09.d1 6-18-2024 Engineering Updates City of Scandia Engineering Updates 6/18/2024 Engineering italics = old information • 2024 Street Improvement Project ➢ Resident project notices were sent out on November 2nd and posted to the City website. ➢ Geotechnical report from Braun was received on November 7, 2023. Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) seems to be a solid alternative to soil borings on our local street improvement projects. ➢ 2nd plan review and meeting held on November 9, 2023 with City Staff and Mike Isensee (CMSCWD) ➢ Anticipated project schedule is as follows: o December 19, 2023 ➢ Approve Plans & specifications/Authorize Ad for Bid o January 24, 2024 o Bid Opening o February 20, 2024 ➢ Consider Contract Award at City Council Meeting ➢ All permits have been submitted with anticipated approvals throughout December and January. ➢ Bolton & Menk has met with City staff (Kyle and Charlie) to review plans again on November 20th, and December 7th. ➢ CMSCWD was included on the December 7th plan review meeting and discussion, as well as been in contact for project updates throughout November and beginning of December. ➢ Request Approval of Plans/Specifications & Authorize Advertisement for Bid will be on the City Council agenda. ➢ Change Order No. 1 has been prepared and agreed upon with Asphalt Surface Technologies. ➢ The Preconstruction Meeting has been scheduled for April 3rd, at 10:00am. ➢ Astech completed preliminary culvert cleaning on April 5th – 9th . ➢ Astech will complete large tree removal on Saturday April 20 th . o Resident notices were delivered on April 9th to all impacted by these tree removals. ➢ Pavement reclamation for Phase 1 is scheduled to begin on April 25 th . ➢ The first pay application will be submitted at the May City Council Meeting. ➢ A location map has been provided at the end of this report that details the extents of Phase s 1, 2 and 3. ➢ Base Paving was completed on Phase 1 the week of May 13th – 17th. ➢ Pipework on Phases 2 and 3 will begin the week of May 20 th – 24th. ➢ Basin grading along 196th Street on City property will also begin the week of May 20 th – 24th. ➢ Pay Application No. 1 is included as a separate agenda item which is making payments on items completed through April 26th. ➢ All pipe work has been completed for Phase 1, 2, and 3. ➢ Base paving for Phase 2 has been scheduled for the end of next week, June 17th – 21st. o This is dependent on completion of soft spot correction on Phase 2. ➢ Phase 3 pavement reclamation will begin once Phase 2 has had the base layer of pavement placed. ➢ Pay Application No. 2 is included as a separate agenda item with is making payment on items completed through May 31st. • 2024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project ➢ Project Limits have been reviewed by City staff. ➢ A separate agenda item is being submitted at the March 19 th Council Meeting requesting Approval of Plans and Specifications and to Authorize Ad for Bid. ➢ Plans and Specs have been posted and the Bid Opening is scheduled for April 24th, 2024, at 10:00am. ➢ Bids for the 2024 Crack Fille and Seal Coat Project were opened on Wednesday, April 24th. ➢ A recommendation of project award is included as a separate agenda item. ➢ A schedule has not been formally submitted yet; however, Pearson Bros. has told us that construction will take place after July 4th. • 2024 Tennis Court Re-surfacing Project ➢ Geotechnical research has been completed on Community Center and Barton Johnson Memorial sites. The report is anticipated to be received in early April. ➢ Wetland delineations will be completed in mid/late April. Delineations will require review and approval prior to beginning construction. This will push the project bidding schedule back but will not impact the construction schedule. ➢ Plan layouts are being discussed with City staff and cost estimations will be submitted to the City in April. ➢ Updated Project Schedule is as follows: o Approve Plans & Specifications/Authorize ad for Bid – June 18, 2024. o Bid Opening – July 10, 2024. o Consider Contract Award at City Council Meeting – July 16, 2024. ➢ Geotechnical report was received on March 26th, 2024. o The report soil borings determined that Barton Johson and Community Center Tennis Courts should both be reconstructed with new bases and pavement. Proposed sections have been discussed with City Staff. ➢ Wetland Delineations were collected on Thursday April 11 th . o Plan and permitting updates will be completed once delineations have been reviewed and discussed with City Staff. ➢ All permit applications have been submitted with potential approval scheduled for June 14th. ➢ Alternative striping options are still being considered in coordination with City Staff. ➢ Plans and specifications have been completed. City comments were received and implemented throughout this design process. ➢ Request to approve plans, specifications and authorize ad for bid has been included as a separate agenda item. • Tii Gavo Development Phase II ➢ Watershed permit has been obtained and grading work began on Tuesday July 11th. BMI will have staff on site for public infrastructure inspections. ➢ Storm Sewer Improvement have been completed. ➢ Sanitary Force main spot work has been completed. ➢ Sand and Gravel has been placed and compacted but still will need tolerance work completed. ➢ Bituminous base layer was paved on 8/17/2023. ➢ Aggregate shouldering was completed on 8/30/2023. ➢ Restoration punchlist will be created in spring 2024. ➢ Restoration Punchlist will be created in early April 2024. ➢ Plowe Engineering and the Developer met with the watershed last week to discuss basins that are not functioning/draining properly. ➢ Hand auger borings are scheduled for each of the non -functioning basins along with a grain analysis and hydrometer testing. ➢ The design will be revised once that data has been collected and reviewed. Test results are anticipated to be in hand within 4-5 weeks. ➢ Once this revised work has been completed, an updated restoration punchlist will be created and sent to the Contractor. ➢ Hand auger boring results are anticipated to be in hand by the end of June. ➢ A request to reduce the Letter of Credit for this development has been included as a separate agenda item. • Floodplain Risk Assessment ➢ Watershed District has received notification from the MPCA they did not receive the grant that was applied for. ➢ CMSCWD Board is considering allocating funding for the Risk Assessment in 2024 at their 2024 CMSCWD Budget Workshop. ➢ The draft 2024 CMSCWD budget currently includes funding to address model data gaps for the Big Marine Lake outlet, Carnelian Channel, and Carnelian Creek flowages. This is the first step in a multi-year process to complete the Floodplain Risk Assessment. ➢ Application #3 was not awarded. ➢ Application #4 is due on December 14th, 2023. ➢ The 2024 CMSCWD budget includes funding to address model data gaps for the Big Marine Lake outlet, Carnelian Channel, and Carnelian Creek flowages. This is the first step in a multi -year process to complete the Floodplain Risk Assessment. ➢ Application #4 was not funded. ➢ Application #5 is being prepared for submittal on April 30 th, 2024. ➢ Application #5 has been prepared and submitted for the MPCA-Small Communities Planning for SWC Resilience on April 30th, 2024. ➢ When the CMSCWD begins their 2025 budgeting process in July, the board will consider funding the next steps in the planning process, with or without a grant. ➢ A survey of the Big Marine Outlet and channel has already been completed, assessing the conditions of the culverts, and evaluating the existing channel profile. This was an important step to improve the watershed’s model for planning and future maintenance . ➢ A location map for this channel has been provided at the end of this report. • Bliss Addition Stormwater Planning ➢ Watershed still working toward 90% plans based on City Staff input received in November 2022. ➢ City and Watershed have completed the MOU. ➢ Watershed/Consultants redesigning project practices after a final utility meet locate identified previously un - marked conflicts. ➢ Due to delays caused by utilities not marked on the initial locate, the CMSCWD will delay construction to 2024. Upon completion of the final plans, submittals will be prepared to the City for their review. CMSCWD anticipates soliciting bids in October 202 3. ➢ Revised plans were submitted to the City and review comments were sent back to the Watershed District on January 5, 2024. ➢ Bid Opening was held on April 2nd , 2024 (Abstract of Bid Results at the end of this update). ➢ Council chose to accept the Base Bid for this Project at the April 16th Council Meeting, and award the project to the lowest bidder, Dresel Contracting, Inc. ➢ CMSCWD is currently working with residents on final vegetation selection for this project. ➢ A preconstruction meeting is planned to be scheduled for the week of June 17th – 21st, pending City staff availability. • Bliss Drainfield System ➢ The final permit has been issued. The assumption is that we’ll end up on Track 2, with required system improvements due to the nitrate issue. Only thing that needs to take place in the next 6 months (February 28, 2022) is for new flow meters to be instal led at the system, something we’ll begin working on. At the one year mark (September 1, 2022), we’ll need to have a Facility Evaluation Report drafted to summarize the system’s ability or inability to meet the nitrate limit. ➢ New flow meters were installed by Public Works at the beginning of 2022 and specific flows to the three drainfield cells is now being monitored. Some additional nitrate testing was also performed in August 2022 to provide additional data points and to get an idea of how much nutrient removal is currently taking place through the sand filters. ➢ As of September 1, 2022, the Facility Evaluation Report has been sent to the MPCA. We await their review, but based on the monitoring well samples taken throughout the last year it appears we’ll be on Track 2, with improvements to the system needed to deal with the nitrate issue. Assuming this is the case, the next step will be to complete a full Facility Plan by August of 2023 which evaluates the facility and its performance as a whole and provides options/recommendations for improvements to be made. This is required by Track 2 but is also the next step in obtaining PFA funding for the project. ➢ We met with MPCA on December 16, 2022 to discuss funding options and laid out a schedule to complete a facility plan and apply for Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) funding. ➢ City Council authorized work to complete the facility plan on January 4, 2023. Facility plan to be submitted by March 3, 2023. Also, Council authorized BMI to complete permit documents for permit modification due to added treatment for nitrate removal. ➢ Testified at the Capitol on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 requesting funding for the Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility. ➢ Facility plan has been submitted for the City of Scandia’s Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility along with and IUP request and PPL application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority on Friday, March 3, 2023. As of June 22, the MPCA has issued prelimi nary approval of this facility plan. ➢ Authorization to prepare plans & specifications for the Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Nitrogen Removal improvements was requested and approved at the May 16 City Council meeting. ➢ Project plans and specifications are currently being prepared. ➢ 2024 Capital Bonding Request application has been prepared. ➢ PSIG Funding application was submitted at the end of July (2023). Received follow-up questions from the MPCA and responses were sent at the end of August (2023). ➢ City should have gone before the MN House Capital Improvement Committee on 11/14 to present this project with the goal of obtaining direct bonding money (another source of funding being pursued). ➢ City review period for draft MPCA SDS permit ended on 4/5; the public comment period has begun and will continue through 6/17. ➢ Initial review comments have been received from the MPCA and responses returned. ➢ Depending on multiple other factors, we’ll likely be re-applying for PSIG (Point Source Implementation Grant) by the end of July (deadline), as if obtained this could fund up to 80% of project. ➢ Plans and specifications were submitted for MPCA review at the end of March. ➢ Comments/questions have been received from the MPCA and responded to. We are working on meeting their requests. ➢ The application for PFA funding has been submitted as of mid-April by Bolton & Menk and on the city’s behalf, and receipt acknowledged. ➢ Response has been received on the environmental review of the project and the DNR has identified the site as potential nesting land for Blanding’s Turtles. We are working to address the requirements associated with this in addition to the other revisions. ➢ The goal is for the project to be certified by the end of June for the schedule to remain on -track. ➢ We are continuing to work with the MPCA and answer questions towards the goal of project certification. • Highway 243 Osceola Bridge ➢ Project website: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/hwy243osceola/index.html ➢ Public Meeting scheduled for May 10, 2023, 5:00pm -7:00pm at the Osceola Village Board Room ➢ Schedule: o Environmental documentation and preliminary design: 2022 through 2024 o Final design: 2024 through 2026 o Anticipated construction: 2026 through 2029 • The bridge is anticipated to be closed sometime in 2027 through 2028. The duration of this closure is being considered during alternative detour evaluations. o Restoration and project completion in 2029. ➢ Project website has been updated with a location plan showing the extents of the work. The project will span the distance between TH 95 and TH 35. ➢ Traffic Impacts are currently under review, and potential detour plans are being developed. o See the project website for up-to-date figures. Denise Workcuff Dmitry Tomasevich Communications and Engagement Project manager denise.workcuff@state.mn.us dmitry.tomasevich@state.mn.us 651-775-0025 651-245-4406 • Gateway Trail / County Road 52 ➢ Survey update o Topo survey was completed on November 7th, 2023. ➢ Soil Boring update o AET submitted the lowest bid at $21,382.00 to perform this work and had the soonest drill rig availability. o AET has been authorized to complete soil boring and hand auger boring work on 11/10/2023. o Soil Borings are scheduled to be completed within 8-10 weeks, with a report coming a few weeks after completion of field work (Braun was at least a month behind this schedule and came in at $24,735.00). Hand Auger Borings in off street locations will be completed earlier prior to snowfall. o AET has been instructed to not begin any work on site until after December 19th. Once approval has been received, AET will begin hand auger borings (HABs) and then drill rig soil borings (SBs) a few weeks after. ➢ AET began collecting hand auger borings (HABs) from December 22nd - 26 th, and soil borings on December 26th - 29th. ➢ Soil samples are currently being analyzed and logged. ➢ A Geotechnical report is anticipated to be received the week of 3/18 - 3/22. ➢ Figures/layouts are being created to discuss with City staff on 3/19. ➢ DNR comments have been received and are being implemented into the figures/layouts. ➢ County comments have been received and are being implemented into design for discussion at the June monthly design review meeting. ➢ The next design review meeting with City Staff, County and the DNR is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18th at 1:00pm.