02-19-08 Council
February 19, 2008
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present:
Councilmembers Pete Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor
Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City
Engineer Tom Peterson, Building Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk
Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Harnetty added to the agenda a discussion of the Alcohol and Tobacco
Compliance Report recently conducted on Scandia businesses. Councilmember Yehle,
seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The
motion passed unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) January 15, 2008 Special Meeting
2) January 15, 2008 Regular Meeting
3) February 5, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission
4) February 12, 2008 Special Meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 01/01/08 $1,647,560.63
Receipts 107,420.79
Expenditures 286,953.05
Payroll 51,862.77 - 338,815.82
Ending Balance 01/31/08 $1,416,165.60
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Renewal of the Consumption and Display Permit, Scandia Community Senior Center
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle presented the 2007 Year End Summary for Fire and Rescue.
The department responded to 186 emergency calls, an increase of one call over 2006. Emergency
and medical rescue calls outnumbered fire calls 6:1. There are currently 30 members in the
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City Engineer Tom Peterson presented an Engineering Update of the past month’s projects and
activities. The Record Plans for the 2007 Paving Project have been delivered to the city office.
Maps and road easement information for Pilar Road are under review. A proposal of a Pavement
Management plan is being prepared for next month’s council meeting.
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp presented a summary of the past month’s
activity. “No Snowmobiling” signs have been installed within the Village Center as a way to
enforce Ordinance No. 68 which prohibits snowmobilers from using the sidewalks. The decline
in the number of issued building permits mirrors the national downturn in new construction.
As directed, Mr. Thorp presented options towards the purchase of a vehicle, both new and used.
Bids for a new vehicle off the State contract appeared to be similar to a used purchase. A Ford
Ranger 4x2 Extended cab fell within the city’s budget of $15,000, with a price of $13,178.95
from Elk River Ford. Council was in consensus to approve the purchase of a new vehicle having
two-wheel drive. In answer to a question about comparable trucks from GMC, Mr. Thorp sated
that GMC vehicles are not offered by state bid, which provides for a significant savings.
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the
purchase of a Ford Ranger 4x2 Extended Cab 2-door vehicle for use by the Building/Code
Enforcement Official in the amount of $13,178.95 plus tax and delivery. The motion passed
Park and Recreation Programs for 2008
City Administrator Anne Hurlburt presented a draft of the Summer 2008 Recreation Program as
prepared by Recreation Coordinator Marty McKelvey. A partnership with Camp Lakamaga will
continue, as last year’s programs were successful. Cleat Kids, Tennis and Skateboarding will
also continue to be offered at the Community Center grounds. Councilmember Harnetty inquired
if any youth programs could be made accessible to the handicapped. Administrator Hurlburt felt
that special accommodations could be made to those who indicate a disability on the registration
form. Mayor Seefeldt commented that the program looked quite good once again.
Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Report
Councilmember Harnetty discussed the 2007 Report from the Washington County Sherriff’s
Department in which Scandia businesses showed three failing compliance checks. Administrator
Hurlburt was directed to notify licensed businesses with a reminder of the ordinance penalties for
underage sales and to direct them to attend vendor training provided by the County.
Councilmember Harnetty wished to stress that the City expects strict compliance to the law.
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Deputy Chris Majeski was present to discuss the past month’s police activity. There has been one
burglary investigation with vandalism. There is also a suspect in custody with ties to the recent
rash of area burglaries.
The terms of Planning Commissioners Moose Malmquist and Kevin Nickelson have expired
effective February 1, 2008. A Special Meeting of the City Council was held prior to the start of
this evening’s 7:00 p.m. meeting to interview three applicants for the Planning Commission.
Council was in agreement that all candidates were quite strong, although it will be difficult to
lose the experience of the current Commissioners. Discussion of Malmquist and Nickelson
continuing to serve on the Comprehensive Plan Committee brought up the fact that they were
appointed by resolution and may continue to serve through the duration of the project. The terms
of the new Commissioners were selected to stagger the expirations of the Planning
Commissioners’ terms. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Peterson,
moved to appoint Thomas Krinke to a five year term on the Planning Commission. The
motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Crum, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to appoint Susan
Rodsjo to a three year term on the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously.
There was also discussion of making an appointment to the Park and Recreation Committee, as
Dave Smith has submitted his resignation due to health concerns. Council directed staff to
advertise for more applicants to be interviewed at a future meeting.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to adopt Resolution
02-19-08-02 Making Appointments to the Planning Commission, with the addition that
Thomas Krinke and Susan Rodsjo are also appointed to the Comprehensive Plan
Committee, with terms ending at the completion of the Comprehensive Plan update.
The motion passed unanimously.
At the February 4, 2008 meeting of the Park and Recreation Committee, the Committee
appointed Karen Schik as Chair and Alex Bildeaux as Vice Chair for a one-year term.
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the
appointment of Karen Schik as Chair and Alex Bildeaux as Vice Chair of the Park and
Recreation Committee for 2008. The motion passed unanimously.
Rick Prahl, SRC Incorporated, was present to give an update on the recycling efforts of SRC
within the City. The company has recently moved to a one-sort recycling container in which all
recyclables other than oil may be collected into one container for pickup. Staff was directed to
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announce this system on the website and make it known that a container can be provided to any
resident regardless of their private hauler. Betty Bergerson presented information on the
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” program that will be presented at Scandia Elementary. SRC has also
agreed to continue with the Recycling Contract at the same price that has been in effect since
2001 -- $2,320.50 per month. Grant revenue from Washington County helps offset a portion of
this expense. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to
approve the extension of the Recycling Agreement with SRC Incorporated to December 31,
2008. The motion passed unanimously.
Earl Poyerd, 19166 Larkspur, continued with his proposal of forming a neighborhood association
for the purpose of installing and maintaining a dock for the exclusive use of neighborhood
residents at 192 Street. This dock would be located on the city road right-of-way on the west
side of Big Marine Lake. Mr. Poyerd initially addressed the council on this topic on August 28,
2007. Mr. Poyerd submitted results of a neighborhood meeting in which six residents were
interested in this concept. Mr. Poyerd determined there was no negative feedback given.
Comments were received in September 2007 from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed
District opposing the dock access. Mayor Seefeldt relayed his concerns of the association using
public property for private use. He felt that this could set a precedence for this type of situation.
City Attorney Hebert advised that this type of arrangement is not legally feasible.
Councilmember Harnetty questioned if a temporary approval could be granted. Councilmember
Yehle viewed this as creating parkland, and that using city property for personal use raises too
many issues. Councilmember Peterson reminded the council that Hebert advised against
allowing this, and that granting private use on public land could set a precedence for future
proposals. Councilmember Harnetty felt that Mr. Poyerd should be given direction on what could
make this work. Discussion of limited parking, potential for liability, nuisance to the
neighborhood, and various legal concerns over boat dock rights summarized the proposal as not
receiving strong support from the council.
Ordinance No. 107 Pertaining to Shoreland Management Regulations was adopted by the
Council on December 4, 2007 contingent upon approval by the Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources. The DNR has recently approved the ordinance. A summary may be published in lieu
of the 29-page ordinance. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty,
moved to adopted Resolution 02-19-08-02 Approving the Title and Summary of the City of
Scandia Shoreland Management Ordinance. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk