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06.b Treasurer's Monthly Report
City of Scandiaaug Treasurer’sReport July 30, 2024 FUNDACCOUNTING Beginning CashBalance $ 5,496,964.237/1/2024 BeginningCheckingBalance$ 164,046.29 CheckingReceipts 1,788,147.55 Transfers toChecking 1,528,697.44 TotalDeposits 3,316,844.99 Expenditures 952,217.69)CASHBALANCES6/30/2024 Payroll$ (69,595.02) TransferstoMoneyMarket$ (2,300,000.00) G101-10100GENERAL FUND$ 1,694,324.28 TotalPayments 3,321,812.71) G203-10100COVID-19RELIEF$ 466,422.00 G225-10100EDA$ 39,970.23 Ending CheckingBalance 159,078.57G226-10100CABLE TV$ 28,435.48 G230-10100GATEWAY TRAIL$ - Beginning MoneyMarketBalance 8,265.64G 240-10100PUBLIC SAFETY AID$ 176,529.00 MoneyMarketReceipts 882.09 G313-101002013EQUIPCERT$ 31,943.24 TransfertoChecking G318-101002018EQUIPCERT$ 192,075.68 TransferfromChecking 1,600,000.00G 324-101002024 ROAD PROJECTS$ 3,888,689.62 G401-10100CAPITALIMPROVEMENT$ 888,818.70 EndingMoneyMarket Balance 1,609,147.73 G404-10100PARKDEVELOPMENT$ 73,846.25 G406-10100EQUIPMENT REPLACE$ (92,640.18) BeginningInvestmentsBalance 5,334,223.77G 408-10100LRIF-$1,178,017.84 Investments Receipts-Interest 17,143.80G 602-10100BLISS SEWER$ 1,327.29 TransferfromChecking 700,000.00 1,528,697.44) G612-10100UPTOWN SEWER$ 21,692.42TransferstoChecking EndingInvestmentsBalance$ 4,522,670.13 G 624-10100A-ESEWER$ 28,150.87 G801-10100$ 19,454.96ESCROW Outstanding Checks$ 6,281,022.009,874.43) 7/30/2024$ - EndingCashBalance $ 6,281,022.00 CHECKING, MONEYMARKET & INVESTMENTCD's BegBalChecking *102$ 164,046.29 Credits$ 3,319,730.18 Debits$ (3,324,697.90) ReceiptinTransit 159,078.57EndBal MoneyMarket *105 - Rate1.25%$ 8,265.64BegBal ratechangefrom .25% Credits 1,600,882.09 Debits EndBal$ 1,609,147.73 Investments CD *4422 - Rate5.10% 12mo., 3/25/2025$ 334,924.96 CD *4424 - Rate5.00% 12mo., 7/27/2025$ 473,174.27 CD *4425 - Rate5.10% 9mo., 9/28/2024$ 784,855.35 CD *4426 - Rate5.10% 9mo., 10/30/2024 557,829.30 BondProceeds 2,371,886.25 TotalInvestments$ 4,522,670.13 TotalBank & Investment Accounts 6,290,896.43 9,874.43) ChecksinTransit *3102 TotalFunds$ 6,281,022.00 Submitted by: ColleenFirkus, Treasurer CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUND RevenueR101-41000-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 1,865,916 $ 1,003,106 $ 1,003,106 $ 862,810 53.76%Distributed July 1 and Dec. 1 R101-41000-31040 Fiscal Disparities$ 107,857 $ 76,018 $ 76,018 $ 31,839 70.48% R101-41000-31701 GravelTaxes$ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 20,000 0.00% R101-41000-31830 SolarEnergyProduction Tax$ 5,500 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 3,500 36.37% R101-41000-31900 Penalties & InterestDelTax$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% R101-41000-32150 ROWUtilityPermit$ 5,000 $ 2,100 $ - $ 2,900 42.00% R101-41000-32180 Tobacco & LiquorLicenses$ 11,000 $ 1,150 $ - $ 9,850 10.45% R101-41000-32190 OtherCityPermits$ 3,000 $ 1,419 $ 250 $ 1,581 47.30% R101-41000-32210 BuildingPermits$ 160,000 $ 107,434 $ 29,880 $ 52,566 67.15% R101-41000-32260 GamblingPermits$ 100 $ 130 $ - $ (30) 130.00% R101-41000-33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERAAid$ 7,000 $ - $ - $ 7,000 0.00% R101-41000-33420 FireReliefStatePERA$ 40,474 $ - $ - $ 40,474 0.00% Fire Training Grants; $5k Street R101-41000-33422 OtherStateGrants & Aids$ 6,000 $ 13,493 $ - $ (7,493)224.89% Sweeping Grant R101-41000-33428 PILOT$ 6,000 $ 3,283 $ 3,283 $ 2,717 54.72% R 101-41000-33620 Recycling Grant$ 11,000 $ 8,164 $ - $ 2,836 74.22% R101-41000-33630 Local GovtGrants & Aids$ 10,000 $ 10,228 $ - $ (228) 102.28%Washington County Dive Gear Grant R101-41000-33640 OtherGrants$ 1,200 $ - $ - $ 1,200 0.00% R101-41000-34103 ZoningandPlanning$ 5,000 $ 4,800 $ 100 $ 200 96.00% R101-41000-34107 AssessmentSearchFees$ 20 $ - $ - $ 20 0.00% R101-41000-34109 WaterUsage$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R101-41000-34202 FireProtectionServices$ 33,915 $ 35,816 $ - $ (1,901) 105.61%Town of May Fire Service Contract R101-41000-34301 DamageRepairs$ - $ 3,070 $ - $ (3,070) 0.00% R101-41000-34303 DustControl$ 3,630 $ 2,673 $ - $ 957 73.63% R101-41000-34304 ReimbursementforServices$ 1,000 $ 900 $ - $ 100 90.00% FLCC bookkeeping services $3,600/yr. R101-41000-34305 OtherStreetServices$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R101-41000-34730 AdRevenue$ 1,000 $ 450 $ - $ 550 45.00% R101-41000-34750 FacilitiesRental$ 7,400 $ 4,561 $ 1,116 $ 2,839 61.64% R101-41000-34760 CleaningFees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R101-41000-34790 RecreationPrograms$ 1,500 $ 1,189 $ - $ 311 79.28% R101-41000-35101 Fines & Forfeitures$ 7,000 $ 2,646 $ 387 $ 4,354 37.80% R101-41000-36210 InterestIncome$ 5,636 $ 64,286 $ 18,035 $ (58,650) 1140.62% distributed among funds at EOY R101-41000-36230 Donations$ 7,195 $ 1,352 $ - $ 5,843 18.79% Vinterfest button donations R101-41000-36240 Insurance Dividend$ 4,000 $ - $ - $ 4,000 0.00% R101-41000-36250 Misc. Refund$ 2,000 $ 266 $ 38 $ 1,734 13.30% TotalGeneralFundRevenue$ 2,340,443 $ 1,350,536 $ 1,134,213 $ 989,907 57.70% OperatingTransfersR101-41000-39200 InterfundOperating Transfer$ - R101-49000-39203 TransferfromOtherFunds$ - $ 500,000 $ - $ (500,000) R101-49000-39204 MoneyMarketTransfer$ - $ 5,153,697 $ 3,828,697 $ (5,153,697) TotalOperatingTransfers$ 5,653,697$ 3,828,697 $ (5,653,697) CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUND ExpenditureADMINISTRATION & FINANCE E101-41000-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 196,713 $ 95,678 $ 20,317 $ 101,035 48.64% E101-41000-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 13,801 $ 7,813 $ 1,524 $ 5,988 56.61% E101-41000-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 12,196 $ 6,159 $ 1,229 $ 6,037 50.50% E101-41000-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 2,852 $ 1,570 $ 287 $ 1,282 55.05% E101-41000-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ 46,482 $ 24,374 $ 3,147 $ 22,108 52.44% E101-41000-132 DentalInsurance$ 1,990 $ 1,023 $ 128 $ 967 51.42% E101-41000-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 643 $ 399 $ 50 $ 244 62.02% E101-41000-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ 960 $ 573 $ 72 $ 387 59.73% E101-41000-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 1,339 $ 1,837 $ - $ (498)137.19% E101-41000-200 OfficeSupplies$ 1,133 $ 420 $ - $ 713 37.11% E101-41000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 1,957 $ 1,874 $ - $ 83 95.78% E101-41000-210 OperatingSupplies$ 824 $ 329 $ - $ 495 39.93% E101-41000-301 AuditingandAcctgServices$ 27,000 $ 32,050 $ - $ (5,050)118.70% E101-41000-303 EngineeringFees$ - $ - $ 474 $ - 0.00% E101-41000-304 LegalServices$ 65,000 $ 20,294 $ 5,185 $ 44,706 31.22% E101-41000-306 PersonalTesting & Recruit$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% American Legal Web Fee & Ordinance E101-41000-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ 5,000 $ 1,747 $ - $ 3,253 34.94% Updates E101-41000-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 18,746 $ 7,519 $ 275 $ 11,227 40.11% E101-41000-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 721 $ 20 $ - $ 701 2.77% E101-41000-317 EmployeeTraining$ 206 $ - $ - $ 206 0.00% E101-41000-319 OtherServices$ 700 $ 235 $ 150 $ 465 33.57% E101-41000-321 Telephone$ 5,100 $ 3,083 $ 446 $ 2,018 60.44% E101-41000-322 Postage$ 2,200 $ 1,305 $ 45 $ 895 59.31% E101-41000-331 TravelExpenses$ 1,000 $ 245 $ 97 $ 755 24.49% E101-41000-351 LegalNoticesPublishing$ 1,500 $ 1,318 $ - $ 182 87.85% E101-41000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 11,516 $ 9,166 $ - $ 2,350 79.60% E101-41000-365 InsuranceClaims$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E101-41000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 12,000 $ 4,677 $ 1,390 $ 7,323 38.98% E101-41000-413 EquipmentRental$ 1,800 $ 784 $ 70 $ 1,016 43.55% E101-41000-430 Recycling$ - $ 20 $ - $ (20) 0.00% E101-41000-433 DuesandSubscriptions$ 5,000 $ 90 $ - $ 4,910 1.80% E101-41000-434 YouthServiceBureau$ 5,500 $ - $ - $ 5,500 0.00% E101-41000-435 MiscExpense$ - $ 7 $ - $ (7) 0.00% Annual website host & maintenance; E101-41000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 4,120 $ 2,198 $ - $ 1,923 53.34% ABDO help E101-41000-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41000-560 FurnitureandFixtures$ - $ 233 $ - $ (233)0.00% E101-41000-570 OfficeEquipment$ 1,500 $ 34 $ - $ 1,466 2.27% TotalAdmin & FinanceDept. Expenditures$ 450,499$ 227,074$ 34,887$ 223,42550.41% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUNDCONT.CITYCOUNCIL ExpendituresE101-41110-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 20,772 $ 10,386 $ 5,193 $ 10,386 50.00% E101-41110-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 1,288 $ 185 $ 62 $ 1,103 14.33% E101-41110-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 301 $ 99 $ 75 $ 202 32.74% E101-41110-127 PERADefined$ 703 $ 370 $ 210 $ 333 52.69% E101-41110-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 100 $ 52 $ - $ 48 52.00% E101-41110-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-41110-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 350 $ 30 $ - $ 320 8.57% E101-41110-331 TravelExpenses$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41110-560 FurnitureandFixtures$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41110-570 OfficeEquipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalCityCouncilDept. Expenditures$ 23,514 $ 11,121 $ 5,540 $ 12,393 47.30% ELECTIONS ExpendituresE 101-41410-199 Election Judge$ 5,400 $ 1,750 $ - $ 3,650 32.41% E101-41410-200 OfficeSupplies$ 50 $ 28 $ - $ 22 55.70% E101-41410-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41410-210 OperatingSupplies$ 750 $ 304 $ - $ 446 40.49% E101-41410-351 LegalNoticesPublishing$ 200 $ 15 $ - $ 185 7.72% E101-41410-413 EquipmentRental$ 1,700 $ 1,672 $ - $ 28 98.35% Wash. Cty. Equip. Maintenance Fee Total Elections Dept. Expenditures$ 8,100 $ 3,769 $ - $ 4,331 46.53% PLANNING & BUILDING ExpendituresE101-41910-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 60,010 $ 34,386 $ 6,747 $ 25,624 57.30% E101-41910-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 4,263 $ 2,577 $ 506 $ 1,686 60.45% E101-41910-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 3,721 $ 2,023 $ 405 $ 1,698 54.36% E101-41910-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 870 $ 497 $ 95 $ 373 57.17% E101-41910-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ 17,353 $ 10,425 $ 1,345 $ 6,928 60.08% E101-41910-132 DentalInsurance$ 724 $ 439 $ 55 $ 285 60.57% E101-41910-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 173 $ 115 $ 14 $ 58 66.59% E101-41910-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ 416 $ 277 $ 35 $ 139 66.60% E101-41910-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E101-41910-311 ContractPermitInspections$ 60,000 $ 29,886 $ 7,913 $ 30,114 49.81% E101-41910-312 PlanningServices$ 60,000 $ 25,894 $ 1,523 $ 34,106 43.16% E101-41910-313 Committee & CommissionReimbur$ 5,200 $ 2,600 $ - $ 2,600 50.00% E101-41910-316 Conferences & Seminars$ - $ 30 $ - $ (30)0.00% E101-41910-319 OtherServices$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41910-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 5,563 $ 4,937 $ - $ 626 88.75% E101-41910-438 Misc. Contractual$ 5,000 $ 2,391 $ 1,385 $ 2,609 47.82% E101-41910-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-41910-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalPlanning & BuildingDept. Expenditures$ 223,393 $ 116,477 $ 20,023 $ 106,916 52.14% ASSESSOR ExpendituresE 101-41960-300 Assessor$ 23,200 $ 13,260 $ 2,000 $ 9,940 57.15% POLICE ExpendituresE101-42100-318 Police Contract$ 183,442 $ - $ - $ 183,442 0.00% E101-42100-319 OtherServices$ 960 $ 309 $ 309 $ 651 32.23%Code Red System TotalGFPoliceDept. Expenditures$ 184,402 $ 309 $ 309 $ 184,093 0.17% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUNDCONT.FIRE ExpendituresE101-42200-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 160,554 $ 105,218 $ 21,367 $ 55,336 65.53% E101-42200-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-42200-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 9,954 $ 6,583 $ 1,155 $ 3,371 66.13% E101-42200-124 Police & FirePERA$ 8,983 $ 5,788 $ 1,092 $ 3,195 64.44% E101-42200-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 2,328 $ 1,162 $ 313 $ 1,166 49.89% E101-42200-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 192 $ 128 $ 16 $ 64 66.67% E101-42200-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% E101-42200-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 12,000 $ 6,249 $ - $ 5,751 52.08% E101-42200-200 OfficeSupplies$ 200 $ 150 $ - $ 50 75.00% E101-42200-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-209 MedicalSupplies$ 3,500 $ 447 $ 314 $ 3,053 12.76% E101-42200-210 OperatingSupplies$ 8,800 $ 1,401 $ 459 $ 7,399 15.92% E 101-42200-211 Cleaning Supplies$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E101-42200-212 Fuel$ 4,000 $ 2,405 $ 641 $ 1,595 60.12% E101-42200-217 Uniforms & SafetyEquipment$ 10,000 $ 16,704 $ 382 $ (6,704)167.04% new employee uniforms E101-42200-221 EquipmentParts$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E101-42200-222 Tires$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-223 StructureRepair & Supplies$ 800 $ 6 $ - $ 794 0.81% E101-42200-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 22,195 $ 14,286 $ - $ 7,909 64.37% SCBA medical exams & flow testsE101-42200-305 MedicalServices$ 5,600 $ 5,630 $ - $ (30) 100.54% E101-42200-306 PersonalTesting & Recruit$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E101-42200-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 17,000 $ 8,841 $ 2,873 $ 8,159 52.01% E101-42200-310 MedicalTraining$ 2,000 $ 50 $ - $ 1,950 2.50% E101-42200-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 250 $ - $ - $ 250 0.00% E101-42200-317 EmployeeTraining$ 12,000 $ 2,505 $ - $ 9,495 20.87% E101-42200-319 OtherServices$ 500 $ 105 $ - $ 395 21.00% E101-42200-321 Telephone$ 7,000 $ 3,124 $ 229 $ 3,876 44.63% E101-42200-322 Postage$ - $ 18 $ - $ (18) 0.00% E101-42200-324 StateofMN-FireRelief$ 40,474 $ - $ - $ 40,474 0.00% E101-42200-325 CityMatch-FireRelief$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-331 TravelExpenses$ 2,000 $ 1,818 $ - $ 182 90.91% Fire School travel costs MN Board of Firefighter Training & E101-42200-334 Licenses & Permits$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00%Education License E101-42200-340 Advertising$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 7,339 $ 7,208 $ - $ 131 98.21% E101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 8,000 $ 2,814 $ 96 $ 5,186 35.18% E101-42200-384 Refuse/GarbageDisposal$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 550 $ 526 $ - $ 24 95.64% E101-42200-401 BuildingMaintenance/Repairs$ 3,500 $ 1,481 $ 226 $ 2,019 42.31% E101-42200-403 Improvements OtherThanBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-42200-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 8,500 $ 6,325 $ 11 $ 2,175 74.41% E101-42200-407 WellRepair & Maintenance$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% E101-42200-433 DuesandSubscriptions$ 3,200 $ 3,245 $ - $ (45) 101.42% E101-42200-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,500 $ - $ - $ 3,500 0.00% E101-42200-440 Events$ 1,000 $ 148 $ - $ 852 14.84% E101-42200-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-42200-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-42200-540 HeavyMachineryCapital$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-42200-560 FurnitureandFixtures$ 500 $ 51 $ - $ 449 10.18% E101-42200-570 OfficeEquipment$ 900 $ 379 $ - $ 521 42.14% TotalFireDeptExpenditures$ 369,919 $ 204,795 $ 29,172 $ 165,124 55.36% ANIMALCONTROL ExpendituresE101-42700-314 Animal Control$ 6,000 $4,006.84$1,422.55$1,993.1666.78% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUNDCONT.PUBLICWORKS ExpendituresE101-43000-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 255,022 $ 157,908 $ 29,830 $ 97,114 61.92% E101-43000-102 OTRegularWages$ 5,014 $ 2,572 $ - $ 2,442 51.30% E101-43000-104 TemporaryEmployeeWages$ 2,262 $ 338 $ - $ 1,924 14.93% E101-43000-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 19,503 $ 11,375 $ 2,237 $ 8,128 58.33% E101-43000-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 16,262 $ 8,881 $ 1,786 $ 7,381 54.61% E101-43000-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 3,803 $ 2,229 $ 418 $ 1,574 58.60% E101-43000-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ 66,939 $ 39,246 $ 4,949 $ 27,693 58.63% E101-43000-132 DentalInsurance$ 1,164 $ 708 $ 88 $ 456 60.87% E101-43000-133Union TrainingCenter$ 1,872 $ 936 $ 144 $ 936 50.00% E101-43000-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 698 $ 474 $ 60 $ 224 67.91% E101-43000-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ 1,365 $ 930 $ 120 $ 435 68.10% E101-43000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% E101-43000-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 27,000 $ 22,615 $ - $ 4,385 83.76% E101-43000-200 OfficeSupplies$ 50 $ - $ - $ 50 0.00% E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies$ 8,500 $ 4,250 $ 61 $ 4,250 50.00% E101-43000-212 Fuel$ 25,000 $ 11,954 $ 2,244 $ 13,046 47.82% E101-43000-217 Uniforms & SafetyEquipment$ 2,300 $ 1,095 $ 229 $ 1,205 47.61% E101-43000-221 EquipmentParts$ 17,000 $ 6,797 $ 178 $ 10,203 39.98% E101-43000-222 Tires$ 7,500 $ - $ - $ 7,500 0.00% E101-43000-223 StructureRepair & Supplies$ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 2,000 0.00% E101-43000-224 MaterialsforRoadMaintenance$ 7,000 $ 16,310 $ 4,715 $ (9,310)233.00% Cold Patch; New Streetlight Flags E101-43000-226 SignReplacementandRepair$ 750 $ - $ - $ 750 0.00% E101-43000-228 Gravel$ 10,000 $ 330 $ - $ 9,670 3.30% E101-43000-229 Salt$ 22,000 $ 12,375 $ - $ 9,625 56.25% E101-43000-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 8,000 $ 6,422 $ - $ 1,578 80.27% E101-43000-302 Surveying$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-43000-303 EngineeringFees$ 10,500 $ 6,744 $ (174) $ 3,757 64.22% E101-43000-304 LegalServices$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-43000-305 MedicalServices$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E101-43000-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 6,000 $ 200 $ - $ 5,800 3.33% E101-43000-317 EmployeeTraining$ 1,500 $ 459 $ - $ 1,041 30.63% E101-43000-319 OtherServices$ 7,000 $ 4,127 $ 12 $ 2,873 58.95% E101-43000-321 Telephone$ 4,000 $ 2,487 $ 355 $ 1,513 62.16% Travel to Arborist workshop & Water E101-43000-331 TravelExpenses$ 500 $ 291 $ - $ 209 58.14%School E101-43000-334 Licenses & Permits$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E101-43000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 8,766 $ 9,713 $ - $ (947) 110.80% E101-43000-365 InsuranceClaims$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 6,000 $ 1,982 $ 64 $ 4,018 33.03% E101-43000-384 Refuse/GarbageDisposal$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% holding tank & floor drain oil separator E101-43000-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ 2,285 $ - $ (785)152.35% tank pumping E101-43000-387 Street LightUtilities$ 4,200 $ 1,784 $ (13) $ 2,416 42.47% E101-43000-401 BuildingMaintenance/Repairs$ 6,000 $ 2,049 $ 274 $ 3,951 34.15% E101-43000-403 Improvements OtherThanBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-43000-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 25,000 $ 5,115 $ 1,766 $ 19,885 20.46% E101-43000-405 ContractualRoadMaint/Repair$ 200,000 $ 75,179 $ 1,643 $ 124,821 37.59% E101-43000-407 WellRepair & Maintenance$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E101-43000-413 EquipmentRental$ 4,000 $ 26 $ - $ 3,974 0.65% E101-43000-417 UniformRental$ 1,200 $ 519 $ 80 $ 681 43.25% E101-43000-433 DuesandSubscriptions$ 200 $ - $ - $ 200 0.00% E101-43000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 16,000 $ - $ - $ 16,000 0.00% E101-43000-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-43000-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E101-43000-550 MotorVehiclesCapital$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-43000-560 FurnitureandFixtures$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E101-43000-570 OfficeEquipment$ - $ 487 $ - $ (487) 0.00% E101-43000-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalPublicWorksDept. Expenditures$ 826,270 $ 421,191 $ 51,068 $ 405,079 50.97% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUNDCONT.PARKS & RECREATION ExpendituresE101-45000-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 11,328 $ 6,330 $ 1,269 $ 4,998 55.88% E101-45000-104 TemporaryEmployeeWages$ 39,985 $ 10,130 $ 4,463 $ 29,855 25.33% E101-45000-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 850 $ 474 $ 95 $ 376 55.77% E101-45000-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 3,181 $ 997 $ 353 $ 2,184 31.35% E101-45000-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 744 $ 240 $ 82 $ 504 32.22% E101-45000-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ 2,562 $ 1,366 $ 189 $ 1,196 53.33% E101-45000-132 DentalInsurance$ 42 $ 22 $ 3 $ 20 53.33% E101-45000-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 27 $ 18 $ 2 $ 9 66.37% E101-45000-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ 76 $ 36 $ 5 $ 40 47.63% E101-45000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% E101-45000-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 2,700 $ 2,251 $ - $ 449 83.37% E101-45000-200 OfficeSupplies$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E101-45000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 200 $ - $ - $ 200 0.00% E101-45000-210 OperatingSupplies$ 1,000 $ 522 $ 78 $ 478 52.19% E101-45000-212 Fuel$ 1,000 $ 138 $ - $ 862 13.80% E101-45000-221 EquipmentParts$ 2,500 $ 588 $ 152 $ 1,912 23.51% E101-45000-223 StructureRepair & Supplies$ 2,500 $ 138 $ - $ 2,362 5.52% E101-45000-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 101-45000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45000-313 Committee & CommissionReimbur$ - $ 480 $ - $ 480) 0.00% E101-45000-319 OtherServices$ 1,750 $ 1,019 $ - $ 731 58.24% E101-45000-322 Postage$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45000-340 Advertising$ - $ 275 $ - $ (275) 0.00% E101-45000-353 Sales& UseTax$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 3,489 $ 5,333 $ - $ (1,844) 152.86% E101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 6,500 $ 1,552 $ 98 $ 4,948 23.88% E101-45000-384 Refuse/GarbageDisposal$ 5,000 $ 2,158 $ 499 $ 2,842 43.17% E101-45000-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 1,250 $ 191 $ - $ 1,059 15.31% Lighted ballfield fence repair - insurance E101-45000-401 BuildingMaintenance/Repairs$ 6,000 $ 4,151 $ 174 $ 1,849 69.18% reimbursed E101-45000-403 Improvements OtherThanBldgs$ 2,500 $ 716 $ - $ 1,784 28.63% E101-45000-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 1,000 $ 380 $ - $ 620 38.01% E101-45000-406 GroundsCare$ 4,000 $ 1,237 $ 63 $ 2,763 30.92% E101-45000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 8,000 $ 3,723 $ 575 $ 4,277 46.53% E101-45000-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45000-440 Events$ 7,000 $ 1,384 $ 50 $ 5,616 19.78% E101-45000-490 Financial Assistance$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45000-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 9,900 $ 1,800 $ - $ 8,100 18.18% E101-45000-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalParks & RecDept. Expenditures$ 125,684 $ 47,650 $ 8,150 $ 78,034 37.91% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments GENERALFUNDCONT.COMMUNITY CENTER ExpendituresE101-45180-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 16,600 $ 9,301 $ 1,866 $ 7,299 56.03% E101-45180-104 TemporaryEmployeeWages$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45180-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 1,245 $ 697 $ 140 $ 548 55.97% E101-45180-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 1,029 $ 541 $ 112 $ 488 52.62% E101-45180-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 241 $ 136 $ 26 $ 105 56.52% E101-45180-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ 3,692 $ 1,849 $ 266 $ 1,843 50.07% E101-45180-134 EmployerPaidLife$ 43 $ 29 $ 4 $ 14 66.98% E101-45180-135 EmployerPaidDisability$ 95 $ 69 $ 9 $ 26 72.23% E101-45180-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ - $ 152 $ - $ 152) 0.00% E101-45180-210 OperatingSupplies$ 2,900 $ 896 $ 113 $ 2,004 30.89% E101-45180-223 StructureRepair & Supplies$ 4,000 $ 236 $ - $ 3,764 5.91% E101-45180-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,000 $ 955 $ - $ 45 95.50% E101-45180-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 835 $ 801 $ - $ 34 95.89% E101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 9,135 $ 3,560 $ - $ 5,575 38.97% E101-45180-384 Refuse/GarbageDisposal$ - $ 124 $ - $ (124)0.00% E101-45180-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 4,000 $ 1,260 $ - $ 2,740 31.50% E101-45180-401 BuildingMaintenance/Repairs$ 15,000 $ 5,888 $ 630 $ 9,112 39.25% E101-45180-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 5,000 $ 125 $ - $ 4,875 2.49% E 101-45180-406 Grounds Care$ 1,300 $ 117 $ - $ 1,183 9.00% E101-45180-407 WellRepair & Maintenance$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% Seasonal lightingE101-45180-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 2,000 42.86% E101-45180-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45180-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E101-45180-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E101-45180-570 OfficeEquipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E101-45180-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalCommunityCenterDept. Expenditures$ 64,490 $ 36,808 $ 3,492 $ 27,682 57.08% TOTALGENERALFUNDEXPENDITURES$ 2,321,496 $ 729,757 $ 214,919 $ 1,403,273 27.37% E101-49000-421 CashOver/Short OperatingTransfersE101-49000-720 OperatingTransfers$ 5,653,697 $ 3,828,697 $ (5,653,697) TOTALGENERALFUNDEXPENDITURESW/TRANSFERS$ 2,321,496 $ 1,579,757 $ 714,919 $ 553,273 CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments COVIDRELIEFFUND RevenueR203-46200-33150 FederalGrant$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% ExpendituresE203-49000-720OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ EDAFUND RevenueR225-46500-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 5,300 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 50.00% R225-46500-33640 OtherGrants$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R225-46500-34750 FacilitiesRental$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R225-46500-36210 InterestIncome$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R225-46500-36230 Donations$ - $ 310 $ - $ (310) 0.00% R225-46500-39200 InterfundOperating Transfer$ - $ 33,356 $ - $ (33,356)0.00% closed checking account TotalEDAFund Revenue$ 5,400$ 36,316 $ 2,650 $ (30,916)672.52% ExpenditureE225-46500-210 OperatingSupplies$ 300 $23.23$0.00$276.777.74% E225-46500-303 EngineeringFees$ - $0.00$0.00$0.000.00% E225-46500-304 LegalServices$ - $0.00$0.00$0.000.00% E225-46500-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ 100 $0.00$0.00$100.000.00% EDAM Membership; Sister City DuesE225-46500-340 Advertising$ 1,500 $0.00$0.00$1,500.000.00% E225-46500-433 DuesandSubscriptions$ 1,203 $364.00$0.00$839.0030.26% E225-46500-440 Events$ 1,500 $310.00$0.00$1,190.0020.67% E225-46500-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $33,356.07$0.00($33,356.07)0.00% closed checking account TotalEDAFundExpenditures$ 4,603$ 34,030 $ -$ (29,450)739.30% CABLETVFUND RevenueR226-41950-36210 Interest Income$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R226-41950-36260 SaleofEquipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R226-41950-38050 Cable TVFranchise Rebates$ 16,700 $ 10,410 $ 2,071 $ 6,290 62.33% R226-41950-38051 PEG Fees$ 4,400 $ 2,170 $ - $ 2,230 49.32% TotalCableTVFundRevenue$ 21,200 $ 12,580 $ 2,071 $ 8,620 59.34% ExpenditureE226-41950-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E226-41950-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 3,500 $ 2,353 $ 166 $ 1,147 67.23% E226-41950-438 Misc. Contractual$ 7,750 $ 3,170 $ - $ 4,580 40.90% E226-41950-570 OfficeEquipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalCableTVFundExpenditures$ 11,550 $ 5,523$ 166$ 6,027 47.82% GATEWAYTRAILFUND RevenueR230-45000-36230 Donations$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% ExpenditureE 230-45000-308 Other Professional Services$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments 2018STREETRECONSTRUCTION RevenueR318-47000-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 342,546 $ 171,268 $ 171,268 $ 171,278 50.00% ExpenditureE318-47000-601 LongTermDebtPrincipal$ 245,000 $ - $ - $ 245,000 0.00% E318-47000-611 LongTermDebtInterest$ 84,175 $ 42,088 $ - $ 42,087 50.00% E318-47000-620 FiscalAgentsFees$ 495 $ 1,045 $ - $ (550) 211.11% Total2018 StreetReconstructionFund Expenditures$ 329,670$ 43,133 $ -$ 286,53713.08% 2024STREETRECONSTRUCTION RevenueR324-47000-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% R324-47000-36210InterestIncome$ - $ 20,148 $ - $ (20,148) 0.00% Total2024StreetReconstructionFundRevenues$ - $ 20,148 $ - $ (20,148)0.00% ExpenditureE324-47000-601 LongTermDebtPrincipal$ - $ - E324-47000-611 LongTermDebtInterest$ - E324-47000-620 FiscalAgentsFees$ 495 $ - $ 495 0.00% Total2024 StreetReconstructionFund Expenditures$ 495 $ - $ -$ 4950.00% CAPITALIMPROVEMENTS RevenueR 401-48000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 235,000 $ 117,500 $ 117,500 $ 117,500 0.00% R401-48000-33422 OtherStateGrants & Aids$ - $ 34,110 $ - $ (34,110) 0.00% R401-48000-36210 InterestIncome$ 3,000 $ - $ - $ 3,000 50.00% TotalCapitalImprovementFundRevenue$ 238,000$ 151,610$ 117,500$ 86,39063.70% ExpenditureE401-41000-312 PlanningServices$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E401-41000-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E401-41000-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 250,000 $ - $ - $ 250,000 0.00% E401-42200-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ - 0.00% E401-45180-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ 67,548 $ - $ - $ 67,548 0.00% E401-48000-303 EngineeringFees$ - $ 30,743 $ 6,521 $ (30,743) 0.00% Gateway Trail Engineering E401-48000-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ - $ 4,800 $ 2,400 $ (4,800)0.00% Gateway Trail Lobbying E401-48000-435 MiscExpense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E401-48000-438 Misc. Contractual$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E401-48000-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E401-48000-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 160,000 $ - $ - $ 160,000 0.00% 477,548 $ 35,543 $ 8,921 $ 442,005 7.44% PARKDEVELOPMENT RevenueR404-48000-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 60,000 $ - $ - $ 60,000 0.00% R404-48000-33422 OtherStateGrants & Aids$ - $ 101,250 $ - $ (101,250) 0.00%2023Playgroundgrant R404-48000-34780 ParkDedicationFees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R404-48000-36210 InterestIncome$ 66 $ - $ - $ 66 0.00% R404-48000-36230 Donations$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalParkDevelopment FundRevenue$ 60,066 $ 101,250$ -$ (41,184)168.56% ExpenditureE404-48000-303 EngineeringFees$0.00$ 44,926 $ 6,245 $ (44,926) 0.00%tenniscourts E404-48000-308 Other ProfessionalServices$0.00$ 410 $ 410 $ (410) 0.00% E404-48000-312 PlanningServices$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E404-48000-520 CapitalImprovementstoBldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E404-48000-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 150,000 $ 2,686 $ - $ 147,314 1.79% E404-48000-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TotalParkDevelopmentFundExpenditures$ 150,000$ 48,022 $ 6,654 $ 101,97832.01% EQUIPMENTREPLACEMENT RevenueR406-48500-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 110,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 50.00% R406-48500-36210 InterestIncome$ 1,045 $ - $ - $ 1,045 0.00% R406-48500-36260 SaleofEquipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R406-48500-39350 CertificateofIndebtedness$ 350,000 $ - $ - $ 350,000 0.00% TotalEquipmentReplacementFundRevenue$ 461,045$ 55,000 $ 55,000$ 406,04511.93% ExpenditureE406-48500-540 HeavyMachinery Capital$ 867,000 $ 165,745 $ - $ 701,255 19.12%FireTruck & DrumMulcher E406-48500-550 MotorVehiclesCapital$ 84,356 $ 119,516 $ - $ (35,160) 141.68%FDUtilityTruck & PWF550 TotalEquipmentReplacementFundExpenditures$ 951,356$ 285,261$ -$ 666,09529.98% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments LOCALROADIMPROVEMENTFUND RevenueR408-43100-31000 WashingtonCty. TaxSettlement$ 375,000 $ 187,500 $ 187,500 $ 187,500 50.00% R408-43100-33422 OtherStateGrants & Aids$ 63,082 $ 63,082 $ (63,082) 0.00% R408-43100-36210 InterestIncome$ 10,705 $ - $ - $ 10,705 0.00% R408-43100-39310 Proceeds-GenObligationBond$ 4,000,000 $ 3,868,542 $ - $ (3,868,542) 0.00% TotalLRIFRevenue$ 4,385,705$ 4,119,123$ 250,582$ (3,733,418)93.92% ExpenditureE408-43100-303 EngineeringFees$ 120,000 $ 169,617 $ 43,124 $ (49,617) 141.35% E408-43100-319 OtherServices$0.00$ 375 $ - $ (375) 0.00% E408-43100-351 LegalNoticesPublishing$0.00$ 59 $ - $ (59) 0.00% E408-43100-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 3,575,000 $ 1,358,646 $ 782,885 $ 2,216,354 38.00% TotalLRIFExpenditures$ 3,695,000 $ 1,528,697 $ 826,008 $ 2,166,303 41.37% BLISSSEWER RevenueR602-43210-31951 Special AssessmentsPrincipal$ - $ 2,652 $ 2,652 $ 2,652) 0.00% R602-43210-31952 SAPenalties & Interest$ 420 $ 318 $ 318 $ 102 75.76% R602-43210-33422 OtherStateGrants & Aids$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% R602-43210-34401 SewerUserFees$ 125,230 $ 51,750 $ 13,082 $ 73,480 41.32% R602-43210-34402 SewerConnectionFee$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 602-43210-36100 Special Assessments$ - $ 47 $ - $ (47)0.00% R602-43210-36102 PenaltiesandInterest$ - $ 82 $ 10 $ 82) 0.00% R602-43210-36210 InterestIncome$ 210 $ - $ - $ 210 0.00% TotalBLISSSewerRevenue$ 125,860 $ 54,849 $ 16,061 $ 71,011 43.58% ExpenditureE602-43210-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 17,458 $ 11,664 $ 2,359 $ 5,794 66.81% E602-43210-120 PensionExpense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E602-43210-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 1,309 $ 874 $ 177 $ 435 66.74% E602-43210-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 1,082 $ 680 $ 142 $ 402 62.81% E602-43210-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 253 $ 174 $ 33 $ 79 68.62% E602-43210-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E602-43210-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 525 $ 783 $ - $ 258) 149.14% E602-43210-200 OfficeSupplies$ 91 $ 102 $ - $ (11) 112.31% E602-43210-210 OperatingSupplies$ 700 $ 19 $ - $ 681 2.77% E602-43210-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 420 $ - $ - $ 420 0.00% E602-43210-303 EngineeringFees$ 7,718 $ 68,017 $ 2,992 $ (60,299) 881.27% Bliss Treatment Project E602-43210-304 LegalServices$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E602-43210-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ 3,500 $ 13,565 $ 474 $ (10,065)387.57% Monthly Sampling & Lobbying E602-43210-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 910 $ - $ - $ 910 0.00% E602-43210-317 EmployeeTraining$ 980 $ 598 $ - $ 382 61.05% E602-43210-321 Telephone$ 1,750 $ 1,194 $ 143 $ 556 68.24% E602-43210-322 Postage$ 420 $ - $ - $ 420 0.00% E602-43210-331 TravelExpenses$ 525 $ 78 $ - $ 447 14.93% E602-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,400 $ 505 $ - $ 895 36.07% E 602-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 2,535 $ 2,383 $ - $ 152 93.99% E602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 2,100 $ 563 $ 47 $ 1,537 26.81% E602-43210-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 14,000 $ 1,245 $ - $ 12,755 8.89% E602-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 3,500 $ - $ - $ 3,500 0.00% E602-43210-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 11,200 $ 795 $ - $ 10,405 7.10% E602-43210-413 EquipmentRental$ 700 $ - $ - $ 700 0.00% E602-43210-420 DepreciationExpense$ 40,600 $ - $ - $ 40,600 0.00% 30% of Fund Balance moved to new A-E E602-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 7,000 $ 765 $ - $ 6,235 10.93% Fund 624 E602-43210-439 RefundsIssued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E602-43210-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 6,930 $ - $ - $ 6,930 0.00% E602-43210-720 OperatingTransfers$ - $ 17,584 $ - $ (17,584) 0.00% TotalBLISSSewerExpenditures$ 127,606$ 121,587$ 6,366 $ 6,019 95.28% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary JULY 2024 Description2024Budget2024 YTD AmountJuly AmountBudget Balance% ofBudgetComments UPTOWNSEWER RevenueR612-43210-34401 Sewer UserFees$ 22,400 $ 7,659 $ 2,179 $ 14,741 34.19% R612-43210-36210 InterestIncome$ 50 $ - $ - $ 50 0.00% TotalUptownSewerRevenue$ 22,450 $ 7,659$ 2,179 $ 14,79134.12% ExpenditureE612-43210-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 10,725 $ 4,702 $ 965 $ 6,023 43.84% E612-43210-120 PensionExpense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E612-43210-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 804 $ 352 $ 72 $ 452 43.76% E612-43210-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 665 $ 273 $ 58 $ 392 41.11% E612-43210-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 156 $ 70 $ 14 $ 86 45.02% E612-43210-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 300 $ 522 $ - $ 222) 174.00% E612-43210-200 OfficeSupplies$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E612-43210-210 OperatingSupplies$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E612-43210-221 EquipmentParts$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E612-43210-303 EngineeringFees$ 1,050 $ - $ - $ 1,050 0.00% E612-43210-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ 750 $ 310 $ - $ 441 41.27% E612-43210-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 84 $ - $ - $ 84 0.00% E612-43210-317 EmployeeTraining$ 200 $ 1,138 $ - $ (938) 568.82%WaterOperatortraining E612-43210-319 OtherServices$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E 612-43210-322 Postage$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E612-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 250 $ 231 $ - $ 19 92.40% E612-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 502 $ 464 $ - $ 38 92.41% E612-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 1,000 $ 265 $ 11 $ 735 26.46% E612-43210-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E612-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E 612-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 2,000 0.00% E612-43210-420 DepreciationExpense$ 4,900 $ - $ - $ 4,900 0.00% E612-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 1,500 $ 449 $ - $ 1,051 29.92% E612-43210-530 CapitalImprOtherThanBldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E612-43210-720 OperatingTransfers$ 2,640 $ - $ - $ 2,640 0.00% TotalUptownSewerExpenditures$ 42,526 $ 8,774$ 1,120 $ 33,75220.63% A-ESEWER RevenueR 624-43210-31952 SAPenalties & Interest$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% R624-43210-34401 SewerUserFees$ 53,670 $ 21,921 $ 5,775 $ 31,749 40.84% R624-43210-36102 PenaltiesandInterest$ - $ 30 $ - $ 30) 0.00% R624-43210-36210 InterestIncome$ 90 $ - $ - $ 90 0.00% R624-43210-39200 InterfundOperating Transfer$ - $ 17,584 $ - $ (17,584)0.00% TotalA-ESewerRevenue$ 53,850 $ 21,951 $ 5,775 $ 31,899 40.76% ExpenditureE624-43210-101 RegularWages & Salaries$ 7,482 $ - $ - $ 7,482 0.00% E624-43210-121 PERACoord. EmployerContribu.$ 561 $ - $ - $ 561 0.00% E624-43210-122 FICAEmployerContribution$ 464 $ - $ - $ 464 0.00% E624-43210-126 MEDICAREEmployerContribution$ 108 $ - $ - $ 108 0.00% E624-43210-131 EmployerPaidHealth$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E624-43210-151 WorkersCompInsurance Prem$ 225 $ - $ - $ 225 0.00% E624-43210-199 ElectionJudge$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E624-43210-200 OfficeSupplies$ 39 $ 44 $ - $ (5) 112.31% E624-43210-210 OperatingSupplies$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E624-43210-240 SmallToolsandMinorEquip$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% E624-43210-303 EngineeringFees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E624-43210-308 Other ProfessionalServices$ 1,500 $ 310 $ - $ 1,191 20.63% E624-43210-309 SoftwareSupport & Maintenance$ 390 $ - $ - $ 390 0.00% E624-43210-317 EmployeeTraining$ 420 $ 109 $ - $ 311 25.99% E624-43210-321 Telephone$ 750 $ 425 $ - $ 325 56.71% E624-43210-322 Postage$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% E624-43210-331 TravelExpenses$ 225 $ 78 $ - $ 147 34.84% E624-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 600 $ 231 $ - $ 369 38.50% E624-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 1,086 $ 985 $ - $ 101 90.74% E624-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 900 $ 283 $ 36 $ 617 31.45% E624-43210-385 SewerPumping & Maintenance$ 6,000 $ - $ - $ 6,000 0.00% E624-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E624-43210-404 RepairMachinery/Equipment$ 4,800 $ 230 $ - $ 4,570 4.79% E624-43210-413 EquipmentRental$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E624-43210-420 DepreciationExpense$ 17,400 $ - $ - $ 17,400 0.00%