03. Minutes of June 20, 2024, IAC Meeting 14727 209th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433-2274 | Fax (651) 433-5112 | www.cityofscandia.com CITY OF SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, June 20, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street North Attendance: Vice-Chair Patti Ray, Will Perry, John Carney, and Steve Bradley via Zoom. Also in Attendance: City Administrator Kyle Morell Absent: Chair Bob Wilmers and Council Liaison Steve Kronmiller. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Ray at 6:30 p.m. Approval of Agenda – Motion by Perry, seconded by Carney, to approve the agenda with the addition of 7A Charter Purpose and 7B Charter Communication and Recognition clause. Motion Carried 3-0. Approval of Minutes –The May 16, 2024, meeting minutes were approved on a Motion by Carney, seconded by Parry. Motion Carried 3-0. Public Comments – None Midco Project Update – The following items were discussed:  Midco has two Border 2 Border applications into the State. More than seventy applications were submitted in this grant round. The award announcement is sometime in August  Big Marie Lake Project is complete, should launch sometime in September  Round 2 Line Extension grants work on 205th St. Oakhill are scheduled to begin mid-July. The construction on Meadowbrook is ongoing. Midco Day – Vice-Chair Ray updated the Committee on the August 14 Midco Day event. She has a Zoom meeting scheduled with Midco and Terry Gorham, Parks and Recreation Chairman, later this week. Three stories have been submitted. The City, Patti, and the School are advertising for additional stories. Internet Action Committee Charter – The Committee reviewed its Charter and discussed the following changes:  Voting Committee Members o Hint that these are preferred members o Professionals with industry knowledge o Residents who do not have internet  Non-Voting Members o Staff for advisory and record-keeping o City Council Liaison o Internet Provider representative  7A, Patti rewrote a revised purpose statement: Scandia Internet Action Committee Draft Minutes November 16, 2023 Page 2 of 3 The Internet Action Committee (IAC) of Scandia, MN, is dedicated to enhancing our community's digital connectivity through strategic initiatives and community engagement. Established in 2019, the IAC has a track record of successfully securing grants driven by genuine community support. Our mission is to ensure that Scandia remains at the forefront of Internet accessibility and technological advancement by collaborating with approved Internet Service Providers, with the approval of the City Council, to ensure that reliable, cost-effective, high-speed Internet is available to every premise in Scandia, all while minimizing costs to Scandia taxpayers. The following comments were made. o SB suggested stating Council is a partner, not with approval, change to collaboration o KM suggested also adding DEED  7B, Patti suggested adding Communication and Recognition at the end of the Charter. All public communications, including social media posts about the Committee's work product or updates on the Committee's actions, must include recognition of the Internet Action Committee (IAC). Additionally, any such posts must be discussed by the IAC before they are made public. This ensures accuracy, consistency, and appropriate acknowledgment of the committee's efforts and contributions. All contacts and questions regarding the IAC will be directed to the Committee Chair or the City Administrator. The following comments were made. o Change "and" to "or" between committee chair and City Admin in the last sentence and in the first sentence o Additionally, the IAC should be notified of any posts before they are made public - change to the second sentence o Capitalize "Committee's" in the last sentence The revised Purpose and Communication and Recognition statement will be added to the Charter and presented at the July meeting for review and approval. Items for Future Discussion – The following items are scheduled for discussion at the next meeting. o Midco Day o Charter Discussion o 2024 Construction Updates, Line Extension Updates o Outreach to remaining underserved passings Next Meeting – The committee noted that its next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Community Center. Adjournment – Motion by Carney, seconded by Perry, to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion Carried 3-0. _________________________________ Kyle Morell, City Administrator Scandia Internet Action Committee Draft Minutes November 16, 2023 Page 3 of 3