06-03-08 Council
June 3, 2008
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
members Pete Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt, Donnette
Yehle. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official
Steve Thorp, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Councilmember Yehle added a discussion of the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District
to the agenda. Mayor Seefeldt suggested a change in order to items 5a) and 5b).
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the
agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
Heavy rains on May 25 resulted in flooding across the north end of Novak Avenue and
impacting the property of Ronald and Diane Pottratz, 21450 Novak Avenue. A drainage
improvement project was undertaken at the north end of Novak in 2007 to correct runoff flow
across the road and flooding onto the Pottratz property. Photos of recent flooding were viewed.
Bonestroo Engineer Paul Hornby submitted a report that identified the source of the runoff was
from the farm field north and east of Novak Avenue. It was suggested to work with farm owners
along with the Car-Mar Watershed District and the Soil and Water Conservation District to
reduce the erosion and runoff from the farm field, which is tilled right up to the property line.
Council was in consensus to regard Jim Shaver, CMSCWD Administrator, as the point person
for these discussions and will hear a report at a future meeting.
Discussion of construction of a salt/sand storage structure at the Public Works building site was
continued from the May 6 meeting. Building Official Steve Thorp provided additional
cost/benefit information and answers to questions raised at the recent Capital Improvement
Committee meeting. The maintenance department uses approximately 300 tons of salt per season
and anticipates having up to 50 tons on hand for use per snow event. This on-site storage
eliminates the need to travel to the County garage for salt as it is needed. Costs for steel or wood
structures range in price from $38,000 to $50,000. The slab that has been in place since 2001
would not support a steel or wood structure, as the existing four foot concrete walls would need
to be raised to a height of eight to ten feet to avoid contact with the corrosive salt. A fabric
structure as proposed falls within the budgeted amount of $20,000 and could be constructed over
the existing slab. Councilmember Peterson again voiced her opposition to the proposed fabric
structure due to the aesthetics and stated that the intent for storage of sand/salt on this slab was
not to cover the material with a building, but to use a tarp system. Councilmember Yehle was
also opposed to a fabric covered structure due to aesthetics and the unknown durability of this
type of building. City Attorney advised that language in the current ordinance excludes this type
of building and allowing it could set a precedence for construction of fabric covered buildings.
Administrator Hurlburt explained that exceptions can be made for specialized uses such as
storage of bulk materials. Councilmember Harnetty stated that he understands the advantages for
on-site storage, but when working with limited funds, economics states that the lower cost
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Scandia City Council
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alternative should be the one considered. Councilmember Crum sees the benefits, but doesn’t
regard this as an urgent issue and suggested a change to the ordinance and investigation of a tarp
system. Mayor Seefeldt would like to see the fabric-covered structure remain an option, but the
building type and material ordinance (Section 9.14) needs to change. Consensus of the council
was to refer this back to the Capital Improvements Committee and to hear recommendations at
the budget workshops this summer.
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. The following were
present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Christine Maefsky,
Susan Rodsjo, Peter Schwarz and TKDA Planner Berry Farrington.
Dan and Renee Lee, 19703 Olinda Trail, have submitted a Conditional Use Permit application to
allow construction of a wind energy conversion system. TKDA Planner Berry Farrington
presented the planner’s report in which approval is recommended in that the applicant meets the
standards outlined in Section 10.35.5 of the Scandia Zoning Regulations. The parcel size,
setbacks, structure height and system features have all been met. Ms. Farrington suggested an
addition to condition #3 of draft resolution 06-03-08-01 that the fence not exceed twelve feet in
Chair Chris Ness opened the public hearing.
William O’Hara, adjacent property at 19565 Old Marine Trail, expressed his opposition,
primarily due to the view he will have of the wind generator. Mr. O’Hara: Has the DNR
been notified? Planner Farrington: Yes, but no written comments were submitted. Mr.
O’Hara: Has placement to the north of Lee’s home been considered? Mr. Dan Lee: Yes,
but the proposed site is at the highest point on the property, making it the most efficient
site for the wind generator. Placing the structure out of the neighbor’s scenic view of the
lake was a consideration in the placement.
Randy Simonson, 14925 Oakhill Road, stated that the city should support alternative
energy systems such as this.
As there were no other comments, Chairman Ness closed the public hearing.
Chairman Ness confirmed that the total height of the system will be 98 feet, just under the 100
feet limit allowed in the ordinance. Commissioner Schwarz questioned if a certified engineer
should be involved in the construction, as the applicant intends to do the installation himself. Mr.
Lee stated that the footing diagrams have been provided by an engineer and used in a similar
tower. Commissioner Krinke inquired about noise. Mr. Lee replied that it will not produce any
more noise than the rustling of trees. Commissioner Maefsky asked if previously approved wind
generators in the city were certified by an engineer. Chairman Ness answered that all have been.
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Commissioner Rodsjo addressed safety issues. Building Official Thorp stated the applicant must
construct a fence and has indicated that he will place a “High Voltage” sign on the tower as a
deterrent. Chairman Ness felt that a condition should be written into the resolution requiring a
locked anti-climb device, as stated in the ordinance. Councilmember Harnetty asked if this wind
tower fits into rural character. Commissioner Rodsjo stated that the structure may not look
appealing, but a balance of environmental issues should be sought and it is an allowed use on the
property. Commissioner Maefsky felt that concern for the environment and stewardship for the
land are rural characters and doesn’t have an objection with this application. Commissioner
Schwarz asked if the tower can be placed to the north, among the outbuildings. Mr. Lee informed
the Commission that as the land sits twenty feet lower at that point, the amount of power
generated due to the loss of wind would not make this generator feasible. Planner Farrington
advised that if a variance were needed for additional height, it would be questioned if an
alternative site could be used, which there is. Mayor Seefeldt inquired if the necessary braking
devices will be in place. Mr. Lee stated that both a manual and automatic system will be
The Planning Commission recommended approval of draft Resolution 06-03-08-01 with
Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to accept the
recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve draft Resolution 06-03-08-01.
Council discussed the requirements of a final inspection. It was determined that a representative
of the manufacturer or an inspector as determined by the Building Official would qualify. This
condition will be modified in the final resolution.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adopt draft
Resolution 06-03-08-01 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. The City Council meeting
Connexus Energy has submitted two utility permits for the following work:
1) cable replacement to serve customer at13500 205 Street N.
2) underground electrical line to serve Old Marine Estates development (Lakamaga Trail).
Bonestroo Engineer Paul Hornby has recommended approval of both permits with a condition
for permit #1 requiring at least three feet of cover over the utility line in public rights of way, and
permit #2 requires restoration to occur within seven days of disturbance.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to approve two
Utility Permits for Connexus Energy for work at 13500 205 Street and for service at Old
Marine Estates development with the condition that Connexus complies with the engineer’s
recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.
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Frontier Communications has submitted two utility permits for the following work:
1) place buried telephone service wire at 19877 Maxwill Ave.
2) place buried telephone service wire at 21450 to 21525 Pomroy Ave.
Bonestroo Engineer Paul Hornby has recommended approval of both permits with the conditions
that Frontier must provide three feet of cover over the utility line within public rights of way and
restoration is to occur within seven days of disturbance.
Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve two
Utility Permits for Frontier Communications for work at 19877 Maxwill Avenue and at
21450 to 21525 Pomroy Avenue with the condition that Frontier complies with the
engineer’s recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Yehle stated the necessity to address residents’ questions and concerns
regarding the accountability and budget processes of the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed.
Mayor Seefeldt suggested presenting an information/discussion agenda item at the June 17
council meeting. CMSCWD Administrator Jim Shaver will be invited to participate in the
discussion and to answer any questions.
Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn the
The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk