09.g City Administrator - Staff Report1
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: March 19, 2024, City Council Meeting
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator
Re: City Administrator Report
Gateway Trail Project
City Engineer Ryan Goodman and I met with Nathan Moe and Kent Skaar from the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on Monday, July 10, 2023. We discussed the next steps in the
work plan, including the environmental review, soil borings, and topographical survey. Ryan and the
DNR are working to complete these items before the end of the year. This group plans to meet monthly
to ensure the project stays on schedule.
Kent explained that the LCCMR funding has a hard deadline of June 30, 2027. All spending must be
completed before that date. The City plans for 2026 construction to complete the project before the grant
funding disappears. Our DNR Grant Administrator has also contacted me. LCCMR administers the
project, and the funding comes from the DNR.
The Fiscal Agent Agreement has been approved and signed by all parties involved. The City has a grant
for funding through the DNR for this project. There is approximately $25,000 left on the grant, which
will cover the cost of upcoming soil borings. Our next update meeting is scheduled for April 16. I have
our first annual Grant Monitoring Meeting with the DNR and Washington County on April 29
Water Tower Barn Project
The Scandia Heritage Alliance is working to construct part of the old water tower barn to apply for
historic tax credits and a place on the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, they will need
to create a for-profit entity to allow for qualification for historic tax credits. Council approved the
construction of the east side of the barn and the formation of a “for-profit” entity at their Work Session
on September 6. At our December meeting, the Alliance received Council approval to aid the City in
applying for an LCCMR grant to help fund their project's parks and trails plan. The plan includes
connecting trails from the Water Tower Barn parcel to the Community Center along Olinda Trail and
through the City-owned wetland to connect to the Gateway Trail.
I have submitted our LCCMR application for this project. We now wait until June 10, when the LCCMR
Committee will announce which proposal makes it past the first cut. If we are selected to move forward,
the City will present before the Committee at the end of June.
192nd St Landing
This area is now part of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Water Quality Project, scheduled for this
summer in the Bliss Addition. The project bids were received earlier this month, the low bid came in
under the watershed’s engineer estimate. The City has committed to a cost share with the Watershed on
this project. The original estimate was $160,000 for the City’s share. This project was budgeted for in
the 2024 401 CIP. After the bids, the City’s share increased to $221,095. This breaks down as follows:
o $69,175 Water Quality Construction (50% of the Water Quality improvements after
subtracting the $272,400 grant)
o $53,350 Engineering (50% of Engineering costs)
o $98,570 Drainage Improvements (Bid Alternate)
o Total City Cost: $221,095
The City is evaluating the necessity of the Alternate bids, which we requested add-ons by the City, and
will bring this back as a discussion item at the May 1 Work Session.
Scandia City Center Study
The Consultant presented the Community Involvement Plan to the Council at their December Work
Session. Staff updated contact information for the local businesses listed in the Plan. The County and
the Consultant attended Vinterfest and had many positive interactions with the community. The
comments left on the project website have also been very insightful. These comments will be gathered,
analyzed, and used to determine areas that need further review in the coming months.
Bliss Stormwater Project
See 192nd St Landing above.
Washington County Long Range Transportation Plan
Washington County is embarking on its first-ever Long-Range Transportation Planning. They are
inviting other agencies to participate in an elected official work session to provide initial input to help
set the framework for the plan moving forward. Council received staff’s report from the February 7
pubic meeting at our February Work Session. I have no further information to report at this time.
Legislative Update
The legislature is considering a bill that could affect Scandia and our ability to govern development
within our municipal boundaries. SF 3964 /HF 4009, the “Missing Middle Housing Bill,” would require
cities to authorize up to six types of middle housing to be built on residential lots in the city. The bill
defines Middle Housing to include the following housing types: duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes,
fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhomes, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, cottage housing, and single-
family detached homes. Additionally, it would require Scandia to designate a Commercial District near
residential property, allowing for at least four residential dwelling units on any residential lot within
one-half mile or less from the Commercial District. This bill takes density determination out of the
hands of the local government. I have sent the following objection to Senator Housley and
Representative Hill:
Requiring cities to designate a boundary of a commercial district next to residential property,
where the surrounding area is subject to specific zoning requirements of the law and not the
City's zoning requirements. This would impose far greater density requirements within and
around the City Center than the past and present Councils have desired. We oppose any
legislation that imposes density beyond that determined to be appropriate by the City Council.
These bills died in committee due to the numerous complaints and opposition from cities and will not
proceed this year.