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08.b1 Laurel Ridge Rezoning, Preliminary Plat, Site Plan - CC Memo
1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: August 20, 2024 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Re: Zoning Map Amendment, Site Plan Review for a Major Project, Preliminary Plat, and Wetland Review for PID Applicant: Dwayne Sikich, Continuum Development Group LLC Zoning: RR-G Owner: Mitchell Johnson, Etal Susan Sandager Future Land Use: Village Neighborhood Location: 13942 205th St. N. Review Deadline §15.99 waived till September 15, 2024. The applicant is requesting approval for a zoning map amendment (rezoning), site plan review for a major project, preliminary plat, and wetland review to subdivide a single 39.47-acre parcel for a single-family residential development to be known as Laurel Ridge. The proposed subdivision would create eight lots for development. Access to the lots would be via new individual driveways along 205th Street North. The Unified Development Code (UDC) classifies the proposed project as a major project as it does not meet the requirements of a minor project. The subdivision procedure requires approval of a preliminary and final plat. If approved, the applicant must apply for final plat approval. To approve the preliminary plat the rezoning must be approved concurrently. The staff report to the Planning Commission from the August 6, 2024, meeting is attached and includes the background of the project as well as an analysis based on the standards in the Unified Development Code and 2040 Comprehensive Plan The applicant submitted a waiver of their rights under Minnesota Statutes §15.99, extending the review deadline of the project to September 15, 2024. BACKGROUND The application for the Laurel Ridge was originally submitted on June 4, 2023, as a 13-lot subdivision based on the allowed density within the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The 2040 2 | P a g e Comprehensive Plan sets the density of the Village Neighborhood future land use at 1 dwelling unit per 2.5 acres and conflicts with the density of the Village Neighborhood (V-N) zoning district, 4 units per 40 acres or 1 unit per 1.5 acres if certain conditions are met as outlined in the UDC. The Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the application and noted concerns with the application. The City Council discussed a moratorium on August 15, 2023, that prohibits new uses, developments, or subdivisions within the V-N zoning district. The Council elected to not extend the moratorium to the Laurel Ridge subdivision with a request to the developer to revise their concept based on Council and staff comments. At the September 19, 2023, City Council meeting the applicant presented a new concept for an eight-lot subdivision and discussed potential issues regarding the concept with the Council. The Council ultimately acknowledged that the development could move forward under the existing Comprehensive Plan standards and expressed favorable opinions towards the revised concept. The applicant also requested that the City waive any requirements for improvements to the street on the basis that the reduction in total lots would not support improvements to the street. The Council was amicable to the request but did not approve a motion or resolution. The existing property is a 39.47-acre single parcel that is zoned Rural Residential General. The property is guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as Village Neighborhood. The site is currently used for agricultural purposes and contained one dwelling unit, which was recently razed. There are two wetlands on the site, and the applicant submitted a wetland delineation for the proposed subdivision. Due to the site's size, the topography has large changes with low and high points throughout the parcel but generally slopes from the high side on the east to the low side on the west. Parcels surrounding the parcel are zoned Rural Residential General (RR-G) and are either vacant and used for agricultural purposes or used for single-family dwellings. One parcel along the northeastern side of the parcel is currently zoned Village Neighborhood and contains a small structure. ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment. Comments were received from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District, the City Engineer, and the Public Works Director. Planning Commission – Public Hearing The Planning Commission opened the public hearing for the proposal initially at the May 7, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. The public hearing remained open throughout the June, July, and August meetings. Input from the public was largely provided at the May 7, 2024, meeting with written statements submitted before the June 4, 2024, meeting. Staff provided responses to concerns that were stated at the hearing and in writing in the attached packet from the August 6, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. 3 | P a g e The Planning Commission discussed the development agreement, requirements for streetlights, and density. The Planning Commission moved to recommend approval, with the following amendments: • Condition 4 be amended to state, “4. No streetlights are required or allowed with the development as required in 153.400.020 Subd. 3 (G) VI.” • Condition 6b be amended to stated, “b. A development agreement shall be executed between the City and the Developer with the Final Plat. The development, shall include, but not be limited to, an escrow for stormwater management basin maintenance.” The motion was approved with a vote of 4-1 (Aye: Loeffler, Hogle, Rynders, Fodor; Nay: Libby). Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Where the plan is not consistent, staff have included conditions to bring the proposal into compliance. Staff believes that the proposal for the rezoning is generally in compliance with the requirements outlined within the UDC. The rezoning is consistent with the future land use shown in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the proposed use meets the definition of the V-N zoning district, and the subject property abuts a parcel current zoned V-N. In administering the subdivision standards adopted in the UDC, the City is required to act in a quasi-judicial manner where the level of discretion the City can have in making decisions is limited. Staff have attached an excerpt from the League of Minnesota Cities document titled, “Subdivision Guide for Cities.” Of note within the document is the following guidance (emphasis added by staff): In quasi-judicial circumstances, the city must follow the standards and requirements of the ordinance it has adopted. If an application meets the requirements of the ordinance, generally it must be granted. If an application is denied, the stated reasons for the denial must all relate to the applicant’s failure to meet standards established in the ordinance. In sum, the city has a great deal of liberty to establish the rules, but once established, the city is as equally bound by the rules as the public. In quasi-judicial situations, a reviewing court will closely scrutinize the city’s decision to determine whether the city has provided a legally and factually sufficient basis for denial of an application. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval of the preliminary plat if it conforms with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the UDC. 153.500.080 Subd. 4 X. d. states the Commission shall recommend denial of the preliminary plat if it makes any of the following findings: i. That the proposed subdivision is in conflict with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, this Chapter, Capital Improvements Program, or other policy or regulation. 4 | P a g e ii. That the physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage, and retention, are such that the site is not suitable for the type or intensity of development or use contemplated. iii. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial and irreversible environmental damage. iv. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. v. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvement will conflict with easements on record or with easements established by judgment of a court. vi. That the subdivision is premature as determined by the standards of this Chapter. Based on the opinions of the City Attorney and City Engineer related to concerns regarding the “health, safety, or general welfare of the public,” staff have not found a factual basis on which the application can be denied based on the standards adopted in Chapter. 153.500.080 Subd. 4 X. d. Staff believes the proposed plan does not meet any of the standards of denial outlined above. Staff have reviewed the plan for consistency with the applicant standards outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Staff noted in the staff report the outstanding issues that must be addressed and has included conditions in the attached draft resolutions to address these issues. The Planning Commission may recommend modifications to these conditions. COUNCIL ACTION The City Council can do one of the following: 1. Approve, with or without conditions, of the attached resolution. 2. Deny, with findings, of the attached resolution. 3. Table the request for further review/study. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning, site plan review for a major project, preliminary plat, and wetland review, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is permitted to create eight lots, as shown on the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 2. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-06 (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 3. Any development and structures constructed on the property shall adhere to the current ordinance’s dimensional standards, building type and materials, and architectural standards and be substantially consistent with the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 5 | P a g e 4. No streetlights are required or allowed with the development as required in 153.400.020 Subd. 3 (G) VI. 5. Before approve of the Final Plat: a. The applicant shall comply with the memorandum provided by the City Engineer dated July 16, 2024, and any subsequent corrections and revisions. b. All easement documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney before Final Plat approval. 6. Before a building permit is issued for any lot within the subdivision: a. The applicant shall acquire any required permits from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and comply with their requirements. b. A development agreement shall be executed between the City and the Developer with the Final Plat. The development, shall include, but not be limited to, an escrow for stormwater management basin maintenance. c. The Woodland Preservation Plan is subject to a warranty of two years and a performance guarantee that shall be established with the development agreement. 7. Prior to the release of the final plat for recording with Washington County, park dedication in the form of cash-in-lieu of land at a value of $24,000.00 shall be paid. 8. Ground cover shall be established one year from the date of occupancy. 9. A financial guarantee for landscaping shall be submitted as required by the current ordinance when any lot within the addition is developed. 10. Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505 (as may be amended). 11. Any individual disposal system shall comply with and be approved by the Washington County SSTS Regulations. 12. Wells shall be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health. 13. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits required for the project. 14. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends: Motion to recommend approval of the attached ordinance and resolutions to approve the rezoning and preliminary plat, receive any and all comments, and recommend approval of the zoning map amendment (rezoning), site plan review for a major project, preliminary 6 | P a g e plat, and wetland review for the development known as Laurel Ridge, with conditions as described by staff within the staff report. Attachments A. Ordinance 2024-06 Rezoning PID from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N) B. Resolution 08-20-24-01 Finding of Facts for Ordinance 2024-06 C. Resolution 08-20-24-02 Approving Preliminary Plat, Site Plan Review for a Major Subdivision, and Wetland Review for “Laurel Ridge” D. Planning Commission " Zoning Map Amendment, Site Plan Review for a Major Project, Preliminary Plat, and Wetland Review for PID”, August 6, 2024 CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO. 2024-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE THE PROPERTY WITH PID FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL (RR-G) TO VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD (V-N) The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1. Amendment. The official Zoning Map, as adopted in 153.200.020 Subd. 1 of the Unified Development Code of the City of Scandia is hereby amended to change the designation of the following described property from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N): The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and Section 2: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and summary publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 20th day of August, 2024. ____________________________________ Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-20-24-01 APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT PARCEL ID WHEREAS, Dwayne Sikich of Continuum Development Group (the “applicant”), on behalf of Mitchell Johnson, Susan Sandager, and Sandra Brom (the “owners”), has requested approval to rezone 39.47 acres legally described as follows: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on May 7, 2024, and recommended that the City Council approve the request with conditions; WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an Ordinance 2024-06 rezoning the affected parcels from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does support the request for the reclassification of the property, based on the following findings and conditions: 1. The site is identified as Village Neighborhood in the future land use map, which corresponds to the V-N zoning district. The future land use section of the comprehensive plan describes the Village Neighborhood future land use as intended to support single and multi-family residential uses on lot sizes reflective of the existing village lot sizes. 2. The purpose of the V-N zone is to designate growth areas surrounding the Village Center and is generally intended to be developed with single-family residential uses. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-06 (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 2. The applicant shall comply with all local, state, and federal permits and requirements. 3. No development or site work is approved with this resolution. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 4. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 20 day of August, 2024. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-20-24-02 APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT, SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION, AND WETLAND REVIEW FOR “LAUREL RIDGE” LOCATED AT PARCEL ID WHEREAS, Dwayne Sikich of Continuum Development Group (the “applicant”), on behalf of Mitchell Johnson, Susan Sandager, and Sandra Brom (the “owners”), has requested approval for a Preliminary Plat for a Major Subdivision to be known as “Laurel Ridge”, located at Parcel ID and described as follows: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on May 7, 2024, which was continued to the June 4, 2024, July 2, 2024, and August 6, 2024, meetings, and recommended that the City Council approve the request with conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that the Scandia City Council hereby approves the request for preliminary plat, site plan review, and wetland review subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is permitted to create eight lots, as shown on the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 2. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-06 (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 3. Any development and structures constructed on the property shall adhere to the current ordinance’s dimensional standards, building type and materials, and architectural standards and be substantially consistent with the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 4. No streetlights are required or allowed with the development as required in 153.400.020 Subd. 3 (G) VI. 5. Before approve of the Final Plat: a. The applicant shall comply with the memorandum provided by the City Engineer dated July 16, 2024, and any subsequent corrections and revisions. b. All easement documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney before Final Plat approval. 6. Before a building permit is issued for any lot within the subdivision: a. The applicant shall acquire any required permits from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and comply with their requirements. b. A development agreement shall be executed between the City and the Developer with the Final Plat. The development, shall include, but not be limited to, an escrow for stormwater management basin maintenance. c. The Woodland Preservation Plan is subject to a warranty of two years and a performance guarantee that shall be established with the development agreement. 7. Prior to the release of the final plat for recording with Washington County, park dedication in the form of cash-in-lieu of land at a value of $24,000.00 shall be paid. 8. Ground cover shall be established one year from the date of occupancy. 9. A financial guarantee for landscaping shall be submitted as required by the current ordinance when any lot within the addition is developed. 10. Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505 (as may be amended). 11. Any individual disposal system shall comply with and be approved by the Washington County SSTS Regulations. 12. Wells shall be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health. 13. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits required for the project. 14. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 20th day of August, 2024. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: August 6, 2024 To: Chair Loeffler and Members of the Planning Commission From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Re: Zoning Map Amendment, Site Plan Review for a Major Project, Preliminary Plat, and Wetland Review for PID Applicant: Dwayne Sikich, Continuum Development Group LLC Zoning: RR-G Owner: Mitchell Johnson, Etal Susan Sandager Future Land Use: Village Neighborhood Location: 13942 205th St. N. Review Deadline §15.99 waived till September 15, 2024. The applicant is requesting approval for a zoning map amendment (rezoning), site plan review for a major project, preliminary plat, and wetland review to subdivide a single 39.47-acre parcel for a single-family residential development to be known as Laurel Ridge. The proposed subdivision would create eight lots for development. Access to the lots would be via new individual driveways along 205th Street North. The Unified Development Code (UDC) classifies the proposed project as a major project as it does not meet the requirements of a minor project. The subdivision procedure requires approval of a preliminary and final plat. If approved, the applicant must apply for final plat approval. To approve the preliminary plat the rezoning must be approved concurrently. The application was originally heard at the May 7, 2024, Planning Commission meeting and a public hearing was opened and comments were received. The public hearing was left open and the item was tabled till the June 4, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. The application was heard at the June 4, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. Staff noted that they had received a resubmittal from the applicant but that the submittal was not received in time to be reviewed for the June meeting and staff recommended the item be tabled again. The public hearing was left open and the item was tabled till the July 2, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. 2 | P a g e The applicant submitted additional information to the City on June 4, 2024. The City reviewed the submittal and additional concerns were identified. The City issued another review letter on June 14, 2024. The applicant requested a meeting with staff on June 19, 2024. Staff and Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District met with the applicant on June 24, 2024. During that meeting, compliance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) stormwater permit was discussed. The applicant indicated that the MPCA was willing to approve a stormwater permit that did not meet the standards in the stormwater permit but was in the spirit of the rules. Staff was unfamiliar with this policy from the MPCA and stated that for the project to move forward with that understanding, a statement from the MPCA indicating as much would be required. During the meeting staff noted that the information from the MPCA would need to be provided by June 27, 2024, to be placed on the agenda for consideration at the July 2, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. No communication from the MPCA was received on June 27, 2024, and the applicant was notified that the item would not be on the agenda for review at the July meeting and that the project may run into issues with the review deadline required by Minnesota Statutes §15.99. The applicant submitted the statement from the MPCA on Friday, June 28, 2024, and additional information on July 2, 2024. The email from the MPCA stated that the proposed stormwater management was in the “spirit of the permit.” The application was heard at the July 2, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. Staff noted that they had received a resubmittal from the applicant but that the submittal was received too late to be reviewed for the July meeting and staff recommended the item be tabled again. The public hearing was left open and the item was tabled till the August 6, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. The applicant submitted a waiver of their rights under Minnesota Statutes §15.99, extending the review deadline of the project to September 15, 2024. BACKGROUND The application for the Laurel Ridge was originally submitted on June 4, 2023, as a 13-lot subdivision based on the allowed density within the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan sets the density of the Village Neighborhood future land use at 1 dwelling unit per 2.5 acres and conflicts with the density of the Village Neighborhood (V-N) zoning district, 4 units per 40 acres or 1 unit per 1.5 acres if certain conditions are met as outlined in the UDC. The Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the application and noted concerns with the application. The City Council discussed a moratorium on August 15, 2023, that prohibits new uses, developments, or subdivisions within the V-N zoning district. The Council elected to not extend the moratorium to the Laurel Ridge subdivision with a request to the developer to revise their concept based on Council and staff comments. At the September 19, 2023, City Council meeting the applicant presented a new concept for an eight-lot subdivision and discussed potential issues regarding the concept with the Council. The Council ultimately acknowledged that the development could move forward under the existing Comprehensive Plan standards and expressed favorable opinions towards the revised concept. The applicant also requested that the City waive any requirements for improvements to the street 3 | P a g e on the basis that the reduction in total lots would not support improvements to the street. The Council was amicable to the request but did not approve a motion or resolution. The existing property is a 39.47-acre single parcel that is zoned Rural Residential General. The property is guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as Village Neighborhood. The site is currently used for agricultural purposes and contained one dwelling unit, which was recently razed. There are two wetlands on the site, and the applicant submitted a wetland delineation for the proposed subdivision. Due to the site's size, the topography has large changes with low and high points throughout the parcel but generally slopes from the high side on the east to the low side on the west. Parcels surrounding the parcel are zoned Rural Residential General (RR-G) and are either vacant and used for agricultural purposes or used for single-family dwellings. One parcel along the northeastern side of the parcel is currently zoned Village Neighborhood and contains a small structure. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Rezoning The current zoning of this land is RR-G and the rezoning request is to rezone the parcel to Village Neighborhood (V-N). The subdivision would create eight lots with lot sizes ranging from 4.38 to 4.49 acres. The proposed lot areas would be allowable within the V-N zoning district. The UDC states that a zoning map amendment should be judged based on, but not limited to: a. The specific policies and provisions of the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, including public facilities and capital improvement plans. b. Whether the proposed action meets the purpose and intent of this Chapter or in the case of a map amendment, it meets the purpose and intent of the individual Base Zoning District. The Village Neighbor (V-N) Base Zoning District is described as: Land zoned Village Neighborhood is established to designate growth areas surrounding the Village Center and is generally intended to be developed with single-family residential uses. These lands are guided Village Neighborhood in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is for a subdivision to allow for eight single-family dwellings and the lot is guided Village Neighborhood. A lot to the northeast of the subject parcel is currently zone Village Neighborhood, so the request is not considered spot zoning. This meets the purpose and intent of the Base Zoning District. 4 | P a g e Preliminary Plat Lot Standards The dimensions of the proposed lots are compared to the V-N dimensional standards below in Table 1. Table 1: Zoning District Standards V-N Laurel Ridge Density UDC 4 DU / 40 acres or 1 DU/1.5 acres* 8 units / ~ 40 acres or 1 unit / ~5 acres Comp Plan 1 DU/ 2.5 acres Minimum Lot Size (ac.) 1.5 acres 4.38 acres Minimum Lot Width (ft.) 100 238.71 Buildable Area 1 acre 1.83 acres Setbacks** (ft.) Front 50 >50 Side 20 >20 Rear 50 >50 Maximum Lot Coverage** 35% >35% *Maximum Density and corresponding lots sizes may only be achieved if public water and sewer is available and the parcel or lot is hooked up to municipal service **Building pads are shown on the submitted plans. Actual setbacks and impervious surface area will be reviewed with the build ing permit submitted with each future lot. The proposed layout submitted by the applicant is consistent with the requirements for the V-N district within the UDC, aside from density. As described above, density between the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and UDC are inconsistent. Where the City’s adopted zoning code, the UDC, is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the City Attorney has stated that the Comprehensive Plan should be followed. Density is determined by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the proposal is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Staff have included a condition that any development on the lots must meet the current ordinance’s dimensional standards, building type and materials, and architectural standards. Concerns were previously identified during a public hearing regarding density and the Planning Commission requested more information regarding these concerns. This has been addressed later in this staff report. Utilities The proposed lots would be served by individual septic systems and wells. The applicant has submitted a preliminary approval from the Washington County Department of Public Health. Each lot will be served by a private well to be located and installed with each lot individually. 5 | P a g e Wells must be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health. All private and public utilities must be placed underground. Public and private improvements shall comply with standards set forth in the City’s Engineering Standards and Detail Specifications. Stormwater Management The applicant is proposing stormwater management on the site through eight separate basins. These basins are low spots on the parcel that will be improved and the existing wetland. The applicant is proposing drainage and utility easements over the basins as well as where drainage crosses private property. Staff had previously identified concerns regarding compliance with the general stormwater permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The applicant has submitted a statement from the MPCA that due to the nature of the development and the existing low areas collecting stormwater the proposed stormwater management is consistent with the “spirit of the rules.” The email from the MPCA is attached. The City Engineer has identified concerns regarding maintenance of and access to the stormwater basins. Staff have included a condition that the concerns within the engineering memo must be addressed before a final plat can be approved. Streets, Access, and Parking The plat will dedicate right-of-way for 205th Street North and Novak Avenue North. 100 ft. of right-of-way is proposed for 205th St. N. and 30 ft. of right-of-way is proposed for Novak Ave. N. This is consistent with the required standards within the City’s Engineering Standards. The UDC requires that within the V-N zoning district, unless otherwise approved by the City, streetlights must be installed at all intersections and other locations as required by the City Engineer. Staff is not recommending streetlights as part of the proposal and has included a condition within the resolution. No improvements are proposed to either street. The proposal shows each lot with individual driveway access off of 205th Street North. Within the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, 205th St. N. is identified as a minor collector. Spacing for private driveways located on collectors is identified as variable within the UDC. The access spacing has been reviewed by the City Engineer and is consistent with the UDC and the City’s Engineering Standards. An escrow deposit may be required to ensure the construction of the driveway to City standards, including the installation of any required culvert. Concerns were previously identified during a public hearing regarding safety and the Planning Commission requested more information regarding these concerns. This has been addressed later in this staff report. The UDC establishes criteria for when the City should require a traffic study for residential development at 50 dwelling units. The City has not required a traffic study for the proposal and 6 | P a g e based on the opinions of the City Attorney and Engineer, staff does not feel it is reasonable to require a traffic study. Parking is required to be provided at a rate of two spaces per single-family dwelling (UDC, Table 153.400.080-1). Parking will be required when each lot is developed and will likely be provided through garages and driveway parking. Landscaping and Woodland Preservation Table 153.400.060-1 of the UDC establishes landscaping requirements for single-family residential uses and requires five trees per dwelling unit. The applicant is proposing planting at least five trees on each lot except Lot 3, Block 1 and Lot 4, Block 2 both of which are heavily wooded. Trees fulfilling the requirements for landscaping may not be less than 25% deciduous and not less than 25% coniferous. The applicant is proposing 33.4% coniferous trees (12 trees) and 66.6% deciduous trees (24 trees). The applicant has provided a ground cover seeding plan. All front, side, or rear yards facing a right-of-way must be treated with a ground cover material consisting of either lawn and/or native prairie grasses. The ground cover must be established one year from the date of occupancy. The submitted plan appears to comply with the UDC. Staff has included a condition within the resolution that the ground cover be established one year from the date of occupancy. The UDC requires a Woodland Preservation Plan be prepared for any preliminary plat where significant trees or significant woodlands exist in the proposed construction zone. The applicant has prepared a tree inventory and replacement plan prepared by a landscape architect. The applicant is proposing to remove 44 trees for a total of 432 caliper inches. Replacement is required whenever significant trees or woodlands are removed. The number of replacement is determined by the size and class of the trees removed and the UDC details three different ratios that can be utilized. These ratios differ based on the size of the replacement trees. Using Table 153.400.070-1. Significant Tree Replacement Schedule Option C the applicant will replace the removed trees with 152 deciduous trees and 48 coniferous trees, for a total of 200 trees. These plantings are largely proposed along proposed lot lines and along the borders of proposed stormwater basins. The City can require changes to planting locations to ensure the best possible layout to preserve significant trees and significant woodland and to enhance the efforts to minimize damage to significant trees and woodland. Previously plantings were shown on the northwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 2, which would be within the sight triangle of the proposed right-of-way for Novak Ave N. These plantings have been relocated. The Woodland Preservation Plan is subject to a warranty of two years and a performance guarantee to ensure the plantings remain healthy and are not negatively impacted by construction activity. Staff have include this as a condition of approval. Wetlands and Natural Resources A wetland delineation and notice of decision (NOD) from the Washington Conservation District has been submitted and appears to meet the requirements of the UDC. One wetland was 7 | P a g e identified on the site located near the center of the parcel on the north side. The delineation also notes an offsite wetland on the south side of the parcel. Staff have confirmed with the Washington Conservation District that the on-site wetland is a Manage 2 wetland. Manage 2 wetlands require a 50 ft. setback for structures and impervious surfaces and a 75 ft. setback for sewage treatment systems. Proposed Lot 2, Block 1, contains an existing driveway. The existing driveway is nonconforming based on the required setback from the wetland on the site and is proposed to be relocated in order to be conforming. The applicant has submitted a site plan that shows the driveway located outside of the setback. Staff have included a condition that the driveway location must be consistent with the site plan reviewed with this approval for a building permit to be issued. The applicant has not submitted any information regarding the use of solar energy systems. Staff does not believe that the use of passive or active solar energy systems would be prohibited by the proposal. Easements The applicant has provided drainage and utility easements along all lot lines 10 ft. in width, over the wetland delineated on the site, over the proposed stormwater management basins, and over drainage paths where they cross private property. The proposed easements are consistent with the UDC. The City Engineer has noted that additional maintenance agreements will be needed for the stormwater basins that will be privately owned, which may require additional easements. Staff have included a condition that the issues identified within the memo are addressed before the approval of a final plat. Signs No sign has been proposed. Any signs, proposed in the future will be subject to 153.400.100 of the UDC. Architectural Design Standards. The proposed subdivision will fall within the Character Area: Village Districts (V-N, V-C, and V-HC ). Character Area Standards within the Village districts are established for any multifamily residential, commercial, and industrial uses that propose a new structure, expansion, or modification of an existing structure. Based on the exception for single-family detached residences, the Character Area Standards do not apply to the application, but development on each lot will be reviewed with the associated building permit for conformance with the code where applicable. 8 | P a g e Parks and Trails The Scandia Comprehensive Trails Master Plan Report (Trails Master Plan) and Comprehensive Plan show the Big Marie Loop Trails along 205th St. N. This trail is located within the right-of-way of 205th St. N. These types of trails are described in the Comprehensive Plan as: These trails are proposed to be on-road trails, designated by signage that will be developed by the Friends of Scandia Parks. The City will need to approve trail signage on their respective roadways. The major trail loops are assumed to be on-road trails that will primarily be used by bicyclists but may also be used by pedestrians. The trail loop is considered an on-road trail and therefore the existing trail meets the intent of this type of trail. Concerns were previously identified during a public hearing regarding safety and the Planning Commission requested more information regarding these concerns. This has been addressed later in this staff report. Parkland Dedication Creation of new lots through the subdivision process triggers the parkland dedication requirements of the UDC (153.500.090 Subd. 5). This requirement calls for either 5% of the land in the subdivision be dedicated to the city for parks, or a cash payment in lieu of land be paid to the city. The amount of cash to be paid in lieu of land dedication shall be based on the fair market value of the land to be subdivided at the time of final plat approval, multiplied by the percentage of land required to be dedicated. If cash in lieu is pursued, the following options are listed in the UDC: 1. The City and the developer may agree as to the fair market value; or 2. The fair market value may be based upon a current appraisal submitted to the City by the subdivider at the subdivider’s expense. The appraisal shall be made by appraisers who are approved members of the SREA or MAI, or equivalent real estate appraisal societies. 3. If the City disputes such appraisal the City may, at the subdivider’s expense, obtain an appraisal of the property by a qualified real estate appraiser, which appraisal shall be conclusive evidence of the fair market value of the land. 4. The developer may pay a cash fee of $3,000 for each residential unit created as the presumptive fair market value of the land for which cash is paid. 9 | P a g e 5. Cash and Land Combination. The City, upon consideration of a particular development, may require that a lesser parcel of land should be dedicated due to particular features of the development. In such cases, a cash contribution shall be required in addition to or in lieu of the land dedication in order to ensure that the development contributes to the park system in rough proportion to its impact. Staff recommends that the City require cash-in-lieu of land at the rate of $3,000 for each residential unit, for a total of $24,000. Development Agreement All subdivisions of land that result in three or more lots may be required to enter into a Development Agreement with the City. The Development Agreement shall be executed by the City Council and may not be amended without the approval of the City Council. Staff have included a condition that requires a development agreement. ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment. Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District has provided comments and the comments are attached. The Watershed has issued conditional approval for the project. Washington Conservation District The Washington Conservation District approved the Notice of Decision for the wetland delineation and has provided the MnRAM assessment for the wetland. Engineering Department The City Engineer provided a memo identifying issues with the plans. Many of the previous issues were addressed through plan revisions and statement from the MPCA. Issues remain regarding maintenance access paths, culverts, and clearing and grubbing in the right-of-way. Staff have included a condition that the issues identified within the memo are addressed before the approval of a final plat. Public Works Department The Public Works Director provided comment regarding construction traffic and the stormwater management plan. The Director noted that construction traffic should be limited to certain streets within the City to limit disruption to nearby neighborhoods. Routes for construction traffic will be decided on with the Development Agreement that is required for the project. 10 | P a g e The Director had additional concerns regarding the stormwater management. The proposed stormwater basins will need to be maintained in perpetuity and the existing budget and capacity of the Public Works Department will not be able to accommodate the maintenance of eight new publicly owned stormwater basins for a single development. Fire Department The Fire Chief stated that the proposed turnarounds at the home sites should be sufficient and generally driveways over 500 ft are of concern for emergency vehicle access. Planning Commission – Public Hearing The Planning Commission opened the public hearing for the proposal initially at the May 7, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. The public hearing remained open throughout the June, July, and August meetings. Input from the public was largely provided at the May 7, 2024, meeting with written statements submitted before the June 4, 2024, meeting. The written comments are attached. Staff have provided responses to concerns that were stated at the hearing and in writing. • Safety for nonvehicular traffic along the Big Marie Loop Trails along 205th St. N. o The Big Marine Loop Trails is identified in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and described as: These trails are proposed to be on-road trails, designated by signage that will be developed by the Friends of Scandia Parks. The City will need to approve trail signage on their respective roadways. The major trail loops are assumed to be on-road trails that will primarily be used by bicyclists but may also be used by pedestrians. The trail is described as an on-road trail. Due to this, no expansion of the roadway or shoulder is expected in order for the trail to operate as expected. o The City Attorney established the following as potential information that would cause the City to deny a plat based on, “detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public.”: Either a traffic study or a traffic/civil engineer’s report with supporting information and analysis is required in order to impose reasonable conditions on a zoning approval respecting traffic, such as pedestrian or motor vehicle traffic. o The City Engineer has stated that all rural roadways in Scandia should be considered dangerous when used as trails. There are no pedestrian facilities or shoulders wide enough to create space from traveled vehicle traffic on many roads within the City. Therefore, there is no special exception to this specific segment of trail. o The City Attorney has stated: “[…] the detrimental issue must be identified with some specificity, supported by objective facts, and conditions reasonably related to correct or mitigate the identified detriment.” o Based on the analysis of the City Attorney and City Engineer, staff have not found that there is a reason, based on objective facts, that the application should 11 | P a g e be denied based on 153.500.080 Subd. 4 X. d. iv. “iv. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public.” • The number of homes and driveways was generally deemed to be “too much.” o In this staff report, staff detailed why the proposed level of development is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The UDC is only legally defendable when it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Due to the existing inconsistency, staff have found it prudent to recommend approval based on the Comprehensive Plan standards. Staff have included more information in the “Staff Analysis” section below regarding the role of the City in administering the subdivision standards that have been adopted by ordinance. o The number of driveways is directly linked to safety concerns which were addressed above. • The development is not consistent with the rural character of the City. o The review standards established in the UDC do not consider the character of the area. The character of the area should be established with the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and UDC, not with an individual development that is not request any variance from the adopted standards. Staff have included more information in the “Staff Analysis” section below regarding the role of the City in administering the subdivision standards that have been adopted by ordinance. Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Where the plan is not consistent, staff have included conditions to bring the proposal into compliance. Staff believes that the proposal for the rezoning is generally in compliance with the requirements outlined within the UDC. The rezoning is consistent with the future land use shown in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the proposed use meets the definition of the V-N zoning district, and the subject property abuts a parcel current zoned V-N. In administering the subdivision standards adopted in the UDC, the City is required to act in a quasi-judicial manner where the level of discretion the City can have in making decisions is limited. Staff have attached an excerpt from the League of Minnesota Cities document titled, “Subdivision Guide for Cities.” Of note within the document is the following guidance (emphasis added by staff): In quasi-judicial circumstances, the city must follow the standards and requirements of the ordinance it has adopted. If an application meets the requirements of the ordinance, generally it must be granted. If an application is denied, the stated reasons for the denial must all relate to the applicant’s failure to meet standards established in the ordinance. In sum, the city has a great deal of liberty to establish the rules, but once established, the city is as equally bound by the rules as the public. 12 | P a g e In quasi-judicial situations, a reviewing court will closely scrutinize the city’s decision to determine whether the city has provided a legally and factually sufficient basis for denial of an application. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval of the preliminary plat if it conforms with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the UDC. 153.500.080 Subd. 4 X. d. states the Commission shall recommend denial of the preliminary plat if it makes any of the following findings: i. That the proposed subdivision is in conflict with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, this Chapter, Capital Improvements Program, or other policy or regulation. ii. That the physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage, and retention, are such that the site is not suitable for the type or intensity of development or use contemplated. iii. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial and irreversible environmental damage. iv. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. v. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvement will conflict with easements on record or with easements established by judgment of a court. vi. That the subdivision is premature as determined by the standards of this Chapter. Based on the opinions of the City Attorney and City Engineer related to concerns regarding the “health, safety, or general welfare of the public,” staff have not found a factual basis on which the application can be denied based on the standards adopted in Chapter. 153.500.080 Subd. 4 X. d. Staff believes the proposed plan does not meet any of the standards of denial outlined above. Staff have reviewed the plan for consistency with the applicant standards outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Staff noted in the staff report the outstanding issues that must be addressed and has included conditions in the attached draft resolutions to address these issues. The Planning Commission may recommend modifications to these conditions. COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission can do one of the following: 1. Recommend approval, with or without conditions, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 2. Recommend denial, with findings, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 3. Table the request for further review/study. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing for the rezoning and preliminary plat, receive any and all comments, and recommend approval of the zoning map amendment (rezoning). A draft ordinance and resolution to establish finding of fact have been prepared and are attached. 13 | P a g e Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the site plan review for a major project, preliminary plat, and wetland review, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is permitted to create eight lots, as shown on the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 2. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-XX (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 3. Any development and structures constructed on the property shall adhere to the current ordinance’s dimensional standards, building type and materials, and architectural standards and be substantially consistent with the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 4. No streetlights are required as required in 153.400.020 Subd. 3 (G) VI. 5. Before approve of the Final Plat: a. The applicant shall comply with the memorandum provided by the City Engineer dated July 16, 2024, and any subsequent corrections and revisions. b. All easement documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney before Final Plat approval. 6. Before a building permit is issued for any lot within the subdivision: a. The applicant shall acquire any required permits from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and comply with their requirements. b. A development agreement shall be executed between the City and the Developer with the Final Plat. c. The Woodland Preservation Plan is subject to a warranty of two years and a performance guarantee that shall be established with the development agreement. 7. Prior to the release of the final plat for recording with Washington County, park dedication in the form of cash-in-lieu of land at a value of $24,000.00 shall be paid. 8. Ground cover shall be established one year from the date of occupancy. 9. A financial guarantee for landscaping shall be submitted as required by the current ordinance when any lot within the addition is developed. 10. Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505 (as may be amended). 11. Any individual disposal system shall comply with and be approved by the Washington County SSTS Regulations. 12. Wells shall be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health. 13. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits required for the project. 14. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application. 14 | P a g e RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission: Motion to recommend approval of the attached resolutions to approve the rezoning and preliminary plat, receive any and all comments, and recommend approval of the zoning map amendment (rezoning), site plan review for a major project, preliminary plat, and wetland review for the development known as Laurel Ridge, with conditions as described by staff within the staff report. Attachments A. Draft Ordinance 2024-XX Rezoning PID from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N) B. Draft Resolution 08-20-24-XX Finding of Facts for Ordinance 2024-XX C. Draft Resolution 08-20-24-XX Approving Preliminary Plat, Site Plan Review for a Major Subdivision, and Wetland Review for “Laurel Ridge” D. Location and Zoning Map of the Subject Property E. 2040 Future Land Use Map F. League of Minnesota Cities, “Subdivision Guide for Cities,” pages 19 & 20, Mark-ups by Staff, published November 2, 2021 G. Application H. Certificate of Survey I. Development Plans J. Preliminary Plat K. Figure 2 Delineation Map, Delineation Report L. City Engineer Comments M. Public Works Comments N. Watershed Comments O. Washington Conservation District Comments P. Email from the MPCA, dated June 28, 2024 CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO. 2024-XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE THE PROPERTY WITH PID FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL (RR-G) TO VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD (V-N) The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1. Amendment. The official Zoning Map, as adopted in 153.200.020 Subd. 1 of the Unified Development Code of the City of Scandia is hereby amended to change the designation of the following described property from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N): The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and Section 2: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and summary publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 20th day of August, 2024. ____________________________________ Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-20-24-XX APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT PARCEL ID WHEREAS, Dwayne Sikich of Continuum Development Group (the “applicant”), on behalf of Mitchell Johnson, Susan Sandager, and Sandra Brom (the “owners”), has requested approval to rezone 39.47 acres legally described as follows: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on May 7, 2024, and recommended that the City Council approve the request with conditions; WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an Ordinance 2024-XX rezoning the affected parcels from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Village Neighborhood (V-N); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does support the request for the reclassification of the property, based on the following findings and conditions: 1. The site is identified as Village Neighborhood in the future land use map, which corresponds to the V-N zoning district. The future land use section of the comprehensive plan describes the Village Neighborhood future land use as intended to support single and multi-family residential uses on lot sizes reflective of the existing village lot sizes. 