06. Steve Kronmiller Email - 05 08 20241 Kyle Morell From:s.kronmiller Sent:Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:27 PM To:Kyle Morell; robert.wilmers@icloud.com; Patti Ray Subject:AIC Agenda Item To ensure every parcel address is properly accounted for, I was hoping to get the following action steps in front of the AIC for discussion next week: 1. Send my list of every parcel address in Scandia to MidCo and ask them to classify each as one of the following: a. Service is currently available. b. Service is currently planned to available by EOY 2025. c. Address is in the 2024 Grant Application. d. Service timeline is TBD. 2. Send my list of every parcel address in Scandia to Frontier and ask them to identify the maximum Upload/Download speeds they can deliver to it. We should do #1 soon to true up our databases and agree on the actual “infill” work to be done.) We should wait on #2 until June 15th (after this current grant round challenge process ends). If Frontier balks at this, I can send the list to a contact at DEED, and they will get the information from Frontier for us, just like previous challenges I submitted to them in the past. Steve