04-03-2024 Work SessionApril 3, 2024
A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. The meeting
was conducted in the Council Chambers at the Scandia Community Center and over an
electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and
contribute to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:
Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke and Mayor
Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Kyle Morell, Public Works Director
Charles Fischer, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Kronmiller, second by Lubke, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried
City Administrator Morell described a proposed land swap at 196th Street to gain the appropriate
street width and ROW as part of the 2024 Street Improvement Project. A line of trees will need
to be removed on private property belonging to Ron Helms. Staff is proposing a solution to
secure his property in order to widen the road in exchange for a city owned lot that was deeded
to the city by a family member in 1998. Morell described this as a 4,000 square foot lot that has
no use to the city and remains unclear why it was deeded over in 1998. Mr. Helms will deed the
city a part of his lot along 196th Street, approximately 5 feet of property off the roadway. Both
sides of the road ditch will be constructed for stormwater management. Morell said staff is
asking for council approval.
Public Works Director Fischer explained that the road will be slightly wider and extended
outwards. The road serves eight properties along Big Marine Lake.
Mayor Maefsky asked if there are any negatives to this proposal. Administrator Morell answered
no; Helms gets back property the family once owned, and the deeded property will add to the
city's tax roll.
Council member Kronmiller recommended a condition that the separate lots owned by Mr.
Helms be combined into one property. Council agreed to this condition.
City Attorney Larson will draft the documents with property descriptions provided by the City
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to approve a land swap at 12160 196t' Street North
with a condition to combine the separate lots. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer Firkus provided a history of Community Center updates over the years, but the office
space has not been updated since the structure was built in 1986. Firkus described plans to add a
Scandia City Council Work Session
April 3, 2024
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public service window in the hallway, recarpet and repaint the office, and to replace workspace
furnishings so that space is more efficiently designed to accommodate up to four employees in
the office. Included in the project is a conversion of the current tech room (the old kitchen space)
to make it a more usable space for storage of historical documents currently taking up filing
space in the office.
Administrator Morell stated that this project is included in the 2024 Capital Improvement Plan,
and asked for Council approval for staff to get quotes for the work. Morell added that it would be
worthwhile to also paint the large hall as part of the project.
Mayor Maefsky explained an idea for installation of a photo mural of the St. Croix River valley
along a wall in the large hall, and asked staff to include this in the estimate.
Council member Benson noted that with property valuations lowered in 2024, the city may need
to look for budget cuts in 2025, and that this project may need more thought before proceeding.
Council member Kronmiller said at this point there is no cost to get estimates for the work.
Treasurer Firkus stated that the project has a budget of less than $50,000, and is a line item in
this year's budget.
The Council was in consensus and had no objections to getting quotes for the described work.
Administrator Morell explained that he is bringing the Washington County 2024 Assessment
Report to the Council's attention, noting the overall value of taxable land in Scandia decreased
1.3% in 2024; meaning the city's taxable value will also decrease which will affect the 2025
budget and spending goals. Historically the city has had an average increase of 9.8% in tax
capacity over the past several years, allowing the tax rate to stay low.
Morell explained that the assessor uses property sales to determine the annual adjustment for
valuation models. Sales have been slow county -wide due to higher interest rates, and may stay
stagnant until the market turns around.
Assessor Poshek will further explain the assessment report at the Local Board of Adjustment and
Appeals on April 15, 2024.
Administrator Morell presented a Code of Conduct Policy as drafted by legal staff for Council
review. This policy is a necessary part of the LCCMR grant award; the city currently does not
have an adopted policy for City Council and committee members.
Council member Kronmiller questioned if an individual's financial conflict of interest should
exclude a member from participating in a matter, as Paragraph b. references a business that a
person is associated with. Administrator Morell said he will consult with the City Attorney to
make this language clearer.
Scandia City Council Work Session
April 3, 2024
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Administrator Morell clarified that Paragraph f. cites state statute for the rules on acceptance of
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve the Code of Conduct Policy with a
change to Paragraph b. as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Morell reported that the Joyce A. Heinisch trust has left 240 acres of land in
Scandia to Washington County Parks for the purpose of establishing a regional park. Morell was
contacted by Washington County on Monday that the property does not fit into the County's
park plan, but asked if the city would be interested in acquiring the land.
The property was placed into a Conservation Easement with the Minnesota Land Trust in 2011.
The easement prohibits development, but does allow farming to continue on the land.
Council member Kronmiller suggested doing something creative with the land, such as hobby
farm plots.
Administrator Morell said the trust language is vague; the intent is for the land to be donated as a
park. The family owns the acreage which is held by the trust. Morell said the property taxes on
the land pays $1,600 in Scandia taxes this year.
Commissioner Benson asked if held as parkland, are there any obligations to maintain it.
Administrator Morell said there would be some obligations, such as keeping it clear of invasive
Mayor Maefsky said she would like to know what various uses the land can have. Administrator
Morell said he will detail that in a future report, along with any other information he finds out.
Morell asked the Council to forward him any other questions they may have.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk