the street's life cycle. Table la provides the estimated cost per lineal foot for five different pavement rehabilitation options for the City's 70+ miles of streets. These cost estimates include 15% for contingencies and other costs associated with the improvement projects. The reconstruction of streets would involve analysis of each individual street to determine whether to widen the street to City standards or reconstruct it to its existing width in order to maintain the character of the area. Detailed cost estimates for each of the five options can be found in Appendix B of this report. Table 1 b provides a summary of mileage and condition rating for the City. Table 1 a - Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Options Pavement Rehabilitation Option Cost/Lineal Foot* 1 Crack Fill and Seal Coat $7.00 2 Bituminous Patching _ $4.00 3 Mill and Overlay $40.00 4 Reclaim and Replace Bituminous $70.00 5 Full Depth Reconstruction $140.00 *Based on a 24'average street width City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan 4'Bonestroo Page 4 Table 1 b— Rating & Mileage Summary Condition Surface Type Rating Mileage % of System Gravel NA 6,3 9% Bituminous 9-10 10.3 14% Bituminous 7-8 27.8 39% Bituminous 5-6 15.2 21 Bituminous 3-4 7.0 10% Bituminous 1-2 5,0 7% Total 71.5 100% Policy Decisions and Recommendations The City of Scandia has several options to rehabilitate streets since many of the streets have not deteriorated to a point where complete reconstruction is required. Although it is recommended that some streets be fully reconstructed, the lifecycle of many existing streets can be extended using less expensive rehabilitation options. Some of the streets included in this report are proposed to undergo mill and overlay rehabilitation. The City could choose to allow these streets to deteriorate further until complete reconstruction is required, or pursue the mill and overlay option. We suggest this as an option to perform critical maintenance on streets with higher condition ratings in an effort to extend the pavement lifecycle, while postponing more costly maintenance on streets with lower condition ratings. We recommend that the City continue an ongoing crack fill and seal coat program to extend the life of the streets with condition rating of 7 and higher. Analysis Methodology Basic source data was collected to develop the information and recommendations presented in this report. The data collected consists of the following: 1. A pavement condition evaluation of all City streets to produce a numerical pavement condition index using the Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) system, which rates the existing condition of the pavement based on visual surface observation. 2. An inventory of the characteristics and past maintenance on each street. 3. Input from the City Staff on existing street conditions. This data was studied and professional judgment from both an engineering perspective and rehabilitation perspective was applied to develop the opinions and recommendations presented in this report. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan #Bonestroo Page 5 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Introduction Street Lifecycle The City of Scandia should consider various programs to maintain its streets including routine seal coats. The following figures identify the life cycle of a typical street and the required maintenance based on condition. Asphalt pavements perform well, deteriorating slowly during the first ten years of the street lifecycle, and then tend to deteriorate more rapidly. Proactive maintenance in the early years of a street lifecycle such as, repairing cracks and seal coating is recommended as a cost effective maintenance practice. As the pavement condition deteriorates and surface observations indicate a significant level of stress due to traffic loading, seal coat applications are no longer recommended as the most cost effective maintenance. This condition is illustrated in Figure 1, when pavement condition ratings fall below condition rating of 6. Figure 1 generally illustrates that street's condition will deteriorate 40% during the first 75% of its life, and another 40% during the next 12% of its life. A streets condition will deteriorate quickly beyond 75% of its life, which typically occurs 15 to 20 years after a street is constructed. Preventative maintenance during the early stages of a pavements lifecycle can be the most cost effective method for extending the life of a pavement, as shown in Figure 2. By protecting the road subgrade from the negative affects of water intrusion with crack sealing or pavement replacement, additional cost savings can be realized in future lower cost reconstruction methods. The five maintenance and rehabilitation options listed in Table 1 can be considered for maintaining public streets. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan 4'Bonestroo Page 6 Figure 1 —Typical Pavement Lifecycle NUMBER VERBAL CONDITION TYPICAL MAINTENANCE RATING RATING GROUPING NUMBER RATING REPAIR 10 - COST/L.F. Excellent`~��`�-..` No Repar — 9 (�10) 0 Pavements that have little or `,.` Typical Street Life 0 — 8 Very Good no distress. �` :3 a ♦ Seal Coat 7 Pavements that have ♦♦ (7-8) ($7.00) Good • a significant level •♦ of distress. \ p non-load related. \ V g6 Pavements that have \a significant level MITI&Overlay ($40.00) Oof distress. (5-6)I- — 5 load related. l 5 t uJ Fair ` > — 4 1 a a Pavements that have Full Depth Reclamation ($70.00) e major distress. (3-4) \ o - 3 Poor ♦ v- N — 2 Very Poor Pavements that have N. significant amounts Full Depth Reconstruction ($140.00) of major distress. (1-2) '.... • — 1 Failed ..., 75%of Lifecycie 12%of Lifecycle ` 0 rr - 3 15 I I (YEARS) 20 25 FIGURE 2 — EXTENDED PAVEMENT LIFECYCLE Original Pavement T-----` '..----.` ^"�-\ ',ice: Prevention 5 Trigger 12 8 c m Optimal Timing 0 Rehabilitation Trigger �... Time/Traffic City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan #Bonestroo Page 7 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Existing Conditions Street Condition The condition of a street is affected by a number of factors, including: • Surface condition (roughness, cracking) • Drainage (street profile, cross section, storm sewer) • Street section (bituminous and gravel base thickness) • Subgrade soil (sand, clay, silt) • Traffic characteristics and loading • Age • Maintenance program (crack filling, seal coating, patching) Each of the above listed items contribute to the overall condition and lifecycle of a public street. It is not uncommon for streets in the same area, constructed at the same time, to vary in condition. This makes it difficult to develop an efficient street rehabilitation program that can be applied uniformly to adjacent areas. The majority of the streets in the City follow a general condition rating curve. Street Surface Evaluation The streets in Scandia were evaluated using a visual survey that observed the condition of the pavement surface. The pavement was rated using the PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating) System. The methodology is based on a consistent numeric rating scale ranging from 10 for a newly surfaced street to 0 for a failed surface. The results of the pavement condition survey are shown with the Street Inventory in Appendix A, Figure F002. Table 2 shows a general summary of recommended maintenance and rehabilitation options based on the current pavement condition rating. Table 2 - Pavement Condition Ranking Pavement Condition Rating Recommended Maintenance 9-10 Do Nothing 7-8 Crack Fill and Seal Coat and/or Bituminous Patching 5-6 Mill and Overlay 3-4 Full depth Reclamation and paving 1-2 Full depth Reconstruction City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management P/an 4'Bonestroo Page 8 In the past, the City has performed preventative maintenance and rehabilitation illustrated in Figures 1 through 5 in Appendix D. Figure 3 below illustrates the lifecycle data of City streets over time by plotting the PASER pavement rating versus age. Table 3 then summarizes the average age of pavement within specific condition categories. Figure 3 —Condition Rating vs. Pavement Age Pavement Rating vs Age 12 10 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 8 - • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • rn w �a cccc 6 ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ w 0 4 - ♦ ♦ • 2 - • • ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Age (years) Table 3 - Pavement Rating vs. Age Average Age of Street Current PASER Rating (yrs) 9-10 2 7-8 7 5-6 11 3-4 16 1-2 17 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page 9 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Proposed Improvements City Streets Proposed improvements include a combination of the pavement maintenance and rehabilitation options discussed previously. Depending on the goals and budget for the City, various approaches can be taken with the information compiled. If the City's main goal is to focus on maintaining existing streets, more emphasis should be put on the crack filling/seal coating, bituminous patching, and mill and overlay options. The following is a description of each proposed maintenance method and the potential benefits of each. Sea/Coat—provides for the installation of a thin surface coating, typically an oil emulsion and trap rock to reseal the pavement surface. This provides for an extension of the pavement surface life by minimizing the effects of the sun and weather on the existing bituminous material and reestablishing a wearing surface with a higher level of friction than the existing pavement. This cannot prevent ultimate pavement failure due to age or poor sub-grade conditions. Crack Fang— provides for the sealing of cracks in the existing pavement through a route and seal, where the existing cracks are ground out to a consistent width and filled with a sealant. This procedure reduces the amount of moisture and debris entering the pavement sub-grade through surface cracks. This protection provides for a more stable roadway base and can reduce pavement breakup and potholing due to the effects of freeze/thaw cycles. Patching— provides for the correction of localized pavement deterioration typically known as pothole filling. This process can include the replacement of small areas that have experienced pavement failure due to a soft base material or other contributing conditions. Patching also provides for a smooth driving surface and extends the life of the pavement. Mill and Overlay or Overlay—provides for the addition of another layer of bituminous pavement on the existing roadway. This can be performed either through the removal by milling of a thin layer to maintain the current surface elevations and then placing the overlay pavement, or by placing an • additional layer of pavement on top of the existing surface. This extends the life of the roadway by adding additional material to the surface, = ! __ reestablishing the cross slope of the road to promote drainage and creating a smooth driving surface. This method typically results in reflection of existing cracks in the roadway appearing in the new surface within 1 to 2 years. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan 4 Bonestroo Page 10 f t /....\ /......\ ,...'.. Pavement Reclamation— provides for the full depth grinding of the existing pavement in place. it! y This process blends the existing pavement into a the aggregate base, grades the blended surface to restore cross slope, provides a new bituminous surface, and typically provides for a stronger Yp Y roadway section. This method can be a cost effective means to replace the pavement and strengthen the road by reusing the existing pavement instead of removing the pavement and hauling it away. This process provides for an entirely new roadway surface with a stronger base and is typically cheaper than full-depth reconstruction. Full Reconstruction— provides for the removal of the existing roadway and the rebuilding of the road from the sub-grade through bituminous surface. Sub-grade correction consists of the removal of unsuitable materials, backfill with granular materials and draintile at low points, aggregate base and bituminous pavement. This method is typically applied in areas where pavements are showing significant areas of major distress. Utilities Proposed utility improvements are not analyzed in this report. However, some quantities were added to the full depth reconstruction costs for replacement of storm drains and culverts. If full reconstruction of a street is considered, it will need to be reviewed further for necessary storm drain improvements or other potential utility improvements at that time. Other maintenance items that should be considered over time include the cleaning and/or regrading of ditches and culvert maintenance to provide storm capacity for roadway drainage. Proposed Lifecycle In analyzing the best alternative for the City of Scandia, a number of different methods and staging were reviewed. This analysis looks to find the most cost effective method for the City to use in preserving its pavement. Five options were analyzed to better understand the cost of long-term maintenance strategies on the City system as a whole. Appendix C outlines the costs of each option as well as the impact the dollars will have (e.g. what percentage of paved streets will the City be able to maintain with this budget?). Option 1 depicts the City's current maintenance budget of $250,000, which will maintain 24% of the total paved mileage over a 5-year period. In contrast, Option 2a maintains 58% of the City's paved mileage with an average annual budget of $370,000 over 5 years. A 48% increase in annual budgeting yields a 142% increase in maintained mileage. Option 2a is compared with an average annual budget, however, the recommended five year budget is actually front-loaded in the first three years with a proposed budget of $618,375, and the last two years funded in the amount of $64,950 for crack fill and seal coating. An additional $318,150 for mill City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan ,#'Bonestroo Page 11 and overlay in the 4th year of Option 2a could be budgeted to provide maintenance for all of the streets with condition rating 7 and higher. It is recommended that the City employ a strategy in which it prioritizes maintenance activities for the streets which are currently in good condition. While it may be tempting to follow a "worst- first" plan, that strategy is typically the least cost-effective. Prioritizing and maintaining the City's best streets extends the lifecycle and reduces deterioration to a condition that requires much more costly rehabilitation. This helps ensure the system as a whole is in the best possible condition and the maintenance dollars are being maximized. Option 2a in Appendix C outlines this recommendation. As can be seen in the Table 4 below, increased maintenance dollars for crack fill and seal coating streets with condition rating of 7 and higher (Option2a) minimizes the amount of streets deteriorating to the point of needing costly reconstruction. Table 4—Option Cost Comparison Option 1 Option 2a Average Annual Maintenance Budget $250,000.00 $370,005.00 No. of Years 5 5 5 Year Maintenance Subtotal $1,250,000.00 $1,850,025.00 Feet of Street Needing Reconstruction 262,545 143,660 Cost ($/If) $140.00 $140.00 Reconstruction Cost Subtotal $36,756,252.27 $20,112,400.00 Total Cost $38,006,252.27 $21,962,425.00 The life cycle proposed below in Table 5 is recommended based on cost and impact to the entire system. Table 5— Proposed Lifecycle Schedule of Improvements Years after Activity Construction Crack Fill, [Seal Coat/Joint Seal & Patching deferred if possible] 6 Crack Fill, Seal Coat/Joint Seal & Patching 12 Mill & Overlay 16 Crack Fill, Seal Coat/Joint Seal & Patching 21 Crack Fill, Seal Coat/Joint Seal & Patching 26 Reclaim/Replacement or Reconstruction 31 As with any plan, once implemented it should be closely monitored to confirm assumptions about maintenance and future pavement performance. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page 11 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Cost Estimate The costs associated with street rehabilitation will vary, depending on the construction process required. The costs to remove and reconstruct the existing bituminous and gravel base surfaces will be much greater than milling, reclaiming, patching, and overlaying streets. In addition, streets with existing curb and gutter and/or storm sewer will include additional costs for improvement or replacement of these features. Detailed costs are included in the Appendices related to the methods discussed. In addition, the proposed cost of the different life cycle options analyzed is also included. The following table summarizes the lifecycle cost per foot of street for the proposed lifecycle identified in the previous section of this report. Table 6 - Lifecycle Cost Per Lineal Foot Maintenance Year Cost/LF Seal Coat & Crack Fill 6 $7.00 Seal Coat & Crack Fill/Patch 12 $11,00 Mill Overlay 16 $40,00 Seal Coat/Patch 21 $11.00 Seal Coat/Patch 26 $11.00 Reclaim/Reconstruct 31 $70,00 Cost over 31 year life $150.00 Cost per foot per year $4.84 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management P/an 4 Bonestroo Page 13 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Financing The City currently has a Street Maintenance Fund that receives an allotment of approximately $250,000 per year. This fund has been used over the past to perform annual maintenance such as patching, crack filling, and seal coating. This funding amount was used as the basis for the proposed life cycles reviewed in this report. The current amount of funding will not be sufficient to maintain all of the streets in the City and is not enough to cover the costs of major maintenance or reconstruction methods. In order to fund an increased pavement management budget, additional sources of revenue may need to be reviewed including: 1. General Tax Levy 2. Special Assessments 3. Street Utility Fee (Currently not allowed by Statute) General Tax Levy Minnesota cities are required by law to hold a yearly public hearing to receive comments on the types of services proposed for the upcoming year, as well as the associated costs. These public hearings are referred to as Truth-in-Taxation hearings. The proposed budget and proposed property tax levy and their percentage increases from the current year levels are typically discussed at the hearing. The Pavement Management Program would therefore be addressed as part of the budget preparation process. The main advantage of using funds from the general fund is that justification of direct benefit of a particular project to a property is not required. A major disadvantage is that priorities can change rapidly and dedicated funding may prove difficult to rely on from year to year, or even be inadequate. Special Assessments Special assessments are an indirect form of taxation. They are a way for cities to charge certain properties for the cost of making a local improvement, or to collect certain charges that will benefit those properties. Minnesota Statute, Chapter 429, encompasses public improvements such as street improvement projects including grading, curb and gutter and surfacing, sidewalks, and street lighting. Cities may use special assessments to recover the cost of public improvements if the city has adopted an ordinance to provide for it. The amount that is charged to a particular property must be based upon the benefit that the property will receive from the improvement. Cities cannot charge an amount greater than the amount the benefit will increase the value of the property. There are many advantages to using special assessments as a funding source. They are a means of raising money outside the general city tax resources. Special assessment bonds do not count City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page 14 towards statutory debt limitations. They provide a means of levying charges for public services against properties otherwise exempt from taxation. Perhaps the chief value of special assessments is that by charging the property owner for the benefit received, they prevent or minimize the possibility that a property owner will benefit from the improvement at the expense of the general taxpayer. Street Utility Fees Street Utility Fees are proposed from time to time through the legislative process, but have not been approved to date. Street Utility Fees provide a method for Cities to collect annual fees from land owners to supplement maintenance activities and reconstruction priorities. An example of the funding resource that could be generated through the use of a Street Utility Fee; 1,500 households contributing $120 per year (or $10 per month) would generate $180,000 towards the annual street budget. Budgetary Costs The costs presented in the Appendices for the various options can be used for budgetary purposes for setting an annual maintenance amount or determining other funding options that the City could draw upon. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page 15 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Conclusions and Recommendations This report provides information to be used in determining an annual maintenance budget for the City streets and can be used as a policy for the future maintenance of the City streets. The results of this plan provide for a summary of the potential costs and different life cycle options that can be used as a model for the City system. It is recommended that the City increase the maintenance budget in an effort to maintain streets with a condition rating of 7 or higher. As demonstrated in Appendix C, it is much more cost effective to maintain these streets with crack fill and seal coat programs than it is to let these deteriorate any further. Within this report, the recommendations are as follows: • Adopt this plan as a framework for future maintenance of City Streets • Order a feasibility report prior to any major maintenance projects such as reclamation or reconstruction to determine actual project costs and the potential revenue sources for specific projects. • Based on the options of this plan, review the annual maintenance budget and determine if adjustments are feasible for the City. City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan , r Bonestroo Page 16 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Appendix A — Pavement Management Figures City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management P/an 4 Bonestroo Page A-1 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Appendix B — Maintenance and Rehabilitation Cost Estimate • City of Scandia Project No.5 68-08 1 3 7-0 Pavement Management Plan 4'Bonestroo Page B-1 Option 1 - Crack Fill and Seal Coat Unit Price Quantity Total Price Length of Street (LF) 1000 Mobilization (LS) - approximately 3% $500.00 1 $500.00 Street sweeper w/operator (HR) $100.00 2 $200.00 Crack filler (LB) $1.50 600 $900.00 Seal Coat Aggregate (TN) $40.00 33 $1,333.33 Seal Coat Oil (GAL) $3.00 667 $2,000.00 Seal Coating (LF) $0.50 1000 $500,00 Cost per 1000 LF of street $5,433.33 +10% Contingencies $543.33 Total Construction Cost per 1000 LF of Street $5,976.67 +15% Engineering, Administration and Legal $6,873.17 Estimated Cost/LF of Street $6.87 Budget Amount/LF of Street $7.00 Option 2 - Bituminous Patching Unit Price Quantity Total Price Length of Street (LF) 1000 Mobilization (LS) - approximately 3% $600.00 1 $600,00 Traffic Control (LS) - approximately 0.5% $200,00 1 $200.00 Sawing Bituminous (LF) $2.50 360 $900,00 Remove Bituminous Pavement (SY) $5.00 67 $333,33 Common Excavation (CY) - assume 12" $6.00 22 $132.00 Geotextile Fabric, Type V (SY) $2.00 67 $133.33 Class 5 gravel base (TN) $15.00 31 $460,00 1.5" non-wearing course (TN) $50.00 6 $287.50 Tack (Gal) $2.50 30 $75.00 1.5" wearing course (TN) $60.00 6 $345.00 Street sweeper w/ operator (HR) $100.00 0 $0.00 Skidsteer (Bobcat) w/operator (HR) $100.00 0 $0.00 Cost per 1000 LF of street $3,466.17 +10% Contingencies $346.62 Total Construction Cost per 1000 LF of Street $3,812.78 +0% Engineering, Administration and Legal $3,812.78 Estimated Cost/LF of Street $3,81 Budget Amount/LF of Street $4.00 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page 8-2 Option 3 - Mill and Overlay Unit Price Quantity Total Price Length of Street (LF) 1000 Mobilization (LS) - approximately 3% $900.00 1 $900.00 Traffic Control (LS) - approximately 0.5% $200.00 1 $200.00 Mill Bituminous Pavement 1 1/2" Deep (SY) $3.00 2044 $6,133.33 Tack (Gal) $2.50 100 $250.00 1.5" wearing course (TN) $60.00 265 $15,870.00 Class 5 shoulder aggregate (TN) $15.00 112 $1,686.67 Skidsteer (Bobcat) w/operator (HR) $100.00 4 $400.00 Saw and Seal (LF) - every 40' $1.50 600 $900.00 Cost per 1000 LF of street $26,340.00 +10% Contingencies $2,634.00 Total Construction Cost per 1000 LF of Street $28,974.00 +25% Engineering, Administration and Legal $36,217.50 Estimated Cost/LF of Street $36.22 Budget Amount/LF of Street $40.00 Option 4 - Reclaim and Replace Bituminous Unit Price Quantity Total Price Length of Street (LF) 1000 Mobilization (LS) - approximately 3% $2,400.00 1 $2,400.00 Traffic Control (LS) - approximately 0.5% $400.00 1 $400.00 Reclaim Existing Bituminous (SY) $3.00 2667 $8,000.00 1.5" non-wearing course (TN) $50.00 265 $13,225.00 Tack (Gal) $2.50 100 $250.00 1.5" wearing course (TN) $60.00 265 $15,870.00 Class 5 shoulder aggregate (TN) $15.00 169 $2,530.00 Skidsteer (Bobcat) w/ operator (HR) $100.00 4 $400.00 Saw and Seal (LF) - every 40' $1.50 675 $1,012.50 Cost per 1000 LF of street $44,087.50 +10% Contingencies $4,408.75 Total Construction Cost per 1000 LF of Street $48,496.25 +25% Engineering, Administration and Legal $60,620.31 Estimated Cost/LF of Street $60.62 Budget Amount/LF of Street $70.00 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan #Bonestroo Page B-3 Option 5 - Full Reconstruction Unit Price Quantity Total Price Length of Street (LF) 1000 Mobilization (LS) - approximately 3% $4,000.00 1 $4,000.00 Traffic Control (LS) - approximately 0.5% $600.00 1 $600.00 Reclaim Bituminous Pavement (SY) $3.00 2667 $8,000.00 Subgrade Excavation (CY) - assume 12" on 10% $6.00 96 $577.78 Common Excavation (CY) - assume 10" on all $10.00 741 $7,407.41 Geotextile Fabric, Type V (SY) $2.00 2667 $5,333.33 Select granular borrow (CY) $14.00 96 $1,348.15 Class 5 gravel base (TN) $15.00 1469 $22,041.67 1.5" non-wearing course (TN) $50.00 265 $13,225.00 Tack (Gal) $2.50 100 $250.00 1.5" wearing course (TN) $60.00 265 $15,870.00 Class 5 shoulder aggregate (TN) $15.00 169 $2,530.00 Concrete curb and gutter (LF) $15.00 200 $3,000.00 4" Perforated Polyethylene pipe (LF) $8.00 100 $800.00 Street sweeper w/operator(HR) $100.00 4 $400.00 Skidsteer (Bobcat) w/ operator (HR) $100.00 4 $400.00 Saw and Seal (LF) - every 40' $1.50 600 $900.00 Seed (AC) - boulevard $2,000.00 0.8 $1,561.07 Sign Panels (SF) - assume 2 $26.00 12.5 $325.00 Street name sign (EA) - assume 1 $200.00 1.0 $200.00 4' Dia Storm Sewer CBMH, Ind R3067-V Cstg and adj rings $2,000.00 2 $4,000.00 15" RCP Storm Sewer, Class 5 $28.00 50 $1,400.00 Cost per 1000 LF of street $94,169.40 +10% Contingencies $9,416.94 Total Construction Cost per 1000 LF of Street $103,586.34 +25% Engineering, Administration and Legal $129,482.92 Estimated Cost/LF of Street $129.48 Budget Amount/LF of Street $140.00 City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan #Bonestroo Page B-4 CITY OF SCANDIA - PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Appendix C — 5 Year Maintenance Options City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan Bonestroo Page C-1 poo,poo 2§)000,0, of ar :f§0000mo :Aa0=0000 -&miry \0.,:0° IC4- o� ` + 00m71.4e 00,0 ,�o§§/r , 2 8 a k - m@ k 'taEa(( ) ' ' • Q. - (asa. ; Qaa�;° t( , -a \- E -- & § . & _,4_ §. ` - _ (Eƒ § E { 1 f {| § § CI CA !» §«r Un- §\(§°°\Kf al www _ . n it k)\ §\ !; ;Wa% »7§§ la .® ' 4 R§In \ g \kgk2] t' - )} 2&&& mow - „ AK8PI 88-8u, 5§§22k 8■ §l773#f 2°- ()a$§ 22222 § ,§ E§§ f2 »» rn„ ,,) co ;3 - la » - n wa, s;-; \!`)r.0 t§1 .E, n�_m rm0 ! { .s !CD\J |{ ! m; =e £ ! �; J2 f . . a = (� k \) �(1� \){ 11. - lL'7 aJ{ E !k; ƒ� 3 % �05 } 4 §- © k\( \dee a,e _r S. f . . City of Scandia Project No.568-08137-0 Pavement Management Plan 4 Bonestroo Page C-2 ( m ° Option 2 Yearly Maint Budget S618375.00 Modify budget to maintain all streets within current 7-10 ratings Yearly Patching(City-Wide) ($45.000) Follow proposed schedule of maintenance improvements above mYearly Funds Remaining $573375 m a t tv' Current Rating 9-10 7-8 S 61.1 i ivCurrent Street Length in Category(ft) 54,125 146,615 • Ro.Son =6,960., • -13 Year Seal Coat LF Seal Coat LF Mill/Overlay L= 'V '/C'var:v ".claim Full Recon 1 $119,075.00 10825 $454.300.00 41300 0 0 0 2 $119,075.00 10825 $454 300 00 41300 0 0 0 3 $119,076.00 10826 S454,300.00 41300 0 n 0 4 $119,075.00 10826 $454300.00 11.358 0 0 0 5 $119,075.00 , 1082E $454 300 00 11.358 0 n Subtotal LF Maintained 5.:'!25 123900 22,715 C. _ '3 %of Current Rating Category 132% 85% 15% %of Total Paved System Maintained '6% 36% 7% Option 2a Yearly Maint Budget 5618,375.00 1st 3 years Modify budget to maintain all streets within current 7.10 ratings S370,005.00 Average over 5 years Yearly Patching(City-Wide) (545.000) Skip 1st Seal coat at year 6.only perform crack seal Yearly Funds Remaining 557337E Should seat coal streets in 7-8 category due to no prior maintenance and current age Current Rating 9-10 7.0 5.6 3.4 1.7 CO Current Street Length in Category(ft) 54,12E 146,615 80,500 36,960 26,200 Year Seal Coat LF Seal Coat LF M !Overlay LF Mill/Overlay Reclaim Full Recon n9 t $64,950.00 10825 1508,425.00 46220 0 0 0 rt 2 $64950.00 10825 5508,425.()0 46220 0 0 0 3 $64,950.00 10825 $508,425.00 46220 0 0 0 p 4 $64,950.00 10825 $318.145.45 7,954 $0.00 0 0 5 564 950.00 10825 $0.00 0 0 Subtotal LF Maintained 54125 138661 7,954 0 0 0 %of Current Rating Category 100% 95% 5% %of Total Paved System Maintained 16% 40% 2% Option 3 Yearly Maint Budget(yr 1-3) S701,663.33 Modify budget to maintain all streets within current 7-10 ratings but avoid deterioration of pavement to Mitt/Overlay Yearly Maint Budget(yr 4-5) $164.075.00 Follow proposed schedule of maintenance improvements above Yearly Patching(City-Wide) ($45.000) Will require more seal coat costs initially o Average Yearly Maint Budget 6486628.00 co Currento Rating 9-10 7-8 5$ L4 o Current Street Length in Categorytegory(ft) 54,12E 146,61E 80500 36.960 Year Seal Coat LF Seal Coat LF Milt/Overlay v iiCwer,ay Reda-. Full Recon cr)cn 1 $119,075.00 10826 $537,588.33 48872 0 0 0 °j 2 $119,075.00 10825 S537.588.33 48872 0 0 0 czi 3 $119975.00 10825 5537,588.33, 48872 0 0 0 w 4 $119,075.00 10825 0 0 0 rl ' S $1'9,075.00 10825 0 0 3 ti O Subtotal LF Maintained 54125 146615 .'� C C. ,n %of Current Rating Category 100% 100% 3% %of Total Paved System Maintained 16% _ 43% 1% Z W Ac,Z 95 ,V `240th ST.N. z\I: 240th ST.N. _�` 1 a¢ 240th ST.N. 238th ST.N. ¢ z z T °°w^ ' 0 Li 0 D6onestroo 15 259�5 238th ST.N. J�2Sj1S U> w• SEA LAKE pJP�(�ST.N. za aBONE 36th 4 2;;5 West Htvy o �` `` ® LAKE 235th ST.N. ST.N. Z0 236th ST.N. 0 `PJ'MANNING YI TR,CT,CR St.Paul,MN 55113 cc �'tn Z p Qpe' e > Ph:651-6�6-4600 OU 232nd ST. `92 > 9 X Fax:6 1-53o-1311 MANNING F ¢ L� O LAKE z ��'� 00 Z U �: �(q NIELSEN > Qt, g ' r " WSESIRC0 20G3 23Oth `sT LAKE z o f m 23Oth ST.N. O U .1, o a o z 0,9, it>/, _2 0� It ui CO 1 ¢ 228th ST.N. o 2�¢ 2 Z w •R�1! RO•N 4y 14, s A NI)I i li re 5 a a8 g Y Z 228th ST.N. Z ; € z f&LL G • -' R Z OAKHIL 0 ' ��� LRO 223rd PILAR ' STREET NETWORK _ a _, _ = ¢ r¢ii = ���0r RD.N. ' a�- L Y U ¢ Wa �� I� 1 5 .22Oth 09 GOOSE ai 22Oth ST. -3i i o ST.N. Fy! L LAKE v 'Po v� o .t OQ. ,� Q z ¢ 217th ST.N. ® w v �0� w > 218th ST.N- < 1L p 9�'�S, ri LLz ¢ Ti 97 STATE HIGHWAY GERMAN O�\ z z A Zy 0 L IY I• i ® COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 216th ST.N. O LAKE py ¢ > Oo O 95 7 Y < O O 214th 215th ST N. 0 I�--'a 215thST.N. o 00 L7 _.,I ;II V-• 97 ,P COUNTY `�"`r' 213th ST N 213TH m SCANDIA TR.N. 97 Zl 213(h STATE HWY.97 SCANDIA TR.N. , 1 15 COUNTY ROAD 15 i, J 2- STATE HWY.97 ur 0 OZARK u I • SCANDIA TR.N. 97 0 NB.CT. �� o , L.- Y i w MEA*OWBROOI<CIR. �•p rn CT O z PAVED CITY ROAD Z • STATE HWY.97 9� r .t.N r¢L /z >> Q 21Oth ST.N. O z 9 qq O p j o¢ 2O9th ST d C qL-. 2O9th-41 — GRAVEL CITY ROAD 0 It y 41 207th ST N. �'� a s I, W Lu Z¢ m cc o0 CITY HALLz,e Y MAYBERRYTRAIL �r ST.N' �' ^� C�•Q 0G'9!/�, F PLATTED R.O.W. Z Lu ce SYLVAN ST.N. 205 i.Q4 P ��J� c6,1N I �'T z U I--I Q t5 moo-0' 52 a v� x o z V > o r O Z Q wLAKE 202nd ST.N. in J �p� O v > Q C� Z ce 3 FISH 202nd ST N O • z w v~i \....,,,,, / q / M px o AKHIIL RD.N �' Z V o LAKE m - - 0 V) Q IP r- 7 199th ST N w 0 199th ST N y 197th ST.p 0 /I7�11 X 196th ST.' GP T; HAY L� O} P�Kv04\34 P q � LAKE SAND OXBORO CIR. 9, , �' -cowry Cr ��� 195th :T.N. 0!0 _ �P �� 1�� e-N. 0 Jam• 50 �- r �2 o P�� CO.RD.50 �� �� F Q Q' $ L7PiG TR.N. LAKE 192nd S .N. 191st ST N co T" 9 oP �'7, LAKE / co WHITE I a c\- j 2 78,h SrN ¢ Z / w REVISION DATE ROCK rt uiCC LAKE z r 6 1— BIG ¢ z z ¢ \ \ MARINE 9� z z li 2 LAKE JO Y u Li.' W 0 r Z III Y 185th ST.N. 185th ST.N. 95 Y � p�i � SURVEY W 2 JO ./% z DRAWN Z Q c��� n DESIGNED IDAPPROVED B2� OLD A- p •n-9,y/ ;I 5680813]_FOOI.DWG �� 0 181st ST. . ST. ➢G T/�N NF 0 1600 3200 <' N. m 33 � = PRO].NO. 5860813J 180th ST.N. ��t0' Illr 2 vo SHEET� / Scale in feet LE ST CO.RD.4 ��� F001 MAP O 0 r3 O.. SSW ON OI3 Erin :1V0 Q Q r n o 3an1VNOIS O ID o NOI1J3dSNI 800Z-SDNI±V2i 113Sdd N A9NLOH'11(Wd BWVN1NMd NYld IN3W39VNVW 1N]WJAVd q N p S _ .-, - _ V1OS3NNIW AO 3IV1S 3H1 AO SMV13H1 LBONn 'via Z a 5 g 1B3P➢OO 1VNOIS53i0a O34IDI1 AVID V WV 11VH1 ONV b'LOS3 N N I W vI a N VDS 3 t> ° P.N 110 ICUS.0300 AW a30N0 90 3W A9 O3avd1ad SVM W '-i .3 'I- „ 1110Ea 110 wo IvadcedS'NVtl SD<IVH1 Ailla33 A93a3H I '�' 5 g - Z O N M Z O .� CO 1/40 � N5 m u Aw � CT ^ InM � k� Q H PLC a g I o l r CO) Ce Q a 2.13AI J XIO1:10 IS a3Al2:1 XIOaO 1s 3011" 3Ntl1 N 3AV 113N1f10 mil —J Otloalltla '10 41SOZ �� (�a) AMH NN1k/pNO \ •N'LaXIOaO'IS dM 1S z N z CO 3 b o ¢ 1NVLIGVfO . ' Z �a 'N'3AVINVIlO U 0 0 N NA021WOd 0- 'N'3AV AOaWOd 0 C cr i Sao- u I 3/1 b sryair ,- o 3SOaN3d N 113N01d • 2' o 'N'3AV I- x N 3f1D�3Av .0 /e �7b O' N a1313NN3d . Q S0Z .13d =� 1 11 s��b v, N'a1 co N 2 O a Q AO09V3d S 0 J 1 o Ol0 -- " 4' 0 QOV pJ ?,,,,RP"*. O N 3 N Q- N'a13N1aVW a Y O Op p Pv S. S O 01 N G / E'H'VS'0 v OO /� r ,`QG Nl 0209XOZ80 w CD ? NN • �w bGNP N3a0 t ` x 0m Qn Z S 6 O \ g 1- � Z t7 � 72 f ORWELL • Z/dQO N� 0 L ' 3AV 31A11010 co N3AV(1131dO10 ;7. Z. Y N'3AV 0131d010 1O �2 it > Sj ._ z Z �4b P �Q0 F J� P" �1b ul OI/)O N O Zp x �0\ 04 CO o CDZJYg N'3Atl aONVO N'altlONl�O 7 ° N Cri all - - N'3Atl NVAON > -I0 of £H'V'S'0 o c I z f, N 3/Iv co �i 0) N L S3P.1 jLlOry I-i Z ONi J Z �y P� Lso� OPcL\t _ �' - I li g �C' 0 U U \. 1 b I UZ o �J\� P l�'Nco Iiiiiiiiiimilu) o NVJaow W U- bO"4 'Tr r z N'3AVNOOaBMOOtl3W 6> ° r N •N'3AV NO0bS MOOV3W c m Z x 01 CO N CO 0, '3AV 11IMXVW Z :C9'. Tc.: \ I7 \h�`4 ZIN Z V i1 D' co 01 O cn 41yUc by, co W Y ,� 3AV N 41 --) LNJ 0 g ��,o aavllvIN ' o �jONP�N W Y N3Atl NOld°I ` H V S! 0 J a g rn 2, y CO Y� a Z >La m x �P csi co i En N Y t iLU - W `` w g z °° ¢ 03 > 11 A W t Z co N N Z W I- Z Z Ce Z N'al JNINNVW w 2 U z 'N'al 0NINNVW �� f In t—a Do �'bpp7&p w n 91. Oa oO Z f7� N o ~ I 1 Z Ii to /�NCO W t l 1 �U 0 ` I C Z Y m 0 Z c~i Y 3AV " z z z 1 ix) o p ~n wog NaIN N ¢ g rJ R NUN n a N'3AV A8a1N N O N x MN Z = t 5 t ZQ Y U rn N., 3AtlN IN �4- N N N } - 0 uj Z Z I/b �� 240th ST.N. (( 1 Z II 240th ST.N. A II a< 240th ST.N. co.ia �N ' 238th ST.N. O`_z ��' Li �� Bonestroo 3gtr 238th ST.N. 2. QJ ,.. Y • 15 \ •2 SEA LAKE OJQlF • 0).4 i T.N. i a a a BONE 236th MANNINGco A LAKE 235th ST.N. ST.N. Y236th ST.N. d 2335 West Hw 36 o P StPaul,MS 55113 TR,CT,CR ?��! Z P�� Ph:651-636-4600 ci 232nd ST.N. 'Y2 ,_.p , X Fax:651-636-1311 cf, MANNING ¢ 1 �� .a• O LAKE w ��'`>, • 2/ 0 �ies'�:� �� U �,5. {:_.; ��.u� ..scw.a,,o --/ NIELSEN > Qt' ? - - �crevRco zooa r 230th - `rT•� LAKE Z\ ° 0 0c 0 230th ST.N. -,x::.®.: .al ORS pQgR CO— UO U Ili w 0 ¢ > w z,- tipN 'lb SCANDIA ¢ 228th ST.N. 2 2 LLi Q. , l F ceil . ¢ Q 6 oa g Y 228th ST.N. ui / . . J H O i G Z OAKHILL RD. '' ��R g =_fi II 223rd PILAR REHABILITATION LQF3 a - w v¢i - U = m Z RD.N. I�•• ct a a OPTIONS Y Li } 220th 09� GOOSE U d ~ 220th ST. I !3<g a a o ST.N. 1 C`�O > v� off; ¢ cP / A h- - 2tw2 �O�218th ST.N. Ip 1 10‹,y .GERMAN JO9 21 O \ o 95 p LAKE Y Q O z 214th 215th ST N. a' ' 215th ST.N. O I„' Y J� s O- p ¢ p. O 97 1 97 5 I ?7grh ST N 213TH SCANDIA TR.N. Z ` ���}n \ STATE HWY.97 SCANDIA TR.N. J "3T / 'L STATE HWY.97 �� LA ✓ o O7nak ¢ Z OPT 1 -CRACK FILL/SEAL COAT WITH z 4 :17 • NB.ci �`L i BITUMINOUS PATCHING(LOW PRIORITY) o SCANDIA TR.N. 97 Q MEADOWBROOK CIR. �F L. p Z w P r ¢ ¢ Z STATE HWY.97 �9 210th sT �"' t N o •�,w oli OPT 2 CRACK FILL/SEAL COAT WITH Q 8 w q� 209th O O o th ST • BITUMINOUS PATCHING(HIGH PRIORITY) a m 207th ST.N. I OOk.�� _ - C a aI w w L FN w \ OPT 3 -MILL AND OVERLAY Ln I._ z 00 qG i OPT 4- RECLAIM AND REPLACE BITUMINOUS Z w SYLVAN Y MAYBERRY TRAIL • gS sT.N "' 'Pp '9Z?y ��rl �gi� OPT 5 - FULL DEPTH RECONSTRUCTION zc ce ST.N. 70 I P 'Z' ��J 1 .3� CbUNfY TQ z U G Z II ,moo0. 52 X o Q Z z ui .9., & O N Z c z O LAKE 202nd ST.N. Q F� _ V / R Q W w ndST'N Z z FISH �` 202 O m OAKNii. RD.N. i W O 73 O / / O Q H 2 - LAKE m rv' ct p 9.9 loath R7 N - / w CO' 0 199th ST N ' _ ,.�// y 197th ST./2 & A x Lu 196th S / P TA // HAY 4` 0�Y • SAND OXBORO CR. : ' / - CO.RD.50 4) 195th T N. O .., Q �', .< - . LONG TR.N. LAKE 192nd ST. 191st ST.N. ,,, 7 �O- 'Z� LAKE -\ ./ o WHITE 0 `y '8gthsl ¢ z / aEvision DATE ROCK N 0 G. �/ g LAKE Z BIG T o w Z Q Z MARINE �- Z w Z 1 LAKE 7, (.9 ui w w O Q > Z Z¢ Q tbY 0185thST.N. o .cc fOe ¢ SURVEY • • I 185th ST.N. / 4r 2 O0 Z DRAWN O t O�j Qg/' DESIGNED 7e 2 Q ;/ a 8 N APPROVED 0 �� OLD y,, / I'i 5680813]_F003DWG 181st ST.tv Sr.N ® 9m�� 7R.N. 't'F it = 0 1600 3200 PRo3.RU. s8A0813] 180th ST.N. I yo Scale in feet RE ET NUM. Q MAPLE ST m CO RD.4 F003 3AVd dVN99TON'r021d 0i991 ON'3n 3yva W000.05au0q•MMM L00Z 0081S3N090 LOW'Alnr 3iva 391UVN31S TT£T-9£9-T59:xed X 6 ad 03n08ddv 009V-9£9-TS9:auog >d O3AVd ?JV3A ; 03NOIS30 NOS8313d M SVMON1 31IVN 1N19d £ITSS NW'Fled';S OOJUSaUOa# 3GI f O 1N31"13OVMdW 1N313ndd 9r# NMVN0 N33NION3 TMOISS3JONdO 311 03SN Alva VM NV 11VH130NV 9£Aeeny6!H 3SaM SEE? h 6 Aanans 1N0d3NSNO'NOLLV3W33d133810 Sw'NV3dNSIH1 1VH1 M118 A9383F1M as 110 Ined •;s Id1OS 3 N N I W 't/I O N VDS 2 I- 0 o .. W o el Q X X X X X X X X 0 OA "' W 0(0 In C:. d' MN 00) 000) 0) 0) a) MN 0) 0) 00 Ct O O O C. O O O O 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) O 0) 0) 0) 00 0) a_O O O O O O O O O 0) O 0) O 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)O (NO N N N N N N N Vr o y w lo 0_ 77, fh nEl 2 VIKt C rr„y n/ tl [ s rI.; W O N W Q cf V w CO CA ~ X 0 - ---\ 213n121 X10210 IS \ 219A121 XI02101S ` ./n5 ..* dittigett ( aVOWIIVa ■I „ _ ® aB. a BB 10 41SOZ S6',VyIH 5) ss N ki �� N al xloao 1s \ 1N. -Niilli O J �'I'1H 1S z n z L �7. t7 t z z N 3nv 6b a C 1NV210Vf10 JP 2 9AV1Nvno N N 3nN3AV 5 0_ y o Op .... _ AOa a n Jbawod � I \ O�� 00 34b �� D rn b Q 6b0 N 3f1N3n SNI)1 co z -�—0 O [ 3S021N3 113N01d ?' Q o N'3AV N w Nan. AV c� 6 a• 72- 9 N 0131ANN3d t in ¢ :.,-0�::.3d Q �o Oc d C14 QS a �� U c o Cj A008V3d 19� 4/ 1 x O Q B P�•, h r^ 0 Of- E 0 PO P u 'e V. -.•[-!.N e- N2113NRIVW O U PvE OG IP if -HVS0 N a' zO' ak0 . 102108X0 .' % - ------- 1 401111er /II D r 1ti �� • moo" 0 5 ��>o •; �� j �_ <`u z �' c cn O O N'3AV 31n11010 O e -, 0 ' 1131d010 ex/ Z u3 N',AVO131d010 0 '' )j Sj - z en O O•E11,:1I P OL N \I�\ 1- z 0 �70 N O P c �\.Q- o F )�� \' A N 3ntl ,\t�,- Cr.� I' O L 00 Z - rN33210NVO ti ti. N O _O co '.„ �7b -- z P "' N 211 VGNI10 41-/0 r o o N'3n p £H.V.SO C.z co 7 o co N • ' S `11 �',I b w co el cC • Nyoaow P 0 w o �I� S z �� N'3AV NO0219 MOOV3W1 ".7. ~ N ( N'3AVNO0218 MOOV33W u) z / ^0 x N £_ N\S:CC1' O o N 0 'SAV T IMXVW 47 0 Z CO ti,E Z Z _ O 0 d-,-; b r r A �i b. 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