EDA MEETING PACKET 10-29-2013CITY OF SCANDIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 29, 2013 6:30 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes (October 8, 2013) 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Public Forum 5. New Business a) Tony Schertler, Springsted, Washington County Economic Development Study 6. Old Business a) Draft Rural Event Facility Ordinance 7. Executive Director's Report 8. Agenda Items for Next Meeting (November 12, 2013) 9. Adjournment The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Sally Swanson, Tom Triplett, Dan Lee, Greg Isaacson, and Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Kristina Handt. Motion by Triplett, seconded by Lee to approve the September 16, 2013 minutes. Motion carried. Swanson suggested starting with Old Business first as the speaker would be arriving later. Motion by Swanson, seconded by Lee to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried. No one was present for the public forum. The board reviewed the draft mission statement. Triplett questioned the redundancy at the end regarding life cycle housing. Motion by Triplett, seconded by Swenson to approve the draft mission statement after deleting "at all points of life". Motion carried. Swanson introduced Jill Behnke, Center City Mayor and EDA Chair, who was present to share her city's experience regarding EDA activities. Behnke discussed working with Chisago County on their planned new jail and annexing land for this and other businesses into the City; developing criteria for the businesses to recruit; the use of TIF, tax abatement and grants; the Swedish Immigrant trail and other tourism projects; the Hwy 8 reconstruction; EDA levy; working with MNDOT on beautification efforts; and the business community on signage. Behnke's information was very helpful and she was thanked for her time by the board. The board reviewed the list of goals and projects discussed at the previous two meeting. Two additional goals/projects to add to the list are completing a Market Study and the Gateway Trail Expansion. After the board hears from more speakers and gathers more information, the list may be prioritized. Swanson asked the board to review the draft Rural Event Facility Ordinance the Planning Commission had been working on. Handt explained a resident approached the City last year asking for permission to hold events such as weddings and fundraisers in his historic barn. Since the use is not currently permitted in the City Development Code, the Planning Commission has been working on amending the code. The board reviewed the draft and asked if gathering the required information would be cost prohibitive and if an Interim Use Permit granted for one year would provide too much uncertainty for a potential business investment. Triplett expressed concern about reviewing ordinances the Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing. Swanson and Lee said the EDA should look at ordinances that pertain to business or housing development and provide feedback to the Planning Commission. Triplett preferred a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Handt mentioned the public hearing on the proposed ordinance November 5a' and said the EDA could attend that meeting. Handt further encouraged members to get feedback from potential property owners who would be interested in a Rural Event Facility. Swanson suggested the EDA could discuss again at their Oct. 29th meeting. Handt provided information about University of Minnesota Extension programs related to community economic development. Board members were encouraged to review the information and it may be discussed in the future if there is interest. The written Executive Director's report was presented. Handt also mentioned the Manufacturing Week event at Forest Lake High School Oct. 22. Dave Unmacht, Springsted, will be at the Oct. 29th meeting. Springsted was hired by Washington County to provide a report on economic development. Board members expressed a desire to keep the meeting length to one hour so no other items were suggested for the agenda. Motion by Triplett, seconded by Lee to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm. Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary SCANDIA Staff Renort Date of Meeting: October 29, 2013 To: Economic Development Authority From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director Re: Washington County Economic Development Study As mentioned at previous meetings, the County Board has hired Springsted to complete an economic development study. This study includes data collection and assessment, community assessment, a strategic plan for economic development, and presenting information to the County Board and various stakeholder groups. The plan, which is due to the County by the end of the year, must address the county's role in economic development and the county's relationship to cities and other organizations that are actively engaged in economic development. Tony Schertler from Springsted will be at our meeting to get some community feedback to include in their report. Included in your packet is a sample of questions they are seeking to answer. They won't necessarily go over each one but you should read over them ahead of the meeting and come prepared to offer feedback about priorities, strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities in Scandia regarding economic development. Mr. Schertler has been given an hour to meet with the EDA. Washington County Economic Development Study Community Engagement — Stakeholder Questions October -November 2013 Strategy Questions 1. A recent survey of some communities in Washington County identified the following factors as impeding economic growth in the county. Which 2 or 3 would you say are the most critical? Which ones do you think the county should have an active role in addressing and what should that role be? Impeding: • Lack of affordable housing • Lack of transit alternatives • Lack of coordinated strategy • Lack of coordinated infrastructure strategy • County's historical TIF policy (differing perspectives) • Infrastructure flexibility (regulatory restraint) • Shortage of niche financing programs (grants) • Still a slow recovery • Digital divide in parts of county • No policy on tax abatement • No economic development staff • The County is diverse — how can we effectively promote the county as a whole when areas are distinct and different (rural — low taxes) 2. What strengths does the county have that it should be playing up in attracting jobs and businesses? Please identify one or two considerations that you believe are unique or distinct to Washington County that can be a positive asset to economic development within the county. Some that have been identified include the following. • Accessibility and location with easy access to MSP, airport and Wisconsin • Land costs (may be higher), but tax environment is competitive • Human capital and workforce • Positive relationship with the county— trust level is in place to accomplish projects • Significant natural areas for recreation and tourism • Significant land supply within distinct communities • Rural and urban character • Fast growing cities • Available land • Good schools • New bridge in Stillwater • Natural amenities • Strength of existing economy • County changing to a "pro ED" place Capacity Questions 1. A recent survey of some communities in Washington County identified the following tools being used to support economic development efforts. Which 2 or 3 do you think should be more heavily relied upon? • Greater MSP (leads and promotion) • HRA levy • Local income housing tax credit program and Minnesota Housing programs • Met Council LCDA program for land acquisition and pollution clean-up resources • TIF (redevelopment and housing) • Tax abatement • Woodbury Growth fund (revolving low interest loan) • SEED fund • Fast track process and one stop shop • Shovel ready business park • Acquisition of property 2. Are there tools that are not being used that should be used more by the county or the communities within the county? 3. What additional help does your organization/community need to be successful in encouraging economic growth? 4. Which of the following does your community use to lead or evaluate economic development efforts: Port Authority, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Authority or none of the above? 5. How many FTE's in your community are devoted to economic development? 6. How many significant economic development events do you evaluate or participate in annually? County Role 1. What can the county do that it is not already doing to assist you in ,your work? 2. Are there changes to county policy that can be made that would help in the recruitment or retention of businesses within the county? 3. Are there any things the county is currently doing that are helpful in your efforts to attract businesses and if so, could those be enhanced in any way? 4. Do you see the county role to be different depending on what city or township they are working with and the different tools and capacity of those communities? 5. Do you have an opinion about what Washington County's position should be on the tools used in economic development (e.g. financial incentives, transportation access, direct investment of dollars)? 6. Is there something missing in how the cities, HRA, and other organizations use their economic development powers? Is there a gap that could be filled by Washington County? 7. Please comment on the following structures that would enable the county to expand its role in economic development. Which structure would you support? • County employs economic development professional • Expand HRA to include economic development • Establish a county economic development authority • Establish a county community development agency • Establish a county economic development corporation (public/private partnership) Vision Questions 1. Do you have any ideas on what should be the county's vision, goals and guiding principles for economic development? 2. What do you think is a good uniting theme for the county in promoting economic growth (e.g. transportation corridors, quality of life, and low tax rate)? Goal Questions 1. Do you have any thoughts on what should be the county's goals in economic development (e.g. increased jobs, increased wages, green businesses, and certain type of industry)? 2. Are there certain business sectors that you think we are lacking in the county and ideas on how to attract those? Closing Question 1. Why is looking at the county's role in economic development important? 2. What outcome would like to achieve as a result of this economic development initiative? *For communities that did not return the survey, ask them to respond so that we can have a complete picture. 1. Please identify the three most significant economic development priorities of your City or organization over the next five years. 2. Please identify the top three factors that are impacting in any way (driving or impeding) economic growth and development within Washington County. 3. Please identify up to three current tools you are using to support or augment your economic development efforts? 4. Please identify one or two considerations that you believe are unique or distinct to Washington County that can be a positive asset to economic development within the county. 5. Please identify one or two economic development best practices that our process should identify and possibly explore. 6. Please identify two outcomes you want to achieve as a result of this economic development initiative. DRAFT for Planning Commission Meeting October 1, 2013 CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 4.0 RULES AND DEFINITIONS 4.2 Definitions. (250) Rural Bgnt Facihl�: A ltcility that operates on a tor -Profit hasis to host outdoor or Indoor Ralhennirs that du not exceed twelve 1121 hours in duration. The Gatherings may include, but are not limited to, cyents such as weddings or oilier ccrenum es, dances, festivals. picnics or any other gatho-mg, of a similar nature that t1w 0", dctc7nuncs to he consistent with and supportive of the rural and historic character of the community. Gatherings may not include a0i%164�S that include the discharge of firearms, cornnetitions auwng nu+tonicd ychicles. or other events that the City deermincs to be nwompatihic %%ith the cnnrinunu\ 's character or intent of this chapter. (257) Rural Eyent Site: the sae ific area within it property that operates as a Rural E.cnt haydaN on which any of the activities asm- matcd with tactlitv .11 likely, to occur. CHAPTER TWO. SECTION 4 STANDARDS FOR USES =a-l?2 Rural Eycnt Facilit\,a Rural eeent facilities shall comply with all of the following rgquirements:jes (1) Is Rural Fa -vent Ffacilities shall support the rural and historic character of the City, shill mid h c dosi_,meJ and opera ttA in a manner that is compatible with ++.—Scandia's rural and small-town character. and shall not wiihffmi negatively impact+ffi g the community or :neighbonnl properties. (2) Permitted llsesDistrtcts and Uses. (A) ura 11,vent }=facilities are permitted in flip i+rtlrr Agricultural Core (AG C) and General Rural (GR) Districts, and shall be accessory uses to the primary use of the property for Agriculture or a Single -Family Residence. £ver+I (3) Permit requirements. Aft rural event facility may be allowed by issuance of a Cond+t-ienalan Interim Use Permit in the following Districts, and must comply with the setbacks and other Development Code requirements for the District: Formatted: Left Formatted: Underline Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Left, Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 2 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0" + Indent at: 0.25" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Hanging: 0.5", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.5", Hanging: 0.5" Formatted: Font: 11 pt Formatted: Font: 11 pt Formatted: Font: 11 pt Formatted: Normal Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold f Formatted: Left, Outline numbered + Level: 3 I + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0" + Indent at: 0.5" J Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.5", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 22 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0" + Indent at: 0.29" ( Formatted: No underline (A) Agricultural Core (AG C) (B) General Rural (GR) kc i 4; IIr (4) Application requirements. An application for an rural -i ievent F-facility shall be accompanied by the following information: (A) A master plan of the cn ire roperty where the tttirtunal event facility is proposed, drawn to scale (minimum 1:200)and including the parcel boundaries__.: and legal description, owner's name and signature, topography, location of existing structures on the site, setbacks, existing screening from adjacent properties, existing driveway locations and roadway access, existing parking, -individual sewage treatment systems and well locations. (B) A detailed plan o fate PrHpeF+y drawn to scale t nnnimum 1: 1 OtiL including the proposed rural k+tttt +n•erent site that trill he used I"or the activities associat with theef th rural Revents €facility, including. thr p m+p buildings and structures-a%ktine and proln,sedl, outdoor event areas, setbacks, driveways and access, parking areas, sewage treatment systems and well locations, and all other proposed facilities. 1C1 Rural Events flan— the aoiflhcation shall include complete information alxwt events that may he held at the Facility. Information identifying the I%pes of events. c_sttmaunc the number of aucrodees per event, number of events per year, onsite vendors, numhcr of employees, proposed hour, of operation, parking facilities, sanitary facilities, lighting, sound amplification. teutporary structures,tents, sigrlace, screening, solid %%astc manaertnent. security, and landscaping. Thu Rural Fvents Plan shall also identify cnleri ency %chicle access routes and proposed locations(s) for first aid facihtws. As deemed rimcssary, flit Co may restrict the operation of the facility. (- (D) A Transportation Management Plan ---this plan shall identify the estimated total ayera c daily traffic (number of %chacle�, catering and lCaving the site) liff evenlsl;encrawd by the rural c%call fi1Clllty on datis %%IaCII e%'Cllts at schcduled tancluding visitors• deliveries. employccs. etc.1:: estnnawd m'axlnium peak hour traffic acnerated and estimated limey of o%:.urrencc: and describe the impacts on arw road%%ays. The I ranstxirtation Nianagentcnt Plan tint] -shall adtku:s Icscnbe am proposal traffic control, . s. The Transportation \Ianayenacnl Plan shall estimate the parking needed to accommodate the rural cent facaluy, and Indicate' talc size, location and 13yout of parktiw facilities and their relationship 10 the Cntrance> and exits. (�)(E) Grading Plan —if the _�i+�i4++y'It itv includes construction of a new c%cn( Tito ). buildings, parking lots or other structures, and event areas, the applicant shall submit a grading, drainage and erosion control plan. The plan must meet the requirements of the Watershed District and the City's Development Code. (9- LU Landscape Plan —the application shall include an existing and proposed landscape plan. The City may require landscape elements to buffer the facility from neighboring uses and to provide screening. (5) Rural Ecvent €facilities shall comply with all of the following standards till f4j ural event Efacilities shall be located on a site of at least 20 acres in size in the Agricultural Core (AG C) and General Rural (GR) Districts. (B) Sqie a I Events shall be limited to a maximum 300 persons. (C) Adequate utilities, including sewage disposal, must be available on the site. ,r ;in:utent or Vortable faciluic,. -�i .i :,uut�ui.uo,u , t Vermanent andlxirtable facilities. Any on -site sewage treatment facilities needed shall be installed undcr a Dgma issued by Washington Countv-l4- rued. The facility shall alto provide supplemental portable septic and water facilities for - Events as *eWet#nyuircd by the City. (D) The rural Event + facility shall have direct access from a min -r Itneritil. public roadway. (E) l k•'•.,..,,�—AO' '4L- , - he -ur. ventEfacility shall provide on -site parking, sufficient to handle all guest, staff and owner vehicles. No parking for - shall be permitted on public streets.. rter�im i,;e , I l4i. id "• • appleeam +�tttil r.»IT- kf-,-t_ (F) Sound amplification of ceremonies only ispermitted Sound amplilcalion of ceremonies may include amplification of voices and music that is strLcilicalk scheduled :i n ol'the ceremony. Nn other sounel ass+ elated wnh the evenn . Events shall not generate noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, or endangers the comfort or peace of any persons, or precludes their enjoyment of property or affects their property's value. (G) t=3=. flir rural event sittisl shall be located at least 3910C feet from the boundaries of adjoining properties. The City may require screening of outdoor event areas. If the facility has a license to serve alcoholic beverages, a designated outdoor area shall be identified for consumption of alcoholic beverages that must meet the -W I 00-foot setback requirement. Ft fit Ow'., _ . L-vents may not begin before AM and shall cease 10 PM. Formatted: Normal (1) NNO more than one went shall be scheduled on any calendar date. M Permanent signs for the rural lievent lifacility shall conform to the Development Code requirements. One sign that identifies the facihIN is permuted nh noun :izc of l'_sguare fast. In addition.4-one temporary on_, I, j. %WMl-event i t the f461ity ider►tttk;• shall be allowed for each street entrance to the re� HFl -:. _ . facility for each event. _ . not he placed more than 0) !id , kv renwn ud with 24 hours of the cnd of the e\,-w The sign may not exceed ten (10) square feet in area and shall require a sign permit. (K) The rural kivent F-facility must comply with all rules and regulations of Federal, sState, County and 4Local agencies. (L! I he City may impose conditions related to landscaping, access, security, sanitary sewer.. a ,, ro1uirenments. and other i ems,: onditions 4a. deemed necessary. (M) The initial Interim Use Permit for the rural event facility shall he issued tin one l 11 Year. The City may renahy thepernut for a similar or longer period (it ormeratu?n hasexd on acceptable compliance %%ith the mm mn conditions. (N) The Interim Use Permit shall terminate at a date specified in the permit or with a chartee in own rshin of the nrom-rtv where die rural eycnl facility is located. {� Formatted: Normal W-)(UL_ The City may taq+Ft--schcdulc remodie _reviews of the £andiI oRel Interim Use Permit for the rural ei ent facility as needed.