06.a1 Draft minutes 05-21-2024 Meeting May 21, 2024 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date in the Council Chambers. The meeting was conducted in-person and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Kyle Morell, City Attorney Eric Larson, City Planner TJ Hofer, City Engineer Isiah Bubany, Deputy Kevin Booth, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Benson, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORT Deputy Booth reported on April statistics for police calls and citations. A motor vehicle theft is being investigated. Booth will start his summer schedule on June 1st, working Tuesday through Saturday, with Friday and Saturday afternoons to 11pm. Booth said they are increasing patrols at Log House Landing, which has been tasked to Community Service Officers during the week, with Booth increasing his patrols at the boat access in the evenings. Deputy Booth brought with him a new portable fire suppression tool that he carries in his squad vehicle, for deployment into a structure fire that could potentially reduce damage and allow time to evacuate occupants of the structure. Booth explained that the device can reduce temperatures up to 1,000 degrees within 35 seconds. Fourteen units were recently donated to the Sheriff’s office. PUBLIC FORUM Craig Pittman, 18794 Layton Ave, said that on May 19th he observed a neighbor emptying his RV holding tank into a wetland along the street in the Bliss neighborhood. When identified, the person stopped and left the scene. Pittman said this is disturbing and disgusting; the wetland is 200’ from Big Marine Lake and drains into the lake. Pittman said he called and emailed city staff, the Watershed, reported the incident to police, to the MN Pollution Control Agency, the DNR, and the Washington Conservation District. Pittman said all responded very well, with the PCA taking the lead and assigning a case number. Pittman asked for the city to assist with a follow-up on the case. Mayor Maefsky asked if anything can be done through the city’s ordinances. Administrator Morell said the state agency will carry more weight than the city, and he will assist with the PCA case in any way needed. There were no other public comments. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 2 of 7 CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) April 15, 2024 Board of Appeal & Equalization 2) April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting 3) May 1, 2024 Work Session b) Treasurer’s Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Authorization for Meister’s Bar & Grill to sell beer at the Scandia Fastpitch Tournament, June 28-30, 2024 Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. PARK & RECREATION COMMITTEE Council member Benson, liaison to the PRC, reported on the May 6th meeting. Council member Kronmiller asked if planning for Midco Days is being done in coordination with the Internet Action Committee. Benson replied yes, PRC member Zauner is working with Patti Ray on this. PLANNING COMMISSION Continued from May 1, 2024 Work Session: Amending the City of Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan, regarding Density and Zoning. Planner Hofer recapped the progress of amending the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission recommended approval at their meeting on April 2, 2024. The Council asked that further revisions be made to the standards. Hofer said the largest change is amending density in the Village Neighborhood future land use to 4 dwelling units per 40 acres, or allow 1.5-acre lots by Planned Unit Developments on a case-by-case basis. Hofer said the Unified Development Code will need changes to reflect this amendment. Hofer explained that the Met Council requests a minimum and maximum density be set in order for the Comp Plan to be approved, and Hofer would not advise leaving the density out. Cusick, second by Benson, moved to direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Unified Development Code regarding Planned Unit Developments, density within the Village Neighborhood district, and other elements as needed to ensure compliance with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried 5-0. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution 05-21-24-01, Adopting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Motion carried 5-0. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution 05-21-24-02, Authorizing Submittal of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council. Motion carried 5-0. SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE The Internet Action Committee met on May 16, 2024. Council member Kronmiller reported that they reviewed Midco’s DEED grant submittal which garnered 99 letters of local support. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 3 of 7 TOURISM COMMITTEE Tourism Committee Chair Sue Dickens was present over Zoom. The Committee is promoting the community-wide garage sale happening the first weekend of June. Business Breakfasts Tourism Chair Dickens requested permission for the Tourism Committee to host small business events as the Economic Development Authority did in the past. Dickens said the committee would first gather feedback from businesses to optimize scheduling this beneficial networking opportunity. Mayor Maefsky said the business breakfasts were popular and she would be happy to see them start again, saying it was great for the Tourism Committee to take the lead on this. Chair Dickens asked about funding options within the city’s budget, as the events are proposed for twice a year. Administrator Morell said there is tourism funding built into the EDA fund levy. Council was in consensus to approve the Tourism Committee business events. BUILDING OFFICIAL The April building activity report was in the meeting packet. In April, 18 building permits were issued at a valuation of $500,197. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hinz reported on the Fire Department’s April activity. Last month the department responded to 17 calls; 4 fire and 13 medicals. The department conducted a live structure burn for training purposes on May 4th; the training went very well as planned. Purchase of Replacement Fire Engine At their May 1st Council work session, the Council approved the purchase of a replacement fire engine. Fire Chief Hinz presented the final purchase contract with Custom Fire Apparatus for a full response fire pumper in the amount of $806,617.00. Hinz said he is looking for approval of the contract to order the equipment and move the purchase forward. Administrator Morell said the first progress payment of $142,789 will be made with cash, and the balance paid with an equipment certificate later in the year. Lubke, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the purchase contract with Custom Fire Apparatus for a replacement fire engine. Motion carried 5-0. CITY PLANNER City Planner Hofer reported that the public hearing on the Laurel Ridge development was tabled by the Planning Commission at their meeting on May 7th. The developer was directed to address the Engineer’s concerns about stormwater management. The Scandia Plaza expansion will be on the June 4th Planning Commission agenda. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 4 of 7 Regarding Laurel Ridge, Council member Kronmiller summarized concerns of the development’s impact to pedestrian and biking safety along 205th Street; how can safety be addressed as a rural street is becoming more urbanized. CITY ENGINEER Engineer Bubany provided a phase map of this year’s street project which is progressing. A final lift on all roads will be completed at the end of the summer. Replacement of the Osceola bridge is being pushed to 2029, as closure plans continue to be worked out. 2024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project - Bid Results Bids for the 2024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project were opened on April 24, 2024. Engineer Bubany presented the bid results: Contractor Base Bid Pearson Bros, Inc. $419,363.00 Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC $434,489.00 Allied Blacktop Company $435,633.00 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. $497,517.50 Bubany recommended the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder Pearson Bros, Inc. which came in under the engineer’s estimate. Lubke, second by Benson, moved to award the 2024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project to Pearson Bros, Inc., in the amount of $419,363.00. Motion carried 5-0. 2024 Street Improvement Project – Contractor’s Request for Payment No. 1 Engineer Bubany recommended approval of Pay Request No. 1 from Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation for work required to mobilize, install traffic control, perform removals, and place erosion control for this year’s street improvement project. Cusick, second by Lubke, moved to approve Pay Request No. 1 and pay $88,168.80 to Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation. Motion carried 5-0. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Fischer reported on department activities, saying it’s been a busy spring with earlier warm weather occurring and starting normal spring maintenance tasks. The seasonal worker started on May 6th. CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Eric Larson extended an invitation to a legislative update hosted by his firm on May 30th, where staff will be calling out those topics important to their municipal clients. CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Morell provided a written report; there were no questions. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 5 of 7 SCANDIA HERITAGE ALLIANCE – AMERICA IN BLOOM GRANT Scandia Heritage Alliance President Sue Rodsjo provided an update on SHA’s news. SHA was not awarded a Heritage Partnership Grant, having a very competitive selection process this round. They were encouraged to reapply next year. The City’s participation in the America in Bloom assessment is a requirement of the $25,000 award the SHA received from the Canadian Pacific Railway for landscaping the future arts and heritage center. The program is sending two advisors to tour Scandia on June 12-15 to assess the community and will conclude with a report on suggestions for community beautification. Rodsjo summarized the Audience Analysis online survey done earlier this year, which was completed with a $10,00 grant for establishing a vision plan for the future heritage center. Rodsjo said the survey which asked about activities and topics to display went great, ending with 395 responses. Most interests were in displays of the culture of Ojibwe and Dakota and the immigrant story overall. Top amenities listed a coffee shop, biking and walking trails with heritage signage, history displays, live music in the outdoor amphitheater, and kids’ activities. 21077 PENROSE AVE PARCEL PURCHASE City Administrator Morell explained that the property owners at 21077 Penrose Avenue have made a request to purchase a city owned parcel adjacent to their property. The city owns Outlot A which was deeded to the township in 1992 as part of the Waldon Meadows subdivision. The outlot is 0.78 acres in size and contains a protected wetland and a drainage and utility easement dedicated within the development. Morell stated that the city does not use the lot; the City Attorney advised that it could be sold with the condition that nothing be built on the lot to preserve the drainage easement. Washington County currently values the parcel at $2,000. The homeowner has offered to purchase the lot for $3,000. Council member Cusick said this lot borders 4.5 acres of open space set aside for the adjacent Farver development. Cusick said he is opposed to the sale of public property; it belongs to the city, it’s not an easement, and shouldn’t be given away. Cusick said it has been used by the public and doesn’t have to have park designation for public use. Tammy and Mike Kmetz, 21077 Penrose Avenue, addressed the Council and explained that they wish to preserve the property, protect the nearby wetland, and keep it natural. They do not want it developed and wouldn’t mind sharing it with the public. Ms. Kmetz said their lot is 4.9 acres and this added property would get them over 5 acres, saying they moved to Scandia to have more acreage. Council member Kronmiller questioned their statement to protect the lot from development, why not leave it with city? The drainage easement already restricts development. If added to their lot, future uses can be uncertain. Council member Kronmiller asked if this addition would give them more development rights or benefits? Administrator Morell said it would provide additional accessory structure size for the property owner. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 6 of 7 Council member Cusick asked if their fear is something would happen to the property, the answer is nothing; no maintenance is needed at this time. The property is sizable enough, and what will the city get in return other than loss of public land? If something is put there in the future by the city, then it may be something that is needed. Cusick said he is against selling the outlot to a private landowner. Council member Kronmiller said he agreed; if their reason is to protect it, it is protected already. Kronmiller said he would rather leave it the way it is. Council member Benson said she is concerned about the valuation and needs more information in that regard. Mayor Maefsky said she is not 100% in favor, and not sure of the benefit the landowners would be getting. Ms. Kmetz said they are looking to get the property re-established to natural habitat that was originally part of the lot they now own, and to get the ecosystem back to what it was. Council member Kronmiller said the outlot is in better hands with the city for not being developed; selling opens up a risk for something in the future. Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to not sell Outlot A of Waldon Meadow subdivision. Motion carried 5-0. Council discussed if Kmetz’s can they legally plant trees on the property. Staff advised no, not without permission; but if they have been, it has not been noticed. Mayor Maefsky said they appreciate what the Kmetz’s are doing. TACO DAZE SECURITY AND PORTABLE TOILETS City Administrator Morell presented a request from the Scandia-Marine Lions Club that the city cover costs of parade security and portable toilets for the community event “Taco Daze” on September 7, 2024. The city had past agreements to provide up to $2,500 in expenses for the event, paying it out of the Parks Fund. Morell said the contract with Waste Management allows for no-cost trash service beginning this year. Lubke, second by Benson, moved to approve the City paying for parade security and portable toilets for Taco Daze up to $2,500. Motion carried 5-0. Administrator Morell said this request will be brought to the City Council in the future if this amount is exceeded. ADJOURNMENT Benson, second by Lubke, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Scandia City Council May 21, 2024 Page 7 of 7 The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk