Tuesday, October 14, 2014
7:00 P.M.
Scandia Community Center Board Room
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes (September 9, 2014)
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Public Forum
5. Payment of Vouchers
6. New Business
a) Draft Annual Report
b) Discussion Joint Meeting with Planning Commission
7. Old Business
a) Fall Business Meetings
b) Co -Working Space Recap/Update
8. Commissioner Reports
9. Executive Director Report
10. Adjournment
The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners
Present: Tom Triplett, Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee, and Bruce Swenson. Absent: Sally Swanson.
Staff Present: Kristina Handt.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Triplett.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the August 11, 2014 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Swenson, seconded by Lee to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Jim Schneider, along with his wife Peggy and business partner Nancy Peterson, expressed
concern over the EDA trying to create a new medical facility with Osceola Medical Clinic.
OMC currently leases space in a commercial building owned by the Schneiders and Petersons. J.
Schneider said the EDA should focus on recruiting new businesses to Scandia not moving them
from one place to another. New business suggestions included a fitness center or more
manufacturing. Schneider also encouraged the EDA to work on signage issues and building
fronts as identified in the BRE.
Peterson shared how hard they worked to get the clinic in town and reiterated that the EDA
should focus on bringing new businesses to town. She suggested a pharmacy. There are
currently two spaces available in their office building.
Schneider and Peterson suggested filling up current vacancies before looking to rezone property.
They would also appreciate a streamlining of processes so it's not so difficult to develop in
The commissioners reviewed the results of the BRE surveys. Swanson had contacted some of
her businesses and may have more to turn in later.
The commissioners decided to have the evening meeting with businesses on Monday, November
1 Oth at 5:30pm followed by the regular EDA meeting. The morning meeting will be on Friday,
November 14th. Handt will send out letters. The commissioners will finalize presentation
materials at the October meeting.
Election of Officers: it was agreed that all position would maintain a one year term.
President: motion by Lee, seconded by Swenson to nominate Triplett for President.
Motion carried.
Vice President: motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to nominate Swenson for Vice
President. Motion carried.
Treasurer: motion by Swenson, seconded by Isaacson to nominate Lee for Treasurer.
Motion carried.
Secretary/Assistant Treasurer: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Triplett to nominate Handt for
Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. Motion carried.
Commissioner Reports: Swenson mentioned there are no signature Welcome to Scandia signs at
the main entrances to the City. How do people know they're in Scandia? This will be placed on
a future agenda. Lee mentioned the need to create an avenue for businesses to interface in the
absence of a chamber or rotary. Triplett mentioned the need to focus on affordable housing.
Executive Director Report: Handt shared the letter from Midcontinent about the cost to extend
cable to some parts of the City. Handt will be meeting with other cities in the cable commission
and Midco to discuss pursuing a broadband grant. Handt reported the EDA's checking account
had been set up. Checks would be approved by the EDA in the future similar to the Council
process. Handt also reported the bids on the shelters at the Cottage came in too high to meet
FEMA requirements.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7pm.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Swenson to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:26
Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary
Batch Name 09/16/14 EDA
Current Period: September 2014
User Dollar Amt $134.28
Computer Dollar Amt $134.28
$0.00 In Balance
09/16/14 9:54 AM
Page 1
Cash Payment E 225-46500-210 Operating Supplies Checks $134.28
Invoice 49038
Transaction Date 9/162014 SECURITY STATE 10100 Total $134,28
Fund Summary
225 EDA $134.28
- $134.28
Pre-Wrttten Check $0.00
Checks to be Generated by the Computer $134.28
Total $134.28
Date of Meeting: October 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Draft Annual Report
An annual report can be a good way to recap where the EDA has been over the last year and set the
course for the coming year. It helps communicate priorities and accomplishments to the public. A draft
annual report is included in your packet. It follows a similar outline as the Parks and Rec Committee's
annual report but the EDA could determine a different format.
What changes are needed to the draft annual report?
Proposal Details:
The draft report is included in your packet. It includes information on the EDA's creation, bylaws,
mission statement, membership, accomplishments for 2014 and goals for 2015. Since 2014 was the
EDA's first year there were many organizational and information gathering meetings. Going forward, the
report may only include specific actions on projects or proposals the EDA completes.
Also, this is an opportunity for the EDA members to weigh in on the goals and projects to focus on in
2015. I've suggested a few in the report based on past conversations. Workforce housing needs to be
flushed out more. While we've talked about it numerous times, I'm not sure what actions the EDA would
like to focus on in the coming year.
After the annual report is approved, it will be placed on the website as another resource for folks
regarding the EDA.
Make necessary changes to annual report so it can be finalized at the next meeting. Changes could include
format, accomplishments, goals or any additional information.
Scandia Economic
Development Authority
2014 Annual Report
August 2013-2014
Scandia Economic Development Authority
The Scandia Economic Development Authority (EDA) is comprised of two Council members and
three citizen representations who typically meet on the second Monday of each month at 6:30
p.m. at the Scandia Community Center. The City Administrator serves as the Executive Director.
Scandia Economic Development Authority Mission Statement:
The Scandia EDA strives to enhance Scandia's long-term prosperity and enrich the quality of life
of residents by retaining and growing existing businesses, recruiting new businesses and
expanding life -cycle housing opportunities for residents.
Resolution Enabling the Establishment of the Economic Development Authority of the City of
Scandia: Resolution No. 05-21-13-01:
Section 1. Recitals.
1.01. The City is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through
469.1082, as amended (the "Act") to establish an economic development authority for the City
and the Council desires to do so in order to promote certain economic, commercial, housing
and industrial development and redevelopment goals and objectives.
1.02. The Council hereby finds that the encouragement and financial support of economic
development and redevelopment in the City is vital to the orderly development and is in the
best interests of the health, safety, prosperity and general welfare of the residents of the City.
1.03. The City has caused notice of a public hearing on the establishment of an economic
development authoritv to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City once
each week for two consecutive weeks, and pursuant to such notice, a public hearing on the
proposal has been held by the Council on the date hereof, at which hearing all persons desiring
to present their oral or written comments on the proposal were given an opportunity to do so.
Section 2. Establishment of Economic Development Authority.
2.01. Pursuant to the Act, the Council establishes an economic development authority for the
City to be known as the Economic Development Authority of the City of Scandia, Minnesota
(the "EDA").
2.02. The EDA shall be governed by a board of commissioners consisting of five members, two
of whom shall be members of the Council. The initial appointments of the non- Council
commissioners shall be for the following terms: one (1) for three (3) years, one (1) for four (4)
years and one (1) for five years. Thereafter, the terms of the non- Council commissioners shall
be six (6) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The terms of the Council
members serving as EDA commissioners shall coincide with their respective terms of office on
the Council. Each commissioner of the EDA who is a member of the Council shall cease to be a
commissioner effective at such time as he or she is no longer a member of the Council, and a
successor commissioner shall be appointed pursuant to the Act to serve the remainder of the
applicable term (if any) so vacated.
Section 3. Powers.
3.01. The EDA shall have all powers given to an economic development authority pursuant to
the Act, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time, including the
powers of a housing and redevelopment authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Sections
469.001 through 469.047, as amended, and the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes,
Sections 469.124 through 469.134, as amended.
3.02. The sale of all general obligation or revenue bonds of the EDA must be approved by the
Council before such bonds or obligations are issued.
3.03. The EDA shall follow the budget process for City departments as provided by the City
and as implemented by the Council.
3.04. All actions of the EDA must be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan of the
City and any official controls implementing the comprehensive plan.
3.05. The general budget of the EDA must be transmitted and approved by the Council at the
same time as the City's general budget.
3.06. Notwithstanding Section 469.101, Subdivision 4 of the Act, the EDA may not take or
attempt to take any property within the City by eminent domain without the prior approval of
the Council.
3.07 As a means of more clearly setting forth its powers and rules of procedure, at its initial
organizational meeting the EDA shall adopt a set of By -Laws, which shall, among other things,
establish the general policy duties and provide for the appointment of the President, Vice -
President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary. The initial By -Laws and subsequent
amendments thereto must also be approved by a majority vote of the Council.
Bylaws (adopted September 2013):
Section 1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the "Economic
Development Authority of the City of Scandia, Minnesota" (referred to herein as the
"Authority"), and its governing body shall be called the Board of Commissioners (the "Board").
The Board shall be the body responsible for the general governance of the Authority and shall
conduct its official business at meetings thereof. The Authority is governed by the provisions of
Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1082, as amended (the "Act").
Section 2. Seal of Authority. As required by Section 469.096, Subdivision 1 of the
Act, the Authority shall have an official seal, to be established and approved by the Board.
Section 3. Office of Authority. The business office of the Authority shall be located
at Scandia Community and Senior Center, 14727 209th Street North, Scandia, Minnesota.
Section 4. Establishment. The Authority was established by Resolution No. 05-21-
13-01, approved by the City Council of the City of Scandia, Minnesota on May 21, 2013 (the
"Enabling Resolution"), after a duly noticed public hearing was held pursuant to the Act. The
Authority has all the powers set forth in the Enabling Resolution.
Section 5. Commissioners. In accordance with the Enabling Resolution, five
commissioners will serve on the Board, who shall either be residents of or own real property in
the area of operations of the Authority. Two City Council members will simultaneously serve
as Board Commissioners. The terms of the City Council members also serving as Board
Commissioners are coterminous with their respective terms on the City Council.
Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be a President, Vice -
President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer. The President and the Treasurer shall
be members of the Board and elected annually. The Vice -President shall be a member of the
Board and may hold office for any term designated by the Board. No Commissioner may be
both President and Vice -President simultaneously. The Secretary need not be a member of the
Board, but is elected annually by the Board. The Assistant Treasurer need not be a member of
the Board and may hold office for any term designated by the Board.
Section 2. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board.
Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board, the President and the Secretary (or
the Vice -President, in case of the Secretary's absence) shall sign all contracts, deeds and other
instruments made or executed by the Authority, except that all checks of the Authority shall be
signed by the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer. At each meeting of the Board the
President shall submit such recommendations and information as the President may consider
proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of the Authority.
Section 3. Vice -President. The Vice -President shall perform the duties of the
President in the absence of the President, and in case of the resignation of the President, shall
perform such duties as are imposed on the President until such time as the Board shall select a
new President.
Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board
and shall maintain all records of the Authority. The Secretary shall also have such additional
duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time to time and by resolution prescribe.
Section 5. Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the care and
custody of all funds of the Authority and shall deposit the same in the name of the Authority in
such bank or banks as the Board may select. The Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer shall
sign all orders and checks for the payment of money and shall pay out and disburse such money
under the direction of the Board. The Treasurer shall keep regular books of accounts showing
receipts and expenditures and shall render to the Board, at least annually (or more often when
requested), an account of such transactions and also of the financial condition of the Authority.
The Treasurer shall post a bond as required by Section 469.096, Subdivision 6 of the Act. The
Assistant Treasurer shall act as the Treasurer's agent and assistant to perform the above -
described duties, subject to the Treasurer's approval thereof.
Section 6. Executive Director. The Executive Director of the Authority shall be the
City Administrator of the City. The Executive Director shall have the responsibilities as
enumerated in the Act and such additional responsibilities as the Board may from time to time
and by resolution prescribe.
Section 7. Additional Duties. The officers of the Authority shall perform such other
duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the Board or these Bylaws, or the
rules and regulations of the Authority.
Section 8. Vacancies. Should the office of the President, Vice -President, Treasurer,
Secretary or Assistant Treasurer become vacant, the Board shall elect a successor at its next
regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for such purpose, and such election shall be for
the unexpired term of said officer.
Section 9. Additional Personnel. The Board may from time to time employ such
personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions. The selection and
compensation of such personnel shall be determined by the Board.
Section 1. Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of the Board shall occur
according to a meeting schedule, if any, adopted or revised from time to time by resolution of
the Board.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the
President or by any two members of the Board for the purpose of transacting any business
designated in the call for special meeting. The call for special meeting may be delivered at any
time prior to the time of the proposed special meeting (in accordance with state law notice
requirements) to each member of the Board or may be mailed to the business or home address
of each member of the Board. Notice of any special meeting shall be posted and published as
may be required by law.
Section 3. Quorum. The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the Board.
Three Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business and
exercising the powers of the Authority and for all other purposes. When a quorum is in
attendance, action may be taken by the Board upon a vote of a majority of the Commissioners
Section 4. Rules of Procedure. The meetings of the Board shall be governed by the
most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 5. Manner of Voting; Adoption of Resolutions. Voting on all questions
coming before the Board shall be by voice vote unless any Commissioner calls for a roll call
vote. The yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. Resolutions need
not be read aloud prior to vote. Resolutions are deemed adopted if approved by at least a
simple majority of all Commissioners present, unless State law requires otherwise.
Section 1. Initial Approval and Amendments to Bylaws. These Bylaws shall not
become effective until approved by the City Council. These Bylaws shall be amended only by
written resolution of the Board. Amendments are to be effective only upon approval of the City
Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Authority shall coincide with the fiscal
year of the City of Scandia, Minnesota.
Section 3. Commissioner Compensation. Commissioners of the Authority shall be
paid for attending each regular or special meeting of the Authority in an amount to be
determined by the City Council. In addition, Commissioners shall be reimbursed for actual
expenses incurred in doing official business of the Authority. All money paid for compensation
or reimbursement must be paid out of the Authority's general budget.
Section 4. Removal for Cause. A Commissioner may be removed by the City Council
for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, all pursuant to the procedural
requirements contained in Section 469.095, Subdivision 5 of the Act.
Section 5. Conflict of Interest Policy. The Board shall adopt a Conflict of Interest Policy a
copy of which shall remain on file in the Office of the Authority. Annually, each Commissioner
and Employee of the Authority shall complete a Conflict of Interest Certificate and file it with
the Secretary.
Section 6. Depositories. In accordance with Section 469.099 of the Act, every two
years the Authority shall name national or state banks within the State of Minnesota as
depositories. Before acting as a depository, a named bank shall give the Authority a bond
approved as to form and surety by the Authority.
2013-14 Members
Committee members who served during 2013-14 included:
Committee Member
Term Expires
Sally Swanson, President
January 1, 2015
Tom Triplett, Vice President
August 1, 2016
Dan Lee, Treasurer
January 1, 2017
Greg Isaacson
August 1, 2017
Bruce Swenson
August 1, 2018
2014 Accomplishments:
Organizational Tasks
The EDA adopted bylaws, a mission statement and elected officers for the first time in 2013. A
checking account was established to segregate EDA funds.
Information Gathering from other Housing and Economic Development Organizations
The EDA invited members from Center City and Forest Lake EDAs to share their EDA
experiences and project ideas. The EDA also heard from Barb Dacy, Washington County HRA
about trends in our area for housing and workforce development. The EDA also met with
consultants working on the Washington County economic development strategic plan and
provided input. The EDA received information on various programs available through the U of
M Extension.
Reviewed Current and Proposed Ordinances
The EDA reviewed the proposed Rural Event Facility Ordinance and provided comment at the
Planning Commission's public hearing. The EDA also reviewed current zoning, permitted uses,
and signage regulations.
Blandin Foundation Technical Assistance Grant for Broadband
Early in the year, the EDA received notice they were eligible for technical assistance through the
Blandin Foundation to work on broadband issues in the community. Working with Bill
Coleman, the EDA developed and administered a survey to residents and business owners. The
survey results were shared with Midcontinent and Frontier to begin discussions on the need to
expand services in Scandia. Frontier has updated two remote offices and Midcontinent has
extended services to the Sand Lake Overlook Development. Further expansion efforts are
needed in the future and this will remain a focus of the EDA.
Facilitated Discussions between Residents and Xcel Enerev for Natural Gas Exoansion
Following high propane prices and concerns from residents, Xcel Energy was invited to an EDA
meeting to provide information on the process for extending natural gas service to portions of
the City. The EDA helped get information out on the process and a survey of residents.
Minimum service connections were not met in 2014 but further surveys may be pursued in
Business Retention and Expansion Surveys/Business listening Sessions
The EDA attempted to contact 44 businesses with storefronts in Scandia to gather information
about their business, their views of the local business climate and gain information on ways the
EDA could help businesses. After receiving 13 responses, the EDA held two listening session
with area businesses in November.
2015 Goals and Projects:
BRE respondents identified signage as a key issue that needs improvement. The EDA will
continue to work with business entities to bring forth recommendations to the Planning
Commission and City Council.
Zoning Issues
The EDA has heard from businesses about the difficulty of developing and growing in Scandia.
The EDA will work with businesses to identify specific issues -such as density and permitted
uses, research solutions, and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and City
Broadband Services
Identified as a top issue that impacts home based businesses, the EDA will continue to work
with providers and pursue ways to improve services.
Workforce Housing
Additional Business Information/Promotion on Website
EDA staff will seek to work with area realtors and business property owners to provide
information on website regarding spaces for lease in the City as well as land for sale that has
the potential for business development.
Date of Meeting: October 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Joint Planning Commission Meeting
Informational Only:
This spring I mentioned the Met Council is working on Thrive 2040 which includes a number of different
system plans including Diversified Rural and Rural Center. Scandia is currently classified as Diversified
Rural but may be eligible for the Rural Center classification. The Rural Center classification could allow
greater densities.
The Met Council staff has been contacted about attending a joint meeting with the Planning Commission
on December 2"d. Council staff has confirmed they are available for the meeting. An invitation has been
extended to Met Council Rep Harry Melander as well.
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: October 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Business Meeting(s)
Over the last couple meetings the EDA has been planning for a couple meetings with businesses this fall.
Letters went out the middle of September inviting business owners, including those who just lease space,
to the two meetings in November.
Need more business RSVPs
Determine who will be leading meeting/covering topics for discussion.
Proposal Details:
A draft agenda for a meeting is included in your packet. I've updated it to note Tom as the president.
So far we have received 6 RSVPs, 3 for the Nov I Oh meeting and 3 for the Nov 14'h meeting. I've
included the list of invites in your packet. Please contact those without an `X' next to their name to invite
them again to the meetings.
Fiscal Impact:
The EDA has about $865 of its $1,000 budget left. Postage, food and other meeting supplies could be
provided within the budget.
Abrahamson's Nursery
20021 St. Croix Trail N
Anyo Salon
1475 Oakhill Road N
Big Marine Lake Store
19261 Manning Trail N
Chiko's Bar and Grill
21050 Ozark Ave
Crabtrees & Garden Gate
19713 Quinnell Ave N
Deer Creek Cedar Homes
20575 St. Croix Trail N
Am-Tec Designs
21080 Ozark Court N
C & B Excavating
16115 Quality Trail N
Chisago Lakes Mutual Insurance
21150 Ozark Lane
Countryside Arts
15560 Scandia Trail N
Edward Jones Investments
21084 Olinda Trail N
Eko Backen
22570 Manning Trail
Farmers Insurance Group -Andrea Bakken
21100 Olinda Trl N
Funkie Gardens
19713 Quinnell Ave.
Gammelgarden Museum
20880 Olinda Trail
Greystone Educational Materials
PO Box 86
Health Insurance Mart
21080 Olinda Trail N
Ironwood Golf Range
11480 Scandia Trl N
Jim and Peggy Schneider
21020 Ozark Ave. N.
Kendrick Chiropractic
21080 Olinda Trail N.
Landmark Surveying Inc.
21150 Ozark Ave N
Leroux's All Season Lawn and Sports
21240 Olinda Trail N
Markgraf Mechanical, Inc.
23820 Lofton Ave N
Meister's Bar and Grill
14808 Oakhill Road
Oly's Swedish Massage
21190 Ozark Ave N
Osceola Medical Center-Scandia Clinic
PO Box 218
Paradise Outdoor Services
12406 - 228th St N
Pereboom Computer Service
21190 Ozark Ave
Peterson Excavating
PO Box 69
PN Products
21606 Ozark Court N
Prairie Restoration Inc.
PO Box 95
R & B Auto
21060 Olinda Trail N
River House/Art Self/Tai Chi Lisa
20661 Quint Ave
Salon Belleza
21150 Ozark Ct N #3
Scandia Creamery
21279 Olinda Trail N
Scandia Family Dental
21080 Olinda Trail N
Scandia Hair Design
21080 Olinda Trail N
Scandia Heating and Air Conditioning
PO Box 7
Scandia Market and Mercantile
14758 Oakhill Rd N
Scandia Olde Town Liquors
21190 Ozark Ave
Scandia Pizza
21190 Ozark Ave
Scandia Self Storage
21070 Ozark Ct N
Scandia Veterinary Clinic
14762 Oakhill Rd N
School House Studios
19707 Saint Croix Trl N
Security State Agency Insurance
21190 Ozark Ave N
Security State Bank of Marine
21190 Ozark Ave
Seefeldt Photography
Stev Stegner
The Brunfelts Keller Williams Premier Realty
The Scandia Cafe
Todd's Home Center
Upholstery Specialties of Minnesota
Vacuum Excavating Service Inc
Valley View Builders
Wally's Engine Repair
Wayne Schmidt
Wilkerson Guthmann
Woodside Photography
Yoga Hus
13809 Scandia Trail N
608 S Lake St
21100 Olinda Trail N.
21079 Olinda Trail N
14860 Scandia Trail N
PO Box 102
23893 Pomroy Ave N
23800 Pickett Ave N
20965 St Croix Trail
20769 Keewahtin Ave. N.
21080 Olinda Trail N
11681 218th St.N.
21070 Olinda Trail
Add2 10-Nov 14-Nov
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1) Welcome and Introductions, Tom Triplett, President, Scandia Economic Development
Authority (EDA)
2) Creation of EDA and First Year Accomplishments
3) Goals for Next Year
4) Why is Scandia a Great Place to Do Business?
5) What is Needed to make Scandia a Better Place to do Business?
6) What is the most important things the EDA can do to help the City?
7) Next Steps
8) Adjourn
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: October 14, 2014
To: Economic Development Authority
From: Kristina Handt, Executive Director
Re: Co Working Space
On October 3`a the EDA made a site visit to Sue Rodjso property on Olinda Trail. She is preparing to
open a co -working space. Three desks with access to high speed internet, printing, faxing, etc will be
available for rent. Rental options include 1-3 days per week or a dedicated work space for 5 days a week
plus an evening meeting.
The EDA may want to recap their visit at this meeting or discuss any items that may have come up after
the site visit.