12-21-10 Council December 21, 2010 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, Chris Ness, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM Recognition of Outgoing Mayor Dennis Seefeldt and Outgoing Council Members Pete Crum and Dolores Peterson (Resolutions 12-21-10-01, 12-21-10-02 and 12-21-10-03) Ness, second by Amos, moved to adopt the following resolutions, recognizing the service of outgoing Mayor Seefeldt and Council Members Crum and Peterson: Resolution No. 12-21- 10-01, 12-21-10-02 and 12-21-10-03. The motion carried 5-0. Council member Ness presented outgoing Mayor Dennis Seefeldt and outgoing Council members Pete Crum and Dolores Peterson with framed resolutions which recognized their many years of public service. Washington County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg offered his thanks and appreciation for the many years that he had worked with Denny, Dolores and Pete in township and city government. The council recessed for a short reception until 7:25 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Peterson, second by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) November 16, 2010 Regular Meeting 2) December 7, 2010 Meeting b) Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance 11/01/10 $1,677,523.18 Receipts + 29,294.62 Expenditures $382,207.51 Payroll 25,004.12 - 407,211.63 Adjustments: Safe deposit box cleared 35.00 in October Ending Balance 11/30/10 $1,299,641.17 c) Payment of Vouchers December 21, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 d) 2011 Liquor Licenses 1) Meister’s Bar & Grill, Combination On/Off-Sale and Sunday Intoxicating 2) Mi Casita Mexican Grill, On-Sale/Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating e) Accept Donations in Memory of John Morrison (Resolution No. 12-21-10-04) Ness, second by Peterson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, with the condition that Mi Casita’s Certificate of Insurance is received by December 31 (Agenda Item 5.d)2).) The motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF 2011 BUDGET AND FINAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND 2011-2015 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (RESOLUTION NO. 12-21-10-05) A public meeting was held on the proposed 2011 budget and tax levy on December 7, 2010. No changes were made to the draft budget or Capital Improvement Program that was presented at the public meeting. Peterson, second by Crum, moved to adopt Resolution 12-21-10-05, Adopting the 2011 Budget and Certifying Property Tax Levy Payable in 2011 and Adopting the 2011 through 2015 Capital Improvement Plan. The motion carried 5-0. A total levy of $2,013,651, an increase of 4.95% over last year, will be certified to the County Auditor to be raised by property tax payable in 2011. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Alex Bildeaux, Park and Recreation Committee Chair, reported on the annual Vinterfest event being held on February 5, 2011. New this year will be a chili cook-off competition. POLICE DEPARTMENT The Council received the monthly police report of calls and citations. Illegal dumping occurred near the Bone Lake boat launch, and parking issues and complaints in the Village Area were received. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the department responded to twenty-four calls in November, fourteen which were medical related. The new firefighters have completed their classroom and practical training, and are now studying for the National Registry test. Fire Chief Finnegan extended his appreciation to the outgoing mayor and council members. Appointment of Ernie Yoch to Fire Captain Bill Schwartz has notified Chief Finnegan that he is stepping down from the Fire Captain position. Chief Finnegan has appointed Ernie Yoch to fill the position, for a term beginning December 21, 2010 through December 20, 2012. Peterson, second by Ness, moved to approve the appointment of Ernie Yoch to the position of Fire Captain. The motion carried 5-0. December 21, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 BUILDING OFFICIAL/MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp reported that the F250 pick-up truck, which was recently approved for replacement of the 1995 GMC pick-up truck, has been ordered but may take until March 2011 for delivery. Construction of the sand/salt shed is close to completion. Final mining inspections have been done for the Bracht and Tiller sites. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Gammelgården Connection to Uptown Sewer System City Administrator Anne Hurlburt presented a staff report concerning the Council’s request that the Gammelgården Museum be invoiced for a fee to connect to the city’s Uptown Sewer System. The Museum was built in 2003 and connected to the uptown system, but research into past records show that a connection fee was never paid. This issue came up earlier in the year when the Edward Jones building was added to the system. Administrator Hurlburt explained that there is no formula in the ordinance governing the Uptown Sewer System to determine the Gammelgården’s proportionate share of the system cost. Any payment now would need to be negotiated. Several approaches to determine an equitable fee were examined, ranging from $1,520 to $9,041. Council member Peterson acknowledged that the Museum should be obligated to pay a negotiated fee, as the museum should be treated as a business. Peterson stated that the city has spent many taxpayer dollars towards this system. Mayor Seefeldt stated that the connection fee for the Edward Jones building was evaluated against the cost assessed to R&B Auto and the Yoga Hus. A $500 fee was agreed upon which took into account the expected low water use for a one or two-person office. Kevin Nickelson, Gammelgården Board President, stated that staff is also researching records for evidence of payment. Mr. Nickelson felt a fair cost may fall between $1,700 and $3,000, depending on a cost based on a volume use/hook-up ratio. Council directed Administrator Hurlburt to calculate a cost based on a 75/25 ratio of volume use/hook-up charge and send a proposed bill to the Museum. Timeline for Completing Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) At the December 7 meeting, Council directed staff to work with AECOM and Tiller Corporation to develop a timeline for completion of the EIS. Administrator Hurlburt reported on the meeting in which projected submission dates and PAC meetings were agreed upon. If all information is delivered and completed according to the proposed dates, a draft EIS could be submitted by September 2011. Mike Caron, Tiller Corporation, was present to answer any questions. Mr. Caron stated that the schedule could be moved up depending on AECOM’s review of Tiller’s data. December 21, 2010 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR REPLACEMENT OF GOOSE LAKE AERATOR (RESOLUTION NO. 12-21-10-06) The DNR has offered to replace the current Goose Lake aerator with a newer, more efficient model. The DNR would pay the entire purchase price up to $6,000. The city would pay for any electrical work needed for hook-up, and continue to pay the ongoing utility and maintenance costs. Peterson, second by Crum, moved to adopt Resolution No. 12-21-10-06, Approving Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for Purchase and Operation of the Goose Lake Aerator. The motion carried 5-0. CONSIDER “NO PARKING” SIGNS ON OLINDA TRAIL BETWEEN SCANDIA TH TRAIL AND 209 STREET Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp has investigated the on-street parking complaints in the Village Center along Olinda Trail (County Road 3). Parked vehicles have hampered the County’s snow removal efforts and led to difficult conditions for the downtown businesses. Ordinance No. 43 does not allow parking on city streets between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. for more than sixty minutes, but this does not apply to County or State owned roads. Washington County Public Works Department has offered to pay for and install “No Parking” signs if the Council requests this. The County recommended a parking ban be designated from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. from November 1 through April 1. Sue Rodsjo and Wayne Schmitt, local business owners, were present to request that the Council delay action until other possible solutions can be worked out. Ms. Rodsjo explained that off- street parking arrangements are in place for the remainder of this winter season. Mr. Schmitt will explore a parking arrangement behind his building once the snow melts off this spring. Administrator Hurlburt suggested that the Council postpone action until the business owners can analyze longer-term solutions and parking arrangements. Peterson, second by Ness, moved to postpone action on requesting “No Parking” signs until this issue is re-evaluated in April 2011. ADJOURNMENT Peterson, second by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk