02-19-08 Special Council Meeting
February 19, 2008
A special meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. The following were present: Council members Pete Crum,
Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff: Administrator
Anne Hurlburt. The purpose of the meeting was to interview applicants for city commissions and
Three candidates for the Planning Commission were interviewed: Thomas Krinke, Susan Rodsjo
and Robert Wilmers. The Council discussed the candidates briefly. Appointments will be
discussed and made at the regular meeting later this evening.
The Council discussed the vacancy on the Park and Recreation Committee. One application has
been received recently. The Council decided to advertise for additional applicants before making
an appointment.
The meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Hurlburt
City Administrator/ Clerk