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09-16-2008 Meeting
CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Forum 4. Approval of the Agenda 5. Approval of Consent Agenda a) Minutes 1) August 19, 2008 Regular Meeting 2) August 26, 2008 Special Meeting 3) September 2, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission 4) September 10, 2008 Special Meeting b) Treasurer's Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Utility Permit for Xcel Energy, Install Gas Main on Morgan Avenue North e) Grading Permit for Roger Lindell for Property owned by Big Marine Ventures LLC at 19423 Oxboro Trail f) Nature Properties LLC, Release Letter of Credit for Landscaping, Natures Walk Subdivision 6. Public Hearings (None) 7. Committee Reports a) Comprehensive Plan Committee 8. Staff Reports a) Police Department Deputy Chris Majeski b) Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence c) City Engineer Paul Hornby d) City Attorney Dave Hebert e) Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp f) City Administrator Anne Hurlburt 1) Public Works Department Staffing 2) Former Rasmussen Property, 20780 Olinda Trail 3) October 2008 City Newsletter 9. General Business a) Christ's Household of Faith Church and School. Conditional Use Permit for Additional Animal Units and Variance for Animal Feedlot setback from White Rock Lake at 19060 Manning Avenue North (Resolution 09-16-08-02) SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA September 16,2008 Page 2 of 2 b) Chikos, Inc. DBA Mi Casita Mexican Grill, On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Intoxicating Liquor License at 21050 Ozark Ave. N. c) White Rock Ranch, LLC. Request for Extension of Final Plat Approval, White Rock Ranch d) Oxboro Court Improvements in"The Sanctuary", Order Preparation of Plans and Obtaining Bids (Resolution 09-16-08-03) e) Annual Operators Permits (AOPs), Mining Operations 1) Bracht Bros., Inc. (north side of 185th Street, east of Oakgreen Avenue and west of Old Marine Trail) 2) Dresel Contracting, Inc. (218th Street,west of Lofton Avenue) 3) Tiller Corporation (22303 Manning Trail) 10. Adjournment CITY OF SCANDIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday, September 18, 2008 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Hearing on Proposed 2008—2030 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Scandia (Public Hearing will be continued to October 7, 2008 regular Planning Commission meeting) 3. Adjournment August 19, 2008 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Pete Crum, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Absent: Councilmember Michael Harnetty. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Bonestroo Engineer Paul Hornby, Building Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) July 15, 2008 Regular Meeting 2) August 5, 2008 Meeting with Planning Commission 3) August 6, 2008 Special Meeting b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 07/01/08 $855.992.25 Receipts 909,004.42 Expenditures 67,643.91 Payroll 47,265.42 -114,909.33 Adjustments: Safe Box Rental Adjustment + 35.00 Postage ACH - 300.00 Ending Balance 07/31/08 $1,649,822.34 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Utility Permits for Xcel Energy e) Excluded Raffle Permit, Scandia Elementary Enrichment Foundation Councilmember Crum, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the past month's police activity. Suspects in the vandalism case which occurred within the Village Center in early August are being investigated. A report of mailbox burning on the west edge of the City recently occurred. Mayor Seefeldt commended Deputy Majeski for the well organized National Night Out event held on the Community Center grounds on the evening of August 5`h. Approximately 150-200 people attended the event. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Steve Spence presented the department's activity report. Assistant Fire Chiefs Finnegan and Yehle have completed ICS 300 training. Repairs to the well are complete following July's lightning strike damage. Contract recommendations are forthcoming regarding the joint agreement with May Township for fire coverage. Mayor Seefeldt extended a thank you to the department for participating in the National Night Out event on August 5th CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Paul Hornby, Bonestroo, updated the Council on engineering issues. Costs to repair the concrete apron at the south approach to the firehall are being put together and will be presented at August 26`h budget meeting. A cost estimate for the bituminous wear course at The Sanctuary development is being prepared. BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported that a high number of re-roof permits have been issued this summer. An update on zoning enforcement actions was given. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Community Center/Uptown Water System Administrator Hurlburt reported on the recent developments concerning the Community Center well issue. Following the disconnect from the older well next to the former maintenance building, the Center is now connected into the newer city well that also serves the warming house, Elim Church and the Gammelgarden museum. The MN Department of Health has determined that this water system was never properly classified, as determined by the number of people served by the system. This reclassification will require a number of standards be set in place, including the appointment of a certified well operator. Building Official Steve Thorp will take the required training to become certified. A well-head protection plan must be established and an evaluation of all plumbing systems connected to the well, along with additional testing for contaminants. These costs will be incorporated into the 2009 budget. City Attorney Hebert advised that it may be feasible to share these costs with the other users of the uptown water system. Public Works Department Staffing Administrator Hurlburt reported on staffing issues within the Public Works Department. Supervisor John Morrison will be out for an undetermined length of time due to a medical condition and part-time Maintenance Worker Bill Poidinger has announced that he will retire on October 31. Administrator Hurlburt stated that plans to advertise for a temporary maintenance worker should be discussed prior to the start of the snow plow season. A recommendation will be reported on at the next Council meeting. LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION, SUPERIOR LAND PRESERVATION (TII GAVO) Superior Land Preservation, LLC has requested a reduction in the letter of credit for public improvements in the Tii Gavo subdivision. The site was inspected by the city's engineering firm and Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp. They have recommended that the guarantee be reduced to $300,000 to cover 125% of the estimated cost of the remaining work. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to approve the reduction of the letter of credit for the Tii Gavo subdivision to a new amount of$300,000. The motion passed unanimously. WASHINGTON COUNTY RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT Washington County has submitted the 2008-09 grant agreement for municipal recycling. The agreement provides for the county paying the city up to $15,928.00 for curbside recycling expenses in 2008 and 2009. City Attorney Hebert has found the agreement to be in order. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Crum, moved to approve the Recycling Grant Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the city. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON 20780 OLINDA TRAIL PROPERTY The city had entered into an agreement with property owners Hall and Hermina Rasmussen to purchase their property at 20780 Olinda Trail for future expansion of the community sewage treatment system. The Rasmussens recently vacated the property to move into a senior housing community. Based on an inspection report and appraisal from 2002, the home, which was built in 1902, is dated and may need extensive repairs. Council discussed various options to deal with the house, such as renting it out for residential use, tearing down the building or selling it to a house mover. Building Official Steve Thorp will inspect the property and report back at a future meeting with cost estimates necessary to repair the condition of the house to make it viable for a rental property. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk 7 4) 4.) August 26, 2008 A special meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. The following were present: Council members Pete Crum, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Michael Harnetty and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle, Firefighter Mike Hinz and Recreation Coordinator Marty McKelvey. Also present were: Park and Recreation Committee Chair Karen Schick and Vice Chair Alex Bildeaux. The agenda was amended to include a brief discussion of the Taco Daze parade. Administrator Hurlburt reviewed a preliminary calculation of the 2009 levy limit, the history of the township/city levy and estimated impact of the maximum levy on taxpayers. A video, "14 Reasons Property Taxes Go Up or Down", was played and discussed. Overall assumptions for expenses were discussed, and the status of various capital projects within the draft budgets was reviewed. The possible replacement of a dump truck/plow, scheduled for 2009, was discussed. Based on information gathered from other communities and the condition of the truck, staff suggested that replacement of this item could be delayed. Projected balances for the capital funds were reviewed. Preliminary budgets for each general fund department were discussed. The draft budgets are not currently in balance with revenues. No decisions on cuts or additions were made. Possible savings in spending or revenue increases were identified, which staff will further investigate. The consensus was that the city would need to certify the levy at the statutory limit to meet the September 15 deadline. Additional discussion will take place and decisions on the budget will be made prior to the Truth in Taxation hearing in December. Staff was directed to begin looking at various revenue/ fee increases for further discussion. Also, groups using the Annex will be notified that the city will not heat the building this winter, which may save $2,000 or more in utility costs. The Council will meet briefly on Wednesday, September 10, to certify the maximum 2009 tax levy. There may also need to be additional items added to that agenda. The Council discussed arrangements for the Taco Daze parade on Saturday, September 6. The vehicle the Council has used in the past is no longer available. It was decided that the Council would ride in Council member Harnetty's antique pick-up truck. Council members are asked to be present in the city booth during that day. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt City Administrator/ Clerk a) 3) September 2, 2008 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Council members Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Absent: Councilmember Pete Crum. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official Steve Thorp, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Peterson amended the agenda to include a discussion of the city-sponsored Heavy Metal Day scheduled for September 27 and a discussion of the Rasmussen house. Councilmember Harnetty added an update on the ice rink project and discussion of the Community Center roof. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. NOMINATION FOR CARNELIAN-MARINE-ST. CROIX WATERSHED BOARD Council discussed a nomination to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed Board of Managers, which has a vacant seat due to the resignation of Fredrick Marqwardt. Michael White, nominated to a vacancy in April, remains interested in an appointment. One additional application was recently received from Gary Orlich. Councilmember Peterson stated that she strongly feels Mr. White is qualified to serve on the board. This was reiterated by Councilmember Yehle, who stated that Mr. White's past experience on the Watershed Board makes him excellent candidate. Councilmember Harnetty agreed, stating that Mr. White has a vested interest in the community and willingness to serve. Mayor Seefeldt stated he has no hesitation in nominating Mr. White, although consideration could be given to Mr. Orlich as he resides in the newly added area of the Car-Mar Watershed. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to nominate Michael White to the Carnelian- Marine-St. Croix Board of Managers. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. White's nomination will forwarded to the Washington County Board of Commissioners. MICHAEL AND EMILY MELLGREN - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR A BUSINESS OFFICE AT 21150 OZARK COURT (RESOLUTION 09-02-08-01) Emily and Michael Mellgren, 11315 242nd Street, Chisago City, doing business as Select Hardwoods, have made application for a Commercial Certificate of Compliance to operate a business office at 21150 Ozark Court. Select Hardwoods will use the space for office use only and will not store any equipment at this site. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Harnetty, moved to adopt Resolution 09-02-08-01 for a Certificate of Compliance at 21150 Ozark Court. The motion passed unanimously. SET DATES FOR 2009 TRUTH IN TAXATION & LEVY ADOPTION HEARINGS Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to schedule the 2009 Truth in Taxation Hearing on December 1, 2008, with a continuation hearing on December 8, 2008 if needed. The motion passed unanimously. September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 2 COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SANCTUARY (RESOLUTION 09-02-08- City Attorney Hebert explained the legal recourse the City has for completion of the pavement wear course to Oxboro Circle, a cul-de-sac within The Sanctuary. This is a 6-lot subdivision approved in 2005. The remaining financial guarantee of$12,375 is inadequate to make the needed repairs and complete the street project, estimated at a cost of$42,163. As Developer Brian Iverson does not have sufficient funds to fulfill the development agreement, he has agreed to petition the city to undertake the improvement of Oxboro Circle, and has agreed to an assessment of the balance of the costs to the portion of the development he still owns (Lots 3, 5 and 6, Block 1). The assessment terms will be at a rate of 6.5%per year, over 5 years. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to approve the Agreement of Assessment and Waiver of Irregularity and Appeal with Brian Iverson. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution 09-02- 08-02 Declaring Adequacy of Petition and Ordering Preparation of Report. The motion passed unanimously. The City Engineer will proceed to obtain quotes for the work, so that the project can be completed this year. FALL HEAVY METAL DAY DISCUSSION Councilmember Peterson distributed a letter she received from SRC regarding the spring clean- up. A low turnout resulted in a higher than usual cost to the city. It was suggested to host one annual clean-up event to bolster participation and lower the city's cost. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Yehle, moved to cancel the fall heavy metal collection day scheduled for September 27, 2008. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION OF RASMUSSEN PROPERTY Councilmember Peterson inquired about the status of the Rasmussen house, recently vacated by the longtime residents and now under complete ownership of the city. Administrator Hurlburt only recently obtained the keys and will report on an assessment of the condition of the house at the next council meeting. RINK BOARD PROJECT Councilmember Harnetty commended the volunteers who have worked on the installation of the replacement rink boards. The project is close to completion. It was suggested to officially recognize those who volunteered their time at a future meeting. COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF Due to the high number of damaged roofs in the area due to an early summer hailstorm, Councilmember Harnetty suggested that the city's insurance agent evaluate the condition of the September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 3 Community Center roof and also other city-owned buildings (annex, warming house, Public Works/Fire Department building). Staff will report on this at a future meeting. The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. The following were present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Christine Maefsky, Susan Rodsjo, Peter Schwarz and TKDA Planner Berry Farrington. TOM AND LISA STANEK—CONTINUED HEARING ON VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT A NEW HOME AT 19107 LAYTON AVENUE The public hearing was continued from August 5, 2008 on the variance application for Tom and Lisa Stanek to construct a new home on a vacant lot located at 19107 Layton Avenue. The applicants submitted a plan in which the scale of the home was reduced and the impervious cover reduced to less than 25%, eliminating the need for a variance for lot coverage. Planner Berry Farrington presented the planner's report in which approval was recommended. The applicant's plans have been revised based on comments from the August meeting. The height of the structure, previously proposed at 32 feet, now measures 28.5 feet. Two layout options were submitted; Layout A having the garage on the north and Layout B having the garage on the south. There is a very small difference in lake setback between the two (58.8 feet versus 58.5 feet) so that either option could be granted to best limit grading and avoid trees as the building permit process moves forward. The applicant is working with the DNR and Watershed to develop landscaping plans with the intent of protecting water quality. The report recommends that a landscaping plan be submitted to the City. Commissioner Ness opened the hearing to the public. Dave Berg, 11110 189th Street: Mr. Berg expressed his concerns about the negative impact this home could have on the water quality of Big Marine Lake and the limited connections into the 201 septic collector system. He is opposed to this proposal based on the precedent it could set to "shoehorn in uses in marginal lots". Doug Salmela, 19123 Layton Avenue: With input from Pete Ganzel, Washington County Department of Public Health, Mr. Salmela presented a report from the year 2000 on the 201 septic collector system in which he interpreted the findings to show a capacity for 7.6 homes remaining. Approximately four homes in the vicinity have individual drainfields, which he feels connections should be reserved for. Mr. Salmela requested that the City provide a summary analysis of usage within the next 20 years, establish a life expectancy of the 201 system and establish a plan to handle additional connection requests fairly. Brad Bergo, 19123 Layton Avenue: Mr. Bergo expressed his concerns of the long-term capability of the 201 system. He questioned the reduction in lot coverage by no longer calculating the deck as impervious and stated that the County and DNR view pervious pavers as September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 4 included in lot coverage. Administrator Hurlburt explained that a raised deck is not considered impervious. Planner Farrington explained that the revised plan no longer has a patio and distance of the driveway is measured from the edge of the parcel line, not from the right-of-way easement. This calculates to lot coverage of 21.4%. Mr. Bergo also had concerns of the changes to natural drainage that this structure would have, possibly leading to flooding onto his adjacent property. Overall, he is opposed to the granting of this variance based on the overall lot size variance and precedent setting nature. Mr. Bergo referenced the denial of a variance from the OHW at 19077 Layton Avenue, which required the home to be wider and taller than normal. Chairman Ness closed the public comment portion of the hearing and asked applicant Tom Stanek for comments. Mr. Stanek felt that he followed through in what he was asked to do by scaling down the size of the home and reducing lot coverage below 25%. Mr. Stanek spoke with Pete Ganzel at the County and was assured that there is capacity for a new home connection on the 201 system. Jim Shaver, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Administrator, added a comment that the Watershed considers a raised deck as impervious cover as a homeowner may lay a barrier underneath the deck for weed or erosion control. Councilmember Peterson relayed comments she had gotten from the city assessor in which he classifies and assesses the property as unbuildable. Pete Ganzel relayed to Councilmember Peterson that he is not in favor of allowing additional hook-ups for new construction and that the capacity of the 201 system needs to be monitored carefully. Councilmember Peterson believes the intent of the installation of the collector system was for existing homes and cabins only. Commissioner Schwarz inquired as to how and when a determination was made that the lot is unbuildable. City Attorney Hebert stated that a lot is valued as undeveloped for tax purposes only and the lot was assessed for the full value of a buildable lot when the road improvement project was undertaken in 1999. A determination that the lot is unbuildable has never been made. Commissioner Krinke inquired if a building permit was ever denied on this lot. Administrator Hurlburt answered that records indicate that there have been no applications for building on this property. Commissioner Maefsky asked if hook-ups to the 201 collector system have occurred for new construction. Administrator Hurlburt stated that there have been a couple in recent years. Commissioner Schwarz inquired about the process for granting new connections. Administrator Hurlburt answered that the ordinance limits connections to contiguous lots in previously developed areas only. City Attorney added that the County issues the permits and have monitored it closely over the years. September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 5 Commissioner Krinke stated that these concerns have not been successfully mitigated and would be opposed to granting variances due to the small lot size. Chairman Ness had concerns of how the calculations of lot coverage have been changed and indicated his opposition. Commissioner Schwarz stated that the law allows reasonable use of property unless determined unbuildable. Numerous variances have been granted in this neighborhood. There remains a question of debate with the County regarding the 201 septic connection and he would like assurance that it is being monitored closely; otherwise, he sees no grounds for denial. Councilmember Harnetty feels that even though the proposed structure may not be practical within the ordinance, denial may mean that future improvements in this neighborhood could also be denied. Commissioner Rodsjo felt that the large deviation from the minimum 2.5 acre lot size is an important consideration for protection of water quality. Mayor Seefeldt suggested that the review process be extended until a subcommittee meets with the County to discuss the long-term status of the 201 collector system. Staff will arrange for this meeting with the following serving on the subcommittee: Commissioners Ness and Schwarz, Mayor Seefeldt, Councilmember Harnetty and Administrator Hurlburt. A representative of the neighborhood will be invited to attend. The Planning Commission moved to table the hearing for up to 60 days for the purpose of gathering additional information. CHRIST'S HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH CHURCH AND SCHOOL— CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL ANIMAL UNITS AND VARIANCE FOR ANIMAL FEEDLOT SETBACK FROM WHITE ROCK LAKE AT 19060 MANNING AVENUE NORTH Applicant David Bluhm, representing Owner Christ's Household of Faith Church and School, was present to request a Conditional Use Permit to allow the keeping of animal units in greater concentration than 1 animal unit per 2 grazable acres and also variances from the feedlot setback of 300 feet from White Rock Lake and 75 feet from a wetland. There is an existing feedlot approximately 200 feet from White Rock Lake and 20 feet from the wetland. There are currently ten horses kept in the feedlot and nearby pastures. The property owned by CHOF consists of two parcels, 21 acres on the north and 19 acres on the south. The feedlot and pastures are located on the southern parcel. The church operates multiple accessory uses on the property, such as a day camp, a pick-your-own agricultural business, outdoor worship service area, a campground for private use, and multiple accessory structures. Some of these uses are nonconforming. September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 6 Planner Farrington presented the planner's report which recommends issuance of an Interim Use Permit that would establish termination of the permit, i.e. upon sale of the property. Permit conditions would allow continuation of existing accessory and nonconforming uses. Previous interaction with New Scandia Township allowed for the reduction in animal units over time as older horses died off, with a limit of five horses. The applicants worked with the Washington Conservation District to make improvements to the livestock operations to better protect the water quality of White Rock Lake. The improvements meet Minnesota Pollution Control Standards, as management practices are being followed. The WCD has determined that the feedlot will still meet State water quality standards if it is used by up to 10 horses. Chairman Ness opened the hearing for public comments. Al Soya, 10455192"d Street: Will the feedlot parameters stay the same? Planner Farrington:Yes, there will be no change in the size of the feedlot. Mr. Soya later commented that the church has been a good steward of the land with low impact on the neighborhood. He has not been disturbed by any noise or activity as long as he has lived at his residence. Mr. Soya did express his concern about the present lake quality and asked what the City can do to assist with clean-up. Moose Malmquist, 14670 Scandia Trail: Is the septic sufficient for use by large groups?Mr. Bluhm: Portable toilets are in place for large gatherings. There is low use of the house facilities during events. Building Official Thorp suggested that a septic compliance test be done every few years to evaluate the functionality of the septic. Jane Ojez, 10445 192"d Street: The DNR has determined that feedlots are contributors to algae problems in water bodies. The poor conditions of White Rock Lake shouldn't get worse. What will the MPCA do to monitor the conditions? Planner Farrington: There will be no expansion of the present feedlot. The improvements which were undertaken according to the WCD engineered design are working to protect the lake from feedlot runoff. A buffer was created between the feedlot and the lake, along with a drainage area to divert water around the feedlot. Testing has determined that the feedlot has the capability to support up to 10 horses without increasing the pollution risk. Unidentified woman: Where does the manure go?Mr. Bluhm: Composting bins have been designed by the WCD for the purpose of collecting manure. Chairman Ness closed the hearing to public comment. Commissioner Schwarz felt that the property has been well maintained, but the number of trailers should be limited to what the accessory structure holds. In addition, if the feedlot was designed for eight horses, that should be the limit. Commissioner Schwarz expressed that he would be in favor of granting an Interim Use Permit for one year, evaluating the permit at one year and pull if there are violations. September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 7 Chairman Ness counted 22 campers and trailers and felt that year-round storage issues should be addressed in the permit conditions. Commissioner Maefsky stated that she was impressed with the condition of the property and sees that the owners have gone to great lengths to comply with feedlot control issues. Testing shows that the design is working and she would be in favor of granting a leeway of up to ten horses. Commissioner Maefsky felt that an IUP could be issued until the property changes ownership as long as the run-off is being monitored. Councilmember Harnetty added that this is a good example of rural character that the City is promoting. Councilmember Peterson stated that she is not in favor of allowing more than the five animal unit density. Councilmember Yehle brought up past history in which CHOF was asked by the Township to reduce the number of horses in 2005 and have now increased that number, adding to her concerns about granting a permit for up to ten horses. Commissioner Rodsjo recognized that CHOF has done much work to clean-up and prevent run- off into the lake. Commissioner Krinke felt that present conditions could support eight to ten horses. Mayor Seefeldt stated that it would be naive to say that there is no impact on water quality— winter conditions can bring some run-off into the lake and what seeps into the ground may be affecting the shallow water table. _ The Planning Commission moved to recommend to the Council to adopt draft Resolution 09-02- 08-03 with amended conditions: Condition#1 to read a maximum of eight (8) horses shall be kept on the property and revise Condition #7 to read that campers/trailers must be in storage or off the property within two (2) days after their use. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor Seefeldt felt that as the building which stores the campers/trailers is nonconforming and is not used for agricultural purposes, it may be better to remove camping as an allowed use, as it may set a precedent for future requests from other groups for gatherings within the City. The outdoor storage of recreational vehicles has been violated for many years on this site. Could CHOF consider one day worship services? September 2, 2008 Scandia City Council Page 8 Councilmember Peterson also felt that it would be best to remove the outdoor camping use. Even though this has not been a problem on this particular property, it may set a precedent for requests for additional outdoor gatherings that could have potential to cause problems. Councilmember Yehle stated her agreement to oppose overnight camping. Mr. Bluhm stated that this would be a hardship for the congregation. There are primarily tents set up for overnight gatherings. Mr. Soya attested to this, and reiterated that the gatherings are very quiet. City Attorney Hebert stated that the City could recognize this as a long existing practice and allow overnight camping with no outside storage of campers/trailers so as to limit the impact on neighbors as much as possible. Councilmember Harnetty views CHOF as serving the needs of their organization by offering the overnight camping and believes the conditions in the resolution fit this logic. Councilmember Peterson summarized the acceptable conditions: eight horses, campers/trailers allowed overnight to be removed the next day, all storage of camper/trailers must be inside a building, review the permit at one year. Mayor Seefeldt added a condition to require a septic compliance report within one year. Administrator Hurlburt suggested that the conditions be incorporated into a revised resolution for review at the next Council meeting. Councilmember Harnetty, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to table the IUP and Variance request for Christ Household of Faith. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Yehle, seconded by Councilmember Peterson, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk ) September 10 2008 A special meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following were present: Council members Pete Crum, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Michael Harnetty and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt and Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle. The Council discussed key issues to be communicated to the public regarding increases in the city budget over the last several years. Administrator Hurlburt will draft an article for the October city newsletter. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Donnette Yehle, move to adopt resolution No. 09-10-08-01 certifying the maximum property tax levy payable in 2009. The total maximum levy will be $1,860,892. The motion carried, all members voting"aye." The following dates and times were set for budget meetings: Wednesday, October 29, 6:00 p.m. and Thursday,November 20 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt City Administrator/Clerk bi CA ) .Awrworysxr City of Scandia Treasurer's Report August 31, 2008 Beginning Balance 08/01/08 1,649,822.34 Receipts 86,211.59 Expenditures 168,415.28 Payroll 19,604.06 -188,019.34 Adjustments: Ending Balance 08/31/08 1,548,014.59 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer CITY OF SCANDIA *Expenditure Guideline Summary© Current Period: August 2008 YTD YTD MTD % Budget Amount Amount Balance of Budget Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 41000 Administration& Finance $342,762.00 $230,657.74 $21,558.28 $112,104.26 67.29% Dept 41110 City Council $18,713.00 $9,631.36 $0.00 $9,081.64 51.47% Dept 41410 Elections $5,770.00 $1,176.20 $577.49 $4,593.80 20.38% Dept 41910 Planning& Building $170,244.00 $155,903.78 $38,465.96 $14,340.22 91.58% Dept 42100 Police $101,883.00 $47,137.36 $0.00 $54,745.64 46.27% Dept 42200 Fire Dept $312,222.00 $188,502.30 $57,644.20 $123,719.70 60.37% Dept 43000 Public Works $588,475.00 $254,717.67 $51,189.48 $333,757.33 43.28% Dept 43210 Sewer&Water $3,330.00 $2,510.15 $14.13 $819.85 75.38% Dept 45000 Parks& Recreation $45,922.00 $25,451.10 -$9,399.28 $20,470.90 55.42% Dept 45180 Community Center $52,926.00 $32,767.16 $3,229.25 $20,158.84 61.91% Dept 48000 Capital Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% Fund 101 GENERAL FUND $1,642,247.00 $948,454.82 $163,279.51 $693,792.18 57.75% Fund 301 DEBT SERVICE Dept 47302 2002 Blacktop Bond $209,561.00 $209,561.25 $0.00 -$0.25 100.00% Dept 47304 2004 Blacktop Bond $255,240.00 $7,620.00 $0.00 $247,620.00 2.99% Dept 47307 2007 Blacktop Bond $305,163.00 $27,581.25 $0.00 $277,581.75 9.04% Dept 47310 Fire Hall/Public Works Bond $121,135.00 $20,970.50 $0.00 $100,164.50 17.31% Fund 301 DEBT SERVICE $891,099.00 $265,733.00 $0.00 $625,366.00 29.82% Fund 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $45,600.00 $19,770.95 $2,089.12 $25,829.05 43.36% Fund 404 PARK ACQUISITION AND DEV $14,000.00 $14,492.41 $2,501.00 -$492.41 103.52% Fund 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Dept 48000 Capital Improvements $0.00 $0.00 -$4,065.11 $0.00 0.00% Dept 48500 Equipment Replacement $0.00 $25,430.36 $5,407.36 -$25,430.36 0.00% Fund 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT $0.00 $25,430.36 $1,342.25 -$25,430.36 0.00% Fund 602 201 SEWER FUND $51,594 00 $52,523.47 $19,009.49 -$929.47 101.80% Report Total $2,644,540.00 $1,326,453.01 $188,269.37 $1,318,086.99 50.16% At S( 2 _ ) ...�. . > , 2008 CASH BALANCES AT END OF MONTH FUND JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 101 GENERAL 396,088 279,159 152,070 77,088 -12,296 -53,728 516,794 444,579 301 DEBT SERVICE 544,454 544,454 549,362 500,810 500,810 500,810 700,834 705,678 401 CAPITAL IMPR 207,796 207,796 206,562 191,717 190,752 190,115 202,682 200,593 404 PARK CAP IMPR 45,395 41,562 34,430 34,430 34,430 34,430 37,430 34,929 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 33,820 9,732 9,732 9,732 9,732 9,732 9,732 8,390 602 201 SEWER 128,809 105,485 114,354 117,781 117,611 116,252 122,484 108,009 801 ESCROW 56,550 56,550 57,550 58,300 57,050 57,800 59,550 43,050 TOTAL 1,412,912 1,244,740 1,124,059 989,858 898,090 855,411 1,649,506 1,545,227 ".‘\, L CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM ran Page 1 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Batch Name 9-16-2008 User Dollar Amt $305,522.88 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $305,522.88 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1737 ACS GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS INC Cash Payment E 101-42200-309 Software Support&Main Modular License Support $189.62 Invoice 73732 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $189.62 Refer 1653 AIR FRESH PORTABLE TOILETS Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Monthly Rental $240.00 Invoice 7116 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $240.00 Refer 1652 AMERIPRIDE LINEN&APPAREL S _ Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Community Center Supplies $117.15 Invoice M652697-0808 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $117.15 Refer 1738 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Five Pagers and service plan $3,483.18 Invoice 4345 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,483.18 Refer 1655 BANYON DATA SYSTEMS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-309 Software Support&Main Software Support $1,560.02 Invoice 00143171 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,560.02 Refer 1679 BECCHETTI, TED _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total _ $33.75 Refer 1654 BENNER,JOAN Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1733 BOESEL,RON Cash Payment E 101-42200-223 Building Repair&Suppli Bobcat work for slab prep $200.00 Invoice 434647 Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Parade supplies $31.92 Invoice 8-27-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $231.92 Refer 1656 BONESTROO Cash Payment E 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees General $1,679.55 Invoice 159718 Cash Payment E 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees Big Marine Lake Development $4,466.03 Invoice 159717 Cash Payment E 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees Pavement Mgmt. $1,910.25 Invoice 159719 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $8,055.83 CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM , Paget :�! Payments SCANDIA m i n n c s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Refer 1682 CARLSON, MICHELLE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.75 Refer 1670 CHISHOLM, KIMBERLY Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1657 CITIBUSINESS CARD _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-322 Postage Postage $42.00 Invoice 8-08-08 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Cookies for Comp Plan Mtg $22.08 Invoice 8-21-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-200 Office Supplies Election signage $153.66 Invoice 8-26-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $217.74 Refer 1658 CONNEXUS ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Wyldewood Acres $65.69 Invoice 8-28-08 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Hay Lake Shelter $12.15 Invoice Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas 201 System $22.56 Invoice Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $100.40 Refer 1675 DANINGER,FLORENCE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $54.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $54.00 Refer 1659 ECM PUBLISHERS,INC. Cash Payment E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing Notice of Filing $40.63 Invoice IT 00120092 Cash Payment E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing Notice of Accuracy Test $18.75 Invoice IT 00120623 Cash Payment E 101-41910-351 Legal Notices Publishing CHOF Hearing Notice $56.25 Invoice IT 00120624 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $115.63 Refer 1739 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCT _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-209 Medical Supplies HeartStart Batteries $191.48 Invoice 8-20-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $191.48 Refer 1669 FEARING, DOLORES _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1680 FREIER,JONI . CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM • K ) Page 3 .0; Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.75 Refer 1685 FRONTIER Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone Bldg.Official $75.48 Invoice 6514335762 Cash Payment E 101-43000-321 Telephone Maintenance $62.33 Invoice 6514335223 Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 Telephone City Hall $206.04 Invoice 6514332274 Cash Payment E 602-43210-321 Telephone 201 Dialer $74.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-321 Telephone Firehall $140.59 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $558.44 Refer 1687 FXL,INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-300 Assessor Assessor Services $1,500.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 1689 GOEKEN, MIKE Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commis-sio Third Qrt.Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1732 GOODFELLAS Cash Payment E 101-42200-223 Building Repair&Sup-pli Concrete Slab $1,500.00 Invoice 083442 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 1690 GOPHER SIGN Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Street signs $84.44 Invoice 76447 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $84.44 Refer 1691 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Locator Tickets $11.60 Invoice 8080812 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $11.60 Refer 1692 GRL SCT COUNC OF ST CROIX VA Cash Payment E 101-45000-319 Other Services Summer Rec Revenue share $360.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $360.00 Refer 1665 GROTHE, PATRICIA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1694 HARNETTY, MICHAEL Cash Payment E 401-48000-530 Captital Impr Other Than Rink project workday $48.44 Invoice 8-23-08 • CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM Page 4 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period: September 2008 Cash Payment E 401-48000-530 Captital Impr Other Than Rink project workday $47.55 Invoice 8-24-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $95.99 Refer 1661 H ARVIEUX,JUDITH - Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Absentee Voting $22.50 Invoice 9-6-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $63.00 Refer 1695 HEBERT,WELCH, HUMPHREYS,P _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-304 Legal Fees Legal services .$3,933.00 Invoice 15028 Cash Payment E 101-41000-304 Legal Fees Prosecution $781.00 Invoice 15047 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $4,714.00 Refer 1667 HERMES, NANCY - Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1681 HOGLE, GARY _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $36.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $36.00 Refer 1664 HOGLE,JAN - Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1688 HULLEMAN, MARY Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Scheduling $22.00 Invoice 8-20-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Public Acc.Test $22.00 Invoice 8-28-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge AB Scheduling $11.00 Invoice 9-1-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Primary Election Day $176.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Mileage $22.82 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $253.82 Refer 1693 HURLBURT,ANNE Cash Payment E 101-41000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Parade candy $96.50 Invoice 8-22-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election day food $19.26 Invoice 9-7-08 Cash Payment E 101-41000-331 Travel Expenses Mileage $202.73 Invoice 9-10-08 • .� > CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM rs *.: s \ Page 5 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o. t a Current Period: September 2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $318.49 Refer 1736 KERTZSCHER,ERIC Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Dive Team Dinner $33.63 Invoice 9-8-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.63 Refer 1676 KOPEL,JEANINE Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.75 Refer 1696 KRINKE, TOM Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1666 LARSON,DONNA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $40.50 Refer 1672 LAWRENCE, SALLY _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $54.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $54.00 Refer 1699 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Cash Payment E 101-41000-433 Dues and Subscriptions Membership Dues $3,712.00 Invoice 9-1-08 Cash Payment E 101-41000-433 Dues and Subscriptions Mayor Association Dues $20.00 Invoice 9-1-08 Cash Payment E 101-41000-317 Employee Training Street Maint.Workshop-Hurlburt $10.00 Invoice 1-000034863 - Cash Payment E 101-43000-317 Employee Training Street Maint Workshop-Egelkraut $10.00 Invoice 1-000034863 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,752.00 Refer 1697 LINDELL EXCAVATING Cash Payment E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/ 182nd St.Repair $454.00 Invoice 547676 Cash Payment E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/ Melanie Trl Repair $984.00 Invoice 547674 Cash Payment E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/ 228th St. Repair $4,180.00 Invoice 547673 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $5,618.00 Refer 1698 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-413 Office Equipment Rental Copier rent $181.48 Invoice 106410707 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $181.48 Refer 1660 MAILE,BARBARA Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Absentee Voting $22.50 Invoice 9-6-08 i. -► CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM Page 6 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $63.00 Refer 1673 MARTA,LISA Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $54.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $54.00 Refer 1703 MCFOA Cash Payment E 101-41000-433 Dues and Subscriptions Firkus Membership $35.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $35.00 Refer 1702 MENARDS - Cash Payment E 101-45180-223 Building Repair&Suppli Annex door locks $51.09 Invoice 59961 Cash Payment E 101-45180-223 Building Repair&Suppli Comm Center Supplies $36.40 Invoice 67521 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $87.49 Refer 1741 MIDWEST FIRE&RESCUE SUPPL _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Firehoses $745.13 Invoice 152 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $745.13 Refer 1701 MILBRANDT ENTERPRISE - Cash Payment E 101-45180-223 Building Repair&Suppli Comm Center Supplies $159.19 Invoice 401-37 Cash Payment E 101-45180-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Bldg Maintenance $955.48 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-223 Building Repair&Suppli Fire Dept Supplies $30.86 Invoice 404-37 Cash Payment E 101-42200-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Bldg Maintenance $204.91 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,350.44 Refer 1700 MINNESOTA LIFE INSURANCE CO. _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life Hurlburt Life $3.70 Invoice 9-2008 Cash Payment E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Morrison Life $3.70 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Egelkraut Life-July-Sept $11.10 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21710 Suppl. Life Ins. Employee Pa Egelkraut Supplemental $12.30 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life Thorp Life-July-Sept $11.10 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21710 Suppl. Life Ins. Employee Pa Thorp Supplemental $28.90 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $70.80 Refer 1707 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM Page 7 ,c Payments � o SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life Admin Dept Life $48.00 Invoice 9-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life Bldg Dept Life $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Public Works Life $48.00 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $112.00 Refer 1709 NEOPOST LEASING Ck#000009E 9/12/2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-322 Postage Postage meter $300.00 Invoice 9-4-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 1704 NESS, CHRIS Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio Third Ort Planning Commission $300.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 1706 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS - Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 Telephone Admin Cell $48.32 Invoice 9-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone Bldg.Dept.Cell $48.32 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-321 Telephone Public Works Sell $144.96 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-321 Telephone Fire Dept.Cell $193.24 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $434.84 Refer 1668 NICKELSON, LINDA Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $40.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total - $40.50 Refer 1705 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies Office Supplies $97.16 Invoice 203421 Cash Payment E 101-41910-200 Office Supplies Easels for Comp Plan $126.79 Invoice 203421 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $223.95 Refer 1708 OFFICEMAX Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies Office Supplies $37.15 Invoice 0794000019964 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $37,15 Refer 1710 PETERSON EXCAVATING - Cash Payment E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/ Grading Services $360.00 Invoice 5182 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $360.00 Refer 1712 RODSJO, SUSAN Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio Third Ott Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 9-2008 CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM ,; Page 8 Payments SCANDIA m i n n c s o t o Current Period: September 2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 1711 RUF,EDWARD Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commis-sio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1663 RUSSELL-REED, SANDRA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Absentee Voting $22.50 Invoice 9-6-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $54.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $76.50 Refer 1713 RYBAK AGGREGATE LLC _ Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Gravel $52.41 Invoice 1383 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Gravel $56.66 Invoice 1417 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Gravel $56.66 Invoice 1421 Cash Payment E 101-43000-228 Gravel&Sand Gravel $53.15 Invoice 1438 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $218.88 Refer 1735 RYDEEN,ALLEN Cash Payment E 101-42200-317 Employee Training - Firefighter I Exam $60.00 Invoice 9-6-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1678 RYDEEN,JUDITH Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge - Election Judge $36.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $36.00 Refer 1683 SAVINO, SANDRA Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.75 Refer 1715 SCHIK, KAREN Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1734 SCHWARTZ, BILL Cash Payment E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Parade candy $157.80 Invoice 8-31-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $157.80 Refer 1716 SCHWARZ,PETER Cash Payment E 101-41910-313 Committee&Commissio Third Ort Planning Commission $250.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00 CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM r� K i Page 9 Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Refer 1717 SECURITY STATE BANK Cash Payment E 301-47304-601 Long Term Debt Principa 2004 Road Bond $240,000.00 Invoice 9-3-08 Cash Payment E 301-47304-611 Long Term Debt Interest Interest on Bond $7,620.00 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $247,620.00 Refer 1721 SELECT ACCOUNT Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Hurlburt HSA $100.00 Invoice 9-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Thorp HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Morrison HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Morrison Contribution $310.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Egelkraut HSA $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Egelkraut Contribution $200.00 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $910.00 Refer 1714 SKUPIEN,DAN Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1720 SRC, INC. Cash Payment E 101-45180-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Community Center $125.59 Invoice 9-8-08 Cash Payment E 101-42200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Fire Dept. $20.10 Invoice - Cash Payment E 101-43000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Public Works $13.39 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Lighted Ballfield $63.63 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa Log House Landing $105.50 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 Recycling Sept Recycling $2,320.50 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,648.71 Refer 1740 STILLWATER MEDICAL GROUP _ Cash Payment E 101-42200-305 Medical Fees Medical $48.00 Invoice 8-29-08 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $48.00 Refer 1718 SUNRISE RIVER ELECTRIC Cash Payment E 101-42200-407 Well Repair& Maintenan Repair to well controls $612.00 Invoice 2008-329 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $612.00 Refer 1724 SW/WC SERVICE COOPERATIVE CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM Page 10 Payments SCANDIA m i n n:e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Hurlburt Health Ins $272.00 Invoice 10-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Eklund Health Ins $272.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Thorp Health Ins $272.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Morrison Health Ins $697.60 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Morrison Contribution $174.40 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Egelkraut Health Ins $697.60 Invoice Cash Payment G 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Egelkraut Contribution $174.40 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,560.00 Refer 1677 SWEENEY KEES, VERONA Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $33.75 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.75 Refer 1742 TKDA - Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Gramer Review $59.04 Invoice 200803352 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services CHOF Cond Use Permit $2,085.01 Invoice 200803353 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Stanek Variance $775.59 Invoice 200803354 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Nelson Variance $118.08 Invoice 200803355 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Meisters CUP $1,097.82 Invoice 200803356 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Sheldon Variance $118.08 Invoice 200803357 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Kaiser Variance $98.40 Invoice 200803358 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Bracht AOP $721.38 Invoice 200803359 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Dresel AOP $776.87 Invoice 200803360 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Tiller AOP $776.88 Invoice 200803361 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Tii Gavo $27.75 Invoice 200803347 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services General Planning $132.75 Invoice 200803323 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $6,787.65 Refer 1722 TODDS HOME CENTER Cash Payment E 401-48000-530 Captital Impr Other Than Rink Project $128.42 Invoice 8-31-08 CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM `w; Page 11 v Payments SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Paint for Bleachers $28.81 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Public Works Supplies $48.32 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-212 Fuel Fuel $326.26 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41910-212 Fuel Bldg Dept Fuel $55.28 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-212 Fuel Fire Dept Fuel $229.50 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies&Eq Comm Center Supplies $16.99 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-212 Fuel Fire-Fuel $306.81 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-223 Building Repair&Suppli Fire-Bldg supplies $50.85 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,191.24 Refer 1723 TRIPLETT, TOM Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 1662 TUOMI, SUSAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Absentee Voting $22.50 Invoice 9-6-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $103.50 Invoice 9-9-08 Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Public Acc.Test $18.00 Invoice 8-28-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $144.00 Refer 1726 UNION SECURITY INSURANCE CO _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-135 Employer Paid Disability Hurlburt LTD $39.50 Invoice 9-2008 Cash Payment E 101-41910-135 Employer Paid Disability Thorp LTD $25.40 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability Egelkraut LTD $39.50 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability Morrison LTD $45.20 Invoice Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $149.60 Refer 1727 V.I.P. PEST CONTROL _ Cash Payment E 101-45180-401 Builiding Maintenance/R Aug Pest Control $34.16 Invoice 6149 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $34.16 Refer 1725 VOGEN, TOM Cash Payment E 101-45000-313 Committee&Commissio Third Qrt Park Committee $60.00 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00 Cd ,, CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM r n j—,.,s_ Page 12 Payments SCANDIA. m i n n e s o t a Current Period: September 2008 Refer 1728 WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDS _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Nelson Resolution $46.00 Invoice 1602 Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services Meisters Resolution $46.00 Invoice 1602 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $92.00 Refer 1730 WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYO - Cash Payment E 101-41910-312 Planning Services CHOF Parcel Search $58.63 Invoice 1008838 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $58.63 Refer 1674 WASKEY, DALENE Cash Payment E 101-41410-199 Election Judge Election Judge $54.00 Invoice 9-9-08 Transaction Date 9/11/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $54.00 Refer 1729 WHITE,MICHAEL Cash Payment E 401-48000-530 Captital Impr Other Than Rink Project Expenses $265.55 Invoice 9-2008 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $265.55 Refer 1731 XCEL ENERGY Ck#000010E 9/12/2008 Cash Payment E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Fire Siren $3.32 Invoice 164561899 Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Bliss LS 3&4 $41.54 Invoice 165228826 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Ballfield $104.14 Invoice 165224636 Cash Payment E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Annex $48.66 Invoice 1653744646 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Warming House $126.92 Invoice 165367174 - Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Bliss LS#2 $38.79 Invoice 165365741 Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Old Maintenance Garage $35.53 Invoice 165371383 Cash Payment E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Fire Dept $502.28 Invoice 165375987 Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Public Works $334.84 Invoice 165375987 Cash Payment E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Community Center $494.36 Invoice 165722448 Cash Payment E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Lift Station#1 $17.72 Invoice 302519740 Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Uptown Streetlights $203.17 Invoice 302785259 Cash Payment E 101-43210-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Uptown Sewer $12.02 Invoice 303033579 Cash Payment E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Flashing Light $29.24 Invoice 303328935 .7 6 CITY OF SCANDIA 09/12/08 3:15 PM ( �sS ;J' Page 13 Payments SCANDIA m i n n c s o t a Current Period:September 2008 Cash Payment E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric&Gas Aerator $8.52 Invoice 303682753 Cash Payment E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Streetlights $275.45 Invoice 166414487 Transaction Date 9/12/2008 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,276.50 Fund Summary 10100 SECURITY STATE BANK 101 GENERAL FUND $57,218.31 301 DEBT SERVICE $247,620.00 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $489.96 602 201 SEWER FUND $194.61 $305,522.88 Pre-Written Check $2,576.50 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $302,946.38 Total $305,522.88 Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: c, d) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a utility permit for Xcel Energy to install 800' of 2" gas main on Morgan Avenue North, tying into an existing main at 238th St. N. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Ordinance#39, as amended by ordinance#42, requires utility companies to secure a permit from the City prior to installation of utilities in public rights-of-way. • The City Engineer has reviewed the application and recommended approval with conditions. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council approve the permit with the condition that Xcel complies with the engineer's recommendations and pays the required permit fees. Attachments/ • Permit application Materials provided: • Letter dated 9/11/08 from Ryan Goodman, Bonestroo Contact(s): Excel Energy 651 462-6201 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (utility permit xcel) Page 1 of 1 09/11/08 UTILITY PERMIT RECEIVED APPLICATION SEA' 1 i ?DOB CITY OF SCANDIA 14727 209th Street North, PO Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 CITY OF SCANDIA 651/433-2274 Facsimile Machine 651/433-5112 Application is hereby made for permission to place, construct and thereafter maintain the following: FEE: $50.00 Project Address(if known) Legal Description(attach if necessary) Property ID Number Type of Utility-General Description Sc 7. C i�S-cr iV7 1�- l — -J S Contractor Name Address City State Zip Phone 5-3(03-2( 'S'L.) w car k\t\ `)Cibq 1 (�51- (..2.-L-zo Describe Work and Submit Two(2) Copies of all Plans: iM►��t`1 �3 � S tic5QT\\ Start date: Completion date: I hereby certify that I have read and will comply with all of requirements of the Scandia Development Code that apply to the activity for which I am seeking permit approval. The granting of this permit in no way permits acts which may be prohibited by other governmental agencies_ Signature of Applicant Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee Paid: Approved by: Date: I I WORK ORDER 11149390 'S SCANDIA-MORGAN AVE NORTH 1 1 I c~ INSTALL 800'OF 2"PE-YU 60 PSI GAS MAIN. . ' PNEAUMAGOPHER UNDER ALL BLACKTOP • -__ 238THSTN __id 1 u STREETS AND/OR DRIVEWAYS. — Me '*�nrNER.M n.IMElm,uryi�!„£LF�'tnr,r�n[rtR9�9�ru[PpIRFO npM.Y ulpxm rn MIkw.MrpnF [nR4�r�rrlgnR'npr0 rnn onreml [�+wn np.n�in rnri uvini i`o"mu,:riN i�:rt Kiu nurrY I �-- .k --- .w..4.L+Yb�w nw.«,c...,+cw..,�b.r�n-.r.�nmozaio Designer:Kathy Ronning Work Order Information Sz q9 Tie into existing 2"Pe-Y mainX , Service Request4 formats using butt fusion end tie-in. 9 Office:651 462 6201 Design Number 0000260496, zPager:612-526-4508 Designer/Flamer ID rmk01 i - — _--------- > Designer/Planner Name KathyAmning Z Legend: Designer/Planner Ph 4 651-462-6201 Manager Approval ____ 1 Black=Proposed new main&fittings. Joint utility i Red=ExistinE: WA G: N/Ag mains&fittings. T: NIA c: NIA 1 i Blue=Existing services. Design Location I Division White Bear Lake County Washingmn City NEW SCANDIA TWP f�—'['^'eV $ Address MORGAN AVE N T— :32N R:20W 5:4 1 I Map[:ZL959 Permit : YES _ Electric Feeder : N/A _ e• Phase N/A Voltage N/A -.. Gas + I System S-060 Pressure :60 PSI Size 2' Material PE-YU 23700 I _.._.L_. --_ Dead End YES ':'I -238THSTN__- . —-___ Work Order 4:11149390 _ Date:09/08/08 —- - --- -_ Sketch 1 OF 1 I Scale I'equals 150' 12811 a XcelEnergy , Install a 2"end cap,3#anode, CONSTRUCTION USE ONLY EMS marker&carsonite marker. O NO CHANGES(BUILT AS DESIGNED) I - - 0 CHANGES MADE AS INDICATED (ALL URD MUST HAVE ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS FROM THE FIELD SITE 1 FOREMAN DATE TEAM LEADER .'r Bonestroo September 11, 2008 Ms. Anne Ilurlburt Scandia Community and Senior Center 14727 209th St. N. Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Xcel Energy Morgan Avenue North City of Scandia,MN - Project No. 568-08-000 Dear Anne: Enclosed please find the right-of-way Permit for the referenced utility permit application for Council consideration for approval. Xcel Energy requests to install gas main along the west boulevard of Morgan Avenue North. We recommend the following items be required as part of the City approval: 1) Utilities shall be installed per City of Scandia Permit requirements. 2) No trees, driveway,roadway, curb&gutter,or sidewalks shall be disturbed by this installation. Crossing of existing paved areas or permanent erosion items shall be by directional boring or around within permitted easement area. Utility locates must be called in to Gopher State One Call. Any damage done will be required to be repaired. 3) All disturbed turf areas shall be back-filled, compacted and restored to an equal or better condition within one week of their disturbance. All existing lawn areas shall be restored with quality lawn sod. New sod shall be maintained by the utility company for 30 days, and then it becomes the responsibility of the homeowner. No seeding of existing lawn areas will be allowed. 4) All mailboxes disturbed by the utility installation must be temporarily relocated during construction and replaced immediately alter utility installation is complete without interruption of U. S. Mail services. All temporary relocations shall be coordinated with the postmaster and affected residents prior to commencement of construction activities. 5) Any trench settlements that occur after the completion of the restoration will have to be redone once the settlement is fixed. 6) Traffic Control and Devices on Morgan Ave. N and other protective measures shall conform to MMIITCD. I f you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at 651-967-4616. Sincerely, /14—' Ryan Goodman Bonestroo,Construction Supervisor •• Engineering Planning Innovation I Print - Maps f'�i��t Live Search Maps '' isikti- i _ .. My Notes t , r NEW! lry Live Search 411 �` Dial 1-800-CAL]_-41 1 for latest info ° 3F %Y -' © 008 Aa e.= o°,."a pres ( 'D08 rornsoft .0 . i >. _„„ r„.. i1 YE' r0 C 1+.�! �/ q a.��.,if L 4, ., 4% „ ...:r''''!' ..," ''-'.',. f .:,,,I,...- • { 'S, x5''E y ] :: 4 1elq P .r r' 31 x ,.' , s,g k" e Y.. t-:- 4,'At,f,'-',.: '.:-•-.!, j.i-i.',-,. ... ,i t o e s 0 tr. xv ar r * � gr # i t4-- k' .I -- 41 It e . §' 1 fie` ,. •:.�§ 41 iS t 14 s t L a ri.�x t,ti i *#'41 : ,. � sVk. s *4 '- '#'. I ��a r A 14 , , 4 . �5'-ti es5 sh i �s tE „t�x,,-.,11-ii: T.,-,,,,,.NL.i.,!,1„,,t',-_,t4,„:11...L,,, 1r ii,j,t...i:.44,,ctsc,S-,hd,ir,4t,!.,:,...,t,',1,,,..,7_,,,:41,,k,,,,,,i.r:44y.f.,:i 44,,,..,1,.:4_if:-..,_:7,4:f4,,,,--'vi_ji.:,--.-0,:ff,?..,ii,;.''''.''.i 1-- t . 1. ;::. :*7.1';'...,k,',-,1; 4'5,,.'_Et.:1-:f.1,_ r {} . ... , ,,,,, „,„ ht1p://maps.I iv'c.com/print.aspx'?mkt=cn-Lis&r=17&-=hA m=.&cp=rafnx i77vvr4k&pt=ph 9/1 I/2f)08 Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: ,/ -&) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Issue Grading Permit to Roger Lindell (Contractor) for property owned by Big marine Ventures, LLC at 19423 Oxboro Ave N. (Resolution No. 09-16-08-01) Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Per City of Scandia Development Code Shoreline Management Regulations 5.9-2; Grading or filling is prohibited within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone. Grading/filling outside these areas shall require a grading permit. Standards for land alteration and grading contained in Chapter 2 of the City of the Scandia Development Code must be followed. A grading permit must be obtained from the Zoning Administrator(the City Council.) • Across Oxboro Ave, approximately 150' from Sand Lake, an area is proposed to be leveled with fill being laid on top of the grass. No filling is allowed within 100 feet of Sand Lake. • Carnelian Marine St Croix Watershed District has been to the site and does not require a permit. • Existing buffer areas will be left intact and the areas will be seeded as soon as possible. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution issuing the grading permit. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 09-16-08-01 Materials provided: • Application Contact(s): Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official (19423 Oxboro Ave grading) Page 1 of I 09/11/08 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO.: 09-16-08-01 RESOLUTION ISSUING A GRADING PERMIT WITHIN THE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT AREA AT 19423 OXBORO AVE NORTH WHEREAS, a grading/land alteration permit has been applied for at 19423 Oxboro Ave North to level off an area of land; and WHEREAS,the project is outside of the shore impact zone but within the Shoreland zone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does issue a grading/land alteration permit to Roger Lindell for property owned by Big Marine Lake Ventures, LLC at 19423 Oxboro Ave North with the following stipulations: 1. A final inspection is called for to verify that the area has been seeded. 2. The septic treatment area has a maximum of 4"of fill placed over it. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 16th day of September, 2008. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/ City Clerk CITY OF SCANDIA 14727 209'h St N.,Scandin MN 55073 651-433-5762 fax 651-433-5112 Grading/Land Alteration Permit Application Permit number (assigned by City): Date issued Project Address: I Cl y .2 -c 1 A l" /l< PID number or legal description: Owner: G' Kew„ ,t,t..u.0-I L�, Phone n Address: (2 l) -- �' /�2, General Contractor: 'i7.c�t�l �' :, �- -k.%... State Lic. Address: f 1 } )\ 4-c-1x_" , Phone 6, 3 /- L/ 3 3 - 2 2 Check applicable: j$1 Shoreland zone: within 1000 feet of a lake, pond or flowage or within 300 feet of a river or stream. ]Consult the Scandia Shoreland Management Ordinance for specifics. Federal, State and Local agencies may also govern the Shoreland zone,the St.Croix River and other applicable areas.] ➢ Grading or filling is prohibited within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone. ➢ Any grading or filling in the Shoreland zone requires a permit. ➢ No cutting or removal of trees within the building setback from the ordinary high water level shall be permitted. See ordinance for specific requirements of wetland types and allowable circumstances. > MN DNR and Watershed District may also govern. k Grading of fifty (50) cubic yards or more and/or the disturbance of 1,000 square feet or more. ❑ Clearing trees in an area larger than 20,000 square feet. ❑ A building, driveway permit has been issued or final plat approval was received. Submittal Documents: IBC of- a, Existing and finished grade plan. O �, p Drainage and erosion control plan, - •'• Provide SWPPP if a NPDES permit is required: C > Grading one acre or more of soil, ➢ Any grading, if it is determined that the activity poses a risk to water resources. Signature: `� tzti ) � Date: /- 4-4 '33 ) Phone number to contact when permit is issued: G S _ f �_ �c . Cell-yes [] no [] FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection is required when finished grade plan is achieved. Building Permit Fee S Escrow $ Other $ TOTAL S BUILDING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE: v1�" LLCW •, ,t �ZTI(4 OF-- C A P 5._ S 'E'. MG/it, „(-"L 5 46.1_ __ _ .,,:y;. -199-/0j2 C 4-•-:t 1:()-iL '/l';' '21:1Q' 11 I iv {f 3 b ; - - __ UC ----- __ --- -\ Z'9""`ZIT (jL,z.✓►"!" /� • -),..v---------4,4:0:0:- . , . 0.(—,/5-'/-4, , , : 1 ,, , _______ _ _ _ __ , .1 ,i, ._ ___ _ _ ,,, p;:. .__ \,_/1/ .., .' , ( :-,.1,1 ...._ e,,,-1 ______ .____.__ _ ______ _. 7 --:1!.,.i,. _ _ _ _ ,__ 3 - ir — iri fib_ te � - r— , n„:„ _ , _ 4„ _ _____ ._ .. ...._ , : ,. __. n Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve the request of Nature Properties, LLC the release of the letter of credit for landscaping in the Natures Walk subdivision. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Natures Walk LLC has requested that the letter of credit for the landscaping be released for the final amount of$7,500. The LOC for landscaping was maintained at this amount, as well as the release of the LOC for the public improvements, on November 9, 2006 by the Town Board • The developer has requested that the guarantee be released. • The site was inspected by the city's engineering firm in 2007 and found that trees were missed on the eastern portion of the development. An inspection in 2008 has determined that all of the trees have been planted as required by the landscape plan and appear to be growing. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the release of the letter of credit for landscaping. Attachments/ None. Materials provided: Contact(s): Mitch Ammerman, President Nature Properties LLC (651 464-8090) Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official (nature properties LOC reduction final) Page 1 of 1 09/11/08 Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: P( 4) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: None—information only. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Monthly reports on calls and citations issued are received from the Washington County Sheriff's office. • Deputy Chris Majeski will be present at the City Council Meeting to answer any questions that the Council may have concerning police protection for the City. Recommendation: N/A Attachments/ • Citations by city report, 08/01/08 to 08/31/08 Materials provided: • Contract ICR's report, 08/01/08 to 08/31/08 Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (sheriff report) Page 1 of 1 09/02/08 ALCOPFR$ (13) PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 1 9/01/08 5:26:58 Washington County Sheriffs Office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: SCANDIA From Date: 8/01/2008 To: 8/31/2008 SCANDIA Offense Offense Location Citation# Date Time 8/01/2008 1934 SCANDIA TR/MEADOWBROOK SW388936 Statute 169 13 2 CARELESS DRIVING 8/02/2008 1515 MANNING TR/ 185TH ST SW388937 Statute 168 OPERATE ATV ON CTY RD 8/08/2008 0645 SCANDIA TR/ LOFTON AV SW388938 Statute 169 14 2 SPEED 71/55 8/10/2008 2140 12200 SCANDIA TR SW396218 Statute 169 14 2A SPEED 70/55 8/11/2008 0107 13345.SCANDIA TR SW372997 Statute 609 2242 5TH DEG DOM ASSLT 8/11/2008 1645 MANNING TR/ 192ND ST SW396219 Statute 171 24 1 DAS 8/14/2008 1020 11800 MAYBERRY SW388939 Statute 169 79 EXPIRED VEH REG 8/14/2008 1118 MANNING TR N/220TH ST N SW388940 Statute 169 14 2 SPEED 8/15/2008 1745 SCANDA TR N/220TH ST SW276045 Statute 169 42 1 LITTERING 8/15/2008 2130 SCANDIA TR N/PENROSE AV N SW276046 Statute 169 797 3 NO INSURANCE 8/21/2008 0910 LANGLY AV/ 185TH ST SW395754 Statute 75 DOG ORDINANCE VIOLATION 8/22/2008 1730 MANNING TR/ 185TH ST SW397666 Statute 169 18 4(4) PASS ON SHOULDER 8/24/2008 1139 21701 PENFIELD AV SW359192 Statute 609 72 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Page 1 ALCOPFR$ (13) Total for City: SCANDIA 13 ** END OF REPORT ** Page 2 CJBWPFR$ (13) PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 1 9/01/08 5:26:58 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 8/01/08 To 8/31/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 8/01/08 11:54:33 108025126 0190 QUINELL AV CHECK VEH 8/01/08 12:01:31 108025128 0190 SCANDIA TR W/W SPEED 8/01/08 12:05:11 108025130 0190 240TH ST AOA/DOMESTIC 8/01/08 12:05:11 108025170 0190 240TH ST AOA 8/01/08 13:49:00 108025139 0190 PARKVIEW AV PUBLIC ASSIST 8/01/08 17:14:26 108025166 0190 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED 30 MINS/ 8/01/08 18:09:37 108025169 0190 ST CROIX TR FIRE ALARM 8/01/08 19:37:26 108025176 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE CARELESS DRIVING 8/02/08 6:31:42 108025220 0136 235TH ST POSS INTRUDER 8/02/08 12:16:23 108025244 0190 MEADOWRIDGE TR FIRE CALL/SEMI FIRE 8/02/08 14:29:45 108025260 0154 LOFTON AV NOISE COMPLAINT 8/02/08 15:01:17 108025265 0190 MANNING TR W/W SPEED 8/02/08 15:17:56 108025267 0190 MANNING TR CITE ATV VIOLATION 8/02/08 18:53:15 108025282 0158 MANNING TR LOOSE DOG 8/02/08 20:06:19 108025290 0158 VETS REST CAMP CHECK WELFARE 8/02/08 20:40:12 108025296 0158 SCANDIA TR CAR VS DEER 8/03/08 5:28:46 108025334 0142 OLINDA TR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY 8/03/08 8:52:01 108025340 0190 SCANDIA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE 8/03/08 11:27:38 108025351 0190 OAKHILL RD VANDALISM REPORT 8/03/08 12:16:08 108025354 0175 LOFTON AV PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT *** 8/03/08 13:58:30 108025363 0190 SCANDIA TR THEFT REPORT 8/03/08 17:04:07 108025382 0158 OLINDA TR HORSE TRAILER ON FIRE 8/04/08 4:47:48 108025413 0136 MELANIE TR SUSP VEH REPORT 8/04/08 17:19:27 108025486 1258 BONE LAKE 21/NOISE COMPLAINT 8/04/08 20:23:54 108025507 0158 OAKHILL RD BURNG COMPLAINT 8/04/08 23:20:21 108025517 0158 OLINDA TR AOA/FLPD CHECK RESIDENCE 8/05/08 13:06:00 108025581 0100 LOFTON AV FEDERAL FIREARMS APPLICANT 8/05/08 13:39:01 108025589 0154 BIG MARINE LAKE PARKING COMPLAINT 8/05/08 16:55:18 108025610 0190 OLINDA TR 911 MISDIAL 8/05/08 21:18:48 108025640 0190 209TH ST PUBLIC PRESENTATION 8/05/08 22:02:39 108025647 0158 ST CROIX TR AUD ALARM 8/05/08 22:36:18 108025655 0146 209TH ST NNO K9 DEMO 8/06/08 4:25:54 108025670 0173 ST CROIX TR ALARM 8/06/08 10:29:18 108025706 0190 SCANDIA TR W/W SPEED 8/06/08 17:13:34 108025746 0158 OBRIEN TR CHILD CUSTODY ISSUE 8/06/08 19:03:15 108025753 0158 OAKHILL RD VEH LOCKOUT 8/07/08 10:49:51 108025799 0190 PARKVIEW AV PRESENTATION 8/07/08 10:54:33 108025800 0190 PARKVIEW LN FOUND PROPERTY 8/07/08 17:53:33 108025839 0146 OLINDA TR ACCIDENT 8/07/08 23:02:55 108025872 0173 205TH ST BARKING DOG 8/08/08 6:45:30 108025893 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE SPEED 71/55 8/08/08 14:08:34 108025955 0190 OLINDA TR GUN POINTING INCIDENT 8/08/08 23:08:42 108026003 0190 SCANDIA TR W/W SPEED 8/09/08 9:12:04 108026031 0110 ST CROIX TR ANNOYING PHONE CALLS *21 RE 8/09/08 15:30:35 108026063 0190 MANNING TR LOOSE CATTLE 8/09/08 17:44:16 108026072 0190 ST CROIX TR RECKLESS DRIVER 8/09/08 19:56:09 108026088 0190 QUENTIN AV VERBAL ALTERCATION Page 1 CJBWPFR$ (13) 8/09/08 21:49:28 108026104 0190 MEADOWBROOK AV SUSP MALES 8/10/08 2:14:30 108026124 0100 QUINT AV LOUD MUSIC COMPLAINT ** 8/10/08 21:50:02 108026193 0165 SCANDIA TR CIT#S/W396218 70/55 8/11/08 0:07:24 108026204 0195 SCANDIA TR DOMESTIC 8/11/08 11:02:08 108026246 0175 COPAS LANDING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY REPORT PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 2 9/01/08 5:26:58 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 8/01/08 To 8/31/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 8/11/08 12:51:57 108026260 OAKHILL RD OFFICER INFO 8/11/08 16:53:59 108026290 0165 MANNING TR CIT#S/W396219 DAS, NO INS 8/12/08 1:54:03 108026339 0173 ORWELL AV SUPICIOUS ACTIVITY 8/12/08 9:13:50 108026359 0100 OLGILVIE AV OFFICERS INFO 8/12/08 9:28:59 108026364 0100 MANNING TR OFFICERS INFO 8/12/08 9:42:12 108026366 0100 237TH ST OFFICERS INFO 8/12/08 11:08:02 108026380 0190 LOFTON AV FOUND PROPERTY 8/12/08 12:00:36 108026385 0190 SCANDIA TR W/W SPEED 8/12/08 15:26:10 108026410 0190 QUINNELL AV DAMAGE TO PROPERTY 8/12/08 20:58:34 108026438 0158 OAKHILL RD SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 8/13/08 6:02:01 108026461 0173 SCANDIA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE 8/13/08 9:07:44 108026467 0190 MANNING TR INSURANCE REQUEST FORM 8/13/08 10:09:35 108026482 0190 182ND ST PARKING COMPLAINT 8/13/08 11:58:03 108026502 0190 192ND ST CHECK AREA 8/13/08 12:39:51 108026516 0190 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 8/13/08 14:15:53 108026532 0190 LANGLY AV DOG COMPLAINT 8/13/08 19:49:06 108026566 0158 OBRIEN TR JUV COMPLAINT 8/14/08 10:20:04 108026621 0190 MAYBERRY TR CITE EXPIRED VEH REG 8/14/08 11:10:26 108026626 0190 217TH ST BURGLARY 8/14/08 11:20:25 108026628 0190 MANNING TR CITE NO INSURANCE/SPEED 67-55 8/14/08 21:19:40 108026680 0158 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 8/15/08 13:28:39 108026759 0100 OLAND AV OFFICER INFO 8/15/08 16:35:58 108026795 0190 MANNING TR DAMAGE TO MAILBOXES 8/15/08 16:46:04 108026796 0173 230TH ST EQUIPMENT REPAIR ORDER-LOUD EX 8/15/08 17:47:52 108026800 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE LITTERING 8/15/08 19:58:00 108026807 0190 OLINDA TR BARKING DOG COMPLAINT 8/15/08 21:34:39 108026814 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE NO INSURANCE 8/15/08 22:52:36 108026819 0173 BIG MARINE LAKE DISABLED BOAT/INFORMATION 8/16/08 15:04:05 108026867 0190 OLINDA TR WAN SPEED 8/16/08 16:49:32 108026879 0190 MANNING TR WAN SPEED 8/16/08 17:25:46 108026881 0111 OLINDA TR COMM ALARM 8/17/08 8:30:15 108026946 0175 OLINDA TR ANIMAL COMPLAINT 8/17/08 9:03:32 108026952 0175 LAKAMAGA TR VEH LOCKOUT 8/17/08 10:56:49 108026954 0119 OLDFIELD AV MEDICAL 8/17/08 15:06:15 108026966 0111 ST CROIX TR ALARM 8/17/08 17:17:28 108026988 1258 BONE LAKE BOATING COMPLAINT 8/17/08 19:32:27 108026999 0111 POMROY AV SHOOTING COMPALINT 8/17/08 21:08:39 108027016 0100 ST CROIX TR 911 CALL 8/18/08 5:54:26 108027030 0136 OLINDA TR CAR DEER 8/18/08 17:24:04 108027131 0165 ST CROIX TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 8/19/08 4:28:05 108027171 0136 LARKSPUR AV OVERDUE MOTORIST/21 COMP 8/19/08 5:32:42 108027170 0100 216TH ST VANDALISM REPORT/COLD Page 2 CJBWPFR$ (13) 8/19/08 7:52:04 108027176 0175 220TH ST ACCIDENT/DISABLED VEHICLE 8/19/08 8:28:22 108027179 0175 228TH ST MEDICAL 8/19/08 9:00:13 108027184 0175 KIRK AV VANDALISM REPORT 8/19/08 12:06:30 108027208 0175 240TH ST 911 CALL/HIT DEER 8/19/08 12:57:05 108027213 0175 ST CROIX TR FIRE ALARM 8/19/08 13:03:45 108027214 0175 SCANDIA TR 911 ABD CALL 8/19/08 18:21:46 108027265 0190 ST CROIX TR FIRE ALARM 8/19/08 19:58:08 108027278 0190 209TH ST CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/20/08 8:00:40 108027311 0190 OLINDA TR LOOSE HORSES 8/20/08 10:16:08 108027331 0190 KEYSTONE AV MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT/LAWNMOWER PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 3 9/01/08 5:26:58 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 8/01/08 To 8/31/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 8/20/08 11:45:02 108027352 0190 216TH ST THEFT REPORT 8/20/08 18:41:35 108027400 0159 LOFTON AV WAN NO MNPDL IN POSS 8/20/08 19:31:44 108027407 0127 OLDFIELD AV TRESSPASSING COMPLAINT 8/20/08 20:54:40 108027412 0159 202ND ST NOISE COMPLAINT/21 8/20/08 22:02:41 108027416 0159 ST CROIX TR ALARM 8/20/08 22:38:14 108027420 0159 OAKHILL CT MEDICAL 8/20/08 23:59:15 108027426 0136 OAKHILL RD ASSIST 8/21/08 8:45:10 108027444 0175 SCANDIA TR ERRATIC DRIVER 8/21/08 9:00:38 108027446 0190 185TH ST ANIMAL COMPLAINT 8/21/08 10:58:29 108027468 0190 MANNING AV DRIVING COMP 8/21/08 11:12:26 108027471 0190 KIRK CT MISSING CHILD 8/22/08 9:54:19 108027608 ST CROIX TR RECEIPT#080001182 8/22/08 12:15:28 108027638 0190 QUINNELL AV MEDICAL 8/22/08 13:37:36 108027660 0190 OAKHILL RD WAN SPEED 8/22/08 15:56:32 108027685 0190 PILAR RD ALARM 8/22/08 16:17:50 108027686 0190 SCANDIA TR WARRANT ARREST-CITE NO MN DL 8/22/08 17:41:11 108027692 0165 MANNING TR CIT#S/W397666 PASS ON SHOULDE 8/22/08 17:45:36 108027695 0165 KIRBY AV SOLICATOR/SUSP OCCURANCE 8/22/08 18:10:12 108027696 0165 BIG MARINE LAKE PROPERTY DAMAGE REPORT 8/23/08 2:32:16 108027726 0173 205TH ST DOMESTIC/SUICIDAL MALE 8/23/08 3:38:04 108027729 0145 205TH ST K9 ASSIST 8/23/08 16:54:44 108027773 0118 OLINDA TR ABANDONED VEH 8/23/08 19:06:15 108027785 0149 188TH ST POISON CONTROL 8/23/08 22:15:04 108027798 0190 OLINDA TR WAN HEADLIGHT 8/23/08 23:05:48 108027801 0190 SCANDIA TR WAN SPEED 8/23/08 23:08:24 108027802 0129 SCANDIA TR LARGE COMMERCIAL TRUCK VS MOTO 8/24/08 4:10:42 108027815 0190 SCANDIA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCDIENT 8/24/08 11:39:18 108027845 0147 PENFIELD AV THREATS 8/24/08 11:52:25 108027846 0147 LAYTON AV ASSIST 8/24/08 13:09:08 108027853 0100 QUARRY AV ALARM ***** CANCEL PROP 8/24/08 19:31:55 108408539 KEEWAHTIN AV THREATS REPORT 8/24/08 19:47:06 108027891 0159 OBRIEN TR SUSP TRUCK 10-21 8/24/08 20:15:25 108027892 0159 MANNING TR DK DRIVER 8/25/08 8:31:40 108027916 0175 SCANDIA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE REPORT 8/25/08 10:00:42 108408556 KIRK CT FOUND DOG 8/25/08 12:34:43 108027937 01 75 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 8/25/08 12:52:26 108027943 0175 MAYBERRY TR PUBLIC ASSIST * Page 3 CJBWPFR$ (13) 8/25/08 14:14:43 108027957 0100 PARKVIEW AV OFFICERS INFO 8/25/08 14:58:20 108027964 0170 SCANDIA TR FAMILY ASSIST 8/25/08 15:40:46 108027969 0170 240TH ST MEDICAL 8/25/08 18:54:01 108027986 0170 MANNING AV TRAFFIC CITATION #SW396513 SPE 8/26/08 10:23:46 108028048 0190 NEWBERRY CT SICK RABBIT 8/26/08 15:40:19 108028088 0190 KEYSTONE AV W/W EXP VEH REG 8/26/08 16:13:45 108028094 OLINDA LN CIVIL PROCESS CASE 8/26/08 16:20:15 108028097 PENFIELD AV CIVIL PROCESS CASE 8/26/08 17:14:36 108028102 0158 MORGAN AV PUBLIC ASSIST 10-21 FIRST 8/27/08 14:39:15 108028192 0190 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED/30 MINS/ 8/27/08 19:00:48 108028210 0170 ST CROIX TR W/W #92342 -TRAFFIC SPEED 8/28/08 0:12:12 108028237 0136 240TH ST AUD BURG ALARM 8/28/08 5:28:16 108028246 0136 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 8/28/08 5:28:16 108408671 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 8/28/08 12:13:46 108028283 0175 ORWELL AV MEDICAL ALERT PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 4 9/01/08 5:26:58 Washington County Sheriffs Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 8/01/08 To 8/31/08 Date Time ICR# ID# Street Name Complaint 8/28/08 14:03:53 108028299 0190 228TH ST CAT BITE REPORT *21 COMP* 8/28/08 15:00:46 108028303 01 54 OBRIEN TR CAMPING COMPLAINT 8/28/08 17:54:08 108028327 0190 MANNING TR W/W SPEED 8/28/08 19:04:51 108028334 0190 KIRBY AV AUD ALARM 8/29/08 9:27:20 108028377 MANNING TR RECEIPT#080001233 8/29/08 16:15:06 108028426 0190 SCANDIA TR DUMPING COMPLAINT 8/29/08 16:48:37 108028433 0190 MANNING TR DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED/25 MINUT 8/29/08 20:13:36 108028452 0159 197TH ST BURNING COMPLAINT 8/29/08 21:03:24 108028459 0159 SCANDIA TR SPEED 64/55 CIT#SW397279 8/29/08 22:19:56 108028467 0159 KIRK AV DISTURBANCE 8/29/08 22:42:37 108028469 0159 MANNING TR ALARM 8/30/08 13:17:15 108028508 0190 238TH ST W/W SPEED 8/30/08 14:21:34 108028510 0190 MAYBERRY TR CITE EXPIRED VEH REG 8/30/08 16:43:21 108028516 0190 228TH ST CITE ATV VIOLATION 8/30/08 22:43:01 108028556 0149 MAYBERRY TR NOISE COMPLAINT 8/31/08 14:26:17 108028621 0159 195TH ST AUD ALARM 8/31/08 15:24:58 108028625 0159 228TH ST LOST DOG/INFORMATION 8/31/08 17:46:30 108028640 0159 POMROY AV GUNSHOTS HEARD 8/31/08 18:09:23 108028644 0159 OBRIEN TR FOUND PROPERTY Total ICRs Processed: 175 " END OF REPORT 't Page 4 c'lry � City of Sandia ENGINEERING UPDATE SCANDIA !tl n n c s 0 t a September 2008 The purpose of this update is to provide you with information on various projects and engineering activities for the month. HIGHLIGHTS FOR TIME PERIOD 7/14/08 - 8/15/08 • Tii Gavo- Construction is ongoing and includes: wastewater treatment system and private utility installation. • The Sanctuary - Bonestroo prepared a feasibility report for City Council consideration for approval. City Projects: 1. 2007 Street Paving • Two year warranty period ends October, 2009. • No action taken this month. 2. Pilar Road • Reviewed maps and road easement information. Made list of issues we will encounter with the future paving. Still gathering information on past surveys and right-of-way along Pilar Road. • Worked on several drafts of the questions to ask residents and will have this for review by City Council on 5/20/08. Once there is consensus on the questions, a letter questionnaire with self-addressed stamped envelop will be mailed. • The City Council has reviewed the questionnaire that the residents have completed, no Council actions authorized to date. 3. Fire Hall Approach Aprons • Bonestroo prepared cost opinions for alternatives to repair the south approach apron. The apron is moving due to frost/soil moisture conditions. The information was presented at the 8/26/08 Budget workshop meeting. Private Developments: 1. Wyldewood Acres • Still some landscaping to be done by developer. • Cracked sidewalk at several locations along Odell- caused by developer's equipment. • No action taken this month. 568gen\Engineering Updates 1 2. Nature's Walk • Dead trees were removed and replaced in Fall, 2007. • Letter of Credit: $7,500 for landscaping. • No action taken this month. 3. Wild Bush Acres • Letter of Credit: $60,000 for streets, $1,500 for Landscaping. 3 trees are questionable. • Warranty inspection was completed on August 7, 2008 and a written inspection notice will be prepared for the Developer to make the corrections. • The inspection noticed was delivered to the City of Scandia who then would coordinate the work to be corrected with the Developer. 4. The Sanctuary • Bituminous wear course still needs to be placed. • Letter of Credit: On 10/4/05, amount was reduced to $9,375 for streets and $3,000 for landscaping. • Bonestroo prepared a letter feasibility report identifying the remaining project work, costs to complete the work, and assessment amounts. City Council consideration at the 9/16/08 meeting includes receipt of the report, ordering the preparation of plans and obtaining bids. 5. Willowbrook Church • No action taken this month. 6. Tii Gavo • Contractor has nearly completed all the infiltration, filtration and sedimentation basins work. • On August 12, 2008 a review of the project site was completed and a meeting was held with the City, Developer, Developer's Engineer, and Bonestroo to discuss the Letter of Credit reduction request submitted by the Developer. Bonestroo has prepared a construction cost opinion for the construction remaining to be completed and prepared a letter for City Council consideration at the 8/19/08 meeting. • The Contractor still has the electric work remaining on the wastewater treatment facility. Once all work is completed a startup procedure will be conducted to verify the system is in working order. • Gas main still needs to be installed in the development. • Contractor is preparing some of the areas that won't be disturbed anymore for final seeding. • The Contractor still has the electric work remaining on the wastewater treatment facility. Once all work is completed a startup procedure will be conducted to verify the system is in working order. • Final Wear Course paving is tentatively set for the last week in September. 7. White Rock Ranch • Final plat has been approved. 568gen\Engineering Updates 2 • No action taken this month. 8. Old Marine Estates • No action taken this month. Studies and General Engineering: 1. Pavement Management Study • Project was ordered on March 18, 2008. The five step process includes roadway inventory, roadway condition rating, roadway priorities, cost estimates and preparation of a report. Total cost of$9,800. • Pavements were inspected and conditions rated on 5/8/08. This has been entered into a spreadsheet. • Paul Hornby presented the final draft of the report to the City Council on August 6, 2008 at the Budget Workshop meeting. The Plan is in its final form unless the Council and/or Staff have review comments/changes before final plans are distributed. • Bonestroo will prepare the final report and provide copies to the City in September, 2008. 2. 2008 Road Striping • Sent list to County- we are included in the stripping program which will take place this summer. Estimated cost of$10,000 to $15,000 for stripping roads in Scandia. • All work has been completed. 3. Projects that are complete and in warranty period • Lofton Court Drainage. Warranty inspection was completed on August 7, 2008. All work was found to be in compliance with the project specifications. • Perkins Ave. berm. Warranty inspection was completed on August 7, 2008. All work was found to be in compliance with the project specifications. • Novak Avenue turnaround and 182nd Street drainage. Warranty inspection was completed on August 7, 2008. All work was found to be in compliance with the project specifications other than some minor silt fence removal on 182nd that the Contractor will be removing. • Olsen/Sandgren Project. Warranty inspection was completed on August 7, 2008. All work was found to be in compliance with the project specifications. 568gen\Engineering Updates 3 Council Report August 2008 Steve Thorp Scandia Code Official Building information: • #permits issued: August 2008 = 42 • # new residential units: 0 YTD=3 • Totals for 2008 a) Valuation=$491,903.00 YTD=$2,054,329.00 b) Permit Fees=$4,649.60 YTD=$19,461.00 c) Plan Review Fees=$1,269.57 YTD=$6,578.69 Total Fees Generated YTD=26039.69 Code enforcement/zoning actions: • TOTAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: 49 1. court action: 0 (1 warrant has been outstanding since 11/19/07) 2. actively pursuing: 18 3. closed cases: 33 • new cases: 3 for the month of August; • 11 Exterior Storage violations, 2 Shoreland Regulation infractions, 4 Farm Animal violations, 1 unlicensed car, 4 miscellaneous (foreclosure or empty homes) • 18540 Langly Ave N.: Letter was issued regarding a potentially dangerous dog; • 13549 240`h Ave N.: Grading done near Sand Lake-determined to be agricultural with a field road added and leveling of crop fields, no violation of City ordinances; • 21410 Oren Ave: Owner ordered to license car: cars are licensed; • 22300 Olinda Tr.: Owner inquiring about options for having horses near Bone Lake, October 1, 2008 has been given to remove the horses; • 14808 Oakhill Rd N: Owner told to remove advertising banner from outside of business. Planning: Tii Gavo: The Utility building is near completion and the wear course is being planned. The Sanctuary: Progressing towards paving the road through legal means. Nature's Walk: Developer asking that the project be finaled. Final inspections have been completed 3 times since 2006 and the project appears to be complete. Wild Bush Acres: Developer asking that the project be finaled as the wear course has been in for a year and all trees have been planted for 2 years. A checklist was completed by the City Engineer on 8/18/08. Zoning issues: 1. CHOF is in the process of getting a CUP for their operation. 2. Stanek variance application tabled until September. Possible Future issues: • 11671 218th St N: Certificate of Compliance for number of horses/private horse training facility. • 230XX St Croix Tr: Variance to allow an accessory building with no principle structure. Daily Activities: • Building inspections; • Zoning inspections; • Resident interaction including phone calls, emails and in person regarding zoning, planning and building issues; City of Scandia Building Permits August-08 PERMITS Permit# Date Address Owner Work Valuation 8-099 8/1/2008 19490 Orwell Ct Fisher reroof $ 3,500.00 8-100 8/1/2008 20211 Maxwill Ave Riermann reroof $ 33,625.00 8-101 8/1/2008 13952 205th St Johnson reroof $ 10,000.00 8-102 8/1/2008 19380 Parkview Ln Hanson reroof $ 7,000.00 8-103 8/1/2008 12160 Scandia Tr Anderson, Kraig reroof $ 4,466.00 8-104 8/1/2008 10363 216th St Amundson window replacement $ 1,388.00 8-****** 8/4/2008 18884 Layton Ave Nagle connection to 201 system, C $ 9,000.00 8-105 8/4/2008 12700 Mayberry Tr Hulleman reroof $ 10,000.00 8-106 8/4/2008 20800 Kirby Ave N Wasman reroof $ 9,000.00 8-107 8/4/2008 10604 230th St Obst reroof $ 7,000.00 8-108 8/4/2008 16989 197th St Larson reroof $ 10,000.00 8-109 8/4/2008 14461 Oakhill Rd Sherman reroof $ 4,140.00 8-110 8/4/2008 21830 Olinda Tr Ward reroof $ 6,460.00 8-111 8/4/2008 21460 Oland Ave Brambilla reroof $ 11,119.00 8-112 8/4/2008 21889 Oldfield Ave Johnson reroof $ 6,638.00 8-113 8/7/2008 19005 Layton Ave Bluhm grading 8-114 8/5/2008 21890 Olinda Ave Mulcahy reroof $ 7,000.00 8-115 8/7/2008 23229 St. Croix Tr Leider AC replacement $ 3,100.00 8-116 8/7/2008 18141 Olinda Tr Cronk reroof $ 6,500.00 8-117 8/7/2008 18300 Norell Ave Wolfbauer reroof $ 60,000.00 8-118 8/7/2008 21163 Killian Ave Remmen reroof $ 3,000.00 8-119 8/8/2008 18370 Norell Ave Cartier garage add'n $ 8,640.00 8-120 8/8/2008 12445 235th St Nelson garage $ 18,000.00 8-121 8/8/2008 21080 Ozark Ct Carlson DBA Am-Tech storage bldg $ 9,750.00 8-122 8/8/2008 18653 Langly Ct Seliger reroof $ 4,500.00 8-123 8/13/2008 20110 Manning Tr Zuzek reroof $ 4,500.00 8-124 8/13/2008 18333 Olinda Tr Gallups reroof $ 11,000.00 8-125 8/15/2008 14790 Scandia Tr Olson reroof $ 4,329.00 8-126 8/15/2008 21701 Penfield Ave Cormier reroof $ 10,000.00 8-127 8/15/2008 22085 Kirk Ave Carlson siding & reroof $ 25,000.00 8-128 8/15/2008 13160 230th St Nelson reroof $ 13,000.00 8-129 8/19/2008 13520 Oakhill Rd Schaaf porch and reside $ 7,500.00 8-130 8/20/2008 18543 Langly Ave Winter addition of second floor $ 68,376.00 8-131 8/14/2008 21509 Lofton Ave. N. Hogle porch - $ 27,000.00 8-132 8/21/2008 15240 Oakhill Rd Barkley window replacement $ 3,051.00 8-133 8/21/2008 14980 223st St Potts reroof $ 13,530.00 8-134 8/27/2008 15526 Oakhill Rd Morrison reroof $ 8,066.00 8-135 8/27/2008 22727 Olgilvie Ave O'Connell reroof $ 3,800.00 8-136 8/27/2008 23239 Lofton Ct Kueber reroof $ 10,159.00 8-137 8/27/2008 19565 Old Marine Tr Ottara reroof $ 10,000.00 8-138 8/27/2008 19977 Keystone Ave Nordine reroof $ 10,000.00 8-139 8/26/2008 21120 Olinda Trail Benson reroof $6,666 8-140 8/29/2008 18741 Manning Tr Vue deck repair $ 2,100.00 L V03 permit spreadsheet August 08 9/11/2008 4:31 PM City of Scandia Building Permits August-08 FEES Permit# Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Total 8-099 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-100 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-101 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-102 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-103 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-104 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-105 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-106 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-107 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-108 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-109 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-110 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-111 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-112 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-113 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 8-114 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-115 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-116 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-117 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-118 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-119 $ 167.50 $ 108.90 $ 276.40 8-120 $ 293.50 $ 190.75 $ 484.25 8-121 $ 181.50 $ 118.00 $ 299.50 8-122 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-123 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-124 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-125 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-126 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-127 $ 139.00 $ 139.00 8-128 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-129 $ 139.50 $ 90.70 $ 230.20 8-130 $ 769.75 $ 500.34 $ 1,270.09 8-131 $ 401.35 $ 260.88 $ 662.23 8-132 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-133 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-134 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-135 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-136 $ 69.50 _ $ 69.50 8-137 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-138 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-139 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 8-140 $ 69.50 $ 69.50 $ 4,649.60 $ 1,269.57 $ 5,919.17 Letters of Credit Name Purpose Date issued Initial amount Current balance Expiration Nature's Walk landscape 10/20/04 $ 25,000.00 $ 7,500.00 6/15/2009 Sanctuary final project 7/19/2005 $ 96,000.00 $ 12,375.00 90 days after final Tii Gavo grading 10/1/06 $ 250,000.00 $ - Expired Tii Gavo construction 6/28/07 $ 1,514,344.00 $ 564,344.00 6/28/2009 Tii Gavo landscape 6/28/07 $ 177,687.00 $ 177,687.00 6/28/2009 Wild Bush Acres landscape/improve. 10/20/05 $ 350,000.00 $ 60,000.00 10/2/2008 Old Marine Estates improvements 7/23/08 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 7/23/2009 Childers variance 12/6/05 $ 30,000.00 $ 5,000.00 6/6/2011 Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: (?, f } City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a position description for"Street Maintenance Worker, Part- Time Seasonal" and authorize advertisement of the position. Deadline/ Timeline: If approved, the position would be advertised in local newspapers the week of September 22 with an application deadline of Friday, October 10, with interviews approximately October 20. Council approval of hiring would be targeted for the November 5 meeting. Background: • With the retirement of part-time maintenance worker William Poidinger at the end of October, and with Maintenance Supervisor John Morrison on medical leave, the Public Works Department will be severely understaffed. • The part-time position generally performs snow removal and general maintenance functions during the winter months, and grounds maintenance in the summer. The qualifications needed for these functions vary; for example, a Class A driver's license is not needed for grounds maintenance work but is required to operate a snow plow. Prevailing wages also vary. Pay rates for grounds maintenance are generally much lower($8 to $10 per hour) than for jobs operating heavy equipment or-commercial vehicles ($15 to $20 per hour.) • The current budget would not allow for hiring a full-time position with health care or annual leave benefits. Hiring a seasonal worker(up to 67 work days) would avoid PERA contributions. Recommendation: • Until the Maintenance Supervisor returns, staff would prefer not to hire a permanent employee. Hiring seasonal workers would allow for more flexibility to seek out the appropriate level of experience and skills for work that has a seasonal nature. $15 to $17 per hour is the recommended pay rate for advertising the position. • The Human Resources Committee (Council members Crum & Peterson and Administrator Hurlburt) met on September 10 to review the job description and advertisement, and recommended that the city proceed with hiring. Page 1 of 2 09/11/08 Attachments/ • Draft Position Description, Street Maintenance Worker, Part- Materials provided: Time Seasonal • Draft Job Advertisement Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (public works hiring) Page 2 of 2 09/11/08 Approved by City Council, September 16, 2008 City of Scandia, Minnesota POSITION DESCRIPTION TITLE: STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER, PART-TIME SEASONAL STATUS: Part-time (approximately 24 hours/week), seasonal (up to 67 work days) position Normal working hours, per personnel policy Subject to emergency call-out or off-hour work assignments FLSA Non-Exempt REPORTS TO: Maintenance Supervisor City Administrator City Council PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Under direction of and in coordination with full-time maintenance staff, perform a wide variety of tasks necessary to maintain roads in safe driving condition in all seasons of the year. Help ensure that all city facilities including parks, buildings and drainage systems are safe and maintained in good condition. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: 1. Plow snow and sand and de-ice roads. 2. Perform snow removal at the Community Center, Public Works/ Fire Hall, Annex and public sidewalks. 3. Maintain roads including road sign replacement, trash and dead animal removal, inspection and removal of any road hazard such as fallen trees, limbs or brush. 4. Install, maintain and remove street light decorations. 5. Work with utility companies to mark underground city utilities. 6. Assist with maintenance of city buildings and facilities including the Community Center. Includes building exterior and interior such as grounds maintenance, kitchen equipment, minor plumbing and electrical repairs, painting, decorating and trash removal. 7. Perform mechanical maintenance of equipment including trucks and lawn and landscaping equipment 8, Determine and perform preventative maintenance and safety checks on all equipment. 9. Attend safety meetings and other training as required. 10.Perform other duties as assigned. Page I of 2 Printed 9/1 1/2008 KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Knowledge of and skill in operation of equipment. 2. Ability to make minor repairs and adjustments to equipment. 3. Building maintenance skills. 4. Mechanical aptitude. 5. Ability to do some lifting, bending, climbing, reaching, overhead pushing and pulling. 6. Agility to perform job responsibilities in climatic extremes 7. Ability to work overtime or be on call as necessary and assigned. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: 1. Maintenance workers perform as a team to accomplish objectives. 2. Facilities and equipment are maintained in a neat, clean and orderly manner at all times. 3. Equipment and labor are utilized appropriately, effectively and safely. 4. Communicates with elected officials, staff and citizens in a polite and courteous manner. 5. Keeps supervisor informed of all significant matters he/she must know to perform his/her responsibilities effectively, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: 1. High school diploma or equivalent education. 2. Experience in road construction and maintenance work involving the operation of a variety of road construction equipment. 3. Valid class "A" driver's license and good driving record. SUPERVISION OF OTHERS: None Page 2 of 2 Printed 9/11/2008 `�� `/ SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a PART-TIME, SEASONAL STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER The City of Scandia is accepting applications for a part-time, seasonal street maintenance worker (approximately 24 hours/week, up to 67 work days.) The position will assist with maintaining roads in safe driving condition during the winter season and ensuring that all city facilities including parks,buildings and drainage systems are safe and maintained in good condition. Minimum qualifications include: high school diploma or equivalent education, experience in road construction and maintenance work involving the operation of a variety of road construction equipment, valid class "A"driver's license and good driving record. Pay range is $15.00 to $17.00 per hour,depending upon qualifications. City application required. For a copy of the application materials, contact the city at 651 433-2274, or visit the city web site at www.ci.scandia.mn.us. Submit completed application packet to: City of Scandia, 14727 209th St. N., Scandia MN, 55073 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, October 10, 2008. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER For publication in: Country Messenger, September 24, 2008 Forest Lake Times, September 23, 2008 Minnesota League of Cities Publications - 14727 709''' St. N PO Bo\ 125. Scandia. Minnesota 55073 Phone 0511 -133_2274 Fa\ (651 ) =133-51 12 vv ci scandia mn u; Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: 1- a City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Give staff direction on next steps with the former Rasmussen home at 20780 Olinda Trail. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The city owns the property at 20780 Olinda Trail, which was purchased to provide for future expansion of the community sewage treatment system. The Rasmussens recently gave up their life estate and the city gained control of the property. • The home, which was built in approximately 1900, is 2 stories with a partial basement, about 1,500 square feet of living area with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The site includes a 30' by 56' pole building. When an inspection report and appraisal were prepared in 2002, the home was found to be dated and suffering from deferred maintenance. The oil heating system is 40+ years old, and there has been some settling of the foundation. • At the August 16 meeting, the Council directed staff to inspect the property and make recommendations whether the city should rent the house or remove it. • The keys were turned over to the city at the end of August, and staff has inspected the property. A summary of the inspection results is attached. The property is in poor shape and a significant amount of work would be needed to make it habitable. We have not attempted to prepare a cost estimate for repairs, which would run into tens of thousands of dollars. There are some unknowns (such as the quality of the well) that would need further investigation. • If basic improvements were made to this home and it was rented to a family, the expected rental income would be around $1,000 per month. Because of its age and condition, and expected high utility costs, a higher rent could probably not be justified. • Not considering the cost of the required improvements, it is Page 1 of 2 09/09/08 expected that annual property taxes in 2009 will be about $2,200. Insurance, if the property is occupied, is estimated at $1,407 per year. If the property is unoccupied for any part of the year, the annual premium would rise to $4,077. Any other ongoing maintenance costs are not known. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the home be torn down. The costs to upgrade it to meet basic health and safety standards would be significant. There are structural problems with the home that would make remodeling a poor investment. The city's intent in purchasing the property was to acquire the land for future expansion of the sewer system, so there would be a limited opportunity to amortize any improvements. Aside from the costs, the Council may also wish to consider whether or not the city should become a landlord. Based on my experience managing publicly-owned rental property, the expectations of a public agency are different than those for a private landlord, from the renter and from the public in general. The lack of staff time to manage and maintain the property should also be considered. How the lease terms would be determined, and how a tenant would be chosen, are also issues the Council would have to deal with. Tearing down the home will entail expenses for demolition, restoring the site and sealing the well. It is possible that there may be some salvage value that would help offset this cost. If the Council decides that this is what should be done, the next step will be to solicit quotes for the demolition. Attachments/ • Summary of Inspection Results Materials provided: • Photographs Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Rasmussen home recommendation) Page 2 of 2 09/09/08 Summary of Inspection 20780 Olinda Trail September 4, 2008 Notes Exterior Much of the exterior has been clad with vinyl siding. Wood that is exposed is rotting and needs paint. Roof appears to be damaged in some areas by hail; moss growing in other areas. Cracking visible around foundation. Retaining wall on south side of house should have a barrier at top. Front door and steps are rotten, cracking. Exterior Doors & Of four exterior doors, only one has operable key lock that Windows can be locked and entered from the outside (basement service door.) This doorknob & lock need to be repaired or replaced. Two exterior doors lead to "porch"that includes a finished room with closet that may have been a sleeping room. Inside door to kitchen is lockable. Other doors have only storm door latches, and do not close tightly. May not be possible to install new locks in most of these doors due to their condition. Paint on windows peeling; likely lead-based paint. Single pane windows, storm windows on some. Many ground-level windows do not lock; sticks are used to hold them up. One cracked window pane needs replacement. Basement window open to elements near fuel tank. Mechanical/ Oil burning furnace is old; appears to be `/ to 3/8 tank of fuel Electrical oil. Electric water heater (small) age unknown. No working smoke detectors or CO detectors. Electrical is mixture of older and newer wiring. No GFIs except in upstairs bathroom. Utilities Water—well tank in basement does not have shut-off. Water quality unknown. Sewer—some work done in last 2 years; status of inspections/maintenance unknown. Kitchen No refrigerator or stove. No hook-up for dishwasher. Sink has illegal S-trap. Kitchen sink has newer faucet. Bathrooms Two very small and cramped bathrooms. Upstairs bath has no headroom except in front of sink where there is a skylight. Main level bath has illegal S-trap. Plumbing fixtures appear to be working. Summary of Inspection 20780 Olinda Trail September 4,2008 Page 2 of 2 Notes Walls & Ceilings Most walls have old wallpaper with significant peeling and deterioration in every room. Plaster walls behind the wallpaper are crumbling in many places. Painting will not be possible without repairing plaster in many areas. Cracks indicate settling of foundation. More cracking and deterioration of walls & ceilings on upper floor than main floor. Main floor had sprayed ceiling treatment applied sometime in past (`70s?) Some moisture damage to ceilings on second floor. Floors All flooring needs to be replaced. Existing carpeting is torn, with rotting pads and tripping hazards. Two rooms on main floor appear to have (2 different kinds) of wood floors under old carpets. Stairway to second floor has hazardous shag carpet. Bedrooms on 2"d floor have old (1940s?) linoleum over unfinished wood. Miscellaneous Upstairs walls & ceilings appear to have little or no insulation. No washer or dryer; laundry tub & shower stall in basement. Stairways are very narrow; railings needed. Old window treatments should be removed. Light fixtures are bare bulbs in some locations. Pole Barn Some accumulation of household hazardous waste (gas tanks, paint, weed killer, etc.) and building materials will require disposal. Two newer overhead doors with working openers. Dirt floor. Overall in reasonable shape. ff IL*,. d Wit,_ r R : P8020001 P8020002 P8020003 IF*,...,.. .. . . ,,e, ....„.„,,,, ,:st.„,,,...,4,.:,,,,,,,„,,.,..:,-. °.4 - .. N.,--. ''A s.. .�t "16 -.,.-. .r,o., 1- P8020004 P8020005 P8020006 ,,,.. 1:.' , t '11'11;1:— RI- rt...,-. ___ . _, _ i''''' rip 4i P8020007 P8020008 P8020009 z P8020010 P8020011 P8020012 It P P8020014 P8020015 8020013 4 4 it _---74-2 ' '74 t+ . ,.. , , ,_, ---_,_1:•=-4,"-'..'', P8020016 P8020017 P8020018 . ! n ,fit �, '. P8020019 P8020020 P8020021 40 t _ max. :` - �' _ - ii P8020022 P8020023 P8020024 ti ' ►1 . {,t,, Sates . I t,.. -.- 3 ( I•. : P8020025 P8020026 P8020027 ! art-- :. I Lit. i Via I ' P8020028 L , P8020029 P8020030 r . kilg P8020031 1.1 P8020032 P8020033 P8020034 P8020035 P8020036 MI& P P8020038 8020037 P8020039 4 P8020040 P8020041 P8020042 u. �;�" *r; �r r,,�. an ,o a,.e I k P8020043 P8020044 P8020045 u P8020046 P8020047 P8020048 i� - - _=- 00.--- P8020049 P8020050 P8020051 Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: J� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Discuss the contents of the Fall city newsletter. Deadline/ Timeline: Draft to Council: Friday, September 19, 2008 To Printer: end of business on Tuesday, September 23 Mailing: by Friday, October 3 Background: • The City's twice-yearly newsletter is sent to all Scandia mailing addresses on approximately April 1 and October 1. • Fall newsletter topics will be: o 2009 budget and tax levy o Election information o Comp Plan status report o Community events calendar o Winter recreation programs (preliminary info) • If space permits, we could also include some of the reminders of property maintenance issues, permits, signs etc. that were included in the last issue. Recommendation: The Council should give feedback to staff on the newsletter topics. A draft will be sent to you with packets on Friday, September 19, with a request for comments no later than the following Tuesday. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (fall newsletter) Page 1 of 1 09/11/08 Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: q a.2 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider approving the application of Christ's Household of Faith (CHOF) Church for an Interim Use Permit and a Variance for an animal feedlot setback from White Rock Lake on property located at 19060 Manning Avenue. Deadline/ Timeline: 60-day review period expires October 3, 2008. Background: • The Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the application at their September 2, 2008 meeting. The Council postponed action to the September 16 meeting. Staff was directed to prepare a revised resolution for approval. • Draft Resolution 09-16-08-01 reflects the following changes from the resolution recommended by the Planning Commission: o Additional "whereas" clauses have been added to describe the accessory uses on the site. o The maximum number of animal units has been changed from ten (10) to eight (8). _ o Condition #7 regarding camping has been revised to allow a maximum of 8 camping nights for groups of over 25 people, to be held in conjunction with weekend or holiday worship services. Campers and trailers would need to be removed the following day after the worship service. An unlimited number of camping nights would be allowed for smaller groups. All campers and trailers for small groups would have to be removed the day after their overnight use. o A compliance inspection on the septic systems would be required by the end of 2008 and every five years thereafter. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council consider the draft resolution. The number of 25 people was inserted into condition #7 for discussion purposes. The Council may determine than another number is more Page 1 of 2 09/09/08 i • appropriate. If additional time is required for review of the application, the City should invoke its right to extend the review period for an additional 60 days. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 09-16-08-01 Materials provided: • TKDA Memorandum dated August 27, 2008 • Aerial Photo Contact(s): David Bluhm, CHOF 651 707-4270 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (CHOF IUP and Variances) Page 2 of 2 09/09/08 • CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 09-16-08-01 INTERIM USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES REQUEST FOR 19060 MANNING AVENUE NORTH WHEREAS, Christ's Household of Faith Church and School has made application for an Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of animal units in greater concentration than 1 animal unit per 2 grazable acres, and variances to allow a feedlot setback-of 200 feet from White Rock Lake and 20 feet from a wetland, located at 19060 Manning Avenue; and WHEREAS, the property is legally described as follows: Government Lot Three (3), in Section Thirty 030), in Township Thirty-two (32) North, of Range Twenty(20)West, EXCEPT the following: The West Seventy-five (75) feet of Government Lot Three (3), Section Thirty(30), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty(20) West, Washington County, Minnesota, and that part of said Government Lot Three(3)described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said West Seventy-five(75) feet of Government Lot Three (3); thence southerly along the east line of said West Seventy-five(75) feet of Government Lot (3) a distance of Nine Hundred Sixty-three and Seventy-seven Hundredths (963.77) feet;thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of said Government Lot Three (3) distance Fifty(50) feet easterly from the northeast corner of said West Seventy- five (75) feet of Government Lot Three (3); thence westerly along said north line Fifty(50) feet to the point of beginning. All subject to existing rights of way and easements arid restrictions of record; and WHEREAS, Christ's Household of Faith Church and School conducts several uses accessory to the primary use of this site for agricultural and residential uses, including: day camp associated with the horses; seasonal pick-your-own agricultural business, open to the public; area for outdoor church worship services, consisting of a low platform stage and amplified sound system; campground for private use for overnight camping in advance of worship services; recreational uses including play ground, swim beach, softball field and volleyball court for private use, and several accessory structures; and WHEREAS, some of these accessory uses are nonconforming, and it is now desirable to establish the conditions under which these uses may continue; and Resolution No.: 09-16-08-01 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on September 2, 2008, and has recommended approval of the Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of animal units in greater concentration than 1 animal unit per 2 grazable acres, and variances to allow a feedlot setback of 200 feet from White Rock Lake and 20 feet from a wetland; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the request of Christ's Household of Faith Church and School for the Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of animal units in greater concentration than 1 animal unit per 2 grazable acres, and variances to allow a feedlot setback of 200 feet from White Rock Lake and 20 feet from a wetland; based on the following findings: 1) The situation is unique because improvements to the horse barn and pasture area were made in 2006 with guidance, approval, or acknowledgement from various units of government. 2) Improvements were designed and implemented with assistance from the Washington Conservation District, in order to better protect the water quality of White Rock Lake. Improvements consisted of fencing to prevent grazing along the shore and in a wetland, redirection of stormwater so that only stormwater from the barn roof flows into the feedlot, and a buffer/settling basin system to treat feedlot runoff before stormwater enters White Rock Lake. 3) The improvements were designed for 8 horses. The MinnFARM model indicates that the feedlot will meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards if used by 10 horses. 4) The Washington Conservation District staff indicates that the improvements are working as planned to protect the lake and wetland. 5) A hardship exists because the redirection of stormwater and buffer/settling basin system improvements cannot be relocated to meet the setback requirements, and these improvements were made with approval or acknowledgement from various units of local government. 6) With proper management and maintenance, the feedlot would not alter the essential character of the area, and is consistent with the natural resource conservation and agricultural preservation goals of the Comprehensive Plan. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. A maximum of ten eight animal units shall be kept on the subject property. 2. The feedlot and pastures shall be managed to best protect surface water and groundwater resources. The CHOF School Horse Program Guidelines Pasture Management Section (consisting of a description of the facility, ten elements of pasture management, and general management), and Operation and Maintenance Plan for Christ's Household of Faith Horse Farm Feedlot Improvements and Animal Waste Management System prepared by Washington Conservation District, numbered O&M-PS-393, -362, and -313, shall be followed. These documents shall be recorded with this permit. Resolution No.: 09-16-08-01 Page 3 of 4 3. The Applicant shall register the feedlot with the MPCA and meet all MPCA standards, and provide proof of registration to the City by January 1, 2009. 4. Day camp: Day camp, not overnight camp, is permitted. Bus transportation shall be used in order to minimize traffic to the site. 5. Seasonal Agricultural Business: A pick-your-own seasonal business is allowed, with the conditions that no sale of product shall take place on the right-of-way; any temporary structure shall be removed at the end of the season and meet setback requirements, that permanent vegetation must be maintained within 50 feet of the White Rock Lake OHW, and the existing off-street parking shall be made available to business customers. 6. Amplified Sound: The amplified sound system shall be allowed only for worship service purposes. Worship services or other permitted uses shall not violate Scandia Ordinance 65 (Noise). The sound system shall direct sound away from the lake and the volume shall be kept low enough to prevent noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, or endangers the comfort or peace of any persons, or precludes their enjoyment of property or affects their property's value. 7. Overnight Camping: A commercial campground or permanent campground is prohibited. Camping is allowed as an incidental use by members of the church and their families and guests. A maximum of 8 camping nights for groups of over 25 people,held in conjunction with weekend or holiday worship services, are allowed per year.Campers/trailers shall be removed or stored indoors the following day after the worship service. An unlimited number of camping nights shall be allowed for groups smaller than 25, provided that all campers /trailers shall be removed or stored indoors the day following their overnight use. Camping; -and shall not produce nuisances including but not limited to noise, light, and public health nuisances. Worship services or other permitted uses shall not violate Scandia Ordinance 65 (Noise). e f 8 m h t i, a C 't it , „ , "t,;,.b"�Ti-ro--cn-�rrrv'dcc,1T7'cr�caz--�anTPcr.TrirarrcrTam --tic Adequate sanitary facilities and off-street parking shall be provided. 8. Sanitary Facilities: The total number of permanent and portable toilets must comply with standards of the Portable Sanitation Association International, as follows: Number of toilets needed=(#of event attendees * 3 uses * # of days)/200, with the number of toilets rounded up. Operation and maintenance of septic systems shall be in compliance with Washington County ordinances. A compliance inspection shall be performed and reported to the City of Scandia not latur than January 1, 2009 and every five years thereafter. 9. Beach Facilities: The property owner must determine if permits are needed from the MnDNR and obtain needed permits before any beach maintenance or improvements are initiated. 10. Accessory Structures: No additional structures shall be permitted without an amendment to this Permit. 11. Termination of Permit: The IUP terminates in the event that the property is sold, or if there is violation of permit conditions. 12. That all fees are paid. Resolution No.: 09 Q 6-0am! Page 4 of 4 Adopted byte Sc ndia City Council th A 16 h day of September, 2008 Dennis D. Seefel dt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/ Clerk „. •. ƒ / «:w . . 2 � \�w 1 '¢1 :« , \yy T ELI: '1 . 444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101-2140 ENGINEERS•ARCHITECTS•PLANNERS (651)292-4400 (651)292-0083 Fax www.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council Reference: Christ's Household of Faith Planning Commission Additional Animal Units CUP or IUP and Feedlot Setbacks Variance Anne Hurlburt, Administrator City of Scandia, Minnesota Copies To: David Bluhm Proj. No.: 14059.004 From: Berry Farrington, AICP Scandia File Number 2008010 Date: August 27, 2008 Routing: Sherri Buss, RLA SUBJECT: Additional Animal Units Conditional Use Permit or Interim Use Permit, and Variance Requests from Feedlot Setback Requirements MEETING DATE: September 2, 2008 LOCATION: 19060 Manning Avenue North Scandia, Minnesota APPLICANT: Christ's Household of Faith Church and School ZONING: Agriculture (AG), Shoreland District 60-DAY PERIOD: October 3, 2008 ITEMS REVIEWED: Application and Site Plan received June 9, 2008 Feedlot Improvements document from Washington Conservation District (WCD), dated July 22, 2006 WCD letter to City dated January 8, 2006 MinnFARM model results received June 12, 2008 Aerial photo (2005) and pasture management guidelines received July 10, 2008 Historic aerial photo (1969) Letter from Applicant dated August 4, 2008 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit or Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of animal units in greater concentration than I animal unit per 2 grazable acres. The Applicant is also requesting variances from the feedlot setback requirements of 300 feet from White Rock Lake and 75 feet from a wetland located on the property. In addition, there are a variety of uses of the property that fall under the regulations of the Development Code. In considering a permit for the property, the City may also wish to consider permit conditions to address these other uses. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 2 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota The property is located at 19060 Manning Avenue North. The property is a riparian lot on White Rock Lake, and is in the Agriculture and Shoreland Management Districts. There is an existing feedlot approximately 200 feet from White Rock Lake and approximately 20 feet from the wetland. Ten horses are kept in the feedlot and nearby pastures. The Applicant's property consists of two parcels, a northern parcel of 21 acres and a southern parcel of 19 acres. The feedlot and pastures are located on the southern parcel. BACKGROUND The Applicant indicates that Christ's Household of Faith purchased the subject property in 1983 and in the mid-1980s built the horse barn. The horse barn area has since become a feedlot due to the concentration of horses kept there. New Scandia Township and the Applicant have previously interacted regarding the number of animal units on the property. Correspondence and meeting minutes from 2005 and 2006 indicate that there were more animal units on the subject property than allowed per the Zoning Regulations standard of 1 animal unit per 2 grazable acres, the maximum density of animals allowed without a Conditional Use Permit or Interim Use Permit [Section 10.18 (3)(D)]. The Scandia Town Board directed that the number of animal units be reduced naturally, in order to meet the regulations. It was determined there were 9 to 10 grazable acres, and therefore 5 horses would be allowed without a permit. The Town directed that an application be made in order to allow three additional older horses to remain for their lifespan, and directed that the property owner work with the Washington Conservation District (WCD) to keep horses out of the lake and prevent waste from entering the lake. Later in 2006 and into early 2007, the Applicant worked with the WCD to plan and make improvements to the livestock operations in order to better protect the water quality of White Rock Lake. Fencing was installed to prevent grazing along the shore and in a wetland. Stormwater runoff was redirected so that only stormwater from the barn roof flows into the feedlot, and a buffer/settling basin system was installed to treat feedlot runoff before stormwater enters White Rock Lake. Rice Creek Watershed District and the State partially funded the project. It appears that the feedlot setback requirements of the Town's and County's zoning regulations were not considered at that time. It may be that at that time, site conditions did not meet the zoning regulation's definition of a feedlot. Since 2005/2006, the number of animal units has not been reduced. The Applicant indicates there are currently 10 horses on the property. This year, the City directed that the number of animal units be reduced or that a permit application be made. Therefore, the Applicant is requesting a permit to allow 10 animal units. Through the review of the permit request, it was determined that the horse barn area met the Ordinance definition of a feedlot and therefore feedlot setback variances are also being considered. EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit or Interim Use Permit for Additional Animal Units Zoning Regulations, Section 10.18, addresses livestock operations. One animal unit is allowed per 2 grazable acres. The keeping of additional animal units requires an Interim or Conditional Use Permit. The Code states that the permit applicant must demonstrate that facilities are present and appropriate practices are being • • Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 3 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota employed to preclude surface or ground water contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other nuisances. The Applicant is requesting a permit to keep 10 horses (10 animal units). Horses are currently kept in a feedlot area and multiple pastures. The Planner estimates that the fenced pastures, shown as subdivisions 1 through 7 on the site plan, consist of roughly 9 acres. The outdoor portion of the feedlot consists of approximately 8,000 square feet. The feedlot and pastures were designed by the WCD. The feedlot improvements were designed for 8 horses, and a mathematical model was used to predict that the feedlot meets Minnesota Pollution Control Agency water quality standards. Recently, the WCD ran the water quality model [MinnFARM (MN Feedlot Annualized Runoff Model)] for 10 horses and determined that the feedlot should still meet State water quality standards if it is used by 10 horses. The Applicant has provided the CHOF School Horse Program Guidelines (Pasture Management Section) which describes ongoing and seasonal pasture and feedlot management. As part of the feedlot improvement project, WCD provided to the Applicant an Operation and Maintenance Plan, which describes operation and maintenance guidance for the filter strip, diversion channel, and manure composting, and general pasture management guidelines. These two documents contain similar recommendations but one does not fully incorporate the other. On a site visit to the livestock operation by the Code Official, Planner, and WCD staff, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, or other nuisances were not identified. There was sparse vegetation on much of the feedlot area and no manure present. At the site visit, it appeared that the management/maintenance documents are being followed. WCD staff indicated that the improvements were working. Based on the information provided by the WCD regarding the feedlot improvements, the Planner believes that the physical improvements to the property are appropriate facilities to protect against water contamination. The ability of the feedlot improvements to protect the lake and wetland depend on compliance with the management and maintenance plans. The City has past experience that may raise concerns about the Applicant's compliance with City Code, in that the number of animal units was not reduced in 2006. If a permit is granted, the Planner recommends that a condition be that management/ maintenance documents must be followed. Variances from Feedlot Standards If the City determines that a Conditional or Interim Use Permit will be granted to allow for the keeping of additional animal units, then the City will also need to consider granting variances from feedlot setback standards. The Scandia Code defines a feedlot as: a lot or building, or combination of lots and buildings, intended for the confined feeding, breeding, raising or holding of animals and specifically designed as a confinement area in which manure may accumulate, or where the concentration of animals in such that vegetative cover cannot be maintained within the enclosure. The Planner finds that the Applicant's feedlot meets the Code's definition of a feedlot because a portion of it, the area closest to the structure, is not able to maintain Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 4 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota vegetative cover. The feedlot consists of a horse barn of 2,000 square feet and fenced area of 8,000 square feet. The Zoning Regulations, Section 10.18 (3)(B), provide setback standards for feedlots. The Code requires feedlot setbacks of 300 feet from a DNR protected lake and 75 feet from a wetland. The site plan shows that the feedlot is approximately 200 feet from the White Rock Lake Ordinary High Water level (OHW). The White Rock Lake OHW is 960.4 feet. The site plan shows that the feedlot is approximately 20 feet from the wetland to the northeast. Variances are requested to allow a feedlot setback of 200 feet from the lake and a setback of 20 feet from the wetland. When the horse barn was constructed in the mid 1980s, it is likely that it was located to meet the Shoreland Ordinance structure setback requirements of 200 feet from the lake and 20 feet from the wetland. It appears that the use of the horse barn has evolved into a feedlot, and therefore the feedlot setback standards now apply. The feedlot setback standards were first put in place in 1972 by the Washington County Development Code. A 1969 aerial photo of the site shows that at that time the area was used for crops. It appears that the feedlot was established after the 1972 feedlot setback standards and therefore the existing setbacks are not grandfathered as legally nonconforming. Therefore, variances need to be considered. Criteria for Granting a Variance Variances are to be granted only in cases where there are particular hardships, and when consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Ordinance. Hardship means that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions in the Ordinance; that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property, not created by the landowner; and that the variance would not alter the essential character of the area. The situation is unique because the feedlot improvements were made in 2006 with guidance, approval, or acknowledgement from various units of government. Washington Conservation District designed and coordinated funding for the project, Washington County Land Management issued a Land Alteration/Grading Permit, and New Scandia Township was made aware that the work was conducted. It appears that the lake and wetland setback requirements were not considered at that time and the property owner was permitted to go forward in making the feedlot improvements. If the setback standards are strictly enforced, the feedlot cannot be put to the use for which it was designed and improved. The plight of the landowner is due to the location of the treatment buffer/settling system, a circumstance created under the guidance and approval of County agencies. The water resources of the lake and wetland, as well as agricultural land uses, contribute to the essential character of the area. The Comprehensive Plan calls for conservation of natural resources. WCD indicates that the improvements to the livestock operations are protecting the water quality of the wetland and lake. The Planner believes that, with proper management and maintenance, the feedlot would not alter the essential character of the area, and is consistent with the natural resource conservation and agricultural preservation goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Standards for Feedlots The MPCA definition of a feedlot is identical to the definition used by the City of Scandia. The Planner described the horse barn area to MPCA staff and staff indicated it met the feedlot definition. The MPCA Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 5 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota requires that feedlots with 10 animal units or more that are located within the shoreland must register with the State (feedlots of 300 animal units or more must obtain a MPCA permit). If the City approves the keeping of the 10 horses, the Planner recommends that a condition of the permit be that the Applicant register the feedlot with the MPCA and meet all MPCA standards. ADDITIONAL USES OF THE PROPERTY: A letter from Christ's Household of Faith Church and School describes how the property consisting of two parcels is used. In addition, staff were given a tour of the property to show how it is used. The primary use of the property is agricultural and residential. These primary uses are allowed uses in the Agricultural and Shoreland Districts. There are multiple accessory uses on the property, consisting of: o Day camp, associated with the horses; o Seasonal pick-your-own agricultural business, open to the public; o Area for outdoor church worship services, consisting of a low platform stage and amplified sound system; o Campground, for private use for overnight camping in advance of worship services; and o Recreational uses, including play ground, swim beach, softball field, and volley ball court for private use; o Accessory structures. Some of these uses are nonconforming, and appear to have been gradually added to the property over time. The County's first zoning ordinance was adopted in 1972 and the property was purchased by the Applicant in 1983. Research of the year that each use was established and of the zoning regulations in place at that time would be needed in order to tell if the uses are "grandfathered" as legal nonconforming uses, or if the uses were established without meeting the standards of the zoning ordinance of that time. The Planner recommends that the variety of accessory uses be addressed in the permit to clarify how the property may and may not be used from now on. The following portion of this memo outlines issues for Planning Commission and City Council discussion, in determining if these uses will be allowed to some degree. The Planner notes options for permit conditions that would allow for continuation of existing accessory and nonconforming uses. Day Camp The property is used as a day camp for students of the Christ's Household of Faith School. The Applicant's letter dated June 5, 2008 states that older students care for horses year round, and hold a day camp for younger students during the summer. Campers are transported to and from the site in a school bus. The Applicant indicates that the camp is held 3 days a week and is attended by no more than 30 youth, including campers and counselors. Permit conditions that would allow continuation of the day camp use are: Day camp, not overnight camp, is permitted. Bus transportation shall be used in order to minimize traffic to the site. Agricultural Business-Seasonal The Applicant's letter indicates that a pick-your-own business, open to the public, is operated on a seasonal basis. Agricultural Business - Seasonal is regulated under Section 10.2 of the Zoning Regulations. Applicable performance standards include that no sale of product shall take place on the right-of-way, any Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 6 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota temporary structure must be removed at the end of the season and must meet setback requirements, and off- street parking may be required. From the staff site visit, it appears that off-street parking is available for pick-your-own customers. The seasonal business takes place on the northern parcel, and this parcel is partially within and partially outside of the Shoreland District. Agricultural Business - Seasonal is permitted with a certificate of compliance in the Agricultural District. The use is allowed in the Shoreland District if agricultural performance standards are met, that vegetation is maintained in the shore impact zone. Permit conditions that would allow continuation of the seasonal agricultural business are: that no sale of product shall take place on the right-of-way, any temporary structure must be removed at the end of the season and must meet setback requirements,that permanent vegetation must be maintained within 50 feet of the White Rock Lake OHW, and off-street parking is required. Amplified Sound The Applicant indicates that an amplified sound system is used for the 5 to 6 outdoor worship services held per year. The system consists of two speakers mounted on trees, directed to the east and away from the lake. The worship service area has a canopy of mature trees. The Planner believes that the direction of the speakers and the tree canopy will prevent the sound from traveling across the lake, to the public right-of- way, or to adjacent properties, so long as the system volume is kept at a reasonable level. Section 9.3(4) of the Zoning Regulations addresses nuisances, including noise. It states that no nuisances, including noise, shall be permitted that will have an objectionable effect on adjacent or nearby property owners and residents. Permit conditions that would allow continuation of the amplified sound for worship service are: that the amplified sound system is used only for worship service purposes, directs sound away from the lake and the volume must be kept low enough to prevent noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, or endangers the comfort or peace of any persons, or precludes their enjoyment of property or affects their property's value. Overnight Camping The Applicant has indicated that overnight camping occurs on the Saturday night preceding outdoor worship services, typically 5 to 6 nights per year. The Applicant has indicated that at a maximum, they have held 8 camping nights per year. For the camping and worship services, the Applicant's letter indicates that there is parking for 60 cars, 2 bathrooms in an accessory building, and 4 portable toilets. Campgrounds are not an allowed use in the Shoreland District. Correspondence from Washington County to the Applicant from 2000 through 2002 indicates that the County prohibited a campground as a permanent use. In a letter dated April 12, 2000, the County indicated that, "A tent or pop-up trailer could be brought onto the property occasionally however they cannot be stored or occupied on a regular basis on your property. They would need to be removed after a weekend use, for example." In a letter dated November 28, 2001 to the County, the Applicant requested to keep camper trailers outdoors in the summer, and store as many as possible indoors for the rest of the year. The County responded in a letter that the County was unable to agree to keeping the trailers on the property as proposed. No other correspondence is found on this subject. Since that time, the Applicant has put up a building used to store the campers. Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 7 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota Chapter 2, Zoning Regulations, Section 9.4, Exterior Storage, addresses the storage of campers/travel trailers and their use as living quarters. In addressing the use of campers as living quarters, it states, "Campers, travel trailers and motor vehicles designed or used to provide temporary, movable living quarters for recreational use shall not, while parked, be used as a human dwelling place, living abode or living quarters, except that such a vehicle owned by a non-resident guest or visitor may be parked or occupied by said guest or visitor on property on which a permanent dwelling is located,for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days per year while visiting the resident of said property. The recreational vehicle or trailer shall have self- contained sanitary facilities or standard on-site facilities as required by the building official. " [Section 9.4(3)]. The regulations allow a maximum outdoor storage of 2 items of recreational equipment, which includes campers. It states that additional recreational equipment must be stored in a building. The regulations for using campers as living quarters do not fit the Applicant's situation explicitly, and the Ordinance does not address tent camping. Interpretation of the Ordinance and its intent is needed in order to apply it to this situation. If the interpretation is that group camping is prohibited in Scandia, the permit could prohibit group camping. If group camping as an accessory use, not a commercial campground, is interpreted as allowed, the permit could address the rules under which it is allowed on the property. If camping is allowed, the City should consider if the permit will allow camper trailers to be stored in a building on site, as is done now, or if camper trailers will be required to be moved off-site. The accessory structure regulations allow for storage of personal property and allows for agricultural buildings. Storage of many camper trailers is more consistent with a commercial land use, not typical of personal property or agricultural use. Previous correspondence is unclear as to if the County prohibited on-site, indoor storage of trailers, or if the County agreed to storing the campers in the building constructed for that purpose. Permit conditions that would allow continuation of camping as an incidental use are: that a maximum of 8 camping nights are allowed per year, that campers must be stored inside a building immediately after weekend use, that camping must not create nuisances, and that a commercial campground or permanent campground is prohibited. If storage of campers in the building is a concern, an alternative is that campers must be removed from the site immediately after weekend use. Wastewater/Sanitary Facilities Sanitary facilities are needed for worship services/camping and for the seasonal business. There are two bathrooms with flush toilets and sinks in an accessory structure and the letter from the Applicant indicates that 4 portable toilets are on site for camping and worship services. Washington County Department of Public Health and Environment permits ISTS systems. The County has permitted three 1STS systems for the property: one for each residence and one for the facilities in the accessory building. Permits were issued in 1983 and 1989. The County does not regulate portable toilets but suggested the standards from the Portable Sanitation Association International. The Association provides the following calculation to determine number of units needed. Number of units needed = ( # of event attendees * 3 uses * # of days)/200 Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 8 August 27, 2008 • Scandia, Minnesota Standards call for rounding up, and for adding units if children are attending, if there is a higher concentration of females, or if alcohol is served. The Association indicated that 6 facilities would be needed for a one night camp-out attended by 300 people. The four portable toilets and two bathrooms with plumbing would be adequate, in that case. Options for permit conditions are that the total number of toilets must comply with standards of Portable Sanitation Association International. Recreational Uses Most of the recreational facilities, such as playground equipment, are for private use and would generally not be regulated by the Zoning Ordinance. There is a swim beach with dock on the southern parcel and a boat dock on the northern parcel. The Applicant should be aware that some maintenance practices for a swim beach may require permits from the MnDNR, such as bringing in sand, aquatic vegetation removal or use of herbicides at the beach, dredging, or installation of buoys. Options for permit conditions are that the property owner must determine if permits are needed from the MnDNR and obtain needed permits before any beach maintenance or improvements are initiated. Accessory Structures There are various agricultural accessory structures on the property, which the Planner finds to be legal nonconforming uses. From an aerial photograph, the Planner estimates that on the two parcels consisting of 40 acres, the total area of accessory structures is approximately 12,000 square feet. The current Code states that on property of 30 to 40 acres, the total square footage of all accessory structures allowed is 5,500 square feet. These standards were adopted in 2006. Previous standards allowed an unlimited square footage of agricultural accessory structures on lots 20 acres or greater. Options for permit conditions are that no additional structures may be added to the subject property without an amendment of the CUP/IUP. _ REQUESTED ACTION: The Planner suggests that the Planning Commission first consider the request for a permit to allow additional animal units and to address various accessory uses of the property, and then consider the variance request. PERMIT OPTIONS: The Planning Commission can recommend: 1. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), 2. Approval of an Interim Use Permit (IUP), 3. Denial with findings, or 4. Table the request. A CUP would run with the land, and could be transferred to a new property owner if the property were sold. It would not include a date of expiration. An 1UP allows the use for a limited period of time. For an 1UP, a Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 9 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota permit termination date or event at which the permit terminates is established. In terms of permit type, the Planner recommends an IUP rather than a CUP, with termination of the permit if the property is sold. The Planner does not make a recommendation regarding the permit request for additional animal units. The Planner has found that the improvements made to the pasture and feedlot area will contribute to protecting water resources, and that management and maintenance documents exist that if followed will contribute to protecting water resources and preventing nuisances. The City may wish to consider if the previous history of the Applicant's failure to comply with the Ordinance and City directives affects the City's assurance that there will be compliance with the terms of a permit for additional animal units. The Planner recommends that the variety of accessory uses be addressed in the permit in order to clarify how the property may and may not be used from now on. The following list of conditions would allow for the property to continue to be used as it is today, including the keeping of ten animal units: 1. A maximum of ten animal units shall be kept on the subject property. 2. The feedlot and pastures shall be managed to best protect surface water and groundwater resources. The CHOF School Horse Program Guidelines Pasture Management Section (consisting of a description of the facility, ten elements of pasture management, and general management), and Operation and Maintenance Plan for Christ's Household of Faith Horse Farm Feedlot Improvements and Animal Waste Management System prepared by Washington Conservation District, numbered O&M-PS-393, -362, and -313, shall be followed. These documents shall be recorded with this permit. 3. The Applicant shall register the feedlot with the MPCA and meet all MPCA standards, and provide proof of registration to the City by January 1, 2009. 4. Day camp: Day camp, not overnight camp, is permitted. Bus transportation shall be used in order to minimize traffic to the site. 5. Seasonal Agricultural Business: A pick-your-own seasonal business is allowed, with the conditions that no sale of product shall take place on the right-of-way; any temporary structure shall be removed at the end of the season and meet setback requirements, that permanent vegetation must be maintained within 50 feet of the White Rock Lake OHW, and the existing off-street parking shall be made available to business customers. 6. Amplified Sound: The amplified sound system shall be allowed only for worship service purposes. Worship services or other permitted uses shall not violate Scandia Ordinance 65 (Noise). The sound system shall direct sound away from the lake and the volume shall be kept low enough to prevent noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, or endangers the comfort or peace of any persons, or precludes their enjoyment of property or affects their property's value. 7. Overnight Camping: A commercial campground or permanent campground is prohibited. Camping is allowed as an incidental use, and shall not produce nuisances including but not limited to noise, light, and public health nuisances. Worship services or other permitted uses shall not violate Scandia Ordinance 65 (Noise). A maximum of 8 camping nights are allowed per year. Campers/trailers shall be removed or Christ's Household of Faith Request Page 10 August 27, 2008 Scandia, Minnesota stored indoors the following day after their overnight use. Adequate sanitary facilities and off-street parking shall be provided. 8. Sanitary Facilities: The total number of permanent and portable toilets must comply with standards of the Portable Sanitation Association International, as follows: Number of toilets needed = ( # of event attendees * 3 uses * # of days)/200, with the number of toilets rounded up. 9. Beach Facilities: The property owner must determine if permits are needed from the MnDNR and obtain needed permits before any beach maintenance or improvements are initiated. 10. Accessory Structures: No additional structures shall be permitted without an amendment to this Permit. 11. Termination of Permit (if IUP rather than CUP is granted): The IUP terminates in the event that the property is sold, or if there is violation of permit conditions. 12. That all fees are paid. VARIANCE REQUESTS: If the City determines that additional animal units are permitted, the Planner recommends approval of the variance requests to allow a feedlot setback of 200 feet from White Rock Lake and 20 feet from a wetland, located at 19060 Manning Avenue, based on the following findings: 1) The situation is unique because improvements to the horse barn and pasture area were made in 2006 with guidance, approval, or acknowledgement from various units of government. 2) Improvements were designed and implemented with assistance from the Washington Conservation District, in order to better protect the water quality of White Rock Lake. Improvements consisted of fencing to prevent grazing along the shore and in a wetland, redirection of stormwater so that only stormwater from the barn roof flows into the feedlot, and a buffer/settling basin system to treat feedlot runoff before stormwater enters White Rock Lake. 3) The improvements were designed for 8 horses. The MinnFARM model indicates that the feedlot will meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards if used by 10 horses. 4) The Washington Conservation District staff indicates that the improvements are working as planned to protect the lake and wetland. 5) A hardship exists because the redirection of stormwater and buffer/settling basin system improvements cannot be relocated to meet the setback requirements, and these improvements were made with approval or acknowledgement from various units of local government. 6) With proper management and maintenance, the feedlot would not alter the essential character of the area, and is consistent with the natural resource conservation and Agricultural preservation goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Property"I: Boundary _....-,-/ ,I.,,,,,,l,p,,,,,-,1,!;,-. 4,,it„.. ....f .-eA•vroi,',V5 . , ,t,0 Yrr.-Tfii-W4c,"41 . " 4tot 41.-"6,,:,,,4,0, , 4*,' '*',‘, . 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I i',F.,';7'414,, .j,..,„,,'''','!'... ...^,„0,n,t-r.,,,:t•= 1;-+.,"re'°:,,,-'' 4 +,•',.... .' = ,,,. ' r . , • : r ,!, ',,-;,',P:.-„,,,...,:t*,,,,A,.f.,,,-.,,,,,,,,,,:-,,,',-,.., - -,-..',,,,,,,,,,,, ',.. '7', - .1 1,0,4''.0.h-,' t..7 til,4''''..x.',0 ••,•4 r+ t AK ...,'- ,,,• ,-' , - - . '. . . ;."'; - '''..,..V.,.,. Legend , 444.44.4414.4 . , PJY t., Washington cr. 1 .), Property Boundary r ;It 44 , , , •, -,4.. 4 . .., . -, . . 1,500 2,0 et 10/2 7/05 , 1 Q0,000 Fe 0 250 500 _- --mom— Meeting Date: 09/16/2008 Agenda Item: 7 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider the application of Chikos, Inc. doing business as Mi Casita Mexican Grill for an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License and Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License at 21050 Ozark Ave. N. (formerly Prospects Bar and Restaurant.) Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • The applicant formerly operated the Mi Casita restaurant in the Northland Mall in Forest Lake Minnesota. They have already taken over food operations in the former Prospect's. Prospect's continues to operate the bar. • Hours of operation will be Sunday-Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Food and liquor will be served inside as well as in the outdoor patio area. • Ordinance No. 93 regulating liquor in the City of Scandia treats a transfer of a liquor license the same as issuance of a new license. A complete liquor license application including proof of insurance has been submitted and the required (pro-rated) license and investigation fees. The premises and the applicant appear to meet the ordinance criteria for issuance of a license. • The Washington County Sheriff's office conducted a preliminary background investigation of the applicants (partners Efrain Limon, Adrian Quintana and Cynthia Negrete) on behalf of the city. The investigation found that the applicant's former establishment failed a liquor compliance check in 2005 for sale of liquor to a minor. They were twice warned for operating without insurance by the City of Forest Lake in early 2008. Recommendation: Opportunity must be given to any person to be heard for or against the granting of the license. The Council has discretion to either grant or deny the application. If the Council determines that the license should be issued, the term will expire on December 31, 2008. Attachments/ • Applications Materials provided: • Letter dated September 4, 2008 from Washington County Sheriff's Office Contact(s): Mi Casita, 651 464-2527 Prepared by: Anne Huriburt, Administrator (mi casita liquor license) Page 1 of 1 09/09/08 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL LIQUOR LICENSE City of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 209th Street North, Scandia, MN 55073 Phone 651/433-2274 Fax 651/433-5112 Web http://www.ci.scandia.mn.us This application form is for use to provide information required by the City of Scandia to supplement license application forms required by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety/Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division(ALGED)for on-sale liquor licenses, as provided by City Ordinance No. 93. Print, type or check all applicable information. Attach a check in the amount of the license fee plus the required investigation fee ($500.00) payable to the City of Scandia. License fees may be pro-rated on a quarterly basis. Any unused portion of the investigation fee will be returned to you following either approval or denial of the license. All licenses issued are valid for a calendar year. Contents of this application are public information. 1. Type of License: 3.2 % Malt Liquor On-Sale ($150.00) 3.2 % Malt Liquor Off-Sale ($50.00) Off-sale Intoxicating Liquor License ($100.00)/ On-sale Intoxicating Liquor License ($2,000.00) Sunday On-sale Intoxicating Liquor License ($200.00) Combination On-Sale/Off-sale Intoxicating Liquor License ($2,500.00) On-sale Wine License ($500.00) 2. Name and address of establishment: Name: ivi �)u ;M, a C c;. i, (7 r I ) Phone( 5 ! 14(i) _ Street Address: i 0 j O OZ ve E-Mail: City/ State: ', a1', n, �x �ti'! iL Zip: 5 Cl 3 3. Describe the business and the premises in which it will operate: vvit 01, It M.{ )Liccoel 0,t"lck (�C i�i in5is . fi1ct4 rc,n f c_.‘ e i i CI is y d n 1_ ii w , t( t�L. , C-' r �1U��i`� �: f_ � r>�it�k c. t"' =� .��.�,�-�t�ic;\1 _ il�l�� ���r.;,A 1 t % iY� C1 r)c-- l-r� c1 C'. C c n C'�it( C �`�-:.:) f`f', l 1 . (;,� � i'Y-1 -- 1�.;� D �. I 1 • L tvi 4. Proposed date of opening: c �� r' � ( C�;� 5. Do you currently hold a liquor license in any other location? ✓ Yes No If "yes", please list the name of the establishment, address, and years in business at this location. y3,2 ,5. ,C. l-k a (71 /` l'r'j I l a k"r, JZ t/V `..J G� S 6. Federal Tax Identification Number: f c)c - 315531 -7 7. Name and address of owner #1—business address: Name:jrya, � / r ivc ti/� ((.0 )�LI{� I�i. Phone �� y - 5 ; Street Address:9;0 5-0 OZCI` .t'V E-Mail: City/ State: SCa i 7c//4 Zip: 3 8. Name and address of owner#1—residence address: Name: f - (y.Lc., ; Phone: Street Address: 67tio (, 'v Ati Apt /��S E-Mail: City/ State: t � 1c�+ m ; Zip: 9. Name and address of owner #2—business address: Name: it cb)0^,• t/.i,Zfi ' cam- Phone: c/; _ 7 Street Address:;,//0 43-6 P Z C ' J f1 v e E-Mail: City/ State: JC'0rC1�.L, N Zip: '- 3 10. Name and address of owner #2—residence address: Name: j i i� ; Ct-r� 0, ) c,�-(cull ;` t Phone,: `?b ) 5-be `j 2//;,2. Street Address: GLic, S 11 A Ap f✓� E-Mail: City/ State: i'G f(1 n -u it,k ) IV1(tI Zip' Lfj '% City of Scandia, Application for Annual Liquor License Page 2, 8/28/2008 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I declare under the penalties of perjury and criminal liability for willfully making a false statement that this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. I further acknowledge that I have receive a copy of Scandia Ordinance No. 93 governing liquor licenses, and that I am familiar with and agree to abide by its requirements. In addition to this form, AGED Form "Certification of an On-Sale Liquor License" shall be completed and attached, with all required documentation including but not limited to a certificate of Liquor Liability insurance and releases from all owners, partners or officers required to complete investigation of the license application. No application will be considered complete until all required forms have been submitted and the fee has been paid. 11. Applicant Signature(s) Date: r - . 4.137 0 ,4/„( For City tJ:,e Only Application & Fee Received c_-lC� /4-12- -i' 4/5 1 n1/ City Council Consideration (Date) / Approved Denied City of Scandia, Application for Annual Liquor License Page 2, 8/28/2008 Washington Office of the Sheriff,. County Commitment to Excellence William M. Hutton Sheriff Mike Johnson Chief Deputy September 4, 2008 To: Anne Hurlburt City of Scandia From: David Heuer Ref: Liquor License Application Business Name: Mi Casita Applicants: Efrain Limon; Cynthia Negrete; Adrian Quintana A liquor license background investigation has been conducted on the above applicants. The applicants have applied for an on sale license for Mi Casita in Scandia, Mn. During the course of the investigation the following agencies have been checked regarding the applicants. Federal Bureau of Investigation National Crime Information Center Minnesota Liquor Control Minnesota Gang Strike Force Washington County Sheriff Brooklyn Park Police Department Efrain Limon was previously the owner of a liquor establishment, also names Mi Casita, in the City of Forest Lake. On May 4, 2005 this establishment failed a liquor compliance check conducted by the Forest Lake Police Department. On January 4, 20008 Mr. Limon was warned that he was operating without insurance, two days later he had obtained the necessary insurance. Then again on February 26, 2008 he was again operating without insurance and again warned by the city to stop serving alcohol. Again two days later he had obtained the necessary insurance. A confidential copy of the reports regarding these incidents is attached for your review. I found no other information in this investigation that would prevent the applicants from obtaining a liquor license. David eu r nspector Law Enforcement Center • 15015 62nd Street North—P.O. Box 3801, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-3801 Phone: 651-430-7600 • Fax: 651-430-7603 • TTY: 651-430-6246 www.co.washington.mn.us Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: 9', C) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider request by White Rock Ranch, LLC to extend the final plat approval for the White Rock Ranch development to October 8, 2009. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Section 6.3 (4) of Chapter 3 of the Development Code (Subdivision Regulation) provides that the final plat shall be submitted to the Washington County Recorder/Registrar of Titles within 120 days of approval, or it shall be considered null and void. This time limit may be extended if requested by the applicant and approved by the Council. • The final plat for White Rock Ranch was approved on June 5, 2007. The initial deadline for recording was October 5, 2007. The applicant requested and the city approved a 90-day extension to January 5, 2008. On April 1, 2008 the approval was extended again, to October 8, 2008 to coincide with an extension given by the City of Forest Lake (in which part of the project lies.) • The developer has requested that the approval be extended an additional year, to October 8, 2009. The City of Forest Lake has already approved an extension to that date. • For two years following final plat approval, state law prohibits a city from applying any changes in local plans or ordinances to a proposed subdivision. There have been no changes in plans or ordinances that would affect this plat. However, the requested extension goes beyond that two-year time frame. Recommendation: The Council should consider whether to approve the extension to October 8, 2009 as requested, or to give a shorter extension. The City could instead choose to give the extension to June 5, 2009, which appears to be required under state law. Attachments/ • Letter dated September 9, 2008 from Mark Youngdahl, White Materials provided: Rock Ranch LLC Contact(s): Mark Youngdahl, (612) 328-0010 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (white rock extension no 2) Page 1 of 1 09/09/08 White Rock Ranch r• . . _ . , Septembet 9,200$ • . . r • . ' CityofScandia ' y Ails. Ann ijurlburt.'... .:14727 209t, Street'North , ` PO Box.12f . , . Scandia,MN•55073 - • . ' 1 . Dear Ms.;Htiriburt, . • .'` . ••.:4'. •.. per our conversation,we respectfully request a spot on the City Counsel agenda for your ' upcoming meeting or September 7.6 . The.purpose of our request Is to seek an additional , ` • ' . . • :,..1 month extension, ifiern the current expiration date;.for the preliminary plat approval - ; ' - :. ` >: •'on Our White Rock`project:'The need for this request is based on the continuing , . ;'c:. •;/• i 7. 'knnfavorable"residential land markets. : ' '. •,' , . 'die City Forest Lake. unanimously voted to approve a 12 month extension. (see . , � ''minutes attalelred). .. . Thanl you for your consideration,should you need to contact me please do so at , :.: . .612'.32$.0010".. ' Sincerely .Mark Youragdahl. • • -: *:Hard copy sent US Post , • • • , . . - Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: `/ l 1 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive the City Engineer's feasibility report on the completion of Oxboro Circle in "The Sanctuary" development, and order preparation of plans and obtaining bids. Deadline/ Timeline: Bids would be obtained for Council review at the October 7 meeting, with construction to be scheduled by the end of October. Background: • At the September 2 meeting, the Council approved an assessment agreement with the developer and ordered preparation of a feasibility report for the city to complete Oxboro Circle within "The Sanctuary" subdivision. • The developer is in default of the subdivision agreement and is not able to complete the improvements. He has petitioned for the improvement and agreed to have the cost assessed against his remaining 3 lots. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council accept the Engineer's report and adopt the resolution prepared by the City Attorney. Attachments/ • Report dated September 10, 2008 from City Engineer Paul Materials provided: Hornby • Draft Resolution 09-02-08-03 Contact(s): Paul Hornby, PE (651) 967-4625 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (sanctuary oxboro improvement approve report) Page 1 of 1 09/11/08 6188 Rome Circle NW Rochester,MN 55901 Tel 507-282-2100 Fax 507-282-3100 www.bonestroo.com it 's Bonestroo September 10, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Scandia 14727 209th Street North Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Re: The Sanctuary City of Scandia, Minnesota Bonestroo File No.: 568-08000-1 Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The Scandia City Council authorized preparation of a feasibility study/report to determine the feasibility of the construction of public improvements for The Sanctuary subdivision located east of Oxboro Avenue North and south of 199`h Street North. The purpose of this report is to define the improvements required to serve the subdivision, provide opinion of probable construction cost, and a method of cost allocation for the City to determine project feasibility. The proposed improvements for The Sanctuary includes storm drainage structure mortar and invert construction, removal of distressed bituminous base, patching of bituminous base, removal and replacement of curb and gutter,jetting and cleaning of storm sewer piping, construction of the bituminous wear course, and restoration. The work is to be performed within existing rights of way on Oxboro Circle North. Oxboro Circle North is a standard City street with two 12-foot driving lanes, approximately 800 feet in length. The improvements are required and necessary to complete the construction of public improvements serving The Sanctuary development. The estimated project cost for the construction of the improvements is $42,160, detailed on the attached Estimate of Probable Project Cost. Estimated costs are based upon completion of the project in the 2008 construction season. No costs are included for capitalized interest during the construction period, or before assessments are levied. It is anticipated the City Consulting Engineer will prepare necessary construction documents and provide part-time construction site observation and administration for the proposed improvements. St.Paul St.Cloud Rochester Milwaukee Chicago Engineering Planning Innovation City of Scandia Page 2 The Sanctuary September 10,2008 The proposed improvements are to be financed by assessments to the benefitting property owner, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The benefitting property identified in the Petition for Local Improvement includes Lots 3, 5, and 6, Block 1,The Sanctuary, City of Scandia,Washington County, Minnesota. The unit cost summary is estimated to be $14,053.33 for each lot identified in the petition. The proposed improvements in this report are feasible and cost-effective as they relate to general engineering principles and construction practices. The project feasibility will need to be considered by the City of Scandia. The proposed improvements are necessary to provide infrastructure improvements for the project. Based on the information contained in this report, it is recommended that: 1. This report is adopted as the guide for the improvements described. 2. The City conduct a legal and fiscal review of the proposed project We would be pleased to meet with the City Council and Staff to discuss our report at any mutually convenient time. Respectfully submitted, BONESTR00 Paul T. Hornby, P.E. City Engineer CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Paul T. Hornby,P.E. Date: September 10, 2008 Lic. No. 23359 City of Scandia Page 3 The Sanctuary September 10,2008 The Sanctuary ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST 568-Gen Scandia, MN September 10, 2008 Unit Item Units Qty. Price Total Part 1 -Construction CB -Doghouse, invert, & bench work EA 2 $400.00 $800.00 OCS- Doghouse work EA 1 $250.00 $250.00 Sawcut Bituminous LF 450 $3.00 $1,350.00 Remove Bituminous SY 275 $5.00 $1,375.00 Bituminous Patching TN 40 $75.00 $3,000.00 Remove & Replace Curb & Gutter LF 35 $35.00 $1,225.00 Saw& Seal Cracked Curb & Gutter EA 1 $250.00 $250.00 Clean 15" RCP line LF 50 $8.00 $400.00 LV4 Bituminous Wear Course, (B) TN 290 $60.00 $17,400.00 Bituminous Tack Coat Gal 185 $3.00 $555.00 Sweep Streets and Curb &Gutter LS 1 $500.00 $500.00 MnDOT 250 Seed Mix SY 500 $3.00 $1,500.00 Total Part 1 -Construction $28,605.00 Part 2 -Project Inspection -QAIQC Construction Inspection LS 1 $3,225.00 $3,225.00 Concrete Testing LS 1 $500.00 $500.00 Bituminous Testing LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Total Part 2 -Project Inspection -QAIQC $4,725.00 Part 3 -Producing Record Plans Survey Field Work& Office Work LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Total Part 3 -Producing Record Plans $2,500.00 Part 4 -Re-Bidding Work Construction Quote, Bidding,Awarding LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Final Project Acceptance LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Total Part 4 -Re-Bidding Work $3,000.00 Estimated Total $38,830.00 Contingencies $3,333.00 Total Amount $42,163.00 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. 9-16-08-03 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND OBTAINING BIDS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of Oxboro Court in the City of Scandia by the installation of the wear course of bituminous surfacing and the repair of the base course of bituminous surfacing with associated work was duly presented to the Council on the 2"d day of September, 2008; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the Council adopted on said date, a report has been prepared by the City Consulting Engineer with reference to the improvement and this report was received by the Council on September 16, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of Scandia, Minnesota: 1. The Council finds and determines that said Petition was signed by the owner of the real property to be assessed for the improvement. 2. Such improvement has no relationship to the Comprehensive Municipal Plan. 3. The Engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement and shall obtain bids from two or more reputable contractors for the making of the improvement. Adopted by the Council this 161h day of September, 2008. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST Anne Hurlburt, Clerk/Administrator Meeting Date: 9/16/2008 Agenda Item: t� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider the applications for Annual Operator's Permits (AOPs) for three sand and gravel mining operations a) Bracht Bros., Inc. (north side of 185th Street, east of Oakgreen Avenue and west of Old Marine Trail) b) Dresel Contracting, Inc. (218th Street, west of Lofton Avenue) c) Tiller Corporation (22303 Manning Trail) Deadline/ Timeline: 120-day review period ends December 29, 2008 for all three applications. AOPs will cover the mining season through December 31, 2009. Background: • All three mining operations received their first Conditional Use Permits (CUPs)under the city's new Mining Ordinance in May, 2008. The CUPs and the ordinance require issuance of AOPs for each operation. • All three operations have submitted their AOP applications. The planner has reviewed them for compliance with the CUP and the ordinance, and will present the attached reports at the Council meeting. Recommendation: The Planner has recommended that the Council table all three applications, and that each of the operators submit or comply with a number of items in their CUPs before they AOPs are considered again by the Council at the October 21 City Council meeting. Attachments/ • TKDA memoranda, with attachments (3) Materials provided: Contact(s): Sherri Buss, TKDA (651 292-4582) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Mining AOPs) Page 1 of 1 09/11/08 TKDA 444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101-2140 ENGINEERS•ARCHITECTS•PLANNERS (651)292-4400 (651)292-0083 Fax www.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council Reference: Bracht Bros., Inc -Annual Operating Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Permit Application for a Mining and Copies To: Bracht Bros., Inc. Processing Operation Kirsten Pauly, Sunde Engineering City of Scandia, Minnesota From: Sherri Buss, R.L.A. Proj. No.: 14059.011 Date: September 11, 2008 Routing: SUBJECT: Bracht Bros., Inc. - Annual Operating Permit Application for a Mining and Processing Operation MEETING DATE: September 16, 2008 LOCATION: All that part of the south half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 32, Range 20, Washington County, Minnesota APPLICANT: Bracht Bros., Inc. 8303 216th Street North Forest Lake, Minnesota 55025 120-DAY PERIOD: December 29, 2008 ZONING: Agricultural District ITEMS REVIEWED: Application, Plans, and Related Submittals BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Application is for an Annual Operating Permit (AOP) for an existing sand and gravel mining operation located on 185th St. North in Scandia. Mining at the site predates any type of permitting. The site operated under a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) issued by Washington County when the County exercised land use authority within New Scandia Township. The Applicant applied for and received its first CUP from the City of Scandia for its operation on May 20, 2008. The CUP included a number of conditions that will apply to the AOP and operation of the site. The City's Mining Ordinance specifies an AOP cycle that coincides with the active mining season. Applications are due by January 30 each year, so that permits can be approved before the start of the mining season in that year. Based on the CUP schedule completed in 2008, the application cycle is early this year for the 2009 mining season. The applications submitted in August, 2008, will be used for the 2009 mining season. The AOP's would run through December 31, 2009. Mine operators will submit their applications for the 2010 season by January 30, 2010. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining EVALUATION OF THE AOP REQUEST The Applicant is requesting an Annual Operating Permit(AOP) for a mining operation. The permit requirements are governed by the City's Ordinance No. 103, Mining and Related Activities Regulations. The Ordinance requires review of the following items for the AOP: 1) The operating conditions of the previous year and conditions required by the CUP 2) Proposed operating conditions and any variation from the previous year 3) Results of the annual inspection by the City This review evaluates the request for an AOP based on the Conditional Use Permit, the City's Ordinance, and the materials submitted by the Applicant that describe the proposed operating conditions and reclamation plan. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The City of Scandia approved a Conditional Use Permit for sand and gravel mining and processing for Bracht Bros., Inc. on May 20, 2008. The CUP included a number of conditions to be completed within 60 days of the approval of the CUP, including submission of the application for the Annual Operating Permit. Some additional conditions were included that did not include a date for completion. The other items required to be completed, and Bracht's performance, include the following: Condition Deadline Specified Status In CUP 1. Comply with CUP Ongoing In process 2. Updated copy of Application July 20, 2008 Provided on August 28, 2008 3. Comply with rules and Ongoing In process regulations 4. Permits from CMSCWD None Specified Received on July 10, 2008 _ 5. Installation of Monitoring July 20, 2008 Scheduled to be installed on Sept. 15, 2008, Wells pending approval by LBG 6. Ground Water Monitoring July 20, 2008 Provided to the City on August 28, 2008 Plan 7. Production Well Records Ongoing Well records are being kept and are available to the City upon request. 8. Wash Plant Operation Ongoing Operation records are being kept Records 9. Depth of Excavation Ongoing Will be established by LBG based on review of ground water monitoring and plan. Bracht will not excavate below 920' unless authorized. 10. Ground Water Analysis for Ongoing Ground water will be analyzed for DRO. Will be DRO and GRO analyzed for GRO if gasoline is stored on site. 11. Updated Site Plan with index July 20, 2008 Map provided in AOP Application wells Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining Condition Deadline Specified Status In CUP 12. Truck Signage July 20, 2008 Applicant indicates signs will be installed by September 15, 2008 13. Truck routes Ongoing Verified by Applicant in AOP application and dust control plan 14. Dust Control Plan No date specified Provided on August 28, 2008 15. Wetland Buffer No date specified Field delineation of wetlands recently completed. Applicant indicates that a 50-foot buffer will be permanently marked in the field. Report provided in application. 16-20. Updated Reclamation Plan July 20, 2008 Provided on August 28, 2008 21. Letter of Credit/Security July 20, 2008 Not provided to date 22. AOP application submittal July 20, 2008 Submitted August 22, 2008 Evaluation of Performance The table indicates that Bracht Bros., Inc. has been more than a month late in addressing many of the conditions included in the Conditional Use Permit. These items include installation of the monitoring wells, submission of a ground water plan, truck signage, updated reclamation plan, and letter of security. These items are significant elements that need to be evaluated or completed before the Annual Operating Permit can be issued. It is critical that the Applicant comply with the CUP and be accountable for meeting deadlines set by the City. OPERATING CONDITIONS - EVALUATION FOR AOP Site Operations-Background Information The site is 40 acres in size. The mining permit is requested for approximately 25 of these acres. The mining operations include extraction of sand and gravel with loaders. The material is crushed on-site using a portable crusher that is periodically brought to the site when needed. A wash plant, including conveyors, screens and a supply well, is also located on the site, in the lower portion of the mine floor. Washing with water removes the fine particles associated with the sand and gravel. The water source is a well on the site, and the Applicant obtains a Minnesota DNR Water Appropriations Permit annually for the well. After use in the wash plant, the water is discharged to sedimentation basins. After settling, the water is recycled back to the wash plant. The Applicant indicates that recycled water is used for approximately 80 percent of the wash plant operation. The sedimentation basins are dredged periodically, and the dredged material is used in site reclamation. Annual Activity The application generally includes the data required by the Ordinance regarding annual activity on the site. It notes the following: The amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 20,760 cy Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: 0 cy Scandia Planning Commission Page 4 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining Amount of recycled asphalt and concrete brought to the site in 2007: 0 cy Area reclaimed through backfilling: Phase II area (acres of reclamation not indicated) Average number of trips to and from the site per day: 11 trips The application also describes the activities proposed at the site in 2008 and 2009. The types and size of operations in these years are expected to be similar to activities at the site in 2007. The application includes a site plan as required in the Ordinance that shows areas of operation and reclamation, The application does not indicate when the Phase II slopes will be stabilized. Setbacks The AOP application indicates that the minimum setbacks are maintained as follows: • 50 feet from an adjoining property line • 200 feet from an occupied existing structure • 100 feet from any residential lots of 5 acres or less • 100 feet from any road right-of-way. The setbacks meet the requirements of Ordinance No. 103. Fencing The entire mining site is fenced with 3-strand wire fencing. Locking metal gates are located at the site access points. The site fencing meets the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Hours of Operation The application proposes work hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. These hours are consistent with the City's Ordinance. _ The application indicates that extended hours may be required periodically for emergencies, accelerated work schedules or weather delays. The Applicant should note that the Ordinance requires that any extended hours be specifically authorized by the City. Screening The application describes the existing screening at the property, and indicates that no additional screening is planned for 2008. The CUP did not require any additional screening of the property. Dust Control The CUP requires that the Applicant provide a Dust Control Plan to the City, detailing plans for dust control on 185th Street and Old Marine Trail, if this road is used for hauling. The City received the proposed Dust Control Plan on August 28, 2008. Scandia Planning Commission Page 5 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining The City's primary concern related to dust control at the site is the control needed on haul roads - particularly on 185th Street. The proposed Dust Control Plan indicates that"Dust control will be provided on 185th Street," and"If Old Marine Trail is used as a significant hauling route, and the City deems it necessary, dust control will be provided o(sp) Old Marine Trail as well." The plan provides no specifics regarding the type of dust control or anticipated frequency of dust control that will be provided on 185th Street. Additional detail should be provided by the Applicant to meet the conditions included in the CUP - for example, the type and frequency of dust control that will be completed under typical conditions. Noise The application indicates that all activities will be conducted on the site to meet Federal, State and County noise standards. The City's Ordinance states that the operator must meet Federal, State and City standards, as the County does not have standards that apply. The Application should be revised to change "County"to "City" standards. The CUP did not include additional conditions related to noise. Depth of Excavation The application indicates that new areas of mining will not be excavated below 920' above mean sea level, and no excavation will be undertaken closer than 3' to the highest ground water elevation. This meets the requirements of the Ordinance and CUP. Monitoring data gathered from new wells at the site will be used to establish the elevation of the ground water table in the mine area, and the City's consulting hydrogeologist(LBG) will review the monitoring data and authorize the depth of excavation based on the elevation identified. Site Clearance No site clearing is proposed in 2008. Appearance/Condition The application indicates that the Operator will maintain the buildings and equipment in a neat condition. Site visits in 2008 have verified that the condition of the site meets the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Sanitary Facilities Portable sanitary facilities are provided on the site, and comply with the requirements of the Ordinance. Waste Disposal The City's Ordinance requires that waste generated by the mining operations be disposed of in accordance with Federal, State and County requirements. The application should be revised to change the word "County"to "City." Scandia Planning Commission Page 6 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining Water Quality Monitoring The CUP required that the Applicant install two monitoring wells at the site, in consultation with LBG. The Applicant indicated that the wells will be installed by September 15, 2008, pending approval of the locations by LBG. One well will be installed near the existing production well, down gradient of the fuel tanks and wash plant operations, and will be used for annual water quality monitoring. The second well will be installed as close to the eastern property line as possible on the floor of the pit, and will be used in conjunction with the first well to verify the elevation and direction of ground water flow. The CUP required that the Applicant prepare and submit to the City a detailed plan for ground water monitoring and protocols within 60 days of approval of the CUP, to be reviewed by LBG (July 20, 2008). The proposed monitoring plan was provided to the City and LBG on August 28. LBG is reviewing the proposed plan, and will provide comments to the City for review of the AOP. Fuel and Chemical Storage The application indicates that fuel and chemicals are stored according to State and Federal Standards. The application should be revised to indicate that the Applicant will also comply with City requirements for storage of fuels. The CUP requires that ground water samples be analyzed for Diesel and gasoline range organics (DRO and GRO). Contingency Response Plan The application includes a general Contingency Response Plan. The Ordinance requires that the Applicant also train staff in immediate and remedial response to accidents or spills. The Applicant should indicate if or when staff training will be provided. A specific Contingency Response Plan should be provided to the City and its Fire Department. Processing The application describes the permanent processing equipment and its location at the site. The proposed operation and location of the processing equipment meets the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Trucking Operations The application indicates that trucks will access the site from 185th Street North. The CUP requires that the Applicant discourage trucks form using Old Marine Trail. This is confirmed in the Dust Control Plan. The CUP requires that the Applicant post another"trucks hauling" sign on 185th Street for the westbound approach to the east of the site. Supplemental signing below this new sign and the existing sign must be added detailing the approximate number of feet between each sign and the eastern driveway. The Applicant indicated that the signs will be installed by September 15, 2008. Reclamation Plan The Applicant submitted a Reclamation Plan that was approved with the CUP. The proposed Reclamation Plan includes backfilling to create slopes up to a maximum 4:1 gradient, adding topsoil, seeding, and mulching. Scandia Planning Commission Page 7 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining The application indicates that reclamation during 2007 consisted of backfilling the southwestern portion of Phase 2, and that reclamation in 2008 will continue backfilling within the southern portion of Phase 2. The reclamation proposed appears to be consistent with the City's requirements that reclamation be completed concurrently and proportionally with the mining operations, while keeping areas open on the site for active mining and processing activities. While not required by the Ordinance, it would be helpful for the Applicant to include information regarding the number of acres to mined each year and the number of acres reclaimed in its AOP applications. Additional Provisions Additional provisions identified in the CUP are discussed in the section on Conditional Use Permit Requirements. SITE INSPECTION The City's Planning Commission and staff completed a site visit to the Bracht Mining Operation in spring, 2008. Additional inspections and site photos were completed by City staff and consultants during the review of the CUP. Issues that were identified in the site visits were addressed in the conditions included in the CUP. ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council can: 1. Approve the AOP; 2. Approve the AOP with conditions; 3. Deny the application if it is found that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, CUP, AOP Criteria, and Mining Ordinance, and is not in the best interest of the community; 4. Table the request PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends tabling the request for the Annual Operating Permit until the following items required by the CUP have been completed or provided to the City. These items should be provided or completed by October 3, 2008,to schedule continued discussion of the application at the October 2l City Council meeting. 1. Provide a specific Dust Control Plan for 185th Street to the City. 2. Revise the AOP application to change "County" to "City" standards for items identified in the evaluation above. 3. Revise Ground Water Monitoring Plan and excavation depth based on LBG and City recommendations. 4. Install the proposed monitoring wells by September 15, 2008, based on approval of the proposed locations by LBG. Scandia Planning Commission Page 8 September 11, 2008 Bracht Bros, Inc., AOP for Mining 5. Address Ground Water Plan items identified by LBG. 6. Provide Contingency Response Plan to the City and Fire Department. 7. Install truck hauling sign on 185th Street by September 15, 2008. 8. Permanently mark the 50-foot wetland buffer in the field by October 3, 2008. 9. Provide required Letter of Credit or other security to the City. ACTION REQUESTED: Staff request that the Council review and discuss this Report on September 16. August 2008 BRACHT BROS., INC. 2008 APPLICATON FOR THE ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT SCANDIA, MN RECEIVED 141019f , Consnllin Civil Gn inemv Suede Engineering,PLLC. 10830 Nesbitt Avenue South • Bloomington,Minnesota 55437-3100 Phone: (952) 881-3344 • Fax: (952) 881-1913 • E-mail: info@sundccivil.Com 14. • `i \ .W �.. f_S ... ..._i tSi iT 4}1 tL "!1t y �; a ? t # 7 . ' � '� ry• a :. (� _r,� ¢ '1'y , - 7 i�. 3 ¢::-, z* f { /j 4 ". w. TIN-14 i ill � y 3• a+e•�F�'4 �fit' �s 6,�.;s � 4�s ,� i �, t 1 , IVT � � , ? '. z " ; ' 'f., %fffff. ``�,�' f��ff'1f%% ' �..`• ` -x! ,r I. � - ririrriroririrrrririrq 4.: t i -,ter^, 'v f �/'rf//fr/�� Y i ,/ • -• �. te., i. f�f�,� �.`��/r�.F/I� � is `�G. oti 40.4, --.4i,iret,/ / ///2, , ,- '''`*.'r. 't ill..7t' 4't ''- :tr'''--r 4‘ ,'''1. .. I• ' „.. 71%-ii:4,04.,,t ...„..e ... .. , 4 1 X ;C.:, ��aw STOCKPILE 4° r f , PROCESSIN( ! c I I 0 `• STOCKP�ILEANe t `S.TORAGE AREA 1 At._ ¢ • I ; )10 k r - i nor ACTIVE MINING • i _,, , 2008 } � BACKFILLING k ': I . )4///'/// I '' 2008 /4'7' ,,,,, , ,..„, 1 I f ' � . t y H l ..'� �d. Iiv h Aerial Photograph Ii g p 2008 AOP I .00 ---. 0 i10 200 SC AI r IN rrrr I APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT BRACHT BROS, INC SAND AND GRAVEL MINING OPERATION CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA I. INTRODUCTION The following Annual Operators Permit (AOP) application is submitted on behalf of Bracht Bros., Inc. in compliance with the City of Scandia's Ordinance No. 103 and Chapter 4 of the Development Code: Mining and Related Activities Regulations, Section 6, adopted by the City of Scandia on August 28, 2007. Bracht Bros., Inc. currently owns and operates a gravel mining and processing operation in the City of Scandia, MN. Mining of gravel at the site predates any type of permitting requirements. However, prior to the incorporation of Scandia in 2006, the site has been issued five year permits from Washington County (since 1991) as well as annual permits from New Scandia Township. The City of Scandia issued a Conditional Use Permit for the site in the spring of 2008. II. ANNUAL REPORT A. Operating Conditions: The site operates in accordance with operating conditions regulated by Section 7 of the Scandia Ordinance 103. 1. Setbacks: No mining, stockpiling or land disturbance activities, with the exception of berming take place within the setback areas. Minimum setback areas are maintained as follows: • 50 feet from an adjoining property line • 200 feet from an occupied structure existing on May 20, 2008. • 100 feet from any contiguous property subdivided into residential lots of 5 acres or less • 100 feet from any road right-of-way. 2. Fencing: The entire site is fenced with 3 strand wire fencing. Locking metal gates are located at the site access points. 1/5 3. Hours of operation: The site is operated from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays. Extended hours may be required periodically for situations such as emergencies, accelerated work schedules or weather delays. Extended hours were not requested in 2007. Extended hours have not been requested to date in 2008. If operations are required beyond the 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. hours, or on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, prior permission will be obtained from the City of Scandia in accordance with procedures set forth in Ordinance No. 103. 4. Screening: Landscaping has been completed in accordance with plans approved by Washington County in 1991. There are a number of berms located around the property and trees planted around the perimeter of the property provide screening from adjacent land uses. Many trees were planted in the 1980's which have become well established and provide excellent screening of the site. Processing and stockpiling operations are conducted in recessed portions of the site to minimize visibility. No additional screening activities are planned for 2008. 5. Dust control: Processing areas are located at elevations lower than the surrounding terrain in order to minimize windborne dust leaving the site. 6. Noise: All activities are conducted so as to be in accordance with all Federal, State and County noise standards. 7. Depth of excavation: New areas of the mining operation will not be excavated low than 920' above mean sea level. In no case will excavation be undertaken closer than 3' to the highest groundwater elevation. 8. Site clearance: There will be no site clearing at the site in 2008. 9. Appearance/condition: All buildings, plants and equipment at the site are maintained in a neat condition. Weeds and other unsightly or noxious vegetation are controlled as necessary to preserve the appearance of the reclaimed areas. 10. Sanitary Facilities: Portable sanitary facilities are provided in the operating areas. 11. Waste Disposal: Waste generated from the operation is disposed of in accordance with Federal, State and County requirements. 2/5 12. Water Quality Monitoring: A plan for groundwater monitoring is being developed in conjunction with monitoring wells to be installed in 2008. The groundwater monitoring plan will be submitted to the city and their hydrologist for review and approval. 13. Fuel and Chemical Storage: All fuel stored on site is stored in accordance with Federal and State standards. 14. Contingency Response Plan: In the event of a fuel leak or spill, immediate action will be taken. If the spill or leak is active, measures will be taken to control or stop the spill. Available on-site equipment (loaders, dozers) will be used to contain and recover the spill. Additional cleanup equipment and personnel will be called in for assistance as necessary. 15. Added Provisions: The operator will comply with other such reasonable requirements that the City may find necessary to adopt for the protection of health, safety and welfare and/or prevention of nuisance. 16. Processing: The site operates permanent processing equipment in accordance with all Federal State and City air and water quality and noise standards. Processing equipment is screened from view from other properties and adjacent roads. Portable crushing equipment is placed on the floor of the facility and setbacks per Ordinance No. 103 are maintained between the processing equipment and the property lines. 17. Recycling: No recycling activities occurred on-site in 2007. Recycling is not anticipated in 2008. 18. Trucking Operations: The site accesses 185th Street North, a gravel city street. All loads leaving the site are loaded accordance with state law. Loose material is cleaned from the truck and tires prior to exiting the facility. 19. Asphalt Plants: No asphalt plants are operated at this site. B. Annual Activity 1 Amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 20,760 cy 2. Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: 0 cy 3, Amount of recycled asphalt brought to the site in 2007: 0 cy 3/5 4. Amount of recycled concrete brought to the site in 2007: 0 cy 5. Area reclaimed and type of reclamation: In 2007, backfilling began along the southern slope of Phase 2. In 2008, continued backfilling of this area is anticipated to work on bringing the slope up to the final 4:1 slope. 6. Average number of trips hauling material to and from the site per day for the season: In 2007 an average of 11 truck loads per day were hauled from the site (22 truck trips) based on 180 operating days. C. Description of operating conditions planned for the coming year: 1. During the 2008 mining season, excavation will continue in Phase 2. Washing, processing and stockpiling will continue in open portions of Phases 1 and 3. No change from past years operations are anticipated in 2008. 2. Site Plan: A Site Plan is attached which illustrates the location of active mining, stockpiling, processing and reclamation locations anticipated in 2008. 3. Aerial Photo: An aerial photo is attached that shows the location of active mining, stockpiling, processing and reclamation locations anticipated in 2008. 4. Reclamation: Reclamation activities in 2007 consisted of backfilling the southwestern portion of Phase 2. Reclamation activity in 2008 will consist of continued backfilling within the southern portion of Phase 2. 5. Operating Conditions for 2008: Active mining will continue in Phase 2. Washing processing ad stockpiling will continue within Phases 1 and 3. No changes from previous year's operations are anticipated in 2008. D. Inspection: The City inspected the site in conjunction with the CUP permitting process in the spring of 2008. Ill. CERTIFICATION I certify that the plans, specifications or reports for the above described facility were prepared 4/5 by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Kirsten Pauly Date: August 11, 2008 Reg, No. 21842 5/5 t• >< y ;<, " '„ ' i ,�, -r. #& �` > .' • :..,tom �,ro - [ - �. „�}n!5 dmrPs t .. f,,,5, a -.-;i, ,�'.-;. S 4' >:t p 17 A il , I -7. • . , . ' '--'-''':'l'-'-.---11')/4-,,,„'W/- --,,,/./ -/ :',.", -,-.7*--r'i•• ---1 -'1'.:' , -- - '- ---;.- -..43'-:- -:....: --.:--,.--;,,e.- -,..:i;:i i ..-,•-:,,,....4 I :1 - - 8 .fir STOCKPILEAND `i s ` - PROCESS I • • STOCKPILE AND ' , • STORAGE AREA ` xs r ACTIVE MINING • � BACKFILLING j <, —;/ /7. ../, ,/,;(,,,-.4.1,-;',X.—.4-4-4-t------ .,'''',:74 -.„. . - .*' 11' < � i r•V " _ ,,. -� 4 `� -• a. - - ' '-1°.' 1,.."• - d//i..i. — ...kk' k — `.}i .,. 3 �Y -.'1 i. aia ,- - 'fig ''` , t ,z-�t .- J. -,,, f1 ... , 4 f i , vr' R t_3 --•:F n . "� .-- 4 { sr f } + l-yp't "..MM--` L. { `yi - -` ' 44 +£. 7 �$'I+,t'A" is S-f' z -:44 u ;mac _ � r s , I ` 4 .,may ��?� N I 1 Aerial Photograph 2008 AOP to -- 0 100 200 -CAlt f`....__ rrr L___ I i/ .1__y . I \..yFo rWOODEDAREA I 5?19�0 }' "- A--;. ." NOTES: PROPERTY LINE CC I//� - -- ci O1.TOPOORAPI/V AROUNp PERIMETER OF SRET,ord,r 1 r !`-.. g FROM HORIZONS,INC.FLOWN 4.11A9. 40 ACRE /.`� 60 j \ TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN S TE FROM UPDATED CONSULTING COIL ENGINEERS P\..J ��' A. 9� .. DATEDATED rNOVEMBER 200 BY RK SURVEYING,WC 1 AND NOVEMBER2006. x.Eanm we.X eam, SITE ., Q B �F- 2.BOUNDARY INC OSATED 9887 n,1r i SURVEYING. 3.TelePHOPAI ( FEAIIG SWAP DESCRIPTIONS RECORDED DEC.1. 1969 �R� 0 50' 7 LBERM,WASHPLANT AND OCATIONS ARE FROM AN AERIALINT POND BRAC NC BROS., ,/ PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN APRIL 16.1096 008 AREA RECLAIMED AREA OBTAINED FROM THE WASHINGTON COUNTY $IWOODEDEYORS/ • 50 „ SURROUNDSTHESTE.C O�r1 OPERATORS �60 �:- PERMIT -97D PROPOSE() • . - AS�E 1 • SCANDIA, MONITORING 970'--' ...../ ,"�rx WETLANDS FROM NWI MAP MINNESOTA —_ WELLS .41 .• © OODED AREA LJ .. / 1. w �+ TOCKPIL.E AN0, -- \- II • �P o-SSINOAREA,I -- _— ...-. J 1PII ' an• • r.STOCKPILE ANDair M!F STORAGE AREA. - .._ __. ..__ _ _.. . 'C' q16..\ .. . . __ _ PHASE 3 ui / • t : ; .01111 PHASE 2 ACTIVE • WICatiON OP WOW wa.1144...111) E,.�. E.�EE,,.�..W, MINING Z.r.E aR N .Ee ' , O MINED AND °.°8 Z008 j CO ', 4UB .- —J WWLROAD "'"'O°` ' I 1 x— - .441 __F1,;41/11111 onwe- .. 9/O enc+emu» \ • SITE PLAN 66'RIGHT-OF-WA a:,.w » C1f. A fU.I • Kirsten Pauly,PE/PG,Principal Brian Mundstock,PE,Principal Mike Kettler,PE,Principal Consulting Civil Engineers August 27, 2008 Sherri Buss City of Scandia Planner TKDA 444 Cedar Street Suite 1500 Saint Paul, MN 551010-2140 Dear Sherri: Re: Bracht Bros., Inc. CUP 05-20-08-01 As requested, the following information is provided regarding specific conditions of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Bracht Bros., Inc. (Bracht). Updated Copy of Application Material: A bound recompilation of all of the information and plans submitted to the City during the CUP process is attached. Watershed District Permit: A Watershed District Permit was obtained for the site and is attached. Monitoring Wells: The two monitoring wells are scheduled to be installed by September 15, 2008 pending approval of locations by the City's consulting hydrogeologist. One well, MW-1, will be installed near the existing production well, down gradient of the fuel tanks and washplant operations, and will be used for annual water quality monitoring. The second well, MW-2,will be installed as close to the eastern property line as possible on the floor of the pit and will be used in conjunction with MW01 to verify the elevation and direction of groundwater flow. Ground Water Monitoring Plan: A ground water monitoring plan with protocols is attached. Production Well Records: Records of the production well are kept. They will be provided to the City upon request. Washplant Operation: Records of when the washplant operates are kept to identify when the production well is pumping. Sunde Engineering,PLLC. 10830 Nesbitt Avenue South • Bloomington,Minnesota 55437-3100 Phone:(952)881-3344 • Fax:(952)881-1913 • E-Mail: into(/;sundeci com August 28, 2008 Ms. Buss Page 2 of 4 Depth of Excavation: Bracht will not excavate any deeper than 920 ft above mean sea level until authorized by the City. Once the water level data has been reviewed and analyzed by the City's consulting hydrogeologist, the depth of excavation elevation will be established based on the elevation of the ground waters This elevation will be a minimum of 3' above the groundwater table. Ground Water Analysis: Ground water samples will be analyzed for DRO as indicated in the groundwater monitoring plan. Currently, no gasoline is stored on site. If gasoline is stored on site in the future, GRO will also be added to the analyte list. MN County Well Index: There are no wells on file in the County well index system that are located in the area depicted on the Site Plan: A County Well Index Figure is attached which shows the location of the County Well Index wells in the vicinity. This information was also provided on Figure 2 of the permit application materials, Truck Hauling Signs: A truck hauling sign with the distance to the access road will be installed on the westbound approach to the site. A supplement sign will be added to the existing trucks hauling sign indicating the distance to the entrance. These signs will be installed by September 15, 2008. Old Marine Trail: Bracht discourages trucks from using Old Marine Trail except when necessary for local hauling. Dust Control Plan: A dust control plan is attached. Dust control was applied to 185th Street in May of 2008 and paid for by Bracht. Wetlands: A field delineation of wetlands was recently completed. A fifty foot buffer area from the wetlands will be permanently marked in the field. There will be no future disturbance of vegetation of mining activity within the setback area. A copy of the wetland delineation information is attached. Updated Reclamation Plan: An updated reclamation plan and sequencing plan is attached. Current reclamation progress is indicated on the Site Plan submitted with the AOP application. Final elevations: The revised reclamation plan indicates that the lowest final grade after reclamation will be at least ten feet above the highest groundwater elevation. August 28, 2008 Ms. Buss Page 3 of 4 If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kirsten Pauly, PE/PG Sunde Engineering, PLLC. Attachments: c: Natalie Fitzpatrick Dust Control Plan This plan addresses dust control measures which are implemented at the gravel mining site. 1. Stripping Operations: Dust production at the site is related predominately to wind erosion of the topsoil, stockpiles and mining activities. Due to the size particles in topsoil it is subject to three times greater erosional losses than the underlying sand and gravel deposits. Wind erosion, which creates dust, will be most prevalent during periods of stripping, The majority of the site where mining will occur has been stripped. The only additional stripping will occur in conjunction with the restoration of the site when the eastern portion of the site will be sloped to create final restoration grades. When additional stripping occurs the following practices will be followed: • Conduct stripping operations as quickly as practical. This includes removing all of the topsoil to expose the underlying sand and gravel with reduced dust production potential, and stockpiling the topsoils. • All berms will be stabilized as quickly as practical by applying seed and mulch and watering as needed to assure proper establishment of vegetation. All berms on the site have been stabilized. 2. Mining and Processing Operations: Mining operations contribute to dust production in the extraction, processing and transportation of product. Mitigative measures which can successfully be applied to various aspects of the mining operation, and which will be followed by the operator are discussed below: • The general setting of operations are recessed and perimeter berms, act to trap a portion of the dust generated within the site, and prevent it from migrating beyond site boundaries. The natural moisture content of the de[posit as well as the washing process minimizes dust generation. 3. Hauling Operations: By far the largest potential for dust is due to vehicular traffic (80-90%). Fortunately, this is the easiest source to control in a mining operation. The following measures will be taken to reduce dust generation due to vehicular movement: • Dust Control will be provided on 185th Street. Calcium Chloride was applied by the City to 185tth in May 2008, Bracht paid for the dust control treatment. • If Old Marine Trail is used as a significant hauling route (Condition 13 of the CUP requires the operator to discourage the use of Old Marine Trail) and the City deems it necessary dust control will be provided o Old Marine Trail as well. 4 ,„ .---4 $... ,x-,• ‘'..".' .., ,e,. _,,...,•1,.—.11.,,,. .i.„,,,,..at "itl.... ,4•T'J r>ti'1-rr%.,- :,..,,,,... . .re 4 1:'4'-'9 41-ifrif,Sk4"L'- '1'' * t 7 ; •,,,,:,:fri_4,,,t.,..;•,,:s..:1:•,,,,z4.4.-:,....-$:.;:?-_,‘i,r glory. ir mit v.-tr. ...- • „„ di,Ai. .i i ,s k.4#,,.4, I <44.9;‘-'"i--/ ',,,,-;„e,i leer -_ ltity:', $,_,..: ,..r ri,.e a-,., -.).....43,, , -,... . ,,.,... 3.4",•t. • - . yo- ,,, '''"''' • •:"",,T:';-F-Lijg4,;.' ; 4 4':414.-'"".,4,-:',. ,,,'fif - k,' ."4".";i..4% ‘r:/t-:-.1 i"*"Nr. --tAl _ -•'!•:44p;i it-,. -4 14' ' - 4 .. f.s. .4„ :'1/44,,,,,f''',:%. -2.t'411'I-,,,,'-'1,4'lft. 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' 4041% Xer,, .., 1 t4:''''...,, ''.;.''11314_,,..'.4-'.44-.H44,cri -....,,Trv....„1-7,:lp 4-• . , ,, .... . . 7 1 , ,611. . , ,,,tr r . ;.. • . ...,,,..,.„ _..... .. _,..4,„.,8.. t. Iii:y , 4. 4 . t0^-44," , ,-',.,,,,; • 't•s" ' ..i.:11 4--. -4'-r.'14-'+',*'''' '4'.'-. - • 667953 CWoeullnlotycavvtetollninpdeerx COUNTY WELL INDEX WELLS ---- illiL ' _ - ie NISIVin RECLINED AREA J ''"�, �J. `^�J��� CONSULTING 1AVCOW ENGINEERS RP'..' C. • 1C, 1,C \ 'n►- i ....oiii...,. J01114, .A7 • BRACHTBROS., • ,,,,,,,.......'.:'if;,,,,/ INC. ,11111111 a /J SCANDIA 1 / GRAVEL MINING / 6p SEDIMENTATION OPERATION / 70--'1 POMDS PHASE 1 970 WASHINGTON iOE / COUNTY,MN°M WE REVISICO, IN RdID moo`.;;:. llTdprPllE DDO SCALE —w—.. rcr, ..-. i �, 9�0This ASIWIANI' — / it '' Th s plan depicts mining&phasing.Mining is complete in Phase 1.A portion of Phase 1 has been restored along the northern property line. PHASE 3 I I P�U1JE , The remainder of Phase 1 remains open and accommodates the processing area and sedimentation ponds used in the washing process. , % �� PHASE 2 / I Mining s currently active within Phase 2.The western portion of Phase 2 / ! �/ / been Phase and backfilled.it Il take an estimated 1.3 years to / progress to Phase 3.The eastern '1 /(411111 04 //j� n9 pro9 «ia" .,4/ ; �� portion of Phase 2 w ll be backfllled.Topsoil will be placed and vegetation� established Mwed�ro j ACTIVE MINING 0 ' 970 x•,.�ff_...o,. "" iii '�e .(0 �V,- � �����i 0 o Excavation grades indicated on this plan represent the maximum depth of ,b_ID �;�%% // ` — as mining. Excavation s limited to a minimum elevation f 920 faDove //���.' mean sea level,until lower elevations are approved b the Citybased on iSiiii / \ :,p,,.,........ / I be tad theo.... J new ground water level information.,Maximum excavation depths wall be Lift of 3'above the water table Portions of a given phas:aril ay 4�io������������q�..,......................�.. no expva entire depth depending upon Ne type and qity of �'. •!///i «oann bo material encountered. The excavation areas will be badfilled to approximately the grades indicated on the Restoration Plan. ..'�.,,," — t_..-970 - �:+ Denotes surface water flow direction. - -- )Xi - According to the Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map,dated 11/30/2007,the site is located in Zone X. There are no 10O-yr floodplains MINING&PHASING located on the site or in the immediate area. PLAN i C2 1 NOTES: THIS PLAN DEPICTS THE AREAS WHICH WILL REQUIRE RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES.A PORTION OF THE SITE ALONG THE IOW r- - e� \ N. NORTH PROPERTY LINE HAS BEEN RECLAIMED, OTHER PORTIONS CONSULTING awl.ENGINEERS OF DISTURBED AREA HAVE BEEN BACKFILLED AND REQUIRE F" APPLICATION OF TOPSOIL AND VEGETATION.ABOUT TEN ACRES .SOW MI...113.....0 m Pam. � r;. mn�: Y., ' OF THE SITE WILL REQUIRE BACKFILL,TOPSOIL APPLICATION AND i '""`"m q?,� *`vv y�>r..�} +�' a r' 960 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION. M ." • "•,r;...�;r5 a A., BRACHT BROS., • .;;,.,•d:�;Y•m _;. -• �:..,,� AREAS WILL BE GRADED AND SLOPED TO A MAXIMUM 4:1 SLOPE. INC. • +r4� •+ 4'OF LOAMY ON-SITE SOILS SUITABLE AS TOPSOIL WILL BE FIBS RECLAMATION �b� PLACED OVER THE GRADED AREAS. PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL, ������ • 7.-- LOOSEN THE SOIL THE SOIL BY TILLING THE AREA TO A DEPTH OF SCANDIA AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WELL AERATED GRAVEL MINING POROUS SURFACE TEXTURE. OPERATION elm ago a IN AREAS TO BE SEEDED,USE NATIVE SEED MIXTURE WASHINGTON l� EQUIVALENT TO MNDOT NO.350.APPLY SEED MIXTURE AT A RATE COUNTY,MN OF 84.5 LBS PER ACRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT STANDARD SPEC.2575. INCORPORATE A FERTILIZER(SLOW RELEASE TYPE EQUIPMEN AS T So BE WITH 10 WEEK RESIDUAL)CONSISTING OF 23-0-30(%N-P-IO INTOOM AMMO � � Puss THE SOIL AT AN APPLICATION RATE OF 200 LBS PER ACRE BY ... 4 OF FINAL C. . RECLAMATION DISKING PRIOR TO SEEDING. ESTABLISH NATIVE SEED MIX IN r+ %��.� ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT STANDARD SPEC.2575.3. LIGHTLY 930 HARROW OR RAKE THE SITE FOLLOWING THE SEEDING \ OPERATION. PACK THE SITE FOLLOWING HARROWING IN ORDER :A:ENSURE A FIRM SEED BED. MAXIMUM MPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF MNDOT STANDARD SPEC. --___—___ RECLAMATION $'p BLE 2575 2 FOR SEASON OF PLANTING NATIVE SEED MIXTURES. ______ SLOPE=4:1 THE APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING SEEDING ARE FROM APRIL __/ 15 THROUGH JULY O FALL SEEDING DATES ARE FROM SEPTEMBER 20 TO OCTOBER 20.DORMANT SEEDING DATES ARE yipFROM OCTOBER 20 TO NOVEMBER 15. DORMANT SEEDING WILL �j ego ONLY BE ALLOWED IF THE MAXIMUM SOIL TEMPERATURE AT A """ :4pDEPTH OF 1 INCH DOES NOT EXCEED 50 DEGREES F IN ORDER TOE..+r-e'N-------N, PREVENT GERMINATION. 5.7) / �` MAINTAIN AREAS PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEEDS: PREVENT OR ��' / WEIMAR wnMo CONTROL WEED ESTABLISHMENT,MOW ONCE EVERY THREE TO a.�.� / 950 _f FIVE YEARS IN ORDER TO REMOVE DEAD PLANT MATERIAL AND ~ (BERM TO REMAIN DURINGI CO N STIMULATE NEW SEED. '"' RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES 9 8 070 \c; Ni ) / gym. GRADES REPRESENT MINIMUM RESTORATION GRADES. IF p fl0 ADDITIONAL FILL IS AVAILABLE THE FINAL GRADES MAY BE .u�. HIGHER. RECLAMATION GRADES WILL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SEPARATION OF TEN FEET BETWEEN GROUND WATER AND FINAL GRADE EASTERN SCREENING BERM TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF FINAL RECLAMATION RECLAMATION. WESTERN SCREENING BERM TO REMAIN. PLAN i SCALE ry FEE C3 1 1 iASIENEMEN =r v p rWC' sNws AMR)AREA '• CONS\ FFEAREA N ro F.. rvwr,., / T. . . e h 9j i////////��%/%//��%///// ,,, �� BRACHT BROS., ,,,,.�iiiioii,.%.,i��...............i. ii INC. iiiiiii��iii// �/ ��/ SCANDIA 41P /1J 3aMilli , GRAVEL MINING „ . OPERATION Aso i O49 (3\� p� 970 WASHINGTON (CF �c\� 4 COUNTY,MN 960�^._ C,� wn .eves. HAUL ROAD / v.,. 7 P r L. • W d I\ ,� `�1 SCALEIry ILL 930— * , / c) WASHPLANT a. ` /i'4 / Restoration phases refer to future restoration activities. Essentially the 9?s mining operation has progressed to the point were the entire mining area CLAMATION has been opened up. Some restoration has occurred along the norther IE 2 property line. Backfilling and sloping of the southwest corner(western NEM.MINIFY TMI.TM ELM aMTNmwc ' NWEInoNM �. half of mining phase 2)has been completed.Phase 1 of future restoration • activities will be establishingvegetation over this sloped �•19 ,� LAMATION 970 area.Phase 2 will be the corm andand bacldlletl by completion of backfilling and sloping of the - / E 1 o southeasternportion of the site(east half of mining . ✓ / yg phase 2)followed by \ , establishment of vegetation.As Phase 3 mining is completed,Phase 3 / / gdp ` reclamation can follow which will involve sloping and badfilling the very 90 / w/ \g5g y .. western portion of the phase,followed by establishment of vegetation. ,b r.,,, co960 a..,.... These phases of restoration and the area already reclaimed encompasses 4"� 980 970 . )• i; �� just over 10 acres within the active mining area. Final restoration will .r encompass the remaining 11.5 acres of mining area. Final restoration will involve grading outside of the mining limits as illustrated on this plan. 1 80 970— , Consistent with the mu ng plan developed for this site for the County w ° I =rs permits,the majority of restoration fill for the final restoration phase will e. come from the area east of the approved mining limits.As part of the County permitting process,soil balance computations were submitted and RESTORATION the area was reserved for use not as mining but as a source of restoration PHASING PLAN materials to ensure that sufficient restoration material would remain on site.The mining area and restoration area will be graded and vegetation established in accordance with the reclamation requirements as pan of v.' the final restoration phase. ( 3_A GROUNDWATER MONITORING PLAN BRACHT BROS., INC. SCANDIA, MN Introduction Groundwater is a valuable resource that can be used as the source of drinking water by area residents. Additionally, groundwater interacts with, and plays an important role in sustaining, several high value surface water resources within the region. Protection of the quantity and quality of groundwater resources is vital and it is everyone's responsibility. This groundwater monitoring plan has been developed to provide additional understanding of the groundwater characteristics beneath the site and establish a useful monitoring point for testing the water quality of the site at the first groundwater contact down gradient from the fuel storage area on-site. This plan will enable an evaluation of water quality and quantity over time as mining activity progresses through the site in accordance with the approved plans. Groundwater Monitoring History: As part of the initial permitting of the site by Washington County, three soil borings were drilled into the water table in 1989 for the purposes of establishing the elevation of the water table and the direction of groundwater flow. The first groundwater contact at the site is in the Quaternary Drift aquifer and the soil borings indicated that the direction of groundwater flow is to the east, towards the St. Croix River Valley. At the time the soil borings were drilled, the elevation of the water table varied from approximately 900 feet above mean sea level (msl) in the eastern portion of the site to 920 feet above msl in the western potion of the site. Information obtained from the three soil boring is consistent with the information contained within the Washington County Geologic Atlas. Monitoring of groundwater quality has historically been conducted on an annual basis at the site in accordance with the Washington County Permit. Annual sampling of the production well used to supply water to the wash plant was conducted for diesel range organics (DRO). The production well is a 75 foot deep well with approximately 16 feet of open hole finished in the Prairie du Chien Jordan Aquifer. New Monitoring Wells: The CUP issued by the City of Scandia in 2008 requires that an additional monitoring well be installed in the upper portion of the groundwater table. This well, MW-1, will be located near the existing production well which will monitor the fluctuation of the elevation of the water table over time as well as for the purposes of measuring water quality in the upper portion of the groundwater table. Because the existing production well is finished in the deeper underlying Jordan Sandstone, samples collected from this well may not represent water quality of the water table aquifer. A second well is required for the purposes of verifying the elevation and direction of groundwater flow beneath the site. Because the existing data on the elevation of the groundwater table is from a single point in time, there is no data on how the water table fluctuates. Although the Ordinance requires only 1 monitoring well for this mining operation, the city has requested a second monitoring well for the purpose of collection of water level data. The well, MW-2, is required to be aadjacent to the east property line. Because this is outside of the current pit floor, this well be substantially deeper then MW-2. Figure 1 illustrates the proposed locations of the two new wells. Well Construction: The two new monitoring wells will be constructed of 2" Schedule 40 PVC with ten foot Sch. 40 slotted screens, constructed in accordance with the MN Well Code. The wells will be capped, with 1-3 feet of stick up above the ground surface and a protective casing with a locking cap. They will be finished in the upper portion of the water table with the screens set approximately 7 feet into the water table. This will allow the water table to fluctuate and still enable collection of a ground water sample and a water level measurement. MW-1 will be drilled at an elevation of approximately 925 feet above msl. Groundwater is estimated to be at an elevation of 905-910 feet above msl. Total depth of the well is estimated to be 22-27 feet. MW-2 will be drilled at an elevation of approximately 967 feet above msl. Groundwater is estimated to be at an elevation of 900-905 feet above msl. Total depth of the well is estimated to be 69-74 feet. 2 Monitoring Schedule: Upon approval of the groundwater monitoring plan and installation of the monitoring wells, MW-1 will be monitored on an annual basis for diesel range organics (DRO). Samples will be collected during the active mining season, Water level measurements will be taken on an annual basis. Water level measurements will be collected in the morning prior to pumping of the production well. MW-1 DRO Annually MW-1 Water Level Annually MW-2 Water Level Annually If gasoline is ever stored on the site in the future, monitoring for GRO will also be conducted. Sampling Protocol Sampling protocol as prepared by Minnesota Valley Testing. It is included as Attachment 1, Results Sampling results will be submitted to the City on an annual basis in conjunction with the annual report. The report will include previous years' data and will be in a spreadsheet or graph form to facilitate identifying trends in water quality. Results will be reviewed for any indication of impacts to water quality or quantity as a result of mining. It should be noted that fluctuations in groundwater levels can be expected in response to climatic conditions. 3 '•••—, ISEINEE f �g6o WOODED AREA I � AMINIIMIIP [ °'�0 IrY yy NOTES : C iJ �- 1.TOPOGRAPHY AROUND PERIMETER OF SRE J9i Rt�lB,— I \ \�i M FROM HORIZONS.INC.FLOWN 4.1145. p \ll TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN SITE SURVEYING, UPDATED ' 8 '.)r�1�f CONSULTING CIVY ENGINEERS 96 9 O VV.' r�- \ SURVEYS BY LANDMARK SURVEYING.INC. arl"�°1^DATED NOVEMBER 2001 NM NOVEMBER 2000 'iy1 r,mi..TEievno.c 950 "rrwN• '°-ThIjCi, filik,.. , -WIr �jl 1; - :r !!!o . BY LANDMARK8-81,AND LANDRDED DEC.1,, _ . . BRACHT BROS., ..; /, / Yr,,�✓': ._ T•1316.SP ® DIMENTPDND • ,/� ////�._ 'O LOCATIONS ARE FROM AN AERIAL INC. :.i PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN APRIL 18 1998 �A RECLAIMED AREA j// �I OBTAINED fROM THE WA4MINGTONCWNTY WOODED AREA ( t.. ✓_ �!jj8 SURVEYORS DEPT 1 e '•� /, �• , {.ATHREE STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE ANNUAL OPERATORS f'.(� '� # E '.1 I SURROUNDS THE SITE. PERMIT TA 970 ::::ff:i..;.':.:::..''......:. ' ....,........:....,. 77..77 Si. ..' S il. .,... ,2.'- / i ' 44cr - - an A..r .. -' EXISTING ' * L`,' PRODUCTION Y'o -f - x1( V \ MW1 ,STOAGE AREA: _ _ \ `. 9�0 '' 14I1l11elLair&i1 PROPOSED '" , . — MONITORING ------- ...'S4%loI1Iv.k 14 2101511 s1or 0- I� • .` WELLS 200E \ . Q 0 ... l" ACTIVE _. MINING _46_,)I/\ •1N- 2008 /,/ 970 MINED AND / ..a..,v. PROEM MO ft I !nr ............ . /ID ..... NAUL ROM.-. _. 00 — — — PROPOSED 11 MONITORING 66'RIGHT-OF-WA WELL LOCATIONS 980_ Boundary information from survey bywi, 0 W mo Landmark Surveying. — Figure 1 SCALE N FEET L MEMORANDUM B TO: Sherri Buss,TKDA FROM: Dave Hume,LBG CC: DATE: September 10,2008 Groundwater Monitoring Plan Review Comments RE: Bracht Bros,Inc., Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Scandia,MN This memorandum provides TKDA with Leggette, Brashears & Graham's (LBG) review comments on the Bracht Bros., Inc.'s Groundwater Monitoring Plan (Plan). The draft Plan was prepared by Sunde Engineering and submitted to TKDA and LBG on August September 8,2008. New Monitoring Wells: • If the two monitoring wells have been installed,update the text to state this and revise Figure l to show the final locations. Well Construction: • If the two monitoring wells have been installed,provide the final well construction details in an attachment and update the text to reflect the pertinent well installation information. Monitoring Schedule: • As shown by MN DNR well hydrographs in the area,groundwater levels have fluctuated as much as 8 feet over the last 15 to 20 years. As stated in the Resolution No. 05-20-08- 01,groundwater level data from the new wells will be used to establish the depth of mining relative to the water table surface. More frequent water level measurement data is needed to establish this elevation relative to the existing mine floor to better understand how the aquifer responds to variable recharge conditions. Therefore,the Plan should state that depth to groundwater levels will be measured for three consecutive months in the two newly installed monitoring wells. Measurements can then be collected on the Spring, Summer, Fall schedule. Sampling Protocol • The Plan should indicate who will be conducting the monitoring in the field (i.e., MVTL, Sunde,or Bracht). • Attachment 1 describes sampling from a faucet and not monitoring wells. The protocol needs to state how sampling will be completed for monitoring wells. S:\Tech\Scandia Aggregate\Bracht\Bracht monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM,INC. • State that benzene will also be added to the monitoring plan if gasoline is ever stored on the site. Results 1 S'paragraph • In addition to the annual submittal of data and a summary report,Bracht should also submit the consecutive three-month and also the tri-annual groundwater level monitoring data to the City as soon as possible after it has been collected and tabulated. These data will then be available for review by LBG more frequently than once a year. • The report should also include sampling field data sheets and laboratory reports. Figure 1 • Provide scale on map. Attachment 2 • Reference"Tiller/Dresel"on the table. S:\Tech\Scandia Aggregate\Bracht\Bracht monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM, INC. .6) c,?) TKDA 444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101-2140 ENGINEERS•ARCHITECTS•PLANNERS (651)292-4400 (651)292-0083 Fax www.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council Reference: Dresel Contracting., Inc -Annual Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Operating Permit Application for a Copies To: Dresel Contracting, Inc. Mining and Processing Operation Kirsten Pauly, Sunde Engineering City of Scandia, Minnesota From: Sherri Buss, R.L.A. Proj. No.: 14059.012 Date: September 11, 2008 Routing: SUBJECT: Dresel Contracting., Inc. - Annual Operating Permit Application for a Mining and Processing Operation MEETING DATE: September 16, 2008 LOCATION: All that part of the south half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 32, Range 20, Washington County, Minnesota APPLICANT: Dresel Contracting, Inc. 2404 July Avenue Chisago City, Minnesota 55013 120-DAY PERIOD: December 29, 2008 ZONING: Agricultural District ITEMS REVIEWED: Application, Plans, and Related Submittals - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Application is for an Annual Operating Permit (AOP) for an existing sand and gravel mining operation located on 218th St. North in Scandia. Mining at the site predates any type of permitting. The site operated under a Conditional Use Permit issued by Washington County when the County exercised land use authority within New Scandia Township. The Applicant applied for and received its first Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from the City of Scandia for its operation on May 20, 2008. The CUP included a number of conditions that will apply to the operation of the site. The City's Mining Ordinance specifies an AOP cycle that coincides with the active mining season. Applications are due by January 30 each year, so that permits can be approved before the start of the mining season in that year. Based on the CUP schedule completed in 2008, the application cycle is early this year for the 2009 mining season. The applications submitted in August, 2008, will be used for the 2009 mining season. The AOP's would run through December 31, 2009. Mine operators will submit their applications for the 2010 season by January 30, 2010. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining EVALUATION OF THE AOP REQUEST The Applicant is requesting an Annual Operating Permit (AOP) for a mining operation. The permit requirements are governed by the City's Ordinance No. 103, Mining and Related Activities Regulations and the Conditional Use Permit issued to the Applicant on May 20, 2008. The Ordinance requires review of the following items for the AOP: 1. The operating conditions of the previous year and conditions required by the CUP 2. Proposed operating conditions and any variation from the previous year 3. Results of the annual inspection by the City This review evaluates the request for an AOP based on the Conditional Use Permit,the City's Ordinance, and the materials submitted by the Applicant that describe the proposed operating conditions and Reclamation Plan. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The City of Scandia approved a Conditional Use Permit for sand and gravel mining and processing for Dresel Contracting, Inc. on May 20, 2008. The CUP included a number of conditions to be completed within 60 days of the approval of the CUP, including submission of the application for the Annual Operating Permit. Some additional conditions were included that did not include a date for completion. The items required to be completed, and Dresel's performance, include the following: Condition Deadline Specified Status in CUP 1. Comply with CUP Ongoing In process 2. Updated copy of CUP July 20, 2008 Provided August 28, 2008 application and materials 3. Comply with rules and Ongoing In process - regulations 4. Permits from CMSCWD None specified Received July 10, 2008 5. Installation of Monitoring Wells July 20, 2008 Installed in May, 2008 6. Revise Proposed Conditions July 20, 2008 Elevation proposed by applicant. LBG is Plan pit elevations reviewing 7. Ground Water Monitoring Plan July 20, 2008 Provided to City on August 28, 2008. LBG is reviewing 8. Revise site plan to include index July 20, 2008 Provided to City on August 28, 2008 wells 9. Identify bench mark elevation July 20, 2008 Has been established at top of well casing MW- 1 10. Ground Water Analysis - DRO None specified Samples will be analyzed for DRO. No & GRO gasoline is stored on site. If gasoline storage is added, GRO will be analyzed. Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining Condition Deadline Specified Status in CUP 11. Truck Signage and roadway July 20, 2008 To be completed by September 5, 2008 cleaning 12. Truck cleaning Ongoing Applicant addressed in AOP application 13. Delineate northern wetland None specified Wetland report and delineation completed. Buffer to be permanently marked by September 15, 2008 14-17. Updated Reclamation Plan July 20, 2008 Submitted to the City on August 28, 2008 18. Letter of Credit/Security None specified Not provided to date 19. AOP application July 20, 2008 Completed August 22, 2008 Evaluation of Performance The table indicates that Dresel has been more than a month late in addressing some of the conditions that were included in the Conditional Use Permit. These items include submission of the Ground Water Monitoring Plan and updated Reclamation Plan. These items are significant elements that need to be evaluated before the Annual Operating Permit can be issued. It is critical that the Applicant comply with the CUP and be accountable for meeting deadlines set by the City. OPERATING CONDITIONS- EVALUATION FOR AOP Site Operations-Background Information The site includes two parcels. The western parcel is 40 acres in size, and 31 acres are proposed for mining. This parcel is owned by Dresel. The eastern parcel includes 17 acres, and 5 of these acres are proposed to be mined. The eastern parcel is owned by Franklin and Marcella Roth. The total site area is 57 acres, and 35 of these are proposed for inclusion within the active mining limits. The mining operation includes removal of overburden, excavation of sand and gravel,crushing, washing, screening, stockpiling of sand and gravel; recycling of concrete and asphalt products; and reclamation activities. The overburden is removed from areas to be mined, and stockpiled on the site for use in reclamation activities. The Applicant indicates that the site usually operates on a seasonal basis from mid- April to mid-November, depending on weather conditions. The Phase 1 a mining area and north boundary of the Dresel Site is adjacent to the Tiller Corporation Mining sites. As the two sites are mined, the Dresel and Tiller excavation areas will be joined across the boundary to form one large mining pit area. The site has some existing berms at the site entry, and wooded areas on the northwest and northeast corners of the site. The proposed Phase 3 mining area is adjacent two wetlands on the site. No additional screening is proposed. Scandia Planning Commission Page 4 September 1 I, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining Annual Activity The application generally includes the data required by the Ordinance regarding annual activity on the site. It notes the following: The amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 20,000 cy Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: 0 cy Amount of recycled asphalt and concrete brought to the site in 2007: 0 cy Backfilling in southeast area of site 2007 Area (acres of reclamation not indicated) Average number of trips to and from the site per day 2007: Not provided The application states that the types and size of operations in 2008 and 2009 are expected to be similar to activities in years prior to 2007. The CUP application indicated that the amount of material mined varied substantially on an annual basis, from 0-100,000 cubic yards per year. Future activity is estimated as follows: • 20,000-50,000 cy to removed in 2008 • 0-50,000 cy in 2009, depending on the market for aggregate Mining in 2008 will occur along the common boundary with the Tiller Corporation mining operation, and in the eastern portion of the site. The application includes a site plan as required in the Ordinance that shows areas of operation and reclamation. Setbacks The application indicates that the site setbacks include the following: • 50 feet from an adjoining property line • 200 feet from an existing occupied structure • 100 feet from contiguous properties subdivided into residential lots • 100 feet from any road right-of-way • 0' from the common boundary with the Tiller Corporation mining site to the north The setbacks meet the requirements of Ordinance No. 103. Fencing The site is fenced with 3-strand wire fencing except along the common border with Tiller Corporation, and has a locked metal gate at the entrance. This meets the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Hours of Operation The application indicates that the site is operated from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays, and that prior permission will be obtained from the City to operate at other times. This meets the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Scandia Planning Commission Page 5 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining Screening The site is screened with a buffer area on the west and a screening berm along 218th Street North. An additional berm may be added at the northwest corner of the property in 2008. The CUP did not require additional screening. Dust Control The application indicates that the location of processing areas,berms, and perimeter vegetation control the dust from mining operations. The CUP required that the Applicant keep 218th Street North free of dirt and debris caused by trucks hauling between the access and Lofton Avenue. The Applicant indicated that loose material will be cleaned from the trucks and their tires before they leave the facility. Noise The application should be revised to indicate that all activities will be conducted to be in accordance with all Federal, State, and City noise standards, rather than County noise standards. Depth of Excavation The application indicates that excavation will not be conducted within three feet above the water table. The AOP application did not respond to the conditions of the CUP,which requires that: • Within 60 days of the approval of the CUP,the Applicant shall install at least three monitoring wells in the aquifer. The requirements for the wells are detailed in the CUP, and proposed installation should be reviewed by LBG. • LBG shall review and evaluate the ground water monitoring data gathered from the monitoring wells, establish the depth to ground water, and recommend the depth of excavation at the site. • Based on the depth established by LBG, the Application shall revise the Proposed Conditions Mining Plan to raise the pit bottom elevations to at least three (3) feet above the water table elevation. The Planner requested additional information from the Applicant related to the CUP conditions. The Applicant's Engineer provided additional information on August 28, indicating the following: • The Applicant installed the required wells in 2008 which were reviewed by LBG. • Dresel has not mined below the lowest point in the mine that existed at the time that the CUP was issued (928' above mean sea level [msl]) • Water level data subsequently collected from the new monitoring wells installed in 2008 indicates that the water table varies from approximately 917-918 feet above msl under the site. The Mining and Reclamation Plan, Figure C3, was revised as required in the CUP to reflect a final elevation of at least 3' above the water table. • LBG is reviewing the Monitoring Plan and information provided by the Applicant. Scandia Planning Commission Page 6 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining Site Clearance The Applicant indicates that vegetative material removed during site clearance or other activities will be disposed of by logging or chipping. The logged materials will be used for lumber or firewood, and chipped materials will be used as mulch, bio-fuel, or other approved uses. The Applicant anticipates that the area near the common mining border will be cleared in 2008. The Ordinance requires that the City determine whether these methods are approved for site clearance activities as part of the AOP. Appearance/Condition The Applicant notes that equipment at the site is maintained and weeds are controlled on reclamation areas to maintain the appearance of the site. A site visit by the City in 2008 noted that the appearance of most of the site met the requirements of the Ordinance. Two areas of concern were identified: • Steep slope areas where material had been excavated, and trees and topsoil had slumped into the site. The Applicant indicated that these areas would be restored, and activities would be controlled to prevent erosion and slumping in the future. • The reclaimed areas along 218th Street North were badly eroded, and required repair and reseeding. This problem was identified at the site visit in 2008, and the Applicant indicated that actions would be taken to repair the erosion and stabilize the slopes. Actions to address the erosion issues and assure successful reclamation should be included in the 2008-9 reclamation activities. Sanitary Facilities Adequate sanitary facilities are provided at the site to meet the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Waste Disposal The application should be revised to indicate that waste disposal is managed in accord with Federal, State and City requirements, rather than County requirements. Water Quality Monitoring The Conditional Use Permit required that the Applicant shall submit a detailed plan for ground water monitoring and protocols to the City for approval and review by LBG within 60 days of the adoption of the CUP resolution. This plan was completed by August 28, 2008, and sent to the City. The plan is being reviewed by LBG and comments will be provided to the City for review of the AOP. Fuel and Chemical Storage The application indicates that there is no permanent fuel storage and no chemical storage on the site. Scandia Planning Commission Page 7 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining Contingency Response Plan The application includes a general description of activities that will occur in the event of a leak or spill. The Applicant does not describe training for employees related to spill response, and has not submitted a Contingency Response Plan to the City and its Fire Department. These activities are required by the City's Ordinance. Processing The application describes the location and operation of processing equipment. The location and operation meet the requirements of the City's Ordinance. Trucking Operations The application describes the trucking operations and haul routes at the site. The CUP requires that the Applicant provide supplemental signage below the existing "truck hauling" signs on 218th Street to indicate the approximate number of feet between the sign and the site access point. The CUP also requires that the Applicant keep 218th Street North free of dirt and debris caused by trucks hauling between the access and Lofton Avenue. The Applicant indicates that loose material will be cleaned from the trucks and tires before they leave the facility. The Applicant indicated that the required signage will be posted by September 5, 2008. Reclamation Plan The Application indicates that backfilling occurred along the southern property boundary in 2007. No specific reclamation is planned for 2008. Stripped material from the common border area with the Tiller operation may be used to continue backfilling in the southeast areas of the site in 2008 if excess overburden in generated by the stripping activities. The Applicant submitted a Reclamation Plan with the CUP application. The CUP conditions required Dresel to submit an updated Reclamation Plan. The updated plan was submitted on August 28, 2008. The proposed Reclamation Plan includes backfilling to create slopes up to a maximum 4:1 gradient, adding topsoil, seeding, and mulching. The Reclamation Plan does not address the erosion problems occurring in the existing reclaimed areas along the south border of the site that were noted in the site visit. Additional Provisions Additional provisions required in the CUP are discussed in the CUP Requirements section. SITE VISIT The City's Planning Commission and staff completed a site visit to the Dresel Mining Operation in spring, 2008. Additional inspections and site photos were completed by City staff and consultants during the review Scandia Planning Commission Page 8 September 11, 2008 Dresel Contracting, Inc., AOP for Mining of the CUP. Issues that were identified in the site visits were addressed in the conditions included in the CUP. ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council can: 1. Approve the AOP; 2. Approve the AOP with conditions; 3. Deny the application if it is found that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, CUP, AOP Criteria, and Mining Ordinance, and is not in the best interest of the community; 4. Table the request PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends tabling the request for the Annual Operating Permit for Dresel Contracting until the following items required by the CUP have been completed or provided to the City. These items should be provided or completed by October 3, 2008, to schedule continued discussion of the application at the October 21 City Council meeting. 1. Revised application indicating that the mining operation will meet City Ordinance requirements, as specified in the staff review. 2. Revised Reclamation Plan indicating that eroded areas on south slope will be repaired in 2008-09. 3. Revise Ground Water Monitoring Plan to address LBG comments (if any). 4. Contingency Response Plan is provided to the City and Fire Department. 5. Applicant provides required Letter of Credit or other security to the City. ACTION REQUESTED: Staff request that the Council review and discuss this Report on September 16. August 2008 DRESEL CONTRACTING, INC. 2008 APPLICATON FOR THE ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT SCANDIA, MN imimaimma RECEIVED AHn • ,r} --- .. ,Yo . .f r L CA -- A. Cnnsuhrng Orr F.nbiucera '_ _-- -----.-_-� Sunde Engineering,YLLC. 10830 Nesbitt Avenue South • Bloomington, Minnesota 55437-3100 Phone: (952) 881-3344 • Fax: (952) 881-1913 • E-mail: inloCsrsundecivil.com • APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT DRESEL CONTRACTING, INC. SAND AND GRAVEL MINING OPERATION CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA I. INTRODUCTION The following Annual Operators Permit application is submitted on behalf of Dresel Contracting, Inc. (Dresel) in compliance with the City of Scandia's Ordinance No. 103 and Chapter 4, Section 6, of the Development Code: Mining and Related Activities Regulations adopted by the City of Scandia on August 28, 2007. Dresel operates a gravel mining and processing operation within the City of Scandia. The site has been actively mined since the late 1960's. Prior to the incorporation of Scandia in 2006, New Scandia Township and Washington County were the permitting authorities. Permitted activities include the removal and processing of aggregate and the recycling of concrete and asphalt. II. ANNUAL REPORT A. Operating Conditions The site operates in accordance with operating conditions regulated by Section 7 of the Scandia Ordinance 103. 1. Setbacks: No mining, stockpiling or land disturbance activities, with the exception of berming and visual screening, take place within the setback areas. Minimum setback areas are maintained as follows: • 50 feet from an adjoining property line • 200 feet from an occupied structure existing on May 20, 2008. • 100 feet from any contiguous property subdivided into residential lots of 5 acres or less • 100 feet from any road right-of-way. • 0' along common mining boundary to the north. 2. Fencing: The site is fenced with 3 strand wire fencing except along the common mining border. There is a locking metal gate at the entrance to the site. 3. Hours of operation: The site is operated from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays. If operations are required 1/5 beyond the 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. hours, or on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, prior permission will be obtained from the City of Scandia in accordance with procedures set forth in Ordinance No. 103. Extended hours were not requested in 2007 and are not anticipated in 2008. 4. Screening: There is buffer area to the west at the active mining area and a screening berm along 218th Street N. Additional screening activities planned for 2008 may include a berm in the very northwest corner of the property. 5. Dust control: Processing areas are located at elevations lower than the surrounding terrain in order to minimize windborne dust leaving the site. Screening berms and perimeter vegetation also minimize dust leaving the site. 6. Noise: All activities are conducted so as to be in accordance with all Federal, State and County noise standards. 7. Depth of excavation: Excavation will not be conducted deeper than three feet above the water table as approved by the City's consultant. 8. Site clearance: Trees, stumps, roots and other vegetative material removed during site clearance or other activities will be disposed of by logging and/or chipping. Logged material will be used for lumber or firewood. Chipped material will be used as mulch, bio-fuel at approved facilities, erosion control devices or other approved utilizations. It is anticipated that the area near the common mining border will be cleared in 2008. 9. Appearance/condition: All equipment at the site is maintained in a neat condition. Weeds and other unsightly or noxious vegetation are controlled as necessary to preserve the appearance of the reclaimed areas. 10. Sanitary Facilities: Portable sanitary facilities are provided in the operating area. 11, Waste Disposal: Waste generated from the operation is disposed of in accordance with Federal, State and County requirements. 12. Water Quality Monitoring: A plan for groundwater monitoring is being developed in conjunction with the monitoring wells placed in the spring of 2008. The groundwater monitoring plan will be submitted to the city and their consultant for review and approval. 2/5 13. Fuel and Chemical Storage: There is no permanent fuel storage and no chemical storage on site. 14. Contingency Response Plan: In the event of a fuel leak or spill, immediate action will be taken. If the spill or leak is active, measures will be taken to control or stop the spill. Available on-site equipment (loaders, dozers) will be used to contain and recover the spill. Additional cleanup equipment and personnel will be called in for assistance as necessary. 15. Added Provisions: The operator will comply with other such reasonable requirements that the City may find necessary to adopt for the protection of health, safety and welfare and/or prevention of nuisance. 16. Processing: The site operates processing equipment in accordance with all Federal State and City air and water quality and noise standards. Processing equipment is screened from view from other properties and adjacent roads. Crushing equipment is placed on the floor of the facility and setbacks per Ordinance No. 103 are maintained between the processing equipment and the property lines. 17. Recycling: Recycling at the facility meets all applicable standards contained in Section 7.1 (1) of Ordinance No, 103. The stockpile of material to be recycled does not exceed the volume of material that can be processed in two consecutive mining seasons. 18. Trucking Operations: The site has access to 218th Street North, about 800 feet west of County Road 1 (Lofton Avenue). Lofton and 218th are paved. Trucks are loaded so as to comply with state law. Loose material is cleaned from the trucks and tires before the leaving the facility. - 19. Asphalt Plants and Ready-mix plants: There are no hot-mix asphalt or ready-mix plants operated at this facility. B. Annual Activity 1. Amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 0 cy 2. Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: 0 cy 3. Amount of recycled asphalt in 2007: 0 cy 3/5 4. Area reclaimed and type of reclamation in 2007: Backfilling occurred along the southern property line east of the haul road in 2007. 5. Average number of trips on public roads hauling material to and from the site per day for the season in 2007: 0 6. Any changes made to the site: Essentially the site saw no mining activity in 2007,just some reclamation activity along the southern boundary. Mining activity in the northern portion of the site along the common mining border and in the very easternmost portion of the site is anticipated in 2008. C. Description of operating conditions planned for the coming year: 1. During the 2008 mining season, the site will continue to operate as it has in the past. The mining operation includes the removal of overburden, excavation of sand and gravel, crushing, washing, screening, stockpiling, and recycling of concrete and asphalt products. Portable crushing and screening plants are brought to the site periodically and material is excavated, processed, and stockpiled. Mining activity in the northern portion of the site along the common mining border and in the very easternmost portion of the site is anticipated in 2008. 2. Site Plan: A site plan is attached which illustrates the areas planned to be mined in 2008, the stockpile and processing area, and reclaimed areas. 3. Aerial Photo: An aerial photo is attached which illustrates the areas planned to be mined in 2008, the stockpile and processing area and reclaimed areas. 4. Reclamation: No specific areas of reclamation are planned for 2008. If stripping along the common mining border generates excess overburden, this material may be used to continue backfilling and sloping in the southeastern portion of the site. 5. Operating conditions for 2008: Active mining will occur predominantly in the areas indicated on the site plan. A portion of the common mining border between the Dresel site and Tiller site will be mined. D. Inspection: The City inspected the site in conjunction with the CUP permitting process in the spring of 2008. 4/5 III, CERTIFICATION I certify that the plans, specifications or reports for the above described facility were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Gl irsten Pauly Date: August 11, 2008 Reg. No. 21842 5/5 •••• . ,---." \ \ tiplES; A...M.F.75enasr‘ _ Arrara.greM7AWN . - • ., , ,,,.7 .1A4 TOPOGRAPHYNC)1 .ifILI:Ir Y SURVEY StriliW1 • ... . . M - DEPARTMENT. IffflItgl' ' , .., ..... .... •. , . gal0P1 . CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS •857.I 01.0004.10,00,1.1.141ESOTA SSW ...„..) • VII a; ., B, ' • ' '-.< --\ ... , -- • \ \cow. . C, . DER .... ' ' \'',...,. - MR W...111.BRONG ..--- IV -WIWV 1 - \ CONTRACTING,INC. '',„ •0)/4?, _ r„...ev-r•r'''''''',..-7-. ,...., v 0,.00,. ,000,0:°•01(071,01,..3/7,2008 NERAL ACTIVE ARNING.400, - / ... . •-_,.....,..... 410 ./.",04, ,.. • • ' -4. '''.4/: ',/i:/i lei A/ _,•)\ ' • • ,..Z.,. .i",' Z„-e,,4./,,e4,4e..4 02 ediod 1 r,13,);,,Of'0.4...ts:‘, , '' .. . ,. .1, ,.,., riu.IN \ • ::I.'. , ---N\N\". ' '. ' ANNUALp2EiP:E8IRTATORS 1..... 2 -'----'N '-1\) .. ' -oars', • . ,,Tera,14.4 Ar4 • ' - . ...: , . ., - .....__ . • ., . - SCANDIA, .......-- .1'.\ 7-) MINNESOTA •-.,. . — L-.... . ,,... .... ., -.-'.' 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Y ,wfi. .'''. ri y +, 11.f..y41"-;.'_;,;_ -...,,,r:,., ...,-..,:-..,:e..-?. :::.:!,,-;_,-.:„,.; ,..,.,- ,:::, -__ -. •-c::::7.:4,..' .4.ii071.7.,- S'47_. ., .7:-:!...*::'::::,-, ''''''''''''''''''' .--s-':.,:,.:: ..,...:i'oii.../H,..'.. , ',..1,s4...17,1,...:-.t,t,'".*:„.,.,4,- -...i'iw" • rit.--•,,,.'t7.7.,,.._:,,,,''-:-:-,4 ,fir#Y y ` • - 2005 PHOTO N 1 2008 AOP AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH I1 ;5,i 0 15C S:,( SCAL! IN i El i Kirsten Pauly, PE/PG,Principal - Brian Mundstock,PE,Principal Mike Kettler,PE,Principal Consulting Civil Engineers August 27, 2008 Sherri Buss City of Scandia Planner TKDA 444 Cedar Street Suite 1500 Saint Paul, MN 551010-2140 Dear Sherri: Re: Dresel Contracting CUP 05-20-08-03 As requested, the following information is provided regarding specific conditions of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Dresel Contracting (Dresel). Updated Copy of Application Material: A bound recompilation of all of the information and plans submitted to the City during the CUP process is attached. Watershed District Permit: A Watershed District Permit was obtained for the site and is attached. Monitoring Wells: The three monitoring wells were installed in May, 2008. Two of the wells, MW-1 and MW-2 are located on Dresel's property and the third well (PZ-4) is a shared well located on Tiller Corporation (Tiller) property to the north. Depth of Excavation: Dresel has not mined any deeper then the lowest point in the mine that existed at the time the CUP was issued, 928 feet above mean sea level (msl). Water level data subsequently collected from the new monitoring wells indicates that the water table varies from approximately 917 — 918 feet above msl under the site. The Mining and Reclamation Plan, C3, has been revised as required in the CUP to reflect a final elevation of at least 3' above the water table. Ground Water Monitoring Plan: A ground water monitoring plan with protocols is attached. August 28, 2008 Ms. Buss Page 2 of 2 MN County Well Index: The Site Plan, C2, has been updated to include the County Well Index information and is attached. Figure 4 of the Permit Application also has this information. Benchmark: A permanent benchmark has been established. It is the top of casing of MW-1 at an elevation of 932.58 ft above msl. The benchmark information has been added to the Site Plan, C2. Ground Water Analysis: Ground water samples will be analyzed for DRO as indicated in the groundwater monitoring plan. Currently, no gasoline is stored on site. If gasoline is stored on site in the future, GRO will also be added to the analyzed list. Signage: Dresel will post additional signage below the existing "truck hauling" signs on 218th street indicating the approximate distance to the access point by September 5, 2008, Wetland: A field delineation and report has been conducted for the site. The wetland identified within the active mining area as PUBGx on the Site Plan, C2, of the permit application, has been verified. Approval of a wetland replacement plan will be required prior to removal of the wetland. The undisturbed buffer of fifty feet from all wetlands will be permanently marked prior to any mining activity in the vicinity of the wetlands by September 15, 2008. Updated Reclamation Plan: An updated reclamation plan and sequencing plan is attached. Current reclamation progress is indicated on the Site Plan submitted with the AOP application. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kirsten Pauly, PE/PG Sunde Engineering, PLLC. Attachments: c: Josh Dresel ‘- \. \Ill -_- - 959A 964 1 '9574 CONSULTINGR R �G ENG INEERS PROPOSED _ MONITORING LDW0an1. WELL COM MI IIiG=.'DER __ na'„',,„Tari DRESEL CONTRACTING,INC. Oak For _ / ---'''-\.______94,3,___0 /Ntts �1 // / MI I i I I / DRAINAGE ARROW 1 LITSI / .k$P, • ili 'i , � Well location from MN SCANDIA MINING 9,',�.- V.. CountyWell Index. OPETIONl`,. PRCESSING - - o.n rNo •.re+ r v *sx r ij , 7. .a' Y � < :\. B-3 \` J. t9° o to 99° >ury <\ ,` S I T E o''. ��� . FEET � , ;� tt'' Sh.�✓'rt'`yLi Tt if 1 •••• 99` I I �, •91h�1�-\\\ '" I \ n. Y. `` {• ., .' \ PROCESSING v ��r �7 \ = 1V Q I Il D } .� 5Y'4 AREA -. N \ l I �` 1 1 \ . mm..w„r k5 v'�r BenchmG - r RGAD�� 9e9. y' @" ' 1 1 p ..r<a.�..c°..o.�COI .,. ENO '`:: :-.::::27., t„..x.- _.,.. . .,.....,-,-„-- ___,,,,,leggk , _ � To of ell2. .. 9a9*r•4 sSA`I t ,'l ,..„3®,e � '-- .. _. '. r'd`�_..... �� B®% I w.... Fla #r C ��� 'I� G BERM ' s 990 r+- V 7111.11.. J® //' y r.:=1-J/sr/® I --- T-, _ .9� .... �T15.5 stlJ, a� MR "MO 4 � ' � • 1 „ I' 5 L SITE PLAN t' .. ❑ LOCKING -i i;,k _:'� 1 "❑ 1 1 i -_ SATE ' 9... AAA,A,. NOTES: EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IS FROM THE DEPHARTMENT.WASINGTONCOUNTYSURVEYORS GROUNDWATER MINING WILL OCCUR TO A MAXIMUM �®�?� ®r � WATER L FROM DEPTH OF 919.5 FEET ABOVE MEAN 9 O 9 0 MEASUREMENTS SEA LEVEL J ABOVE THE WATER S 6 TABLE. PERIMETER SLOPES WILL BE lalY BACKFILLED TO A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 4:1. CONSULTING CNN.ENGINEERS \., � �- PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL,LOOSEN •eal,1-v.•T¢./640w THE SOIL BY TILLING THE AREA TO A Ire 1•u•u DEPTH OF AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN .....,.an•m. •thi% \` - \\ N...... - ...-iti.„- OAMY RADEDRESEL ® ` RWILL BE ESTORED ACED RESEEAREAS CONTRACTING,INC ®� ®L® _..- _. WILL TNEN BE SEEDED AND MULCHED philipPip ` I _ TO ESTABLISH VEGETATION.' A- \ IN AREAS 70 BE SEEDED.USE _ J� NATIVE SEED 50. AP EQUIVALENT i0 MN00T G.550. APPLY SEED 441111111 MIXTURE AT A RATE OF 84.5 LBS / PER ACRE N ACCORDANCE SPEC.2 WITH 1„,,,,,iiir, INCOR STANDARD SPEC.2575. INCOPORATE A fERTX1ZER(SLOW � l RELEASE TYPE WITH 10 WEEK J RESIDUAL) INTO THE OF AT AN SCANDIA MINING (RN-P-K)INTO ME SOIL AT AN IN Okla OPERATION ®® ACRE BY DISK RATE PRIOR TO L SEEDBS S G. ACCO DA NATIVE SEED MNDOT A20/001 I ` ACCORDANCE STANDARD r„ `` SPEC.2575.3. LIGHTLY HARROW OR RAKE THE SITE FOLLOWING THE SEEDING IO. PACK THE _ E SRE a.r FOLLOWING HARROWING IN ORDER TO ENSURE A FIRM SEED-BEG 1144 IN ili"i 111 - - I COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ��Ilk STANDARD SPEC.TABLE ;: ' 25705i20 SEASO OF PUNTiG.i' t a \ 'S , �. ® _-- _ — NATIVE SEED MIXTURES. THE . I APTHRPROPRIATEGATES FOSPRING lk 41 SEEDING ARE FROM APRIL 15 /�� DATES H ARE FROM 20. FALL SEEDING 1 aN eY ♦ +.�. �.�,. �� —\, \ OCT BER 20.�DORMANT SEEDING TO 4-} ;> DATES ARE FROM OCTBER 20 TO /-^i'i r ‘11 • \I Vi NOVEMBER 15. DORMANT SEEDING i... sZ --` Ata( .. 1 /� dill-lb ��.. . WILL ONLY IL ALLOWED IF THE tii'~4 ,ML ® • ® MAXIMUM SOIL TEMPERATURE AT A hPG +c DEPTH OF 1 INCH DOES NOT {kj. `I,�.,�„p T EXCEED 50 DEGREES F IN ORDER to ,�' ' . .,` 70 PREVENT GERMINATION. ,�'SA F```:4 t �`���••�AA���® '/a MAINTAIN AREAS PLANTED WITH O \A1. , __ f� ®® _:— I\. \- 1 i I NATIVE SEEDS: ESTABLISHMENT.VEN MOW /f I 1 ;:j,UHREE TO FNE YEARS MW-Z .6 ��,. i FF N ORD ONCE ER 0 RY TREMOVE DEAD PLANT �) �, 0 MW-I QI7,6 )1���111111: , \ p�: , `� MATER4IL AND STIMULATE NEW SEED. F °.n�.a•m �a,o n., AllinlitiAIMAIIIIIIELSe P 4" j / Aid 600 411. MINING AND 4f f. � lip � I 111 RECLAMATION PLAN 0 ' II * i SCALE W IFFY \ \ NOTES: 4111111. r RESTORATION PHASES REFER TO FUTURE RESTORATION ACTIVITIES. THE MINING OPERATION HAS PROGRESSED TO THE POINT 1 EFE ALMOSTE THE ENTIREM MINING TOR AREA HAS BEEN OPENED UP. SOME RESTORATION N OCCURRED ALONG THE SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN PROPERTY LINE. PHASE 1 OF ISIW FUTURE RESTORATION AND WILL CONSIST CONSULTING CIVIL ENfMArERS OF LA ATION NG,SLOPING AND VEGETATING __ _ RECLAMATION AREA I. RECLAMATION WILL x ® un CONTINUE AS MINING PROGRESSES IN THE 1°62,10.a4.le ERIOE GENERAL SEOUENCE INDICATED ON THIS PLAN. .. ...i,'Ho MR COMMON MINING OR BORDER THIS WILL BE REVIEW . REVIEWED AND UPDATED AS TO BE MINED 2008OR THEREAFTER NEEDEDD A A S PART OF THE ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT, DRESEL CONTRACTING,INC. L ATION i\ 1: A 1ISCANDIA MINING OPWV 000600.11 ERATION CLAMATIO11 was 'AREA 3RECLAMATION QAREA 2 I I 1.0.,.....:11..T,..1 -- - / ---LOCKING GATE � O NM. RECLAMATION 111 IJI � SEQUENCING 1 ,aoAIF— ,,,o 200 .—,— _ C3-A + GROUNDWATER MONITORING PLAN DRESEL CONTRACTING, INC. SCANDIA, MN Introduction Groundwater is a valuable resource that can be used as the source of drinking water by area residents. Additionally, groundwater interacts with, and plays an important role in sustaining, several high value surface water resources within the region. Protection of the quantity and quality of groundwater resources is vital and it is everyone's responsibility. This groundwater monitoring plan has been developed to provide a monitoring well network that will enable an evaluation of water quality and quantity over time as mining activity progresses through the site in accordance with the approved plans. Groundwater Monitoring History: Prior to the issuance of the 2008 CUP, there were no groundwater monitoring requirements for this site. Monitoring Well Network: The Conditional Use Permit granted by the City of Scandia (Resolution No. 05-20- 08-02) required three monitoring wells to be installed in the sand and gravel water table aquifer. This includes a monitoring well shared with Tiller (PZ-4) which serves as a down gradient water quality monitoring point for the Dresel site. PZ-4 is located on Tiller's property. The two other wells, MW-1 and MW-2, are located on the Dresel property and were installed for the purposes of monitoring water levels and general groundwater flow directions over time. All three wells were installed in May 2008 Figure 1 illustrates the location of the monitoring well network, water levels, potentiometric flow lines, and mining limits. Table 1 indicates the wells, top of casing elevations, and water level data from June 9, 2008. Well logs for MW-1, MW-2, and PZ-4 are included in Attachment 1. All Water level data available to date, including the water level data for the Tiller monitoring wells is included as Attachment 2. Table 1 MONITORING WELL DATA Well ID* Top of Casing Depth to Water Groundwater (TOC) Elevation Elevation PZ-4 928.86 12.87 915.99 MW-1 932.58 15.14 917.44 MW-2 929.96 12.45 917.51 Monitoring Schedule: Upon approval of the groundwater monitoring plan, monitoring will be conducted according to the following schedule. Spring sampling will occur sometime within late April — May, summer sampling will be conducted sometime within June-August and fall sampling will occur sometime within September— October. Annual sampling will occur during the active mining season. Well ID Parameter Frequency PZ-4 DRO Annual MW-1 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall MW-2 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-4 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall Sampling Protocol Sampling protocol as prepared by Pace Analytical is included as Attachment 3. Results Sampling results will be submitted to the City on an annual basis in conjunction with the annual report. The report will include previous years' data and will be in a spreadsheet or graph form to facilitate identifying trends in water quality. Results will be reviewed for any indication of impacts to water quality or quantity as a result of mining. It should be noted that fluctuations in groundwater levels can be expected in response to climatic conditions. If significant fluctuations are observed, a review of surrounding observation wells finished in the same aquifer will be made to help evaluate the observations and correlate any trends seen in the facility's water levels with regional trends. 2 2008-07-17 TILLER/DRESEL SITES SCANDIA, MN N 914 PRODUCTION WELL PZ-3 914.60 I % 914.65 HOT-MIX 4I;I SCALE HOUS A PLANT AND MINING REFUELING 9.15 LIMITS AREA PROPOSED /LAKE \ / PZ-5 06 'Z-4 915.80 916.20 TILLER CORPORATION DRESEL CONTRACTING,INC. COMMON MINING K BORD 917 FIGURE 1 MONITORING WELL NETWORK Mw-i ® Mw-2 WITH WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS AND GROUNDWATER 917.60 917.65 CONTOURS BASED ON READINGS FROM AUGUST 7, 2008 Attachment 1 Well Logs 8M B RAU N I NTE RTEC Piezometer Field Data Sheet Client Tiller Project SP-08-02059 Location Scandia Piezo Number MW-1 Piezo Location See site map Date of Installation 5/14/08 B.M. Location and Elevation(+0.01') Crew Matt Takada/Paul Bemier Stick up 2.5' Bumper Post: Protective Cover: 4"x4"x7'wood Type 6"Steel Top of protective casing p 4"x4"x7'black Length 7' capped steel Lock Yes Top of riser pipe elev. (w/o cap) { NI Ground surface elevation Riser Pipe: NType PVC Depth to bottom of surface seal 4' / ""7 \\y Diameter 2" Total length 10' •' Sections used 1 • '' Couplings Flush Thread Cap Yes Type of Grout Material Bentonite Grout Amount of material used 151bs Type of Seal Material Bentonite Chips Approx.water level before installation 12.5' Amt.of material used(lb) 251bs Approx.depth to first water \ - encountered in drilling 12.5 I — Type of Filter Material Red Flint Sand#40 0 o Amt.Of material used(lb) 150Ibs 0 0 CR Screen: Depth to top of seal 6' o Type PVC Depth to bottom of seal 7' o Slot Size .010 Depth to top of screen 8' Length 10' Depth to bottom of screen 18' Diameter 2" Depth to bottom of boring 18' Plug/Point Plug Method of Advance: HSA 4%' ID Remarks: Casing ID Tricone ID Completed by: Matt Takada BRAUN � I NTE RTEC Piezometer Field Data Sheet Client Tiller Project SP-08-02059 Location Scandia Piezo Number MW-2 Piezo Location See site map Date of Installation 5/14/08 B.M. Location and Elevation(+0.01') Crew Matt Takada/Paul Bernier Stick up 2.5' Bumper Post: Protective Cover: 4"x4"x7'wood Type 6"Steel Top of protective casing Q 4"x4"x7'black Length 7' capped steel Lock Yes Top of riser pipe elev. (w/o cap) - Ground surface elevation Riser Pipe: Type PVC Depth to bottom of surface seal 4' \\\ Diameter 2" i Total length 10' • Sections used 1 '.' Couplings Flush Thread Cap Yes Type of Grout Material Bentonite Grout Amount of material used 151bs Type of Seal Material Bentonite Chips Approx.water level before installation 12.5' • •• Amt.of material used(lb) 251bs Approx.depth to first water E encountered in drilling 12' Type of Filter Material Red Flint Sand#40 0 Amt.Of material used(lb) 1501bs 0 Screen: Depth to top of seal 7' ' o Type PVC Depth to bottom of seal 8' o Slot Size .010 Depth to top of screen 9' Length 10' Depth to bottom of screen 19' Diameter 2" Depth to bottom of boring 19' Plug/Point PVC Point Method of Advance: HSA 4''A" — ID Remarks: Casing ID Tricone ID Completed by: Matt Takada Attachment 2 Water Level Data Attachment 2 - Water Level Data Production Well PZ-3 Top of Casing (TOC) El 943.18 Top of Casing (TOC) E 952.33 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 6-Sep-06 27.31 915.87 6-Sep-06 36.43 915.90 2-May-07 28.12 915.06 2-May-07 37.22 915.11 13-Jun-07 28.33 914.85 13-Jun-07 37.42 914.91 19-Jul-07 28.41 914.77 19-Jul-07 37.51 914.82 11-Sep-07 28.58 914.60 11-Sep-07 37.69 914.64 11-Oct-07 28.54 914.64 11-Oct-07 37.65 914.68 8-Nov-07 28.48 914.70 8-Nov-07 37.59 914.74 12-Dec-07 28.70 _ 914.48 12-Dec-07 NM -- 9-Jan-08 28.88 914.30 _ 9-Jan-08 NM -- 22-Feb-08 29.02 914.16 22-Feb-08 38.15 914.18 28-Mar-08 29.11 914.07 28-Mar-08 38.22 914.11 6-May-08 28.92 . 914.26 6-May-08 38.02 _ 914.31 14-May-08. 28.89 . 914.29 14-May-08 37.99 914.34 9-Jun-08_ 28.74 914.44 9-Jun-08 37.83 914.50 9-Jul-08 28.64 _ 914.54 9-Jul-08 37.75 914.58 7-Aug-08 28.58 914.60 7-Aug-08 37.68 914.65 PZ-4 PZ-5 Top of Casing (TOC) El 928.86 Top of Casing (TOC) E 985.76 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 9-Jun-08 12.87 915.99 20-May-08 70.38 915.38 9-Jul-08 12.73 916.13 9-Jun-08 70.23 915.53 7-Aug-08 12.66 916.20 9-Jul-08 70.08 915.68 7-Aug-08 69.96 915.80 MW-1 MW-2 Top of Casing (TOC) Ei 932.58 Top of Casing (TOC) E 929.96 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 14-May-08 15.29 917.29 14-May-08 12.59 917.37 9-Jun-08 15.14 917.44 9-Jun-08 12.45 917.51 9-Jul-08 15.03 917.55 9-Jul-08 12.35 917.61 7-Aug-08 14.98 917.60 7-Aug-08 12.31 917.65 Attachment 3 SAMPLING PROTOCOL Pace Analytical Services Inc Page 11 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 matrixes for a given analytical method. 2.0 DECONTAMINATION Equipment used to collect samples must be decontaminated before use. These procedures are applicable to most sampling equipment components refer to manufacturer specifications for compatibility concerns. Pace FSD uses certified clean sample containers. Cleaning of sample containers is not necessary if sample is collected directly into new, certified sample container for desired analyte 2.1 Wastewater, Surface Water, and Drinking Water Decontamination 2.1.1 Sampling for Inorganic Analytes Note the following procedure may be preceded by a vigorous flushing of hot tap water to remove gross amounts of contamination as necessary. 1. Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 2 Triple rinse with hot tap water. 3. Final rinse with deionized (DI) water 4. Drain or allow components to air dry when possible. 2.1.2 Sampling for Semi-Volatile Organic Analytes 1. Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water. 2. Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap. 3. Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4. Triple rinse with DI water. 5. Rinse with acetone or methanol. 6. Optional final rinse with methylene chloride. 7. Wrap cleaned equipment in aluminum foil shiny side out. 2.1.3 Sampling for Volatile Organic Analytes 1. Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water. 2. Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 3. Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4. Triple rinse with Di water. 5. Place components in oven for a minimum of 1 hour at 105°C or greater. 6 Wrap component in aluminum foil shiny side out. 2.1 Groundwater Decontamination All pumps used to obtain groundwater samples will be decontaminated before use in the field New or dedicated pump tubing will be used for each sampling location. Dedicated tubing will be stored between sampling events in a sealed, chemically inert plastic bag labeled with the' site location. Pump bladders may be dedicated in this same manner. Take appropriate measures to minimize potential contamination during transport and handling of sampling equipment Avoid introducing surface or ambient air contamination into monitoring well. Permanently installed sampling equipment is exempt from decontamination procedures Field cleaning procedures will be performed on equipment used at multiple sampling locations to minimize cross-contamination. 2.2.1 Pump Decontamination Before Field Use Pace Analytical Services. Inc Page 12 of 69 Water Manua! PM-FSD-W-001-rev 00 1 Scrub and flush pump exterior with laboratory grade soap and hot tap water 2 Fill tank with hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 3 Place pump in tank and pump approximately 10 gallons through pump 4 Fill tank with DI water. 5 Place pump in tank and pump approximately 10 gallons through pump 2.2.2 Pump Cleaning Onsite 1 Scrub and flush pump exterior with laboratory grade soap and water 2 Rinse pump exterior with DI water 3 Place pump in DI tank and pump approximately 1 gallon of DI water through pump 3.0 WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER, DRINKING WATER MONITORING 3.1 Automatic/Programmable Monitoring Equipment 3.1.1 Isco Automatic Wastewater Samplers Automatic/Programmable Isco model numbers 2700, 3700, and 6700 are portable devices designed to collect up to 24 separate sequential samples or a single composite sample from a liquid source. The samples may be collected at equal time intervals using the sampler's internal timing circuitry or at equal flow volume intervals using flow pulse inputs from an external flow meter. In the time mode, the interval between samples may be set from 1 to 9999 minutes in 1- minute intervals. In the flow mode, the interval may be set from 1 to 9999 flow pulses in one- pulse intervals. A manual sample collection may also be initiated. In the sequential mode, samples may be collected in either 350-mL glass or 1000-mL polypropylene sample bottles. In the composite mode, samples may be collected in a 9500 mL glass or polyethylene sample container. Sample volumes may be selected in 10-mL increments with a maximum volume of 990 mL. Samplers are powered by using a 110-volt AC charger or an external 12-volt battery. Basic programming steps for conventional sampling routines are listed below for each model. For non-routine sampling programs, review the appropriate manufacturer instruction manual before going into the field. Isco Model 2700 To Program: 1 Press "ON' button. 2. Press "PROGRAM/STEP PROGRAM" button. 3 Using the numeric keypad, enter desired setting for program quantity indicated by light. 4. Press "ENTER VALUE" button. 5 Press "PROGRAM/STEP PROGRAM" button to advance to next feature 6 Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until all program features are set. 7 Press "START PROGRAM/RESET DISTRIBUTOR" button to start sampling program Isco Model 3700 Pace Analytical Services, Inc Page 26 of 69 Water Manual PM-t=SD-W-001 rev.00 VOCs and O&GITPH samples when possible. Draw sample from a well-mixed region of the waste stream. Avoid sampling sludge layers in stagnant areas. such as the bottom of tanks and sumps. A pump may also be used to collect a representative sample of a stratified liquid by collecting discreet samples from cross-sections of the sample point. 1. Determine total depth of liquid in the tank or sump. Determine characteristics of liquid to be sampled such as bottom solids or floating grease layers. Discuss with project administrator the appropriate number of depth increments to collect discreet samples 2. Mark tubing with necessary depth increments (i.e. every 6 inches, 12 inches) 3 Pump an equal volume of sample at each depth increment marked on the sample tubing. 4. Combine equal volume samples into a composite sample for analysis. Bailer A bailer may be used to obtain water samples from difficult to access sample points. Bailers consist of a tube with a one-way check valve at the bottom. Bailers are made in various styles, materials, lengths and widths. Water fills the bailer as it is lowered into the source. The check value closes to contain the sample as it is retrieved. Minimize disturbance of water by gently lowering the bailer into the sample point. Allow the bailer to fill under its own weight. Keep bailer away from sides and bottom of sample point. Contact with surfaces may disturb particulate matter biasing the water sample. After it fills, use a smooth motion to slowly retrieve the bailer Stainless Steel Bailer Decontamination 1. Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water. 2 Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap. 3 Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4 Triple rinse with DI water. 5 Place components in oven for a minimum of 1 hour at 105°C or greater. 6. Wrap component in aluminum foil shiny side out. 3.6.2 General Grab Sampling Procedure 1 Determine bottle type and preservation requirements for analytes of interest 2 Grab samples should be collected at mid-depth in a well-mixed region of waste stream. Note: O&G/TPH should be collected directly into sample containers when possible. Refer to sections 3.6.3 and 5.0 for specific site procedures and collection methods. 3. If the project scope includes automatic wastewater sampling, the same automatic sampler system may be used to collect grabs. Collect all equipment blanks before pumping effluent through system. 4. Label sample bottles. Fill appropriate sample containers for analytes of interest. 5. Samples requiring thermal preservation are placed in cooler with ice to obtain appropriate cooling temperature specified by parameter preservation requirements. 6. Log on chain of custody and submit samples to receiving laboratory. Refer to section 9.0. 3,6.3 Site Type Procedures for Grab Sampling Faucets and Taps Pace Analytical Services. Inc Page 31 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 Fdi /ed- 1 Anchor desired line or set-up surveyor's tripod and down rigger reel above the center of the well casing 2 Connect bailer to line or down rigger cable. 3 Keep bailer and line away from sides and bottom of well. Contact with these surfaces may disturb particulate matter biasing the sample. Minimize disturbance and aeration of water by gently lowering the bailer into the sampling point, avoid splashing bailer into water. 4 Allow bailer to fill under its own weight, 5 Slowly withdraw bailer from the well using a smooth, steady motion. 6 Measure and record each volume removed by pouring sample into clean, unpreserved container. Perform stabilization readings as specified by project objectives. Refer to section 4.3.3 and 4.4. 7. Once stabilization criteria have been met, collect required samples. Refer to section 4.5. 4.3 Stabilization A representative sample of groundwater formation is collected by purging stagnant water from the well prior to sample collection. The purging process includes determining the volume of water in the well casing, purging stagnant water from the well, and monitoring this purged water for water quality indicator parameters. Static water level, the level of water in an undisturbed well, and total well depth are measured and recorded for all wells. The static water level is measured and recorded before purging and after sampling at each well. Total well depth may already be established and provided on the client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal. If total well depth is not predetermined, use a water level indicator to obtain measurements, • Static water level and total well depth determine the well purging volume and identify the proper intake depth during purging and sampling procedures. They may also be used to identify the direction of groundwater flow. To establish a measurement for water levels, a minimum of two water level measurements are taken with values agreeing within 0.01 foot. 4.3.1 Water Level Determination Procedure - 1. Hold the water level meter vertically above the well case opening and take all measurements from the point marked at the top of the well casing. The tape should not rub against the top of the casing as it is lowered and raised; cover any sharp edges to protect tape if necessary. 2 Thoroughly rinse probe with DI water and perform sensitivity calibration. Setting the meter's sensitivity will avoid false triggering. a Turn instrument on using the ON/SENSITIVITY switch. b Lower probe into well. The light and buzzer will activate when the probe contacts the water surface. c. With the probe still in contact with the water, turn the ON/SENSITIVITY dial counter-clockwise until the light/buzzer turns off. Then turn the dial clockwise until the light/buzzer barely activates, 3 Determine the static water level. a Slowly lower the water level indicator probe down into the well until the indicator light comes on and/or the buzzer sounds. Dip the probe in and out of the water several times to confirm the exact point at which the probe is hitting the water. Pace Analytical Services, Inc Page 32 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 b Take reading from the tape at the appropriate reference point. Measure a second time to confirm initial measurement. Measurements should agree within 0.01 foot. Take additional readings if necessary. c. Record static water level to the nearest 0.01 foot(meters x 3.281 = feet) on the Field Data Log Sheet. 4 Determine the total well depth, if necessary. a Lower probe into the well until it hits the bottom and take reading from the appropriate reference point. Measure a second time to confirm initial measurement. Measurements should agree within 0.01 foot. Take additional readings if necessary. b Record total well depth to the nearest 0 01 foot (meters x 3.281 = feet) on the Field Data Log Sheet. c After completing required measurements, rewind the tape being careful not to rub it against the casing. 5 Clean meter after use at each well. a For static water level and total well depth measurements, wash probe with soapy water and thoroughly rinse with DI water. b Additionally, after total well depth measurement, wipe any tape having contacted well water with a DI soaked tissue, or equivalent, while reeling in tape. 4.3.2 Well Volume Determination Determine the well volume for the purging process using static water level, total well depth, and well diameter measurements. Water column length is found by subtracting the static water level from the total well depth. Water Column length (ft) = Well Depth (ft) (-) Static Water Level (ft) Water column length is then multiplied by the well diameter multiplication factor to obtain the well water volume. Refer to the Bore Volume Chart (Figure IV) to determine the water volume within circular well casings. Well Volume (gal) =Water Column length (ft) (x)Well Diameter Multiplication Factor 4.3.3 Water Quality Indicator Parameters (WQIP) Water quality indicator parameters (WQIP) are monitored to determine when formation water has been reached during the purging process. WQIP are measured after each water column volume or partial volume, depending on project specifications, is purged. Purged water is directed through a flow cell to minimize changes in temperature, pressure, and influences of outside elements while WQIP are measured. The client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal will specify the parameters and frequency of measurement in determining well stabilization for a given sampling location. Turbidity and ORP measurements are generally not WQIP, although these parameters may be measured in the field per client request or project objectives. Monitor WQIP carefully to keep purging to a minimum. Excessive purging may damage the monitored zone. A well is presumed to be ready for sample collection when at least three successive readings for each WQIP are observed to vary less than the following criteria, unless otherwise specified by project objectives: • pH +/- 0.1 units • Temp: +/- 0.5`C Pace Analytical Services Inc Page 33 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 • Specific Conductance +/- 5% • Dissolved Oxygen +/- 0 5mg/L 4.4 Purging Purging is the process of removing stagnant water from a well before sampling, which then allows a representative groundwater sample to be collected from the adjacent formation water flowing into the well Typically, purging is completed immediately before sample collection, although samples are acceptable if collected within 24 hours of purging Project specifications may require sampling to occur within a set time after the purging process All attempts will be made to avoid purging wells to dryness Excessive purging can increase or decrease the contaminant concentrations that would otherwise be found in a representative sample from a well Monitor the static water level throughout the purging process to track drawdown and assist in flow rate adjustments. Reduce pump rate to avoid pumping the well dry and to ensure stabilization criteria are achieved when possible. For a well that has been purged dry, it is assumed recharge water is fresh from the groundwater formation. Under ideal conditions, a well that has been purged to dryness is permitted to recover 100% before sample collection. At a minimum, let a well recharge for a period of time sufficient to allow an adequate water volume to return for the desired sampling parameters. Check the recharge of the well using a water level meter until a sufficient depth is measured to ensure a sufficient amount of water is in the well before sampling. If the recharge time is relatively long (> 1 hour), it is up to the discretion of the technician and client as to whether sampling proceeds. Procedure 1 Start purging well by withdrawing water from desired depth using appropriate purging procedure for project objectives and well conditions_ Use a purge rate dictated by project's sampling plan; if a rate is not indicated, use a purge rate that will minimize drawdown while allowing a reasonable purge time. Check the water level during purging to track drawdown; adjust the pump depth as necessary if the water level drops. 2 Measure and record the purge rate using a bucket and stopwatch. a. Collect the purging discharge into a bucket with volumetric markings for a timed interval (15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute). b Determine the purge rate in gallons per minute, or equivalent units, by multiplying the set length of time and the volume collected in the bucket. - 3 Inspect flow cell to ensure proper sealing. Connect discharge line to the intake point of the flow cell. Maintain discharge through flow cell(s) at a continuous and steady rate. 4 Immerse applicable field analytical probes into flow cell(s) to measure stabilization criteria Allow probes to equilibrate for approximately 5 minutes before taking readings. 5 Remove one well volume or partial well volume. 6 Record WOIP readings on appropriate data sheet. 7 Continue purging until another well volume or partial well volume has been removed. 8 Record WQIP on appropriate data sheet. 9 Continue process until 3 or more consecutive measurements within the specified target stabilization criteria are obtained. Refer to section 4.3.3. If stabilization criteria has not been met after the removal of 5 water column volumes, contact project administrator or client for approval to collect sample. Clearly document that stabilization was not achieved if sampling is to proceed 10 Collect required samples Refer to section 4 5. 4.5 Sample Collection Analytical parameters required for sampling are based on regulatory requirements and site history. Pace Analytical Services Inc Page 34 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 These analytical parameters are specified on a project's client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal Samples will be collected in a manner that minimizes potential contamination A new pair of gloves will be worn at each sampling location and changed after contact with possible contaminants. If vehicles or generators are running during sample collection, containers will be filled upwind from exhaust sources. Procedure After well stabilization is achieved and documented, complete necessary information on sample labels and adhere to appropriate sample containers 2 If provided, use the sample rate specified by project's sampling plan If not provided, the sample rate will be the same as the rate used during the final stage of purging. Sample rate is lowered significantly when sampling for VOCs to approximately 100 mL per minute. 3 Remove discharge line from flow cell maintaining a continuous discharge and collect required QA/QC samples 4_ Collect field samples in the following order if applicable, unless otherwise specified. Do not overfill preserved sample bottles Refer to section 4.7 for filtered metals if necessary Refer to Table III for parameter collection requirements. i. VOCs ii Metals iii. SVOCs iv. TOC v. TOX vi. Phenols vii. Nitrogen series viii. Cyanide ix General Parameters 5. Log all samples on chain of custody. Refer to section 9.0. 6 Samples requiring thermal preservation are to be placed in cooler with ice to obtain appropriate cooling temperature specified by parameter preservation requirements. Refer to Table III. 7 After all samples have been collected, measure and record the static water level to the nearest 0.01 foot. Refer to section 4.3.1. 8 Complete relevant paperwork for sampled well. 9. Thoroughly clean all equipment to be used on additional wells before moving to next location. Refer to section 2.2.2. 10. Review project scope to confirm all requirements have been fulfilled before leaving the site. 4.6 Low-Flow Well Sampling A well is determined to be a low-flow well when the rate at which water enters the pump intake area from the formation is extremely slow. Low-flow does not refer to the discharge rate of well water during purging or sampling Wells with extremely slow recharge rates require alternative purging and sampling procedures. For low-flow wells, the well is not purged, but rather, the water surrounding the pump inlet is continually replaced with fresh formation water without disturbing the remaining water column. The pump should remain in the well and be allowed to recover until a sufficient volume returns to permit sample collection If well recovery is so slow that an adequate water column height is not reached within a reasonable time, a zero submergence bladder pump or bailer will be used for sample collection Low-flow purging and sampling will be performed from the middle or slightly above the middle of the L \ MEMORANDUM BG1i TO: Sherri Buss,TKDA FROM: Dave Hume,LBG CC: DATE: September 10,2008 Groundwater Monitoring Plan Review Comments RE: Dresel Contracting,Inc., Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Scandia,MN This memorandum provides TKDA with Leggette,Brashears&Graham's(LBG)review comments on the Dresel Contracting,Inc.'s Groundwater Monitoring Plan(Plan). The draft Plan was prepared by Sunde Engineering and submitted to TKDA and LBG on August 28,2008. Monitoring Well Network: 1st paragraph • Ground-water levels fluctuated less than 0.5 feet during this three-month period used to determine the location of PZ-6 on the Tiller site. Greater fluctuations are likely to occur over the life of the operation, which could result in a change in flow direction. The Plan should state that the ground-water level monitoring schedule proposed will be used to identify any significant changes in flow direction. Any modifications to the monitoring well network as a result of these changes will be evaluated at that time. Monitoring Schedule: • Specify that the Dresel wells will be monitored on the same day as the wells and the proposed lake on Tiller Corporation's site. • State that a baseline monitoring event (including depth to groundwater level measurements and sampling)will be completed prior to mining into the water table at the Tiller site. Sampling Protocol • The Plan should indicate who will be conducting the monitoring in the field(i.e.,Pace Labs, Sunde,or Dresel). • Attachment 3 is confusing as pages not relevant to site monitoring have been omitted. The Plan should state that only those pages applicable to the monitoring required for this site are provided. Protocol described in Attachment 3 that are not going to be used should be omitted. • The Plan should list the sampling method to be used in the text and also reference the appropriate section number in Attachment 3 for more detail on protocol. S:\Tech\Scandia Aggregate\Dresel\Dresel monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS & GRAHAM,INC. • State that GRO and benzene will be added to the monitoring plan if gasoline is ever stored on the site. Results 1 S`paragraph • In addition to the annual submittal of data and a summary report,Dresel should also submit the tri-annual groundwater level monitoring data to the City as soon as possible after it has been tabulated. These data will then be available for review by LBG more frequently than once a year. • The report should also include sampling field data sheets and laboratory reports. Figure 1 • Provide scale on map. Attachment 2 • Reference"Tiller/Dresel"on the table. S:\Tech\Scandia Aggregate\Dresel\Dresel monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM, INC. &) 3 j TKDA 444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101-2140 ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS•PLANNERS (651)292-4400 (651)292-0083 Fax www.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council Reference: Tiller Corporation - Annual Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Operating Permit Application for a Copies To: Tiller Corporation Mining and Processing Operation Kirsten Pauly, Sunde Engineering City of Scandia, Minnesota From: Sherri Buss, R.L.A. Proj. No.: 14059.013 Date: September 11, 2008 Routing: SUBJECT: Tiller Corporation, Inc. - Annual Operating Permit Application for a Mining and Processing Operation MEETING DATE: September 16, 2008 LOCATION: Sections 7 and 8, Township 32 North, Range 20 West APPLICANT: Tiller Corporation P.O. Box 1480 Maple Grove, Minnesota 55311 120-DAY PERIOD: December 29, 2008 ZONING: Agricultural District ITEMS REVIEWED: Application, Plans and Related Submittals BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Application is for an Annual Operating Permit (AOP) for an existing sand and gravel mining operation located on Manning Avenue near 225th Street in Scandia. The site has been actively mined since 1966, and has operated under a Conditional Use Permit granted by Washington County, when the County exercised land use authority within New Scandia Township. Permitted activities included the mining and processing of aggregate, the production of hot-mix asphalt, and the recycling of concrete and asphalt products. The City's Mining Ordinance specifies an AOP cycle that coincides with the active mining season. Applications are due by January 30 each year, so that permits can be approved before the start of the mining season in that year. Based on the CUP schedule completed in 2008, the application cycle is early this year for the 2009 mining season. The applications submitted in August, 2008 will be used for the 2009 mining season. The AOP's would run through December 31, 2009. Mine operators will submit their applications for the 2010 season by January 30, 2010. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining EVALUATION OF THE AOP REQUEST The Applicant is requesting an Annual Operating Permit (AOP) for a mining operation. The permit requirements are governed by the City's Ordinance No. 103, Mining and Related Activities Regulations. The Ordinance requires review of the following items for the AOP: 1) The operating conditions of the previous year and conditions required by the CUP 2) Proposed operating conditions and any variation from the previous year 3) Results of the annual inspection by the City. This review evaluates the request for an AOP based on the City's Ordinance and the materials submitted by the Applicant. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The City of Scandia approved a Conditional Use Permit for sand and gravel mining and processing for Tiller Corporation on May 20, 2008. The CUP included a number of conditions to be completed within 60 days of the approval of the CUP, including submission of the application for the Annual Operating Permit. Some additional conditions were included that did not include a date for completion. The items required to be completed, and Tiller's performance, include the following: Condition Deadline Specified Status in CUP 1. Comply with CUP Ongoing In process 2. Comply with rules and Ongoing In process regulations 3. Updated copy of July 20, 2008 Provided on August 28, 2008 Application 4. Permits from CMSCWD None specified Received July 10, 2008 - 5. Installation of three July 20, 2008 Two new wells were installed in May, 2008, and Monitoring Wells monitored to determine the location of the 3rd well. Tiller proposed the location of the third well to LBG on August 28. LBG reviewed, and recommended a revision in the location. Tiller concurred with LBG's proposal on August 28, 2008. Well to be installed by September 15, 2008. 6. Ground Water Monitoring July 20, 2008 Provided to City on August 28, 2008. LBG is Plan reviewing. 7. Excavation below water May not begin Excavation into the water table has not begun. Water table before August 20 level data has been submitted and LBG is reviewing. and review by LBG 8. Production well records July 20, 2008 Are being kept and are available for City review 9. Ground Water Analysis - None specified Samples will be analyzed for DRO. No gasoline is DRO& GRO stored on site. If gasoline storage is added, GRO will Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining Condition Deadline Specified Status in CUP be analyzed. 10. Map of index well sites July 20, 2008 Figure 4 with sites was provided to the City on August 28, 2008 11. Asphalt plant setback Ongoing Applicant agrees to setback and notes that mining from lake proposed in the AOP is setback over 1,000 feet from the asphalted plant and associated structures. 12. Lake depth Ongoing Applicant agrees that excavation into the water table will not be deeper than 50 feet. 13. Truck Signage and July 20, 2008 Applicant indicated on August 28 that it is working roadway cleaning with Washington County to determine whether the County will allow truck hauling signs on Manning and Lofton. The Applicant reported on September 5th that County staff inspected the roadways and access points, and indicated that the County's requirements for posting the recommended signage is met solely on north-bound Lofton. The County will be signing the roadways accordingly. 14. Lofton/Hwy 97 July 20, 2008 Tiller indicates that it restricts importing add-rock Intersection from Lofton Avenue during non-daylight hours 15. Manning Ave access sign Ongoing Tiller indicates that it will post the sign by September 5, 2008. 16-19. Updated Reclamation July 20, 2008 Submitted to the City on August 28, 2008 Plan 20. Letter of Credit/Security None specified Not provided 21. AOP application submittal July 20, 2008 Completed August 22, 2008 Evaluation of Performance The table indicates that Tiller Corporation has been more than a month late in addressing many of the conditions included in the Conditional Use Permit. These items include installation of the new monitoring wells, completion of the Ground Water Monitoring Plan, installation of the truck hauling signs, and updated Reclamation Plan. These items are significant elements that need to be evaluated or completed before the Annual Operating Permit can be issued. It is critical that the Applicant comply with the CUP and be accountable for meeting deadlines set by the City. OPERATING CONDITIONS - EVALUATION FOR THE AOP Site Operations- Background Information The site includes several parcels. The total site area is 395 acres, and 155 of these are proposed for mining and reclamation. The mining operation includes removal of overburden, excavation of sand and gravel, crushing, washing, screening, stockpiling of sand and gravel; recycling of concrete and asphalt products; the production of hot-mix asphalt and reclamation activities. The overburden is removed from areas to be Scandia Planning Commission Page 4 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining mined, and stockpiled on the site for use in reclamation activities. The Applicant indicates that the site usually operates on a seasonal basis from mid-April to mid-November, depending on weather conditions. The Applicant indicates that there are three phases of mining remaining at the site. Mining will occur both above groundwater and into the groundwater in each of these phases. The Applicant indicates that due to the variable nature of the aggregate deposit, it is necessary to mine above and below the groundwater concurrently in order to obtain the proper blend of aggregates. Mining into the groundwater will occur for the first time under the new permit. This activity has been described in the previous mining plans for this site, and was evaluated in the Environmental Assessment Worksheets completed for the Tiller site in 1987 and 1999, but has not been implemented in previous mining phases. The asphalt plant at the site is equipped with a baghouse air pollutant collection device, and operates under a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Air Emissions Permit. Storage tanks as the site (for fuel and asphalt cement) are regulated by the MPCA. The main access route to and from the site are Manning Avenue (County Road 15)and Lofton Avenue (County Road 1). Both Manning and Lofton and are paved. The haul road from Manning Avenue is paved through the site to the hot-mix asphalt plant and loading area. Annual Activity The application generally includes the data required by the ordinance regarding annual activity on the site. It notes the following: The amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 582,000 cy Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: 50,000 cy Amount of recycled asphalt and concrete brought to the site in 2007: 25,000 cy Backfilling, sloping and seeding in the western area Noted on map (acres of reclamation not indicated) Average number of trips leaving the site per day: -240 trips The application also describes the activities proposed at the site in 2008. The types and size of operations in 2008 are expected to be similar to activities in previous years. The significant change in operations will be excavation into the water table beginning in the fall of 2008. Under the CUP, mining into the water table cannot begin sooner than 90 days after the installation of the new monitoring wells. Prior to beginning this activity, the water level data collected during the summer of 2008 must be submitted to the City and LBG for review and approval. Applicant submitted its Water Monitoring Plan and Report to the City and LBG on August 28. LBG is reviewing the information provided by the Applicant, and will provide comments to the City for review of the AOP application. Setbacks The application indicates that the mining operation maintains setbacks as follows: • 50 feet from the adjoining property line Scandia Planning Commission Page 5 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining • 200 feet from an existing occupied structure • 100 feet from residential property boundaries of 5 acres or less • 100 feet from any road right-of-way • 0' along the common mining boundary with Dresel Corporation The setbacks meet the requirements of Ordinance 103. Fencing The application indicates that the majority of the site is fenced with 3-strand wire fencing, except where prohibited due to topography, heavy vegetation and wetlands. There are locking metal gates at both entrances. The fencing meets the intent of the City's Ordinance. Hours of Operation The site is operated from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The Applicant noted that extended hours were requested and granted in 2007, but not requested to date in 2008. Screening The application describes screening at the site, and notes that additional screening berm construction and modifications to existing berms may take place in the southern setback area during 2008. The CUP did not require additional screening in 2008. Dust Control The application indicates that the Applicant uses a water truck to control dust on unpaved portions of the site. The CUP did not require additional dust control efforts. Noise The application should be revised to indicate that the Applicant will comply with all Federal, State, and City noise standards, rather than County standards. Depth of Excavation The Application proposes that excavation will not exceed 865 feet above mean sea level. The City's consulting hydrogeologist is reviewing the results of ground water monitoring, and will confirm whether this depth is appropriate for the site for review of the AOP application. Site Clearance Site clearance will occur along the common mining border with Dresel Corporation in 2008. The City's Ordinance requires that the Applicant address the disposal of stumps, trees or other debris accumulated during clearance. The Applicant should provide information on disposal of these materials. Scandia Planning Commission Page 6 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining Appearance/Condition The City's site visits in 2008 confirmed that the site and facilities are maintained in a neat condition. The CUP did not include conditions for improvement of the appearance or condition of the site. Sanitary Facilities The application indicates that site is served by sanitary facilities that meet the requirements of the City's Ordinance and Mine Safety and Health Administration. Waste Disposal The application should be revised to indicate that waste generated from the operation will be disposed of to meet Federal, State and City requirements, rather than County requirements. Water Quality Monitoring The CUP required that Tiller Corporation complete a plan for groundwater monitoring within 60 days of approval of the CUP (July 20, 2008). The applicant submitted a Groundwater Monitoring Plan to the City on August 28, 2008. LBG is reviewing the plan, and will provide recommendations to the City. The additional monitoring wells required by the CUP have been placed on the site. Fuel and Chemical Storage The application describes fuel and chemical storage at the site. The Applicant notes that these materials are stored in accord with Federal and State standards. Contingency Response Plan The application indicates that the site operates under a SPCC Plan, and that no changes to the plan have been made in 2008. A copy of the plan was submitted as part of a large document that included the Surface Water Plan and other items to the City Planner in early May, 2008. A copy of the Contingency Response Plan should be provided to the City and the Fire Department. - Processing The application and CUP application describe the operation of permanent processing equipment on the site, and indicate that these are operated in accordance with Federal, State and City air and water quality and noise standards. The CUP requires that the asphalt plant and related structures be set back at least 100 feet from the shore of the proposed lake on the site. The Applicant indicated that the asphalt plant and related operations will be over 1,000 feet from the lake in 2008. Trucking Operations The application indicates that truck operations have access to County Road 15 (Manning Avenue) and County Road 1 (Lofton Avenue), which are paved roads. Scandia Planning Commission Page 7 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining The City has recently received multiple complaints that haul trucks are using 230th Street west of Maiming as a short-cut to a site to the northwest. This street is residential in character in comparison to the County Roads. Tiller Corporation should require haulers to use County Roads 15 and 1,as described in its application. Reclamation Plan The CUP required that the Applicant submit a revised Reclamation Plan within 60 days of approval of the CUP, July 20, 2008. The revised plan was received on August 28, 2008. The plan is consistent with the Reclamation Plan approved as part of the CUP. No reclamation activities are planned for 2008, but are proposed to continue in the future as mining progresses to the perimeter of the site. Additional Provisions Additional conditions required by the CUP and the Applicant's status in implementing the conditions are discussed in the section on Conditional Use Permit requirements. SITE INSPECTION The City's Planning Commission and staff completed a site visit to the Tiller Corporation Mining Operation in spring, 2008. Additional inspections and site photos were completed by City staff and consultants during the review of the CUP. Issues that were identified in the site visits were addressed in the conditions included in the CUP. ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council can: 1. Approve the AOP; 2. Approve the AOP with conditions; 3. Deny the application if it is found that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, CUP, AOP Criteria, and Mining Ordinance, and is not in the best interest of the community; 4. Table the request PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends tabling the request for the Annual Operating Permit until the following items required by the CUP have been completed, provided and evaluated by the City. These items should be provided or completed by October 3, 2008 to schedule continued discussion of the application at the October 21 City Council meeting. 1. Revised application indicating that the mining operation will meet City Ordinance requirements, as specified in the staff review. Scandia Planning Commission Page 8 September 11, 2008 Tiller Corporation AOP for Mining 2. The Applicant should dispose of materials from site clearance as described in the CUP application, and include this information in future AOP applications. 3. Address LBG comments regarding the Ground Water Monitoring Plan and monitoring well locations. 4. Provide copies of the Contingency Response Plan to the City and Fire Department. 5. Limit haul trucks to County Roads 15 (Manning)and 1 (Lofton). (This condition was not identified in the CUP, but is included in response to resident complaints recently received by the City indicating that haul trucks are using 230th Street west of Manning as a short-cut to a site to the northwest.) 6. Complete installation of third monitoring well by September 15, 2008. 7. Ensure that truck hauling signs that meet County requirements are installed on northbound Lofton Avenue. 8. Provide required Letter of Credit or other security to the City. ACTION REQUESTED: Staff request that the Council review and discuss this report on September 16. August 2008 TILLER CORPORATION 2008 APPLICATON FOR THE ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT SCANDIA, MN 1,) 01 • R E ED A 1 rim („.„/,mg or,/ Uri? OF SCAND1A Suede Engineering, PHA'. 10830 Nehitl Avenue South • Bloominn g,tolMinnesota 5437-3 IOU Phone: ( )52) 881-3344 • Fax: (952) 881-191.1 • . infoO'stindecivil.com APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL OPERATORS PERMIT TILLER CORPORATION SAND AND GRAVEL MINING AND HOT MIX ASPHALT PLANT OPERATION CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA I. INTRODUCTION The following Annual Operators Permit (AOP) application is submitted on behalf of Tiller Corporation in compliance with the City of Scandia's Ordinance No. 103 and Chapter 4 of the Development Code: Mining and Related Activities Regulations, Section 6, adopted by the City of Scandia on August 28, 2007. Tiller Corporation operates a gravel mining and processing operation within the City of Scandia. The site has been actively mined since at least 1966. Prior to the incorporation of Scandia in 2006, New Scandia Township and Washington County were the permitting authorities. The City of Scandia issued a Conditional Use Permit for the site in the spring of 2008. II. ANNUAL REPORT A. Operating Conditions: The site operates in accordance with operating conditions regulated by Section 7 of the Scandia Ordinance 103. 1. Setbacks: No mining, stockpiling or land disturbance activities, with the exception of screening activities is proposed to take place within the setback areas. Minimum setback areas are maintained as follows: • 50 feet from an adjoining property line • 200 feet from an occupied structure existing on May 20, 2008. • 100 feet from any contiguous property subdivided into residential lots of 5 acres or less • 100 feet from any road right-of-way. • 0' along common mining boundary to the south. 2. Fencing: The majority of the site is fenced with 3 strand wire fencing except where prohibited due to topography, heavy vegetation and wetlands. There are locking metal gates at both entrances to the site. 1/6 3. Hours of operation: The site is operated from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays. Extended hours may be required periodically for situations such as emergencies, accelerated work schedules or weather delays. Extended hours were granted for the MN/DOT Hwy 97 project in 2007. Extended hours have not been requested to date in 2008. if operations are required beyond the 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. hours, or on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, prior permission will be obtained from the City of Scandia in accordance with procedures set forth in Ordinance No. 103. 4. Screening: Screening berms, wooded buffer areas and agricultural fields separate the mining activity from surrounding properties. A large number of trees have been planted in the past to screen site activities. Processing and stockpiling operations are conducted in recessed portions of the site to minimize visibility. Additional screening berm construction and modifications to existing berms may take place in the southern setback area during 2008. 5. Dust control: A water truck is used to water unpaved portions of the site to control dust. This practice will continue throughout the 2008 mining season. 6. Noise: All activities are conducted so as to be in accordance with all Federal, State and County noise standards. 7. Depth of excavation: Depth of excavation will not exceed 865 feet above mean sea level. 8. Site clearance: Site clearing in the common mining border area will take place in 2008. 9. Appearance/condition: All buildings, plants and equipment at the site are maintained in a neat condition. Weeds and other unsightly or noxious vegetation are controlled as necessary to preserve the appearance of the reclaimed areas. 10. Sanitary Facilities: The scale area is served by an individual sewage treatment system. Portable sanitary facilities are provided in the operating areas as required by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. 11. Waste Disposal: Waste generated from the operation is disposed of in accordance with Federal, State and County requirements. 12. Water Quality Monitoring: A plan for groundwater monitoring is being developed in conjunction with the monitoring wells placed in the spring 2/6 of 2008. The groundwater monitoring plan will be submitted to the city and their hydrologist to review prior to mining into the groundwater table, 13. Fuel and Chemical Storage: All fuel and chemicals stored on site are stored in accordance with Federal and State standards. On-site fuel storage consists of a 1,000- gallon above-ground storage tank which is located within a concrete secondary containment area and a 500 gallon double walled tank used to fuel an onsite generator. When production equipment is present, an additional 1,000-gallon double walled tank is brought to the site and used to fuel processing equipment. All asphalt cement storage tanks are above-ground. These tanks consist of two 40,000 gallon tanks and one 20,000 gallon tank. There is also a 20,000 gallon above-ground used oil storage tank. The used oil is used as an alternative fuel supply for the asphalt plant. All tanks are within the secondary containment area and are registered with MPCA's Storage Tank Program. MPCA Site ID 51999 is for the asphalt plant and MPCA Site ID 55016 is for the sand and gravel operation. Small amounts of chemicals utilized by the QM Lab are regulated by Washington County under United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules. EPA ID Number MND 981 953 417 has been issued for the site which is classified as a Very Small Quantity Generator. 14. Contingency Response Plan: The site operates under a SPCC Plan. No changes to the plan have been made in 2008. 15. Added Provisions: The operator will comply with other such reasonable requirements that the City may find necessary to adopt for the protection of health, safety and welfare and/or prevention of nuisance. 16. Processing: The site operates permanent processing equipment in accordance with all Federal State and City air and water quality and noise standards. Processing equipment is screened from view from other properties and adjacent roads. Portable crushing equipment is placed on the floor of the facility and setbacks per Ordinance No. 103 are maintained between the processing equipment and the property lines. 17. Recycling: Recycling activity at the facility meets all applicable standards contained in Section 7.1 (1) of Ordinance No, 103. The 3/6 estimated volume of materials recycled in 2007 was approximately 25,000 cy asphalt and 10,000 cy concrete. The stockpile of material to be recycled does not exceed the volume of material that can be processed in two consecutive operating seasons. 18. Trucking Operations: The site has access to County Road 15 (Manning Trail) and County Road 1 (Lofton Avenue). These are paved 9 ton roads. 19. Asphalt Plant: The site operates a permanent hot-mix asphalt plant and the plant was in operation at the time the City adopted its mining ordinance. Therefore the plant may expand in the future subject to the setbacks set forth in Section 7.1(1) of Ordinance No. 103. The plant operates in accordance with all Federal, State, and City air, water and noise quality standards. The site operates under an air quality permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. B. Annual Activity 1. Amount of material removed from the site in 2007: 582,000 cubic yards of material were removed in 2007 2. Amount of add-rock brought onto the site in 2007: Approximately 60,000 to 70,000 cubic yards of add-rock is used each year at the site. 50,000 cubic yards were brought to the site in 2007 and right now no deliveries are scheduled for 2008. 3. Amount of recycled asphalt brought to the site in 2007: 25,000 cy 4. Amount of recycled concrete brought to the site in 2007: 10,000 cy 5. Area reclaimed and type of reclamation in 2007: Reclamation activities in 2007 consisted of backfilling, sloping and seeding an area on the western limits of mining. This area is shown on the Site Plan. 6. Average number of trips hauling material to and from the site per day for the season: The average number of trucks leaving the site in 2007 was 240 C. Description of operating conditions planned for the coming year: 1. During the 2008 mining season, the site will continue to operate as it has in the past. The mining operation includes the removal of overburden, excavation of sand and gravel, crushing, washing, screening, stockpiling, 4/6 and recycling of concrete and asphalt products. Portable crushing and screening plants are brought to the site periodically and material is excavated, processed, and stockpiled. Hot-mix asphalt is produced and sold throughout the construction season and additional aggregate materials for asphalt are delivered to the site as needed. Active processing will begin in August of this year and continue through the end of the mining season. The significant change in operations will be excavation into the water table beginning in the fall of 2008. Under the current CUP, mining into the water table can commence no sooner than 90 days after the installation of the monitoring wells. Prior to commencing mining into the water table, the water level data collected over the course of the summer will be submitted to the City and their hydrologist for review and approval. 2. Site Plan: A site plan is attached which illustrates the areas planned to be mined in 2008, the stockpile and processing area, and reclaimed areas. 3. Aerial Photo An aerial photo is attached which illustrates the areas planned to be mined in 2008, the stockpile and processing area and reclaimed areas. 4. Reclamation: Reclamation activities in 2007 consisted of backfilling, sloping and seeding an area on the western limits of mining. This area is shown on the Site Plan. Reclamation activities are not planned for 2008. As mining progresses to perimeter of the mining area in the future, then reclamation consisting of sloping, backfilling and establishment of vegetation can occur. 5. Operating Conditions for 2008: Active mining will occur predominantly in the areas indicated on the site plan. A portion of the common mining border between the Tiller site and Dresel site will be mined. Mining into the groundwater will commence in the area indicated on the site plan after review and approval of the groundwater data by the City and their consultants. 5/6 D. Inspection: The City inspected the site in conjunction with the CUP permitting process in the spring of 2008. III. CERTIFICATION I certify that the plans, specifications or reports for the above described facility were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. irsten Pauly Date: August 11, 2008 Reg. No. 21842 6/6 ,i. ii;111, Q° H J a ¢ j dIk' i •E-j $ ; ' ' : r _ r co e is tINI -Thi—j I 17' _.! 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WETLANDS NOT DELINEATED M FlELD. ,\ \ \ mow DEADPUNTNATERLLL AND eTMAAIE NEW r ` \ \1� \ i AREAS SURROUNpWG THE FUTURE LANE WILL BE „ I 4.. ! «L..P. N.nw e4\` �I SLOPED TO A SOIL WILL .1 SLOPE.PRIOR TO LNGPLA THEING I N ! I \ -� \, 5 J I,T�,..1 1 {�1 a J s� ' •: e SCANDIA MINING TOPSOIL.THE SOIL WILL DE LOOSENED m nLUNG THE 8,�+ \\ s 1J AREA TO A DEPTH 01 AT LEAST 12 INCHES N 08005 t r `d - �" ,, , r ' ., s_� Any., /! •' it' /I.. q '1 F," OPERATION 10 PED OE A MAXIMUM AERATED POROUS OR TO J \\ �.'•` lfi\ �..'•..'/A�V® � �jx 4 �l ! 1 t.� TERTURE. MIER LOOSENRIG THE SUDGRADE,x'OF p yy / LONx,'ON SITE SOILS SUTABLE AS TOPSOIL MWL OE P R \ a \� - I. ` ��^,�a1/ap�=;+� � ~ �f ( 4 �' `M w+u PULED OVER THE SLOPED AREAS. THEY WILL BE I I qY .ri I /// Q r A /. ��!'RI /® ��]R]�W BI�1,• \ , I .,•.SEEDED ANO MULCHED TO ESTABLKX VEGETATION /• I,_ �j/ • �O�4 f1 �•'9 \„Vfq, r. yPWL CONRIGURATM)N OC WATER BOm WILL DEPCNO1I ' 141 l 1`� \�\ \\ .. ry"aN ci �4i IE4. 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FIGURE 4 WELLS WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF SITE Kirsten Pauly, PE/PG,Principal 1 Brian Mundstock, PE,Principal Mike Kettler, PE,Principal Consulting Civil Engineers August 27, 2008 Sherri Buss City of Scandia Planner TKDA 444 Cedar Street Suite 1500 Saint Paul, MN 551010-2140 Dear Sherri: Re: Tiller Corporation CUP 05-20-08-03 As requested, the following information is provided regarding specific conditions of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Tiller Corporation. Updated Copy of Application Material: A completed bound book that includes all of the information and plans submitted to the City during the CUP process is attached. Watershed District Permit: A Watershed District Permit was obtained for the site and is attached. Monitoring Wells: The CUP requires three additional monitoring wells to be installed as described in the CUP Application. Initially two monitoring wells (PZ-4 and PZ-5) were installed in conjunction with two wells on the Dresel site. This was done to better define the groundwater flow direction. As indicated in the CUP application, the third well (PZ- 6) was to be down gradient of the existing plant somewhere in the northern portion of the site. Also contemplated in the CUP Application was the possibility that water level data may indicate PZ-3 could be used as a down gradient well, eliminating the need for PZ-6. The exact location of PZ-6 was to be determined after monitoring the water levels of PZ-4 and PZ-5. These water levels were monitored for three months as were the levels in the Dresel wells and the existing wells on Tiller's site. This was done so that data could be collected to determine if PZ-3 could act as a down gradient well and if not, the best location of PZ-6. Based on the collected data, a proposed location for PZ-6 has been identified and submitted to the City's' consulting hydrogeologist for review and approval. Tiller is August 27, 2008 Ms. Buss Page 2 of 3 planning on installing the well before September 15 assuming the proposed location is approved. Ground Water Monitoring Plan: A monitoring plan with protocols is attached. Excavation Below Water Table: Excavation into the water will not begin until the consulting hydrogeologist has reviewed the water level data collected for three months to determine the depth to groundwater and the groundwater flow. This water level data has been submitted to the consulting hydrogeologist for review. Production Well Records: Records of the production well are kept. They will be provided to the City upon request. Ground Water Analysis: Ground water samples will be analyzed for DRO as indicated in the groundwater monitoring plan. Currently, no gasoline is stored on site. If gasoline is stored on site in the future, GRO will also be added to the anlayte list. MN County Well Index: Figure 4 is attached which illustrates the site and MN County Index wells. Setback From Proposed Lake: The asphalt plant and related structures will be setback at least 100 feet from the shore of the proposed lake, Initial mining activity below the water table, as indicated in the Site Plan included in the AOP application is setback over 1,000 feet from the asphalt plant and associated structures. Lake Depth: Excavation into the water table will not be deeper then 50 feet into the water table. Truck Hauling Signs: Tiller Corporation is currently working with Washington County to determine if the County will allow the posting of truck hauling signs on the northbound lane on Manning Avenue and on the northbound and southbound lanes of Lofton Avenue. The signs are expected to be installed within ten days after permission is obtained from Washington County. Lofton/Hwy 97 Intersection: Tiller Corporation restricts importing add-rock from Lofton Avenue during non daylight hours. 228th Street Sign: Tiller Corporation will post a sign at the Lofton Ave, exit that restricts trucks from using 228th Street. The sign will be posted by September 5, 2008. August 27, 2008 Ms. Buss Page 3 of 3 Reclamation and Sequencing Plan: An updated reclamation plan and sequencing plan is attached. Current reclamation progress is indicated on the Site Plan submitted with the AOP application. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 7 Kirsten Pauly, PE/PG Sunde Engineering, PLLC. Attachments: c: Mike Caron GROUNDWATER MONITORING PLAN TILLER CORPORATION SCANDIA, MN Introduction Groundwater is a valuable resource that can be used as the source of drinking water by area residents. Additionally, groundwater interacts with, and plays an important role in sustaining, several high value surface water resources within the region. Protection of the quantity and quality of groundwater resources is vital and it is everyone's responsibility. Tiller takes their responsibility seriously and this groundwater monitoring plan has been developed to provide a monitoring well network that will enable an evaluation of water quality and quantity over time as mining activity progresses through the site in accordance with the approved plans. Groundwater Monitoring History: Monitoring of groundwater quality has historically been conducted on an annual basis at the site. Samples were collected from the production well, the potable well that supplies the scale house, and from an on-site monitoring well (PZ-3) installed during a previous groundwater study. The samples have been monitored for Diesel Range Organics (DRO) on an annual basis in accordance with the Washington County Permit. Water level readings from the production well and PZ-3 have been taken since May, 2006, although static water level measurements were not required under the County permit. The scale house well does not allow access of the water level reader probe; therefore water levels are not collected from this well. In May 2008, the monitoring well network was expanded as part of the 2008 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) issued by the City of Scandia, Two additional monitoring wells (PZ-4 and PZ-5) were installed on Tiller Corporation property and two new monitoring wells (MW-1 and MW-2) were installed on the Dresel Contracting property, immediately south the of the Tiller property. All of these wells were installed for the purposes of further defining the local hydrogeology and flow directions and expanding the monitoring well network. Two of the three monitoring wells installed during the groundwater study have been removed. PZ-2 was removed to allow restoration of the northern 40 acres of the site. PZ-1 was removed because it was located in an operational area. PZ-3 continues to be sampled annually. Monitoring Well Network: With the addition of the two monitoring wells in the Spring of 2008, the current monitoring well network on the Tiller site consists of five wells four of which can be used for water level measurements. As indicated in the CUP application, a sixth monitoring well (PZ-6) was to be down gradient of the existing plant somewhere in the northern portion of the site. Also contemplated in the CUP Application was the possibility that water level data may indicate PZ-3 could be used as a down gradient well, eliminating the need for PZ-6. The exact location of PZ-6 was to be determined after monitoring the water levels in the four wells on site. These water levels were monitored for three months as were the levels in the Dresel wells. This was done so that data could be collected to determine if PZ-3 could act as a down gradient well and if not, the best location of PZ-6. Three months worth of water level readings were taken to establish that there was no significant fluctuation in groundwater flow directions. Figure 1 illustrates the location of the monitoring well network, the proposed location for PZ-6, water levels, potentiometeric flow lines, mining limits, and the proposed water body. Well logs for the two new monitoring wells are included as Attachment 1. PZ-4 was installed up-gradient of the mining activity in the southeastern portion of the site. This well will help define the regional water table elevation in the southern portion of the site and provide background water quality information. PZ-5 was installed in the western portion of the site, between the active mining limits and German Lake. This well will help define the regional water table in the western portion of the site and monitor fluctuations, if any, in the groundwater table associated with the mining activity. PZ6 will be located down-gradient of the water body that will be created as a result of mining into the groundwater table. The well will also be located down-gradient of the existing plant somewhere in the northern portion of the site. The location of this well has been proposed but the well has not yet been constructed: In addition to obtaining water level data from these wells, PZ-4 and PZ-6, the up- gradient and down-gradient wells will serve as water quality monitoring points for the purposes of tracking water quality in the lake and the groundwater. These wells and the lake will be sampled annually for nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous), total suspended solids and DRO. The installation of wells PZ-4, PZ-5, and PZ-6 prior to mining into the water table will allow for at least one round of sampling to be taken in order to establish a baseline. The sampling schedule will be as outlined in the table below. Spring sampling will occur sometime within late April — May. Fall sampling will occur sometime within September—October. Annual sampling will occur during the active mining season which may coincide with the fall sampling. 2 2008-07-18 Monitoring Schedule: Upon approval of the groundwater monitoring plan, monitoring will be conducted according to the following schedule: Well ID Parameter Frequency Scale House DRO Annual Production Well DRO Annual PZ-3 DRO Annual PZ-4 DRO Annual PZ-6 DRO Annual Water Body DRO Annual Production Well Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-3 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-4 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-5 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-6 Water Level Spring/Summer/Fall PZ-4 Nitrogen/Phosphorous/TSS Annual PZ-6 Nitrogen/Phosphorous/TSS Annual Water Body Nitrogen/Phosphorous/TSS Annual Readings from MW-1 and MW-2 located on the Dresel property may also be incorporated into the groundwater monitoring well network. Supplemental information for each well currently installed (including MW-1 and MW-2) is provided in the following table and includes results from water level readings taken on June 9, 2008: In addition, Attachment 2 includes a table of all of the water level readings taken to date. - Well ID* Top of Casing Depth to Water Groundwater (TOC) Elevation Elevation Production Well 943.18 28.74 914.44 PZ-3 952.33 37.83 914.50 PZ-4 928.86 12.87 915.99 PZ-5 985.76 70.23 915.53 MW-1 932.58 15.14 A 917.44 MW-2 929.96 12.45 — 917.51 *The Scale House well is not included as water level readings are not taken for this well. 3 2008-07-18 Sampling Protocol Sampling protocol as prepared by Pace Analytical is included as Attachment 3 Results Sampling results will be submitted to the City on an annual basis in conjunction with the annual report. The results will be reviewed to obtain a picture of the water quality coming into the lake, at the lake, and leaving the lake. The report will include previous years' data and will be in a spreadsheet or graph form to facilitate identifying trends in water quality. Results will be reviewed for any indication of impacts to water quality or quantity as a result of mining. It should be noted that fluctuations in groundwater levels can be expected in response to climatic conditions. Therefore, a review of surrounding observation wells finished in the same aquifer will be made to help evaluate the observations and correlate any trends seen in the facility's water levels with regional trends. 4 2008-07-18 • TILLER/DRESEL SITES 4o w ., PROPOSED SCANDIA MN DOWNGRADIENT N I --< , _,,.) WELL wavMAww�or.uaum I. ,* t� -I ,d niowiarrmnisns LOCATION PON WAN WONT . Ir.. WANUW YARN II PION .,QY .....i.„ \!_a_ 9,„ 1—.7). ,\ \, . 4 c___, „.,.. PRODUC 10 PZ-3 WE L. 914.58 �-mac I;1 "IvSCALE HOUSE WELL PLANT A C MININGREFUEUNO MRS --) PROPOSED /LAKE PZ-5 p --\\ g16 915.68 916.13 TILLER CORPORATION DRESEL CONTRACTING,INC. COMMON MINING BORDER Z 917 FIGURE 1 — PROPOSED DOWNGRADIENT MONITORING WELL LOCATION WITH WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS AND GROUNDWATER Mw-1 V MW-2 CONTOURS BASED ON READINGS FROM JULY 9, 2008 917.61 917.55 ATTACHMENT I B RAU N'� I NTE RTEC Piezometer Field Data Sheet Client Tiller Project SP-08-02059 Location Scandia Piezo Number PZ-4 Piezo Location See site map Date of Installation 5/20/08 B.M. Location and Elevation(±0.01') Crew Matt Takada/Brian Kammermeier Stick up 3' Bumper Post: Protective Cover: 4"x4"x7'wood Type 6"Steel Top of protective casing 40 4"x4"x7'black Length 7' capped steel Lock Yes Top of riser pipe elev. (w/o cap) Ground surface elevation Riser Pipe: Type PVC Depth to bottom of surface seal 4' \ Diameter 2" 2 Total length 10' Sections used 1 @ 10'&1 @ 2' Couplings Flush Thread ..' Cap Yes Type of Grout Material Bentonite Grout Amount of material used 151bs Type of Seal Material Bentonite Chips Approx.water level before installation 12.5' Amt.of material used(lb) 251bs Approx.depth to first water \\�\ encountered in drilling 12.5' 0 Type of Filter Material Red Flint Sand#40 0 0 o Amt.Of material used(lb) 1501bs Screen: Depth to top of seal 7' o Type PVC Depth to bottom of seal 8' o Slot Size .010 Depth to top of screen 9' Length 10' Depth to bottom of screen 19' Diameter 2" Depth to bottom of boring 19' Plug/Point Plug Method of Advance: HSA 4'/" ID Remarks: Casing ID Tricone ID Completed by: Matt Takada M W-4 er B RAU N I N T E RT E C Piezometer Field Data Sheet Client Tiller Project SP-08-02059 Location Scandia Piezo Number PZ-5 Piezo Location See site map Date of Installation 5/19/08 B.M. Location and Elevation(±0.01') Crew Matt Takada/Greg Scallon Stick up 2.5' Bumper Post: Protective Cover: 4"x4"x7'wood Type 6"Steel Top of protective casing GZ. 4"x4"x7'black Length 7' capped steel Lock Yes Top of riser pipe elev. (w/o cap) Ground surface elevation Riser Pipe: Type Black Steel Depth to bottom of surface seal 4' \\y Diameter 2" iiiii/, Total length 69' Sections used 7' Couplings Yes • Cap Yes • Type of Grout Material Bentonite Grout Amount of material used I501bs Type of Seal Material Fine Sand Approx.water level before installation Amt.of material used(lb) 501bs Approx.depth to first water \ - encountered in drilling Type of Filter Material Red Flint Sand#40 ca Amt.Of material used(lb) 3001bs 0 Screen: Depth to top of seal 4' o Q Type PVC Depth to bottom of seal 64' o Slot Size .010 Depth to top of screen 67.9' Length 10' Depth to bottom of screen 76.9' Diameter 2" Depth to bottom of boring 78 _ Plug/Point Plug Method of Advance: HSA 4'/" ID Remarks: Casing ID Tricone ID Completed by: Matt Takada MW-3 ATTACHMENT 2 Ground Water Elevations for Scandia - Pit #741 Production Well PZ-3 Top of Casing (TOC) El 943.18 Top of Casing (TOC) E 952.33 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 6-Sep-06 27.31 915.87 6-Sep-06 36.43 915.90 2-May-07 28.12 915.06 2-May-07 37.22 915.11 13-Jun-07 28.33 914.85 13-Jun-07 37.42 914.91 19-Jul-07 28.41 914.77 19-Jul-07 37.51 914.82 11-Sep-07 28.58 914.60 11-Sep-07 37.69 914.64 11-Oct-07 28.54 914.64 11-Oct-07 37.65 914.68 8-Nov-07 28.48 914.70 8-Nov-07 37.59 914.74 12-Dec-07 28.70 914.48 12-Dec-07 NM -- 9-Jan-08 28.88 914.30 9-Jan-08 NM -- 22-Feb-08 29.02 914.16 22-Feb-08 38.15 914.18 28-Mar-08 29.11 914.07 28-Mar-08 38.22 914.11 6-May-08 28.92 914.26 6-May-08 38.02 914.31 14-May-08 28.89 914.29 14-May-08 37.99 914.34 9-Jun-08 28.74 914.44 9-Jun-08 37.83 914.50 9-Jul-08 28.64 914.54 9-Jul-08 37.75 914.58 7-Aug-08 28.58 914.60 7-Aug-08 37.68 914.65 PZ-4 PZ-5 Top of Casing (TOC) El 928.86 Top of Casing (TOC) E 985.76 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 9-Jun-08 12.87 915.99 20-May-08 70.38 915.38 9-Jul-08 12.73 916.13 9-Jun-08 70.23 915.53 7-Aug-08 12.66 _ 916.20 _ 9-Jul-08 70.08 _ 915.68 7-Aug-08 69.96 915.80 MW-1 MW-2 Top of Casing (TOC) El 932.58 Top of Casing (TOC) E 929.96 Ground- Ground- Depth to water Depth to water Water Elevation Water Elevation Date (ft btoc) (feet) Date (ft btoc) (feet) 14-May-08 15.29 917.29 14-May-08 12.59 917.37 9-Jun-08 15.14 917.44 9-Jun-08 12.45 917.51 9-Jul-08 15.03 917.55 9-Jul-08 12.35 _ 917.61 7-Aug-08 14.98 917.60 7-Aug-08 12.31 917.65 NM = Not Measured (due to obstruction) ft btoc = Feet Below Top Of Casing ATTACHMENT 3 Pace Analytical Services Inc Page 11 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev 0n matrixes for a given analytical method 2.0 DECONTAMINATION Equipment used to collect samples must be decontaminated before use These procedures are applicable to most sampling equipment components, refer to manufacturer specifications for compatibility concerns Pace FSD uses certified clean sample containers. Cleaning of sample containers is not necessary if sample is collected directly into new, certified sample container for desired analyte 2.1 Wastewater, Surface Water, and Drinking Water Decontamination 2.1.1 Sampling for Inorganic Analytes Note. the following procedure may be preceded by a vigorous flushing of hot tap water to remove gross amounts of contamination as necessary 1 Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 2 Triple rinse with hot tap water. 3 Final rinse with deionized (DI)water 4 Drain or allow components to air dry when possible 2.1.2 Sampling for Semi-Volatile Organic Analytes Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water. 2 Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 3. Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4. Triple rinse with DI water. 5 Rinse with acetone or methanol 6 Optional final rinse with methylene chloride. 7 Wrap cleaned equipment in aluminum foil shiny side out 2.1.3 Sampling for Volatile Organic Analytes 1 Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water 2. Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap. 3. Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4. Triple rinse with DI water. 5. Place components in oven for a minimum of 1 hour at 105°C or greater. 6. Wrap component in aluminum foil shiny side out. 2.1 Groundwater Decontamination All pumps used to obtain groundwater samples will be decontaminated before use in the field New or dedicated pump tubing will be used for each sampling location. Dedicated tubing will be stored between sampling events in a sealed, chemically inert plastic bag labeled with the site location. Pump bladders may be dedicated in this same manner Take appropriate measures to minimize potential contamination during transport and handling of sampling equipment Avoid introducing surface or ambient air contamination into monitoring well. Permanently installed sampling equipment is exempt from decontamination procedures. Field cleaning procedures will be performed on equipment used at multiple sampling locations to minimize cross-contamination. 2.2.1 Pump Decontamination Before Field Use Pace Analytical Services, Inc Page 12 of 69 Water Manual PM-fSD-W-001-rev OC 1 Scrub and flush pump exterior with laboratory grade soap and hot tap water 2 Fill tank with hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap 3 Place pump in tank and pump approximately 10 gallons through pump 4 Fill tank with DI water. 5 Place pump in tank and pump approximately 10 gallons through pump 2.2.2 Pump Cleaning Onsite 1 Scrub and flush pump exterior with laboratory grade soap and water 2 Rinse pump exterior with DI water. 3 Place pump in DI tank and pump approximately 1 gallon of DI water through pump 3.0 WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER, DRINKING WATER MONITORING 3.1 Automatic/Programmable Monitoring Equipment 3.1.1 Isco Automatic Wastewater Samplers Automatic/Programmable Isco model numbers 2700, 3700, and 6700 are portable devices designed to collect up to 24 separate sequential samples or a single composite sample from a liquid source. The samples may be collected at equal time intervals using the sampler's internal timing circuitry or at equal flow volume intervals using flow pulse inputs from an external flow meter. In the time mode, the interval between samples may be set from 1 to 9999 minutes in 1- minute intervals. In the flow mode, the interval may be set from 1 to 9999 flow pulses in one- pulse intervals. A manual sample collection may also be initiated In the sequential mode, samples may be collected in either 350-mL glass or 1000-mL polypropylene sample bottles. In the composite mode, samples may be collected in a 9500 mL glass or polyethylene sample container. Sample volumes may be selected in 10-mL increments with a maximum volume of 990 mL Samplers are powered by using a 110-volt AC charger or an external 12-volt battery. Basic programming steps for conventional sampling routines are listed below for each model For non-routine sampling programs, review the appropriate manufacturer instruction manual before going into the field Isco Model 2700 To Program: 1 Press "ON" button. 2 Press "PROGRAM/STEP PROGRAM" button. 3 Using the numeric keypad, enter desired setting for program quantity indicated by light. 4. Press "ENTER VALUE" button. 5 Press "PROGRAM/STEP PROGRAM' button to advance to next feature. 6 Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until all program features are set 7 Press "START PROGRAM/RESET DISTRIBUTOR" button to start sampling program Isco Model 3700 Pace Analytical Services. Inc Page 26 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 VOCs and O8G/TPH samples when possible. Draw sample from a well-mixed region of the waste stream. Avoid sampling sludge layers in stagnant areas, such as the bottom of tanks and sumps. A pump may also be used to collect a representative sample of a stratified liquid by collecting discreet samples from cross-sections of the sample point. 1 Determine total depth of liquid in the tank or sump. Determine characteristics of liquid to be sampled such as bottom solids or floating grease layers. Discuss with project administrator the appropriate number of depth increments to collect discreet samples 2 Mark tubing with necessary depth increments (i.e. every 6 inches, 12 inches) 3 Pump an equal volume of sample at each depth increment marked on the sample tubing. 4. Combine equal volume samples into a composite sample for analysis. Bailer A bailer may be used to obtain water samples from difficult to access sample points. Bailers consist of a tube with a one-way check valve at the bottom. Bailers are made in various styles, materials, lengths and widths. Water fills the bailer as it is lowered into the source The check value closes to contain the sample as it is retrieved Minimize disturbance of water by gently lowering the bailer into the sample point. Allow the bailer to fill under its own weight. Keep bailer away from sides and bottom of sample point. Contact with surfaces may disturb particulate matter biasing the water sample. After it fills, use a smooth motion to slowly retrieve the bailer Stainless Steel Bailer Decontamination 1. Remove any gross visible contamination by scrubbing and flushing with hot tap water. 2. Soak and scrub components in hot tap water containing laboratory grade soap. 3. Triple rinse with hot tap water. 4. Triple rinse with DI water. 5. Place components in oven for a minimum of 1 hour at 105°C or greater 6. Wrap component in aluminum foil shiny side out 3.6.2 General Grab Sampling Procedure 1. Determine bottle type and preservation requirements for analytes of interest 2. Grab samples should be collected at mid-depth in a well-mixed region of waste stream. Note: O&G/TPH should be collected directly into sample containers when possible. Refer to sections 3.6.3 and 5.0 for specific site procedures and collection methods. 3. If the project scope includes automatic wastewater sampling, the same automatic sampler system may be used to collect grabs Collect all equipment blanks before pumping effluent through system. 4. Label sample bottles. Fill appropriate sample containers for analytes of interest 5 Samples requiring thermal preservation are placed in cooler with ice to obtain appropriate cooling temperature specified by parameter preservation requirements. S Log on chain of custody and submit samples to receiving laboratory. Refer to section g0 3.6.3 Site Type Procedures for Grab Sampling Faucets and Taps Pace Analytical Services_Inc Page 31 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.CO 1 Anchor desired line or set-up surveyor's tripod and down rigger reel above the center of the well casing, 2. Connect bailer to line or down rigger cable. 3. Keep bailer and line away from sides and bottom of well. Contact with these surfaces may disturb particulate matter biasing the sample Minimize disturbance and aeration of water by gently lowering the bailer into the sampling point; avoid splashing bailer into water. 4 Allow bailer to fill under its own weight. 5 Slowly withdraw bailer from the well using a smooth, steady motion. 6. Measure and record each volume removed by pouring sample into clean, unpreserved container. Perform stabilization readings as specified by project objectives. Refer to section 4.3.3 and 4.4. 7 Once stabilization criteria have been met, collect required samples Refer to section 4.5. 4.3 Stabilization A representative sample of groundwater formation is collected by purging stagnant water from the well prior to sample collection The purging process includes determining the volume of water in the well casing. purging stagnant water from the well, and monitoring this purged water for water quality indicator parameters. Static water level, the level of water in an undisturbed well, and total well depth are measured and recorded for all wells. The static water level is measured and recorded before purging and after sampling at each well. Total well depth may already be established and provided on the client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal. If total well depth is not predetermined, use a water level indicator to obtain measurements. Static water level and total well depth determine the well purging volume and identify the proper intake depth during purging and sampling procedures. They may also be used to identify the direction of groundwater flow. To establish a measurement for water levels, a minimum of two water level measurements are taken with values agreeing within 0.01 foot. 4.3.1 Water Level Determination Procedure - 1 Hold the water level meter vertically above the well case opening and take all measurements from the point marked at the top of the well casing. The tape should not rub against the top of the casing as it is lowered and raised; cover any sharp edges to protect tape if necessary, 2. Thoroughly rinse probe with DI water and perform sensitivity calibration. Setting the meter's sensitivity will avoid false triggering. a. Turn instrument on using the ON/SENSITIVITY switch. b. Lower probe into well. The light and buzzer will activate when the probe contacts the water surface. c. With the probe still in contact with the water, turn the ON/SENSITIVITY dial counter-clockwise until the light/buzzer turns off. Then turn the dial clockwise until the light/buzzer barely activates_ 3. Determine the static water level. a Slowly lower the water level indicator probe down into the well until the indicator light comes on and/or the buzzer sounds. Dip the probe in and out of the water several times to confirm the exact point at which the probe is hitting the water. Pace Analytical Services Inc Page 32 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 b Take reading from the tape at the appropriate reference point. Measure a second time to confirm initial measurement Measurements should agree within 0.01 foot. Take additional readings if necessary. c Record static water level to the nearest 0.01 foot(meters x 3.281 = feet) on the Field Data Log Sheet. 4 Determine the total well depth, if necessary. a. Lower probe into the well until it hits the bottom and take reading from the appropriate reference point. Measure a second time to confirm initial measurement Measurements should agree within 0.01 foot Take additional • readings if necessary. b Record total well depth to the nearest 0.01 foot (meters x 3.281 = feet) on the Field Data Log Sheet. c. After completing required measurements, rewind the tape being careful not to rub it against the casing. 5 Clean meter after use at each well. a For static water level and total well depth measurements, wash probe with soapy water and thoroughly rinse with DI water b Additionally, after total well depth measurement, wipe any tape having contacted well water with a DI soaked tissue, or equivalent, while reeling in tape. 4.3.2 Well Volume Determination Determine the well volume for the purging process using static water level, total well depth, and well diameter measurements. Water column length is found by subtracting the static water level from the total well depth. Water Column length (ft) = Well Depth (ft)(-) Static Water Level (ft) Water column length is then multiplied by the well diameter multiplication factor to obtain the well water volume. Refer to the Bore Volume Chart (Figure IV) to determine the water volume within circular well casings. Well Volume (gal) = Water Column length (ft) (x)Well Diameter Multiplication Factor 4.3.3 Water Quality Indicator Parameters (WQIP) Water quality indicator parameters (WQIP) are monitored to determine when formation water has been reached during the purging process. WQIP are measured after each water column volume or partial volume, depending on project specifications, is purged. Purged water is directed through a flow cell to minimize changes in temperature, pressure, and influences of outside elements while WOIP are measured. The client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal will specify the parameters and frequency of measurement in determining well stabilization for a given sampling location. Turbidity and ORP measurements are generally not WQIP, although these parameters may be measured in the field per client request or project objectives. Monitor WQIP carefully to keep purging to a minimum. Excessive purging may damage the monitored zone. A well is presumed to be ready for sample collection when at least three successive readings for each WQIP are observed to vary less than the following criteria, unless otherwise specified by project objectives: • pH +/- 0.1 units • Temp: +/- 0.5°C Pace Analytical Services. Inc Page 33 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 • Specific Conductance: +/- 5% • Dissolved Oxygen. +/-0.5mg/L 4.4 Purging Purging is the process of removing stagnant water from a well before sampling, which then allows a representative groundwater sample to be collected from the adjacent formation water flowing into the well Typically, purging is completed immediately before sample collection, although samples are acceptable if collected within 24 hours of purging. Project specifications may require sampling to occur within a set time after the purging process. All attempts will be made to avoid purging wells to dryness. Excessive purging can increase or decrease the contaminant concentrations that would otherwise be found in a representative sample from a well. Monitor the static water level throughout the purging process to track drawdown and assist in flow rate adjustments. Reduce pump rate to avoid pumping the well dry and to ensure stabilization criteria are achieved when possible. For a well that has been purged dry, it is assumed recharge water is fresh from the groundwater formation. Under ideal conditions, a well that has been purged to dryness is permitted to recover 100% before sample collection. At a minimum, let a well recharge for a period of time sufficient to allow an adequate water volume to return for the desired sampling parameters. Check the recharge of the well using a water level meter until a sufficient depth is measured to ensure a sufficient amount of water is in the well before sampling. If the recharge time is relatively long (> 1 hour), it is up to the discretion of the technician and client as to whether sampling proceeds. Procedure 1. Start purging well by withdrawing water from desired depth using appropriate purging procedure for project objectives and well conditions. Use a purge rate dictated by project's sampling plan; if a rate is not indicated, use a purge rate that will minimize drawdown while allowing a reasonable purge time. Check the water level during purging to track drawdown; adjust the pump depth as necessary if the water level drops. 2. Measure and record the purge rate using a bucket and stopwatch. a. Collect the purging discharge into a bucket with volumetric markings for a timed interval (15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute). b. Determine the purge rate in gallons per minute, or equivalent units, by multiplying the set length of time and the volume collected in the bucket. 3. Inspect flow cell to ensure proper sealing. Connect discharge line to the intake point of the flow cell. Maintain discharge through flow cell(s)at a continuous and steady rate. 4. Immerse applicable field analytical probes into flow cell(s) to measure stabilization criteria. Allow probes to equilibrate for approximately 5 minutes before taking readings. 5. Remove one well volume or partial well volume. 6. Record WQIP readings on appropriate data sheet. 7. Continue purging until another well volume or partial well volume has been removed. 8. Record WQIP on appropriate data sheet. 9. Continue process until 3 or more consecutive measurements within the specified target stabilization criteria are obtained. Refer to section 4.3.3. If stabilization criteria has not been met after the removal of 5 water column volumes, contact project administrator or client for approval to collect sample. Clearly document that stabilization was not achieved if sampling is to proceed. 10. Collect required samples. Refer to section 4.5. 4.5 Sample Collection Analytical parameters required for sampling are based on regulatory requirements and site history. Pace Analytical Services. Inc • Page 34 of 69 Water Manual PM-FSD-W-001-rev.00 These analytical parameters are specified on a project's client data sheet, client sampling plan, or Pace proposal Samples will be collected in a manner that minimizes potential contamination. A new pair of gloves will be worn at each sampling location and changed after contact with-possible contaminants If vehicles or generators are running during sample collection, containers will be filled upwind from exhaust sources. Procedure 1 After well stabilization is achieved and documented, complete necessary information on sample labels and adhere to appropriate sample containers. 2. If provided, use the sample rate specified by project's sampling plan. If not provided, the sample rate will be the same as the rate used during the final stage of purging. Sample rate is lowered significantly when sampling for VOCs to approximately 100 mL per minute. 3. Remove discharge line from flow cell maintaining a continuous discharge and collect required QA/QC samples. 4. Collect field samples in the following order if applicable, unless otherwise specified. Do not overfill preserved sample bottles. Refer to section 4.7 for filtered metals if necessary. Refer to Table III for parameter collection requirements. i. VOCs ii. Metals iii. SVOCs iv. TOC v. TOX vi. Phenols vii. Nitrogen series viii. Cyanide ix. General Parameters 5. Log all samples on chain of custody. Refer to section 9.0. 6. Samples requiring thermal preservation are to be placed in cooler with ice to obtain appropriate cooling temperature specified by parameter preservation requirements. Refer to Table III. 7. After all samples have been collected, measure and record the static water level to the nearest 0.01 foot. Refer to section 4.3.1. 8. Complete relevant paperwork for sampled well. 9. Thoroughly clean all equipment to be used on additional wells before moving to next location. Refer to section 2.2.2. 10. Review project scope to confirm all requirements have been fulfilled before leaving the site. 4.6 Low-Flow Well Sampling A well is determined to be a low-flow well when the rate at which water enters the pump intake area from the formation is extremely slow. Low-flow does not refer to the discharge rate of well water during purging or sampling. Wells with extremely slow recharge rates require alternative purging and sampling procedures. For low-flow wells, the well is not purged, but rather, the water surrounding the pump inlet is continually replaced with fresh formation water without disturbing the remaining water column. The pump should remain in the well and be allowed to recover until a sufficient volume returns to permit sample collection. If well recovery is so slow that an adequate water column height is not reached within a reasonable time, a zero submergence bladder pump or bailer will be used for sample collection. Low-flow purging and sampling will be performed from the middle or slightly above the middle of the LB y MEMORANDUM G 0 ! TO: Sherri Buss,TKDA FROM: Dave Hume, LBG CC: DATE: September 10,2008 Groundwater Monitoring Plan Review Comments RE: Tiller Corporation,Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Scandia,MN The purpose of this memorandum is to provide TKDA with Leggette,Brashears&Graham's (LBG)comments from our review of Tiller Corporation's Groundwater Monitoring Plan(Plan). The draft Plan was prepared by Sunde Engineering and submitted to TKDA and LBG on August 28, 2008. Monitoring Well Network: 1 S`paragraph • If PZ-6 has been installed or will be in the near future and prior to the approval of this plan, this paragraph should be updated to indicate as such. 7th sentence • Ground-water levels fluctuated less than 0.5 feet during the three-month period used to determine the location of PZ-6. Greater fluctuations are likely to occur over the life of the operation, which could result in a change in flow direction. The Plan should state that the ground-water level monitoring schedule proposed will be used to identify any significant changes in flow direction. Any modifications to the monitoring well network as a result of these changes will be evaluated at that time. 4th paragraph • If PZ-6 has been installed, update text to state this. • To better understand the groundwater/surface water(i.e.,proposed lake)interaction across the site, LBG recommends that a staff gauge be placed in the lake and surveyed for the purpose of determining the surface elevation of the lake. Readings should be taken on the same date of ground-water monitoring. Monitoring Schedule: • These wells should be monitored on the same day as MW-1 and MW-2 on Dresel Contracting, Inc.'s site. S:\Tech\Scandia Aggregate\Tiller\Tiller monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS & GRAHAM,INC. Sampling Protocol: • The Plan should indicate who will be conducting the monitoring in the field(i.e.,Pace Labs, Sunde,or Tiller). • Attachment 3 is confusing as pages not relevant to site monitoring have been omitted. The Plan should state that only those pages applicable to the monitoring required for this site are provided. Protocol described in Attachment 3 that are not going to be used should be omitted. • The Plan should summarize in the text the methods to be used for surface water and for groundwater sampling,and also reference the appropriate section number in Attachment 3 for more details on protocol. • State that GRO and benzene will be added to the monitoring plan if gasoline is ever stored on the site. Results 1 S`paragraph • In addition to the annual submittal of data and a summary report,Tiller should also submit the tri-annual groundwater level monitoring data to the City as soon as possible after it has been tabulated. These data will then be available for review by LBG more frequently than once a year. • The report should include sampling field data sheets and laboratory reports. • Provide records noting when the production well was pumping. Figure 1 • Provide scale on map. Attachment 2 • Reference"Tiller/Dresel"on the table. S:ATech\Scandia AggregateATiller\Tiller monitoring plan review memo.doc LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM,INC.