Monday, July 14, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Scandia Community Center Board Room
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes (June 9, 2014)
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Public Forum
5. New Business
a) Preparation and Outline for Business Meeting(s)
b) Industrial District Examples
6. Commissioner Reports
7. Executive Director's Report
8. Date and Agenda Items for Next Meeting
9. Adj ournment
The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Monday, June 9, 2014 beginning at 6:33pm. Commissioners Present:
Tom Triplett, Greg Isaacson and Dan Lee. Late: Sally Swanson. Absent: Bruce Swenson. Staff
Present: Kristina Handt.
The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Triplett.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the May 12, 2014 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Sue Rodjso wasn't able to make the meeting but had sent an email to Triplett with details of her
proposed co -working space. The surveying company has moved to the northern half of the
building where Designs of Sweden was so the new business will be in the south half of Rodjso's
building. Folks will be able to rent a desk with high speed internet connection by the day or
week. They are targeting home based businesses and hope to be open by Sept/Oct of this year.
The space will include 4-5 desks and a large conference table.
Triplett mentioned he contacted Craig Waldron, Oakdale City Administrator, for examples of
similar sized cities with EDAs that work on economic development and affordable housing.
Triplett shared info from the Pine City EDA's website. Waldron will be invited to a future
meeting and staff will attempt to get someone from Pine City or Dayton's EDA to come meet
with us. Swanson arrived and shared info about the Chisago City EDA's efforts towards
affordable housing.
Handt went over the zoning issues she provided in the staff report. Swanson also had tried to
research zoning codes in other communities such as Columbus. Triplett was going to check with
the Washington County HRA on zoning info they had related to affordable housing. Handt will
look at other communities' zoning in industrial parks. The EDA would like to invite businesses
to a meeting to hear firsthand from them what their concerns are.
Triplett made a motion to approve Res No 06-09-14-01, seconded by Swanson. The EDA
discussed the budget request and the motion passed to ask for $10,000 in tax levy.
Handt provided a broadband update since the last meeting. Swanson will try to attend the
roundtable discussion at the Humphrey next week.
Commissioner Reports: Commissioners still collecting BREs. Swanson mentioned the Farmers
Market starts on Wed.
Executive Director Report: Council is likely to amend an ordinance to allow the number of on -
sale liquor licenses consistent with state statute. This will open up two more licenses in the City.
The next meeting will be Monday, July 14, 2014 at 6:30pm. Agenda will focus on outline of
meeting with businesses to find out what the City can do for them.
Motion by Triplett, seconded by Lee to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Business Meeting(s)
At our last meeting Commissioners discussed the desire to invite businesses to a meeting to hear from
them what the EDA or City might do to help their business.
What should be on the agenda for the business meeting?
Who will cover each topic/lead the discussion on each item?
When should the meeting(s) be?
Are we serving food? Meal or refreshments?
Proposal Details:
A draft agenda for a meeting is included in your packet.
Commissioners should provide direction on the questions listed above.
Fiscal Impact:
The EDA has not yet spent any of its $1,000 budget. Postage, food and other meeting supplies could be
provided within the budget.
1) Welcome and Introductions, Sally Swanson, President, Scandia Economic Development
Authority (EDA)
2) Creation of EDA and First Year Accomplishments
3) Goals for Next Year
4) Why is Scandia a Great Place to Do Business"
5) How Can the EDA or City of Scandia Help Improve the Business Climate'
6) Next Steps
7) Adjourn
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Industrial Park Zoning -Permitted Uses
At the June meeting the EDA reviewed some zoning issues that may be a challenge for encouraging
economic development. One specific area was the limited number of permitted uses allowed in the
Industrial Park zoning district. Staff researched examples from other communities to get an idea of how
Scandia stacks up.
Review other communities' examples. Decide next steps.
Proposal Details:
Scandia Industrial Park District restrictions
While the purpose of the Industrial Park District is to allow for light industrial businesses the only
permitted uses are essential services (utilities) and printing businesses. All others must go through the
CUP process. The City was recently contacted by a current business that wanted to add on to their
storage building. They were told they would need to go through the process to amend their CUP.
Included in your packet are examples from Forest Lake and Hugo because they are located closest to
Scandia. Other smaller, rural type communities of Lindstrom, Chisago City, Pine City and Columbus are
also provided.
Staff would recommend getting further feedback from Scandia businesses at the meeting before making a
recommendation to the Planning Commission and/or City Council.
A. Purpose. The Industrial Zoning District is intended to provide quality designed buildings or
sites for industrial uses that may be suitably located in areas of relatively close proximity to
shoreland and non -industrial development. Industries that pose problems such as air, water,
or noise pollution will not be permitted in this district.
B. All new and remodeled development in the Industrial Zoning Districts shall require a design
permit and design review according to the regulations in Section 3.5.
4.4.1 Light Industrial (LI)
A. Purpose: The purpose of the Light Industrial Zoning District is established to provide
land to serve industrial, manufacturing, and warehouse needs that provide vital
services and increase the tax base of the City. The nature of LI uses prohibits their
operation in most other districts in the City.
B. Permitted Uses:
Such permitted establishments shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Light assembly/light manufacturing
2. Auto and truck washes
3. Storage and warehousing within a primary business
4. Carpet cleaning, dry cleaning
5. Custom shop for making articles produced, or products sold at retail on
the premises.
6. Laboratory, research, experimental, and testing.
7. Nursery sales or green houses.
8. All fabricating, manufacturing, processing, production, or other industrial
use provided the activity shall be undertaken within completely enclosed
9. Construction contractors, office and storage yards.
10. Printing shops and companies.
11. Storage in bulk, of such materials as building supplies, contracting
equipment, furniture, food, fabrics, hardware, or similar goods, when
entirely enclosed in building, provided that such permitted storage building
shall not store junk, metals, petroleum and other inflammable liquids in
above ground tanks, paint, and paint materials, discarded or salvaging
material, or be used for wrecking or dismantling of motor vehicles.
12. Essential Services
13. Recreational Facilities
14. Public/Semi-Public Facilities
15. Parks and open space
C. Conditional Uses:
1. Outdoor storage or sales of materials, equipment or vehicles.
2. Recycling Collection Centers.
3. Mini Storage.
4. Mineral Extraction and Manufacturing according to the regulations in
Section 7.5
5. Automobile sales, and service, including body repair.
6. Storage and sale of lumber, brick, stone, provided such use is stored
behind a fence of a minimum of eight (8) feet in height with screening,
landscaping and berming subject to design review.
7. Adult Establishment as regulated in Section 208.
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 1
8. Any other use recommended by the Planning Commission and approved
by the City Council to be of the same general character as the permitted
or conditionally permitted uses which will not impair the present or future
use of surrounding properties.
D. Performance and Architectural Standards:
The following performance standards shall apply to all permitted and conditionally
permitted light industrial areas.
1. In determining compliance with the performance standards of this section,
the zoning administrator may refer any matter to such governmental
agencies or other entities as deemed necessary to obtain their review and
comments as to such compliance.
Storage of Materials. Ancillary and accessory buildings shall be
constructed of similar material and design of the primary structure to
permit the keeping of articles, goods, or materials, or planted ground cover
in the open or exposed to public view. When necessary to store or keep
such materials in the open, the area of outdoor storage shall be screened
by a fence of no less than eight (8) feet in height, with screening,
landscaping and or berming. Such storage shall be limited to the rear two-
thirds (2/3) of the lot.
3. Glare and Heat. No glare or heat shall be produced in any building in this
district which can be detected from a distance of more than fifty (50) feet
from the building which it is produced or from the property line, whichever
is closer.
4. Noxious Fumes, Odor, and Air Emissions. No use or structure shall make,
continue, permit or cause to be emitted into the open air any dust, gasses,
fumes, vapors, smoke and/or odors with objectionable properties and in
such quantities as would be likely to cause discomfort or annoyance to a
reasonable person of normal sensibilities that does one or more the
a. Injures or are sufficient to injure the health or safety of any person or
the public;
b. creates an obnoxious odor in the atmosphere as recommended by
the Planning Commission and determined by the City Council or
authorized agent;
c. causes damage to property;
d. creates a nuisance or hazard by obscuring vision; or produces a
deleterious effect upon trees, plants or other forms of vegetation.
5. Explosive and flammable. All uses involving the manufacture, storage or
use of explosive or flammable materials shall employ best management
practices and the provision of adequate safety devices to guard against
the hazards of fire and explosion and adequate fire -fighting and fire -
suppression devices standard in the industry. The manufacture, storage
or use of any explosive or blasting agent as defined in the Uniform Fire
Code shall be prohibited.
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 2
6. Exterior Lighting. Any light used for exterior illumination shall be directed
down and away from adjacent properties.
7. Waste Materials. No waste material shall be washed into the City Storm
Sewer. All waste materials must be properly disposed of an approved
landfill, or into the City Sanitary Sewer System as governed by the City
Sewer use ordinance. Any waste material which is found to be untreatable
by the City's wastewater treatment system must be pretreated. All
pretreatment systems must be granted a permit by the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency. All solid waste materials, debris, or refuse must
be properly contained within an enclosed building or container. Said
containers must be stored in racks designed for said purpose.
8. Inspections. In order to assure compliance with the standards set forth
above, the council may require the owner or operator of any permitted use
to make such investigations and tests as may be required to insure
adherence to the standards above. Any needed investigations or tests
shall be carried out by an independent testing organization as selected by
the City Council after thirty (30) days' notice. The costs incurred in having
such investigation or tests shall be borne by the businesses unless such
owner/operator is found to be in compliance with the appropriate
Ordinance and State and Federal regulations.
9. Architectural Standards: It is in the best interest of the City to promote high
standards of architecture design and compatibility with surrounding
structures and neighborhoods.
a. Front facades must be composed of at least 75 percent of Class 1 or
2 materials, with at least 25 percent of Class 1 material on the total
fagade. Side and rear facades visible to public right-of-ways, parks,
or residential property must be composed of as least 25 percent of
Class 1 or 2. Side and rear facades not visible from public right-of-
way, parks, residential property or district may use any combination
of Class 1, 2, or 3 materials.
Classes of Material
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Masonry Stucco
Industrial grade concrete
• Natural Stone
Decorative Concrete Block
• Glass
Decorative Concrete Panels
Smooth concrete
• Seamless metal panels
Scored concrete
• Other materials not listed
Other materials not listed
elsewhere as approved by
elsewhere as approved by
the City Administrative
the City Administrative
• Aluminum or vinyl Siding
• Other materials not listed
elsewhere as approved by
the City Administrative
10. All rooftop or ground mounted mechanical equipment, satellite dish
antennas, and exterior trash storage areas shall be screened with
materials compatible with the principal structure.
11 Accessory structures, either attached or detached from the primary
structure, shall be constructed of identical materials, style, quality, and
appearance as the principal structure.
12. Screen walls, and exposed areas of retaining walls shall be of similar
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 3
type, quality, and appearance as the principal structure.
13. Landscape requirement to be 2% of the building value.
E. Lot Requirements and Setbacks:
The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the Light Industrial district
subject to additional requirements and modifications set forth in this ordinance.
Minimum Lot Area
1.5 Acres
Lot Width
150 feet
Setbacks — Public Right of Way
35 feet
Setbacks — Side
25 feet
Setbacks — Rear Yard
25 feet
50 feet from residential property
Maximum Impervious Surface
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 4
4.4.2 Office Park Industrial (OPI)
A. Provide a location for high quality design office type research and development
master planned district.
B. Permitted Uses:
1. Business, professional and medical offices, supplies and services.
2. Administrative office for financial, insurance and real estate institutions (not
for sales operations)
3. Research and Development facilities.
4. Essential Services
5. Public/Semi-Public facilities
6. Parks and open space.
C. Conditional Uses:
1. Light manufacturing/offices of medical, computer, or scientific products.
2. Wholesale trade.
3. Medical clinics.
4. Light fabrication of computer components or equipment.
5. Use as recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the
City Council to be of the same general character as the permitted or
conditionally permitted use.
D. Performance and Architectural Standards:
1. Maximum height of building:
• Principle structure — 3 stories, but no more than 40 feet
2. Acceptable exterior materials are divided into Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3
categories as presented in the table below. Facades facing public right-of-
way or residential district must be composed of at least 65 percent of Class
1 or 2 materials, with Class 1 materials comprising at least 25 percent of the
total facade. Side and rear facades not visible from public right-of-way or
residential districts may use any combination of Class 1, 2, or 3
Classes of Material
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
• Brick
Masonry Stucco
Industrial grade concrete
• Natural Stone
Decorative Concrete Block
• Glass
Decorative Concrete Panels
Smooth concrete
• Seamless metal panels
Scored concrete
• Other materials not listed
Other materials not listed
elsewhere as approved by
elsewhere as approved by
the City Administrative
the City Administrative
• Aluminum or vinyl Siding
• Other materials not listed
elsewhere as approved by
the Citv Administrative
E. Lot Requirements and Setbacks:
The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the OPI district subject to
additional requirements and modifications set forth in this ordinance.
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 5
Minimum Lot Area
2 Acres
200 feet
Lot Width
Setbacks — Public Right of Way
50 feet
Setbacks — Side
25 feet
50 feet from residential property
Setbacks — Rear Yard
25 feet
50 feet from residential property
Maximum Impervious Surface
(Adopted: January 2000. Amended: October 2000, April 2005, October 2006, November 2008, January
Chisago City Zoning Code
Chapter 4.4 — Industrial Zoning Districts Page 6
City of Columbus Anoka County, Minnesota
District is intended to provide locations and opportunities for businesses that require more extensive land
uses, outside storage areas for non -retail goods, and facilities for production, assembly, repair, and
distribution. District uses require design and development standards that are compatible with typical
uses and screening that minimizes the impacts of extensive land uses.
[§ 7A-780 added by Ord. No. 03-03 effective June 19,2003.]
[,f 7A-781 added by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19, 2003, amended by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004.1
uses shall be permitted in the LI District:
A. Construction equipment sales and services.
B. Contractor shops and storage yards.
C. Welding and machine shops and similar services.
D. Production, assembly, warehousing, distribution, and similar light industrial uses, except
waste management service industries and facilities.
E. Landscaping businesses, commercial greenhouses, wholesale and retail sales of
landscaping materials.
F. Retail sales of new heavy equipment, repair of used heavy equipment, accessory to retail
sales of new heavy equipment.
G. Light Industrial Manufacturing, processing, assembling, storing, testing, or similar
industrial uses which are relatively clean, quiet, and free of objectionable or hazardous elements,
such as smoke, noise, order, or dust.
H. Wholesale sales and distribution of dry goods, hard goods, and general merchandise,
warehouses, and mini -storage warehouses.
I. Permitted uses in the Commercial/Showroom District.
J. Municipal Buildings and Facilities.
K. Single family detached dwellings and duplexes in existence in the LI District on May 1,
L. Municipal buildings and facilities.
f f 7A-782 added by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19, 2003, amended by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004, amended by Ord. No. 07-
03, effective July 26. 2007, amended by Ord. No. 08-03, effective April 17, 2008.1
following uses shall be conditional in the LI District, according to Section 7A-540 of this Code:
A. Truck terminal facilities.
B. Steel storage buildings accessory to principal structures.
C. Conditional Uses allowed in the Commercial/Showroom District.
[f 7A-783 added by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19,2003, amended by OiW. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004, and amended by Ord. No.
05-01. effective December 1, 2005, amended by Ord. No. 08-03. effective April 17, 2008.1
shall be interim uses in the LI District:
A. Antennae and towers, including broadcast and television towers.
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City of Columbus Anoka County, Minnesota
B. Non -feedlot crop or animal agriculture.
C. Outdoor athletic facilities, including track and field stadiums, ball fields, spectator
stands; golf courses and driving ranges; horseback riding trails; ski trails; velodromes, and
snowmobile trails.
D. Outdoor facilities for entertainment events, such as outdoor theaters, outdoor music
amphitheaters, outdoor sound stages and temporary facilities, such as parking, for special events.
E. Outdoor recreational uses, such as campgrounds, private recreational fisheries, miniature
golf facilities, and archery ranges.
F. Aquaculture, including the captive breeding, feeding, and raising of freshwater game
fish, as defined by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and including the harvesting
and fresh or fresh -frozen packaging of cleaned, whole fish, but excluding the processing or
canning of fish or fish products.
G. Temporary small business within a non-conforniing residential use.
H. Off -premises signs or highway advertising or billboards, subject to the restrictions of this
Code applicable to signs.
I. Outdoor storage and rental of commercial vehicles.
J. Slaughterhouses.
K. Residential Dog Kennels associated with owner occupied residences in existence in the
LI District on May 1, 2003, subject to the standards and provisions in Section 7A-809A.
[§ 7A-784 added by Ord. No. 03-03. effective June 19,2003. amended by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3,2004, amended by Ord. No. 12-03,
r(frcli,-c May 17, 20121
A. Principal structures and authorized accessory structures within the Light Industrial
District must be compatible with the predominant building appearance and style within the
B. Building exteriors must consist of finished steel panels, glass panels, textured concrete
block, pre -manufactured masonry panels, brick, stucco, and similar appearances.
C. Building exposures facing public streets and dissimilar zoning districts must include a
combination of approved materials that include no more than 50% metal exteriors.
D. Landscaping must include a combination of overstory shade trees, ornamental tree,
conifers, and foundation plantings.
E. Foundation plantings may include shrubs, hedges, and perennial flowers.
F. Shade trees are preferred along property lines and parking areas to establish a canopy
effect at maturity.
G. Conifers are encouraged to be planted in combination with screening for authorized
storage areas.
H. Ornamentals and foundation plantings are encouraged to be designed and planted in
groupings to accent public exposures of the site.
I. Landscaping quantities and planting standards shall be consistent with the provisions in
Section 7A-820 of this Code.
f§ 7A-785 added by Oid. No. 03-03, effective June 19. 2003, amended by Ord. No. 05-01, effective December 1. 2005.]
SECTION 7A-786. REQUIREMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES. No use shall be approved in
the LI District without connection to public utilities, except Interim Use listed in Section 7A-784,
A. The proposed interim use and/or any associated construction activities shall not delay,
impede, or interfere with any public utilities proposed in the LI District; and
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City of Columbus Anoka County, Minnesota
B. The interim use permit shall require that the owner of the property connect with such
public utilities if the same are implemented by the City; and
C. If the interim use constitutes an expansion of an existing use or the development of a
new use, the applicant shall deposit with the City an amount equal to the estimated access and/or
connection charges that will be imposed and against the subject property for such public utilities,
if implemented. Such deposit shall be separately accounted for by the City and used to offset any
future access and/or connection charges for public utilities imposed against the property.
[,f 7A-786 added by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004, amended by Ord. No. 07-01, effective March 1, 2007.]
SECTION 7A-787 PRIVATE STREETS ALLOWED. Private streets are allowed when approved
as part of a subdivision development in the LI District. Private streets are only allowed in Districts that
require public utilities and may be approved only after all owners of benefited properties of the private
street enter into an agreement with the City, including but not limited to the following minimum
1. Granting approval of a right-of-way easement over the street to the public or to benefited
property owners, as determined by the City Attorney.
2. Granting approval of public utility and/or trail easements over the street as determined by
the City Engineer,
3. Recording the agreement on the title of the benefited properties.
4. Agreement to obtain a permit from the City for construction of private improvements
according to City standards.
5. Agreement providing for the costs of construction and maintenance of the private street
by the benefited property owners.
[¢ 7A-787 added by Ord. No. 08-03, q ffecl w April 17, 2008.1
[§ 7.4-788 through § 7A-789 amended by Ord. No. 08-03, effective Apr1117,1008.]
of the Commercial/Industrial District is to encourage the establishment of areas for general commerce
and business, retail sales, wholesale sales, and light Manufacturing. Activities would include retail
outlets, service stations, eating and drinking establishments, and Manufacturing activities commonly
located in an serving the local market. The overall character of the District is intended to be transitional
in nature, thus industrial uses allowed in this district shall be limited to those which can compatibly exist
adjacent to commercial and lower density activities. Due to the high volumes of traffic which usually
accompany these business activities, it is absolutely necessary that C/I Districts be located on a collector
or arterial as specified by the City of Columbus Comprehensive Plan.
[§ 7A-790, formerly § 7A-750, formerly § 7A-720, amended by Ord No. 02-01, effective Mqv 17, 2002, amended by Ord. No. 03-03, effective
June 19, 2003, amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effer-trre March 1, 2007.]
C/I District established upon adoption of. the City Code and as modified by subsequent ordinance
amendment is illustrated on the City of Columbus Official Zoning Map.
ff 7A-791, formerly § 7A-751, formerly § 7A-721, added by Ord. No. 95-3, effective May 11, 1996 and amended by Ord. No. 02-01, elective
May 12, 2002, and amended by Ord. No. 03-03, effectivr June 19, 2003, amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007.]
following uses shall be permitted in the C/I District:
A. Agricultural uses, except animal feedlots.
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City of Columbus Anoka County, Minnesota
B. Licensed day-care facilities and licensed pre-schools, accessory to a business or retail
use and intended to serve the employees of the principal use.
C. Parking structures as an accessory to the use for which they provide parking.
D. Public pedestrian trails, but not public parks.
E. Storage Buildings. If the Accessory Building is secondary to the Principal Use, the
Accessory Building shall be roofed and painted to be harmonious with the Principal Building.
F. Accessory structures for single-family detached homes in existence in the C/I District on
May 1, 2003.
G. Municipal buildings and facilities.
f§ 7A-792. formerly 9 7A-752 added br Ord No, 02-01, effective Mav 17, 1002, and amended by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19. 2003,
amended by Ord. No. 04-04A. ellerrmc June 3, 1004, amended by Ord. No. 07-03. effective July 26, 2007, amended br Ord No. 08-0:,
effective April 17, 2008.1
As evidenced by the Comprehensive Plan, most lands in the City of Columbus
are limited in their capacity to be developed because of poor soil conditions, relatively high water table,
lack of municipal water supply, lack of municipal sanitary sewer, and lack of municipal storm sewer.
Until these municipal facilities become available, it will be necessary for nearly all C/I uses to be
administered as Conditional Uses. The principal conditions employed to address these concerns are
environmental and include such things as (i.) non -contamination of the groundwater system through
utilization of containment systems for off -site waste disposal and lawful on -site sewage disposal systems;
(ii.) installation of lawful wells for on -site water supply; and, (iii.) installation of on -site or acquisition
and installation of off -site surface water retention areas to nullify the impact of construction of
impervious surfaces on the site. Environmental conditions are not the only conditions which may be
placed upon a C/I use. Other conditions, intended to make the C/I use as harmonious as possible with it
surrounding lawful uses, may be imposed by the City Council. Cross-reference: see the General
Standards for all Conditional Uses at § 7A-563 above. The following uses shall be conditional in the C/I
A. Building trade/contractor offices, including company -owned vehicle repair, and
including storage of company -owned vehicles, equipment and materials.
B. Licensed day care facilities.
C. Light industrial manufacturing, processing, assembling, storing, testing, or similar
industrial uses which are relatively clean, quiet, and free of objectionable or hazardous elements,
such as smoke, noise, odor, or dust.
D. Communication towers and broadcast towers, subject the requirements of Section 7A-
816 and 7A-817.
E. Lumber yards and sales.
F. Gasoline sales and accessory convenience retail store and food service facilities.
G. Greenhouses, nurseries and retail sales of materials raised on the premises (and packaged
seeds, soils, soil amendments, gardening tools and hard accessories).
H. Implement and recreational vehicle sales and service.
I. Machine shops, welding shops, and similar service establishments.
J. Mortuaries.
K. Restaurants and cafes.
L. Retail stores and shops.
M. Appliance and electronic service repair businesses, vehicle service and repair businesses,
and body shops.
N. Used automobile sales.
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City of Columbus Anoka County, Minnesota
O. Veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, and Commercial Dog Kennels.
P. Warehousing and storage facilities.
Q. Other commercial uses which, in the opinion of the City Council, are of the same general
character as the Conditional Uses in this Section 7A-793 and which will not be obnoxious or
detrimental to the Commercial/Industrial District.
R. Adult Uses, subject to the standards in Section 7A-900.
(§ 7A-793, formerly § 7A-753, added by Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17. 2002, and amended by Ord. No. 03-03. effective June 19, 2003,
amended by Ord. No. 05-01, effective December 1, 2005, amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1. 2007, as amended by Ord. No. 09-06,
effective July 30. 2009. amended by Ord. No. 12-03, effective May 17, 2012.]
A. Pawn Shop and secondhand goods dealers.
B. Temporary outdoor facilities for entertainment events, such as outdoor theaters, outdoor
music amphitheaters, outdoor sound stages and temporary facilities, such as parking, for special
events, no more than seven (7) consecutive days or twenty (20) days in one year.
C. Yard waste (defined as grass, leaves, brush, and shrubbery) and limited City approved
source separated food waste (defined as Source -Separated Compostable Material as defined
under Minn. Stat. § 115A.03, subd.. 32a, and as amended) composting, when subordinate to a
legally established landscaping business in existence on the date of the ordinance.
D. Residential Dog Kennels associated with owner occupied residences in existence in the
C/1 District on May 1, 2003, subject to the standards and provisions in Section 7A-809A.
f§ 7A-794 , formerly § 7A-754, added by Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17, 2002, and amended by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19, 2003, and
amended by Ord. No. 09-05, effective May 21, 2009, amended Iry Ord. No. 11-03, effective May 17, 2012.]
1. Principal structures and authorized accessory structures within the Commercial/Industrial
District must be compatible with the predominant building appearance and style within the
2. Building exteriors must consist of finished steel panels, glass panels, textured concrete
block, pre -manufactured masonry panels, brick, stucco, and similar appearances.
3. Building exposures facing public streets and dissimilar zoning districts must include a
combination of approved materials that include no more than 50% metal exteriors.
4. Landscaping must include a combination of overstory shade trees, ornamental tree,
conifers, and foundation plantings.
5. Foundation plantings may include shrubs, hedges, and perennial flowers.
6. Shade trees are preferred along property lines and parking areas to establish a canopy
effect at maturity.
7. Conifers are encouraged to be planted in combination with screening for authorized
storage areas.
8. Ornamentals and foundation plantings are encouraged to be designed and planted in
groupings to accent public exposures of the site.
9. Landscaping quantities and planting standards shall be consistent with the provisions in
Section 7A-820 of this Code.
[¢ 7A-793, formerly § 7A-755. added by Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17. 2002. and amended by Ord. No. 03-03, effective June 19, 2003, and
deleted by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004.] J§ 7A-795 added by Ord. No. 08-03. effective April 17, 2008.]
1§ 7A-796 through 7.4-799 amended by Ord. No. 08-03. effective April 17, 2008.]
Part of COLCODETH7A.COD [Page printed 7/2/2014 12:09:00 PM]
PAGE 7A-57
(A) Purpose. The Industrial (1) District is intended to provide an area where industrial, business
service, and office uses may locate to provide a range of employment opportunities; to attract new
development that will present a positive image to the community; and to provide locations with traffic
management capabilities that can adequately handle the traffic generated within the district without
disrupting traffic flows on nearby thoroughfares.
(B) Design character. The overall design character of the Industrial (1) District is to present the least
amount of impact on adjacent, less intensive land uses and to display a positive community image.
Given the area's proximity to the interstate and heavy industrial activity and truck traffic in these areas,
development will be primarily auto -oriented. High quality design is required in this area because of its
highly visible location.
(C) Permitted uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are permitted uses
in the I District:
(1) Industrial condominium/multi-tenant structure;
(2) Manufacturing;
(3) Medical;
(4) Office;
(5) Public airport and related facilities;
(6) Public compost facility;
(7) Recreation -public;
(8) Research and technology center;
(9) Warehousing and distribution;
(10) Wholesaling.
(D) Accessory uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following accessory uses in
the I District are allowed only when it is accessory to an existing principal permitted use on the same lot.
All accessory uses must meet the procedures set forth in and regulated by §§ 153.110etseq.
(1) Trash enclosure service structure;
(2) Attached smoking facility associated with principal use;
(3) Roof -mounted solar energy systems (meeting accessory structure requirements) according to
§ 153.307;
(4) Other uses customarily associated with but subordinate to a permitted use as determined by the
(E) Conditional uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are conditional
uses in the I District (requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated
by § 153.034):
(1) Detached accessory structure;
(2) Essential services, governmental buildings and storage, utility substations;
(3) Kennel, commercial;
(4) Recreation, commercial;
(5) Recycling center;
(6) Transportation/motor freight terminal;
(7) Towers (see § 153.096);
(8) Other uses similar to those permitted in this section as determined by the Planning Commission
and City Council.
(F) Interim uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are interim uses in the I
District (requires an interim use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 153.035).
(1) Place of worship leasing space.
(2) School facility leasing space
(3) Uses as determined by the Planning Commission and City Council.
(G) Lot size, setback, and height requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be
observed in an I District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in
this chapter.
(1) Minimum lot requirements.
(a) Lot size: 1 acre;
(b) Lot width: 150 feet.
(2) Setbacks.
(a) Front:
1. Arterials, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan: 75 feet from the right-of-way line or 150
feet from the centerline of the street, whichever is greater;
2. Collector: 30 feet from the public right-of-way;
3. Local: 30 feet from the public right-of-way.
(b) Side:
1. Ten feet;
2. Abutting a side street: 20 feet;
3. Abutting a residential district: 35 feet.
(c) Rear: 20 feet (or if abutting a residential district, 60 feet).
(3) Building height. All buildings shall be limited to a maximum height of 45 feet except for those
properties in the Airport Overlay Zone.
(H) Airport Requirements. Properties within the Airport Overlay District shall comply with the
requirements in § 153.344. Additional standards may be enforced by the Airport Commission for
building design.
(Ord. 537, passed 11-8-2004; Am. Ord. 596, passed 2-8-2010; Am. Ord. 602, passed 11-8-2010)
Sec. 90-107. General industrial district (1-3).
(a) Purpose. The general industrial zoning district (1-3) provides a location for office, distribution, light
industrial, warehousing, wholesaling, and repair businesses.
(b) Permitted uses. The following are permitted in the 1-3 district:
(1)Automobile repair, major (refer to section 90-208).
(2)Bakery, wholesale.
(3)Contractor operations.
(4)Essential public services (refer to section 90-223).
(5)Food processing.
(7)Manufacturing, light (refer to section 90-240).
(8)Manufacturing or assembly of a wide variety of products that produces no exterior noise, glare,
fumes, obnoxious products, byproducts or wastes, or creates other objectionable impact on the
environment. Examples of such uses are:
a. Fabrication or assembly of small products such as optical, electronic, pharmaceutical, or medical
supplies and equipment; and
b. Printing and publishing.
(9) Ministorage.
(10) Office, clinic, and professional services (refer to section 90-252).
(11) Offices related to other allowed uses (limited to 50 percent of the principal structure); (refer to
section 90-252).
(12) Parking facilities (refer to section 90-253).
(13) Radio and television transmission stations (refer to article VI, division 2 of this chapter).
(14) Self-service storage facilities (refer to section 90-262).
(15) Truck terminals.
(16) Warehousing and indoor storage, excluding explosives and hazardous waste (refer to section 90-
(c)Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the 1-3 district:
(1) Accessory building (refer to section 90-204).
(2)Exterior storage, not exceeding the size of the building (refer to section 90-224).
(3)Garages, commercial (refer to section 90-230).
(4)Parking and loading areas (refer to section 90-253).
(d)Conditional uses. Following are conditional uses allowed in the 1-3 district and require a conditional
use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by section 90-37. Additionally, besides the
specific standards and criteria, which may be cited below for respective conditional uses, each request
for a conditional use permit shall be evaluated, based upon the standards and criteria in section 90-37.
(1)Accessory, enclosed retail, rental, or service activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or
conditional use (refer to section 90-205).
(2)Antennas (refer to article VI, division 2, of this chapter).
(3)Automobile recycling or junkyard (refer to section 90-206).
(4)Campus development (refer to section 90-212).
(5)Commercial and professional offices within the principal structure in excess of that which is allowed
in this district or as a freestanding principal use (refer to section 90-252).
(6)Commercial, private and public satellite dish transmitting or receiving antennas in excess of two
meters in diameter (refer to article VI, division 2 of this chapter).
(7)Commercial recreation, indoor (not to exceed 5,000 square feet floor area); (refer to section 90-217).
(8)Distribution center (refer to section 90-269).
(9)Exterior storage (refer to section 90-224).
(10)Motorfreight terminal (refer to section 90-278).
(11)Motor vehicle, boat, and trailer sales (refer to section 90-249).
(12)Motor vehicle repair business (refer to section 90-250).
(13)Outside storage as a principal or accessory use when abutting a residential district provided that:
a. Storage area is blacktop- or concrete -surfaced unless specifically approved by the city council.
b. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this
(14)Open or outdoor service, sale and rental as a principal use or accessory uses, provided that:
a. The use does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this chapter.
b. Sales area is hard -surfaced to control dust.
(15)Places of worship (refer to section 90-254).
(16)Plant nurseries, retail and wholesale (refer to sections 90-255 and 90-256).
(17)Recycling center (refer to section 90-257).
(18)Retail sales of products stored on site from warehousing and distribution facilities (refer to section
(19)Schools (refer to section 90-260).
(20)Warehouse (refer to section 90-269).
(21)AII kennels, commercial (refer to section 90-236).
(e) Area requirements and construction limitations. The following minimum requirements shall be
observed in an 1-3 district subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in
this chapter:
Minimum lot or parcel size
Minimum lot width at front setback line
Minimum lot width for corner lots
Minimum lot depth
15,000 sq. ft.
100 ft.
130 ft.
150 ft.
Minimum lot depth -double frontage lot I150 ft.
Minimum front yard building setback 30 ft.
Minimum side yard building setback from industrial zoned I Equal to height of building. In no case less
properties than ten feet.
Minimum side yard building setback from properties not 40 ft.
zoned industrial
Minimum rear yard building setback
30 ft.
Maximum building height
Maximum lot area to be covered by buildings
Maximum lot area to be covered by impervious surface
Minimum building size of principal building
Maximum combined size and number of accessory
buildings, excluding garages
50 ft.
1 40% - -
1,500 sq. ft.
Refer to section 90-204
F.) § 154.185 PURPOSE.
The purpose of the I-1 district is to establish and preserve areas for industrial and related uses
of such a nature that they do not create serious problems of compatibility with other kinds of
land uses.
('87 Code, § 1001.13)
All industrial uses which meet the provisions hereof, provided that the uses shall be screened
from all abutting residential uses or districts and from public waters in accordance with
§ 154.271 are permitted uses in the I-1 district.
('87 Code, § 1001.13)
The following are accessory uses within the I-1 district.
(A) All permitted accessory uses as allowed in the CBD district; and
(B) Semi -trailer vehicles for the storage of goods for a period not exceeding six months.
('87 Code, § 1001.13)
The following are conditional uses in the 1-1 district.
(A) All permitted conditional uses as allowed in the CBD district;
(B) Storage units, as defined hereunder, maybe allowed in areas zoned I-1 providing that the
following minimum criteria are met:
(1) Similar construction and building height. In order to promote compatible architectural
storage, units shall be constructed of materials similar in appearance to the existing surrounding
structures. When structures of differing standards are adjacent, the higher of the differing
standards shall be required.
(2) Outside storage. Outside storage is not an allowed or conditional use in conjunction
with the operation of a storage unit structure.
(3) Security fencing and lighting. Parcels developed with storage units shall, prior to the
rental of any storage unit, include a security fence along the boundaries of the parcel. The
fencing shall be a minimum of six feet in height with additional ramparts along the top of the
fence. Any lighting provided for security shall be positioned such that it is not directed toward
any adjacent residential property.
(4) Impervious surface. In order to minimize stormwater runoff, the maximum impervious
surface for any storage unit facility shall be 75% of the lot's total square footage.
(C) Sexually oriented adult establishments as defined under Chapter 155 may be allowed in
areas zoned I-1 providing that the following minimum criteria are met:
(1) Location. The property line of the parcel upon which the sexually oriented adult
establishment is located shall not abut the property line of -
(a) A residential zoned property;
(b) A licensed day care;
(c) A public or private educational facility such as an elementary, junior high or senior
(d) A public park;
(e) A church.
(2) License. No person, partnership, firm, business or corporation shall own or operate a
sexually oriented adult establishment without having first secured a business license as provided
for in these ordinances.
('87 Code, § 1001.13) (Ord. 02-03, passed 5-16-2002)
l § 154.170 PURPOSE.
The purpose of the CBD district is to provide for high intensity commercial activity within a
compact central area stressing the pedestrian function and interaction of people and businesses.
('87 Code, § 1001.12)
1,1 § 154.171 PERMITTED USES.
The following are permitted uses in a CBD district.
(A) All permitted uses as allowed in the B-2 district;
(B) All other retail commercial activities, except open and outdoor sales; and
(C) Taverns and municipal liquor establishments.
('87 Code, § 1001.12)
The following are permitted accessory uses in a CBD district.
(A) All permitted accessory uses in a B-2 district; and
(B) Apartments on the second floor.
(' 87 Code, § 1001.12)
1-1 § 154.173 CONDITIONAL USES.
The following are conditional uses in a CDB district: (Requires a conditional use permit based
upon the procedures and conditions set forth in and regulated hereby.)
(A) Open and outdoor storage, sales, service and rental as an accessory use;
(B) Existing residential structures provided that the structures were destroyed more than 50%
of its fair market value, the value to be determined by the County Assessor;
(C) Public and private educational institutions; and
(D) Licensed tattooing establishments; and
(E) Planned unit developments; and
(F) Single-family detached dwellings, provided the structure is now or has been a dwelling.
('87 Code, § 1001.12) (Am. Ord. 03-03, passed 9-21-03; Am. Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-19-06)
Indoor Storage or Wholesaling
Outdoor Storage or Wholesaling
Personal Storage Facility
Commercial Apartment
Group/Multiple Family Day Care — Center
Light Industrial Incidental to Indoor Sales
Active Outdoor Recreational
SECTION 10.200.1260. Parking Requirements.
See Appendix C.
Parking shall be screened from the view of abutting residential districts and uses in compliance.
SECTION 10.200.1270, Buffer Yard Requirements.
See Section 10.400.0700 Buffer Yards.
SECTION 10.200.1310. Purpose.
The Limited Industrial District is intended to provide exemplary standards of development for
certain industrial uses to be located in strategic sites. The Limited Industrial District is intended
for administrative, wholesaling, manufacturing and related uses which can maintain high
standards of appearance, including open spaces and landscaping; limit external effects such as
noise, odors, smoke and vibration; and not require a high level of public services, including
sewer and water services. With proper control, these areas should become compatible with
commercial or residential areas.
SECTION 10.200.1320. Special requirements.
Any unenclosed uses, including storage, manufacturing and assembly, shall be subject to those
regulations set forth by this sub -Section.
It is the intent of this Subdivision to provide that industry and related activities shall be
established and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties and to
provide that each such permitted use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties by the
control of the following:
1. Noise. Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation
is located. Noise shall be muffled so not to become objectionable due to intermittence,
beat, frequency, shrillness or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of
noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in Table A.
Maximum permissible sound pressure levels of specified points of measurement for
noise radiated continuously from a facility.
Frequency Band (Hz) Maximum Permitted Sound Level (Decibels)
20-75 72
75-150 67
150-300 59
300-600 52
600-1200 46
1200-2400 40
2400.4800 34
Over 4800 32
Odor. No activity or operation shall cause at any time the discharge of toxic, noxious or
odorous matter beyond the limits of the immediate site where it is located in such
concentrations as to be obnoxious or otherwise detrimental to, or endanger the public
health, welfare, comfort or safety or cause injury to property or business.
Glare. Glare, whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, spotlights or high
temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be
visible beyond the site of origin at any property line.
Exterior Lighting. Any lights used for exterior illuminations shall be directed away from
adjacent properties (See Exterior Lighting Ordinance 10.400.0500).
Smoke, Dust, Fumes, or Gases. Every operation shall conform to the standards set forth
in this Ordinance so as to not cause a nuisance to neighboring properties.
Hazard. Every operation shall be carried on in accordance with the International Fire
Water Supply. The design and construction of water supply facilities and water supply
source shall be in accordance with local and Minnesota State Department of Health
standards and requirements.
Waste. All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed in such manner
as to comply with Minnesota State Department of Health standards and requirements,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards and requirements and local codes.
In order to assure compliance with the performance standards set forth above, the Planning
Commisslon may require the owner or operator of any permitted use to make such
investigatlons and tests as may be required to show adherence to the performance
standards. All subsequent additions and outbuildings constructed after the erection of an
original building or buildings shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
(Also listed in Appendix A.)
Minimum lot size:
Minimum lot width:
Minimum Front Yard
Minimum Side Yard:
Minimum Rear Yard:
21,780 square feet (0.50 acre)
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Maximum Building Height: 6 stories or 90 feet
SECTION 10.200.1340. Permitted Uses.
(Also listed in Appendix B)
High Technology
Indoor Maintenance Service
Light Industrial
Public Services and Utilities
Transit Stop
Personal Storage Facility
SECTION 10.200.1350. Conditional Uses.
(Also listed in Appendix B)
Commercial Indoor Lodging
Outdoor Commercial Entertainment
Permanent Outdoor Display and Sales as a Primary or Principal use
Tattoo Parlors
Vehicle Sales and Repair
Communications Tower
Active Outdoor Recreational
Indoor Institutional
Distribution Center
Freight Terminal
Off -Site Parking Lot
Indoor Storage or Wholesaling
Outdoor Storage or Wholesaling
Waste Disposal Facility
Indoor Sales Incidental to Light Industrial Use
SECTION 10.200.1360. Parking Requirements.
See Appendix C.
SECTION 10.200.1370. Buffer Yard Requirements.
See Section 10.400.0700 Buffer Yards
SECTION A0.200�1400 TI-2-General Technology/Industrial District
SECTION 10.200.1410. Purpose.
The General Industrial District is established to provide exemplary standards of development for
certain industrial uses to be located in strategic sites. These general Industrial uses are less
compatible with commercial and residential uses and, therefore, are not appropriate in the "TI-1"
More specifically, heavy industrial land uses are industrial land uses which may have the
potential to create nuisances which are detectable at the property line; may involve materials
which pose a significant safety hazard.
SECTION 10.200.1420. Special requirements.
Any unenclosed uses, including storage, manufacturing and assembly, shall be subject to those
regulations set forth by this sub -Section.
It is the intent of this Subdivision to provide that industry and related activities shall be
established and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties and to
provide that each such permitted use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties by the
control of the following:
1. Noise. Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation
is located. Noise shall be muffled so not to become objectionable due to intermittence,
beat, frequency, shrillness or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of
noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in Table A.
Maximum permissible sound pressure levels of specified points of measurement for
noise radiated continuously from a facility.
Frequency Band (Hz) Maximum Permitted Sound Level (Decibels)
20-75 72
75-150 67
150-300 59
300-600 52
600-1200 46
1200-2400 40
2400-4800 34
Over 4800 32
2. Odor. No activity or operation shall cause at any time the discharge of toxic, noxious or
odorous matter beyond the limits of the immediate site where it is located in such
concentrations as to be obnoxious or otherwise detrimental to, or endanger the public
health, welfare, comfort or safety or cause injury to property or business.
3. Glare. Glare, whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, spotlights or high
temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be
visible beyond the site of origin at any property line.
4. Exterior Lighting. Any lights used for exterior Illuminations shall be directed away from
adjacent properties.
5. Smoke, Dust, Fumes or Gases. Every operation shall conform to the standards set forth
in this Ordinance so as to not cause a nuisance to neighboring properties.
6. Hazard. Every operation shall be carried on in accordance with International Fire Code.
7. Water Supply. The design and construction of water supply facilities and water supply
source shall be in accordance with local and Minnesota State Department of Health
standards and requirements.
8. Waste. All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed in such manner
as to comply with Minnesota State Department of Health standards and requirements,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards and requirements and local codes.
In order to assure compliance with the performance standards set forth above, the
Planning Commission may require the owner or operator of any permitted use to make
such investigations and tests as may be required to show adherence to the performance
standards. All subsequent additions and outbuildings constructed after the erection of
an original building (or buildings) shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
(Also listed in Appendix A.)
Minimum lot size.,
Minimum lot width:
Minimum Front Yard:
Minimum Side Yard:
Minimum Rear Yard:
Maximum Building Height:
SECTION 10.200.1440. Permitted Uses.
(Also listed in Appendix B)
High Technology
Indoor Maintenance Service
Communications Tower
Light Industrial
Public Service and Utilities
Freight Terminal
Transit Stop
Personal Storage Facility
21, 780 square feet (0.50 acre)
100 feet
35 feet
10 feet
25 feet
SECTION 10.200.1450. Conditional Uses.
(Also listed in Appendix B)
Commercial Indoor Lodging
Outdoor Commercial Entertainment
Permanent Outdoor Display and Sales as a Primary or Principal use
Sexually Oriented Land Use
Tattoo Parlors
Vehicle Sales and Repair
Heavy Industrial
Extraction use
Junk Yards and Inoperative Vehicles
Active Outdoor Recreational
Indoor Institutional
Distribution Center
Off -Site Parking Lot
Indoor Storage or Wholesaling
Waste Disposal Facility
Outdoor Storage or Wholesaling
SECTION 10.200.1465. Additional Conditional Uses.
Other manufacturing, production, processing, cleaning, storage, servicing, repair and testing of
materials, goods or products determined by the Planning Commission to be similar to the
permitted uses, and which conform with the purpose and performance standards set forth in this
SECTION 10.200.1460. Parking Requirements.
See Appendix C.
SECTION 10.200.1470. Buffer Yard Requirements,
See Section 10.400.0700 Buffer Yards
SECTION 10.200.1510. Purpose.
The provisions of this section are designed to deal with larger scale development and facilitate
better site planning and community planning. This can be done through modification of certain
district regulations as they apply to such development.
In larger scale development, the Zoning Code might place unnecessary or undesirable rigidities
on the site plan and prevent achievement of the best possible plan. Therefore, this Section has
the following intents:
A. To permit flexibility in site design.
B. To achieve more efficient use of land, within the framework and intent of the Zoning
Code, which can result from large scale or multiple use developments.
C. To encourage and permit provision of open space.
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Director's Report
HRA Meeting:
Washington County HRA has invited community development staff to a meeting on July 17th to
discuss priorities and how the HRA can partner with us over the next three years. I've signed up to
attend the meeting and welcome any of your feedback to share with the HRA.
Natural Gas Update:
Xcel mailed letters to property owners in Scandia along the proposed expansion area regarding the
possibility of expanding natural gas in 2015. A copy of the letter is included in your packet. If you
hear from anyone new who is interested in the proposed service area, please have them contact Xcel.
Broadband Update:
Midcontinent has informed us that Wyldewood Acres does not meet the requirements in the franchise
agreement for expansion of services. I've asked for clarification. They did say if they got the names,
numbers and addresses of folks interested they could have their sale folks contact them and see about
expanding into the area. I've passed this information along to the President of the HOA.
2014 Funds:
The City received the first half of the 2014 taxes this month. I'll be working to set up a checking
account for the HRA and getting the funds transferred from the City Treasurer.
Election of Officers:
Annual election of officers will be on the August agenda.
Xcel Energy® 825 Rice St.
July 9, 2014
SUBJECT Scandia Natural Gas Main Extension Inquiry
Status Update — June 2014
Dear Scandia property owner:
A neighborhood survey was recently conducted to determine whether it would be feasible for
Xcel Energy to extend natural gas service into the Olinda Trail North/Olgilvie area. An area
map highlighting the area identified for this natural gas main extension is attached for your
reference. A total of 110 properties were identified on this extension survey and we received
52 interested responses. Per the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission natural gas tariff,
economic requirements for the extension stipulate we must have 80 interested property owners
to move forward with this project.
Although we will not be able to extend natural gas service to the Scandia community at this
time, we will continue to work with city staff and neighborhood volunteers in the hopes that
additional property owners express an interest in getting natural gas service. For now, the
natural gas main project will be pursued as a potential project for the summer of 2015 pending
efforts to add more residential customers.
If you know of a property owner in this area who might be interested in using natural gas, but
has not yet registered their interest, please ask them to contact us by sending an email to our
prospective natural gas customers mailbox: NaturalGasMN(aDxcelenergy.com
Or leave us a voice mail at 1-800-894-3368.
To register, we simply need the following.
• Name
• Service Address
• Email address
• Home Phone
• Cell Phone
Thank you for your interest in natural gas.
Scott Hults
Manager, Account Management & Gas Business Development
Enclosure: Natural Gas Main Extension Map