10.a CLFLWD Manager Term
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 16, 2024
To: City Council
From: Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Re: Consider Nominations to Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District Board of Managers
On June 24, 2024, municipalities located within the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District
received notice that the term of office for David Bakke, with the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed
District Board of Managers, will expire on September 23, 2024
Minnesota Statute 103D.311 provides that the County Board will select Watershed District Managers
from a list of nominees submitted by the municipalities that are wholly or partially within the Watershed
District. The list must contain at least three nominees for each manager's position to be filled. The
statute directs the County Board to appoint managers to fairly represent the various hydrologic areas
within the Watershed District by residence of the manager appointed. If no list is submitted, the County
Board will then proceed to appoint a manager through its open appointment process.
Comfort Lake-Forest Lake District Manager David Bakke resides in Scandia and is seeking reappointment
to his position as a Watershed Manager. If the Council of Scandia wishes to support his reappointment,
the attached draft letter will be sent to the Board of Commissioners by the deadline of July 25, 2024.
County staff wrote that they encourage cities and municipalities to recommend a person (or multiple
people if that’s the case) that they feel would fit the position of Manager for the Watershed District. Any
names submitted by cities and townships will be compiled into a combined list. If that combined list
contains more than 3 names per vacant position, the Commissioners shall appoint from that list.
Requested Action:
If you wish incumbent David Bakke to be considered for reappointment, an endorsement letter will be
submitted to the County before July 25, 2024. A motion to approve the attached letter of endorsement
may be voted on.
Council has an opportunity to recommend any qualified candidates be appointed to fill the expiring
terms. This list of names will be provided to the County by the July 25, 2024 deadline.
• Notice of expiring term
• Mr. Bakke’s letter to the City
• Draft letter of support for David Bakke
Government Center • 14949 62nd Street North • P. O. Box 6 • Stillwater, MN 55082-0006
Telephone: 651-430-6001 • Fax: 651-430-6017 • TTY: 651-430-6246
Washington County is an equal opportunity organization and employer
Office of Administration
Kevin Corbid, County Administrator
Jan Lucke, Deputy Administrator
Jennifer Wagenius, Deputy Administrator
June 24, 2024
TO: Forest Lake, Scandia
The term of office for David Bakke, with the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District, expire
on September 23, 2024.
Minnesota Statute 103D.311 requires that the County Board select watershed district managers from
an aggregate list of persons nominated by the townships and municipalities that are within the
watershed district. Lists from townships and municipalities must be submitted to the county board at
least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of office of a manager. The County Board shall
make its appointment at least 30 days prior to the term expiration.
The county will aggregate the names of nominees from all the lists submitted by the townships and
municipalities for the board’s consideration. If the aggregate list of nominees contains at least 3
names, the county must appoint a manager from the list of township and municipality nominees. In
making the appointment, the county must also consider the statutory requirement that managers be
appointed to fairly represent the hydrological areas of the district.
If the aggregate list contains less than 3 nominee names, or if appointing a nominee from the
submitted lists will not allow for fair representation of the various hydrological areas of the district,
the county board may appoint any individual who resides within the watershed district and is
otherwise eligible to serve.
If you wish to submit a list of nominees for consideration or wish the incumbent to be considered
for reappointment, your list should be sent to me prior to July 25, 2024.
The county's advisory board application form is attached. Please duplicate it as necessary.
Thank you for your assistance in filling this important watershed position.
Holly Hess
Administrative Assistant
14949 62nd Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
Cc: County Board of Commissioners
Kevin Corbid, County Administrator
Stephanie Souter, Public Health Program Supervisor, Public Health & Environment
Mike Kinney, Watershed Administrator
From: Dave Bakke <
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:13 PM
To: Kyle Morell <k.morell@ci.scandia.mn.us>; c.maefsky <c.maefsky@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Cc: Michael Kinney <Michael.Kinney@clflwd.org>; stephen.schmaltz@clflwd.org
Subject: Letter of Support for CLFLWD Board of Managers
Hello Mr. Morell and Mayor Maefsky.
I am requesting a letter of support to continue in the
position of board of managers for the Comfort Lake Forest
Lake Watershed District. My term expires this September.
I have learned much serving our community on the board
of managers and wish to continue in this position.
Please submit a letter to
Megan.Carlson@co.washington.mn.us or
Thanks for your consideration and support.
Dave Bakke
23080 Melanie Trail N.
Scandia, MN 55072