04. Sheriffs Office Monthly Report - June StatsS C A N D I A 1 5 0 T R A F F I C S T O P S 4 0 C I T A T I O N S I S S U E D 7 5 N U M B E R O F I N C I D E N T S W C S O M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R J U L Y 2 0 2 4 M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R | J U L Y 2 0 2 4 G O N E F I S H I N ’ The annual Landfall Cops and Kids fishing event was held in June, with a great turnout of 30 kids from the Landfall area who came to hang out with Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies. Everyone had a blast and caught quite a few smiles. With summer in full swing, lots of folks will be out fishing, whether from a boat or dipping a line from shore or a dock. Here are several important reminders: Minnesota residents ages 16-89 must have a current fishing license with them while fishing. Get more information HERE. When fishing from shore or from a dock, be sure you’re not trespassing on private property and be aware of fast-moving water. When fishing from any watercraft, wear a life jacket! It’s like wearing a seat belt while driving: When worn properly, it may save your life. Minnesota law requires one U.S. Coast Guard-approved, properly sized and easily accessible life jacket for each person on board. Make sure someone knows your location and plan, and don’t fish alone! Keep hooks and lures in tackle boxes and cover fishing knife blades, and use caution when baiting and removing hooks. Wear sunscreen, insect repellent and appropriate gear, and bring water. For more information, check out takemefishing.org. And have fun out there! M E S S A G E F R O M T H E S H E R I F F SCANDIA LIAISON: SGT. TYLER MARTIN CONTACT: TYLER.MARTIN@CO.WASHINGTON.MN.US, (651) 430-7842 W C 2 4 0 2 7 7 9 6 A C C I D E N T At 12 :18 am on Ju ne 1 , a d e pu ty r e sponded to a r e po rt of a veh i cle in a d i tch . Upon ar rival, the dep uty pa rked th e s qu ad fa c ing th e v e hicl e, wh i ch app ear e d t o be to ta le d, and s hin e d a sp otl i g ht to w ard i t. T he d epu ty a pp r oa ched, got t he l i ce nse p l at e a nd id entified th e registere d o wne r, w ho wa s no lo nger a t t he cra sh scen e . Th e dep ut y co uld s m e l l a lco ho l in si de the vehi c le a nd o bse rved th a t the s ide wi nd ows we re b ro k en o ut , the w in ds hield wa s s m ash ed and t he veh i cle’s a ir ba g s w e re d eplo y ed. T he d e pu ty d idn’t see an y tr ac e s of bl oo d o r th e k ey bu t d id f i nd se v e ral sma l l shot bo t tles o f 9 9% pr oo f l i qu or lying ins i de t he c ar a nd o utsid e th e driver ’s door. T her e w e re no fo ot pr i nt s nea rby . A s e cond dep ut y ch ec ked the r e g i st e red own e r’s res i den ce a s po k e w i th h i s w i fe, w ho tr ie d to ca l l h er hu sb and . W ith n o an swer , d e pu ties r e qu e st ed the o w ner ’s ph one b e pinge d fo r saf e t y r e asons . Di sp a t ch a dvised th ere wa s on e pi ng at 1:04am in t he wo od s beh i nd the r e side nc e. Dep uti es sea rc hed th e sur ro undi ng ar e a, in c ludin g with a d ro ne, w i th no r e su lts. D e pu ties in fo rmed the wif e th at th e driver would b e char g e d wi t h failu re t o no t if y of d amage t o pr op erty i f he d i dn’t res pond t o c alls or r eport the acc i den t. M E A D O W B R O O K A V E N U E N / S C A N D I A T R A I L N A t the Wash i ng t on Co u nty Sh er i ff ’s Of fice , w e loo k f orwar d to su mmer, w he n we’r e ou t in o u r c o mmunit i es at fun even t s like H ug o Go o d Ne i gh bor D ays, Afton ’s F o urt h of J uly parad e a nd Sca ndia ’s Ta c o Da ze . We als o ho st ou r o wn ev en t s like Bac kpa c k Give away and Sho p w i t h a C o p B ack to S c h ool — j us t t o nam e a few! And o f co urse , we ’l l be at t he Wa shin gt o n Cou n ty Fair (Ju l y 31-Au g . 4 ) a nd Na t i ona l N i gh t to Un it e (A ug . 6). I t ’s a bu sy ti me bu t alw ays a lot o f f un. W e h ope to se e you t his summ er ! A bit o f oth er ne ws : In Ju ne , our i ncr edib l e K9 te am too k p art i n the U.S. Police K9 Asso c i ation Re g i o n 18 Pa tro l D og C ertification, hos te d by the St . C roix C oun t y S he rif f’s O ff i c e. Depu t y Bra ndo n Ye t t er an d his K9 partner Hu c k to o k 1 st p l ace ov er all, a nd D epu t y N ate Thie ne s a nd K9 G o ose too k 2 n d a s w ell as t he t op ap prehe ns i o n s c ore. The WCS O team , wh ic h als o inclu de s Depu t i es C hr i s Ma je sk i /K9 Ja ke , J osh Lie ben ow/V i king, Dav e Pe t er s/Red a nd Br i an Kr o ok /B and i t , took 2n d pla c e o vera l l . C ongr atula t i ons to the se ha rd wor kers, a n d w e’ll wis h them we l l as the y t ra vel to Lou i sian a in O c t obe r t o de fe nd t h eir na t i ona l top t ea m t it l e, a l ong with De puty Ye t ter’s i ndiv i dua l na t i ona l c ha mpio nsh i p. I n s er vic e, Sh er i ff D an Starry Total for City SCANDIA: 127 Incident Date Case#Address Event Description 6/1/2024 12:18:51 AM WC24027796 Meadowbrook Ave N / Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 6/1/2024 7:15:23 AM WC24027823 22XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/1/2024 7:33:46 AM WC24027824 12XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/1/2024 8:04:22 AM WC24027831 22XXX Peabody Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/1/2024 9:31:34 AM WC24027836 XX Big Marine Lake Boat Landing North, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/1/2024 10:29:19 PM WC24027974 21XXX Ozark Ave N, SCANDIA DISTURBANCE 6/2/2024 8:02:18 AM WC24028025 20XXX Maxwill Ave N, SCANDIA LOCKOUT 6/2/2024 11:38:51 AM WC24028048 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/2/2024 11:46:24 AM WC24028052 21XXX Pomroy Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/2/2024 4:35:23 PM WC24028095 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/2/2024 4:41:28 PM WC24028100 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/2/2024 5:22:36 PM WC24028106 12XXX Mayberry Trl N, SCANDIA VEHICLE UNLOCK 6/2/2024 5:29:04 PM WC24028107 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/2/2024 7:44:32 PM WC24028119 20XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/3/2024 12:17:25 PM WC24028218 Big Marine Lake, SCANDIA WATERCRAFT ASSIST/RESCUE 6/3/2024 5:27:35 PM WC24028280 190th St N / Keystone Ave N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/3/2024 7:54:27 PM WC24028309 23XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/3/2024 9:45:18 PM WC24028333 20XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA MISSING PERSON 6/3/2024 9:53:28 PM WC24028340 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/4/2024 10:04:29 AM WC24028409 14XXX Oakhill Ct N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/4/2024 2:26:41 PM WC24028468 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA FIRE 6/4/2024 4:54:28 PM WC24028489 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA HARASSMENT 6/4/2024 6:01:36 PM WC24028497 14XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/4/2024 11:22:07 PM WC24028549 11XXX 189th St N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/5/2024 7:13:00 AM WC24028611 Scandia Trl N / Penrose Ave N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 6/5/2024 3:03:43 PM WC24028709 220th St N / Peabody Trl N, SCANDIA FIRE 6/5/2024 4:12:09 PM WC24028731 Peabody Trl N / 220th St N, SCANDIA FIRE 6/5/2024 5:24:58 PM WC24028745 Perkins Ave N / Pilar Rd N, SCANDIA PUBLIC WORKS CONCERN 1Pagev3.0 2/24 6/5/2024 6:48:00 PM WC24028771 14XXX OAKHILL LN N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/5/2024 11:01:34 PM WC24028814 19XXX Parkview Ave N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/6/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24028861 12XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/6/2024 12:11:37 AM WC24028820 19XXX Maxwill Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/6/2024 12:34:14 PM WC24028952 Unknown, SCANDIA FAMILY ASSIST 6/6/2024 9:49:25 PM WC24029029 230th St N / Nolan Ave N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 6/7/2024 6:32:06 PM WC24029237 Scandia Trl N / Odell Ave N, SCANDIA MOTORIST ASSIST 6/7/2024 7:27:40 PM WC24029256 19XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA FIREWORKS 6/8/2024 3:22:01 PM WC24029452 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA PROPERTY DAMAGE 6/8/2024 8:18:03 PM WC24029527 19XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA FIREWORKS 6/8/2024 8:45:12 PM WC24029533 12XXX 228th St N, SCANDIA NOISE COMPLAINT/DISTURBANCE 6/9/2024 7:14:06 AM WC24029605 15XXX Pilar Rd N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/9/2024 7:49:46 PM WC24029717 16XXX OBRIEN TRL N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 6/9/2024 7:50:54 PM WC24029714 14XXX SCANDIA TRL N, SCANDIA FIRE 6/10/2024 7:29:58 AM WC24029800 22XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/10/2024 10:40:33 AM WC24029834 21XXX Pomroy Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/10/2024 11:13:10 AM WC24029839 19XXX Orwell Ct N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/10/2024 12:53:58 PM WC24029852 12XXX 228th St N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/10/2024 2:10:17 PM WC24029861 12XXX 228TH ST N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/10/2024 9:31:43 PM WC24029939 10XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA LOST PROPERTY/ITEM 6/11/2024 12:17:37 AM WC24029962 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/11/2024 3:27:26 AM WC24029984 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/11/2024 7:59:00 AM WC24030007 21XXX Ozark Ct N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/11/2024 11:58:00 AM WC24030055 Manning Trl N / Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/11/2024 12:07:00 PM WC24030058 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/11/2024 12:29:00 PM WC24030065 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/11/2024 12:54:00 PM WC24030071 15XXX SCANDIA TRL N, SCANDIA FAMILY ASSIST 6/11/2024 1:28:00 PM WC24030078 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/11/2024 4:47:00 PM WC24030109 15XXX PILAR RD N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/11/2024 9:23:00 PM WC24030158 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 2Pagev3.0 2/24 6/12/2024 12:07:00 AM WC24030189 20XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/12/2024 11:07:00 AM WC24030262 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/12/2024 11:53:00 AM WC24030272 14XXX 202nd St N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/13/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24030200 20XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/13/2024 11:39:00 AM WC24030490 Scandia Trl N / Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 6/13/2024 11:57:00 AM WC24030492 Scandia Trl N / Novak Ave N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 6/13/2024 12:43:00 PM WC24030498 Scandia Trl N / Lofton Ave N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 6/13/2024 2:25:00 PM WC24030527 16XXX O'brien Trl N, SCANDIA LOST PROPERTY/ITEM 6/13/2024 3:00:00 PM WC24030535 18XXX -18898 LAYTON AVE N, SCANDIA PARKING VIOLATION 6/13/2024 6:12:00 PM WC24030566 Mayberry Trl N / Lofton Ave N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 6/13/2024 8:14:00 PM WC24030581 22XXX NOLAN AVE N, SCANDIA VEHICLE OFF ROAD 6/13/2024 8:56:00 PM WC24030371 14XXX 237th St N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/13/2024 9:55:00 PM WC24030602 18XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA NOISE COMPLAINT/DISTURBANCE 6/13/2024 10:51:00 PM WC24030612 11XXX -blk Mayberry Trl N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 6/14/2024 11:29:00 AM WC24030740 23XXX Lofton Ct N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 6/14/2024 4:30:00 PM WC24030797 21XXX MEADOWBROOK AVE N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/14/2024 5:28:00 PM WC24030810 23XXX Lofton Ct N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 6/14/2024 10:10:00 PM WC24030865 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/15/2024 10:42:00 AM WC24030975 14XXX Oakhill Ct N, SCANDIA THEFT 6/15/2024 3:29:00 PM WC24031000 12XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/15/2024 8:47:00 PM WC24031062 14XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/16/2024 3:18:00 PM WC24031216 Olinda Trl N / Oren Rd N, SCANDIA FOUND PROPERTY/ITEM 6/16/2024 3:37:00 PM WC24031220 16XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/16/2024 3:38:00 PM WC24031240 21XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/16/2024 4:40:30 PM WC24031243 15XXX 220th St N, SCANDIA DRUNK/INTOXICATED 6/16/2024 7:11:00 PM WC24031194 Big Marine Lake, SCANDIA BOAT STOP 6/16/2024 9:09:00 PM WC24031283 22XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA RUNAWAY 6/17/2024 5:30:00 AM WC24031332 20XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/17/2024 2:33:00 PM WC24031413 15XXX 220th St N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 6/17/2024 3:45:00 PM WC24031206 Big Marine Lake, SCANDIA BOAT STOP 3Pagev3.0 2/24 6/17/2024 3:52:00 PM WC24031201 Big Marine Lake, SCANDIA BOAT STOP 6/17/2024 7:20:00 PM WC24031445 22XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/18/2024 8:25:00 AM WC24031505 20XXX Quinnell Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/18/2024 10:30:00 AM WC24031533 20XXX Olinda Tr N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/18/2024 3:42:00 PM WC24031589 Hwy 97 At Manning Trl N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/18/2024 4:39:00 PM WC24031604 10XXX 185TH ST N, SCANDIA ORDINANCE VIOLATION 6/19/2024 12:24:00 PM WC24031747 Scandia Trl N / Novak Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/19/2024 2:48:00 PM WC24031767 14XXX 236th St N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/19/2024 3:34:00 PM WC24031770 18XXX Langly Ct N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/19/2024 7:24:00 PM WC24031819 Pilar Rd N / Penfield Ave N, SCANDIA LOCKOUT 6/19/2024 9:17:00 PM WC24031837 OAKHILL RD N / OLINDA TRL N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 6/20/2024 8:13:00 AM WC24031918 19XXX Orwell Ave N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 6/20/2024 11:15:00 AM WC24031965 23XXX Lofton Ave N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/20/2024 6:40:13 PM WC24032045 21XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 6/21/2024 5:23:00 PM WC24032242 19XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/21/2024 6:27:00 PM WC24032265 22XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/21/2024 9:10:00 PM WC24032297 19XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/22/2024 7:39:00 AM WC24032370 10XXX 185TH ST N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/22/2024 11:43:00 AM WC24032389 10XXX 185TH ST N, SCANDIA CIVIL MATTER/DISPUTE 6/22/2024 8:31:00 PM WC24032473 Saint Croix Trl N / 205th Street Ct N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 6/23/2024 3:24:00 PM WC24032615 Big Marine Lake, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 6/23/2024 4:30:00 PM WC24032636 SAINT CROIX TRL N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 6/23/2024 6:38:00 PM WC24032674 14XXX 202nd St N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/24/2024 8:25:29 AM WC24032802 14XXX Oakhill Ct N, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 6/24/2024 1:29:00 PM WC24032881 14XXX Oren Rd N, SCANDIA FRAUD/SCAM 6/24/2024 11:40:00 PM WC24032996 19XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/25/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24032961 15XXX 215th St N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 6/25/2024 2:03:57 PM WC24033110 18XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 6/25/2024 10:09:27 PM WC24033211 18XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 6/26/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24033249 18XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA NOISE COMPLAINT/DISTURBANCE 4Pagev3.0 2/24 6/26/2024 9:40:00 AM WC24033274 11XXX MAYBERRY TRL N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/27/2024 11:51:00 AM WC24033487 14XXX Oakhill Ct N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/27/2024 12:47:00 PM WC24033500 22XXX Kirk Ave N, SCANDIA FRAUD/SCAM 6/27/2024 5:34:00 PM WC24033589 Old Marine Trl N / Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA HARASSMENT 6/27/2024 10:15:00 PM WC24033634 16XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 6/28/2024 8:15:00 AM WC24033691 14XXX 205th St N, SCANDIA PUBLIC WORKS CONCERN 6/28/2024 2:02:00 PM WC24033527 15XXX 220th St N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 5Pagev3.0 2/24 SCANDIA STATISTICS - June Calls Per Hour Total Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 2021 2022 2023 2024 0000 11 1 8 10 January 88 111 124 81 0100 3 7 4 2 February 81 85 91 66 0200 5 1 5 2 March 130 95 71 75 0300 5 3 3 3 April 107 121 109 73 0400 1 0 1 0 May 135 120 124 120 0500 1 3 3 5 June 152 129 116 150 0600 4 7 5 5 July 160 147 121 0700 3 9 7 12 August 152 142 138 0800 7 11 11 14 September 128 113 103 0900 14 12 13 13 October 145 133 106 1000 7 14 17 14 November 118 106 89 1100 9 16 9 26 December 114 91 88 1200 9 27 23 18 1300 13 16 21 20 1400 16 12 11 17 1500 22 17 30 32 1600 16 14 32 26 1700 27 24 32 37 1800 18 22 18 25 1900 18 8 9 14 2000 21 18 10 22 2100 17 13 15 21 2200 15 7 9 10 2300 9 6 9 10 SCANDIA CRIME STATISTICS - June Crime Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 Theft 0 2 0 0 Theft from Business 0 0 0 0 Theft from Person 0 0 0 0 Theft from MV 0 1 0 0 Theft of MV Parts 0 1 0 0 Mail Theft 0 0 0 0 Identity Theft 0 0 0 0 MV Theft 0 1 1 0 Drugs 2 0 0 0 Fraud 3 3 2 1 Criminal Damage To Property 2 1 1 3 Burglary 0 0 1 0 Domestic Assault 0 0 0 0 Court Order Violation 1 3 2 0 Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 0 Simple Assault 1 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 0 Homicide 0 0 0 0 Quality of Life 2021 2022 2023 2024 Alarm 10 7 2 15 Animal 12 6 2 13 Citizen Assist 6 13 10 20 Disorderly 0 0 0 0 Disturbance/Noise 2 9 7 5 Harassment 4 0 0 2 Medical 11 15 6 15 Mental Health/Crisis Calls 7 12 10 8 Overdoses 0 1 0 0 Suspicious Activity 8 0 6 5 Threats 0 0 0 0 Trespassing 2 2 0 0 Traffic Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 DWI 3 1 0 0 Traffic Stops Made 40 40 47 40 Citations Issued 13 8 7 7 Warning Citations Issued 0 1 1 0 Traffic - Moving Violation 4 13 9 7 Traffic - Non Moving Violation 1 3 3 2 Parking 4 1 0 1 MV Accident 4 4 4 6