09.e PW - Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: 5/21/2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: PW - Staff Report
The 192nd St retaining wall project is currently under way. The wall is scheduled to be
completed May 24th, weather dependent.
Shoulder repair and pothole patching has begun and staff are focusing on the older sections of
roadway first. Public Works will monitor the roads planned for reconstruction this year and fill
any holes which may affect traffic prior to the reclamation process.
Street sweeping was completed the first week of May for all sections of curb and gutter and
areas around Big Marine Lake covered under the grant funding received last year for additional
Larger sections of road patching are in final assessment for repairs this year. A list will be
provided as soon as locations are selected.
Tree removals on Mayberry Trail and Maxwill Ave are near completion. Only smaller, 6” to 8”,
caliper trees remain to be removed within the construction area of Maxwill Ave and will not
affect the road project if completed prior to or after completion of the road project. A few
marked Ash trees remain on Mayberry Trail outside of the construction area and will be
removed throughout the season.
Dust control was applied to the gravel roads between May 14th and 16th. The application was
completed earlier than planned with the early Spring weather this year.
Public Works staff made improvements to the Wayne Erickson ballfield over the past month.
Improvements include: cutting out the lip between the infield and turf surface, installing new
base anchors for three different base lengths, a new pitching rubber, and foul poles. Staff have
also improved the infield drag by adding electric actuators for the lift and lower mechanism.
Previously the operator controlled the drag by hand with no control over pressure on the infield
surface. The addition will help improve the quality of the infield surface.
Our seasonal staff member started on May 6th and has been focusing on mowing the City
properties. Over the next few weeks, focus will be on the planting beds removing weeds and
installing new mulch. Once the flower pots are installed our seasonal staff member will shift to
a Tuesday thru Saturday shift for watering. The shift will remain a 40hr per week position.
Public Works has responded to multiple lift station alarms within the Bliss system. These alarms
have ranged from the main lift stations to the stations within the properties. Repairs have been
completed in the control panels at two residences so far this season. The main lift station in the
drain field is being evaluated for control issues. Necessary repairs to the drain field lift station
will take place once diagnosed. The issues listed have not affected service to the neighborhood.
Tank pumping was required at two residences in the Bliss neighborhood as a home was
undergoing a service panel replacement. The shared lift station, between the two properties, is
powered by the home receiving the panel replacement. Pumping was required to increase
capacity for the neighboring property, while power was cut to the home.
Delivery update for equipment order between August 2023 and March 2024:
• Mulching head for tractor – Delivered
• Track skid loader – End of June
• F550 Dump Truck – Cab Chassis Delivered, Truck accessory install TBD
• Tandem Plow Truck – Cab Chassis delivery 4th quarter 2024, Truck accessory install TBD
(likely to be completed in 2025)