08.a1 Park and Rec Bylaw Amendment Consideration Staff Report
Date of Meeting: April 16, 2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator
Subject: Parks and Rec Committee Bylaws Amendment Consideration
The Parks and Rec Committee (PRC) has recommended an amendment to their bylaws changing
the start time of their committee meetings from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. I have attached the Staff Report for
the April 1 Parks and Recreation meeting detailing the change.
Per the Parks and Recreation Committee Bylaws, any change requires the approval of the City
Council. The PRC recommended approval of the change. If approved by the Council, PRC
meetings will begin at 6 p.m. in May.
1) Approve Parks and Recreation Bylaws Change
2) Deny Parks and Recreation Bylaws Change
3) Table item for further discussion
Option 1
Parks and Rec Staff Report – Potential Bylaws Change 04 01 24
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: March 19, 2024, City Council Meeting
To: Park and Recreation Committee
From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator
Re: Notice of Potential Bylaw Change
At the March PRC meeting, the Board discussed changing the start time of the Park and Rec meetings.
The PRC meetings start at 7:00 p.m. on the First Monday of the Month per Section 5, A of the PRC By-
Laws. The Board discussed moving the start time of future meetings to 6:00 p.m., which would require a
change in the PRC bylaws.
Section 7 of the bylaws states that the bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the PRC by a
majority vote of the membership, provided that notice of the amendment has been given to all members
in writing one regular meeting before the meeting at which the amendment will be voted on.
Additionally, the bylaws and amendments are subject to approval by the City Council.
The PRC bylaws with the proposed amendment to Section 5 A, changing the start time of PRC meetings
from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., are attached for your review and consideration. No other changes are
proposed at this time.
1) Approve proposed change to bylaws
2) Table for further discussion
Bylaws Park and Rec – Amended April 1, 2024
City of Scandia
Parks & Recreation Committee Bylaws
Approved by the City Council on February 20, 2007
Amended, March 20, 2007
Amended, June 19, 2012
Amended, December 18, 2012
Amended, March 17, 2015
Amended, February 21, 2017
Amended, January 18, 2022
Amended, August 16, 2022
Amended, April1, 2024
Section 1. Name. The name of this Committee is the Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee,
hereinafter called the SPRC.
Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of the SPRC is to advise the Scandia City Council on all
matters relating to a park and recreation program in the city, as described in Attachment A,
Duties and Functions of the Scandia Park and Recreation Committee, approved by the City
Council on February 20, 2007, and as may be amended by the Council from time to time.
Section 3. Membership. The SPRC comprises Scandia residents or individuals from
neighboring communities, with a majority being Scandia residents appointed by the City Council
according to the requirements of the City’s Code of Ordinances, chapter §30.08, Advisory
Committees and Commissions.
Section 4. Officers and Duties. The SPRC shall have a chair and vice-chair. The term of
office shall be one year. The election of officers will be held at the first meeting of March of
each year. Appointment of the chair and vice chair is subject to approval by the City Council.
The duties of the officers and members are as follows:
A. Chair
1. The chair shall organize, convene, and chair all meetings of the SPRC.
2. The chair will set and prepare the agendas for meetings.
3. The chair will lead the development of a committee work plan, implementation of the
long-range plan and list of annual priorities for approval by the Committee and by the
City Council.
4. With the consent of the members and subject to approval by the City Council, the
chair may create subcommittees and appoint SPRC members to those subcommittees.
5. The chair shall act as a liaison between the City Council and the SPRC, reporting to
the Council on activities as needed (quarterly, bimonthly etc.).
6. The chair shall coordinate the need for staff support of the SPRC with the City
7. The chair shall represent the Committee as needed in dealings with outside agencies
and organizations on matters pertaining to Park and Recreation activities.
B. Vice-Chair
1. The vice-chair shall act as an aide to the chair in fulfilling his/her duties as chair.
2. In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall assume the duties of the chair.
C. General Membership Responsibilities. All SPRC Members are responsible to:
1. Attend and participate in regular and special meetings in order to carry out the
mission and duties of the committee;
2. Express oneself, clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, with tact,
diplomacy and good judgment;
3. Establish and maintain effective public relations when representing the Committee;
4. Have an understanding that they represent all Scandia residents and make
recommendations on their behalf, to the best of their ability; and
5. Participate in any subcommittees to which they may be appointed.
6. If a member fails to attend meetings, fails to fulfill their responsibilities, or violates
these bylaws, the SPRC may recommend that the City Council replace the member.
Section 5. Meetings.
A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings will be held on the first Monday of each calendar
month at 7:00 6:00 p.m. Any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the
following Thursday at the same time and place unless otherwise determined by a majority
vote of the SPRC. Meetings shall be held at the Scandia Community Center, 14727 209 th
Street North unless notice of the alternate location is given to the members and the public
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Committee may be called at any time by the
chair or the vice-chair, in the chair's absence with 72 hours advance notice to the public
and to members.
C. Quorum/ Voting. A majority of the number of officially appointed members shall
constitute a quorum. A majority of the entire membership shall decide all issues.
Conduct of meetings shall be based on Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 10 th
D. Public meetings. Except as otherwise provided in the open meeting law, all SPRC
meetings, including special or sub-committee meetings, shall be open to the public.
Public notice of meetings shall be given by posting committee agendas at the Community
Center at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
E. Minutes of meetings. Minutes of each SPRC meeting shall be prepared by the City
Clerk or his/her designee and delivered to each member of the SPRC within 14 days of
each meeting. At the next regular meeting following such delivery, Chair shall call for
any additions or corrections. If there is no objection to a proposed addition or correction,
it may be made without a vote of the SPRC. If there is an objection, the SPRC shall vote
upon the addition or corrections. If there are no additions or corrections, the minutes
shall stand approved.
Section 6. Order of Business.
A. Order established. Each regular meeting of the SPRC shall convene at
the time and place appointed. SPRC business shall be conducted in the following order:
1. Call to Order
2. Public Forum
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve Minutes
5. Reports
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8.Items for next agenda
9. Adjournment.
B. Varying order. The order of business may be varied by the presiding officer.
C. Agenda. The clerk shall prepare an agenda of business for each regular
SPRC meeting and file a copy in the office of the clerk not later than three calendar days
before the meeting. The agenda shall be prepared in accordance with the order of business
and copies shall be delivered to each SPRC member and posted at the community center as
far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. No item of business shall be
considered unless it appears on the agenda for the meeting or is approved for addition to the
agenda by a majority vote of the SPRC members present.
D. Agenda materials. The clerk shall see that at least one copy of printed
materials relating to agenda items is available to the public in the meeting room while the
SPRC considers their subject matter. The agenda items shall not be considered unless this
provision is complied with. This section does not apply to materials that are classified as
other than public under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act or materials from
closed meetings.
Section 7. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the SPRC by
a majority vote of the membership, provided that notice of the amendment has been given to all
members in writing one regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be
voted. These bylaws and amendments thereto are subject to approval by the City Council.