03. Minutes of April 18, 2024 Meeting 14727 209th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433-2274 | Fax (651) 433-5112 | www.cityofscandia.com CITY OF SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, April 18, 6:30 p.m. Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street North Attendance: Will Perry, John Carney, and Patti Ray. Absent: Bob Wilmers and Steve Bradley Also in Attendance: City Administrator Kyle Morell and Council Liaison Steve Kronmiller. Elly Burroughs and Andrew Curley of Midco. Absent: None. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Ray at 6:32 p.m. Approval of Agenda – Motion by Carney, seconded by Perry, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried 3-0. Approval of Minutes –March 21, 2024, meeting minutes were approved on a Motion by Carney, seconded by Perry, with the corrected spelling of ‘Boarder 2 Boarder” to “Border 2 Border”. Motion Carried 3-0. Public Comments - No comments were offered. Midco Project Update –Elly Burroughs, Government Relations Manager, provided the Committee with the following updates:  The two Line Extension Grants that were applied for in February were awarded this month. This will add 72 passings in Scandia along 205th ST N. and Oakhill Rd. N.  Midco will be applying for a Round 10 Border 2 Border Grant for Scandia. The grant application will cover 143 passings, with construction scheduled for 2026. They are asking the City for $300,000 in funding for the project, which has a total estimated cost of $1,337.450. Midco is committing $385,000.  Midco shared they plan to complete 173 passings this summer as part of the Big Marine Project. They are also completing 20 passings in Scandia as part of the May Township project and 9 passings as part of the Rolling Acres development. Carney made a motion, seconded by Perry, to recommend that the City Council approve participation in the Round 10 Border 2 Border Grant, commit $300,000 towards the local share, and submit a letter of support for the project. The Motion Carried 3-0. Frontier – As discussed in a recent conversation with Todd Kruze of Frontier, they are willing to work with the City on a BEAD grant once the program is open. Capital Investment Committee Request Update – Morell presented the Committee with an updated 401 CIP Fund budget. The budget shows $92,000 allocated for 2025, the City’s portion of the Big Marine Project, and $300,000 for 2027, which would be the Border 2 Border contribution. There is still $108,000 remaining from the Committee’s original request of $500,000. These funds were placed into 2028. Scandia Internet Action Committee Draft Minutes November 16, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Internet Expansion Cost Summary – Council Liaison Kronmiller will update the spreadsheet with information provided by Elly. Sandbox Map Review – The Sandbox Map is located on the City’s website and shows the progress made with each previous grant project and the properties yet to see improved internet service. Vice-Chair Ray was concerned the map did not show properties as served that could receive service. Councilmember Kronmiller, who created the map, said the properties shown to have service because Midco acknowledges those properties as addresses they can service. Some of the map properties shown as unserved but have service around them do not have an address within Midco’s system and, therefore, cannot be served according to Midco. It was agreed that a list of addresses (Infill List) should be generated that appear eligible for service but are not served and set to Midco for review. Midco Day – Vice-Chair Ray updated the Committee on the August 14 Midco Day event. She will work with the Park and Rec Committee and the School to get the story guidelines to the school in time to receive the submission back before the end of the school year. Internet Action Committee Charter – The Committee reviewed its Charter and made the following changes:  Tasks o #2 add remote workers, home base businesses, school-age children, teachers, low-income families o #3 remove o #4 add operate as much as possible within City's… o #6 according to latest standards at end of sentence, remove numbers. o #7 Remove Community Center, only on the City website o #8 Remove o #9 Remove o #10 Remove o #11 Remove The remaining Tasks will be reviewed at the next meeting. Items for Future Discussion – The following items are scheduled for discussion at the next meeting. o Midco Day o Infill List o Progress on Letters of Support o 2024 Construction Updates, Line Extension Updates Next Meeting – The committee noted that its next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Community Center. Adjournment – Motion by Carney, seconded by Perry, to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m. Motion Carried 3-0. _________________________________ Kyle Morell, City Administrator