05-06-08 Council
May 6, 2008
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
members Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt, Donnette Yehle.
Councilmember Pete Crum joined the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Staff present: Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official Steve Thorp, Deputy Clerk Brenda
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the
agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
The Forest Lake Athletic Association has submitted an application for continuing their lawful
gambling operation at Prospects. This is FLAA’s first application to the City since adoption of
Ordinance No. 100 on March 6, 2007. FLAA has submitted all required documentation and have
been found to meet the qualifications of the ordinance. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by
Councilmember Yehle, moved to adopt Resolution 05-06-08-01 Approving a Lawful
Gambling Premises Permit for the Forest Lake Athletic Association. The motion passed
An emergency repair for replacement of an underground electrical service line at 23679
Meadowbrook Avenue was recently approved by City Engineer Tom Peterson. As work was
done in the right-of-way, it is necessary for Xcel Energy to secure a utility permit from the City.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to approve the Utility
Permit for Excel Energy, contingent upon payment of the required $50.00 fee. The motion
passed unanimously.
Park and Recreation Committee members Karen Schik and Tom Triplett presented information
on establishing a 501(c)3 non-profit group to be known as “Friends of the Parks”, or something
similarly named. This volunteer organization would function independently of the city and be
eligible for funding not available to government agencies. The principle motivation is to generate
funds and gather volunteer workers for projects supported by the Park and Recreation
Committee. Mr. Triplett proposes that a minimum of 100 people be committed to this group and
will then proceed with the application for tax-exempt status with the IRS. MN Parks and Trails
Association has offered assistance with this application. Consensus of the council considered this
to be a good idea and registered no objections to the proposal.
In 2007, the Capital Improvements Committee recommended construction of a covered shelter to
allow for storage of a salt mix that is currently transported from the Washington County storage
garage on an as-needed basis. A concrete slab adjacent to the Public Works/Fire Department
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building was installed in 2001 for the storage of salt on site. Building Official Steve Thorp
reported on structures that could be built over this slab. A wood building would require walls
about 20 feet in height and would exceed a cost of $50,000. Mr. Thorp presented quotes for a
fabric covered structure commonly used for this purpose. A Cover-All building installed by
Greystone Construction fits within the $20,000 budgeted for this project. Councilmember
Peterson voiced her opposition to this proposal, stating that this hoop style building is not
allowed under the current accessory structure ordinance, and that the visibility of this would be
an eyesore next to the Public Works/Fire Department building. Peterson stated that the Council
should wait to levy the extra money to build it right. Councilmember Yehle was in agreement
with the undesirable appearance of a fabric covered shelter and requested additional options be
researched and compared. Councilmember Harnetty felt that he could support the style of a hoop
building if there is a positive economic payback. Administrator Hurlburt relayed that the Capital
Improvements Committee strongly felt that on-site storage of salt does result in cost and labor
savings, given that time is not spent on travel to the County garage during a snow event when the
trucks could be out plowing snow. Staff was directed to gather cost and needs/benefits
information for alternate buildings and report back at a future meeting.
The Scandia-Marine Lions Club has requested permission to display a flag on the walls of the
Community Center. The flag, flown on a mission in Iraq, was a gift to the Club. Councilmember
Peterson thought the Heritage Room would be a more appropriate setting for display rather than
in the large hall. Consensus of the council approved displaying the flag in a case, along with the
accompanying certificate, in the Heritage Room.
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. The following were
present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Christine Maefsky,
Susan Rodsjo, Peter Schwarz and TKDA Planner Richard Thompson.
(RESOLUTION 05-06-08-02/ ORDINANCE NO. 111)
Applicants David and Wynness Holmberg have requested that their property at 21300 Olinda
Trail be rezoned from General Business (GB) to Single Family Estate (SFE) to allow for
construction of a new attached garage for the existing home, which is a non-conforming use
under the current commercial zoning.
Planner Richard Thompson presented an evaluation of the request. The property formerly
included a commercial greenhouse, which has since been removed. The Planning Staff
recommends approval of the request as the current use of property is residential, rezoning is
consistent with adjacent properties (no spot zoning), and the request conforms with the
Comprehensive Plan which supports residential use in the village center.
Chairman Ness opened the public hearing.
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Mike White, 13310 188 Street, supports the rezone, stating that removing the existing
garage and building a new attached garage is an improvement to the property.
As there were no other comments, Chairman Ness closed the hearing.
Commissioner Schwarz questioned how this zoning would affect the new proposed
Comprehensive Plan. Administrator Hurlburt advised that this would not be a conflict as the
proposed Village Center Mixed Use allows for residential and commercial zoning.
The Planning Commission recommended to the City Council to approve both Resolution 05-06-
08-02 and Ordinance No. 111 to change the designation of 21300 Olinda Trail from General
Business to Single Family Estate.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to accept the
recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve Resolution 05-06-08-02 and
Ordinance No. 111 To Change the Designation of 21300 Olinda Trail from General
Business to Single Family Estate. The motion passed unanimously.
Public hearings were opened on March 5, 2008 to consider new Conditional Use Permits for
three mining operations: Bracht Bros., Inc., Dresel Contracting, Inc. and Tiller Corporation. The
review period ends June 12, 2008 for all three applications. TKDA Planner Richard Thompson
presented the concluded reports for each application. David Hume, a hydrogeologist with
Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc., who were retained to review groundwater issues, also
presented reports for each mining operation. All applicants were present, as was Kirsten Pauly,
Sunde Engineering, representing the engineering firm which prepared the CUP applications.
The key issue regarding Bracht Pit appeared to be the installation of observation wells to better
determine the depth to the water table surface and the direction of the groundwater flow.
Frequent monitoring of water levels and comparison to precipitation records will be a
requirement of the Annual Operating Permit to establish seasonal variations and long-term
trends. LBG recommends that Bracht install a monitoring well adjacent to the production well to
measure the depth to surface water. A down-gradient well must also be installed along the east
property line. This well configuration will be useful in establishing the hydraulic gradient of the
water table across the site. The groundwater samples must be collected on a monthly basis and
tested for contamination of diesel range organics (DRO) and gasoline range organics (GRO) if
gasoline is to be used on the site. The Planning Commission requested a copy of the depth to
water table reports as they become available. The excavation depth limit of three feet above the
water table was established, as this conforms to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed’s
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Chairman Ness asked for public comments.
Mike White, 13310 188 Street, stated that the data from the DNR’s groundwater
monitoring well near Big Marine Lake may not be comparable to the Bracht site, as the
elevation near the lake measures 940 feet above mean sea level versus 915 feet amsl at
the gravel pit.
As there were no other comments, Chairman Ness closed the public hearing.
The Planning Commission further discussed hours of operation and reclamation plans. Planner
Thompson will further revise the recommendations based on these comments. An additional
meeting will be forthcoming with the applicants, representatives of the city and the Planning
staff to establish all final conditions.
The Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council approval of a Conditional
Use Permit for the Bracht Bros. Mining Operation with modifications and revisions as outlined
in Planner Thompson’s report.
The City Council postponed any action until a final resolution is presented to the City Council at
their next meeting.
Key groundwater issues must be addressed by the installation of three monitoring wells, one of
these being a shared well with Tiller in the northwest corner of the property. The configuration
of the recommended wells will better determine the ground-water flow direction and ground-
water fluctuations across the site. The depth to water table readings must be measured from all
wells on a monthly basis for at least the first year, to determine excavation limits and to test for
any contamination. Wells of surrounding property owners within ½-mile of the site must be
Chairman Ness asked for public comments.
John Lindell, 11240 218 Street, asked how groundwater flow will be determined. Mr.
Hume, LBG: Readings from a minimum of three observation wells will determine
gradient flow. Mr. Lindell asked how the two wetlands on the site will be handled.
Planner Thompson: The wetlands will be delineated and buffer requirements of the Car-
Mar-St. Croix Watershed will be followed as a condition of the permit. Mr. Lindell noted
that many potholes on 218 Street and Lofton Avenue have been identified.
Mike White, 13310 188 Street, noted that the Washington Conservation District
monitors a well within the vicinity of the Dresel pit, and may supply pertinent data to the
As there were no other comments, Chairman Ness closed the public hearing.
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Discussion of the hours of operation, reclamation plan and elevations continued. Revisions will
be made and presented in a final resolution. A condition to keep 218 Street free of gravel debris
will become a condition of the Annul Operators Permit.
The Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council approval of a Conditional
Use Permit for the Dresel Contracting Mining and Processing Operation with modifications and
revisions as outlined in Planner Thompson’s report.
The City Council postponed any action until a final resolution is presented to the City Council at
their next meeting.
Tiller’s proposal to excavate into the groundwater using a dragline is being introduced with this
permit application. A 50-acre lake in the central portion of the site is noted on the reclamation
plan. LBG’s review of this proposal has found no detrimental effects in allowing the withdrawal
of gravel below the water table. German Lake has been identified as a perched lake, meaning it is
not hydraulically connected to the underlying water table aquifer. A total of three observation
wells will be installed to monitor water-table levels and presence of any contamination products.
Chairman Ness asked for public comments.
John Lindell, 11240 218 Street, commented on a number of issues. 1) That additional
screening (berms, trees) be extended along the Stevenson property line; 2) Require an
Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) in an effort to analyze the impacts of
mining into the water table; 3) Questions outlined in a previous letter were not adequately
addressed; 4) Concerns of contamination to the drinking water and to German Lake
through operation of the asphalt plant.
As there were no other comments, Chairman Ness closed the public hearing.
In discussion among the Planning Commission, it was agreed that it is critical to establish a
defined monitoring plan. Before withdrawal of gravel below the water table begins, a minimum
of three months of data readings must be analyzed by the consulting hydrogeologist. Baseline
conditions must first be established, then analyzed for trends during the extraction of material
below the water table. In answer to a question of requiring an EAW, Mr. Hume commented that
extensive studies are in place with multiple agencies above and beyond what is necessary. To
require a completely new EAW should not be a condition of approval at this time.
Commissioners Rodsjo and Krinke expressed their reservations of allowing mining into the
water table. Commissioner Krinke proposed a six-month moratorium until additional data is
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The Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council to approve the Conditional
Use Permit for the Tiller Corporation Mining and Processing Operation with revised conditions
as outlined in Planner Thompson’s report, specifically that extraction of material below the water
table be delayed a minimum of three months in order to evaluate the baseline readings, and then
proceed provided there are no significant issues as determined by the consulting hydrogeologist.
The City Council postponed any action until a final resolution is presented to the City Council at
their next meeting.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn the
The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk