03. Minutes of May 16, 2024 IAC Meeting 14727 209th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433-2274 | Fax (651) 433-5112 | www.cityofscandia.com CITY OF SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, May 16 6:30 p.m. Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street North Attendance: Chair Bob Wilmers, Vice-Chair Patti Ray, Will Perry, John Carney, and Steve Bradley. Also in Attendance: City Administrator Kyle Morell and Council Liaison Steve Kronmiller. Absent: None. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Chair Wilmer at 6:30 p.m. Approval of Agenda – Motion by Ray, seconded by Carney, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried 5-0. Approval of Minutes –The April 18, 2024, meeting minutes were approved on a Motion by Ray, seconded by Wilmers, with the correction of the total amount of the Midco project from ‘$1,337.450’ to $1,337,450. Motion Carried 5-0. Public Comments – Sandy Russel-Reed of 16723 199th St. N. inquired about the Border 2 Border grant and whether her address was included in the application, which it was. The Committee encouraged her to send it a letter of support. Midco Project Update – The following items were discussed:  Midco has two Border 2 Border applications into the State. More than seventy applications were submitted in this grant round.  Frontier did not apply for a Border 2 Border grant anywhere in the state.  Midco has stated the Line Extension project will begin in the next month or so once the Big Marine Project finishes. Infill Discussion – Council Liaison Kronmiller raised concerns over the accuracy of the DEED maps showing the served, underserved, and unserved properties in Scandia. Since the maps are used to evaluate grant requests, there is a concern that incorrect information can lead to lower scores. He would like the Committee's support in sending all addresses within the City to DEED to verify service levels. Ray expressed a desire to wait until after the grant application process. Wilmers would like to see Midco focus on areas yet to be served, but they are not verifying areas already served. Additionally, the FCC has required updated maps for the BEAD program. The Committee will revisit this issue after the Border 2 Border grants have been awarded. Internet Expansion Cost Summary – Staff was directed to ask Midco about the cost of the Round 2 Line Extension work. Midco Day – Vice-Chair Ray updated the Committee on the August 14 Midco Day event. 400 orange bags have been ordered and received. Meister’s will provide burgers at Lilleskogen Park. The story contest has been sent to Scandia Internet Action Committee Draft Minutes November 16, 2023 Page 2 of 2 the school. The Committee will hand out QR Code handouts similar to last year, encouraging those without service to request service through DEED. Internet Action Committee Charter – The Committee reviewed its Charter and made the following changes:  Tasks o #7 - remove o #8 - make more generic, "allow residents to use internet/wi-fi at Community Center. o #9 - remove o #10 - change / add "Encourage committee members to view online information, seminars, and updates from DEED and local service providers. Attend …" The remaining Tasks will be reviewed at the next meeting. Items for Future Discussion – The following items are scheduled for discussion at the next meeting. o Midco Day o Charter Discussion o 2024 Construction Updates, Line Extension Updates Next Meeting – The committee noted that its next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Community Center. Adjournment – Motion by Ray, seconded by Perry, to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Motion Carried 3- 0. _________________________________ Kyle Morell, City Administrator