02-16-10 Council
February 16, 2010
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John
Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp,
Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan and Police
Deputy Chris Majeski.
There were no public comments.
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) January 19, 2010 Regular Meeting
2) January 19, 2010 Special Meeting
3) February 3, 2010 Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 01/01/10 $1,698,116.80
Receipts + 81,544.74
Expenditures 90,084.47
Payroll 26,524.06 - 116,608.53
Ending Balance 01/31/10 $1,663,053.01
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Correct Error in Resolution 01-05-10-02 (Resolution 02-16-10-01)
Lindell, second by Peterson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.
Alex Bildeaux, Park and Rec Committee Chair, reported on the successful Vinterfest event held
on the Community Center grounds on February 6, 2010.
Approval of Chair and Vice Chair for 2010 and Representative to the Capital Improvements
At their February 1 meeting, the Committee appointed Alex Bildeaux as Chair and Sally
Swanson as Vice Chair for 2010. Dan Skupien will replace Mike Goeken as its representative on
the Capital Improvements Committee.
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Scandia City Council
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Crum, second by Peterson, moved to approve the appointment of Alex Bildeaux as Chair
and Sally Swanson as Vice Chair of the Park and Recreation Committee for 2010. The
motion passed unanimously.
Peterson, second by Lindell, moved to approve the appointment of Dan Skupien as
representative to the Capital Improvements Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the increase in tickets and warnings being issued for speeding
within the city. A presentation on identity theft was recently given to a group of seniors.
There were seventeen calls in January, six which were fire related. The department is completing
hazardous material training. Members of the department who are on the Washington County
Dive Team recently conducted training on Big Marine Lake.
Request that Washington County Review Cost Distribution for 800 MHz Radio System
The Lower St. Croix Valley Fire Department has asked that other Washington County fire
departments join them in requesting that the county reconsider assessing user charges to cities for
the new 800 MHz radio system. A draft letter to Commissioner Hegberg was reviewed which
stated that the cost of the new radio system has greatly contributed to the department’s increased
operating fund. Having the county distribute the cost of the radio system among taxpayers would
provide a more equitable distribution of costs. Council member Lindell stated his agreement with
the request that a new allocation method should be considered by the county. Crum, second by
Seefeldt, moved to authorize the sending of a letter to Commissioner Hegberg requesting
that Washington County review the cost distribution for the 800 MHz radio system. The
motion passed unanimously.
Position Descriptions for Volunteer Probationary Firefighter and Volunteer Fire Engineer
On January 27, 2010, the Committee reviewing the Fire Department governance documents met
and recommended approval of updated job descriptions for two positions. Peterson, second by
Amos, moved to approve position descriptions for Volunteer Probationary Firefighter and
Volunteer Fire Engineer. The motion passed unanimously.
Authorization to Advertise for Volunteer Probationary Firefighters
Due to the number of retirements in the department, the roster of firefighters will be reduced to
21 by years-end. Fire Chief Finnegan requested that the department advertise for new recruits so
that a new class of up to six probationary firefighters may begin training in June. Peterson,
second by Lindell, moved to authorize the Fire Department to advertise for Volunteer
Probationary Firefighters. The motion passed unanimously.
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported on the past month’s activity. One
new home permit was issued in January.
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Scandia City Council
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Appointment of Park and Recreation Coordinator
City Administrator Anne Hurlburt has recommended the hiring of Laurie Monson for the Park
and Recreation Coordinator position following the hiring process which began in December
2009. Twenty-six applications were received. Five candidates were interviewed by the Human
Resources Committee (Crum, Peterson, Hurlburt) and Park and Rec Chair Alex Bildeaux. Ms.
Monson’s hiring will be contingent on the passing of a drug and alcohol screening test. Amos,
second by Crum, moved to approve the hiring of Laurie Monson for the Park and
Recreation Coordinator position at the pay rate of $15.00 per hour. The motion passed
The Scandia Elementary PTO has applied for a Special Event Permit to hold a Fun Run event on
May 22, 2010. The route extends onto public roads, which requires that a Special Event permit
be issued. The ordinance requirements for the event have been met. Conditions which will be
attached to the permit were reviewed. Seefeldt, second by Peterson, moved to approve a
Special Event Permit for the Scandia PTO Fun Run on May 22, 2010. The motion passed
Extension of Recycling Agreement with SRC, Inc.
Rick Prahl, SRC Inc., was present to report on the recycling program within Scandia. Recycling
collection, based on weight, was slightly up over the past year. SRC, Inc. has agreed to extend
the recycling contract with the city at the same contract price which has been in effect since 2001
-- $2,320.50 per month. Under this agreement, SRC provides recycling services to all residents at
no charge to the customer. Grant revenue from Washington County offsets a portion of this
expense. Peterson, second by Crum, moved to approve the extension of the recycling
agreement with SRC Incorporated, at a cost of $2,320.50 per month, to December 31, 2010.
The motion passed unanimously.
Spring “Heavy Metal Day”
The city will sponsor a clean-up day for residents to dispose of refuse not taken by their regular
trash hauler. SRC, Inc. will provide for this collection service on May 1, 2010. Crum, second by
Amos, moved to confirm May 1, 2010 as “Heavy Metal Day” for the collection of refuse.
The motion passed unanimously.
Cory Slagle, Washington County Transportation Division, presented a report outlining the
proposed changes to the County State Aid Highway designation which will affect two county
roads in Scandia. County Road 15A, Manning Trail, will become CSAH 15. CSAH 1, Lofton
Avenue, will become CR 91. This will allow state highway funds to be used for improvements to
Manning Trail in the future, and will allow Chisago County to use state funds to improve the
roadway north of the county line. Council heard the report and by consensus agreed with the
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Scandia City Council
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(RESOLUTION 02-16-10-02)
The Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State has identified grant funds available to local
governments to pay for automatic door openers to make polling places more accessible to
individuals with disabilities. The grant funds are expected to pay for the majority of the costs
associated with installing a typical automatic door. If the grant is significantly less than the
installation cost, the city does not have to accept the grant or install automatic door openers.
Crum, second by Peterson, moved to approve Resolution 02-16-10-02 Authorizing
Application for Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) Grant
Program. The motion passed unanimously.
During the 2010 budget process, the Council decided to pay for an annual dust control
application to the few remaining gravel roads. It was decided that the amount of revenue
collected from the residents was small in relation to the time and resources involved in charging
a cost to the residents. The City will continue to arrange dust control on some private roads,
parking lots and on streets in the City of Marine, charging back the cost billed by the contractor.
Dust control on 185 Street will be handled with special provisions outlined in the Annual
Operators Permit for the Bracht gravel mine. Peterson, second by Crum, moved to adopt the
revised Dust Control Application Policy. The motion passed unanimously.
Peterson, second by Amos, moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk