02. Minutes of May 13, 2024 Meeting City of Scandia Capital Investment Committee May 13, 2024 A meeting of the Capital Investment Committee was held on the above date. City Administrator Kyle Morell called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Also present were Committee members Council Member Mike Lubke, Parks & Rec Committee Greg Zauner, Planning Commissioner Perry Rynders, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Dominic Mitchell, Engineer Isaiah Bubany, and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. Rynders, moved, seconded by Greg to approve the minutes from June 22, 2023. Motion passed 6 – 0. Committee agreed to keep City Administrator Morell as Chair. Morell presented a sheet showing all capital expenditures approved by the City Council since 2023. The City is committed at this point to spend just over $5 million with the 2024 Road Projects the largest part at $3.48-million including crack filling & seal coating. The city is expected to save 12% on bond payments bundling projects under one bond in 2024. The Tennis Court Reconstruction is out for bids with two alternates. Alt. 1 is for adding a tennis court at the Community Center. Alt. 2 is redoing Elim Church’s Barton Johnson tennis court and have a signed an agreement yet to be presented to Council. Project is to be paid from the balance in the Capital Improvement and Park Capital Funds. No discussion for Elim’s participation in the cost has occurred yet. Fire Chief Hinz reported that an engine ordered, originally not expected to be delivered until 2027, is going to be delivered in 2024, replacing a 25-year-old engine which has become unreliable. Also, the ISO rating discount on homeowners’ insurance policies would be lost if keep the city keeps an engine over 25 years. The engine will be paid from Equipment Certificates. City Hall Renovations include updating the AV Equipment Room, new paint in the Hall, refreshing the office space, adding a new service window, and replacing laminate in Council Chambers to be paid from the Capital Improvement Fund. Quotes are currently being obtained. Engineer Bubany presented road projects information. Bids for the 2024 Road Project came in under by projections by $260,000 because unit prices are lower with larger projects, soil borings were done in a less expensive way, and the size of the project generated better pricing. Seal Coat & Crack Filling projects scheduled for 2025, 2026 and 2027 will also be completed as part of the 2024 Road Project. Staff is recommending a much smaller projects going forward in odd numbered years and larger reconstructions in even numbered years. While the plan does not fully support the needed road maintenance, it takes into account the effect on the levy and impact on tax payers. The current bond will increase the levy by approximately $345,000. The Committee had much discussion on Paser ratings and how it is determined which roads get reconstructed and when. Roads are evaluated every year with the ratings updated. Currently there is a highly experienced engineer doing the ratings for about $2,000. There is new AI Paser rating technology available that is less subjective and gives more data points. Cost is more at $12-$15,000, but it is not necessary to do it every year. Mitchell suggests not all roads deteriorate at the same rate based on less traffic and number of homes on the road. Staff also pointed out truck traffic passing through Scandia use roads that are not residentially dense. Truck traffic due to development also causes faster road deterioration. The city can require developers pledge money to pay for the first crack fill/seal coat required. While it may deter development, the cost is usually passed on to new home owners. The Committee would like to see estimates as to what the recommended annual amount would be needed to fully keep up with road maintenance and the impact on the levy. They would also like to see traffic counts taken into consideration as to when roads are selected for repair. Bubany stated their firm has traffic counters and will check into it. It was suggested the public have the opportunity to comment on the city’s Street Reconstruction plans and be informed as to the cost of maintaining the roads. Bubany suggested an Input ID map to gather resident feedback on road conditions via the city’s website. He can bring a finished one to show the Council to discuss its merits and the cost. Next steps: Staff will provide what has been budgeted and spent on past road projects and the effect of future projects on the City’s tax levy. The next meeting will be mid-to-end of July to review and rate the other capital projects. The meeting adjourned at 8:10. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus City Treasurer