10-20-09 Council October 20, 2009 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Paul Hornby, Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan and Police Deputy Chris Majeski. PUBLIC FORUM On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Seefeldt presented framed certificates of appreciation to retiring fire department members Steven Yehle, Gary O’Neill and Paul Kendrick. The men were honored for their many years of service with Scandia Fire and Rescue. The council meeting was temporarily suspended for a coffee and cake reception. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Administrator Anne Hurlburt noted an addition to the Consent Agenda, 5.f) Direct Deposit Agreement with Security State Bank. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) September 15, 2009 Regular Meeting 2) September 24, 2009 Special Meeting 3) October 6, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance 09/01/09 $1,633,974.58 Receipts + 15,818.75 Expenditures 133,600.10 Payroll 27,410.39 - 161,010.49 Ending Balance 09/30/09 $1,488,782.84 c) Payment of Vouchers d) 2010 Meeting Schedule e) Reduction of Letter of Credit, Superior Land Development (Tii Gavo) f) Direct Deposit Agreement with Security State Bank Crum, seconded by Lindell, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Snow Tubing Event Park and Recreation Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux reported on the committee’s recommendation to hold the annual snow tubing event at Wild Mountain on January 2, 2010. October 20, 2009 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 5 Wild Mountain, located north of Taylors Falls, will offer a group rate of $13 per participant, with a minimum of 20 participants. The city will collect registrations and purchase the tickets for distribution to the group at the tubing hill. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve the Park and Recreation Committee’s snow tubing event at Wild Mountain on January 2, 2010. The motion passed unanimously. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on various police calls and citations issued within the past month. A suspect has been identified in connection with recent mailbox vandalism. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the fire department responded to eleven calls in September, four which were water rescue assist calls. The department’s 5K run last month netted $300 for the Relief Association. Plans for the Safe Halloween event at the fire station are being finalized. CITY ENGINEER 2009 Crack Sealing Project: Pay Request #1 and Final, Astech City Engineer Paul Hornby presented Pay Request #1 and Final in the amount of $23,885.50 to Astech for Phase 1 of the 2009 Crack Seal Project. Mr. Hornby recommended payment for the work performed in August and to accept Phase 1 as complete. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve Pay Request #1 and Final to Astech in the amount of $23,885.50 for Phase 1 of the 2009 Crack Seal Project. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported that six new home permits have been issued to date. Mr. Thorp is researching the uptown well and septic system to determine a maintenance schedule for the system. Pete Ganzel, Washington County Public Health, will be assisting with the calibration of the pumps. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Holiday Office Hours City Administrator recommended that the city office be closed on December 24 to allow staff time with family over the Christmas holiday. This would not be a paid holiday; eligible employees could take personal time off on that day. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve revised office hours for the Christmas holiday season. The motion passed unanimously. REQUEST TO ALLOW COMFORT LAKE-FOREST LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT A FISH BARRIER IN BONE LAKE Randy Anhorn, Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District Administrator, was present to request approval for the construction of a proposed fish barrier on the north inlet to Bone Lake. th This location is on city property north of 228 Street and east of the DNR boat launch parking area. The District would be responsible for the maintenance of the fish barrier, which would help October 20, 2009 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 5 prevent reestablishment of rough fish populations after they are removed as planned. If approved by the city, CLFLWD would begin the grant application process for funds through the Lessard- Sams Legacy Grant program. Lindell, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve the CLFLWD plans to construct a fish barrier at the north inlet to Bone Lake, in Bone Lake Park. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR THE ZAVORAL MINING AND RECLAMATION PROJECT EIS On September 15 the Council approved the establishment of a Project Advisory Committee to facilitate an open exchange of information during the Zavoral Mining Project environmental review process. Seven citizens applied for appointments to the PAC. They were interviewed by consultant Trudy Richter, Mayor Seefeldt and Administrator Hurlburt. The following were recommended for appointment as the best candidates based on their willingness to examine all issues that will be a part of the EIS process: Jed Chesnut 21830 Olinda Lane N. Bill Clapp 19955 Quinnell Ave. N Lisa Schlingerman 20661 Quint Ave. N. Kristin Tuenge 20595 Quinnell Ave. N. th Mike White 13310 188 St. N. Seven agency representatives are included on the PAC roster, along with Tom Krinke, the Planning Commission representative. The PAC will meet four times throughout the EIS process, with the first meeting scheduled in early December. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the appointments to the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation EIS Project Advisory Committee. The motion passed unanimously. EXTENSION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR JIM’S TREE FARM AT 23393 NOLAN AVENUE (RESOLUTION NO. 10-20-09-01) Jim Simpson has requested that the City extend a Certificate of Compliance, originally issued in 2005, for the construction of an agricultural building at 23393 Nolan Avenue. While some site preparation has been done and utilities have been roughed in, Mr. Simpson proposed constructing the building in 2010 or 2011. Crum, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to approve Resolution No. 10-20-09-01 Extending the Certificate of Compliance for James and Peggy Simpson for an additional two years. The motion passed unanimously. SNOW PLOWING Review Snow and Ice Control Policy At the request of Council member Lindell, Administrator Hurlburt reviewed the Snow and Ice Control Policy which was adopted in 2008 and revised in January 2009. Last year was hampered with staffing challenges and road salt shortages. For the coming season, Washington County will again be restricting the salt supply due to shortages of the material. Staffing is anticipated to be stable and several experienced back-up snow plow drivers will be available on an on-call basis. Travel time and distance to re-supply the trucks during critical snow events continues to be an issue, as the city does not have its own storage facility. October 20, 2009 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 5 The issue of on-site storage of a salt/sand supply was discussed. Last year, construction of a fabric cover-all design over the existing concrete pad with four-foot walls at the public works site was rejected in favor of a wooden structure, at a proposed cost of $60,000. This appropriation of funds was designated for the year 2011 in the Capital Improvement Program. Council member Lindell questioned if there can be outside storage of the salt/sand mix. Administrator Hurlburt explained that past experience determined this to be impractical as the mix freezes into clumps and cannot run through the spreaders. The material needs to be under cover. Mayor Seefeldt noted that the Capital Improvement Committee discussed construction of an on- site storage building, and asked committee member Jim VanHoven to speak. Mr. VanHoven stated that before recommending a structure be built, a cost-analysis study should be done to determine the amount of savings. He felt a building should “earn its keep”. Building Official Thorp indicated that he could bring back quotes from the suppliers who were contacted about this issue last year. A $20,000 cost was proposed. Administrator Hurlburt gave several options if the council wants to proceed with the proposal of constructing a salt/storage building with a fabric cover. A hearing to update the Capital Improvement Plan is scheduled for November 3. An amendment to allocate current funds for the construction of a salt/sand storage building could be adopted at that meeting. A budget amendment and ordinance change to deal with building types and materials would also need to be acted on prior to approving the construction. The council will discuss these actions at the November 3 meeting. Temporary/Seasonal Staffing for Winter Road Maintenance Administrator Hurlburt recommended the appointment of the following part-time/seasonal maintenance workers for on-call snowplowing: Pay Rate (Hourly) Bruce Swenson $17.00 Bob Lindbloom $17.00 Roger Rydeen $17.00 Greg VanDerSchaegen $14.00 Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the appointment of four part-time/seasonal maintenance workers for on-call snowplowing at the pay rates of $14.00 to $17.00 per hour. The motion passed unanimously. CONTRACT WITH SAFEASSURE, INC. FOR SAFETY PROGRAMS AND TRAINING Safety and loss representatives of the city’s insurer have indicated the need to implement required safety programs and training. There is the possibility of significant fines for being out of compliance on safety issues. The 2010 draft budget included $10,000 for safety consulting services and training. This October, Scandia has the opportunity to enter into an agreement with October 20, 2009 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 5 SafeAssure, Inc. to provide necessary training and compliance through a group rate with the cities of Stillwater, Lake Elmo, Marine on St. Croix and Oak Park Heights. Administrator Hurlburt recommended the city enter into this agreement at a cost of $2,900 and approve a budget amendment to cover the expenditure in 2009. As Scandia currently contracts with Hennepin Technical College to provide training for Public Works at an annual rate of $650, this cost will be eliminated in 2010. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the contract with SafeAssure Consultants, Inc. to provide safety programs, services and training, and authorize an amendment to the 2009 budget to cover the $2,900 cost. The motion passed unanimously. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk