10.b Purchasing Policy Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 16, 2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator
Subject: Purchasing Policy Update
The City of Scandia adopted a Purchasing Policy in 2018. It outlined purchasing limits for staff and
department heads, the Council, and whether or not bids are needed based on the purchase amount.
The price of goods and services has increased significantly since the policy was adopted six years
ago. Items and/or services that were able to be purchased by department heads under the cost limit
now require the approval of the administrator or Council due to their cost increase.
Staff has attached the Purchasing Policy with proposed changes in red. The changes increase the
department head and administrator spending limit while increasing the limit that requires sealed bids
to the amount required by State Statute.
1) Approve changes to the Purchasing Policy
2) Deny Changes to the Purchasing Policy
Option 1
Purchasing Policy
City of Scandia
Purchasing Policy
Approved by the City Council August 21, 2018
Amended July 16, 2024
The purchasing policy for the City of Scandia is established by the City Council to provide
guidance to staff involved in the purchasing process. Council grants staff the authority to
purchase materials, equipment, and services, within the budget previously approved by the
Council, consistent with this policy. The objectives of the policy are:
a) To obtain supplies, equipment, and services as economically as possible.
b) To ensure that all purchases are best suited to the specific needs of the city.
c) To ensure adherence to the budget approved by the City Council.
d) To provide for the most efficient use of staff and City Council time and resources.
e) To ensure compliance with all applicable policies, statutes, and regulations of the City,
the State, and the Federal Government.
f) To ensure that qualified and responsible bidders are selected for city projects.
g) To purchase sustainably when practicable.
a) Small Purchases Less than $2,0005,000
Purchase of budgeted items or services costing less than $2,0005,000 may be authorized
by the City Administrator or department head (Fire Chief and Maintenance
SupervisorDirector of Public Works.) The City Administrator, Fire Chief, or Maintenance
Superintendent Director of Public Works may require a purchase order prior to the
expenditure of any funds. Such small items may be charged on account, on a city-
authorized credit card or purchased with petty cash as may be appropriate or most
convenient for the particular purchase. The staff member making the purchase shall
endeavor to obtain the best prices available on the open market.
b) Purchases Greater than $2,0005,000 and less than $10,000 5,000
Purchase of items or services costing more than $2,0005,000 and less than $
5,00010,000 may be authorized by the City Administrator. The Administrator may
require the department to obtain two or more quotes to be included on the purchasing
order to ensure that the price is competitive. Quotes will not be required if the
purchase is available from a single source. Prior review of the purchase by the City
Council is required in the following cases:
1) if the purchase would cause an individual line item in the departmental budget to be
exceeded by $1,000, or cause the departmental budget to be exceeded by any
amount for that year; or
2) if the purchase is budgeted within the Capital Improvement, Equipment
Replacement or Park Capital Improvement Fund budgets.
c) Purchases Greater than $ 5,00010,000 and less than $50,000175,000
All purchases costing more than $ 5,00010,000 and less than $50,000175,000 must be
pre-authorized by the City Council. At least two quotes shall be obtained and reviewed
by the City Administrator prior to submission to the City Council. The quotes shall be
kept on file for one year.
d) Purchases greater than $50,000175,000
Sealed bids shall be solicited when and in the manner provided by state law for all
purchases over $50,000175,000. Prior to solicitation of bids, the department shall
prepare specifications to be reviewed by the City Administrator and approved by the
City Council. The specifications shall reserve the city’s right to reject any and all bids and
waive informalities or irregularities. After bids are received and tabulated, the
successful bid will be presented to the City Council for approval by resolution. The bid
will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all the
material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, represents the best combination
of quality, service, and price. The determination of whether or not the bidder is
responsible will be made by the City Council based on Section IX of this policy.
e) Consultants and Professional Services
The city hires a variety of consultants and purchases professional services on an on-
goingongoing basis (such as City Engineer, City Planner, City Attorney, etc.) as well as on
a project-by-project basis. Competitive bidding is not required for professional services.
For new on-going services, and for projects or assignments exceeding $2,000 in cost, the
City Council shall review and approve a request for proposals prior to its issuance. The
Council shall also determine the procedure to be used to select the consultant or
Emergency purchases not meeting the requirements of this policy may be made by staff
where an immediate purchase is necessary to correct a situation which would adversely
affect the life, the health and safety of people, personnel and/or to protect the
environment. To the greatest extent possible, this policy should be followed, and every
effort shall be made to notify the department head and City Administrator as soon as
possible when the need for an emergency purchase arises. Such emergency purchase shall
be explained to the City Administrator on the next working day, and to the City Council at
their next regular meeting.
Where a purchase contract has been awarded in compliance with applicable state statutes,
and where it is legally permissible for the city to participate in that contract, the City
Administrator or appropriate Department Head may purchase supplies named in that
contract, without obtaining quotes or fulfilling the competitive bidding requirements
The City Council supports purchasing that reflects the City’s commitment to improving the
quality of life for its residents by seeking to minimize expenditures on energy, minimize the
city’s contribution to the total amount of paper waste produced, and improving the
operating costs of city-owned buildings. Subject to budgetary constraints in making
purchasing decisions, City staff will evaluate the option to purchase paper products
containing the highest post-consumer content practicable but no less than 30% recycled-
content for copy paper, to buy in bulk whenever practicable to reduce packaging, to
purchase appliances for which the US EPA Energy Star certification is available, and to
purchase water saving products that meet the WaterSense certification.
The City Council authorizes city credit cards to be issued in the names of the City
Administrator, Treasurer, Fire Chief and Public Works Director. Credit cards may be used
for small purchases less than $2,000 as authorized by this policy. No cash advances or
checks for transfers shall be permitted. Any purchase directed by or made by an employee
using a city credit card that is not approved by the Council shall be the responsibility of the
As soon as practical following any purchase, the responsible staff person shall submit
documentation including receipts and quotes to the department head, who shall initial
them signifying approval before forwarding them to the City Administrator’s office. Credit
card statements alone will not qualify as adequate documentation. The City Administrator
shall ensure that proper documentation has been provided before submitting claims to the
City Council for approval. All receipts and quotes shall be retained as required by the city’s
retention policy.
The City Administrator/Clerk shall present a list of all claims to be paid to the City Council
for approval at its regular monthly meeting. The Council delegates authority to staff to pay
the following type of claims prior to Council approval:
a) Payroll and related expenses (such as taxes, employee benefits, etc.)
b) Principal and interest payments on obligations of the city.
c) Claims that would result in payment of late charges or interest if payment is deferred
until the next regular Council meeting.
d) Electronic funds transfers to the State of Minnesota for permit surcharges.
e) Payments for postage to the U.S. Post Office or for refilling a postage meter, if credit
card payments are not accepted or timely Council approval is not practical.
Surplus, salvage, obsolete and unneeded materials or equipment belonging to the city may
be disposed of by the City Administrator, or by a department head upon the approval of the
Administrator. Disposal of any item valued at $100 or more shall require prior authorization
by the City Council. The method of disposition shall be appropriate to the type of item and
shall be approved by the Council at the time they determine that the item may be disposed
of. The method of disposal shall comply with all requirements of state law, including all
restrictions on the sale of city-owned property to a city officer or employee.
The City Council will review the qualifications and experiences of bidders for construction,
alteration, repair, or maintenance of real or personal property after bids are opened and
before a contract is awarded, to determine if the bidder is “responsible”. A “responsible”
bidder is a bidder qualified to do the work. This will be determined by assessing the
bidder’s skill, resources, experience, successful performance or similar contracts (on time
and on budget), and all other matters bearing upon the likelihood that the contract will be
successfully completed. In all cases where a bidder is unknown or where there are any
questions about the qualifications of the bidder, the following information will be required
of the apparent low bidder in the form of a questionnaire, as follows:
You are required to complete and return this questionnaire before the Scandia City Council
considers awarding you the contract.
1. Identify all similar public projects in which you were the contractor. If you have
had more than five such contracts, list only the last five contracts, and as to each contract
identified provide the following information:
Project Description:
Contact Person at City/County/State:
Were change orders in excess of 5% requested? If yes, explain the circumstances.
Were liquidated damages assessed? If yes, explain the circumstances.
Was the project completed on schedule? If no, explain the circumstances.
2. Describe all construction arbitration claims and any construction or project
litigation in which you have been a party in the last five years.
3. Identify all public projects you have had with the City of Scandia or New Scandia
Township in the last 5 years.
4. In the last five years has a bonding company ever refused to issue you a
performance bond? If yes, explain the circumstances.
5. In the last five years have any claims been filed against a performance or payment
bond that you have provided a public entity? If yes, explain the circumstances.
6. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been fined by
a federal or state agency for a contract or workplace matter (such as wage or hour or safety
violations), or debarred under Part 29, Title 49 CFR or any other law from submitting bids on
public projects? If yes, explain the circumstances.
7. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been charged
or convicted of a crime involving the awarding, bidding or performance of a government
contract? If yes, provide full details.
8. Are any of the owners or employees of your firm an elected official or employee of
the City of Scandia?