06.c Payment Batch 07-16-2024Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 1 Current Period: July 2024 Payments Batch 7-16-2024 $896,473.90 AMAZON BUSINESS Ck# 002762E 7/12/2024Refer780 Cash Payment $30.92ceiling hooksE 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 1R4V-HYGM-GP9D Cash Payment $28.41pickleball ballsE 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies Invoice $59.33TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 ARDEN SPECIALTY, LLC Refer 781 Cash Payment $97.52hydraulic fittings for loaderE 101-43000-221 Equipment Parts Invoice S46619 $97.52TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 ARINNA LLC Refer 795 Cash Payment $96.44PPA charges - JulyE 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice 15495 Cash Payment $64.29PPA charges - JulyE 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice 15495 $160.73TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 ASPHALT SURFACE TECH CORP Refer 782 Cash Payment $535,063.932024 Street Improvement Project Project 24-01 E 408-43100-530 Capital Impr Other Than Invoice Pay Request #3 $535,063.93TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 BOLTON & MENK, INC. Refer 783 Cash Payment $1,522.50General Planning ServicesE 101-41910-312 Planning Services Invoice 0340138 Cash Payment $2,529.00Scandia Plaza ExpansionG 801-22954 SCANDIA PLAZA-STEGEN Invoice 0340138 Cash Payment $1,549.00Criego VarianceG 801-22956 TROY CRIEGO-VARIANCE Invoice 0340138 Cash Payment $251.00Camp Lakamaga Site PlanG 801-22955 GIRL SCOUTS Invoice 0340138 Cash Payment $448.502024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project 24-01 E 408-43100-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338497 Cash Payment $42,675.102024 Street Improvement Project Project 24-01 E 408-43100-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338498 Cash Payment $6,244.50Tennis Court Re-Surfacing Project 24-02 E 404-48000-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338499 Cash Payment $2,992.00Bliss Wastewater TreatmentE 602-43210-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338500 Cash Payment $6,521.00Gateway Trail Extension Project 18-002 E 401-48000-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338502 Cash Payment $300.00General EngineeringE 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0338504 Cash Payment $4,466.50Laurel RidgeG 801-22934 Laurel Ridge Plat Invoice 0338506 Cash Payment $1,060.50Rolling Acres 61G 801-22943 Grandemoore Homes/Reese Invoice 0338507 Cash Payment $267.00Grading Permit 24-07GG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 0338513 Cash Payment $267.00Grading Permit 24-06GG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 0338511 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 2 Current Period: July 2024 Cash Payment $267.00Grading Permit 24-11GG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 0338510 $71,360.60TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 CARDMEMBER SERVICE Ck# 002763E 7/12/2024Refer784 Cash Payment $204.95hi-vis shirtsE 101-43000-217 Uniforms & Safety Equip Invoice Dungarees Cash Payment -$36.32credit returnE 101-42200-404 Repair Machinery/Equip Invoice FastSigns Cash Payment $72.00email service - JuneE 101-42200-309 Software Support & Mai Invoice Google Cash Payment $249.12server backup - MayE 101-41000-309 Software Support & Mai Invoice Microsoft Cash Payment $45.08certified lettersE 101-41000-322 Postage Invoice USPS Cash Payment $26.00Adobe Pro renewalE 101-41000-309 Software Support & Mai Invoice Adobe Cash Payment $23.81Regnier clothing allowanceE 101-43000-217 Uniforms & Safety Equip Invoice Amazon Cash Payment $165.91Boxcast storage - MayE 226-41950-309 Software Support & Mai Invoice Boxcast Cash Payment $45.99chain replacementE 101-43000-221 Equipment Parts Invoice Lerouxs $796.54TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC. 470 Ck# 002764E 7/12/2024Refer785 Cash Payment $35.96Shop suppliesE 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies Invoice June 2024 Cash Payment $79.60PW UniformsE 101-43000-417 Uniform Rental Invoice Cash Payment $25.45Fire Dept restroom suppliesE 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice Cash Payment $25.45PW restroom suppliesE 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies Invoice Cash Payment $50.88Community Center restroom suppliesE 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies Invoice Cash Payment $31.12Kitchen serviceE 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies Invoice Cash Payment $216.00Community Center mat serviceE 101-45180-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice Cash Payment $98.48PW mat serviceE 101-43000-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice Cash Payment $49.54Parks trash bagsE 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies Invoice $612.48TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 CITY OF HUGO Refer 786 Cash Payment $6,085.37Building Inspection Services - JuneE 101-41910-311 Contract Permit Inspecti Invoice 7-8-2024 $6,085.37TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 CITY OF SCANDIA Refer 787 Cash Payment $50.00Taco Daze story contest prizeE 101-45000-440 Events Invoice 7-16-2024 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 3 Current Period: July 2024 $50.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 COMPANION ANIMAL CONTROL Refer 788 Cash Payment $1,044.55Animal Control Services - JuneE 101-42700-314 Animal Control Invoice 6-2024 $1,044.55TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 CONNEXUS ENERGY Ck# 002765E 7/12/2024Refer789 Cash Payment $70.03Street Lights Wyldewood AcresE 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Invoice Cash Payment $14.50Hay Lake ShelterE 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice Cash Payment $36.07Anderson-Erickson SewerE 624-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice $120.60TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 COUNTRY MESSENGER Refer 790 Cash Payment $27.31Hill Variance public hearing noticeG 801-22957 Hill variance Invoice 1828996 Cash Payment $118.76Tennis Court Project ad for bids Project 24-02 E 404-48000-308 Other Professional Servi Invoice 1828997 $146.07TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 ECKBERG LAMMERS Refer 791 Cash Payment $1,890.00Legal Services - JuneE 101-41000-304 Legal Services Invoice 40589 Cash Payment $85.50Laurel RidgeG 801-22934 Laurel Ridge Plat Invoice 40589 Cash Payment $311.00Scandia Plaza Phase 2G 801-22954 SCANDIA PLAZA-STEGEN Invoice 40589 $2,286.50TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 ELWOOD, SADIE Refer 792 Cash Payment $500.00Driveway Deposit RefundG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 7-16-24 $500.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 FINANCE AND COMMERCE Refer 793 Cash Payment $291.06Tennis Court Project ad for bids Project 24-02 E 404-48000-308 Other Professional Servi Invoice 745707617 $291.06TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 FRONTIER Ck# 002766E 7/12/2024Refer794 Cash Payment $142.72Bliss DialerE 602-43210-321 Telephone Invoice 6514332375 $142.72TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 GENIE CLEANING SERVICES Refer 796 Cash Payment $370.00Community Center - JuneE 101-45180-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice B736 Cash Payment $150.00Warming House - JuneE 101-45000-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice B738 Cash Payment $150.00Fire Station - JuneE 101-42200-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice B737 Cash Payment $125.00Public Works - JuneE 101-43000-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice B735 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 4 Current Period: July 2024 $795.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC Refer 797 Cash Payment $12.15Locator tickets - JuneE 101-43000-319 Other Services Invoice 4060736 $12.15TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 GUARDIAN PEST CONTROL Ck# 002767E 7/12/2024Refer798 Cash Payment $76.23Fire Station pest controlE 101-42200-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice 2584007 Cash Payment $50.82Public Works pest controlE 101-43000-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice 2584007 Cash Payment $44.21Community Center pest controlE 101-45180-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice 2584792 $171.26TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 GUARDIAN SUPPLY Refer 799 Cash Payment $131.93Class A uniform - FossE 101-42200-217 Uniforms & Safety Equip Invoice 18668 Cash Payment $124.93Class A uniform - GiddingsE 101-42200-217 Uniforms & Safety Equip Invoice 18669 Cash Payment $124.93Class A uniform - GonzalesE 101-42200-217 Uniforms & Safety Equip Invoice 18670 $381.79TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 HEBERT AND WELCH, P.A. Refer 800 Cash Payment $308.00Prosecution Services - JuneE 101-41000-304 Legal Services Invoice 390 $308.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 HUGO FEED MILL & ELEVATOR C Refer 802 Cash Payment $23.60Keys for ballfield shedE 101-45000-401 Building Maintenance/R Invoice 166104 $23.60TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 HYDRAULICS PLUS & CONSULTIN Refer 801 Cash Payment $1,765.74Rotary brush mower motor repairE 101-43000-404 Repair Machinery/Equip Invoice 18310 $1,765.74TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 I.U.O.E. LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE Refer 803 Cash Payment $885.00Employee contributionG 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Invoice Cash Payment $3,150.60Medical ins. AugustE 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice 7-2024 Cash Payment $123.90Medical ins. AugustE 101-45000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Cash Payment $265.50Medical ins. AugustE 101-45180-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice $4,425.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 IUOE LOCAL #49 Refer 804 Cash Payment $105.00Union dues - JulyG 101-21712 Union Dues Invoice 7-2024 $105.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 JOSEPH WHEATON Refer 805 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 5 Current Period: July 2024 Cash Payment $1,828.00Electrical Inspection Services - JuneE 101-41910-311 Contract Permit Inspecti Invoice 7-1-2024 $1,828.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 LOFFLER Ck# 002768E 7/12/2024Refer806 Cash Payment $21.54Copier charges - JuneE 101-41000-413 Equipment Rental Invoice 4737610 $21.54TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 LRS PORTABLES OF MINNESOTA Ck# 002769E 7/12/2024Refer807 Cash Payment $499.00Portable toilets rental 6/28 to 7/25E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos Invoice MP252923 $499.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE Refer 808 Cash Payment $71.67Long-term disability - Aug.E 101-41000-135 Employer Paid Disability Invoice 1635118 Cash Payment $34.63Long-term disability - Aug.E 101-41910-135 Employer Paid Disability Invoice Cash Payment $119.67Long-term disability - Aug.E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability Invoice Cash Payment $4.66Long-term disability - Aug.E 101-45000-135 Employer Paid Disability Invoice Cash Payment $8.87Long-term disability - Aug.E 101-45180-135 Employer Paid Disability Invoice $239.50TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION Ck# 002770E 7/12/2024Refer809 Cash Payment $446.02City HallE 101-41000-321 Telephone Invoice 6514332274 Cash Payment $228.79Fire StationE 101-42200-321 Telephone Invoice 6514334383 Cash Payment $228.78Public WorksE 101-43000-321 Telephone Invoice 6514335223 $903.59TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 MN DEPT. OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Ck# 002771E 7/12/2024Refer810 Cash Payment $1,384.86Building Permit Surcharges Quarter 2E 101-41910-438 Misc. Contractual Invoice 7-2024 $1,384.86TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 MN PEIP Ck# 002772E 7/12/2024Refer811 Cash Payment $1,051.23Employee contributionsG 101-21706 Accrued Medical Ins Invoice Cash Payment $3.20Dental ins. Aug.E 101-45000-132 Dental Insurance Invoice 1413230 Cash Payment $88.16Dental ins. Aug.E 101-43000-132 Dental Insurance Invoice Cash Payment $54.82Dental ins. Aug.E 101-41910-132 Dental Insurance Invoice Cash Payment $127.90Dental ins. Aug.E 101-41000-132 Dental Insurance Invoice Cash Payment $47.64Medical ins. Aug.E 101-45000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Cash Payment $1,313.40Medical ins. Aug.E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 6 Current Period: July 2024 Cash Payment $1,007.81Medical ins. Aug.E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Cash Payment $2,351.55Medical ins. Aug.E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice $6,045.71TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 NABPCO AUTO PARTS Refer 812 Cash Payment $34.36motor oilE 101-43000-221 Equipment Parts Invoice 798390 $34.36TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE Refer 813 Cash Payment $49.60Life ins. AugustE 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice 654200082024 Cash Payment $14.40Life ins. AugustE 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice Cash Payment $58.16Life ins. AugustE 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice Cash Payment $3.60Life ins. AugustE 101-45180-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice Cash Payment $2.24Life ins. AugustE 101-45000-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice Cash Payment $16.00Life ins. AugustE 101-42200-134 Employer Paid Life Invoice $144.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 OTTER LAKE ANIMAL CARE CENT Refer 814 Cash Payment $378.00Impound servicesE 101-42700-314 Animal Control Invoice 249087 $378.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 PEARSON BROS. INC. Refer 815 Cash Payment $247,820.80Crack Filling and Seal Coat Project Project 24-01 E 408-43100-530 Capital Impr Other Than Invoice Pay Request #1 $247,820.80TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 PRESTIGE CHEMICALS Refer 816 Cash Payment $2,108.72Asphalt patchE 101-43000-224 Materials for Road Maint Invoice 0824-10 Cash Payment $2,426.84Asphalt patchE 101-43000-224 Materials for Road Maint Invoice 0824-11 $4,535.56TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 SHIELDS, JUNE Refer 817 Cash Payment $276.50Refund Grading Permit #21-10G EscrowG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 7-16-2024 $276.50TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 SITEONE LANDSCAPING SUPPLY, Refer 818 Cash Payment $63.09Ballfield conditionerE 101-45000-406 Grounds Care Invoice 143378809-01 $63.09TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDE Refer 819 Cash Payment $46.00Variance recording feeG 801-22956 TROY CRIEGO-VARIANCE Invoice 7-3-2024 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 7 Current Period: July 2024 $46.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WELSCH, NICHOLAS Refer 820 Cash Payment $500.00Driveway Deposit RefundG 101-20202 Deposits Payable Invoice 7-16-2024 $500.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WEX BANK Ck# 002773E 7/12/2024Refer821 Cash Payment $640.74FuelE 101-42200-212 Fuel Invoice 98024557 Cash Payment $2,244.45FuelE 101-43000-212 Fuel Invoice $2,885.19TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WEX HEALTH INC.Ck# 002774E 7/12/2024Refer823 Cash Payment $8.25HSA fees - JuneE 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice 0001984248 Cash Payment $2.75HSA fees - JuneE 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice $11.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WEX HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT Ck# 002775E 7/12/2024Refer824 Cash Payment $787.50Health Savings Account-JulyE 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice 7-2024 Cash Payment $337.50Health Savings Account-JulyE 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Cash Payment $482.50Health Savings Account-JulyE 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice Cash Payment $17.50Health Savings Account-JulyE 101-45000-131 Employer Paid Health Invoice $1,625.00TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP Refer 822 Cash Payment $367.59Batteries, barricade tape, ratchet cushionsE 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice INV505657 $367.59TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 XCEL ENERGY Ck# 002776E 7/12/2024Refer825 Cash Payment $139.15StreetlightsE 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Invoice Cash Payment -$222.10Uptown streetlightsE 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities Invoice Cash Payment $83.86BallfieldE 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice Cash Payment $11.12Uptown sewerE 612-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice Cash Payment $47.04Bliss LS 3 & 4E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas Invoice $59.07TotalTransaction Date 7/12/2024 Checking*01 SSB 10100 Payments CITY OF SCANDIA 07/12/24 5:19 PM Page 8 Current Period: July 2024 Pre-Written Checks $15,337.89 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $881,136.01 Total $896,473.90 Fund Summary 10100 Checking*01 SSB 101 GENERAL FUND $43,569.58 226 CABLE TV $165.91 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $6,521.00 404 PARK DEVELOPMENT $6,654.32 408 LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND $826,008.33 602 BLISS SEWER $3,181.76 612 UPTOWN SEWER $11.12 624 ANDERSON-ERICKSON SEWER $36.07 801 ESCROW $10,325.81 $896,473.90