02. Minutes of June 25, 2024 Meeting City of Scandia Capital Investment Committee June 25, 2024 A meeting of the Capital Investment Committee was held on the above date. City Administrator Kyle Morell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Also present were Committee members Council Member Mike Lubke, Parks & Rec Committee Greg Zauner, Planning Commissioner Perry Rynders, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Dominic Mitchell, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, and Project Engineer Isaiah Bubany, Rynders, moved, seconded by Lubke to approve the minutes from May 13, 2023. Motion passed 5 – 0. Continued Road Discussion The Committee continued its discussion on the various ways to review and plan for road replacement. Rynders asked if the City had a limit on the amount of traffic needed on a road before it would be considered for a road project. Project Engineer Bubany stated counters would not change a road's rating but would add an additional data point to consider when deciding which roads to include in a project, i.e., roads with more traffic would be included before roads with less traffic. City Engineer Goodman stated that most of the roads that scored the lowest in the latest PASER rating were paved before 2006. Roads deteriorate at different rates based on traffic. Lightly used roads may last 30 years, and heavily used roads may not last 20. Councilmember Lubke asked about the cost of issuing debt to pay for roads. Staff stated the bond for the 2024 street project will cost the City approximately $100,000 a year in interest. Project Engineer Bubany stated that if the City wanted to pay for the road with cash, they would need to invest two million dollars a year on a 21-year replacement schedule. Paying cash for all road projects is unrealistic for most cities, which is why most issue bonds. Councilmember Lubke asked to see a budget that included cash for roads. Staff said they would prepare a draft for the committee’s next meeting. City Engineer Goodman explained changes to the City’s development fees and reviewing who maintains driveway culverts would be ways to help raise and save money on road projects. 2025 Projects and Beyond The committee is reviewing projects outlined in the general CIP fund. Fire Chief Hinz noted that the locks at City Hall will need to be replaced in the next couple of years, as their manufacturer will no longer support them. At that time, the Warming House will also receive new locks. Improved carbon monoxide monitoring is needed at the Fire Department. Changing OSHA standards will likely need to be announced before anything is updated to ensure compliance with the new regulations. Next steps: Staff will provide what has been budgeted and spent on past road projects and the effect of future projects on the City’s tax levy. The next meeting will be mid- to end-of-July to review and rate the other capital projects. The meeting adjourned at 8:10. Respectfully submitted, Kyle Morell City Administrator