07-06-10 Council July 6, 2010 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were present: Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Council member Dolores Peterson joined the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Staff present: City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building/Code Official Steve Thorp, and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Lindell, second by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed 4- 0. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, OSCEOLA MEDICAL CENTER (RESOLUTION NO. 07-06-10-01) Osceola Medical Center has made an application for a Certificate of Compliance to locate a medical office at 21150 Ozark Court, units 4 and 5 of Scandia Plaza 2 of Hawkinson Business Park. As this is an allowed use in the Retail Business District, Building/Code Official Thorp has recommended approval with conditions as listed in a resolution. Jeffrey Meyer, administrator of OMC, was present to describe the services which will be provided. The clinic will be equipped with four exam rooms, a small lab and x-ray imaging capability, and staffed by two family practice physicians. The clinic is expected to be operational by November 2010. Mayor Seefeldt requested clarification of condition four of the resolution regarding the location of the waste and recycling containers. Amos, second by Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-06-10-01, Certificate of Compliance for Scandia Clinic. The motion passed 4-0. APPOINT ELECTION JUDGES FOR 2010 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS (RESOLUTION NO. 07-06-10-02) Council was presented with names of individuals who have been recommended to serve as election judges for the 2010 primary and general elections. The appointments are contingent upon all of the individuals completing the required training before serving as an election judge. Crum, second by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-06-10-02, Appointing Judges for the 2010 Primary and General Elections. The motion passed 4-0. ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES FOR 2010 (RESOLUTION NO. 07-06-10-03) At its June 15 meeting, Council directed that debt obligation certificates for financing $200,000 towards the purchase of the Fire Rescue Truck be issued for a five-year period through Security State Bank. Security State Bank was the only financial institution to offer quotes for the debt service, at interest rates between 2.20% and 3.55%. The debt service will be financed through a special levy beginning in 2011 through 2015. July 6, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 Amos, second by Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-06-10-03, Awarding the Sale of $200,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificate of 2010. The motion passed 4-0. UTILITY PERMIT FOR FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Frontier Communications has applied for a utility permit to install a buried fiber optic line along th County Road 3 from 195 Street and beyond the southern border of Scandia. Building/Code Official Thorp has reviewed the application and recommended approval with conditions. Crum, second by Lindell, moved to approve a Utility Permit for Frontier Communications. The motion passed 4-0. The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Christine Maefsky and Susan Rodsjo. Staff present: City Planner Sherri Buss, TKDA. WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE The Planning Commission and City Council continued discussion on zoning district regulations within the Development Code update. City Administrator Hurlburt identified three key issues for discussion in this work session: Open Space Conservation Subdivisions, Planned Unit Development and Exterior Storage. Section 6.0 Open Space Conservation Subdivisions (OSCS) City Planner Buss presented a revised draft which incorporated the changes to this section which were discussed at the June 1 meeting. Discussion focused on Sections 6.6, Minimum Open Space Requirements and 6.7, Density Standards. It was decided that the minimum required open space for OSCS would continue to be 55% of the gross acreage. Planner Buss commented that other communities choose anywhere from 50% to 70% as a minimum open space requirement. The group felt that the 55% meets the objectives of an OSCS as outlined in Section 6.1, Purpose and Goals. Mayor Seefeldt recommended that it be required to set aside 25% of the open space acreage to be in common ownership for development of trails, parks or ballfields, community gardens, or other uses for the benefit of the homeowners. Much discussion occurred as to whether this should be required, as open space could be preserved as all agricultural land in the Ag Core. Planner Buss will insert wording such that if the open space is not actively used for an agricultural purpose, then 25% of the open space must be designated to be in common ownership through a homeowners association for potential use for the benefit of the residents. Discussion moved on to density standards. The question posed to the group asked if an OSCS that provides the minimum open space should receive a 25% density bonus. Other communities vary from 25% to 50%. Most thought that this was a fair enough incentive to pursue an OSCS. If additional criteria concerning preservation and protection of features are met, then the number of density units may be increased up to a maximum of 75%. July 6, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 The list of criteria and amount of bonus provided for meeting each objective was discussed. It was decided to combine criteria (A) and (C) into one and read: (A) Preservation of or establishment of woodlands and forests or protection of ecologically sensitive features, native plants and animals and their habitat as identified by the Minnesota County Biological Survey and the City’s Comprehensive Plan—up to 25% The following criteria were discussed and bonus densities adjusted: (B) Preservation of agricultural lands (areas currently used for agriculture)—up to 25% (C) Preservation of priority scenic views as identified by the City, especially as viewed from public roads and property—up to10% (D) Creating open space that is contiguous to existing designated open space or part of potential open space defined as areas sharing a boundary with parks, public lands, planned parks and trails, and areas under conservation easement—up to 10% (E) Restoring native habitat or implementing open space stewardship practices as recommended by the City’s ecologist based on the ecologist’s field analysis—up to15% It was noted that the criteria for preserving historic features and buildings was inadvertently left off the draft and will be inserted to read: “Preservation of historic buildings and structures or cultural resources—up to15%.” Adding criteria for the dedication of land for public use, such as trails and lakeshore property, was discussed. Planner Buss will draft wording to designate up to a 25% bonus for meeting this criteria. City Administrator Hurlburt summarized the process of the OSCS application procedure. A pre- application sketch review will allow the city to provide comments on the goals of the OSCS at the earliest stage. Section 7.0 Planned Unit Development A review of the draft section of Planned Unit Development clarified the significant revisions to the existing ordinance. A PUD allows for two or more principal uses, or two or more principal structures, on a single parcel. A PUD must be issued by a Conditional Use Permit, and will be allowed in all but the Ag Districts. Approval of a PUD is an alternative to the normal zoning regulations, and must meet one of the purposes and all of the standards. A very detailed construction plan is required. Commissioner Rodsjo suggested that Section 7.4, Standards, make reference to the Architectural Design Guidelines for commercial development. Planner Buss will make this addition. July 6, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 Section 7.5 lists the required findings for approval. Group consensus was approval of the draft. Planner Buss will bring back a final draft for review. Exterior Storage Regulations City Administrator Hurlburt described the conflicting issues within the current exterior storage regulations. Discussion moved into adopting new definitions for recreational equipment. Proposed definitions were introduced which would distinguish play and recreational facilities and equipment from recreational vehicles. It was suggested that allowing for different standards in different zoning districts would permit for a more relaxed approach to exterior storage and be more in line with the “rural character” goal. This will be addressed in the forthcoming draft. The use of inter-modal shipping containers for the storage of personal property was identified as an issue which should be regulated through time limits or by definition as an accessory structure. A 90-day limit for temporary use was suggested. A need for regulations concerning the parking of vehicles and equipment “for sale” on roadsides was discussed. This could be addressed as scenic display of items for sale in the exterior storage section. City Administrator Hurlburt will prepare a draft of exterior storage regulations which will be easier to understand than the current version, and address parking and storage issues. SET DATES FOR FUTURE WORK SESSIONS The proposed meeting date of July 13 was cancelled. It was decided to schedule a special meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission on July 27 to continue review of the Development Code update. Commissioner Rodsjo requested that a review of the Scenic Analysis compilation be on the September 7 meeting agenda. SET DATES FOR WORK SESSIONS ON 2011 BUDGET City Administrator Hurlburt recommended that Council schedule two or three work sessions to discuss the draft budget and Capital Improvement Program before setting the preliminary property tax levy for the coming year. The levy must be certified by September 15, 2010. Council scheduled budget work sessions for August 23 and August 30 at 6:30 p.m., and also Tuesday, September 7 (5:30 to 7:00, prior to the regular meeting). If a levy is not adopted at the September 7 meeting, a special meeting will be scheduled for September 14 to adopt the preliminary levy. Peterson, second by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed 5-0.The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk