06.a1 Draft minutes 07-16-2024 Meeting
July 16, 2024
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date in the Council
Chambers. The meeting was conducted in-person and over an electronic platform. All
participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of
Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Heather
Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff
present: City Administrator Kyle Morell, City Attorney Eric Larson, City Planner TJ Hofer, City
Engineer Isiah Bubany, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City
Clerk Brenda Eklund.
City Administrator Morell announced the removal of Agenda Item 9.b1) Shipping Container
Purchase for future discussion among staff. Benson, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to
approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Deputy Booth was out on a call. The June statistics report for police calls and citations was in the
meeting packet.
There were no public comments.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Adopt Resolution No. 07-16-24-01, Appointing Election Judges for the August 13, 2024
Primary Election and November 5, 2024 General Election
e) Approve 2024 Contract for Services with Lakes Center for Youth and Families
f) Approve Washington County Historical Society Temporary Liquor License for Re-
Scheduled Beer Tasting Event on October 5, 2024
g) Approve Hiring Seasonal Grounds Maintenance Worker
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion
carried 5-0.
Scandia City Council
July 16, 2024
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Planner Hofer presented a resolution to vacate drainage and utility easements in the Hawkinson
Business Park plat. As part of the Scandia Plaza expansion, a lot combination is proposed. This
combination makes the existing drainage and utility easement along the shared lot line no longer
Mayor Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing
was closed.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-16-24-02, Vacating Drainage
and Utility Easements in the Hawkinson Business Park Plat. Motion carried 5-0.
Parks Committee Chair Terry Gorham reported that at the July 1st meeting, the committee heard
from the organization Joy to Life Foundation, with a request to extend their community offerings
to the city. At no cost to the city, the organization will supply sunscreen dispensaries at the
Community Center and lighted ballfield parks. The PRC is coordinating activities for Scandia
Community Fun Day on August 15th, and working on the Taco Daze Pickleball Tournament. A
bird feeder pine cone activity will be offered at National Night Out on August 6th.
Scandia Plaza Site Plan Approval – Resolution 07-16-24-03
Planner Hofer reported that the Planning Commission discussed the Scandia Plaza expansion
project at their meetings on June 4th and July 2nd and recommended approval of the proposed site
plan subject to conditions. Hofer said the plan is generally consistent with the Unified
Development Code; where not consistent there are recommended conditions to bring the project
into compliance. Hofer noted that the council may waive certain character area standards that are
not practical for this site in the Village District. Windows will match those existing rather than
designed to have a wooden appearance; the site has existing parking and not reasonable to
relocate parking to a non-front yard. Hofer said there is a condition to provide screening of the
added parking.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-16-24-03, Approving a
Major Site Plan Review for Scandia Plaza at 21190 Ozark Avenue North as recommended
by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell reported that the IAC met last month and received updates from
Midco about 2024 high-speed broadband construction projects. Midco is waiting to hear of 2025
DEED grants to be released in August. The line extension grant project is scheduled to begin this
summer. Preparations for Midco Community Day are underway. The Committee is working on
updates to the IAC charter.
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Tourism Committee Chair Sue Dickens was present over Zoom. At their meeting on June 25th,
they covered the community garage sale wrap-up, hearing positive comments and suggestions to
improve the map and include local food specials. The Committee is planning for business
breakfasts on October 9, 2024 and April 9, 2025, and is offering suggestions for the city’s
website update.
The June building activity report was in the meeting packet. In June, 26 building permits were
issued at a valuation of $1,688,264.
Fire Chief Hinz reported on the Fire Department’s June activity. Last month the department
responded to 35 calls; 13 fire and 22 medicals. The department has responded to area structure
fires requiring mutual aid.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Incomplete Letter
Planner Hofer explained a response from the Met Council regarding the recent submittal for
updates to the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Met Council deemed the request for comp
plan amendments related to density and zoning references as incomplete, stating that the
amendment is “not compatible” with the Thrive 2040 system statements.
Planner Hofer reviewed the Met Council standards, their response, and possible options,
concluding that the Council should direct staff regarding potential needed amendments to
the city’s adopted documents. Hofer noted that the response is unclear and confusing at this
point, and staff is working to get better clarity with Met Council staff.
Planner Hofer outlined the issues:
▪ Proposed density of 1 dwelling unit per 1.5 acres is too dense for Village Neighborhood Future
Land Use based on the grandfathered Community Designation as Rural Center with density of 1
dwelling unit per 2.5 acres
▪ Village Mixed Use Future Land Use at 5 du per 40 acres is inconsistent with Community
Designation of Diversified Rural (4 du per 40 acres)
▪ Density bonuses cannot allow higher density than allowed by Community Designations.
Density must be held at 4 du per 40 acres no matter what.
Planner Hofer said staff is looking for input on what development should look like in the
Community Designation of Rural Center on the future land use map then direct staff to amend
the documents.
Mayor Maefsky said this discussion would be better discussed at a work session, and directed
staff to put this on a future work session agenda.
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Engineer Bubany reported that the Bliss Stormwater Project is beginning with tree removal in
July and the remainder of the project taking place during September to meet the substantial
completion date of September 30th.
2024 Street Improvement Project – Contractor’s Request for Payment No. 3
Engineer Bubany recommended approval of Pay Request No. 3 from Asphalt Surface
Technologies Corporation for work to final grade roadways, ditch grading, base
paving, and reclaiming. This request includes withholding 5% retainage.
Lubke, second by Benson, moved to approve Pay Request No. 3 and pay $535,063.93 to
Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation. Motion carried 5-0.
2024 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project -- Contractor’s Request for Payment No. 1
Engineer Bubany recommended approval of Pay Request No. 1 from Pearson Bros. Inc work
required to route and seal cracks, and seal coat the roads in this year’s project. This request
includes withholding 5% retainage.
Lubke, second by Benson, moved to approve Pay Request No. 1 and pay $247,820.80 to
Pearson Bros. Inc. Motion carried 5-0.
2024 Tennis Court Reconstruction Project – Bid Results
Bids for the 2024 Tennis Court Reconstruction Project were opened on Wednesday, July 10,
2024. Engineer Bubany presented the bid summary:
Contractor Base Bid Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3
Peterson Companies, Inc. $299,130.70 $109,055.00 $146,858.80 $1,700.40
Veit & Company, Inc. $303,077.50 $97,408.50 $165,448.50 $1,831.20
Dunaway Construction $307,576.20 $104,898.00 $153,262.80 $1,744.00
New Look Contracting, Inc. $325,456.50 $123,170.00 $159,835.00 $3,488.00
Urban Companies, LLC $335,538.50 $121,310.00 $176,161.50 $1,831.20
Goodmanson Construction, Inc. $349,538.50 $139,991.80 $178,315.60 $5,014.00
The base bid is full reconstruction of the existing tennis courts., reconfigure to one tennis court
and 2 pickleball courts, but striping can be altered. Alternative 1 is the addition of a tennis court
on the east side of the existing courts, and Alternative 2 is the full reconstruction of the Barton
Johnson tennis court. Alternative 3 is hockey rink pickleball court striping. The City approved
the 2024 budget with $150,000 allocated for this project.
Public Works Director Fischer explained the many conversations he has had to work out a layout
for dedicated pickleball courts and a tennis court. Alternate 1 would allow for 6 dedicated
pickleball courts and a tennis court on the east side. Fischer described a multiuse court
configuration to allow for temporary pickleball courts overlaid on the tennis court. Fischer said
Alternate 3 is not feasible as the rink holds water in the center, and this was not well received by
the Parks Committee and pickleball players.
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PRC Chair Terry Gorham said Alternate 1 gives the best configuration, and the PRC is
supporting the improvements. Gorham noted the strategy of the Parks Plan on amenities as
gathered by community input, and pickleball court improvements was high on the list.
Mayor Maefsky asked if one tennis court is enough? Gorham said that typically usage is with
one tennis court in play at a time; the frequency of both existing courts being used is not very
often. Gorham said with the increasing popularity of pickleball, he is anticipating that demand
will grow. Having six courts will add to the appeal and will get a lot of use. Gorham said the area
could be reconfigured to tennis courts if needed in the future.
Council member Kronmiller said Alternative 1 is taking away something for the expansion of
another. Is there a way to keep two tennis courts with the use of temporary pickleball nets?
Council members Kronmiller and Benson recommended to make the center court as multi-use
with permanent courts on both sides, saying this would make it flexible for both groups.
PW Director Fischer said portable net systems are manageable, and this allows flexibility to still
have six pickleball courts.
City Administrator Morell provided a staff report that outlined the challenges of paying for the
base bid and alternate 1, as the bids came in higher than anticipated and engineering costs are not
in the bid abstract, anticipated to be $50,000 through construction close-out. Morell proposed
using the excess fund balance to pay for the project of Base Bid and Alternate 1. By allocating
$125,000 of the excess fund balance to this project would still leave the City with over 55% fund
balance, above the 35% to 50% mandated in the City’s Fund Balance Policy. This would not
change the ability of the 401 Fund to pay for its budgeted projects through 2031.
Council member Benson said it is most logical to move ahead with the base bid and alternate 1
by reconfiguring the area to preserve two tennis courts.
Mayor Maefsky suggested staff provide a reconfigured diagram with a multi-use court in the
center. Administrator Morell said if a decision is tabled, he can reevaluate CIP projects to free up
funding for future projects.
City Administrator Morell said he will ask the engineer to consult with the bidder to reconfigure
the layout and provide any cost changes to bring back to the work session on August 7th.
Public Works Director Fischer reported on department activities. There were no questions on his
written report.
No Parking Zones
PW Director Fischer described the concerns brought forth during this year’s road construction on
obstructed parking in the right of ways which resulted in a closer look at the city’s parking
ordinance. The ordinance language is vague on what is a 20’ unobstructed width? This is causing
multiple issues in the city and hinders the ability for law enforcement to write parking citations.
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Fischer proposed several amendments to existing Chapter 72 and the revisions were reviewed.
Council member Kronmiller said new language will alleviate concerns but would also impact
some residents. Kronmiller suggested putting discussion off to a work shop to consider more
time for something that will affect everybody and its implications. Fischer agreed that this is not
urgent, with time to discuss any proposed revisions.
Council directed staff to have this topic on a future work session agenda.
Attorney Eric Larson had no verbal report.
City Administrator Morell provided his written report.
City Clerk Eklund reported on a notice received from Washington County requesting
nominations for an expiring term on the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed Board of
Managers. Local resident David Bakke has notified the city that he would like to be reappointed
to the Board. A draft letter of support was provided by staff.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to support David Bakke for reappointment to the
Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed Board of Managers. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell recommended changes to the purchasing policy for budgeted items, as
costs for goods have increased. Items and/or services that were able to be purchased by
department heads under the existing cost limit now require the approval of the administrator or
Morell provided an amended purchasing policy to increase dollar amount limits for department
heads, and made changes to reflect state statute requirements that have increased the need for
bids. Morell said non-budgeted purchases will continue to come to the council.
Lubke, second by Benson, moved to approve changes to the Purchasing Policy as
recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell brought back the city hall improvements project with revisions to the
bid items as requested by the Council at their June 18th meeting. Staff recommends Woodcrest
Builders with some items removed from the overall bid, such as the council chambers
countertop, Community Room mural, additional office window, and removal of alternates.
This brought the total cost to under $74,000. Currently, $67,548 is budgeted in the 401 CIP for
this project.
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Council member Benson suggested putting off the A/V room improvements for a few years to
lower the cost. PW Director Fischer said there are savings in mobilization costs to do the A/V
room when the contractor is in the building already. Administrator Morell said staff will look at
reducing the cost of renovating that room in the overall bid.
Morell said staff will bring this project back for further consideration at a future meeting taking
these comments into account to reduce costs.
City Administrator Morell presented a schedule of budget meetings and work sessions to finalize
the city’s 2025 budget for final adoption in December. The CIP Committee will meet later this
month, and their recommendations incorporated into the budget at the first meeting on August
Administrator Morell announced that Treasurer Colleen Firkus provided her letter of resignation
with an effective date of March 31, 2025, allowing her to be present through the city’s audit.
Personnel Committee members Kronmiller and Lubke will meet with Morell to discuss filling
this position.
City Administrator Morell reported that landowner Pam Arnold is seeking to place a
conservation easement over her property at 16560 220th Street in Scandia. The easement would
cover approximately 76 acres of land over two parcels. The conservation easement is
done through the County’s Land and Water Legacy Program in partnership with the Minnesota
Land Trust. Washington County is seeking a resolution of support from the City.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to approve Resolution No. 07-16-24-04, Supporting
the Placement of a Conservation Easement located at 16560 220th Street North. Motion
carried 5-0
Lubke, second by Benson, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk