01-12-10 Council and Planning Commission Special January 12, 2010 A special joint meeting of the Scandia City Council and Planning Commission was held on the above date, for the purpose of discussing the update to the Development Code. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. The following were present: Council members Pete Crum, Connie Amos and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt; Planning Commission Chairman Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Christine Maefsky, Susan Rodsjo and Peter Schwarz. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney David Hebert and City Planner Sherri Buss. Administrator Hurlburt gave an overview of the types of administrative procedures to be in included in Chapter 1 of the updated Development Code. Land uses will be classified as permitted, accessory, conditional uses, interim uses, or uses by administrative permit. The new code will not include the current “certificate of compliance” category or process; uses currently requiring a “cc” will be classified in the appropriate category depending upon the level of review needed. The function of “zoning administrator” will be assigned to staff and delegation of authority will be clarified. The procedures for considering conditional and interim use permits, code and plan amendments and variances were discussed. New procedures will be added for appeals, site plan reviews, local coordination of environmental reviews and official maps. The notification requirements for public hearings were discussed. The draft code will continue the current distance and publication requirements for most types of hearings, with minor changes. City Planner Buss reviewed the list of potential zoning districts and overlay districts, and explained how the district regulations would be structured. She explained two options for interpreting the list of uses that would be provided in each district. In option 1, if not specifically allowed, the use is prohibited. The City or property owner would need to initiate amendments. In option 2: if not specifically allowed, the Zoning Administrator may find a use to be substantially similar to an allowed use, or refer the issue to the City Council for determination. After considerable discussion, the direction was to continue the current approach (option 1) for the purpose of drafting the code, and to develop lists of uses in the draft code that are as inclusive as possible. The group discussed whether the code should include a separate zoning district for the areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan as “Lakeshore- Traditional.” The pros and cons of developing new standards to reduce the need for variances in these established neighborhoods were discussed. The conclusion was that the draft would not include such a district. The preliminary draft of the Agriculture District was reviewed. How the ordinance should address the various types of agricultural activities was discussed; staff will develop some definitions to help determine what uses should be permitted or conditional. The district name will be changed to the “Agriculture District – Core (AG-C)” to mirror the Comprehensive Plan. January 12, 2010 Scandia City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Page 2 of 2 The next work session on the Development Code update will be held at the scheduled February 3, 2010 Council/ Planning Commission meeting, focusing on a draft of Chapter 1 (Administration.). A special meeting was also set for Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt Administrator/ Clerk