07. Estimated Expansion CostsExpansion Projects by Year Paid Addresses ISP Self Funded Addresses All Addresses Estimated ISP Self Funded Cost ISP Cost Share Other Cost Share Scandia Cost Share Total Cost Total Cost per All Addresses Scandia Cost per Paid Address Scandia Share Pct ISP Share Pct Other Share Pct Comment Pre-Expansion Buildout 0 683 683 Built out by MidCo prior to 2020 - MidCo cost is unknown Non-Project Related Infill 0 47 47 Routine infill - unrelated to any planned Scandia Project - MidCo cost is unknown Blandin Consulting Grant 0 0 Blandin Foundation to provide consulting services in 2014 FTTP Feasibility Study 4,600 4,750 9,350 51%0%49%Blandin Grant for Fiber to Premise Feasibility Study by CTC Pre-Expansion Total 0 730 730 4,600 4,750 9,350 51%0%49% 2020 DEED 219 22 241 102,542 350,274 510,358 160,085 1,123,259 4,661 731 14%40%45%First successful DEED Grant Project in Scandia 2020 Other 0 9 9 41,947 0 0 0 41,947 4,661 0 0%100%0%Mallard Ave and Redeemed Farm 2020 Total 219 31 250 144,489 350,274 510,358 160,085 1,165,206 4,661 731 14%42%44% 2021 Direct Aid 61 2 63 7,442 142,000 0 85,000 234,442 3,721 1,393 36%64%0%Community funded project (Quality Trail) 2021 RDOF 0 45 45 167,459 0 0 0 167,459 3,721 0 0%100%0%MidCo RDOF Area 2021 DEED 24 0 24 0 190,320 78,824 165,000 434,144 18,089 6,875 38%44%18%DEED reduced the number of addresses in the grant 2021 Other 0 13 13 48,377 0 0 0 48,377 3,721 0 0%100%0%LTD RDOF Area 2021 MidCo Paris Ave 0 12 12 44,656 0 0 0 44,656 3,721 0 0%100%0%MidCo voluntarily expanded here on their own 2021 MidCo 239th 0 10 10 37,213 0 0 0 37,213 3,721 0 0%100%0%MidCo expanded here based on neighborhood petition 2021 Total 85 82 167 305,146 332,320 78,824 250,000 966,290 5,786 2,941 26%66%8% 2022 County 44 0 44 0 144,000 100,000 96,524 340,524 7,739 2,194 28%42%29%Washington County Grant Project (Oakhill/Parkview) 2022 Direct Aid 53 0 53 0 115,736 0 122,476 238,212 4,495 2,311 51%49%0%Community funded project (NW & Scandia Trail) 2022 RDOF 0 40 40 179,783 0 0 0 179,783 4,495 0 0%100%0%Continue MidCo RDOF Buildout 2022 Total 97 40 137 179,783 259,736 100,000 219,000 758,519 5,537 2,258 29%58%13% 2023 Line Extension Mailer 0 0 350 350 0 100%0%0%Line Extension Mailer (printing and postage) 2024 Big Marine 93 0 93 0 197,000 372,500 92,500 662,000 7,118 995 14%30%56%Washington County "Big Marine Lake" Grant Project 2024 Line Extension #2 0 72 72 0 0 0 0 Line Extension - 205th and Oak Meadow 2024 MidCo Self-Funded 70 0 70 593,667 0 0 0 593,667 8,481 0 0%100%0%MidCo voluntarily - May, Kirk, Eco Bakken 2024 Line Extension #1 0 21 21 18,000 54,000 106,100 0 178,100 8,481 0 0%40%60%Line Extension - Lakamaga and Meadowbrook 2024 RDOF 0 2 2 16,962 0 0 0 16,962 8,481 0 0%100%0%MidCo RDOF Area 2023-2024 Total 163 95 258 628,629 251,000 478,600 92,850 1,451,079 5,624 570 6%61%33% 2025 DEED 164 0 164 0 385,000 652,459 300,000 1,337,459 8,155 1,829 22%29%49%Proposed DEED Grant 2025 RDOF 0 3 3 24,466 0 0 0 24,466 8,155 0 0%100%0%Proposed RDOF Buildout 2025 Total 164 3 167 24,466 385,000 652,459 300,000 1,361,925 8,155 1,829 22%30%48% Expansion Total 728 251 979 1,282,512 1,578,330 1,820,241 1,021,935 5,703,018 5,825 1,404 18%50%32% Future Years: Uncommitted CIP Funds 108,000 108,000 Infill 0 81 81 Based on 05/05/2024 MidCo Website Data TBD 38 0 38 Based on 05/05/2024 MidCo Website Data RDOF 0 3 3 Remaining RDOF Commitment Future Years Total 38 84 122 0 0 0 108,000 108,000 Grand Total 766 1,065 1,831 1,282,512 1,578,330 1,824,841 1,134,685 5,820,368 1,831 Parcel Addresses in Scandia as of April 01, 2024 1,709 Parcel Addresses with forecasted access to high speed internet 93%Percent of addresses with forecasted access to high speed internet Year Annual Total Annual Total 2019 4,600 4,600 4,750 4,750 2020 1,005,121 1,009,721 160,085 164,835 2021 716,290 1,726,012 250,000 414,835 2022 539,519 2,265,530 219,000 633,835 2023 0 2,265,530 0 633,835 2024 1,358,229 3,623,759 92,850 726,685 2025 1,061,925 4,685,683 300,000 1,026,685 Estimated Outside Money Actual Scandia Money