10.c Administrative Citation Hearing Officer Staff Report Date of Meeting: April 16, 2024 For: Honorable Mayor and Council From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator Subject: Administrative Citation Hearing Officer Background: At the March 19 City Council meeting, the Council moved to repost the Hearing Officer RFP. The new submission deadline was April 10, 2024. Libby Law Office was the only firm to reply to the RFP. Their proposal is attached for your review. Ms. Libby proposes a 1-year contract as the City’s Administrative Hearing Officer. The proposal limits Ms. Libby to 4 hearings per month and asks for $600 per hearing. Per the City’s ordinance, any resident wishing to appeal their Administrative Citation must pay the hearing cost when they file their appeal. Once the Hearing Officer has made a decision, the losing party must pay the hearing cost. Ms. Libby will not be available for our meeting on Tuesday. If Council has questions, please let me know, and I can get them to her before the meeting. If the Council wishes to speak with Ms. Libby, I suggest tabling this item until our May 1 Work Session. Options: 1) Approve Hearing Officer Proposal from Libby Law 2) Table item for further discussion Recommendation: Option 1 Attachments: Hearing Officer Proposal from Libby Law