01-19-10 Council
January 19, 2010
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John
Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Planner Sherri Buss, Building/Code Enforcement
Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund, Fire Chief Jim
Finnegan and Police Deputy Chris Majeski.
There were no public comments.
Council member Lindell added agenda item 9.g) Discussion of the Uptown Sewer System.
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion
passed unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) December 15, 2009 Regular Meeting
2) January 5, 2010 Meeting with Planning Commission
3) January 12, 2010 Special Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance12/01/09 $ 939,153.91
Receipts + 871,341.35
Expenditures 76,466.84
Payroll 33,266.62 - 109,733.46
Adjustments: Returned check - 2,705.00
Ending Balance 12/31/09 $1,698,056.80
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Official Depositories (Resolution 01-19-10-01)
e) Ratify Surety and Blanket Bonds (Resolution 01-19-10-02)
Lindell, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.
City Administrator Anne Hurlburt reported on the Committee’s plans for the annual Vinterfest
event being held on the grounds of the Community Center on February 6, 2010.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the theft of a snowmobile and of a daytime burglary which
occurred within the city this past month.
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Scandia City Council
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Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported on the past month’s activities. There were fourteen total calls
in December, of which eleven were medical related. The department began using the State Fire
Marshal’s online incident reporting system effective the first of the year. A 2009 summary report
was presented. There were 195 total calls, of which 126 were medical related. This was a 3%
increase in calls over 2008.
Council Approval of Fire Chief’s Travel to Fire School
Peterson, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to approve Fire Chief Finnegan’s travel to Mankato
on March 6 and 7, 2010 to attend fire school class. The motion passed unanimously.
Work Session with Fire Truck Committee
Council will meet with the Fire Department on February 17, 2010 at 7:00 pm to review the
rescue truck build-out specifications. Once specifications are approved, the project will be
advertised for bids.
Engineering Rates for 2010
City Engineer Paul Hornby informed the city that hourly engineering rates will not increase in
2010. Bonestroo, the firm with which the city contracts engineering services, has maintained a
level rate for services since 2007.
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported that 186 building permits were issued
in 2009. There were seven new home construction permits issued. Evaluation of the uptown
wastewater system is continuing.
Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Rules
City Administrator Hurlburt Anne Hurlburt presented a draft comment letter in response to the
third draft of the proposed Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District updated rules. The
comment period is open until January 25, 2010. Hurlburt pointed out that there are still concerns
carrying through from previous versions, such as the expansion of wetland regulations, the low
threshold for requiring a watershed permit, and the challenge of enforcing the permit regulations.
Council member Lindell disagreed with the city’s response to the proposed rules. Lindell felt it is
the watershed’s mission to protect water resources and the city should not interfere or relax the
rules. The city should allow the CMSCWD to operate as it sees fit.
Mayor Seefeldt voiced his agreement with the statements in the letter. A more common sense
approach should be taken when determining the need for watershed permits, which could require
engineered plans for small projects. Council member Peterson agreed, stating the proposed rules
are too restrictive to property owners.
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Scandia City Council
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Administrator Hurlburt explained that there should be a balance of rules and reasonableness
when looking at land use projects. A significant burden would be put on property owners, and
enforcement of the rules could be difficult.
Council member Crum felt that the proposed rules are onerous and overreaching. The city can’t
stay out of the process as the rules affect the city’s business role. Elected officials represent the
voters, whereas the watershed board members are appointed. The city needs to look out for the
best interest of the residents.
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to authorize staff to submit the letter outlining
concerns of the CMSCWD third draft of proposed rules and regulations. Voting in favor:
Amos, Crum, Peterson, Seefeldt. Voting opposed: Lindell. The motion passed.
2010 Elections Schedule
City Administrator Hurlburt reported on proposed changes to the 2010 elections schedule. The
state legislature is expected to conform to federal law which requires that absentee voting be
allowed for 45 days prior to an election (currently 30 days are allowed). This will move the
primary election from September 14 to August 10, with absentee voting beginning on June 25.
Candidate filings for council will be moved up to August 10 through August 24. These changes
will affect election judge training and many other election-related tasks. Staff will continue to
monitor the proposed changes and provide updates to the council and public as needed.
The Scandia Marine Lions Club has made a cash donation of $400.00 towards the Park and
Recreation Committee’s Open Gym Program. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to adopt
Resolution 01-19-10-03 Accepting Donation from the Scandia Marine Lions. The motion
passed unanimously.
Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Council member Crum as Acting Mayor
for 2010. The motion passed unanimously.
Three applications were received for the expiring Planning Commission term. Council held a
special meeting at 6:00 p.m. to interview the applicants. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved
to reappoint Chris Ness to a five year term on the Planning Commission. The motion
passed unanimously.
No applications were received for the other committees. Current citizen members of the Capital
Improvements and Park and Recreation Committees were willing to be reappointed. Mayor
Seefeldt and Council member Peterson will continue to be council representatives to the Capital
Improvements Committee. Council member Crum will continue in his role as council liaison to
the Park and Recreation Committee for 2010.
Lindell, seconded by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution 01-19-10-04 Making Appointments
to Advisory Committees. The motion passed unanimously.
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Proposals were received from the Forest Lake Times and the Country Messenger to serve as the
legal newspaper for the City of Scandia in 2010. State law was recently changed to reduce the
circulation requirement within the city from 500 to 400. The Country Messenger meets this
requirement with a circulation of 442. The Forest Lake Times is distributed to 1,100 households
within the 55073 zip code. The Attorney General’s office issued an opinion finding that a legal
newspaper may satisfy the requirements of the law where its business office is in an out-of state
county adjacent to a Minnesota County. The Country Messenger’s office is in Osceola,
Wisconsin. The Country Messenger submitted the low bid to publish legal notices based on the
price per column inch.
Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to designate the Country Messenger as the official
newspaper for 2010. The motion passed unanimously.
City Planner Sherri Buss presented a report outlining the proposed changes to the Zavoral Mine
project. Tiller Corporation has recently modified their proposal by eliminating all processing
activities from this site. The aggregate material mined at the Zavoral site will be primarily
transported to the Scandia Mine site, located on Manning Avenue near 225 Street. This requires
that the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement be amended.
Planner Buss discussed the revised Scoping Document. Staff of the Environmental Quality
Board advised that the EIS scope address the potential for impacts involving the transportation of
add-rock from the Zavoral site to the Scandia Mine site, and account for all potential impacts at
the Scandia Mine site.
Council member Lindell questioned if the EIS will reflect the activities at the Scandia Mine site
such as processing and stockpiling. City Attorney Hebert stated this is outside of the EIS scope
and mining activities are evaluated through the CUP and AOP process.
Council member Lindell questioned if public input is allowed during review of the scope’s
revision. Administrator Hurlburt explained that the process to revise the scope does not include a
requirement for a public hearing, although all documents and notices are posted on the city’s
Mayor Seefeldt indicated that he would take comments from the floor.
Judy Herbert asked the council if they had read the revised scoping document in its entirety.
Mayor Seefeldt and Council member Amos indicated that they had. Council members Crum and
Lindell read the highlighted changes. Council member Peterson was absent from this discussion.
Lisa Phillipi asked if a decision on the EIS could possibly occur after the November elections.
Planner Buss stated that timing of a decision would be weather dependent and also based on
comments received during public input.
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Jan Hogle questioned how mining activities will be monitored. Administrator Hurlburt explained
that if a decision is made to allow mining at the Zavoral site, the CUP and AOP processes will
address these issues.
Pam Arnold asked if consideration of this site as a source of add-rock can be dropped, as add-
rock is already coming from a location just a few miles north of the Zavoral site. Planner Buss
explained that this is not a consideration when dealing with a private development where the
owner has a right to propose a project. In cases of public projects, a no-build option can be
considered to verify the necessity.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution 01-19-10-05 Adopting Revised Final
Scoping Decision for the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project. The motion passed
Lindell, seconded by Crum, moved to hold the Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting
on April 12, 2010 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., with the continuation meeting on April 20,
2010 at 6:30, if necessary. The motion passed unanimously.
Council member Lindell offered comments on the study of the Uptown Sewer system. Lindell
felt it was important to design the system for maximum capacity by the major users and to
thoroughly analyze the input into the system. Mayor Seefeldt stated that these issues will all be
considered during the study on the future of the Uptown wastewater system.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk