07-12-10 Council Special Meeting Uptown Sewer July 12, 2010 A special meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Council members present: Pete Crum, Connie Amos, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Council member absent: John Lindell. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt and Building Official/ Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp. Guests present: Kevin Nickelson, Holly Beyl, Doran O’Brien, Peter Nora, Wayne Schmitt and Amy Olmsted. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Uptown Wastewater System. Hurlburt gave a presentation covering the history and configuration of the system, how construction was financed and current expenses are allocated, how current use compares to the design capacity, and recent maintenance issues. The system has a finite treatment capacity, and is 15 years into its expected 20-year useful life. The life of the system might be extended by reducing clear water and high- strength flows into the system, and by better maintenance practices. Planning now for future replacement of the system may help avoid the emergency that will occur if the system fails. Possible expansion for needs of existing and future users should also be considered. Staff presented a draft scope of services for an Uptown Wastewater System Master Plan, which they will recommend be included in the 2011 budget. Updating the ordinance and changing the billing system to better coordinate with the budget cycle should also be pursued in 2011. Longer term goals would include implementing recommendations of the master plan for maintenance and including eventual replacement of the system in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan. The city should also work toward creating a separate fund (enterprise fund) to account for costs and expense and reserves for the sewer system. Consensus of the discussion among those present was that the timing was right to prepare a master plan. The City Council will need to consider how much of the cost will be passed on to users. When the plan is complete, the city will convene the users to review the results. Users are willing to look at ways of reducing their impact on the system, including checking for clear water discharges (sump pumps, roof drains) and grease traps where needed. Those present agreed that the city should consider arranging for pumping all septic tanks connected to the system and billing the cost to users, to ensure that all system components are maintained. Sewer system users requested that the City consider linking the Community Center well to the Hilltop Water Company system, in case of emergency. It was agreed that the City should consider sharing the cost of an engineering feasibility study that would include looking at potential regulatory and operational issues of joining the two systems. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt City Administrator/ Clerk