01-15-08 Council
January 15, 2008
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present:
Councilmembers Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt.
Absent: Councilmember Pete Crum. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney
Dave Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Building Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen
Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Jim Shaver introduced himself as the newly appointed administrator of the Carnelian-Marine-St.
Croix Watershed. Mayor Seefeldt congratulated him on this new position and stated that the
council looks forward to working with him.
Brenda Pfeiffer, Scandia resident, requested that the council address the issue of snowmobile use
on sidewalks. Ms. Pfeiffer was informed that this item is on the meeting agenda for discussion.
City Attorney Hebert added two items to the agenda: 1) Release of Marilyn and Don Hogle’s
Development Agreement; 2) Discussion of Pilar Road. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by
Councilmember Yehle, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) December 17, 2007 Special Meeting
2) December 18, 2007 Regular Meeting
3) January 8, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 12/01/07 $895,183.02
Receipts 883,884.90
Expenditures 105,624.48
Payroll 26,182.95 -131,807.43
Adjustments: Void Check - 300.14
Ending Balance 12/31/07 $1,647,560.63
c) Payment of Vouchers
Councilmember Peterson noted a correction to the January 8, 2008 minutes. Councilmember
Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the consent agenda as
amended. The motion passed unanimously.
Park and Recreation Committee Chair Dave Smith presented the flyer for “Vinterfest”,
scheduled for February 2, 2008. Copies will be distributed to Scandia Elementary students as
soon as Forest Lake Community Ed gives their approval. Mr. Smith also reported that the Tubing
Event held on December 29, 2007 was a success with 60 participants.
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Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity during the past month. The burglary activity
reported on in the northern portion of the county towards the end of 2007 has ceased.
Councilmember Harnetty asked Deputy Majeski to give an update on drug crimes. The number
of cases is quite low, with a substantial drop in meth activity.
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle reported that there were 186 emergency calls in 2007 as
compared to 185 calls in 2006. The department proposes to remove the timing device from the
civil defense warning siren, as installers have not been able to correct the problem of the siren
going off during nighttime hours. Councilmember Peterson inquired as to the number of daytime
responders that are available. The department has 6 to 9 volunteers to respond to daytime
emergency calls.
City Engineer Tom Peterson gave an update on Scandia’s engineering projects. The developer of
The Sanctuary has been notified that application of the final wear course needs to be done this
City Attorney Hebert stated that including Pilar Road in the next paving project, proposed for
2010, will require that a road survey be completed. Mr. Hebert recommended that this process be
started soon, as Pilar Road has no known alignment markers and will require right of way
easements. Council recommended that Engineer Peterson put together a concept pertaining to
road widths, analyze what survey information the city has and then present a cost estimate.
City Attorney Hebert requested action on a release of Donald and Marilyn Hogle’s Development
Agreement. New Scandia Township had released their letter of credit in December 2006
following the applicant’s decision to recombine a minor subdivision, located at 21509 Lofton
Avenue. The Hogle’s have recently requested that the city formally release the Development
Agreement. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to authorize the
release of Donald and Marilyn Hogle’s Development Agreement. The motion passed
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp presented a summary of 2007 building
information. There were 130 permits issued, seven of these being new home construction. This
mirrors the statewide decline in housing construction.
Mr. Thorp presented information on snowmobile ordinances. Current city ordinance #68
prohibits snowmobiles from using sidewalks. Unless snowmobilers are caught in the act, this is
difficult to enforce. Snowmobile clubs have identified a route through Scandia which includes
Meister’s as a destination. This route takes snowmobile traffic through the Village Center,
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causing snow compaction on the sidewalks. Council recommended to investigate signage along
Oakhill Road (County Road 52) prohibiting the use of snowmobiles on the sidewalks and to
contact local snowmobile clubs about possible changes to trail routes. There is potential access to
Meister’s from Hawkinson Business Park south of Highway 97. Staff will follow-up with a
report in February.
Ball Field Reservation Policy
Input was gathered from area organizations concerning the scheduling of the city’s three ball
fields. Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft policy which states procedures for use and rental
of the facilities. The Park and Recreation Committee and staff are not recommending a rental fee
for the 2008 season, but groups using the lighted ball field on a regular basis may be requested to
pay a rental fee or make in-kind contributions, to be determined by the City Council prior to the
start of the season. No rental fees would apply to the Scandia Softball Association or to groups
using the T-ball or South field. A reservation form will be made available on the website.
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to approve the Ball Field
Reservation Policy as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Wastewater Service Charges for the “201” Sewer System
An update is needed for the practice of allocating and billing residents for the costs of the “201”
sewer collection system serving areas around Big Marine Lake. Ordinance No. 24, adopted in
1988, established the charges for the operation of this system and is now in need of being
updated. Administrator Hurlburt and Treasurer Firkus presented options for allocating costs
among users. Council was in consensus to establish a flat rate to all users, as it is difficult to
classify homes by the number of bedrooms and permanent/seasonal use, as all homes are capable
of being occupied year-round. Staff will research a connection cost to be stated in the updated
ordinance. Although Councilmember Peterson felt that two billings per year would be sufficient,
under recommendation of Treasurer Firkus, the majority of the council was in agreement to bill
users on a quarterly basis. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Peterson,
moved to approve the cost allocation to users of the “201” sewer collection system be done
by a flat rate method. The motion passed unanimously. Users will be notified of this change
in billing by a letter of explanation to be included in the first billing statement.
Councilmember Harnetty was appointed to serve as Acting Mayor for 2008. Other appointments
were approved by resolution. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle,
moved to adopt Resolution 01-15-08-01 Appointing an Acting Mayor and Other City
Officials and Representatives. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adopt Resolution
01-15-08-02 Designating Official Depositories for 2008. The motion passed unanimously.
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State law sets specific qualifications that must be met for a newspaper to be designated as the
legal newspaper for a jurisdiction, one being circulation of at least 500 customers for a city the
size of Scandia. The Country Messenger indicated a circulation of 429 versus 965 households
covered by the Forest Lake Times. The Times submitted a rate of $6.25 per column inch and will
honor this rate for 6, 7, or 8 point type. Councilmember Peterson inquired if the Messenger’s
circulation number included store sales. Administrator Hurlburt believed that it did.
Councilmember Peterson favored using the Messenger as the paper to publish official city
notices as it is considered the local paper for this area. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by
Councilmember Yehle, moved to designate the Forest Lake Times as the official newspaper
for 2008. Voting yes: Harnetty, Seefeldt, Yehle. Voting no: Peterson. Motion passed.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to adopt
Resolution 01-15-08-03 Ratifying Surety and Blanket Bonds for City Employees for 2008.
The motion passed unanimously.
Council reviewed Resolution 02-20-07-02 in which appointments to various advisory
commissions and committees were made. The only committee members with expiring terms are
Planning Commissioners Kevin Nickelson and James Malmquist (February 1, 2008). There are
no other vacancies. The City received one application expressing interest in the Planning
Commission when the City advertised for advisory committee members last fall to fill Park and
Rec vacancies. Councilmember Harnetty felt it would be fair to advertise for additional
applicants and interview those who are interested. A deadline of February 12 was decided on,
with interviews to be held before the February 19 Council meeting. Temporary appointments
for Nickelson and Malmquist will be made for the February 6 Planning Commission meeting.
Mayor Seefeldt reported on Administrator Hurlburt’s performance and salary review. The
council was unanimous in rating Hurlburt’s performance as outstanding. Many accomplishments
were highlighted which support the work Administrator Hurlburt puts in to have the city run
smoothly. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Harnetty, moved to approve a 6% salary
increase for Administrator Hurlburt effective January 1, 2008. The motion passed
The 2008 budget included capital purchases that staff would like to proceed with as soon as
possible. A laptop and projector for the board room and a desktop computer for use in the
Building Official’s office have been budgeted in the amount of $4,000. The budget also includes
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a purchase of a vehicle for the Building Official in the amount of $15,000. This will allow the
Building Official to travel in a city marked vehicle and eliminate the need to pay mileage for use
of his private vehicle. Staff will research options for this purchase and report back to the council.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to authorize the
purchase of office equipment within the budget limit and to research the purchase of a
Building Official vehicle. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilmembers Peterson and Crum have requested the council to review the personnel policy
regarding overtime pay. Public Works Supervisor John Morrison was present to ask for
clarification of the policy regarding a case when he took compensatory hours during a week
when he also worked overtime. Currently the policy states that paid time off, sick leave, comp
time off, funeral leave and paid holidays do not count toward hours worked when calculating
overtime pay in excess of 40 hours in a week. Administrator Hurlburt explained how the policy
allows for flexibility in scheduling and has language to avoid potential abuse of the policy.
Councilmember Peterson would like to see holidays and comp time included as hours worked
when calculating overtime. Council recommended that Administrator Hurlburt draft an
amendment to the personnel policy showing changes to sections on holidays and overtime pay.
This draft will be reviewed with the Public Works Department before reporting back to the
Under advice from the League of MN Cities, it is recommended to reschedule the March 4
meeting as state law does not allow for public meetings on the night of a caucus. The first
Tuesday in March is still designated by state law as the caucus date, even though the parties have
moved the date up a month to February 5. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Yehle,
moved to reschedule the March 4 meeting with the Planning Commission to Wednesday,
March 5. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk