08.a 07.01.2024 PRC Minutes DRAFT City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, July 1, 2024 A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and Zoom. Present: Terry Gorham (Chair,) Kim Johnson, and Dustin Hegland. Absent: Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair.) Also Present: Heather Benson (City Council Representative), Kyle Morell (City Administrator,) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Gorham called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested moving item 7.a Joy of Life Foundation Proposal, to follow directly after item 5.b Public Works Report. Johnson moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gorham called for any additions or corrections to June 3, 2024 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved as documented. REPORTS Chair Report Gorham presented his written report. Public Works Report Morell presented Fischer’s written report and responded to Gorham’s questions regarding the process for the bids for the court improvements going to Council for approval. NEW BUSINESS Joy of Life Foundation Proposal – Sunscreen Dispensers Gorham introduced Scandia Resident Morgan Babcock (21550 Pomroy Ave N) and invited her to introduce the Joy of Life Foundation. Babcock presented material included in the meeting packet, requesting Scandia allow Joy of Life Foundation to install sunscreen dispensers on city property. Babcock explained their organization and process for funding and maintaining all dispensers. There is no cost to Scandia, and the dispensing units are stored seasonally by Joy of Life representatives. Discussion concluded two units could be installed at two parks; one at the Community Center between the playground and tennis & pickleball courts on the chain link fence and a second at the Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Field on the new portable toilet enclosures. If something more than the current practice of posting both Joy of Life contact information and sunscreen product information is requested by Council, Morell will follow up. Morell will communicate with Public Works and Babcock to set up 1 or 2 sunscreen dispensers as discussed. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Johnson, to accept the proposal of Joy of Life Foundation to install 1 or 2 Right Guard sunscreen dispensers at the community parks in Scandia, and work with city staff OLD BUSINESS Capital Improvements – Community Center Courts Morell clarified in discussion that the engineers will make a recommendation to Council on July 16th. Gorham intends to represent PRC and other pickleball players in regard to the final determination of the court layouts with Council. Morell anticipates Council will award the bid to a contractor in August as the projected timeline is to break ground after September 7th (Taco Daze) and complete the project in the spring of 2025. Community / Internet Day 2024 – Scandia Community Fun Day July 1, 2024 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 2 Gorham reported communicating with Patti Ray, representatives of Midco, and Public Works for the Wednesday, August 14th Scandia Community Fun Day. The day is structured the same as last year, all committee members volunteered to be on site to assist, and 5 more stories are needed to fill the stands for community voting. Children’s Story Path Contest Voting Staff uploaded the contest entries in a DropBox folder and shared the link with all committee members. Six stories received two votes each and were declared finalists. Staff selected the remining two story finalists for a total of eight story finalists by voting on eight stories which had received one vote each from committee members plus the one story discovered unintentionally omitted from the DropBox. All present at the meeting voted on these eight stories, resulting in a tie between The New Family by Makayla Bronner and Untitled by William Fulton. A second round of votes determined William Fulton to be the winner. Staff will contact the winner and Gorham will arrange a presentation of the awards with the student, family, and school. PRC Operational Calendar No new edits were suggested. Gorham noted in August he will present the Taco Daze pickleball tournament details and Zauner will begin the Vinterfest planning discussions. NEW BUSINESS National Night Out Morell reported Scandia’s Deputy Booth is planning this event including requesting a K-9 unit to join the Public Works and Fire Department activities. The Lions will provide a meal. Hegland and Benson volunteered to assist Zauner to run the last attempt to use up the 2023 Earth Day Activity supplies for kids to make a Pinecone Birdfeeder. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for Monday, August 5, 2024: 1. Scandia Community Fun Planning 2. Capital Improvement – Courts 3. Operational Calendar ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting by Hegland, seconded by Gorham. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator