04. Sheriffs Newsletter and ICR StatisticsS C A N D I A 7 0 T R A F F I C S T O P S 1 7 C I T A T I O N S I S S U E D 2 N U M B E R O F I N C I D E N T S W C S O M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R M A Y 2 0 2 4 M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R | M A Y 2 0 2 4 D .A .R .E . C H A N G E S W I T H T H E T I M E S Three Washington County deputies were among officers and deputies from across Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin to make up the 54th graduating class of the Minnesota D.A.R.E. Officer school last month. Deputies Joseph Maloney, Cassandra Rice and Kevin Booth participated in the intensive two-week program at the Washington County Government Center in Stillwater. D.A.R.E., which was founded in Los Angeles in 1983 and stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, is the largest and longest active community policing organization in Minnesota. The classroom-based program has evolved over the years from focusing mostly on substance abuse prevention to include more current issues such as cyberbullying awareness, mental health issues and suicide prevention, all aimed at giving law enforcement participants even more tools for guiding and impacting students of all ages. “It won’t be easy, but remember you are making a difference. They will look to you for guidance, and they’ll depend on you for answers, and they will always remember you,” said Sheriff Dan Starry at the graduation ceremony. “You represent the best in law enforcement.” M E S S A G E F R O M T H E S H E R I F F SCANDIA LIAISON: SGT. TYLER MARTIN CONTACT: TYLER.MARTIN@CO.WASHINGTON.MN.US, (651) 430-7842 W C 2 4 0 1 6 9 0 9 F R A U D At 4:5 1p m o n A pr i l 4 , a caller to ld a dep uty she h ad b ou g ht a ve hic l e f ro m a pers on on Fa c e bo ok M ark e tp l ac e on Mar ch 29 , b ut w hen she a ttemp ted to tr ans fer the tit l e , D VS s ta ff t old h er th e odomet er mil eage wa s in c orr ec t and t ha t t he o do me te r had like ly b een a lter e d. T he c al l er ha d t aken a phot o of th e s ell er's p i ctu re I D b e fo re pa y i ng him fo r th e ca r; a ft er see i ng th e ph ot o of t he man 's In te r na tio na l D river's L icen se, t he deputy d et ermin e d i t wa s fak e a nd tha t the n ame g i v en wa s no t t he r eg i st ered own e r of th e ca r. Th e dep ut y g ave t he c al l er a c ase n umb e r t o as s i st w ith tra nsf err ing th e titl e, a s req ues te d by D VS. 2 2 X X X O L D F I E L D A V E N U E N La st mon t h, w e rec o g n i ze d ou r f i rs t resp ond er s w ho a re be hind th e s c en es an d v i t al in g ettin g he lp to p eop l e in the i r wor st m om ent s of cr i sis : the de dica t ed pro fe ss i ona l s w ho staff t he W as h i ngton C o unty Em erg en c y Co mm unica tions Res p ons e Ce nte r. Du ring Nat i o nal Pu b l i c Sa fe ty T elecom mu nicat o rs week Apr i l 14-2 0, w e r eco gn i ze d w h at it t ak es to b e t h e fir st to g et th at 91 1 c all. Ou r PSTs ar e t ruly her o es , the s i n g l e vita l l i nk for ou r la w enf orcem ent , fir ef i g h te rs, and pa rame dics i n W as h i ngton C o unty. They ar e o ur c o mmun i t y’s ‘f i rs t ’ fir st r es pond er s, and I c ontin ue t o be a ma zed by an d im pr es se d w i t h th eir l eve l of t ale nt, prof es sion alis m, a nd d ed i c ation , as w ell a s th eir menta l an d ph ys i c al r esil i en c e. W e’re gratef u l to a l l of our P STs fo r ch o osin g t his wa y t o serve the pub l i c , an d w e h o nor th eir passio n f o r h elpin g pe o ple . Coming up this m o nth, we ’l l rem em be r ou r f alle n her o es at t he a nnual La w En for c eme n t Me morial D ay c eremon y a t the W as h i ngton C o unty Hist o ric Co u rth o us e o n May 15 . We i nv i t e y ou t o jo i n us at noon t o ho nor thos e l aw en for c emen t of fice rs w ho ga ve their l i ve s in the line of duty. In se rv i c e, S h er i ff Da n Sta rr y Total for City SCANDIA: 64 Incident Date Case#Address Event Description 4/2/2024 5:33:50 PM WC24016565 15XXX Pilar Rd N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/2/2024 8:28:34 PM WC24016585 Olinda Trl N / Olinda Ln N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/3/2024 6:59:45 AM WC24016633 14XXX -14798 SCANDIA TRL N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 4/3/2024 2:48:39 PM WC24016707 21XXX OLINDA TRL N, SCANDIA MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT 4/3/2024 8:52:54 PM WC24016761 10XXX 185th St N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 4/4/2024 4:51:09 PM WC24016909 22XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA FRAUD/SCAM 4/4/2024 7:50:33 PM WC24016927 20XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA OFFICER INFORMATION 4/5/2024 1:36:59 PM WC24017055 19XXX Maxwill Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/5/2024 7:19:30 PM WC24017109 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA CHILD CUSTODY 4/5/2024 8:55:37 PM WC24017121 Manning Ln N / Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/6/2024 2:59:33 PM WC24017247 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 4/6/2024 4:43:42 PM WC24017263 Oakhill Rd N / 209th St N, SCANDIA WELFARE CHECK 4/6/2024 6:49:23 PM WC24017282 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 4/7/2024 8:44:12 AM WC24017382 15XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/7/2024 11:08:18 AM WC24017397 20XXX Oxboro Ln N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 4/7/2024 4:10:17 PM WC24017429 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/7/2024 4:43:13 PM WC24017434 21XXX Oland Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/8/2024 9:32:35 AM WC24017542 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 4/8/2024 4:21:13 PM WC24017597 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 4/8/2024 6:17:49 PM WC24017620 Scandia Trl N / Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 4/9/2024 11:07:44 AM WC24017758 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/9/2024 11:50:14 AM WC24017763 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/9/2024 1:10:00 PM WC24017772 Manning Trl N / 220th St N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 4/9/2024 5:21:33 PM WC24017803 18XXX Langly Ave N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/9/2024 10:34:59 PM WC24017852 Hwy 97 At Manning Trl N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 4/10/2024 9:43:55 AM WC24017927 20XXX Kirby Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/10/2024 4:54:30 PM WC24018010 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/11/2024 4:29:43 PM WC24018202 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 1Pagev3.0 2/24 4/12/2024 8:54:44 AM WC24018304 10XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/13/2024 2:29:33 PM WC24018523 23XXX Pickett Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/13/2024 3:59:01 PM WC24018539 12XXX 228th St N, SCANDIA NEIGHBOR DISPUTE 4/13/2024 8:30:05 PM WC24018595 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 4/14/2024 7:47:34 PM WC24018721 Olinda Trl N / Oren Rd N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/15/2024 5:29:58 PM WC24018894 19XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/15/2024 6:37:28 PM WC24018913 21XXX Odell Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/15/2024 11:15:52 PM WC24018947 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/16/2024 1:36:30 PM WC24019046 Mayberry Trl N / Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/17/2024 9:19:46 AM WC24019181 23XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/17/2024 10:50:50 AM WC24019191 19XXX Meadowridge Lane Cir N, SCANDIA THEFT 4/17/2024 3:54:28 PM WC24019240 Unknown, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 4/17/2024 4:11:39 PM WC24019244 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/19/2024 1:05:59 PM WC24019556 19XXX MANNING TRL N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 4/19/2024 1:38:50 PM WC24019561 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/20/2024 5:22:45 PM WC24019715 19XXX OXBORO AVE N, SCANDIA ANIMAL BITE 4/22/2024 8:02:33 PM WC24020066 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 4/23/2024 8:04:13 AM WC24020139 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/23/2024 9:41:24 AM WC24020165 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/23/2024 10:40:29 AM WC24020177 Scandia Trl N / Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 4/23/2024 5:58:02 PM WC24020260 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/24/2024 9:06:20 AM WC24020349 19XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA UNWANTED PERSON/VEHICLE 4/26/2024 12:12:16 AM WC24020670 Manning Trl N / 192nd St N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/26/2024 9:39:00 PM WC24020829 15XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 4/27/2024 6:27:51 AM WC24020897 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 4/27/2024 5:46:32 PM WC24020997 23XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/27/2024 8:38:26 PM WC24021036 21XXX Penfield Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 4/28/2024 4:11:45 AM WC24021102 19XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/28/2024 3:52:03 PM WC24021172 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 4/28/2024 4:41:14 PM WC24021176 12XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 2Pagev3.0 2/24 4/28/2024 4:58:27 PM WC24021180 19XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/28/2024 5:44:04 PM WC24021184 19XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 4/28/2024 6:41:10 PM WC24021194 12XXX 182nd St N, SCANDIA LIFT ASSIST 4/29/2024 9:37:24 PM WC24021402 Olinda Trl N / Oren Rd N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 4/30/2024 5:39:19 AM WC24021451 Olinda Trl N / Oren Rd N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 4/30/2024 9:47:09 AM WC24021478 16XXX O'BRIEN TRL N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 3Pagev3.0 2/24 SCANDIA STATISTICS - April Calls Per Hour Total Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 2021 2022 2023 2024 0000 7 11 5 21 January 88 111 124 81 0100 3 8 7 5 February 81 85 91 66 0200 6 3 1 8 March 130 95 71 75 0300 1 3 0 7 April 107 121 109 70 0400 2 2 0 1 May 135 120 124 0500 5 2 4 1 June 152 129 116 0600 2 6 1 5 July 160 147 121 0700 7 5 14 3 August 152 142 138 0800 8 8 16 11 September 128 113 103 0900 10 15 17 16 October 145 133 106 1000 8 15 10 8 November 118 106 89 1100 12 11 12 15 December 114 91 88 1200 5 12 14 14 1300 10 9 14 14 1400 15 11 17 17 1500 16 10 18 23 1600 28 21 21 25 1700 20 15 10 17 1800 17 21 18 12 1900 12 9 18 7 2000 12 4 15 11 2100 14 10 8 3 2200 12 4 13 4 2300 4 5 13 9 SCANDIA CRIME STATISTICS -April Crime Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 Theft 1 2 1 1 Theft from Business 0 1 0 0 Theft from Person 1 1 1 0 Theft from MV 0 0 0 0 Theft of MV Parts 0 0 0 0 Mail Theft 0 0 0 1 Identity Theft 0 0 0 0 MV Theft 0 1 0 0 Drugs 0 0 0 0 Fraud 3 3 1 1 Criminal Damage To Property 0 2 3 0 Burglary 0 0 0 0 Domestic Assault 0 0 1 0 Court Order Violation 0 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 0 Simple Assault 0 0 1 0 Robbery 0 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 0 Homicide 0 0 0 0 Quality of Life 2021 2022 2023 2024 Alarm 12 14 8 7 Animal 3 7 8 6 Citizen Assist 6 7 9 9 Disorderly 0 0 0 0 Disturbance/Noise 0 2 6 1 Harassment 0 1 2 0 Medical 6 15 12 8 Mental Health/Crisis Calls 8 5 15 1 Overdoses 0 1 0 0 Suspicious Activity 6 9 3 4 Threats 1 0 0 0 Trespassing 0 1 0 0 Traffic Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 DWI 0 0 0 0 Traffic Stops Made 40 33 37 17 Citations Issued 7 1 3 2 Warning Citations Issued 0 1 1 0 Traffic - Moving Violation 4 0 7 2 Traffic - Non Moving Violation 3 2 2 0 Parking 2 2 0 0 MV Accident 5 3 3 7