08.a 05.06.2024 PRC Minutes DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, May 6, 2024
A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and Zoom.
Present: Greg Zauner, Kim Johnson, and Dustin Hegland. Absent: Terry Gorham (Chair.) Also Present: Heather
Benson (City Council Representative), Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works), Kyle Morell (City
Administrator,) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Zauner called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., a
quorum was present.
Hegland moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
Zauner called for any additions or corrections to April 1, 2024 minutes. No additions or corrections were
submitted. The minutes stand approved as documented.
Chair Report
Staff reported on Gorham’s behalf that Council approved the by-laws amendment to set the meeting start time
to 6 p.m. and PRC member Thomas Hinz resigned his position. Staff has posted on social media the vacancy with
requests for applications until the position is filled. Hinz term expires in 2027.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Zauner questioned if the Barton Johnson Park Board has offered to contribute
towards this project, Morell stated no new action has happened and their board has indicated they are waiting
to see how Council acts. Zauner asked if adding gravel to the Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Field portable toilets
area would be a reasonable solution to be able to use the same location without construction of enclosures.
Fischer responded the expense of removing turf to put down compactable material is costly and does not
address the additional issue of the damage to the current parking lot by the service trucks. Fischer also clarified
for Zauner the discussion of allowing the tee ball field to convert to all turf was to consider multipurpose use of
the field. However, the ag limestone would need to be removed in order for proper turf to be established. The
ag limestone will either need to be removed, or refreshed, in the near future. Fischer added he is moving
forward with a request from a resident request to consider adding a switch for turning on/off the lights over the
oval rink at Leonard Wojtowicz Skating Park when the warming house is not staffed. The electric contractor fee
for this is nominal, and there will be a kill switch to override all at 10 p.m. Fischer clarified physical switches in
the office are primary, and will allow Vinterfest to have lights remain on if the tournament goes after 10 p.m.
Capital Improvements – Community Center Courts
Morell prepared a staff report. Discussion concluded the Immediate timeframe recommendations in the Parks
& Trails Master Plan with High Priorities are complete or in process to be considered by Council. Morell
cautioned that if the tennis court project moves forward, all funds for 2025 requests will be committed. But as
Park Dedication Fees are collected, the committee should be prepared for reprioritizing other recommendations
from the Master Plan. Staff will locate an editable version of the plan to keep it viable, and Morell confirmed
changes to the priority would not require an amendment to any existing plan. Discussion of other projects
included resolving the issues for installing the Hay Lake Park sign (property line issue,) auto locks on the doors
of the rink side of the Warming House, roof or other cover over the ice rink, and a Lilleskogen Pavilion. Staff will
get updated cost estimates for a pavilion at Lilleskogen.
May 6, 2024
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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Community / Internet Day 2024
Zauner reported Gorham has been working with Patti Ray on this project and discussion will continue next month
when Gorham is present.
Children’s Story Path
Morell reported in light of Tom Hinz’s resignation, that staff will establish contact with Scandia Elementary
School staff to plan for a regular supply of children’s stories and useful contact for future story contests. Benson
volunteered to assist Gorham to rotate the stories in the stands and assist with laminating and picking
up/dropping off stories as needed. Staff provided copies of the two current story contests; Zauner made minor
edit suggestions, and Morell requested Midco’s release be included in the material sent to the school for the
internet story contest. Zauner suggested staff ask if there might be some student material available to fill the
stands to change the Earth Day Stories to something else until the Internet Stories are displayed in August.
Earth Day Event Wrap Up
Zauner reported the event drew about a dozen or so who came to make pinecone birdfeeders. Zauner
recommends following through with the suggestion to repeat this craft with current supplies at National Night
Out, and then calling it done. All consented. Zauner also reported a strong attendance for the sun gazing and
star gazing portion of the event. Dave used quizzes and pointed out different things, but the sun gazing was a
unique, but underwhelming. Kids tended to be gone by 9 pm but a number of adults stayed up to 10 pm. Zauner
suggested the event went well, but perhaps other events should be considered for future Earth Day events.
PRC Operational Calendar
Discussion concluded with the recommendation to change the PRC 2025 Operational Calendar to CIP preliminary
discussion in April and CIP recommendations in May only. Historically the CIP committee meets for the first time
in May, and only again in June if needed.
Zauner accepted Johnson’s request to discuss Elim’s new program with organized outdoor activities as part of
their support for mental health. Allan Bakke has set the first 3 dates, with June 15th at 10 a.m. being the first at
Lilleskogen Park. Johnson requested the city help with promotion; staff will include all Community Events
submitted on the city’s Community Calendar on the website (yellow calendar.)
The proposed agenda for Monday, June 3, 2024:
1. Community / Internet Day 2024 Planning
2. Capital Improvement – Courts
3. Children’s Story Path Update
4. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Hegland, seconded by Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator