7.b)2) Amendment to City of Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan Meeting Date: 07/17/12 Agenda Item: � GJ � �� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Review a proposed amendment to the City of Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan. Deadline/Timeline: Received June 25, 2012; comments requested by July 31, 2012 Background: • The Metropolitan Land Planning Act requires that local comprehensive plans and amendments thereto undergo a review process which includes submission to adjacent municipalities. Up to 60 days is allowed for their review. Until that time has passed or the neighboring community has either commented or waived review, submission of the plan or amendment to the Metropolitan Council will not be considered complete. • The City of Marine has submitted a proposed "Addenda"to its plan, which focusing on the viability and function of their downtown Village Center. • The Planning Commission reviewed the amendment at their July 3 meeting, and recommended that the City of Scandia support the amendment. Recommendation: The Council should review the plan amendment and determine whether or not the City of Scandia should make comments. Staff has prepared a draft letter to the City of Marine indicating that Scandia has no comments. Attachments/ • Letter dated June 21, 2012 from City of Marine on St. Croix Materials provided: . 2012 Addenda to 2008 Comprehensive Plan, City of Marine on St. Croix • Excerpt of Draft Planning Commission Minutes for July 3, 2012 Meeting • Draft Letter to City of Marine on St. Croix Contact(S): Lynnette Peterson, City Clerk, Marine on St. Croix 651 433-3636 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (marine on st croix plan amendment) Page 1 of 1 07/11/12 CITY OF MARINE ON ST. CROIX BOX 250 ' MARINE ON ST. CROIX, MN 55047 � 651-433-3636 City Council Members Glen Mills 433-5879 Chris Mowery 433-4957 Bill Miller 433-5354 Pete Marker 433-4149 Karl Benson 433-3471 June 21,2012 �������� Ms.AnneHurlburt �(��i Z � ���2 City of Scandia 14272 209tb Street North ClTY OF SCANDIA Scandia,MN 55073 -- Re: Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan Addenda Dear Ms.Hurlburt, Enclosed please find the proposed Addenda to the City of Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan. This Addenda focuses on promoting the via6ility and function of our downtown Viitage Center. We request that you review the addenda and provide any comments you may have to my office no later than July 31s`,2012,as we are intending to submit this plan to the Metropolitan Council by August ls`,2012. If you have no comments,we would like acknowledgement that you have received and reviewed the plan. Thank you, Sincerely, � Lynette Peterson, City Clerk 2012 Addenda to 2008 Comprehensive Plan City of Marine on St. Croix Goal: To Promote the Viability and Function of the Village Center The following explanations, policies, and implementation have been originated by the Village Center Task Force for recommendation to the City Council based on: - directions established in the 2008 Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan; and, - four guiding principles/values that the Task Force feel distinguish Marine on St. Croix's Village Center from other commercial areas in the region and thus make special contribution to the vitality of the Village Center. In the 2008 Comprehensive Plan refer especially to the "Village Center" section of the Land Use Plan; also the section titled "Commercial Maintenance/ Redevelopment". The four distinguishing factors are considered to be: a) The identity and character of the historic village (large parts of the City, including the Village Center, are a National Historic District). The Village Center also contains the Marine Mill Site, a National Historic Site based on its history as the first commercial industrial site—a sawmill - in Minnesota. b) Proximity to the St. Croix River, which borders the Village Center. The St. Croix is protected and enjoyed as a National Wild and Scenic River; the adjoining areas, including the Village Center, are part of the associated Riverway. c) Green space throughout the city. The City, by its topography and development patterns, retains large undeveloped or sparsely developed azeas, providing a more human scale and natural appearance as well as protective features for the environment. d) A pervasive communiTy participation and interaction. The Village Center provides spaces for interaction among the local population and also visitors; volunteer participation provides a higher level of services than normally found in like sized communities in the metro area. The following are organized as addenda to the functional sections of the 2008 Plan. 1) Adding a map of the Village Center. 2) Add an introductory statement to the addendum language stating certain detailed descriptions at the plan level may be considered premature largely because the planned activities may extend over the current and future Comprehensive plan. Therefore it is expected that engineering reviews closer to the time of implementation may suggest plan level changes based on improvements in technology and best practices, and more cost effective solutions. Addendum to Natural Environment Plan, specific to the Village Center Reference: Goa12 of 2008 Comprehensive Plan Protect and maintain surface waters including natural wetlands, floodplains, ponding areas, and drainage ways. Policy 1 The City will improve the storm water system in the Village Center. The Village Center Task Force recommends the following addendum which expands and further defines the above goal and policy as follows: Amendments to Natural Environment Plan, Village Center Background The Village Center is subject to high peak flows of storm water resulting in visible washing of road shoulders, erosion of east facing (riverward) slopes in the Third St./Maple St. area and along Judd St., and deposition of sediments further downhill and toward the St. Croix River. There presumably is additional but so far unmeasured deposition into the river. These flows originate both from outside the Village Center and from street and building runoff. North of Maple St. a major part of the externally sourced flow is from northbound TH 95, much of that storm water flowing into the Village Center through the TH 95/Oak St. intersection. Part of the flow passes along Oak St. and eventually to the river bank; part crosses the intersection and flows along Judd St. onto Linden and Maple Sts. Significant additional flows, including some from TH 95, enter Judd St. from Maple St. and the park between North Judd St. and TH 95. Added to these incoming flows is local runoff from Block 7 and adjacent streets. The bulk of the flows rejoin in the Third St./Maple St. area, eventually to spill over the bluff and toward the river. Erosion is evident east of the General Store, around the Village Hall, and in mud and silt deposits toward the river. South of Maple St. storm water volumes include run off from buildings, Judd St. and Maple St. These flows and roadway sediments are channeled directly to the Mill Stream and indirectly onto the bank of the ravine. These result in erosion and peak flows into the stream and into the river. Natural Environment Policy A-1 The City will reduce the effects of storm water flows coming into the Village Center from the north and west, including from TH 95. This policy, as with those below, will be implemented in coordination with the Carnelian Marine on St. Croix Watershed District. Natural Environment Plan A-1 Evaluate a design strategy that intercepts storm water at the green area west and north of Judd St; construct as appropriate. Natural Environment Policy A-2 The City will contain and control flows of storm water originating on Blocks 7, 8 and 47 and on Judd St. by use of flow moderating and sediment collection techniques. Natural Environment Plan A-2-1 For the area north of Maple St. provide storm water channeling and absorption as needed to direct storm water to an outfall structure E of the Third St./Maple St. intersection. Construct the outfall structure. Natural Environment Plan A-2-2 For the area south of Maple St. construct facilities to control storm water now draining via three Judd St. storm drains into the Mill Stream,remove sediment. Natural Environment Policy A-3 The City will develop and install systems to reduce sediment carried into the Village Center from the more westerly reaches of the Mill Stream; most of this sediment now being deposited in the Lower Mill Pond. Natural Environment Plan A-3-1 Provide more effective control of storm water from TH 95 storm drains and from County 4, including sedimentation control (cooperative with MNDOT). Addendum to Transportation Plan, specific to the Village Center Reference: The Transportation Plan section of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan primarily discusses the relationship of Marine to TH 95 as well as local street issues, but discusses street issues in the Village Center in generalities. Refer instead to the Land Use Plan/Village Center sections of the 2008 Plan, which are more specific regarding transportation issues in the Village Center. The Village Center Task Force findings are based on those sections; the recommendations being oriented toward definite identification of street and trail related issues and their planned resolution with respect to the Village Center. Also refer to those parts of the in "Commercial Maintenance/Redevelopment" section of the 2008 Plan that refer to a study done in 2001. That study was directed specifically toward the Village Center but few changes have been made. Background The Village Center Task Force, the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, as well as the 2001 evaluation, all call attention to issues of street width, pedestrian access and traffic safety. The 2008 Plan groups these concerns with aesthetic considerations, showing linkages of aesthetics with function and with the overall appeal of the Village Center to its users. The Village Center Task Force builds on the earlier work by being more specific in its analysis and the identification of several factors contributing to these issues: - A lack of visual attractors that might lead the users beyond the Maple St./Judd St. intersection (the primary entry point into the Village Center for residents and visitors) leads to missed opportunities for expanding activity beyond this intersection. - Street widths, e.g. 95 feet x 55 feet at this intersection and generally along Judd St., intimidate pedestrian access, do not channel traffic well, and may present car-pedestrian conflicts. - Parking areas are poorly defined. - The north end of Judd St. presents issues of storm water runoff, awkward parking, and confused traffic flow. - Third St. is not sufficiently attractive or functional to provide access and parking for businesses, effectively reducing the potential development area of the Village Center. - The general aesthetics, especially of Judd St., are more emphatic of blacktop and utilities; and thus conflict with an appeal based on small town character, historical architecture and green spaces that would otherwise distinguish Marine's Village Center from the commercial areas of other municipalities. The Task Force also considered the role of trails (see the "Trails" section of the Transportation Plan in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan) as may relate to the Village Center. The 2008 Plan notes an intent to link the Village Center with other points of interest and trails in Marine. The Task Force concluded that trails within the Village Center could provide 1) a way of reaching the St. Croix R.iver, 2) further interpretation of the Marine Mill Site, 3) a relaxing interlude especially in the Mill Pond area, and 4) a means of attracting visitors to Burris Park. The river is an obvious destination for residents and visitors but now is inaccessible and nearly invisible. Burris Park, to pedestrians, is poorly linked to the rest of the Village Center. The overall goal is the greater use of overlooked attractions that could lead to longer and more enjoyable visits to the Village Center. Amendments to Transportation Plan, Village Center Transportation Policy A-1 The City will pursue the redesign of Village Center streets, sidewalks and intersections to facilitate safer pedestrian use and to guide pedestrians toward broader use of the Village Center area. Transportation Plan A-1-1 Narrow Maple St. and Judd St. at Maple/Judd intersection with"bump outs" defined by plantings or by texture change of pavement; further define pedestrian crossings with texture or color changes. Transportation Policy A-2 The City will improve traffic flow, parking and general attractiveness of the streets around Block 7 to enable increased vitality of Block 7 businesses. Transportation Plan A-2-1 Move utility pole and electrical panel now in Maple St. Transportation Plan A-2-2 Widen north end of Judd St. to the west a small amount to provide 90 degree parking, leaving trees to define visual edge of street and parking alignment; widen Linden to provide more formal parking on north side. Transportation Plan A-2-3 Terminate Judd St. at Linden; reduce elevation at Judd—Linden intersection. Transportation Plan A-2-4 Reposition edges of Third St. to provide added parking, formalize a location for dumpsters and screen same. Transportation Policy A-3 The City will pursue improvements in the visual aesthetics of the Village Center streets. Transportation Plan A-3-1 Bury utility lines on Judd, Maple, and Third Streets; add low level light poles and plantings or planters along Judd St. Transportation Plan A-3-2 Create bump-outs of green or change in texture of pavement along Judd St. near bank, Brookside, and falls. Transportation Policy A-4 The City will expand the recreational and interpretive destinations available in the Village Center by creating pedestrian access to the St. Croix and to Burris Park and expanding trails within the Marine Mill Site. Transportation Plan A-4-1 Construct"walkway" along east side of store by change in color or texture of pavement; build sidewalk on north side of Maple St. Transportation Plan A-4-2 Construct a durable trail surface on the Maple St. right of way to the river's edge from an access point at east side of Third—Maple intersection. Transportation Plan A-4-3 Expand Mill Site trails to descend into ravine and adjacent to sites of engine room, sawmill, and wharf and eventually to river's edge and linkage with Maple St. trail (cooperative with MN Historical Society—owner). Transportation Plan A-4-4 Extend sidewalk leading south from store to Mill St.,where a proposed focus point would further explain history of the site and Marine. Transportation Plan A-4-5 Build trail from Parker St. parking area into Bunis Park and around Mill Pond. Addendum to CommunitY Facilities Plan Reference: The 2008 Comprehensive Plan groups parks,public utilities such as water and wastewater, and public buildings under"Community Facilities". The Plan appears to be silent as to the role of community facilities as they might contribute to the vitality of the Village Center or how they might play a larger part in the enjoyment of the communiTy. However,the Village Center section of the Land Use Plan notes the value of the Village Center as a gathering place for the communiTy. Background The Village Center Task Force noted missed opportunities for attracting visitors into the Village Center and especially beyond the obvious focus of the Maple/Judd St. intersection. It also noted that residents and frequent visitors often did not appreciate the breadth of features available. It identified opportunities for improvements in public spaces that would make the area more inviting and more useful for residents and visitors. Amendments to Community Facilities Plan,Village Center Community Facilities Policy A-1 The City will enable greater use of public spaces at the river and in a gathering area central to the Village Center for residents and visitors. Community Facilities Plan A-1-1 Create a view point at the river bank as a termination of a trail on the Maple St. right of way; site an information board at the Third St./Maple St./trail to river intersection. Build canoe rack(s) at this location or closer to riverbank. Community Facilities Plan A-1-2 Create a plaza for community gatherings and for uses such as a farmers' market by moving the entry of Parker St. into Judd St. to south (tee intersection)and making Parker one way away from Judd; replace the displaced Parker St. with a plaza and plantings. Community Facilities Policy A-2 The City will construct focus areas at the north and south ends of Judd St. to provide points of interest. Community Facilities Plan A-2-1 Construct GARDEN PLACE, a focus point at north end of Judd emphasizing a relaxing gathering space for community and visitors; create HISTORY PLACE, a focus embodying a small building or kiosk to expand the interpretation of the Marine Mill Historic Site and Burris Park, located in the vicinity of Judd St. and Mill St. Community Facilities Policy A-3 The City will make the Burris Park area mare attractive and functional far residents and visitors. Community Facilities Plan A-3-1 Add to Burris Park facilities to include play equipment (and potential pavilion). Community Facilities Plan A-3-2 Build public toilets near Judd St.—Mill St. intersection Community Facilities Policy A-4 The City will initiate a process to develop recommendations for coordinated signage and design guidance. Community Facilities Plan A-4-1 Develop recommendations for sidewalks, parking areas, signage, and other common infrastructure items Community Facilities Plan A-4-2 Create explanatory signage to direct visitors to sites within the Village Center; create appropriate directional signage at TH 95. Community Facilities Policy A-5 The City will enhance the fire suppression capabilities in the Village Center. CommuniTy Facilities Plan A-5-1 Install fire hydrant at Judd and Linden intersection, supplied from stationary pump at fire hall. Community Facilities Plan A-5-2 Extend parking area for emergency personnel by use of change in color or texture of pavement. • July 3, 2012 , Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 of 4 met; and that it include owner obligations for maintenance. Hurlburt explained that this is how the City could protect itself from future liability. Commission Chair Maefsky noted Commissioner Philippi's written comments addressing his procedural concerns about the potential subdivision. Buss explained that the applicants are looking for comments on the sketch plan, and would have to submit an application for a minor subdivision before any building permits are issued. Commissioner Hogle commented that the City needs to carefully consider how to deal with landlocked parcels, as there are other properties with similar problems such as this. Schwarz expressed his agreement with Krinke's concerns regarding the lack of road frontage and the shared driveway situation, and stated that he could not recommend approval. Krinke, seconded by Schwarz, moved to deny the variance application based on the information before them. The Commissioners discussed potential findings upon which to base a denial. They noted that it is not a good policy for the city to allow subdivisions without frontage on a public road,but also noted that it is a pre-existing landlocked property which has an access to a public street. Hogle noted that at this point, only one more residence is being added to the road. Hurlburt asked them to consider if the conditions of approval are enough to avoid the negative aspects of not having public road frontage. Chair Maefsky called for a vote on the above motion: Voting yes—Krinke, Schwarz; voting no—Hogle, Maefsky. The motion failed with a 2-2 vote. Krinke, seconded by Hogle, moved to approve the variance with the conditions as recommended in the Planners' Report with the added conditions that 1) there will be no more than one additional residence sharing the driveway, and 2) Condition 4 have language added that a building permit could not be issued until the driveway meets the required standards. Planner Buss explained that this will communicate to future councils and purchasers the intent to limit access to one residence on the proposed 20-acre parcel. Chair Maefsky called for a vote on the above motion: Voting yes—Hogle, Krinke, Maefsky; voting no—Schwarz.The motion passed 3-1. City Administrator Hurlburt advised the Gillespies to attend the July 17 Council meeting for further action on their variance application. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, CITY OF MARINE ON ST. CROIX The City of Marine has submitted a proposed "Addenda"to its Comprehensive Plan and have requested that any comments be sent to the city office by July 31 S`. City Administrator Hurlburt July 3, 20a.2 Scandia Planning Commission , Page 4 of 4 explained that the Addenda focuses on the viability and function of their downtown Village Center. The Planning Commissioners all agreed that the plan has no particular effect on Scandia, and that the plan looked quite good. Krinke, seconded by Hogle, moved to recommend that the City of Scandia support the Addenda to Marine on St. Croix's Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried 4-0. ADJOURNMENT Hogle, seconded by Krinke, moved to adjourn the meeNng. The motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk � July 18, 2012 Ms. Lynette Peterson, Clerk City of Marine on St. Croix Box 250 Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 RE: Marine on St. Croix Comprehensive Plan Addenda Dear Ms. Peterson: The City of Scandia has received and reviewed the proposed Addenda to the City of Marine on St. Croix's Comprehensive Plan focusing on the viability and function of the Downtown Village Center. Scandia has no comments on the Plan Amendment. Sincerely, Anne Hurlburt Admnistratar