Projects by Funding Source And DepartmentProduced Using Plan-It CIP Software Page 1/5 2024 through 2028 Projects by Funding Source And Department Scandia, MN Projects by Funding Source And Department Source Project #Priority 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total 200s GRANTS Parks and Recreation Community Center Park-playground, table, bench etc *PR-043 2 101,250 101,250 Parks and Recreation Total 101,250 0 0 0 0 101,250 200s GRANTS Total 101,250 0 0 0 0 101,250 401 Capital Improvement Fund Community Center Additional Comm Cent Elec Locks *CC-017 5 17,548 17,548 CC AC Condenser Replacement *CC-015 5 40,000 40,000 Community Center-Front Office, Equipment Room *CC-010 2 50,000 50,000 Security Improvements CCTV for Park *CC-014 2 14,000 14,000 Community Center Total 67,548 14,000 40,000 0 0 121,548 Fire 2000 Station Bay floor epoxy coating-maintenance *F-041 5 23,000 23,000 2010 Fire Radios Replace 3 unspupported radios *F-003 5 18,000 18,000 2010 Homatro Cutter Twin Line R-1(Jaws of Life)*F-037 5 40,945 40,945 2010 Washer/Extractor-replacement *F-042 5 10,000 10,000 Produced Using Plan-It CIP Software Page 2/5 Source Project #Priority 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total 2012 UTV & Trailer replacement-off road rescue *F-033 5 42,583 42,583 2015 Lucas CPR Device-replacement *F-027 5 17,548 17,548 Air Containment Unit *F-035 5 10,527 10,527 Fire/PW Potable Well Pump (2000) Replacement *F-008 5 11,699 11,699 new Exhaust removal system for truck bays *F-032 5 58,399 58,399 new Warning Sirens *F-009 5 31,633 31,633 Fire Total 0 58,493 162,314 33,000 10,527 264,334 Parks and Recreation Arts & Heritage Center Amphitheater *PR-052 5 139,185 139,185 Arts & Heritage Center Sidewalk and Walkways *PR-065 5 195,143 195,143 Parks and Recreation Total 0 334,328 0 0 0 334,328 Stormwater Bliss Stormwater Project *SW-004 2 122,525 122,525 Stormwater Total 122,525 0 0 0 0 122,525 401 Capital Improvement Fund Total 190,073 406,821 202,314 33,000 10,527 842,735 Produced Using Plan-It CIP Software Page 3/5 Source Project #Priority 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total 404 Park Improvement Fund Parks and Recreation Expanded Pleasure Rink *PR-058 5 16,010 16,010 Gateway Trail Impr. @ Annex-parking lot *PR-045 5 25,000 25,000 Hay Lake Park Shelter water & doors *PR-050 5 128,083 128,083 Playground Equipment - Erickson ballfield *PR-044 5 80,000 80,000 Tennis Court/Pickle Ball - resurface; add p-court *PR-064 2 450,000 107,520 25,000 582,520 Parks and Recreation Total 450,000 107,520 50,000 16,010 208,083 831,613 404 Park Improvement Fund Total 450,000 107,520 50,000 16,010 208,083 831,613 406 Equipment Replacement Fund Fire 1995 Utility 1misc purpose truck - replacement *F-040 2 63,202 63,202 2000 Engine 1 - 5176 Replacement *F-015 5 795,000 795,000 2003 Boat & Trailer - water rescues *F-028 2 38,152 38,152 2003 Tanker 5178 Tender 2 Replacement *F-014 2 100,879 100,879 2012 UTV & Trailer off road rescue *F-020 3 42,583 42,583 Fire Total 202,233 795,000 42,583 0 0 1,039,816 Public Works 101-18 Chev 1/2 ton pickup (2018)*PW-019 5 57,901 57,901 104-13 Ford F550 w/sander, plow mount, compressor *PW-022 2 96,527 96,527 Produced Using Plan-It CIP Software Page 4/5 Source Project #Priority 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total 202-17 Western Star Single Axle Truck/Plow (2017) *PW-006 5 400,000 400,000 203-11 Mack Dump Truck/Plow Replacement (2011) *PW-017 2 335,000 335,000 308-12 New Holland Skid Steer (2012)*PW-015 1 60,368 60,368 312-08 Asphalt Patching Equipment Trailer (2008)*PW-012 5 25,000 25,000 Addition Vehicle (truck for addl FT or PT staff)*PW-068 5 60,000 60,000 Equipment Attachments (fit skid, loader, tractor)*PW-067 2 22,956 22,956 PJ Skid Trailer 14,000 lbs (2012)*PW-066 5 20,000 20,000 Utility Trailer 3,500 lbs (1998)*PW-065 5 10,000 10,000 Public Works Total 179,851 335,000 30,000 85,000 457,901 1,087,752 406 Equipment Replacement Fund Total 382,084 1,130,000 72,583 85,000 457,901 2,127,568 408 Local Road Improvement Fund Road Projects 2024 Local Road Improvement Project *PW-056 1 3,385,745 3,385,745 2024 Seal Coat & Crack Filling *PW-055 1 455,000 455,000 2025 Seal Coat & Crack Filling Project *PW-052 2 0 0 2025 Street Reconstruction Project *PW-053 2 500,000 500,000 2026 Seal Coat & Crack Filling Project *PW-051 2 0 0 2026 Street Reconstruction Project *PW-035 2 500,000 500,000 2027 Seal Coat & Crack Filling Project *PW-058 2 78,000 78,000 2027 Street Reconstruction Project *PW-057 2 500,000 500,000 Produced Using Plan-It CIP Software Page 5/5 Source Project #Priority 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total 2028 Seal Coat & Crack Filling Project *PW-059 2 84,000 84,000 2028 Street Reconstruction Project *PW-036 2 1,100,000 1,100,000 Engineering *PW-070 2 100,000 75,000 78,000 81,120 84,365 418,485 Soil Borings for 2026 & 2027 *PW-062 2 25,000 25,000 Soil Borings for 2028 & 2029 *PW-069 2 28,000 28,000 Road Projects Total 3,940,745 600,000 578,000 687,120 1,268,365 7,074,230 408 Local Road Improvement Fund Total 3,940,745 600,000 578,000 687,120 1,268,365 7,074,230 GRAND TOTAL 5,064,152 2,244,341 902,897 821,130 1,944,876 10,977,396