04.a Sheriff's ReportS C A N D I A 7 3 T R A F F I C S T O P S 2 7 C I T A T I O N S I S S U E D 6 N U M B E R O F I N C I D E N T S W C S O M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R A P R I L 2 0 2 4 M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R | A P R I L 2 0 2 4 S C A M A L E R T ! Washington County Sheriff’s Office continues to receive many calls from people reporting scammers posing as deputies or detectives from our agency and others. While we can’t say that citizens will never receive a call from law enforcement, the likelihood of this is generally low. Typically, real calls from law enforcement would relate to ongoing cases, or they may be aimed at gathering information about a specific matter, ensuring a certain level of context. Remember that no law enforcement agency will contact citizens directly for payment related to outstanding warrants or court dates, back taxes owed to the IRS, requests for personal financial information or payments via methods like gift cards or prepaid cards, or any attempt to gather sensitive information like social security numbers. Phone scams continue to advance, including deceitful tactics such as “spoofed” phone numbers to appear legitimate and using real deputies’ names.Anyone who suspects a fake call should hang up and contact the 911 communication center directly at 651-439-9381 to confirm whether an officer or deputy is in fact making the call. We hope you’ll help get the word out! M E S S A G E F R O M T H E S H E R I F F SCANDIA LIAISON: SGT. TYLER MARTIN CONTACT: TYLER.MARTIN@CO.WASHINGTON.MN.US, (651) 430-7842 W C 2 4 0 1 2 6 0 0 & 2 6 1 7 M O T O R V E H I C L E T H E F T /R E C O V E R Y At 12 :22a m on M arch 1 1, a de pu ty sp ok e w ith a caller r epo rti ng tha t wh e n sh e to ok h er dog ou ts ide sh ortly after mid night, she n ot i ce d her s i l v e r SUV wa s m is si ng fr om her ga rage . The gar age d oo r had been op e n an d t he keys h ad b e en in the ve hi c le a t t he ti m e. La ter , a t ab ou t 3 :15 am , th e caller s po ke t o t he deputy again , sa yi ng sh e had r emembe red tha t h e r da ughter ’s tabl et h ad b een in the S UV , s o sh e had u sed it to tr ac k the vehicle t o an in te rsect i on in M ap le w oo d. T he SUV wa s par k ed h aph az ard l y a l on g the r oad side a nd in to th e gr ass , u no ccu pied a nd witho ut the keys . The o w ner r eported th e re was min or d amage t o t he fr on t b umpe r and tha t t he glov e box h ad b e en r ummaged th ro ugh, bu t tha t t he o nly it ems t hat ap pear ed to b e mis si ng wer e two r i ngs o f m i nim al v alue . Usin g a s e cond s et of key s , th e caller a g reed to tr y driving h ome. 2 1 X X X K I L L I A N A V E N U E N A s you m ay have h ear d, la w e nf orcemen t a g e nc i es acro ss Was hingto n C ount y la unch e d C rime Ma pp in g in mid - Ma rc h, g i v i ng th e pu bl i c a u ser-fr ie ndly web -b ased w ay t o view i nf orma tio n ab ou t re cent crime acti v i ty in the ir ne igh bo rh oo ds. C rime m appi ng i s a v alua ble t oo l f or law en for ce m e nt and r esid e nts alike, as it helps to id entify pa tter ns an d t ren ds wit hin a n area . Cr ime ma ppin g a l lows fo r eas y a c ces s to data o n i nci den ts like a rso n, ass ault, bu rglar y , d i s t urb i ng the pea ce , d r ugs/a l cohol v i olati on s, DUI, fra ud , h omi c ide, m ot or ve hic l e th e ft , r ob ber y , t hef t/la rc e ny, van dalism, veh icle br eak-i n/thef t , an d wea pons of fen ses. D at e , time, loc at i on a nd cas e numb e rs ar e a v ailab l e f or u p t o 180 d ays . F or mo re i nf orma tio n or t o c heck ou t Wa shin g ton C ou nty’s new p ub lic-a c ces s pla tf orm, visit Cr i me Mappin g .co m . W e 're e x cited a bo ut t his ne w to ol an d ho pe yo ur c i tiz ens f i nd it usef ul! I n ser v i ce , Sh erif f Dan St arr y Total for City SCANDIA: 64 Incident Date Case#Address Event Description 3/1/2024 11:07:34 AM WC24010917 13XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/1/2024 2:27:11 PM WC24010943 12XXX 205th St N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 3/2/2024 11:45:16 AM WC24011100 13XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/2/2024 4:07:21 PM WC24011126 15XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 3/2/2024 6:22:56 PM WC24011145 Olinda Trl N / Pilar Rd N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/3/2024 11:52:42 AM WC24011236 Mayberry Trl N / Maxwill Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 3/4/2024 4:20:13 PM WC24011460 13XXX 182ND ST N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/5/2024 4:35:59 PM WC24011648 Manning Trl N / 192nd St N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 3/5/2024 10:20:41 PM WC24011689 Hwy 95 At Hwy 97, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 3/7/2024 12:20:53 AM WC24011905 21XXX Oland Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 3/8/2024 4:21:14 PM WC24012239 Hwy 97 Jeo Manning Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 3/11/2024 12:22:43 AM WC24012600 21XXX Killian Ave N, SCANDIA MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT 3/11/2024 3:13:29 AM WC24012617 21XXX Killian Ave N, SCANDIA INCIDENT 3/11/2024 4:15:00 PM WC24012731 Scandia Trl N / Lofton Ave N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 3/11/2024 8:21:27 PM WC24012767 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 3/11/2024 9:41:07 PM WC24012781 23XXX Pickett Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 3/12/2024 3:17:47 PM WC24012881 13XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 3/13/2024 2:57:58 PM WC24013097 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 3/13/2024 7:49:21 PM WC24013133 21XXX Lofton Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 3/14/2024 9:01:35 AM WC24013226 14XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 3/14/2024 3:46:00 PM WC24013319 Scandia Trl N / Odell Ave N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 3/14/2024 4:11:22 PM WC24013325 Langly Ave N / 189th St N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 3/14/2024 5:43:34 PM WC24013341 21XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 3/15/2024 6:33:48 AM WC24013396 Scandia Trl N / Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 3/16/2024 7:37:12 PM WC24013694 16XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA WELFARE CHECK 3/16/2024 9:23:20 PM WC24013711 21XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA DISTURBANCE 3/17/2024 2:50:45 PM WC24013832 Oakhill Rd N / Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/17/2024 3:25:35 PM WC24013833 14XXX 202nd St N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 3/18/2024 12:01:37 AM WC24013904 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA INCIDENT 3/19/2024 9:38:22 AM WC24014149 23XXX Melanie Trl N, SCANDIA HARASSMENT 3/19/2024 3:40:52 PM WC24014203 23XXX Melanie Trl N, SCANDIA THREATS 3/19/2024 4:04:07 PM WC24014207 13XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/20/2024 8:29:41 AM WC24014332 13XXX 188th St N, SCANDIA OFFICER INFORMATION 3/20/2024 12:55:10 PM WC24014374 14XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST WC24014380 18XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST WC24014405 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST WC24014415 13XXX 188th St N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/20/2024 1:06:23 PM 3/20/2024 3:33:15 PM 3/20/2024 4:22:00 PM INCIDENT SUMMARY REPORT PUBLIC WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE From:3/1/2024 12:00:00 AM To:4/1/2024 11:59:59 PM 3/21/2024 12:51:53 AM WC24014505 13XXX 188th St N, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 3/21/2024 2:56:00 AM WC24014517 14XXX 209th St N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 3/21/2024 6:26:31 AM WC24014524 14XXX 209th St N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 3/21/2024 9:21:41 AM WC24014544 18XXX Norell Ave N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 3/21/2024 3:47:00 PM WC24014620 Scandia Trl N / Odell Ave N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 3/21/2024 6:52:50 PM WC24014645 14XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 3/22/2024 12:20:34 AM WC24014684 23XXX -blk Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 3/22/2024 1:19:58 PM WC24014765 20XXX SAINT CROIX TRL N, Scandia FAMILY ASSIST 3/23/2024 7:14:21 AM WC24014905 Big Marine Lake Boat Landing North, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 3/24/2024 11:41:10 AM WC24015069 Manning Trl N / 191st St N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/25/2024 7:58:17 AM WC24015141 15XXX Quality Trl N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/25/2024 1:21:52 PM WC24015186 Unknown, SCANDIA WELFARE CHECK 3/26/2024 7:46:29 AM WC24015300 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/26/2024 8:08:24 AM WC24015305 Manning Trl N / 213th St N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/26/2024 10:37:33 AM WC24015335 MANNING TRL N / 180TH ST N, SCANDIA VEHICLE OFF ROAD 3/27/2024 11:31:18 AM WC24015489 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA UNWANTED PERSON/VEHICLE 3/27/2024 6:00:09 PM WC24015533 Olinda Trl N / Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 3/28/2024 8:56:38 AM WC24015629 Unknown, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 3/28/2024 9:12:01 AM WC24015630 18XXX Lamar Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 3/29/2024 2:15:27 AM WC24015806 12XXX 182nd St N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 3/29/2024 9:21:02 AM WC24015841 21XXX -21699 OLINDA TRL N, SCANDIA ABANDONED VEHICLE 3/29/2024 4:17:13 PM WC24015913 21XXX -21198 OLINDA TRL N, SCANDIA PUBLIC WORKS CONCERN 3/30/2024 1:01:21 PM WC24016062 189th St N / Layton Ave N, SCANDIA PARKING COMPLAINT 3/30/2024 1:15:04 PM WC24016065 23XXX Pickett Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 3/30/2024 10:48:22 PM WC24016140 189th St N / Layton Ave N, SCANDIA HARASSMENT 3/31/2024 4:27:15 PM WC24016254 Pilar Rd N / Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 3/31/2024 6:53:38 PM WC24016267 228th St N / Mallard Ave N, SCANDIA WELFARE CHECK WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 15015 62nd St N Stillwater, MN 55082 Tel: 651-430-7600 Monthly Citation Report Advanced Parameters Citation CreatedOn within previous month and CitationOfficer involvementType_Des…does not contain Approv and CitationEvent address_city_Description starts with Scandia and Citation CreatedOn within 1 March, 2024 and 31 March, 2024 23:59 and Citation AgencyId is in list 6f1669a5-0a35-c258-d76d-08d46d84660b Results (6 unique records) 820020240 507 Mar 6, 2024, 8:11:37 AM Gibney, Henry P WC13269 Manning Trl N / 192nd St N SCAN DIA 169.79.1 Traffic Regulation - Vehicle Registration/Permit/Plates Required NON-MOVING VIOLATION 820020240 505 Mar 6, 2024, 8:11:54 AM Ramos, Michael A WC1282 Saint Croix Trl N / 240th St N SCAN DIA 169.791.2(a) Traffic Regulation - Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle MOVING VIOLATION 820020240 505 Mar 6, 2024, 8:11:54 AM Ramos, Michael A WC1282 Saint Croix Trl N / 240th St N SCAN DIA 168.09.1 Motor Vehicle Registration - Operate Unregistered Vehicle/Without Plates on Public Streets/Highways MOVING VIOLATION 820020240 551 Mar 14, 2024, 2:11:40 PM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 Scandia Trl N / Lofton Ave N SCAN DIA 169.791.2(a) Traffic Regulation - Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle NON-MOVING VIOLATION 820020240 573 Mar 20, 2024, 8:12:53 AM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 Scandia Trl N / Odell Ave N SCAN DIA 169.14.2(a) Traffic - Speeding - Exceed Limit MOVING VIOLATION 820020240 623 Mar 22, 2024, 10:07:58 AM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 13305 188th St N NEWGATE AVE N/Not Found SCAN DIA 169.14.1 Traffic - Duty to Drive with Due Care - Speed Greater than Reasonable ACCIDENT 820020240 629 Mar 22, 2024, 10:29:27 AM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 Scandia Trl N / Odell Ave N SCAN DIA 169.14.2(a) Traffic - Speeding - Exceed Limit MOVING VIOLATION ◄► Number Date Officer Street Address Cross Street City Violation Type SCANDIA STATISTICS - March Calls Per Hour Total Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 2021 2022 2023 2024 0000 93728January 88 111 124 81 0100 11325February 81 85 91 66 0200 53312March 130 95 71 73 0300 3417April 107 121 109 0400 1131May 135 120 124 0500 2412June 152 129 116 0600 4714July 160 147 121 0700 6725August 152 142 138 0800 6 6 12 10 September 128 113 103 0900 10 15 12 16 October 145 133 106 1000 8 151018November 118 106 89 1100 10 14 15 25 December 114 91 88 1200 15 16 8 14 1300 812727 1400 18 17 10 11 1500 17 26 12 26 1600 22 10 7 26 1700 21 13 15 12 1800 16 8 13 16 1900 18 11 5 6 2000 9756 2100 10 5 10 6 2200 12177 2300 8764 SCANDIA CRIME STATISTICS -March Crime Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 Theft 1310 Theft from Business 0000 Theft from Person 0310 Theft from MV 0000 Theft of MV Parts 0000 Mail Theft 0000 Identity Theft 1000 MV Theft 0001 Drugs 0000 Fraud 3000 Criminal Damage To Property 0200 Burglary 0000 Domestic Assault 0000 Court Order Violation 1000 Aggravated Assault 0000 Simple Assault 0021 Robbery 0000 Rape 0000 Homicide 0000 Quality of Life 2021 2022 2023 2024 Alarm 8183 5 Animal 6446 Citizen Assist 5 4 11 13 Disorderly 0010 Disturbance/Noise 1212 Harassment 0014 Medical 14795 Mental Health/Crisis Calls 1935 Overdoses 0000 Suspicious Activity 9551 Threats 0000 Trespassing 1011 Traffic Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 DWI 2000 Traffic Stops Made 39 41 18 27 Citations Issued 13736 Warning Citations Issued 1000 Traffic - Moving Violation 7456 Traffic - Non Moving Violation 4502 Parking 2111 MV Accident 7647