2. The purpose of the V-N zone is to designate growth areas surrounding the Village Center and is generally intended to be developed with single-family residential uses. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-XX (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 2. The applicant shall comply with all local, state, and federal permits and requirements. 3. No development or site work is approved with this resolution. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 4. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 20 day of August, 2024. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-20-24-XX APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT, SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION, AND WETLAND REVIEW FOR “LAUREL RIDGE” LOCATED AT PARCEL ID WHEREAS, Dwayne Sikich of Continuum Development Group (the “applicant”), on behalf of Mitchell Johnson, Susan Sandager, and Sandra Brom (the “owners”), has requested approval for a Preliminary Plat for a Major Subdivision to be known as “Laurel Ridge”, located at Parcel ID and described as follows: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 22, Township 32 North, of Range 20 West; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on May 7, 2024, which was continued to the June 4, 2024, July 2, 2024, and August 6, 2024, meetings, and recommended that the City Council approve the request with conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that the Scandia City Council hereby approves the request for preliminary plat, site plan review, and wetland review subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is permitted to create eight lots, as shown on the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 2. Approval is subject to the approval of Ordinance 2024-XX (Rezoning PID from RR-G to V-N). 3. Any development and structures constructed on the property shall adhere to the current ordinance’s dimensional standards, building type and materials, and architectural standards and be substantially consistent with the plans submitted to the City and reviewed with this request, subject to any required revisions. 4. No streetlights are required as required in 153.400.020 Subd. 3 (G) VI. 5. Before approve of the Final Plat: a. The applicant shall comply with the memorandum provided by the City Engineer dated July 16, 2024, and any subsequent corrections and revisions. b. All easement documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney before Final Plat approval. 6. Before a building permit is issued for any lot within the subdivision: a. The applicant shall acquire any required permits from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and comply with their requirements. b. A development agreement shall be executed between the City and the Developer with the Final Plat. c. The Woodland Preservation Plan is subject to a warranty of two years and a performance guarantee that shall be established with the development agreement. 7. Prior to the release of the final plat for recording with Washington County, park dedication in the form of cash-in-lieu of land at a value of $24,000.00 shall be paid. 8. Ground cover shall be established one year from the date of occupancy. 9. A financial guarantee for landscaping shall be submitted as required by the current ordinance when any lot within the addition is developed. 10. Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505 (as may be amended). 11. Any individual disposal system shall comply with and be approved by the Washington County SSTS Regulations. 12. Wells shall be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health. 13. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits required for the project. 14. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 20th day of August, 2024. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 1, 50 4.7 Legend 0 1,053 Feet This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 6/27/2023 11:12 PM Roads US Trunk Highway Minnesota Trunk Highway County Highway Local Roads Ramp City Limits PWI Basin Public Water Basin Public Water Wetland PWI - Watercourse Parks Shoreland Overlay PUD Overlay Lakes Mining Overlay Saint Croix River District Zoning Agricultural Core Agricultural Preserves Rural Residential General Village Neighborhood Rural Commercial Rural Residential Neighborhood Village Historic Core Village Center Industrial Park Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Zoning and Location Map m i n n e s o t a RL Ate' m 1IqmIp E: y n _ 95 4 kz/1 Mfg i i / Z"] / iii - 1 _ Subject Property RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/2/2021 Subdivision Guide for Cities Page 19 • The land use designation or zoning category of the proposed platted area. • The locations of ingress and egress to the proposed platted area. • A preliminary site plan for the proposed platted area, with dimensions to scale, authenticated by a registered engineer or land surveyor, showing the existing or proposed state highway, county road, or county highway and all existing and proposed rights-of-way, easements, general lot layouts, and lot dimensions. When a subdivision application is finally approved and recorded, the city must file with the plat, in the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles, a certificate or other evidence showing submission of the preliminary plat to the commissioner or county highway engineer as required by law. C. Final plat review Minn. Stat. § 462.358, subd. 3b. Semler Const., Inc. v. City of Hanover 667 N.W.2d 457(Minn. Ct. App. 2003). Jordan Real Estate Services, Inc. v. City of Gaylord No. A08-0294 (Minn. Ct. App. 2009) (unpublished). After preliminary plat approval, state statute allows the applicant to seek final approval. The final plat application must demonstrate conformance with the conditions and requirements of preliminary approval and conformance with city regulations and state and federal law (where applicable). 1. Public hearing requirements: Final plats Unlike preliminary plat approval, there is no required public hearing on the final plat. 2. 60-Day Rule: Final plats Minn. Stat. § 462.358, subd. 3b. Once an applicant has requested final approval, the city must approve or disapprove of the application in 60 days. If the municipality fails to act within 60 days, the final plat application may automatically be deemed approved. D. Standard of review for preliminary and final plats State, by Rochester Ass'n of Neighborhoods v. City of Rochester, 268 N.W.2d 885 (Minn. 1978). Henning v. Village of Prior Lake, 435 N.W.2d 627 (Minn. Ct. App., 1989). VanLandschoot v. City of Mendota Heights, 336 N.W.2d 503 (Minn., 1983). When drafting and adopting a subdivision ordinance, cities have a lot of discretion in choosing their language and setting design standards. When drafting and adopting a subdivision ordinance, the city is said to be utilizing its legislative (or law-making) authority. When using its legislative authority, the only limits on the city’s authority is that action must be constitutional, rational, and in some way related to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public. This is known as the “rational basis standard” and it is generally a relatively easy standard for cities to meet. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/2/2021 Subdivision Guide for Cities Page 20 In contrast, when administering an existing subdivision ordinance by reviewing a preliminary or final plat application, the city’s discretion is much more limited. Generally, when reviewing a subdivision application, the city is no longer acting in its legislative capacity. When reviewing subdivision applications, the city is said to be exercising a quasi-judicial (judge-like) function. Rather than legislating for the broad population as a whole, the city is making a quasi-judicial determination about an individual subdivision application regarding whether the application meets the standards of the city ordinance. In quasi-judicial circumstances, the city must follow the standards and requirements of the ordinance it has adopted. If an application meets the requirements of the ordinance, generally it must be granted. If an application is denied, the stated reasons for the denial must all relate to the applicant’s failure to meet standards established in the ordinance. In sum, the city has a great deal of liberty to establish the rules, but once established, the city is as equally bound by the rules as the public. Northwestern College v. City of Arden Hills, 281 N.W.2d 865 (Minn. 1979). In quasi-judicial situations, a reviewing court will closely scrutinize the city’s decision to determine whether the city has provided a legally and factually sufficient basis for denial of an application. Kottschade v. City of Rochester, 537 N.W.2d 301 (Minn. Ct. App. 1995). In quasi-judicial situations, due process and equal protection are the main reasons for the more stringent scrutiny. Due process and equal protection under the law demand that similar applicants must be treated uniformly by the city. The best process for ensuring similar treatment among applicants is to establish standards in the ordinance and to provide that if standards are met, the subdivision application must be granted. An application may generally only be denied for failure to meet the standards in city ordinances. A reviewing court will overrule a quasi-judicial city subdivision decision if it determines that the decision was arbitrary (failed to treat equally situated applicants equally or failed to follow ordinance requirements). E. Importance of documentation of city decisions on applications LMC information memos, Taking the Mystery Out of Findings of Fact. City decisions on subdivision applications, just like zoning decisions, may result in a lawsuit challenging the city’s approval or denial of the application. Documentation of the city’s basis for denials and approvals is essential to defending the city’s decision in a court of law. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! TWIN CITY AREA:TOLL FREE:1-800-252-1166651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEY NOTES: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW¼ of NE¼) in Section Twentytwo (22), Township Thirty-two (32) North, of Range Twenty (20) West. EASEMENTS/ENCUBRANCES: 0 NORTH 80 160 As shown on the Land Title, Inc., as agent for First American Title Insurance Company, Commitment No. 684576 issued on September 18, 2023. 11.Subject to 205th Street North and Novak Avenue as shown on available maps. AREA: TOTAL AREA AS SHOWN = 1,719,210 SQ.FT. INCLUDING 168,486 SQ.FT. OF PROPOSED ROADWAY RIGHT OF WAY. PID#2203220130001 CONTACT: DWAYNE SIKICH CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 612.290.5704 dwayne@ continuumdevelopmentgroup.com 8516 244TH Street, Forest Lake, MN 55025 CD23001 SURVCD001 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY COUNTY/CITY: REVISIONS: PROJECT LOCATION: LAND SURVEYING, INC. CORNERSTONE Suite #200 1970 Northwestern Ave. Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone 651.275.8969 dan@cssurvey .net DATE REVISION PROJECT NO. FILE NAME 13952 205TH ST. N. CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY 1-16-24 INITIAL ISSUE 1-17-24 REVISIONS PER CLIENT 2-06-24 UPDATE UTILITIES CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Daniel L. Thurmes Registration Number: 25718 Date:__________________1-16-24 LAURELRIDGE IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH FOR 205TH STREET NORTH IS 100 FEET AND IT'S LOCATION IS CENTERED ON THE CENTERLINE OF 205TH STREET NORTH AS CURRENTLY TRAVELED. ACTUAL RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND LOCATION MAY VARY DEPENDENT ON CURRENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. 205TH STREET NORTH IS PROPOSED TO BE DEDICATED AS A 100 FOOT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY AND CENTERED ON THE CENTERLINE OF 205TH STREET NORTH AS CURRENTLY TRAVELED ON THE FUTURE PLAT OF LAUREL RIDGE 205TH ST. N. R/W NOTE OWNER: Mitch Johnson 539 Spruce Drive Hudson, WI 54016 mjohn1515@yahoo.com 651.983.9902 LEGEND UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OVERHEAD UTILITY UNDERGROUND GAS FENCE BUILDING LINE BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) SET IRON PIPE MARKED WITH MN LICENSE NO. 25718 CABLE TV PEDESTAL ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER GUY WIRE POWER POLE GAS METER TELEPHONE PEDESTAL SANITARY CLEANOUT WATER WELL MAIL BOX TREES 1.BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 1983. ELEVATIONS BASED ON GPS DERIVED VALUES FOR NAVD 88. 2.UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN PER GOPHER ONE LOCATES. 3.THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 4.CONTOURS SHOWN PER LIDAR DATA OBTAINED FROM THE DNR MNTOPO WEBSITE. NOT FIELD VERIFIED. 5.FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY THE RIGHT OF WAY WIDTHS FOR 205TH ST. N. HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE 50 FEET FROM THE TRAVELED CENTERLINE OF THE EXISTING BITUMINOUS ROAD. THIS WIDTH IS PROPOSED AND IS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. THE ACTUAL WIDTH OF THE RIGHT OF WAY MAY DEPEND ON USE. 6.WETLAND DELINEATION AND LOCATION BY KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY, INC. DATED 10-17-23. 7.SEPTIC AREAS BY ZIERKE SOIL TESTING, ON 01-09-24 8.THIS PARCEL IS LOCATED IN ZONE X, AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN ON FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 27063C0152E HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 3RD, 2010. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES: THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET NUMBER(S) 240250572 AND 240250585. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIES DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES WERE NOTIFIED AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE LISTED GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET NUMBERS: -CONNEXUS ENERGY -FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS -MINNESOTA ENERGY RESOURCES -MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS -XCEL ENERGY UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SHEET: C1.02 PAGE: 2 OF 11 © 2023 Microsoft Corporation © 2023 Maxar ©CNES (2023) Distribution Airbus DS 90' 18 5 ' 95' 55' 7 5 ' 25' 75 ' 70' 4 0 0 ' 60 ' 45' 2 4 0 ' 30' 26 5 ' 15 5 ' 80' 42 ' 10 0 ' 30' 35' 80' 35 0 ' 95 ' 50' 10 0 ' 60' 4 0 ' 40' 25' 25' 3 5 ' 25' 26' 5 0 ' 25' 50' 25' 40 ' 1 7 5 ' 175' 250' 250' 250' 305' 91' 10 0 ' 1 0 0 ' 25' 60 ' 75' 75 ' 75 ' 75' 90' FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 205TH STREET NORTH S MINOR COLLECTOR 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 PS P S PSP P S P BIG MARINE L O O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) S P S FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 4.38 ACRES 4.38 ACRES 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES4.49 AC. 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES 1 66 ' 6 0 ' 119' 50' WETLAND SETBACK 20 0 ' 77.3' 40' 10 0 ' P S 75' 75' 25 ' 40' 9 0 ' FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 25'FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 20 ' 70' 25 ' 4.38 ACRES WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WL W L WB WB WB WB WB WB WB PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPO S E D HOUSE P A D PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSED HOUSE PA D MODEL HOME #1 MODEL HOME #2 WETLAND BUFFER (50' AVE) BAS I N ACC E S S B A S I N A C C E S S B A S I N A C C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S HWL HWL HWL HW L HWL HWL HWL HWL H W L HW L HW L HWL H W L HWL HW L HWL HWL HWL HW L HWL HW L HWL HW L NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #2 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #1 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #4 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #5 PROP. DRY BASIN #8 WETLAND #1 50' AVE. BUFFER PROP. DRY BASIN #7 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #6 65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER)65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER) WB WBWBWBWB WL OFFSITE WETLAND 75' BUFFER 18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS SHEET & PAGE SHEET TITLE C1.01 1 SITE PLAN SURVEY/ EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT C3.01 4 GRADING PLAN FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION C3.02 5 C3.03 6 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION L0.01 8 WOODLAND PRESERVATION PLAN L0.02 9 TREE INVENTORY TABLE L1.00 10 LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION L2.00 11 GROUNDCOVER SEEDING PLAN LAUREL RIDGE FINAL PLAT (DRAFT) LOCATION MAP SURVEYOR CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING 1970 NORTHWESTERN AVE., SUITE 200 STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 TEL: (651) 261-6785 CONTACT: DAN THURMES, RLS EMAIL: dan@cssurvey.net CIVIL ENGINEER ATERRA LAND SERVICES 18219 70TH PLACE NORTH MAPLE GROVE, MN 55311 TEL: (763) 360-1307 CONTACT: NATE HERMAN, PE EMAIL: nate@aterraland.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEASURE GROUP P.O. BOX 10 WAYZATA, MN 55391 TEL: (605) 310-9766 CONTACT: JOSH MCKINNEY, RLA EMAIL: jmckinney@measuregrp.com GEOTECHNICAL HAUGO GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 2825 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL: (612) 729-2959 CONTACT: PAUL GIONFRIDDO EMAIL: paulgionfriddo@gmail.com STORMWATER DESIGN GRAEF USA 3433 BROADWAY ST. N.E., SUITE 220 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 TEL: (651) 706-3855 CONTACT: ROGER HUMPHREY, PE EMAIL: roger.humphrey@graef-usa.com DEVELOPER CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 8516 244TH STREET FOREST LAKE, MN 55025 TEL: (612) 290-5704 CONTACT: DWAYNE SIKICH EMAIL: dwayne@continuumdevelopmentgroup.com HOMEBUILDER / SITE CONTRACTOR PRATT HOMES 3500 WILLOW LAKE BLVD., SUITE 100 VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 TEL: 612-834-1718 CONTACT: LEONARD PRATT EMAIL: lenpratt@pratthomes.com SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION LAUREL RIDGE LAND OWNER MITCH JOHNSON 539 SPRUCE DRIVE HUDSON, WI 54016 TEL: (651) 983-9902 CONTACT: MITCH JOHNSON EMAIL: mjohn1515@yahoo.com DEVELOPMENT TEAM: LANDSCAPE / DEMO. CONTRACTOR ABRAHAMSON NURSERIES 20021 SAINT CROIX TRAIL NORTH SCANDIA, MN 55073 TEL: (651) 755-1475 CONTACT: GREG SANDAGER EMAIL: greg@abrahamsonnurseries.com SSTS CONSULTANT ZIERKE SOIL TESTING 28587 JEFFREY AVENUE CHISAGO CITY, MN 55013 TEL: (651) 462-2294 CONTACT: BEN ZIERKE EMAIL: benzierke@gmail.com SITE DATA PROP. SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS:8 LOTS (CONVENTIONAL SUBDIVISION) PARCEL ADDRESS:13952 205TH STREET NO, SCANDIA, MN 55073 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NO.:22-032-20-13-0001 (WASHINGTON COUNTY) PROPOSED 205TH STREET:100' R.O.W / 1,320 LIN. FT. EXISTING ZONING:GR - GENERAL RURAL DISTRICT PROPOSED 2040 LAND USE:VN - VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT AREA SUMMARY: GROSS PARCEL:39.47 ACRES (100.0%) 205TH STREET NORTH ROW: 3.03 ACRES (7.7%) FUTURE NOVAK AVE N. ROW: 0.84 ACRES (2.1%) TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AREA:35.60 ACRES (90.2%) PROPOSED GROSS DENSITY:0.20 UN./AC PROPOSED NET DENSITY:0.22 UN./AC PROPOSED MINIMUM LOT AREA:2.50 ACRES (108,900 S.F.) PROP. AVERAGE LOT AREA:4.45 ACRES (193,840 S.F.) MIN. LOT WIDTH AT ROW:100 FEET MIN. BUILDABLE AREA PER LOT:1.0 ACRE MAXIMUM STRUCTURE HEIGHT:35 FEET MAX. IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE:25% MIN. OFF-STREET PARKING:2 SPACES TYPICAL PROJECT BUILDING PADS:80' X 80' OR 100' W X 64' D (6,400 S.F.) TYPICAL ACCESSORY BLDG. PADS:50' W X 30' D (1,500 S.F.) ACCESSORY BLDGS. WITH C.U.P.:TWO BUILDINGS UP TO 3,000 S.F. TYPICAL SSTS DRAINFIELD AREAS:PRIMARY=5,000 S.F./SECONDARY=5,000 S.F. SETBACKS: BLDG. MINIMUM: BLDG. PROPOSED: SSTS PROP: FRONT YARD: 50 FT. 75 FT. 25 FT. SIDE YARD: 20 FT. 25 FT. 25 FT. SIDE STREET COR.: 40 FT. 50 FT. 50 FT. REAR YARD: 50 FT. 75 FT. 50 FT. MIN. DIST. BETWEEN ADJACENT PROPOSED HOMES:100 FT. MIN. DIST BETWEEN SWM BASINS AND PROP. DRAIN FIELDS: 75 FT. MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN PROP. HOMES AND SWM BASINS: 60 FT. MIN. DIST BETWEEN PROP. DRAIN FIELDS AND LOT LINE: 25 FT. PROP. SEWER SERVICE: SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (SSTS) PROP. WATER SERVICE:PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL WELL MIN. PROP. DRIVEWAY GRADE:1.0% MAX. PROP. DRIVEWAY GRADE:8.0% C.M.P. DRWY. CULVERTS (TYPICAL):15" X 30' 1.AS DETERMINED AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 19, 2023, ALL PARTIES AGREE TO WAIVE ANY MAJOR CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS TO 205TH STREET NORTH AND SHALL REMAIN AS IT IS TODAY BASED ON THE LOW TRAFFIC DEMAND, EXISTING CONDITIONS AND TO REDUCE IMPERVIOUS AREA PER UDC 153.400.050 AND 153.400.070. HOMEOWNERS OF LAUREL RIDGE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG WITH ALL OTHER LANDOWNERS ON ROADWAY AS DEFINED IN THE DEVELOPER AGREEMENT. 2.ROADWAY SHOULDER IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED AT EACH DRIVEWAY ACCESS AS A PART OF CONSTRUCTION OF EACH HOME. 3.ALL PROPOSED HOMES, DRIVEWAYS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THIS SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SET ARE ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE CUSTOM HOMES THAT MAY BE CONSTRUCTED, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 4.THE LAYOUT AND LOCATION PROPOSED DRIVEWAYS ONTO 205TH STREET NORTH REQUIRES VERY MINIMAL REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING TREES PER CITY OF SCANDIA UDC SECTIONS 153.400.050 AND 153.400.070 5.THIS SITE IS NOT WITHIN ANY SHORELAND MANAGEMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT. 6.NO WETLAND DISTURBANCE IS PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. 7.PARCEL IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN THE DEFINED WASHINGTON COUNTY NATURAL COMMUNITIES AND RARE SPECIES 8.ALL PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASINS DO NOT REQUIRE ANY TREE REMOVAL PER CITY OF SCANDIA UDC 153.400.050, SUBDIVISION 3. 9.ALL PROPOSED HOMES HAVE A WALKOUT LOWEST OPENING AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE BOTH THE APPLICABLE PROPOSED 100-YEAR ELEVATION OF ADJACENT SWM BASINS AND E.O.F. ELEVATIONS PER UDC SECTION 153.400.050 10.OFF-STREET PARKING AND ALL EXTERIOR STORAGE AND SHALL MEET CITY OF SCANDIA UDC 153.400.080 11.PROPOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1 AND LOT 4, BLOCK 2 ARE BOTH LOCATED TO BE FORWARD OF THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE, BOTH DEVELOPER AND HOMEBUILDER ACKNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS CITY OF SCANDIA UDC 153.200.030, SUBDIVISION 6. CONSIDERATION OF THE HARDSHIP CONDITIONS OF THE SPECIFIC SITE AND FACT BOTH PROPOSED STRUCTURES ARE NESTLED WITHIN EXISTING TREES AND NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHOULD CONSIDERED ACCEPTABLE. 12.NO PORTION OF THIS PROJECT IS PROPOSED FOR DEDICATION OF PUBLIC PARK AND DEVELOPER PROPOSES CASH IN LIEU OF PARK DEDICATION PER CITY OF SCANDIA UDC 153.500.090, SUBDIVISION. 5. SHEET INDEX GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS 1.CITY OF SCANDIA 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR PLANNING OBJECTIVES AND GUIDING LAND USE OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. 2.CITY OF SCANDIA UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) CHAPTER 153. 3.WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (SSTS). 4.CARNELIAN-MARINE-ST. CROIX WATERSHED DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. 5.PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) "MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL". 6.ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL ADHERE TO MPCA NPDES REQUIREMENTS. 7.ALL CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) LAWS AND REGULATIONS. DISCLAIMER NOTES IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT THE LAND OWNER, DEVELOPER, AND HOMEBUILDER/SITE CONTRACTOR, IS RESPONSIBLE TO DELIVER THE PROJECT ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. IN THE CASE OF CONFLICTING REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, PROVIDED BY ATERRA LAND SERVICES, THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SHALL GOVERN. USE (INCLUDING COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT ATERRA LAND SERVICES' EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY INDEMNIFY ATERRA LAND SERVICES OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. ATERRA LAND SERVICES, LLC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. SITE PLAN 1C1.01 SITE SITE NOTES 11 TREE SURVEY N SCALE IN FEET 0 200100 LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. XX/XX/XXXX47982 Nathan R. Herman GRADING PLAN FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION SWPPP C1.02 2 C2.01 3 C4.01 7 (TO BE SUBMITTED WITH FINAL PLAT) PROPOSED SECONDARY SSTS DRAINFIELD EXIST. SOIL: 49B - TYPE B AVG. GROUND ELEV=1003.5 (1.0' LOWER THAN L.F.E.) PR O P O S E D P R I M A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX . S O I L : 4 5 3 C - T Y P E C AV G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 3 6 . 0 (0 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D P R I M A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 9 B - T Y P E B A V G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 0 1 . 0 (3 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 5 3 C - T Y P E C AV G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 3 5 . 5 (1 . 0 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D P R I M A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 9 B - T Y P E B AV G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 0 5 . 0 (1 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D P R I M A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 5 3 C - T Y P E C AV G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 1 6 . 0 (1 0 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 5 3 C - T Y P E C A V G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 1 8 . 0 (8 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 4 9 B - T Y P E B A V G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 0 5 . 0 (1 . 5 L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D P R I M A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 1 5 8 D - T Y P E A A V G . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 2 . 5 (8 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 1 5 8 D - T Y P E A AV G . G R O U N D E L E V = 9 9 9 . 5 (9 . 0 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 3 4 2 B - T Y P E C AV G . E X I S T . G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 3 6 . 5 (4 . 5 ' L O W E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PROPOSED PRIMARY SSTS DRAINFIELD EX. SOIL: 342B - TYPE C AVG. GROUND EL=1033.0 (8.0 LOWER THAN L.F.E.) PROPOSED 8' DRWY. SHOULDER AND 3' RECYCLED CLASS 2 AGGREGATE (MNDOT 3138) PROPOSED 8 ' D R W Y . S H O U L D E R A N D 3' RECYCLED C L A S S 2 A G G R E G A T E ( T Y P ) (MNDOT 3 1 3 8 ) SB-1 (20') EL=1011.9 SB-2(20') EL=992.5 SB-3 (20')EL=1045.1 DB-2 (5') EL=1036.0 SB-4 (20') EL=1041.0 DB-3 (5') EL=995.8 SB-5 (20') EL=1012.5 SB-6(20') EL=996.6 DB-4 (5') EL=997.0 SB-7 (20') EL=1014.4 DB-1 (5') EL=992.5 PR O P O S E D S E C O N D A R Y SS T S D R A I N F I E L D EX I S T . S O I L : 1 2 0 / 4 5 3 B - T Y P E C AV G . E X I S T I N G G R O U N D E L E V = 1 0 0 7 . 5 (2 . 5 ' H I G H E R T H A N L . F . E . ) PROPOSED PRIMARY SSTS DRAINFIELD EX. SOIL: 453B - TYPE C AVG. GROUND EL=1004.5 (0.5 LOWER THAN L.F.E.) 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 205TH STREET NORTH MINOR COLLECTOR 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BIG MARINE L O O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) 10 0 0 . 6 1002. 4 99 9 . 6 9 9 9 . 6 WA L K O U T W A L K O U T WALKOUT W A L K O U T WALKOUT WALKOUT WALKOUT W A L K O U T 10 4 0 . 0 1 0 4 2 . 0 10 1 3 . 0 1 0 0 9 . 0 W O C U S T O M G R A D E D G = 1 0 1 8 . 0 1 0 1 4 . 0 1 0 4 2 . 0 WO CUSTOM GR A D E D 10' LOWER L E V E L 1047.0 G=105 2 . 0 LO O K O U T LO O K O U T LO O K O U T 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 4.38 ACRES 4.38 ACRES 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES4.49 AC. 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES 1 99 5 . 5 9 9 5 . 5 992 1000.7 1 0 3 9 . 7 1 0 3 9 . 1 1039.1 1 0 3 7 1036.5 X 07.0 99 7 . 5 995 996 NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #110 YEAR HWL=998.4100 YEAR HWL=1000.6EXISTING BOTTOM=996.5PROPOSED BOTTOM=996.0MIN. LOW FL00R=1003.4 NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #5 (NO TREE REMOVAL)10 YEAR HWL=997.6100 YEAR HWL=999.7PROPOSED BOTTOM=995.0MIN. LOW FL00R=1002.7 SOG FFE=1012.5 SOG FFE= 1010.0 SOG FFE=1041.5 SOG FFE= 1026.5 SOG FFE= 1005.0 SOG FFE=1007.0 LP HPLP LP HP LP HP LP LP LP L O O K O U T W A L K O U T WA L K O U T LO O K O U T LOOKOUT WALKOUT 10 3 0 103 2 10 3 4 1036 1 0 4 2 104 4 10 4 2 10 4 0 10 3 6 104 2 104 2 10 5 0 10 5 2 1 0 2 6 10 2 8 103 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 10 1 0 1014 1012 1 0 1 2 1010 101 0 1 0 1 2 1004 100 8 101 2 100 6 1014 1014 101 0 1014 101 2 10 1 0 1 0 0 6 1016 1014 1012 10 1 0 10 0 8 10 0 6 1 0 1 0 10 0 8 1 0 0 8 1010 1010 1012 1008 10 0 6 1 0 0 6 100 4 1006 10 1 2 1010 10 5 4 1052 1038 10 5 6 9 8 4 988 990 9 9 2 994 982 9 8 4 1030 50' WETLAND SETBACK EX. CAPPED WELL9 9 8 . 3 998.3 998 . 3 997 . 0 9 9 6 . 0 1 0 0 6 10 3 3 . 0 10 3 2 . 5 1030.0 1 0 3 2 . 0 PROPOSED DRY BASIN #810 YEAR HWL=1032.5100 YEAR HWL=1033.0PROPOSED BOTTOM=1030.0MIN. LOW FLOOR=1036.0TOP OF BERM=1033.5OVERFLOW=1033.0 (INSTALLED @ L5-B2 HOME CONST.) SOG FFE=1035.0 PROPOSED PRIMARY S S T S DRAINFIEL D EX. SOIL: 1 5 8 B - T Y P E A AVG. GRN D . E L = 1 0 0 4 . 0 (5.0 LOWE R T H A N L . F . E . ) PROPOSED SECONDA R Y S S T S DRAINFIEL D EX. SOIL: 1 5 8 C - T Y P E A AVG. GRN D . E L = 1 0 0 5 . 5 (3.5 LOWE R T H A N L . F . E . ) 9 9 3 G= 1 0 4 5 . 5 WO CUSTOM G R A D E D 1036.0 1 0 4 5 . 0 G= 1 0 3 4 . 5 1 0 3 4 . 5 W O C U S T O M G R A D E D 10 2 5 . 5 1 0 2 5 . 5 G=1014.5 1014.5 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1005.5 1009.5 G=1016.5 1013.5 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1007.5 1007.5 SOG FFE=1006.0 1017.0 G=1017.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1012.0 1008.0 4.38 ACRES 1 0 0 6 WALKO U T WALKO U T 1008 10 1 0 PROP. PAVED DRWY. 145 L.F. (2,750 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 210 L.F. (3,965 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 270 L.F. (4,465 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 405 L.F. (6,450 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST PROPOSED PAVED DRWY. 325 L.F. (5,400 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY ALIGNMENT PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 265 L.F. (4,950 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL PROP. PAVED DRIVEWAY 115 L.F. (2,620 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 545 L.F. (8,200 S.F.) 2% CROSS-SLOPE WEST 10 1 0 10 0 6 10 0 4 100 4 LP 07.0 X 1 0 3 8 1 0 4 0 1034 SF SF S F S F SF SF SF SFSF 9 8 6 LP LP 10 3 2 LOW PT.x 1005.7 U F P U F P U F P U F P U F P U F P U F P U F P PROPOSED RESERVE BORROW AREA & TOPSOIL STORAGE (IF REQUIRED) PROPOSED RESERVE BORROW AREA & TOPSOIL STORAGE (IF REQUIRED) PROPOSED RESERVE BORROW AREA & TOPSOIL STORAGE (IF REQUIRED) PROPOSED RESERVE BORROW AREA & TOPSOIL STORAGE (IF REQUIRED) WL W L WL WL W L WB WB WB WB WB WB WB WETLAND BUFFER (50' AVE) WETLAND #150' WETLAND BUFFER10 YEAR HWL=1000.7100 YEAR HWL=1002.4EXISTING BOTTOM=997.5NO ALTERATIONS PROPOSEDMIN. LOW FLR.=1005.4 FILL IN LOCAL DEPRESSION TO DRAIN TO THE WEST OVER DRIVEWAY 1008.5 1008.5 100 9 . 6 1008.5 1009. 6 HP BAS I N ACC E S S B A S I N A C C E S S B A S I N A C C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S 998 . 4 10 0 0 . 6 BA S I N AC C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S 1007.0 1 0 0 7 . 0 WO CUSTO M G R A D E D 2' GAR A G E D R O P 1010.0 G = 1 0 1 3 . 0 HWL B - B H W L B - B HW L B - B HWL B-B H W L B - B HWL B - B H W L HWL HW L HWL HW L H W L HWL HW L H W L H W L HW L LO D LODLO D LO D L O D L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D H W L HWL HWL H W L HW L HWL H W L H W L LO D LO D L O D LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D L O D LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD L O D LOD LOD LOD L O D LO D L O D LOD LOD LO D L O D LODLOD H W L HW L HW L HWL HW L H W L H W L HWL HWL HW L H W L H W L HWL HW L B - B HW L B - B HWL B-B H W L B - B HW L B - B HWL B-B H W L B - B HW L B - B HW L B - B HW L B - B HWL B - B H W L B - B HWL B - B H W L B - B HW L B - B H W L B - B HWL B-B HWL B-B HWL B-B H W L B - B HW L HW L HW L HW L H W L HWL H W L B - B HW L B - B HW L B - B H W L B - B HWL B-B HWL B-B H W L B - B LOD LOD L O D L O D LO D LOD HW L H W L LODLOD LO D LO D L O D LO D LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD L O D L O D L O D L O D LO D LOD LOD LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D L O D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D L O D L O D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D LO D LOD LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD L O D L O D L O D L O D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LOD LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D L O D L O D LO D LOD LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D LO D LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D L O D LO D LO D L O D L O D L O D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD HWL HWL H W L HWL HWL HWL HW L HWL HWL LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D L O D LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD L O D L O D L O D L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D L O D L O D L O D LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D L O D LO D LOD LOD HWL HW L HW L HWL HW L H W L H W L HW L B - B H W L B - B HWL B-B HW L B - B H W L B - B HWL B - B LOD LO D LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D LO D LO D L O D LOD LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D L O D PROP. 15" x 3 5 ' C M P C U L V E R T PROP. 15" x 3 5 ' C M P C U L V E R T PROP. 15" x 3 5 ' C M P C U L V E R T PROP. 12" x 65' CMP CULVERT PROP. 12" x 55' CMP CULVERT 6 CY CL.3 RIPRAP NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #4 (NO GRADING/TREE REMOVAL)100 YEAR HWL=1009.6EXISTING BOTTOM=1007.0MIN. LOW FL00R=1012.6 PROPO S E D 2 0 ' C R O S S DRAINA G E E A S E M E N T PROPOSED 20' CROSS DRAINAGE EASEMENT PROPOSED 20' CROSS DRAINAGE EASEMENT PROPO S E D 2 0 ' C R O S S DRAINA G E E A S E M E N T NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #2 10 YEAR HWL=995.5100 YEAR HWL=998.3EXISTING BOTTOM=992.5PROPOSED BOTTOM=992.0MIN. LOW FLOOR=1001.3 NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #410 YEAR HWL=1008.5100 YEAR HWL=1009.6EXISTING BOTTOM=1006.5PROPOSED BOTTOM=1006.0MIN. LOW FLR.=1012.6 NATURAL LANDLOCKEDBASIN #6 10 YEAR HWL=1039.1100 YEAR HWL=1039.7PROPOSED BOTTOM=1036.5MIN. LOW FLOOR=1042.7 PROP. 15" x 35' CMP CULVERT 2. 6 % 2 . 9 % 5 . 6 % 1 . 0 % 3. 7 % 8.0 % 8.0 % 5. 0 % 6. 8 % 7. 0 % 6. 3 % 3. 0 % 2 . 0 % 6 . 0 % 4. 9 % 8. 0 % 2. 5 % 4.0 % 3.0 % 8 . 0 % 2 . 7 % 2 . 2 % 4 . 0 % 6. 9 % 3. 9 % 5 . 0 % 4. 7 % 2 . 0 % 2. 0 % 4.9% 6.0 % 3. 9 % 6. 1 % 4 . 1 % 3 . 0 % 7 . 0 % 2. 0 % 4 . 9 % 8. 0 % 3. 0 % 3. 0 % 7.0 % 4.0% 4 . 2 % 3.0 % 8. 0 % 5 . 0 % 4 . 1 % 4. 5 % 2. 6 % 4 . 5 % 4. 0 % 3. 4 % 2.0% 1.0 % 1. 0 % 1 1 . 3 % 4.3% 7.0% 2. 0 % 1. 4 % 2 . 0 % 1012.1 1011.7 1012.5 1012.7 1010.1 1005.51005.3 1013.4 1013.9 1015.0 1016.1 1017.3 1005.9 1005.7 1012.5 1014.1 1014.3 1012.8 1006.0 1006.0 1010.7 1002.0 1007.0 1010.0 1010.0 1013.0 1013.0 1009.0 101 3 . 0 101 8 . 0 101 8 . 0 101 4 . 0 10 1 8 . 0 100 9 . 0 1009.0 1012.2 1006.6 1005.5 1005.3 1005.4 1005.4 1005.9 1004.1 1005.9 1005.9 1007.7 1007.4 1017.4 1012.81012.6 1015.3 1017.1 1017.1 1 0 1 7 . 5 1052.7 1050.6 1049.2 1050.6 1050.5 1050.8 1050.6 1050.7 1050.71050.6 1044.8 1045.8 1047.9 1050.4 1050.2 1050.0 1053.1 1051.1 1049.8 1052.1 1048.1 1045.1 1042.9 1042.9 1041.9 1041.0 1043.2 1042.1 1044.5 1044.51044.8 1044.6 1043.6 1040.7 1041.9 1041.7 1042.6 1041.7 1042.7 1044.9 1047.9 1051.9 1049.4 1046.71045.1 1048.9 1047.0 1046.7 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1033.0 1033.0 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1052.0 1052.0 1042.0 1042.0 1042.0 1047.0 1052.0 1045.0 1045.0 1045.01036.0 1036.0 1036.0 1040.0 1034.2 1033.7 1033.0 1032.1 1028.7 1024.7 1024.4 1025.7 102 6 . 8 1028.8 1030.9 1027.9 1027.2 1024.3 1026.6 1024.5 1024.9 1025.5 1024.1 1024.4 1028.4 1031.9 10 3 3 . 6 10 3 4 . 4 10 3 4 . 6 10 3 4 . 1 103 4 . 5 10 2 5 . 5 102 5 . 5 10 3 4 . 5 103 4 . 5 1013.8 1010.21010.0 10 1 0 . 5 1012.9 1015.9 1016.3 1017.6 1013.6 1014.2 1013.2 1014.3 1012.9 1010.0 1012.6 1015.6 1014.5 1014.5 1007.5 1007.7 10 1 0 . 6 10 1 4 . 5 1014.51014.5 1015.4 1016.5 1016.5 10 1 0 . 5 1010.3 1007.9 10 1 0 . 5 1013.51016.5 1014.1 1009.7 1009.11008.8 1009.4 101 1 . 3 101 2 . 8 1014.3 1014.5 1014.9 1010.0 1009.8 1010.51009.51008.9 1009.1 1017.0 1016.4 1013.7 1007.3 1 0 0 4 . 8 1004.4 1005.1 1002.8 1005.3 1006.0 1006.71005.91005.6 1004.3 1003.8 1002.0 1004.4 1003.1 1003.6 1005.8 1002.5 1003.0 1017.0 1014.8 1012.5 10 1 1 . 8 1010.4 1008.8 10 1 5 . 1 1017.01016.3 1048.7 1045.4 1048.4 9 8 6 . 5 9 8 6 . 5 986.5 986.0 986.0 986.5 986.5 986.7 1004.5 1007.0 1004.0 1016.0 1015.81015 . 6 1003.0 1004.3 1013.0 1003.9 1004.5 1010.2 1010.3 1014.71014.4 10 2 5 . 5 103 4 . 5 1023.9 1023.6 1033.5 1033.5 1042.0 1.4%1.0%1.0% 1.3 % 2 . 3 % 1005.7 1005.9 1006.1 1007.8 1005.3 1005.2 1005.4 1.3% 2 . 0 % 1011.6 1010.5 1.0% 5.9 % 7. 9 % 8 . 3 % 9. 5 % -0.0% 7.2% 4. 7 % 7. 9 % 14. 9 % 3.6% 4. 7 % 7 . 4 % 1003.01002.5 3. 8 % 17. 4 % 4.2% 13 . 7 % 12. 5 % 4. 4 % 1002.3 1005.0 1005.5 1.1% 65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER)65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER) WB WBWBWBWB WL W LOFFSITE WETLAND 75' BUFFER PROPOSED DRY BASIN #710 YEAR HWL=984.3100 YEAR HWL=986.1PROPOSEDBOTTOM=984.0TOP OF BERM=986.5OVERFLOW=986.0 (INSTALLED @ L1-B2 HOMECONST.) LEGEND: PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING CONTOUR ULTIMATE FLOWPATH RIP-RAP ROCK ENTRANCE BERM 950 EROSION BLANKET SILT FENCE SF SF SILT FENCE AFTER GRADING SF SF SF LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LOD LOD INLET PROTECTION EXISTING FLOWPATH DRIVEWAY CULVERT IP SILT FENCE (DOUBLE ROW )SF SF SF SF U F P 953 WBWETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT BUILDING SETBACK PROPOSED EASEMENT 18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 4C3.01 11 1.ALL EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF SCANDA GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. 2.SEE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN AND NARRATIVE ON SHEETS C3.03 AND C3.04. OF THIS PLAN SET 3.SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4.THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE HOMEBUILDER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 5.CONTRACTOR AND/OR HOMEBUILDER SHALL INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OCCURRING DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE ANY REQUIRED SITE GRADING CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ALL SOIL TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE DEVELOPER'S GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOIL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SOILS REPORT HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY: HAUGO GEOTECHNICAL, PHONE: 612-729-2959, DATED: JANUARY 31, 2024. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE CITY , COUNTY AND MNDOT STANDARDS. 8.ANY EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE DEVELOPER, THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, STRUCTURES, OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. BY CONTACTING THE NOTIFICATION CENTER THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD). 9.THE GRADING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL STORM WATER INSPECTIONS ACCORDING TO THE MPCA STORM WATER PERMIT. THIS INCLUDES BOTH WEEKLY INSPECTIONS AND INSPECTIONS DONE AFTER A 0.5" RAIN EVENT. A COPY OF THE INSPECTION REPORT MUST BE EMAILED TO THE ENGINEER, DEVELOPER AND CITY ENGINEER ON A WEEKLY BASIS. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT SOIL MATERIALS FROM LEAVING THE SITE BY EROSION AND VEHICLE WHEEL TRACKING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING OF STREET, BOULEVARD AND UTILITY FACILITIES THAT RECEIVE ANY ERODED OR TRACKED SOIL MATERIAL OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS OR MATERIAL. 11.EXCAVATE TOPSOIL AND ORGANIC MATERIAL FROM AREAS TO BE FURTHER EXCAVATED OR RE-GRADED AND STOCKPILE IN AREAS DESIGNATED ON THE SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SALVAGE ENOUGH TOPSOIL FOR RE-SPREADING ON THE SITE AS SPECIFIED. RE-SPREAD TOPSOIL IN AREAS WHERE TURF IS TO BE ESTABLISHED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4 INCHES. 12.EXISTING TREES AND OTHER NATURAL VEGETATION WITHIN THE PROJECT AND/OR ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT ARE OF PRIME CONCERN TO THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS AND SHALL BE A RESTRICTED AREA. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT TREES TO REMAIN AT ALL TIMES. EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT NEEDLESSLY BE OPERATED UNDER NEARBY TREES AND EXTREME CAUTION SHALL BE EXERCISED WHEN WORKING ADJACENT TO TREES. SHOULD ANY PORTION OF THE TREE BRANCHES REQUIRE REMOVAL TO PERMIT OPERATION OF THE CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT, CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF A PROFESSIONAL TREE TRIMMING SERVICE TO TRIM THE TREES PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF OPERATION. SHOULD CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS RESULT IN THE BREAKING OF ANY LIMBS, THE BROKEN LIMBS SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY AND CUTS SHALL BE PROPERLY PROTECTED TO MINIMIZE ANY LASTING DAMAGE TO THE TREE. NO TREES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION BY THE ENGINEER. COSTS FOR TRIMMING SERVICES SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONSTRUCTION AND NO SPECIAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE. 13.RESTRICTED AREAS SHALL INCLUDE ALL DESIGNATED TREED AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION ZONE. ALL VEGETATION, INCLUDING ROOT ZONES, WITHIN THE RESTRICTED AREAS SHALL REMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRICT ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO AREAS DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS. ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION MAY BE RESTRICTED TO A NARROWER WIDTH IN THE FIELD TO SAVE ADDITIONAL TREES AS DIRECTED BY THE DEVELOPER .ALL RESTRICTED AREAS SHALL BE FENCED OFF WITH BRIGHT ORANGE POLYETHYLENE SAFETY NETTING AND STEEL STAKES AS SHOWN ON THE TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. AT NO TIME SHALL THIS FENCING BE REMOVED OR ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND TAKE PLACE WITHIN IT. FINAL PLACEMENT OF ALL PROTECTIVE FENCING SHALL BE COMPLETE BEFORE ANY WORK COMMENCES ON-SITE. 14.MATERIAL BORROW CONSTRUCTION: CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE “TRENCH BORROW” EXCAVATION IN AREAS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER IN ORDER TO OBTAIN STRUCTURAL MATERIAL. TREES SHALL NOT BE REMOVED OR DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF THE EXCAVATION, UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE EXCAVATION SHALL COMMENCE A 15.MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM THE LIMIT OF THE BUILDING PAD. THE EXCAVATION FROM THIS LIMIT SHALL EXTEND AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 1 FOOT HORIZONTAL TO 1 FOOT VERTICAL (1:1) DOWNWARD AND OUTWARD FROM THE FINISHED SURFACE GRADE ELEVATION. THE TRENCH BORROW EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED TO THE PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AND SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE QUALITY COMPACTION METHOD AS OUTLINED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2105.3F2. 16.FILL PLACED WITHIN THE BUILDING PAD AREAS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH HUD/FHA PROCEDURES & DATA SHEET 79G. 17.FINISHED GRADING SHALL BE COMPLETED, CONTRACTOR SHALL UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING, INCLUDING ADJACENT TRANSITION AREAS. PROVIDE A SMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE, WITH UNIFORM LEVELS OR SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN, OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES. AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN FINISHED GRADED SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, TRAFFIC AND EROSION. REPAIR ALL AREAS THAT HAVE BECOME RUTTED, ERODED OR HAS SETTLED BELOW THE CORRECT GRADE. 18.ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EQUAL OR BETTER THAN ORIGINAL CONDITION OR TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW WORK. 19.SEE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR SOIL STABILIZATION INFORMATION. 20.EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AROUND THE ENTIRE SITE PERIMETER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, CITY REQUIREMENTS AND THE DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL DETAILS SHEETS OF THESE PLANS. 21.WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 22.ALL DRIVEWAYS MUST BE PAVED WITH BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE TO THE ROW LIMIT OF 205TH STREET OR BEYOND AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. GRAVEL DRIVEWAY CONNECTIONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 23.CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC WILL BE REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS SIATE FROM OLINDA TRAIL N (CSAH 3) AND LEAVE ON THE SAME ROUTE. NOT CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC WILL BE ALLOWED ON NEIGHBORING CITY STREETS. 24.THE SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MAXIMIZE SHEET FLOW. BUILDER SHALL TAKE NOT TO ENSURE LOT GRADING MAINTAINS SHEET FLOW CHARACTERISTICS AND DOES NOT SWALE RUNOFF TO CONCENTRATED AREA OF A STORMWATER BASIN. GRADING PLAN FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES N SCALE IN FEET 0 16080 LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. XX/XX/XXXX47982 Nathan R. Herman NOTE: ALL EXCAVATION PROPOSED AND SWM BMPS SHALL TAKE PLACE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION OF INDIVIDUAL HOMES BASED ON SITE AND GRADING PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND WATERSHED FOR EACH BUILDINGS PERMIT NOTE: FINAL SSTS SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND APPROVED FOR ALL LOTS AT HOUSE CONSTRUCTION, SEE PROJECT EXHIBIT 2 FOR SOIL SURVEY AND EXISTING SLOPES MAP. 3/4" TO 1-1/2" SPRING LINE USE AS MUCH ROCK AS NECESSARY TO STABLILIZE UNSTABLE OR WET CONDITIONS SPRING LINE COMPACTED SAND OR 3/4" TO 1-1/2" CLEAR ROCK STABLE OR DRY CONDITIONS SAND SHALL CONFORM WITH MN/DOT SPEC. 3149.2B SUGGESTED STORM SEWER PIPE BEDDING CMP CULVERT CMP CULVERT PROPOSED DRIVEWAY CULVERTS BLOCK 1, LOT 1: NO CULVERT. DITCH TOO SHALLOW. RECEIVES MINOR RUNOFF. BLOCK 1, LOT 2: NO CULVER IN CITY ROW. RUNOFF RUNS TO WETLAND OR BASIN 2. 12" CMP UNDER DRIVEWAY LOW POINT AS A WETLAND OUTLET. BLOCK 1, LOT 3: 15" CMP IN CITY ROW TO CONVEY DITCH RUNOFF. BLOCK 2, LOT 1: 15" CMP IN CITY ROW TO CONVEY DITCH RUNOFF. BLOCK 2, LOT 2: NO CULVERT IN CITY ROW. DITCH TOO SHALLOW. RECEIVES MINOR RUNOFF. BLOCK 2, LOT 3: NO CULVERT. DITCH TOO SHALLOW. RECEIVES MINOR RUNOFF. 12" CMP UNDER DRIVEWAY LOW POINT BETWEEN BASIN 4 CELLS. BLOCK 2, LOT 4: 15" CMP IN CITY ROW TO CONVEY DITCH RUNOFF. BLOCK 2, LOT 5: 15" CMP IN CITY ROW TO CONVEY DITCH RUNOFF. IMPERVIOUS ALLOWANCE NOTES 1.EACH BASIN IS DESIGNED TO RECEIVE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF IMPERVIOUS POST CONSTRUCTION. 2.THE FOLLOWING DATA PROVIDES THE IMPERVIOUS AREAS PROPOSED FOR EACH BASIN AS DESIGNED IN THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. 3.IF THE ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE EXCEEDS THE DESIGNED AMOUNT, THE BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL BMPS TO MEET CITY AND WATERSHED STORMWATER RULES. ALLOWED NEW IMPERVIOUS PER SWMP 07/01/24... NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #1:11,000 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOT 1) NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #2:39,000 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 1, LOTS 1,2,3) NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #3:NO BASIN #3 ON PLANS NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #4:16,509 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOTS 2,3,4) NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #5:28,009 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOTS 2,3,4) NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #6:3,006 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOT 5) PROPOSED DRY BASIN #7:8,015 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOT 1) PROPOSED DRY BASIN #8:12,981 SF (RECEIVES RUNOFF FROM BLOCK 2, LOT 5) OVERALL IMPERVIOUS ALLOWED:118,520 SF PROPOSED NEW IMPERVIOUS PER PLAN 07/01/24... BLOCK 1, LOT 1:11,110 SF BLOCK 1, LOT 2:10,280 SF BLOCK 1, LOT 3:9,935 SF BLOCK 2, LOT 1:13,585 SF BLOCK 2, LOT 2:9,755 SF BLOCK 2, LOT 3:9,795 SF BLOCK 2, LOT 4:11,180 SF BLOCK 2, LOT 5:15,050 SF OVERALL PROPOSED IMP:90,690 SF 31,325 SF COMBINED SUMMARY... BLOCK 1:IMP. ALLOWED: 39,000 SF IMP. PROPOSED: 31,325 SF DIFFERENCE: 7,675 SF ADDITIONAL SF IMP. ALLOWED PER SWMP IN BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2:IMP. ALLOWED: 79,520 SF IMP. PROPOSED: 59,365 SF DIFFERENCE: 20,155 SF ADDITIONAL SF IMP. ALLOWED PER SWMP IN BLOCK 2 OVERALL: IMP. ALLOWED: 118,520 SF IMP. PROPOSED: 90,690 SF DIFFERENCE: 27,830 SF ADDITIONAL SF IMP. ALLOWED PER SWMP OVERALL NOTES: 1.AS BUILDING PERMITS COME IN, INDIVIDUAL LOT CERTIFICATES SHALL CALCULATE THE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS. 2.IMPERVIOUS SURFACES WILL VARY SLIGHTLY ON INDIVIDUAL LOT CERTS. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SHALL BE TRACKED TO VERIFY IF LOTS ARE WITHIN ALLOWED IMPERVIOUSNESS. 3.THE ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS ALLOWED CALCULATED ABOVE CAN BE USED ON ANY OF THE PERSPECTIVE LOTS. 4.ONCE ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS IS EXCEEDED, BUILDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. 59,365 SF COMBINED BUILDABLE LOT AREAS (NET ACREAGE) 2 1 4.38 ACRES 1.60 ACRES 2.78 ACRES 3 1 4.38 ACRES 3.70 ACRES 0.68 ACRES 1 2 4.49 ACRES 2.99 ACRES 1.50 ACRES 2 2 4.49 ACRES 3.32 ACRES 1.17 ACRES 3 2 4.49 ACRES 2.12 ACRES 2.37 ACRES 4 2 4.49 ACRES 3.79 ACRES 0.70 ACRES 5 2 4.49 ACRES 3.00 ACRES 1.49 ACRES LOT BLOCK GROSS AREA NET ACREAGE NON-BUILDABLE 1 1 4.38 ACRES 3.28 ACRES 1.10 ACRES NET ACREAGE: GROSS AREA - (EASEMENTS + WETLANDS + 100 YR HWL) NOTE: BUILDABLE AREA (NET ACREAGE) IS NOT THE SAME AS ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS AREA. SEE ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS AREA NOTES BELOW. TOTAL 35.59 ACRES 23.80 ACRES 11.79 ACRES GRADING SEQUENCING NOTES 1.ALL PROPOSED EXCAVATION, EROSION CONTROL AND SEEDING SITE IMPROVEMENTS WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE CONSTRUCTION OF EACH OF THE EIGHT PROPOSED HOMES. 2.THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO BASIN #2 WILL TAKE PLACE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO BE THE FIRST HOME CONSTRUCTED AS IT WILL BE THE MODEL HOME. 3.THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO BASIN #4 AND BASIN #5 WILL TAKE PLACE WITH THE HOME CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 3, BLOCK 2. 4.THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO BASIN #1 AND BASIN #7 WILL TAKE PLACE WITH THE HOME CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2. 5.THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO BASIN #6 AND BASIN #8 WILL TAKE PLACE WITH THE HOME CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 5, BLOCK 2. 6.NO MASS GRADING OR DISTURBANCE WILL TAKE PLACE AS A PART OF THIS PROJECT. For Review 07/02/2024 4:14:48 PM WETLAND #1 AREA=2,042 SQ.FT. DELINEATED 10/05/23 KJOLHAUG ENV. SERVICES 25' BUFFER + 15' SETBACK FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D PROP. 15" x 35' CMP CULVERT (TYP.) (W/ END SECT. & TRASH GUARD) 79' 78' 78' 82 ' 89' 79' PROP. 15" x 40' CMP CULVERT (W/ END SECT. & TRASH GUARD) WAL K O U T WALKOUT WL K O U T . L K O U T . W A L K O U T 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 LOW PT. 1003.0 1007.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1010.0 G=1012.0 JOHNSON FAMILY FARM PARCELSW 1/4 OF NE 1/4, SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 32N., RANGE 20W. G=1045.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED SIDE WALKOUT 1036.0 1045.0 LOOKOUT WALKOUT WALKOUT WA L K O U T WALKOUT 205TH STREET NORTH WALKOUT LOOKOUT S WALKOUTW A L K O U T 10 4 0 . 0 WA L K O U T G=1015.0 1015.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1006.0 1006.0 1016.0 G=1018.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1013.0 1009.0 MINOR COLLECTOR PROPOSED 8' DRWY. SHOULDER AND 3' RECYCLEDCLASS 2 AGGREGATE (MNDOT 3138) PROPOSED CBU MAILBOX PROP. PAVED DRWY. 145 L.F. (2,750 S.F.) PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 210 L.F. (3,950 S.F.) PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 535 L.F. (7,875 S.F.) PROPOSED 8' DRWY.SHOULDER AND 3' RECYCLED CLASS 2 AGGREGATE (TYP) (MNDOT 3138) 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H PROP. PAVED DRIVEWAY 270 L.F. (4,725 S.F.) 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 4.38 ACRES BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 4.38 ACRES 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES 4.49 AC. 4.49 AC. 4.49 ACRES EXISTING NATURALSWM BASIN #1 (NO GRADING OR TREE REMOVAL) EXISTING HWL=993.5 EXIST. BOTTOM=992.5 MIN. LOW FLOOR=996.5 EXIST. NATURALSWM BASIN #4 (NO GRADING OR TREE REMOVAL)EXIST. HWL=998.5EXIST. BOT.=996.0MIN. LW FLR=1001.5 EXISTING NATURALSWM BASIN #5 (NO GRADING OR TREE REMOVAL)EXISTING HWL=999.0EXIST. BOTTOM=997.0MIN. LOW FLOOR=1002.0 P P S S P P S S P P S 10 4 1 . 0 P S 10 1 2 . 5 1 0 0 8 . 5 W O C U S T O M G R A D E D G= 1 0 1 7 . 5 1 0 1 3 . 5 G = 1 0 3 5 . 5 1 0 3 5 . 5 W O C U S T O M G R A D E D 1 0 2 6 . 5 1 0 2 6 . 5 PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 270 L.F. (4,450 S.F.)PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 120 L.F. (2,825 S.F.) PROPOSED PAVED DRIVEWAY 425 L.F. (6,750 S.F.) PROPOSED PAVED DRWY. 325 L.F. (5,400 S.F.) BIG MARINE LO O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) 1 4.38 ACRES S P 1041.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 10' LOWER LEVEL 1046.0 G=1051.0 LOOKOUT LO O K O U T LK O U T . W L K O U T . G=1013.0 1013.0 WO CUSTOM GRADED 1004.0 1008.0 LO O K O U T LO O K O U T EXIST. NATURALSWM BASIN #3(NO GRDNG. OR TREE RMVL.) EXIST. HWL=1008.5 EXIST. BOTTOM=1007.0 MIN. LOW FLOOR=1011.5 WETLAND #1 (EXISTING SWM BASIN)HWL=1000.0BOTTOM=998.0MIN. LOW FLR.=1034.0 EXIST. NATURAL SWM BASIN #2(NO GRADING OR TREE REMOVAL)EXISTING HWL=1037.5EXISTING BOTTOM=1036.0MINIMUM LOW FL00R=1040.5 99 3 . 5 9 9 3 . 5 998.5 1008.5 100 8 . 5 1000 10 3 7 . 5 999 99 9 ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY ALIGNMENT 1 0 2 9 . 5 10 3 1 SWM BASIN #6 (IF REQ.) PROP. BIOINFIL. SWALE)PROP. HWL=1031.0PROP. BOT=1029.5MIN. LW. FLR.=1034.0 PROTECT ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER EXIST. NATURALSWM BASIN #3(NO GRADING ORTREE REMOVAL)EXISTING HWL=1008.5EXISTING BOTTOM=1007.0MIN. LOW FL00R=1011.5 X EOF EL=1038.0 X EOF EL=1009.8 X EOF EL= P2 Total area: 11.55 ac Impervious area: 0.65 ac 1.01 ac. Pervious area: 10.90 ac 10.54 ac 250,541.8 sf 502,035.5 sf 113,321.3 sf 152,351.4 sf 321,174.3 sf 3,081.609 sf 839.375 sf 8,169.188 sf Tc Tc Tc Tc 76,455.59 sf 106,919.3 sf 206,547.4 sf 29,137.75 sf 13,073.88 sf 43,863.63 sf 2,787.5 sf8,854.063 sf26,535.53 sf 22,494.41 sf 47,922.81 sf 15,986.13 sf 37,723.19 sf 68,289.88 sf 100,721.1 sf 35,247.75 sf 21,921.05 sf 13,011.64 sf 19,529.94 sf 56,799.03 sf 210,733.2 sf 141,234.9 sf 77,224.75 sf OS 1 48,850.41 sf P1 Total area: 5.76 ac Impervious area: 0.48 ac 0.54 ac. Pervious area: 5.28 ac 5.22 ac Proposed basin 1 10yr HWL 998.18 997.82 100yr HWL 1000.31 1000.62 B2B 100 yr HWL 1003.73 1003.79 2,390.875 sf Proposed Bottom contour 996.00, 4,002 s.f. P1 OS 1 Total area: 24.20 ac Impervious area: 0.23 ac Pervious area: 23.97ac P2 Proposed basin 2 10yr HWL 995.39 995.46 100yr HWL 998.25 998.33 B2B 100yr HWL 1003.09 1003.15 9,431.125 sf7,005.5 sf Proposed 0.21 ac-ft of added storage: 992.0 contour 7,000s.f. 992.5 contour 9,000s.f. x UFP 1005.0 P3 Total area: 2.62 ac Impervious area: 0.39 ac 0.33 ac Pervious area: 2.23 ac 2.29 ac Existing wetland basin 3 10yr HWL 1000.72 1000.65 100yr HWL 1002.46 1002.39 B2B 100yr HWL 1005.46 1005.40 Proposed basin 4 10yr HWL 1008.47 1008.74 100yr HWL 1009.56 1009.62 B2B 100yr HWL 1010.20 P4 Total area: 4.94 ac Impervious area: 0.25 ac 0.71ac. Pervious area: 4.69 ac 4.22 ac 6,651.188 sf Proposed Bottom contour 1006.5, 8,700 s.f. P3 P4 P5 Total area: 4.84 ac Impervious area: 0.60 ac 0.64ac Pervious area: 4.24 ac 4.20 ac Proposed basin 5 10yr HWL 997.45 997.56 100yr HWL 999.59 999.67 B2B 100yr HWL 1003.0 1003.07 5,374.813 sf 2,720.469 sf Proposed: 995.0 contour 2,800s.f. 996.0 contour 5,500s.f. P5 P6 P6 Total area: 1.13 ac. Impervious area: 0.07ac Pervious area: 1.06 ac Proposed basin 6 2yr HWL 1038.28 1038.56 10yr HWL 1039.08 1039.10 100yr HWL 1039.72 1039.74 B2B 100yr HWL 1041.14 1041.17 Proposed: 1036.5 contour 2,800s.f. 1037.0 contour 6,700s.f. 6,644.25 sf2,804.094 sf OS 2 OS 3 Total area: 1.79 ac. Impervious area: 0.0 ac Pervious area: 1.79 ac OS 3 OS 4 OS 5 OS 4 Total area: 7.19 ac Impervious area: 0 ac Pervious area: 7.19 ac OS 5 Total area: 3.44 ac. Impervious area: 0.09 ac Pervious area: 3.35 ac OS 2 Total area: 2.32 ac Impervious area: 0 ac Pervious area: 2.32 ac 10 4 0 10 3 8 10 3 6 1042 1040 1036 1034 1042 10 4 4 1 0 3 2 1034 1038CITY OF SANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE MAP Laurel Ridge 1 in = 80 ft 0 40 80 Feet o E7 Total area: 1.77 ac Impervious area: 0.18 ac Pervious area: 1.59 ac E8 Total area: 7.39 ac Impervious area: 0.30 ac Pervious area: 7.09 ac P7 Proposed basin 7 Assumed bottom 1000 2yr HWL 0.0 ft deep 10yr HWL 0.33 ft deep 100yr HWL 2.06 ft deep Proposed basin 8 Assumed bottom 1000 2yr HWL 2.64 ft deep 10yr HWL 3.01 ft deep 100yr HWL 3.54 ft deep 6,095.594 sf P8 P10 P9 P10 Total area: 0.53 ac Impervious area: 0.0 ac Pervious area: 0.53 ac P9 Total area: 0.32 ac Impervious area: 0.0 ac Pervious area: 0.32 ac x UFP 1003.5 x UFP 1039.0 x UFP 1003.5 x UFP 1009.5 x UFP 1005.5 CITY OF SCANDIARevised 5/15/2024 Revised 7/01/2024 Revised 7/01/2024 EXISTING RED PINE STAND #4 64 TREES INVENTORIED 382 TREES TOTAL 9 CAL. IN. AVERAGE EXISTING RED PINE STAND #3 49 TREES INVENTORIED 104 TOTAL 11 CAL. IN. AVERAGE EXISTING RED PINE STAND #2 52 TREES INVENTORIED 100 TREES TOTAL 11 CAL. IN. AVERAGE EXISTING RED PINE STAND #1 52 TREES INVENTORIED 208 TOTAL 11 CAL. IN. AVERAGE FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 205TH STREET NORTH S MINOR COLLECTOR 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 PS P S PSP P S P BIG MARINE L O O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) SP S FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 1 50' WETLAND SETBACK P S FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL SF S F SF SF WL WL W L WETLAND BUFFER (50' AVE) BAS I N ACC E S S B A S I N A C C E S S B A S I N A C C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S HWL HWL HWL H W L HW L LO D L O D L O D LOD LO D L O D HWL H W L H W L HW L HWL LO D LOD LO D LO D L O D LO D LO D L O D LO D LOD L O D LOD L O D LOD H W L HW L HW L HW L H W L HWL H W L HWL H W L HW L HWL LOD L O D LOD HW L H W L LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D LO D LOD LOD L O D L O D L O D LOD L O D LO D LO D L O D LO D LOD LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D L O D LOD L O D LO D L O D LOD LOD LO D L O D LOD L O D LO D L O D L O D LO D LOD LO D LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D LO D L O D LO D LOD LOD LO D L O D LO D L O D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LO D L O D LO D L O D LO D LOD LO D LO D LO D HWL H W L HWL HW L HWL LOD LO D LO D LO D L O D L O D LO D LO D LOD L O D L O D LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D LOD LOD LO D LO D L O D LO D LO D L O D L O D LOD HW L HWL HW L REMOVE EXIST. BRUSH & TRIM/LIMB EXIST.TREES FOR SITE DISTANCE SAFETY (TYP.) REMOVE EXIST. BRUSH & TRIM/LIMB EXIST.TREES FOR SITE DISTANCE SAFETY (TYP.) REMOVE EXIST. BRUSH & TRIM/LIMB EXIST.TREES FOR SITE DISTANCE SAFETY (TYP.) LOD LOD LO D L O D LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D LO D LOD LO D L O D LOD LO D L O D LO D LO D L O D LO D LO D 65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER)65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER) WL WOODLAND PRESERVATION PLAN18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 8L0.01 11 MAINTAIN EXISTING GRADE WITH THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2" X 6' STEEL POSTS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 5" THICK LAYER OF MULCH. NOTES: 1- LOCATE FENCING PER TREE PROTECTION & EROSION CONTROL PLANS. 2- NO PRUNING SHALL BE PERFORMED EXCEPT BY APPROVED ARBORIST. 3- NO EQUIPMENT SHALL OPERATE INSIDE THE PROTECTIVE FENCING INCLUDING DURING FENCE INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL. SECTION VIEW KEEP OUT TREE PROTECTION AREA TREE PROTECTION FENCE: 48" HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE FENCING WITH 3.5" X 1.5" OPENINGS; COLOR- ORANGE. STEEL POSTS INSTALLED AT 8' O.C. TREE PROTECTION FENCE DETAIL WOODLAND PRESERVATION PLAN LEGEND WOODLAND PRESERVATION CALCULATIONS TOTAL EXISTING TREE CALIPER INCHES: 16,282 CALIPER INCHES REMOVED:432 PERCENTAGE OF CALIPER INCHES REMOVED 2.65% TOTAL EXISTING TREES :1,507 PROPOSED TREE REMOVALS:44 PRIMARY CONIFEROUS (12'-24')6 PRIMARY CONIFEROUS (24'+)3 PRIMARY DECIDUOUS (6"- 20")31 PRIMARY DECIDUOUS (20"+)3 SECONDARY DECIDUOUS (20"- 30")1 PERCENTAGE OF TREES REMOVED 2.9% * INCLUDES RED PINE STAND INVENTORIES TREE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE- SIZE OF TREE DESTROYED NUMBER OF REPLACEMENT TREES A B C DECIDUOUS TREES AT LEAST 4 CALIPER INCHES; CONIFEROUS TREES AT LEAST 12 FEET IN HEIGHT DECIDUOUS TREES AT LEAST 2.5 CALIPER INCHES; CONIFEROUS TREES AT LEAST 6 FEET IN HEIGHT DECIDUOUS TREES AT LEAST 1.5 CALIPER INCHES; CONIFEROUS TREES AT LEAST 4 FEET IN HEIGHT CONIFEROUS, 12 TO 24 FEET HIGH 1 2 4 CONIFEROUS, GREATER THAN 24 FEET IN HEIGHT 2 4 8 PRIMARY DECIDUOUS, 6 TO 20 INCHES DIAMETER 1 2 4 PRIMARY DECIDUOUS, GREATER THAN 20 INCHES IN DIAMETER 2 4 8 SECONDARY DECIDUOUS, 20 TO 30 INCHES DIAMETER 1 2 4 SECONDARY DECIDUOUS, GREATER THAN 30 INCHES DIAMETER 2 4 8 TREE REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS- (TABLE 153.400.070.1) TREE REPLACEMENTS PROPOSED 1.5" DECIDUOUS TREES: 152 TREES 4' CONIFEROUS TREES:48 TREES TREE PROTECTION FENCE/ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREE CANOPY LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD N SCALE IN FEET 0 16080 LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUREY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Joshua J. McKinney 53234 XX/XX/XXXX 18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 9L0.02 11 TREE INVENTORY TABLE Tag Species DBH Category Condition Status Notes 1 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 2 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 3 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 4 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 5 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 6 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 7 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 8 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 9 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 10 Pine, red 6 Average Preserved 11 Pine, red 19 Good Preserved 12 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 13 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 14 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 15 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 16 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 17 Pine, red 6 Average Preserved 18 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 19 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 20 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 21 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 22 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 23 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 24 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 25 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 26 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 27 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 28 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 29 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 30 Pine, red 5 Average Preserved 31 Pine, red 6 Average Preserved 32 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 33 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 34 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 35 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 36 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 37 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 38 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 39 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 40 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 41 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 42 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 43 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 44 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 45 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 46 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 47 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 48 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 49 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 50 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 51 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 52 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 53 Pine, red 22 Average Preserved 54 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 55 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 56 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 57 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 58 Pine, red 4 Average Preserved 59 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 60 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 61 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 62 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 63 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 64 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 65 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 66 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 67 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 68 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 69 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 70 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 71 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 72 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 73 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 74 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 75 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 76 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 77 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 78 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 79 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 80 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 81 Pine, red 18 Average Preserved 82 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 83 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 84 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 85 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 86 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 87 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 88 Pine, red 18 Average Preserved 89 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 90 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 91 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 92 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 93 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 94 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 95 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 96 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 97 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 98 Oak, red 7 Average Preserved 99 Birch, paper 12 Average Preserved 100 Oak, red 12 Average Preserved 101 Cherry, black 15 Good Preserved 102 Cherry, black 7 Average Preserved 103 Elm, american 15 Good Preserved 104 Maple, red 15 Good Preserved 105 Maple, red 13 Good Preserved 106 Maple, red 10 Average Preserved 107 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 108 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 109 Maple, red 12 Good Preserved 110 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 111 Maple, red 20 Good Preserved 2x 12 8 112 Maple, red 12 Good Preserved 113 Maple, silver 26 Average Preserved 114 Maple, silver 44 Average Preserved 2x 24 20 115 Cottonwood, eastern 34 Secondary Average Preserved 116 Cottonwood, eastern 23 Secondary Average Preserved 117 Maple, silver 23 Average Preserved 118 Maple, silver 20 Average Preserved 119 Oak, bur 38 Average Preserved 120 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 121 Oak, bur 8 Good Preserved 122 Cedar, red 8 Average Preserved 16' tall 123 Oak, red 20 Good Preserved 124 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 125 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 126 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 127 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 128 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 129 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 130 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 131 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 132 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 133 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 134 Oak, red 15 Good Preserved 135 Oak, red 30 Average Preserved 2x 18 12 136 Oak, red 27 Good Preserved 137 Elm, american 10 Average Preserved 138 Oak, red 25 Good Preserved 139 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 140 Oak, red 31 Good Preserved 141 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 142 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 143 Oak, red 32 Good Preserved 2x 20 12 144 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 145 Oak, red 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 146 Oak, red 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 147 Cedar, red 6 Good Preserved 16' tall 148 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 149 Birch, paper 11 Average Preserved 150 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 151 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 152 Oak, red 20 Good Preserved 153 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 154 Oak, red 16 Good Preserved 155 Oak, red 11 Average Preserved 156 Oak, red 14 Average Preserved 157 Oak, red 7 Average Preserved 158 Oak, red 6 Average Preserved 159 Oak, red 15 Good Preserved 160 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 161 Maple, red 11 Good Preserved 162 Maple, red 13 Good Preserved 163 Pine, scotch 9 Good Preserved 25' tall 164 Pine, red 7 Good Preserved 20' tall 165 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 166 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 167 Birch, paper 28 Good Preserved 2x 16 12 168 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 169 Birch, paper 16 Good Preserved 2x 8 8 170 Pine, white 17 Good Preserved 171 Maple, red 14 Average Preserved 172 Cedar, red 7 Good Preserved 15' tall 173 Cedar, red 5 Good Preserved 15' tall 174 Pine, white 11 Average Preserved 20' tall 175 Pine, scotch 16 Good Preserved 25' tall 176 Cedar, red 6 Good Preserved 15' tall 177 Cherry, black 6 Good Preserved 178 Pine, white 7 Good Preserved 12' tall 179 Cherry, black 17 Good Preserved 2x 10 7 180 Cedar, red 4 Good Preserved 15' tall 181 Cedar, red 6 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 182 Cedar, red 8 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 183 Cherry, black 12 Good Preserved 184 Cherry, black 6 Good Preserved 185 Cedar, red 7 Good Preserved 15' tall 186 Cherry, black 11 Good Preserved 187 Cherry, black 9 Good Preserved 188 Cedar, red 5 Good Preserved 12' tall 189 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 190 Maple, silver 10 Average Preserved 191 Birch, paper 33 Good Preserved 3x 12 11 10 192 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 193 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 194 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 195 Birch, paper 21 Good Preserved 2x 13 9 196 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 197 Birch, paper 16 Good Preserved 198 Birch, paper 13 Good Preserved 2x 7 6 199 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 200 Birch, paper 14 Good Preserved 2x 7 7 201 Oak, red 8 Average Preserved 202 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 203 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 204 Oak, red 17 Good Preserved 205 Pine, red 20 Average Preserved 206 Pine, red 16 Average Preserved 207 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 208 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 209 Pine, red 19 Average Preserved 210 Pine, red 18 Average Preserved 211 Cedar, red 7 Average Preserved 212 Pine, red 19 Average Preserved 213 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 214 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 215 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 216 Boxelder 20 Secondary Average Preserved 217 Pine, red 18 Average Preserved 218 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 219 Cedar, red 8 Average Preserved 220 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 221 Pine, red 18 Average Preserved 222 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 223 Pine, red 32 Average Preserved 2x 17 15 224 Oak, red 7 Average Preserved 225 Pine, red 19 Average Preserved 226 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 227 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 228 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 229 Pine, red 17 Average Preserved 230 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 231 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 232 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 233 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 234 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 235 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 236 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 237 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 238 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 239 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 240 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 241 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 242 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 243 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 244 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 245 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 246 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 247 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 248 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 249 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 250 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 251 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 252 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 253 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 254 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 255 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 256 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 257 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 258 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 259 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 260 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 261 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 262 Pine, red 13 Average Preserved 263 Pine, red 4 Average Preserved 264 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 265 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 266 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 267 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 268 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 269 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 270 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 271 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 272 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 273 Pine, red 14 Average Preserved 274 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 275 Pine, red 15 Average Preserved 276 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 277 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 278 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 279 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 280 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 281 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 282 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 283 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 284 Pine, red 6 Average Preserved 285 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 286 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 287 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 288 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 289 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 290 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 291 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 292 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 293 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 294 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 295 Pine, red 6 Average Preserved 296 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 297 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 298 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 299 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 300 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 301 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 302 Maple, silver 20 Good Preserved 303 Maple, silver 14 Good Preserved 304 Maple, silver 27 Good Preserved 305 Elm, american 9 Good Preserved 306 Maple, silver 9 Good Preserved 307 Maple, silver 21 Good Preserved 308 Maple, silver 40 Average Preserved 3x 18 12 10 309 Maple, silver 15 Average Preserved 310 Maple, silver 19 Average Preserved 311 Maple, silver 11 Average Preserved 312 Maple, silver 19 Average Preserved 313 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 314 Elm, american 11 Average Preserved 315 Maple, silver 30 Average Preserved 316 Maple, silver 14 Average Preserved 317 Maple, silver 9 Average Preserved 318 Maple, silver 11 Average Preserved 319 Maple, silver 11 Average Preserved 320 Maple, silver 8 Average Preserved 321 Maple, silver 21 Average Preserved 322 Maple, silver 18 Average Preserved 323 Maple, silver 6 Average Preserved 324 Maple, silver 7 Average Preserved 325 Maple, silver 12 Average Preserved 326 Maple, silver 9 Average Preserved 327 Maple, silver 13 Average Preserved 328 Maple, silver 7 Average Preserved 329 Maple, silver 20 Average Preserved 330 Maple, silver 7 Average Preserved 331 Maple, silver 13 Average Preserved 332 Maple, silver 22 Average Preserved 2x 13 9 333 Maple, silver 15 Average Preserved 334 Maple, silver 10 Average Preserved 335 Maple, silver 16 Average Preserved 336 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 337 Maple, silver 11 Average Preserved 338 Maple, silver 23 Primary Dec. 20"+Average Removed 339 Maple, silver 7 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 340 Ash, green 19 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 341 Crabapple 11 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 342 Elm, american 8 Average Preserved 343 Elm, american 12 Average Preserved 344 Elm, american 12 Average Preserved 345 Pine, red 16 Good Preserved 60' tall 346 Pine, red 16 Good Preserved 60' tall 347 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 348 Elm, american 10 Average Preserved 349 Elm, american 8 Average Preserved 350 Elm, american 9 Average Preserved 351 Elm, american 12 Average Preserved 352 Maple, silver 16 Average Preserved 353 Ash, green 14 Average Preserved 354 Maple, silver 14 Average Preserved 355 Maple, silver 26 Average Preserved 2x 16 10 356 Maple, silver 17 Average Preserved 2x 10 7 357 Maple, silver 14 Average Preserved 358 Maple, silver 10 Average Preserved 359 Maple, silver 14 Average Preserved 360 Elm, american 11 Average Preserved 361 Elm, american 7 Average Preserved 362 Maple, silver 40 Average Preserved 4x 10 10 10 10 363 Maple, red 8 Average Preserved 364 Maple, red 10 Average Preserved 365 Maple, silver 22 Average Preserved 2x 11 11 366 Elm, american 8 Average Preserved 367 Elm, american 8 Average Preserved 368 Maple, silver 10 Average Preserved 369 Maple, silver 23 Average Preserved 2x 14 9 370 Maple, silver 18 Average Preserved 371 Maple, silver 14 Average Preserved 372 Maple, silver 10 Average Preserved 373 Elm, american 7 Average Preserved 374 Elm, american 7 Average Preserved 375 Elm, american 20 Average Preserved 376 Elm, american 10 Average Preserved 377 Elm, american 15 Average Preserved 378 Cedar, red 4 Average Preserved 12' tall 379 Cherry, black 9 Average Preserved 380 Elm, american 15 Average Preserved 381 Cedar, red 13 Average Preserved 382 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 383 Maple, silver 6 Average Preserved 384 Elm, american 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 385 Boxelder 45 Secondary Average Preserved 386 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 387 Cedar, red 4 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 388 Cedar, red 5 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 389 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 390 Birch, paper 17 Good Preserved 2x 10 7 391 Cedar, red 8 Good Preserved 30' tall 392 Cedar, red 4 Good Preserved 20' tall 393 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 394 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 395 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 396 Cedar, red 4 Good Preserved 15' tall 397 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 398 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 399 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 400 Cherry, black 7 Good Preserved 401 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 402 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 403 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 404 Pine, red 9 Average Preserved 405 Pine, red 8 Average Preserved 406 Pine, red 11 Average Preserved 407 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 408 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 409 Pine, red 7 Average Preserved 410 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 411 Pine, red 12 Average Preserved 412 Pine, red 10 Average Preserved 413 Oak, red 8 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 414 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 415 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 416 Birch, paper 13 Good Preserved 417 Birch, paper 13 Good Preserved 418 Birch, paper 9 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 419 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 420 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 421 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 422 Maple, red 11 Good Preserved 423 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 424 Cedar, red 4 Good Preserved 12' tall 425 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 426 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 427 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 428 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 429 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 430 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 431 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 432 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 433 Oak, bur 7 Good Preserved 434 Birch, paper 12 Good Preserved 435 Oak, bur 40 Average Preserved 436 Elm, american 12 Good Preserved 437 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 438 Cedar, red 8 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 439 Cedar, red 8 Coniferous 12-24'Good Removed 15' tall 440 Oak, red 15 Good Preserved 441 Oak, red 17 Good Preserved 442 Oak, bur 6 Good Preserved 443 Cedar, red 10 Coniferous 24'+Good Removed 30' tall 444 Oak, red 19 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 445 Birch, paper 10 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 446 Cedar, red 10 Good Preserved 25' tall 447 Birch, paper 18 Good Preserved 448 Birch, paper 19 Good Preserved 2x 10 9 449 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 450 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 451 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 452 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 453 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 454 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 455 Maple, red 16 Good Preserved 2x 8 8 456 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 457 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 458 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 459 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 460 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 461 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 462 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 463 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 464 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 465 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 466 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 467 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 468 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 469 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 470 Oak, white 29 Average Preserved 471 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 472 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 473 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 474 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 475 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 476 Birch, paper 15 Good Preserved 2x 8 7 477 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 478 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 479 Cherry, black 10 Good Preserved 480 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 481 Birch, paper 7 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 482 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 483 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 484 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 485 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 486 Birch, paper 18 Good Preserved 2x 9 9 487 Birch, paper 21 Good Preserved 2x 13 8 488 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 489 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 490 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 491 Oak, bur 8 Good Preserved 492 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 493 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 494 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 495 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 496 Oak, bur 31 Average Preserved 497 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 498 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 499 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 500 Cherry, black 8 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 501 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 502 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 503 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 504 Pine, red 10 Good Preserved 505 Cedar, red 5 Good Preserved 15' tall 506 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 507 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 508 Cedar, red 4 Good Preserved 509 Birch, paper 12 Good Preserved 2x 6 6 510 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 511 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 512 Oak, bur 28 Good Preserved 513 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 514 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 515 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 516 Maple, red 7 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 517 Maple, red 8 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 518 Oak, white 23 Primary Dec. 20"+Good Removed 519 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 520 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 521 Birch, paper 7 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 522 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 523 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 524 Birch, paper 9 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 525 Cedar, red 16 Coniferous 24'+Good Removed 25' tall 526 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 527 Pine, red 4 Good Preserved 20' tall 528 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 529 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 530 Cedar, red 30 Good Preserved 2x 15 15. 40' tall 531 Cherry, black 6 Good Preserved 532 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 533 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 534 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 535 Birch, paper 12 Good Preserved 536 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 537 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 538 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 539 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 540 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 541 Maple, red 16 Good Preserved 542 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 543 Cherry, black 7 Good Preserved 544 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 545 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 546 Cedar, red 9 Good Preserved 35' tall 547 Oak, white 28 Average Preserved 548 Birch, paper 29 Primary Dec. 20"+Good Removed 4x 8 8 7 7 549 Oak, white 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 550 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 551 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 552 Maple, red 10 Good Preserved 553 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 554 Oak, white 12 Good Preserved 555 Cedar, red 8 Good Preserved 15' tall 556 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 557 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 558 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 559 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 560 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 561 Oak, red 14 Good Preserved 562 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 563 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 564 Oak, red 18 Good Preserved 2x 11 7 565 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 566 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 567 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 568 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 569 Oak, white 6 Good Preserved 570 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 571 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 572 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 573 Birch, paper 9 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 574 Birch, paper 12 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 575 Birch, paper 8 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 576 Oak, red 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 577 Cherry, black 7 Average Preserved 578 Oak, red 13 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 579 Cedar, red 9 Good Preserved 25' tall 580 Oak, red 22 Good Preserved 2x 11 11 581 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 582 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 583 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 584 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 585 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 586 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 587 Pine, red 5 Good Preserved 15' tall 588 Cedar, red 5 Coniferous 24'+Good Removed 25' tall 589 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 590 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 591 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 592 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 593 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 594 Oak, bur 33 Average Preserved 595 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 596 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 597 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 598 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 599 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 600 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 601 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 602 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 603 Cedar, red 10 Good Preserved 35' tall 604 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 605 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 606 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 607 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 608 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 609 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 610 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 611 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 612 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 613 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 614 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 615 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 616 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 617 Birch, paper 16 Average Preserved 2x 10 6 618 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 619 Cherry, black 8 Average Preserved 620 Oak, red 13 Good Preserved 621 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 622 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 623 Oak, red 15 Good Preserved 624 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 625 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 626 Maple, red 15 Good Preserved 627 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 628 Cherry, black 7 Good Preserved 629 Oak, red 42 Average Preserved 630 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 631 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 632 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 633 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 634 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 635 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 636 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 637 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 638 Oak, red 27 Good Preserved 639 Oak, white 19 Average Preserved 640 Oak, red 23 Average Preserved 641 Oak, red 25 Good Preserved 642 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 643 Oak, white 18 Good Preserved 644 Oak, white 29 Average Preserved 645 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 646 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 647 Birch, paper 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Good Removed 648 Maple, red 12 Good Preserved 649 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 650 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 651 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 652 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 653 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 654 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 655 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 656 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 657 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 658 Oak, bur 24 Good Preserved 659 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 660 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 661 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 662 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 663 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 664 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 665 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 666 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 667 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 668 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 669 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 670 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 671 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 672 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 673 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 674 Birch, paper 25 Average Preserved 2x 13 12 675 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 676 Oak, bur 7 Good Preserved 677 Cedar, red 12 Good Preserved 20' tall 678 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 679 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 680 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 681 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 682 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 683 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 684 Cherry, black 7 Good Preserved 685 Maple, red 10 Good Preserved 686 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 687 Birch, paper 12 Good Preserved 2x 6 6 688 Oak, red 6 Good Preserved 689 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 690 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 691 Birch, paper 13 Good Preserved 2x 7 6 692 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 693 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 694 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 695 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 696 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 697 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 698 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 699 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 700 Birch, paper 18 Good Preserved 2x 10 8 701 Birch, paper 24 Average Preserved 702 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 703 Elm, american 9 Average Preserved 704 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 705 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 706 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 707 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 708 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 709 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 710 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 711 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 712 Cherry, black 8 Good Preserved 713 Oak, red 11 Good Preserved 714 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 715 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 716 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 717 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 718 Oak, red 7 Good Preserved 719 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 720 Cherry, black 13 Good Preserved 721 Oak, red 39 Good Preserved 722 Oak, red 39 Average Preserved 723 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 724 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 725 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 726 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 727 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 728 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 729 Oak, red 30 Good Preserved 730 Oak, bur 29 Good Preserved 731 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 732 Oak, bur 20 Good Preserved 733 Maple, red 6 Good Preserved 734 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 735 Oak, bur 26 Good Preserved 736 Birch, paper 8 Good Preserved 737 Oak, red 28 Average Preserved 738 Cherry, black 16 Average Preserved 739 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 740 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 741 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 742 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 743 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 744 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 745 Birch, paper 16 Average Preserved 746 Birch, paper 13 Average Preserved 2x 7 6 747 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 748 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 749 Elm, american 14 Average Preserved 750 Maple, red 11 Good Preserved 751 Maple, red 16 Average Preserved 2x 9 7 752 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 753 Maple, red 8 Average Preserved 754 Maple, red 26 Average Preserved 4x 7 7 6 6 755 Maple, red 13 Average Preserved 2x 7 6 756 Maple, red 13 Average Preserved 2x 7 6 757 Maple, red 16 Average Preserved 2x 9 7 758 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 759 Oak, red 8 Good Preserved 760 Oak, red 9 Average Preserved 761 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 762 Maple, red 11 Average Preserved 763 Maple, red 13 Good Preserved 764 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 765 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 766 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 767 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 768 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 769 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 770 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 771 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 772 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 773 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 774 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 775 Maple, silver 12 Average Preserved 776 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 777 Birch, paper 13 Average Preserved 778 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 779 Birch, paper 16 Average Preserved 2x 9 7 780 Oak, bur 30 Average Preserved 781 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 782 Oak, bur 26 Good Preserved 783 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 784 Maple, red 11 Average Preserved 785 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 786 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 787 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 788 Maple, red 11 Average Preserved 789 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 790 Cherry, black 13 Good Preserved 791 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 792 Birch, paper 11 Average Preserved 793 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 2x 7 7 794 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 795 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 796 Cherry, black 6 Average Preserved 797 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 798 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 799 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 800 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 801 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 802 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 803 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 804 Elm, american 6 Average Preserved 805 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 806 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 807 Maple, silver 17 Good Preserved 808 Birch, paper 15 Average Preserved 2x 8 7 809 Cherry, black 6 Average Preserved 810 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 811 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 812 Birch, paper 19 Average Preserved 2x 11 8 813 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 814 Maple, red 10 Average Preserved 815 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 816 Birch, paper 11 Average Preserved 817 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 818 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 819 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 820 Birch, paper 12 Average Preserved 821 Maple, red 14 Average Preserved 822 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 823 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 824 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 825 Birch, paper 7 Good Preserved 826 Maple, red 7 Good Preserved 827 Maple, red 10 Good Preserved 828 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 829 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 830 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 831 Cherry, black 8 Average Preserved 832 Maple, red 13 Average Preserved 2x 7 6 833 Maple, red 8 Average Preserved 834 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 835 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 836 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 837 Maple, red 9 Good Preserved 838 Maple, red 8 Good Preserved 839 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 840 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 841 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 842 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 843 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 844 Birch, paper 10 Good Preserved 845 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 2x 7 7 846 Maple, red 10 Average Preserved 847 Maple, red 8 Average Preserved 848 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 849 Maple, red 20 Average Preserved 850 Maple, red 18 Average Preserved 851 Maple, red 10 Average Preserved 852 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 853 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 854 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 855 Birch, paper 6 Good Preserved 856 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 857 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 858 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 859 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 860 Birch, paper 14 Average Preserved 2x 7 7 861 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 862 Maple, red 9 Average Preserved 863 Cherry, black 11 Average Preserved 864 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 865 Maple, red 18 Average Preserved 866 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 867 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 868 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 869 Birch, paper 9 Good Preserved 870 Maple, red 6 Average Preserved 871 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 872 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 873 Birch, paper 6 Average Preserved 874 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 875 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 876 Birch, paper 12 Average Preserved 877 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 878 Birch, paper 10 Average Preserved 879 Maple, red 7 Average Preserved 880 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 881 Basswood, american 60 Average Preserved 882 Elm, american 10 Average Preserved 883 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 884 Birch, paper 7 Average Preserved 885 Oak, bur 44 Average Preserved 2x 30 14 886 Oak, bur 7 Average Preserved 887 Oak, red 43 Good Preserved 888 Boxelder 39 Secondary Average Preserved 2x 27 12 889 Boxelder 21 Secondary Average Preserved 890 Boxelder 21 Secondary Average Preserved 891 Elm, american 7 Average Preserved 892 Elm, american 12 Average Preserved 893 Birch, paper 34 Average Preserved 3x 12 12 10 894 Oak, red 18 Average Preserved 895 Birch, paper 20 Average Preserved 896 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 897 Maple, red 8 Average Preserved 898 Boxelder 36 Secondary Average Preserved 899 Boxelder 30 Secondary Average Preserved 900 Elm, american 9 Average Preserved 901 Oak, red 14 Average Preserved 902 Oak, red 10 Average Preserved 903 Birch, paper 8 Average Preserved 904 Birch, paper 11 Average Preserved 905 Oak, red 15 Average Preserved 906 Oak, red 9 Good Preserved 907 Birch, paper 36 Average Preserved 3x 13 12 11 908 Oak, red 19 Good Preserved 909 Oak, red 7 Average Preserved 910 Oak, red 10 Average Preserved 911 Oak, red 8 Average Preserved 912 Oak, red 9 Average Preserved 913 Cherry, black 7 Average Preserved 914 Cherry, black 15 Average Preserved 915 Cedar, red 9 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 916 Oak, red 17 Good Preserved 917 Oak, red 18 Average Preserved 2x 12 6 918 Oak, red 7 Average Preserved 919 Oak, red 15 Good Preserved 920 Oak, red 12 Average Preserved 921 Oak, red 14 Average Preserved 922 Cedar, red 8 Average Preserved 923 Birch, paper 13 Average Preserved 2x 7 6 924 Birch, paper 9 Average Preserved 925 Birch, paper 11 Good Preserved 926 Birch, paper 7 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 927 Cherry, black 6 Primary Dec. 6-20"Average Removed 928 Cottonwood, eastern 28 Secondary 20-30"Good Removed 929 Birch, paper 23 Average Preserved 3x 8 8 7 930 Oak, red 10 Good Preserved 931 Oak, red 12 Good Preserved 932 Oak, red 6 Average Preserved 933 Cherry, black 10 Average Preserved LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUREY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Joshua J. McKinney 53234 XX/XX/XXXX RED PINE STAND #1 RED PINE STAND #2 RED PINE STAND #3 RED PINE STAND #4 FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 205TH STREET NORTH S MINOR COLLECTOR 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 PS P S PSP P S P BIG MARINE L O O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) SP S FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 1 50' WETLAND SETBACK P S FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WL WL W L PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPO S E D HOUSE P A D PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSE D HOUSE PA D MODEL HOME #1 MODEL HOME #2 WETLAND BUFFER (50' AVE) BAS I N ACC E S S B A S I N A C C E S S B A S I N A C C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S HWL HWL HWL H W L HW L HWL H W L H W L HW L HWL H W L HW L HW L HW L H W L HWL H W L HWL H W L HW L HWL HW L H W L HWL H W L HWL HW L HWL HW L HWL HW L NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #2 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #1 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #4 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #5 PROP. DRY BASIN #8 WETLAND #1 50' AVE. BUFFER PROP. DRY BASIN #7 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #6 65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER)65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER) WL OFFSITE WETLAND 75' BUFFER LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 10L1.00 11 NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPING AND PROPOSED SEEDING ANY ANY REQUIRED TREE REMOVAL SHALL TAKE PLACE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION OF INDIVIDUAL HOMES BASED ON SITE AND GRADING PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND WATERSHED FOR EACH BUILDINGS PERMIT. PROVIDE & INSTALL RODENT PROTECTION 1/2" HARDWIRE CLOTH, MESH CYLINDER, 8" DIA OR GREATER X 24" HT.. STAKE IN PLACE INSTALL TREE WITH ROOT FLARE VISIBLE AT TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. REMOVE SOIL IN LEVEL MANNER FROM TOP OF ROOT BALL TO EXPOSE 1ST 1/2" OR LARGER MAIN ORDER ROOT IF NEEDED. SET ROOT BALL WITH MAIN ORDER ROOT 1" ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. INSTALL 3" LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. PLACE NO MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK REMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL BUILD 4" HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL EDGE CONDITION VARIES PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITH PREPARED SOIL PLANTING SOIL, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS, COMPACT TO 85% OF MAX. DRY UNIT WEIGHT ACCORDING TO ASTM D 698 TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT DIG PLANTING PIT 4" TO 6" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. IF STAKING IS REQUIRED BY SITE CONDITIONS, CONTRACTOR TO USE 2 OR 3 STAKE METHOD WITH 1" WEBBING AROUND TRUNK OF TREE (NO WIRE OR CABLING TO BE USED) WRAP TREE TRUNKS PER NOTES. 30" RADIUS MULCH RING A1.5 X A MIN. 1 1 TREE PLANTING DETAIL PLANTING CODE TREE PLANTING KEY LANDSCAPE NOTES 1.NO PLANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL FINAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 2.ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK," ANSI-Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MATERIALS. 3.ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS AND DISEASE AND BE CONTAINER GROWN OR BALLED AND BURLAPPED AS INDICATED IN THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. 4.ALL TREES MUST BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED AND FULL HEADED AND MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. 5.THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER INSTALLATION. 6.NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7.ALL PLANTING AREAS MUST BE COMPLETELY MULCHED AS SPECIFIED. 8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 9.ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING SEASONS (APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. THE GUARANTEE SHALL COVER THE FULL COST OF REPLACEMENT INCLUDING LABOR AND PLANTS. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANNED DELIVERY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BEGINNING PLANT INSTALLATION. 11.SEASONS/TIME OF PLANTING AND SEEDING: NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR MAY ELECT TO PLANT IN OFF-SEASONS ENTIRELY AT HIS/HER RISK. 11.1.DECIDUOUS /B&B: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 11.2.EVERGREEN B&B: 4/1 - 5/1; 9/21 - 11/1 CONIFEROUS REPLACEMENT TREES ( 4' HT- SELECT FROM NATIVE TREE LIST) DECIDUOUS REPLACEMENT TREES (1.5" CAL. - SELECT FROM NATIVE TREE LIST) OVERSTORY DECIDUOUS TREES (MIN. 2.5" CAL.): NATIVE: OCTOBER GLORY RED MAPLE (ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY') YES FALL FIESTA SUGAR MAPLE (ACER SACCHARUM 'BAILSTA') YES TRUE NORTH COFFEETREE, (GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS 'UMNSYNERGY')YES NORTHERN RED OAK (QUERCUS RUBRA)YES FRONTYARD LINDEN (TILIA AMERICANA 'BAILYARD')YES CONIFEROUS TREES (MIN. 8' HT.): NATIVE: BALSAM FIR (ABIES BALSAMEA) YES BLACK HILLS SPRUCE (PICEA GLAUCA 'DENSATA') YES RED PINE (PINUS RESINOSA)YES WHITE PINE (PINUS STROBUS)YES EASTERN HEMLOCK (TSUGA CANADENSIS)YES ORNAMENTAL TREES (MIN. 2" CAL. OR 8' HT.) NATIVE: EARLY GLOW OHIO BUCKEYE (AESCULUS GLABRA 'JN SELECT')YES SERVICEBERRY, TREE FORM (AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA 'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE')YES COCKSPUR HAWTHORN (CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI) YES AMERICAN HAZELNUT, TREE FORM (CORYLUS AMERICANA)YES EASTERN WAHOO, TREE FORM (EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS) YES WITCH HAZEL, TREE FORM (HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA)YES WET AREA DECIDUOUS TREES (MIN. 2.5" CAL): NATIVE: NORTHWOODS RED MAPLE (ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOOD')YES HERITAGE RIVER BIRCH, CLUMP (BETULA NIGRA 'CULLY') YES NORTHERN CATALPA (CATALPA SPECIOSA) YES AMERICAN PERSIMMON DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA 'YATES') YES SWAMP WHITE OAK (QUERCUS BICOLOR)YES TABLE 153.400.060.1 OF THE SCANDIA UDC: REQUIRED PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 5 TREES PER LOT 5 TREES PER LOT TREE REPLACEMENTS (SEE L0.01)48 CONIFEROUS 48 CONIFEROUS 152 DECIDUOUS 152 DECIDUOUS N SCALE IN FEET 0 16080 LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUREY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Joshua J. McKinney 53234 XX/XX/XXXX HW L H W L RED PINE STAND #1 RED PINE STAND #2 RED PINE STAND #3 RED PINE STAND #4 FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H 30 205TH STREET NORTH S MINOR COLLECTOR 30 30 NO V A K A V E N U E N O R T H BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 PS P S PSP P S P BIG MARINE L O O P O N - R O A D T R A I L (VILLAGE CON N E C T I O N ) SP S FU T U R E AC C E S S O R Y BL D G . P A D 2 1 3 5 4 2 3 1 50' WETLAND SETBACK P S FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD FUTURE ACCESSORY BLDG. PAD WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WL WL W L WB WB WB WB WB WB WB PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPO S E D HOUSE P A D PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PROPOSED HOUSE PAD PR O P O S E D H O U S E P A D PROPOSE D HOUSE PA D MODEL HOME #1 MODEL HOME #2 WETLAND BUFFER (50' AVE) BAS I N ACC E S S B A S I N A C C E S S B A S I N A C C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S BASIN ACCESS BA S I N AC C E S S BA S I N AC C E S S HWL HWL HWL H W L HW L HWL H W L H W L HW L HWL H W L HW L HW L HW L H W L HWL H W L HWL H W L HW L HWL HW L H W L HWL H W L HWL HW L HWL HW L HWL HW L NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #2 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #1 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #4 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #5 PROP. DRY BASIN #8 WETLAND #1 50' AVE. BUFFER PROP. DRY BASIN #7 NATURAL LANDLOCKED BASIN #6 65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER)65' CONSERVATION EASEMENT(AND 75' OFFSITE WETLAND BUFFER) WB WBWBWBWB WL OFFSITE WETLAND 75' BUFFER GROUNDCOVER SEEDING PLAN18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311 763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.com A3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONS Date DescriptionRev.By PROJECT #: SHEET REVISION PAGE OF CHECKED: DRAWN: SCANDIA, MN LAUREL RIDGENRH DES - 24001 CONTINUUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP 03/18/24 NRH INITIAL SUBMITTAL PRELIMINA R Y 04/24/24 NRH ADD PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS 05/31/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 07/01/24 NRH REVISIONS PER CITY & WATERSHED COMMENTS 11L2.00 11 NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPING AND PROPOSED SEEDING ANY ANY REQUIRED TREE REMOVAL SHALL TAKE PLACE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION OF INDIVIDUAL HOMES BASED ON SITE AND GRADING PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND WATERSHED FOR EACH BUILDINGS PERMIT. MAINTAINED TURF NOTES: TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE MN/DOT 2105 AND 2575 EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW: 1.ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SOD SHALL ALSO RECEIVE 6" OF TOPSOIL PRIOR TO INSTALLING SOD. TOPSOIL SHALL BE FREE OF TREE ROOTS, STUMPS, BUILDING MATERIAL, AND TRASH, AND SHALL BE FREE OF STONES LARGER THAN 1 1 2" INCHES IN ANY DIMENSION. 2.WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC. 3.SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES, SOD SHALL BE STAKED SECURELY. 4.TURF ON ALL OTHER AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED BY SEEDING, MULCHING AND FERTILIZING. SEED MIXTURES HALL BE APPLIED PER THE APPLICATION RATES FOUND IN THE TABLES ABOVE. 5.ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE TURF SEEDED, ARE TO RECEIVE 6" TOP SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. 6.ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE NATIVE SEED, ARE TO RECEIVE PLANTING SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. LOW MAINTENANCE TURF NOTES: 1.DURING GROWING SEASON NEVER MOW SHORTER THAN 3.5 INCHES, PREFERRED MAINTENANCE IS MOW ONCE PER MONTH AT 5" HEIGHT 2.DO NOT USE HIGH NITROGEN FERTILIZER 3.OVERSEED THIN,BARE SPOTS IN FALL 4.SET MOWER TO 3" FOR BAGGING AND MOWING IN LATE FALL AFTER GROWING SEASON 5.IF SEEDED OUTSIDE OF SUMMER MONTHS, A COVER CROP OF WINTER WHEAT. GROUNDCOVER INSTALLATION NOTES GROUNDCOVER KEY & APPLICATION RATES CUSTOM SHORTGRASS NATIVE MIX (TWIN CITY SEED CO.) APPLIED AT 15 LBS PER ACRE. SIDEOATS GRAMA (BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA)10% BLUE GRAMA (BOUTELOUA GRACILIS) 5% SLENDER WHEATGRASS (ELYMUS TRACHYCAULUS)15% VIRGINIA WILD RYE (ELYMUS VIRGINICUS)10% JUNEGRASS (KOELERIA MACRANTHA) 5% LITTLE BLUESTEM (SCHIZACHYRUIM SCOPARIUM)10% SAND DROPSEED (SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS) 5% ANNUAL OATS COVER CROP (AVENA SATIVA)10% ANNUAL RYE GRASS COVER CROP (LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM)10% SHORT NATIVE MESIC FORB MIX 20% BUTTERFLY WEED (ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA) ANISE HYSSOP (AGASTACHE FOENICULUM) COLUMBINE (AQUILEGIA CANADENSIS) NEW ENGLAND ASTER (ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE) PARTRIDGE PEA (CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA) PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER (DALEA PURPUREA) BUNDLEFLOWER (DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS) SHOWY TICK TREFOIL (DESMODIUM CANADENSE) PURPLE CONEFLOWER (ECHINACEA PURPUREA) CALIFORNIA POPPY (ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA) ORANGE HAWKWEED (HIERACIUM AURANTIACUM) PRAIRIE BLAZING STAR (LIATRIS PYCNOSTACHYA) CARDINAL FLOWER (LOBELIA CARDINALIS) LUPINE (LUPINIS PERENNIS) BLACK EYED SUSAN (RUDBECKIA HIRTA) SPIDERWORT (TRADESCANTIA VIRGINIANA) MN-DOT MIX 33-262 APPLIED AT 40 LBS PER ACRE LOW MAINTENANCE TURF MIX- 75% DITCH MIX, 25% LOW GROW FESCUE MIX (TWIN CITY SEED CO.) SOD OR "TCS TUFF TURF" MIX (TWIN CITY SEED CO.) APPLIED AT 200 LBS PER ACRE. N SCALE IN FEET 0 16080 LICENSE NO:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUREY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Joshua J. McKinney 53234 XX/XX/XXXX 205TH ST. N. NO V A K A V E . N . NO V A K A V E . N . 1 2 3 321 B L O C K 2 B L O C K 1 (AREA=4.38 ACRES) (AREA=4.38 ACRES) (AREA=4.38 ACRES) (AREA=4.49 ACRES) (AREA=4.49 ACRES) (AREA=4.49 ACRES)(AREA=4.49 ACRES) (AREA=4.49 ACRES) 29.5 2.5 20.3 24.4 234.9 391.5 408. 48.3 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA 3R O 3 O S E ' SE 3 T , C A R E A 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA 5 4 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA 3RO3OSE' SE3T,C AREA 3RO3OSE'SE3T,C AREA '8 '8 20 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 20 ' 8 20 ' 8 '8 '8 '8 20 ' 8 20 '8 '8 ' 8 2 0 ' 8 2 0 ' 8 '8 '8 CALL BE)ORE <O8 ',* T:,N C,T< AREATOLL )REE180025211514540002 *RSKHU SWDWH OQH CDOO LE*AL 'ESCR,3T,ON S8RVE< NOTES TKH SRXWKZHVW TXDUWHU RI WKH NRUWKHDVW TXDUWHU (S:ò RI NEò) LQ SHFWLRQ TZHQW\ÿWZR (22) TRZQVKLS TKLUW\WZR (32) NRUWK RI RDQJH TZHQW\ (20) :HVW. EASE0ENTSENC8BRANCES 0 NORTH 80 10 AV VKRZQ RQ WKH LDQG TLWOH ,QF. DV DJHQW IRU )LUVW APHULFDQ TLWOH ,QVXUDQFH CRPSDQ\ CRPPLWPHQW NR. 845 LVVXHG RQ SHSWHPEHU 18 2023. 11.SXEMHFW WR 205WK SWUHHW NRUWK DQG NRYDN AYHQXH DV VKRZQ RQ DYDLODEOH PDSV. AREA TOTAL AREA AS SHO:N = 119210 S4.)T. ,NCL8',N* 1848 S4.)T. O) 3RO3OSE' ROA':A< R,*HT O) :A<. 'EVELO3E0ENT 'ATA B8,L',N* SETBACKS 3ER S,TE 3LAN )RONT = 50 CORNER 50 S,'E = 25 REAR = 50 0A; 25 LOT COVERA*E TOTAL 3ARCEL AREA = 119210 S4. )T. LOT 1 BLOCK 1 = 190915 S4. )T.4.38 AC . LOT 2 BLOCK 1 = 190915 S4. )T.4.38 AC. LOT 3 BLOCK 1 = 19091 S4. )T.4.38 AC . LOT 1 BLOCK 2 = 19559 S4. )T.4.49 AC . LOT 2 BLOCK 2 = 19559 S4. )T.4.49 AC . LOT 3 BLOCK 2 = 19559 S4. )T.4.49 AC . LOT 4 BLOCK 2 = 19559 S4. )T.4.49 AC . LOT 5 BLOCK 2 = 195595 S4. )T.4.49 AC . 3RO3OSE' R: = 18485 S4.)T. 3.8 AC. 3,'2203220130001 CONTACT ':A<NE S,K,CH CONT,N880 'EVELO30ENT *RO83 12.290.504 GZD\QH# FRQWLQXXPGHYHORSPHQWJURXS.FRP 851 244TH SWUHHW )RUHVW LDNH 0N 55025 3REL,0,NAR< 3LAT CO8NT<C,T< REV,S,ONS 3RO-ECT LOCAT,ON LAN' S8RVE<,N* ,NC. CORNERSTONE SXLWH 200 190 NRUWKZHVWHUQ AYH. SWLOOZDWHU 0N 55082 3KRQH 51.25.899 GDQ#FVVXUYH\ .QHW 'ATE REV,S,ON 3RO-ECT NO. ),LE NA0E 13952 205TH ST. N. C,T< O) SCAN',A :ASH,N*TON CO8NT< 1124 ,N,T,AL ,SS8E 1124 REV,S,ONS 3ER CL,ENT 2024 83'ATE 8T,L,T,ES 2024 83'ATE SE3T,C AREAS 30424 83'ATE SE3T,CEASE. AREAS 53024 REV,SE EASE0ENTS 2824 REV,SE EASE0ENTS CERT,),CAT,ON , KHUHE\ FHUWLI\ WKDW WKLV SODQ ZDV SUHSDUHG E\ PH RU XQGHU P\ GLUHFW VXSHUYLVLRQ DQG WKDW , DP D GXO\ LLFHQVHG LDQG SXUYH\RU XQGHU WKH ODZV RI WKH VWDWH RI 0LQQHVRWD. 'DQLHO L. TKXUPHV RHJLVWUDWLRQ NXPEHU 2518 'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1124 LA8RELR,'*E 1.BEAR,N*S ARE BASE' ON THE :ASH,N*TON CO8NT< COOR',NATE S<STE0 NA' 1983. ELEVAT,ONS BASE' ON *3S 'ER,VE' VAL8ES )OR NAV' 88. 2.8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES SHO:N 3ER *O3HER ONE LOCATES. 3.THERE 0A< SO0E 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES *AS ELECTR,C ETC. NOT SHO:N OR LOCATE'. 4.CONTO8RS SHO:N 3ER L,'AR 'ATA OBTA,NE' )RO0 THE 'NR 0NTO3O :EBS,TE. NOT ),EL' VER,),E'. 5.)OR THE 38R3OSE O) TH,S S8RVE< THE R,*HT O) :A< :,'THS )OR 205TH ST. N. HAVE BEEN SHO:N TO BE 50 )EET )RO0 THE TRAVELE' CENTERL,NE O) THE E;,ST,N* B,T80,NO8S ROA'. TH,S :,'TH ,S 3RO3OSE' AN' ,S SHO:N )OR RE)ERENCE 38R3OSES ONL<. THE ACT8AL :,'TH O) THE R,*HT O) :A< 0A< 'E3EN' ON 8SE. .:ETLAN' 'EL,NEAT,ON AN' LOCAT,ON B< K-OLHA8* ENV,RON0ENTAL SERV,CES CO03AN< ,NC. 'ATE' 10123. .SE3T,C AREAS B< =,ERKE SO,L TEST,N* ON 010924 8.TH,S 3ARCEL ,S LOCATE' ,N =ONE ; AREAS 'ETER0,NE' TO BE O8TS,'E THE 0.2 ANN8AL CHANCE )LOO'3LA,N AS SHO:N ON )E0A )LOO' ,NS8RANCE RATE 0A3 N80BER 203C0152E HAV,N* AN E))ECT,VE 'ATE O) )EBR8AR< 3R' 2010. O:NER 0LWFK -RKQVRQ 539 SSUXFH 'ULYH HXGVRQ :, 5401 PMRKQ1515#\DKRR.FRP 51.983.9902 LE*EN' 8N'ER*RO8N' TELE3HONE OVERHEA' 8T,L,T< 8N'ER*RO8N' *AS )ENCE B8,L',N* L,NE B,T80,NO8S S8R)ACE CONCRETE S8R)ACE )O8N' CAST ,RON 0ON80ENT )O8N' 0ON80ENT (AS NOTE') SET ,RON 3,3E 0ARKE' :,TH 0N L,CENSE NO. 2518 CABLE TV 3E'ESTAL ELECTR,C 0ETER ELECTR,C TRANS)OR0ER *8< :,RE 3O:ER 3OLE *AS 0ETER TELE3HONE 3E'ESTAL SAN,TAR< CLEANO8T :ATER :ELL 0A,L BO; TREES C'23001 S8RVC'001 3REL,0,A,NR< 3LAT 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES NOTES THE 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES SHO:N HAVE BEEN LOCATE' )RO0 ),EL' S8RVE< ,N)OR0AT,ON AN' E;,ST,N* 'RA:,N*S. THE S8RVE<OR 0AKES NO *8ARANTEE THAT THE 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES SHO:N CO03R,SE ALL S8CH 8T,L,T,ES ,N THE AREA E,THER ,N SERV,CE OR ABAN'ONE'. THE S8RVE<OR )8RTHER 'OES NOT :ARRANT THAT THE 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES SHO:N ARE ,N THE E;ACT LOCAT,ON ,N',CATE' ALTHO8*H HE 'OES CERT,)< THAT THE< ARE LOCATE' AS ACC8RATEL< AS 3OSS,BLE )RO0 THE ,N)OR0AT,ON AVA,LABLE. TH,S S8RVE< HAS NOT 3H<S,CALL< LOCATE' THE 8N'ER*RO8N' 8T,L,T,ES. *O3HER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE T,CKET N80BER(S) 24025052 AN' 240250585. SO0E 0A3S :ERE RECE,VE' :H,LE OTHER 8T,L,T,ES ',' NOT RES3ON' TO THE LOCATE RE48EST. A'',T,ONAL 8T,L,T,ES O) :H,CH :E ARE 8NA:ARE 0A< E;,ST. 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The following submitted documents were reviewed: • Plat – Laurel Ridge, dated May 30, 2024 dated July 1, 2024 • Plan Set – Laurel Ridge, dated May 31 July 1, 2024 containing (11) plans sheets: o Site Plan, Certificate of Survey, Preliminary Plat, Grading Plan for Home Construction C3.01, Grading Plan for Home Construction C3.02, Erosion and Sediment Control for Home Construction C3.03, Tree Survey C4.01, Woodland Preservation Plan L0.01, Tree Inventory Table L0.02, Landscape Plan for Home Construction L1.00, Ground Cover Seeding Plan L2.00 • Development Exhibits – Laurel Ridge, dated March 1, 2024, by Continuum Development Group, LLC. • Stormwater Management Report – Laurel Ridge, dated May 29 REV July 1, 2024, by Continuum Development Group, LLC. • Stormwater MGMT Flow Path Exhibit – Laurel Ridge, dated June 2, 2024, by Continuum Development Group, LLC. We provide the following comments for the proposed improvements: Plat Sheet C2.01: Preliminary Plat 1. Plat will have to be revised to accommodate storm water changes requested. RESPONSE: Preliminary Plat has been updated to match the stormwater changes. 2. SWM Basins being proposed to meet storm water requirements will be required to be relocated outside of right- of-way along 205th Street N. RESPONSE: Basins #1 & #4 have been graded to add fill in the 205th Street N ROW. The HWL is now located outside the 205th ROW. • HWL for Basin #1 increased from 1000.37 to 1000.62, an increase of 0.25 ft. • HWL for Basin #4 increased from 1009.57 to 1009.62, an increase of 0.05 ft. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com • For Basin #1, the 1001 contour is outside of the 205th ROW & Novak ROW & assumed 10’ D&U easement. Tree removal required and revised seeding for fill for Basins #1 and #4 are now indicated on the plans. 3. Block 1, Lot 2 – small area on north side of lot will have to be closed in with a drainage & utility easement. RESPONSE: Preliminary Plat has been revised. 4. Block 2, Lot 3 – drainage & utility easement will have to connected from low area to proposed SWM Basin #4. RESPONSE: Preliminary Plat has been revised. 5. Block 2, Lot 2 – drainage & utility easement will have to be placed along portion of northern parcel to account for drainage coming from proposed SWM Basin #4 Basin heading to SWM Basin #1 unless ditch grading is completed. RESPONSE: Preliminary Plat has been revised. 6. Block 2, Lot 3 – small area in middle of lot surrounded by drainage & utility easement shall include the small area that is currently not being shown within a drainage & utility easement. RESPONSE: Preliminary Plat has been revised. 7. Verify drainage and utility easements are shown for all low areas, ponds, and wetlands up to the 100 -yr High Water Level, including maintenance access benches. RESPONSE: Plans provide drainage and utility easements for all Basins outside the modeled 100-yr HWL, including the wetland and defined accesses to the basins to maintained by the City of Scandia. Plan Set Sheet C3.01/C3.02: Grading Plan 1. Drainage Comments: i. Proposed SWM Basin’s #1, #2, #4 will be publicly owned and maintained however basins need to be relocated outside the right-of-way and area used to meet stormwater requirements volume and rate control will have to either expand proposed basins in an area that does not encroach into public right-of-way or identify additional areas onsite. RESPONSE: Basins #1 & #4 have been graded to add fill in the 205th Street N ROW. The HWL is now located outside the 205th ROW. • HWL for Basin #1 increased from 1000.37 to 1000.62, an increase of 0.25 ft. • HWL for Basin #4 increased from 1009.57 to 1009.62, an increase of 0.05 ft. • For Basin #1, the 1001 contour is outside of the 205th ROW & Novak ROW & assumed 10’ D&U easement. • For Basin #4, the 1010.0 contour is outside of out of the 205th ROW. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. ii. Proposed SWM Basin #3/existing wetland will require a pretreatment basin versus having direct discharge towards a wetland with the proposed subdivision. Pretreatment can consist of a “vegetated grass filter strip” within the wetland buffer if project proposes to sheet flow runoff into this basin. Concentrated inflows will need a forebay/inlet structure. RESPONSE: As discussed on the Teams meeting, our site design is intended to maximize sheet flow runoff. The driveway for L2B1 is pitched west towards Basin 2. There is a small area from the future accessory building that will sheet flow through the 60 LF of grass "vegetated filter strip" before entering the wetland. Also as discussed, Note 24 has been added to Sheet C3.01 to maintain sheet flow characteristics during home building process. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. Vegetation for filter strips must be established and maintained, or alternative pretreatment installed if modifications are made that lead to concentrated flow conditions. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com iii. SWM Basin’s #5, #6, #7 will be privately owned and maintained and shall be anticipated a maintenance declaration will be executed and recorded to the properties prior to time of sale. Access to these basins needs to be identified and that would allow future equipment to access these ponds to complete future required maintenance work. RESPONSE: Access Paths have been added to the plans for the privately maintained Basins #5, #6, #7, and #8. Existing trees, proposed landscape trees and proposed replacement trees are located outside of all proposed maintenance access paths. City Response: SWM Basin’s #5, #6, #7, #8 will be privately owned and maintained and acknowledged the maintenance access paths have been added. Further coordination with Watershed District will be required to develop a pathway to ensure the SWM Basin’s will be maintained and if additional easements over such pathways may be required to for future maintenance. b. The drainage plan calls for Emergency Overflows (EOFs) to overtop the following driveways where culverts should be used. If culverts and related elevations were added the line work/elevations on the plans are too small to read. Information shall be labeled with inverts, length of culvert, and size of culvert to review can be completed i. Block 1 – Lot 1 Basin #2 100-Yr HWL (998.3) is 175’ from L1B1 driveway (1004.1). ii. Block 1 – Lot 2 Culvert has been added (inv.1003.0) above Wetland #1 HWL (1002.4). iii. Block 2 – Lot 1 Basin #1 100-Yr HWL (1000.6) is 27’ from L1B2 driveway (1003.0). iv. Block 2 – Lot 4 Basin #4 100-Yr HWL (1009.6) is 138’ from L4B2 driveway (1023.6). v. Block 2 – Lot 5 Basin #6 100-Yr HWL (1039.7) is 14’ from L5B2 driveway (1042.0). RESPONSE: Per the Teams meeting on 06/24, we discussed that if the MPCA 48 -hour drawdown requirement is exempt for this project due to the pre-existing conditions, then the driveway culverts are not needed. Todd Smith, MPCA, provided an email stating the design of the project is exempt from the 48-hour drawdown because the existing condition does not meet that, and we are not proposing new “infiltration” basins. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed per MPCA feedback. All driveways are above the 100-year HWL. Events larger than the 100-year HWL should be allowed to utilize overland flow paths over driveways. Culverts have not been as indicated above expect for L2B1 providing a 12” outlet for the Wetland above the HWL. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. c. The drainage plan also calls for an EOF to overtop 205th Street N on the far west side of the development. This should be eliminated by installing a reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) crossing between Basin #1 and #2. RESPONSE: Per the Teams meeting on 06/24, we discussed that if the MPCA 48-hour drawdown requitement is exempt for this project due to the pre-existing conditions, then the driveway culverts are not needed. Todd Smith, MPCA, provided an email stating the design of the project is exempt from the 48-hour drawdown because the existing condition does not meet the drawdown requirement, and we are not proposing new “infiltration” basins. Basin #2 self contains the 100-year storm. It even contains the 100-year B-B storm. The 100-year B-B HWL for Basin #2 is 1003.15. The existing low point elevation of 205th is 1005.7. That leaves 2.55 feet of freeboard between the 100- year B-B HWL and the existing 205th. No storm sewer has been added to the plans. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed per MPCA feedback. 2. Additional drainage and storm sewer comments. a. The required and provided water quality volume must be calculated for the site (Stormwater General Permit 15.4 & 16.7). Include the water quality volume provided/required for each BMP in the stormwater submittal. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com RESPONSE: The water quality volume is being infiltrating. Basin 5 has been assigned to contain this volume. Basin 5 is the receiving basin for basins 1-4 and contains the 100year event. The MPCA water quality volume is 1" times the net new impervious surface. This is equal to 10,333 c.f. or 0.24 ac-ft for the project and basin 5 holds 44,961 c.f. at the 100yr HWL of 999.67. In summary, our project generates 19,429 ac-ft of total volume (from all surface types) based on the 100-year event and only 5.29 ac-ft leaves the site. Wetland Basin 3 is not needed for this water quality volume control. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. b. Pretreatment must be provided prior to discharge to the proposed infiltration systems (Stormwater General Permit 16.6). RESPONSE: As noted above, Todd Smith, MPCA, provided an email stating the design of the project is exempt from the 48-hour drawdown because the existing condition does not meet the drawdown requirement, and we are not proposing new “infiltration” basins. This site was designed from the start to be as low impact as possible as called out in City of Scandia UDC 153.400.050 and 153.400.070 and maximize sheet flow. As shown on the seeding plan, we proposed to plant grass everywhere and leave no cropland present. Grass and grass swales are classified as “vegetated buffers” to pretreat runoff. We are proposing no direct connected impervious. It all flows through grass or native plants. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. c. Stormwater BMPs must drain within 48 hours, including inflows in excess of the water quality volume (Stormwater General Permit 16.8). RESPONSE: As noted above, Todd Smith, MPCA, provided an email stating the design of the project is exempt from the 48-hour drawdown because the existing condition does not meet the drawdown requirement, and we are not proposing new “infiltration” basins. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed per MPCA feedback. d. A boring must be provided at the base of each infiltration feature (Stormwater General Permit 16.10). Provide a boring for SWM Basin #7. RESPONSE: Basin #7 is now being modeled using the most restrictive 0.06 in/hr (type D soils) for this submittal. See updated storm water management plan. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. Basin #7 also appears to fall under the closed basin exemption described by Todd Smith as no construction activities are proposed within this basin and natural drainage will be maintained , so additional borings will not be required. The SWMP demonstrates a minimal difference in peak WSE between existing and proposed conditions. e. A maintenance access bench must be designed for each of the BMPs (Stormwater General Permit 16.13). RESPONSE: Maintenance access notes have been added to the plans showing the most feasible route to the City of Scandia, as well as privately maintained basins. City Response: This comment has been addressed. f. Verify the need for Wetland 1 to be converted into SWM Basin 3. Conversion of wetlands to stormwater features is considered a wetland impact and will require mitigation (Stormwater General Permit 18.9 & 22.2) RESPONSE: See also response #2a. The wetland basin known as basin #3 is not needed to meet any of the proposed stormwater requirements. The water quality is being controlled by other basins. Approval by the WCA TEP of the onsite wetland boundary is complete. There is no proposed wetland impact. Great care has been employed to maintain existing wetland hydrology. Total fluctuations between existing and proposed are less than 0.15 ft in elevation for the 100 -year event. Having a slight increase in wetland bounce of 0.14 ft is a good practice for maintaining wetland characteristics. Wetland #1 is not being converted to a stormwater basin. No changes or impacts are proposed to the wetland. Buffer with monumentation is shown on the plan. The proposed buffer is also not proposed to be disturbed. The note calling Wetland #1, Stormwater Basin #3 has been removed. As noted 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com above in Comment 2.a, the 1” abstraction volume is far exceeded in all the basins. Wetland #1 is not needed to meet stormwater management. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed. A stormwater management easement is not needed around this wetland. Wetland buffers will need to be maintained g. Site design and phasing must meet the general stormwater permit conditions and the requirements of Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District. RESPONSE: Acknowledged, the development team is responding to comments provided by the Watershed Engineer and Staff concurrently with this re-submittal. City Response: Acknowledged. 3. Culverts should be installed to prevent flow over driveways and roadways. Install per city standard (min. 15” CMP). Driveway and Basin culverts should be installed as part of this project. RESPONSE: Driveway culverts are proposed at L3B1, L1B2, L4B2, and L5B2 to maintain drainage in the existing ROW ditch. The existing ROW ditch for L1B1, L2B1, L2B2, and L3B2 does not have enough depth to provide a culvert. 15” CMP is proposed for the driveway culverts in the ROW. As noted in Comment 1.b, all driveways are higher than the 100-year HWL. Overland flow paths should be allowed for events larger than the 100-year storm event. Additional notes related to not providing culverts: • L1B1: the small depression west of the driveway is proposed to be filled so that it flows to Basin 2. There is not enough cover to provide a culvert. • L1B1: there is no ditch at this driveway location. Runoff either drains to Wetland 1 or Basin #2. The driveway is pitched west to drain towards Basin 2. As noted above, a 12” CMP culvert providing an outlet for the Wetland has been added. • L2B1: the ditch is extremely shallow. Runoff east of the driveway in the ROW primarily drains to Basin #4. The runoff west of the driveway drains west in the shallow ditch towards Basin #1. • L3B2: the ditch at this driveway is very shallow. There is only a small amount (shown on the grading plan) of water that flows west over the driveway. The majority of the runoff flows to either cell of Basin #4 directly. This can also be seen in “06.Laurel Ridge - SWM Mgmt. Flow Path Exhibit” (provided in the submittal on 06/06/24) by looking at all the drainage arrows. • City Response: o Block 1, Lot 2 – 12” CMP culvert has added o Block 2, lot 1 – 12” CMP still needs to be added from SWM Basin #1 to drainage & utility easement to the east. o Block 2, Lot 3 – 12” CMP culvert has been added o Block 2, Lot 4 – 12” CMP culvert needs to be added from SWM Basin #6 to SWM Basin #8. 4. Storm sewer pipe to be installed crossing 205th street shall be a minimum of 15” in diameter and pipe material shall be RCP. RESPONSE: See response to Comment 2.b regarding the culvert under 205th. City Response: Agreed. This comment has been addressed per MPCA feedback. 5. Full depth saw cuts will be required at new driveway connections. All pavement removals and saw cuts required to make these connections need to be included in the plans. Add detail and note to final plans. RESPONSE: Acknowledged, and detail will be added to final plans specifying typical driveway connection saw cuts & dimensions. 6. All driveways must be paved with bituminous or concrete to the ROW limit of 205th Street or beyond as part of this project. Gravel driveway connections will not be allowed. 7. Show well locations on plans. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com 8. Block 1, Lot 2 has a low floor elevation 1-foot below the septic system. This building pad also has a low floor elevation below the proposed EOF for “Existing Natural Basin 2”. The low floor elevations should be raised to 1006.0 to provide 1-foot of separation from the EOF and 0.5-foot separation from the septic system. 9. Driveways: a. Block 2, Lot 1 has a driveway grade listed as high as 9.5% and Block 2, Lot 4 has a driveway grade listed as high as 9.6%. The driveway this long, narrow, and steep will prohibit a fire truck access to the house structure if weather conditions become an issue in winter months. RESPONSE: Per Teams Meeting discussion, driveway slopes for all lots now max out at 8.0%. b. Fire Chief will review longer driveways if bump outs or turnarounds are required. RESPONSE: Per Teams Meeting discussion, driveway slopes for all lots now max out at 8.0%, not requiring bump outs in addition to the turnarounds already shown on the plans. City Response: Fire Chief still to review longer driveways if bump outs or additional turnarounds will be required. 10. Block 2, Lot 1 must have WM Basin #1 shifted to the southeast to stay outside of the 10’ easement off the Novak and 205th Street right of way. HWL shall not encroach into the public right of way. RESPONSE: Basins #1 & #4 have been graded to add fill in the 205th Street N ROW and the Novak ROW and 10’ D&U easement. The HWL is now located outside the 205th ROW. • HWL for Basin #1 increased from 1000.37 to 1000.62, an increase of 0.25 ft. • HWL for Basin #4 increased from 1009.57 to 1009.62, an increase of 0.05 ft. • For Basin #1, the 1001 contour is outside of the 205th ROW & Novak ROW & assumed 10’ D&U easement. • For Basin #4, the 1010.0 contour is outside of out of the 205th ROW. 11. Block 2, Lot 1 must have SWM Basin #7 shifted to the east to stay outside of the 10’ easement off the Novak right of way. 12. Block 2, Lot 3, must have SWM Basin #4 shifted to the south to stay outside of the 10’ easement off the 205 th Street right of way. HWL shall not encroach into the public right of way. RESPONSE: Basins #1 & #4 have been graded to add fill in the 205th Street N ROW and the Novak ROW and 10’ D&U easement. The HWL is now located outside the 205th ROW. • HWL for Basin #1 increased from 1000.37 to 1000.62, an increase of 0.25 ft. • HWL for Basin #4 increased from 1009.57 to 1009.62, an increase of 0.05 ft. • For Basin #1, the 1001 contour is outside of the 205th ROW & Novak ROW & assumed 10’ D&U easement. • For Basin #4, the 1010.0 contour is outside of out of the 205th ROW. 13. Clearing and grubbing will be required in the public right of way along 205th Street N from the west end of plat to the east end of plat to ensure there is adequate site distance at driveway connections for public safety. RESPONSE: Plans indicated areas where existing brush and existing non-significant (Secondary) trees shall be removed, trimmed or limbed in or order to provide improved site distance for safety. It is expected that no existing inventoried (Primary) trees need to be removed. See sheet L0.01. City Response: Additional clearing and grubbing within the right of way may be required to ensure sight distance is adequate and with the information/scale available on the plans it’s anticipated additional removal is still needed versus what’s shown on the plans. 14. Culverts located between basins shall have rip rap provided at the downstream apron draining into the basin. Riprap quantities shall be determined by Scandia standard detail STO -13. RESPONSE: Two culverts are proposed to between basins under driveways. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com • L4B2 has a culvert between the two cells of Basin 4. 6 CY of CL.3 riprap are now shown on the plan. • No rip-rap is proposed at L2B1. The elevation of the culvert is set above the 100-year elevation and will rarely be utilized. Sheet L1.00: Landscaping Plan 15. Trees installed to meet landscaping or woodland preservation requirements shall not be located in the right-of-way of streets. RESPONSE: The seven proposed native boulevard landscape trees shall be installed at 1’ back of the 100’ ROW at the time of each individual homes. All replacement trees (per UDC) are located outside of the proposed 205th Street ROW and will be planted with the construction of each of the permitted individual residential structure and accessory building, and will be verified by the City of Scandia with final approval / COO of each home. SWPPP 16. A SWPPP will need to be added to the plans. RESPONSE: A SWPPP will be provided with the Final Plat application. 17. Verify that all necessary permitting has been acquired to comply with SWPPP requirements. RESPONSE: The Homebuilder, Pratt Homes will be the holder of the NPDES permit throughout the excavation and construction of all eight homes and any and all specified improvements to the proposed seven SWM basins. Pratt Homes will be responsible for complying with SWPPP requirements. General Comments 18. This project will be responsible for development fees/permits as required by the City and Watershed District (CMSCWD). RESPONSE: Acknowledged, the homebuilder, Pratt Homes will submit an application, site plan, grading plan and erosion control plan for each home construction permit to the City of Scandia, the Watershed, Washington County (SSTS) and MN MDH (wells). 19. Well systems will be permitted by the Minnesota Department of Health. 20. Septic systems will be permitted by Washington County Environmental and shall fulfill all other state and local permit requirements. 21. Construction traffic will be required to access this site from Olinda Trail N (CSAH 3) and leave on the same route. No construction traffic will be allowed on neighboring City streets per the attachment. Note added to plans, Plan Sheet C3.01 – note #23 22. The plans shall clearly identify removals necessary, specifically at the exiting road connection. Full depth saw cut will be required at the connection. RESPONSE: Details will be added to final plans specifying typical driveway connection saw cuts removals and dimensions. 23. The specifications for construction shall be submitted for review with final plans. RESPONSE: This project includes minor basin excavation, some erosion control and a few private culverts. Plans call out size and material of culverts. Pipe bedding notes were added to the plans. Governing specs are called out on the Site Plan. We don’t see a need for a full-blown public improvement specification book. 14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com 24. Site improvements shall be coordinated with the private utility owners. Conduit crossings for private utilities shall be shown on the construction plans. 25. A fully executed developer’s agreement must be in place prior to commencing work. 26. Developer shall provide proof of MPCA NPDES/SDS construction stormwater permit approval prior to construction. 27. A preconstruction meeting may be required to be held prior to any construction activity starting on site. The developer shall invite representatives from the City, Watershed, and the private utility owners. 28. Monuments. All lot corner pipes or iron rods must be a minimum of one half (1/2) inch in diameter, 18 inches in length, and shall be inscribed with the registration number of the land surveyor performing the survey. 29. After final restoration and turf establishment reaches 70% coverage applicant shall request final inspection through the City of Scandia. 30. Revised documents shall be submitted for review and acceptance prior to any construction activity starting. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 612-597-7140 with any questions or comments you may have regarding this memo. Sincerely, Ryan J. Goodman, P.E. City Engineer Laurel Ridge Charles Fischer <c.fischer@ci.scandia.mn.us> Thu 4/18/2024 2:20 PM To: TJ Hofer <tj.hofer@bolton-menk.com> Cc: Eric Larson <elarson@eckberglammers.com>; Kyle Morell <k.morell@ci.scandia.mn.us>; Isiah Bubany <Isiah.Bubany@bolton-menk.com> 1 attachments (3 MB) Laurel Ridge Construction Access Map.pdf; TJ, An addi onal item which I believe we can add to the development agreement is the use of roads for construc on access of material and equipment. I would prefer that all construc on access be from Olinda Trail(CSAH 3) onto 205th St. west bound for incoming construc on traffic and opposite that for outbound construc on traffic. This will impact this single stretch more but will alleviate addi onal construc on traffic on all other roads. A ached is a map highlighted in green for allowed construc on traffic. The red line indicates roads which should not be allowed for construc on traffic which have accessibility to 205th St from State or County roads. I foresee the Odell neighborhood being impacted the most by construc on traffic if allowed to be used and no just cause to access the site through the other City roads highlighted in Red. Thank you, Charles Fischer | Public Works Director City of Scandia 14727 209th Street N, Scandia, MN 55073 P 651.433.5223 | F 651.433.5112 c.fischer@ci.scandia.mn.us www.cityofscandia.com 4/18/24, 3:26 PM Mail - TJ Hofer - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAMkADFjNzJlYjA5LWIwODgtNGY1Ny1hNjQyLWZmNzY5YjJlMTJkMABGAAAAAABnWVF1sVCLT7CuDtObP…1/1 3, 00 9.3 Legend Map Name 0 2,107 Feet This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 4/18/2024 2:05 PM Roads US Trunk Highway Minnesota Trunk Highway County Highway Local Roads Ramp City Limits Parks Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 CMSCWD Permit 24-015: Laural Ridge Subdivision Tom Langer <tom.langer@cmscwd.org> Tue 4/16/2024 10:52 AM To: dwayne@continuumdevelopmentgroup.com <dwayne@continuumdevelopmentgroup.com>; roger.humphrey@graef- usa.com <roger.humphrey@graef-usa.com>; nater@atterland.com <nater@atterland.com> Cc: 'Carl Almer' <calmer@eorinc.com>; TJ Hofer <tj.hofer@bolton-menk.com> 1 attachments (238 KB) 3) CMSCWD Permit 24-015 ER_20240410.pdf; Hi Dwayne, Roger, and Nathan, I’m reaching out to share the District Engineer’s report of the updated proposed subdivision at Laural Ridge. We would be happy to schedule a meeting, if it would be helpful to go through any of the items. Thanks, Tom Langer Senior Riparian Specialist | Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District 11660 Myeron Rd North | Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone: ( (651) 275-7452 | Cell: 507-276-8056 : www.cmscwd.org Permitting Overview: https://www.cmscwd.org/permits-overview District Rules: https://www.cmscwd.org/rules Permit Forms & Deadlines: https://www.cmscwd.org/residential-permits 5/3/24, 9:56 AM Mail - TJ Hofer - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/id/AAMkADFjNzJlYjA5LWIwODgtNGY1Ny1hNjQyLWZmNzY5YjJlMTJkMABGAAAAAABnWVF1sVCLT7CuDtObPuLDB…1/1 Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 1 - 4/10/2024 Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Permit Application Number 24-015 Owner: Applicant: Mitch Johnson 539 Spruce Street Hudson WI, 54016 651-983-9902 mjohn1515@yahoo.com Dwayne Sikich Continuum Development Group 651-290-5704 dwayne@continuumdevelopme ntgroup.com Consultants: Roger Humphrey GRAEF 763-898-4185 roger.humphrey@graef-usa.com Nathan Herman Attera Land Services 763-360-1307 nater@atteraland.com Purpose: Land Disturbance Plan for subdivision of a 39.5 acre parcel into 8 lots. Location: 13952 205th Street N, Scandia. District Rule: 2, 3, 4 & 7 Recommendation: Conditional Approval pending receipt of the following items related to: Stormwater Management 1. Further review by the District Engineer of the submitted Stormwater Management Plan details, especially regarding proposed impervious surface assumptions, assumptions for CN adjustment for disturbed area compaction, and infiltration rates for Basins 6 and 7. 2. Revised Stormwater Management Plan, as necessary, per District Engineer comments. 3. Clarification of proposed grading of stormwater features (i.e., will all existing depression proposed for excavation be completed now with only the new basins delayed till lot development). 4. Review by District Engineer of low floor freeboard. Erosion & Sediment Control 5. Further review by District Engineer after clarification of Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 2 - 4/10/2024 proposed grading, and revisions as necessary per comment. Wetland Buffers 6. MNRAM analysis of the onsite wetland if Applicant is interested in assignment of a District Wetland Management Category other than MC 2. 7. Revised Preliminary Plat with amended buffer boundaries [inclusion of buffer for offsite wetland and revision of onsite wetland buffer to 75-feet width (or per MNRAM analysis if pursued) and inclusion of steep slopes]. 8. Revised Preliminary Plat indicating monumentation of buffer boundaries in conformance with Rule 4.4. 9. Specification of native vegetation for restoration of disturbed areas within required buffers. 10. Completion of a draft Buffer Declaration. Administrative 11. Completion of a draft Declaration for Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities for access to and maintenance of stormwater BMPs. 12. Submittal of permit application fee ($7,250) and surety ($TBD). 13. Permit Application signed by Owner and Applicant. Stipulations: 1. All work shall be in accordance with the approved design, plans, computations, and specifications on file with the Carnelian-Marine- St. Croix Watershed District and any stipulations identified in this permit. All amendments must be approved in written communication. 2. Owner and applicant are responsible for obtaining all other required permits and approvals for construction of the proposed project (including but not limited to the MPCA, City, Township, County, DNR, NPS). 3. Owner and applicant are responsible for all attorneys’ and engineers’ fees, costs or other Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 3 - 4/10/2024 expenses incurred by the District in enforcing the terms of this permit. This includes (but not limited to) pursuit of a court action to ensure practices are installed as approved by all parties in this executed permit. 4. This permit is valid for 2 year from the day of dated signature by the District. All District requirements shall be completed within the valid permit period. Inspections & Required Notifications 5. Notify the District of any changes to contact information throughout the permit period for site manager, owner, and applicant (phone, email, and address). 6. Owner and applicant shall notify the District after erosion control is installed but prior to start of land disturbance or construction so it can be inspected. 7. Owner and applicant shall notify the District when shoreline grading and/or any rock installation is to occur. The District shall provide inspection and approval of plan compliance prior to proceeding to soil stabilization and vegetation plantings. 8. Owner and applicant shall notify the District after all initial planting/seeding is complete for inspection. 9. The owner consents to District entry upon the land for inspections and monitoring during the permit period (Rule 1.10). The owner or applicant will contact the District to schedule onsite inspections at any point of the project as needed. Erosion and Sediment Controls 10. Owner and applicant are responsible for controlling erosion and sediment at all times. Erosion and sediment controls must be installed and maintained down-gradient from all proposed disturbed soil and remain in place until the Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 4 - 4/10/2024 District confirms all disturbed soil is adequately stabilized. 11. If downgradient sediment controls are overloaded, based on failure or excessive maintenance needs, permittees must install additional upgradient sediment control practices and temporary erosion control practices and redundant BMPs to eliminate overloading and amend the approved erosion and sediment control plan to identify these additional practices. 12. Stabilization must be completed no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the soil disturbing activities have ceased. Project Closeout 13. Projects requiring permanent buffers shall ensure all buffer monuments are installed as outlined on the site plans. Any areas disturbed in a buffer shall re-establish vegetation as outlined in the site plans. 14. Final vegetation or re-vegetation establishment as outlined in plans must achieve a uniform stand of at least 70% density by the final valid permit period to be considered for permit closeout. 15. All native vegetation shall be maintained after project closeout. Maintenance guidance and possible assistance is available to landowners during and after project closeout. Plan Alterations, Permit Renewal, & Amendments 16. Any proposed changes to approved plans shall be submitted to the District for approval prior to construction. Proposed changes include but are not limited to alterations to impervious cover, stormwater management practices, buffers, landscaping, erosion and sediment control, shorelines, streambanks, wetlands, and floodplains. Permit amendments are subject to additional fees (outlined in Rule 1.13). Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 5 - 4/10/2024 17. Permit renewal or extension are not available to after-the-fact permits and shall comply with restoration sequencing. 18. Future development of lots will require additional CMSCWD review and permitting including but not limited to compliance with the approved stormwater management plan and Rules 3. Exhibits: 1. Scandia Application for Planning and Zoning request prepared by Applicant, dated 3/15/24, received 3/19/24. 2. Site Development Plans for Home Construction (12 sheets) prepared by Aterra Land Services, undated, received 3/19/24. 3. Development Exhibits (5 sheets) prepared by Aterra Land Services, undated, received 3/19/24. 4. Stormwater Management Report prepared by GRAEF, last revised 3/6/24, received 3/19/24. 5. Washington County Lot Split Approval Letter, dated 1/22/24, received 3/19/24. 6. Geotechnical Exploration Report prepared by Haugo Geotechnical Services dated 1/31/24, received 3/19/24. 7. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Haugo Geotechnical Services dated 1/5/24, received 3/19/24. 8. WCA NOD for approval of wetland boundary and type dated 11/22/23, received 3/19/24. 9. Modified Wetland Boundary Figure 2 prepared by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Co, revised 11/2/23, received 3/19/24. 10. Wetland Delineation Report prepared by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Co, dated 10/17/23, received 3/19/24. 11. Tree Inventory prepared by Rehder Forestry Consulting, dated 1/1/24, received 3/19/24. 12. Draft Laurel Ridge Declaration of Protective Covenants prepared by Continuum Development Group, undated, received 3/19/24. Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. -6 -4/10/2024 Findings: 1.Description – The proposed project includes subdivision of a 39.5 acre parcel into 8 lots bisected by east-west by 205th Street North. Homes and drives are proposed as custom graded. 2.Stormwater Management – The entire parcel is tributary to one of six onsite landlocked depressions and two offsite depressions which in extreme events would overtop southwest toward offsite wetlands and ultimately Jellum’s Lake. Given the landlocked nature of the site, Rule 2.4.1(b) requires volume control for the 10-year, 24-hour event as opposed to the 2-year, 24-hour event. Existing depression soil borings indicate low infiltration capacity (0.06-inches at best). The proposed plan includes excavation of 5 of the 6 existing depression to provide additional storage and maintain HWLs. In addition two new basin area proposed in the southeast and southwest corners of the development. It appears the stormwater management plan meets District criteria, but further review by the District Engineer of the details is required, especially regarding proposed impervious surface assumptions, CN adjustments for soil compaction, and infiltration rates for Basins 6 and 7. 3.Erosion & Sediment Control – An adequate erosion and sediment control plan has been provided including a rock construction entrances, silt fence downstream of disturbed areas, general revegetation specifications, and construction sequencing notes for protection of the infiltration basin during construction. 4.Buffers – One wetland has been delineated onsite which will be required to be buffered. In addition, NWI indicates a wetland near the south property line which will also be required to be buffered (onsite). The offsite wetland is classified by the District CWPMP as Management Category 2. The onsite wetland is also likely Management Category 2. MNRAM analysis of the onsite wetland would be necessary to assign a category other than Management Category2. District Wetland Management Categories and buffer requirements for these wetlands (table below). Permit Application No. 24-015 Laurel Ridge Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. - 7 - 4/10/2024 Wetland Delineation ID CMSCWD Wetland Management Category Buffer Width* [feet] Category 1 100 Offsite Wetland and Onsite Wetland Category 2 75 Category 3 50 * Buffer must be extended to top of steep slopes (land with an average slope exceeding 12 percent over a distance of 50 feet or more upgradient of a water resource). Establishment of buffers around these wetlands, recording of buffer declaration, and a preparation of planting plan to establish adequate vegetation for any areas of buffer that are disturbed (if any) is required. Buffer must also be physically monumented. Note that the 25-foot buffer depicted on the Site Plan and Preliminary Plan for the onsite wetland does not meet any of the District Management Category buffer widths. 5. Floodplain – Low floor freeboard requirements remain to be assessed by District Engineer. 6. Wetlands – Approval by the WCA TEP of the onsite wetland boundary is complete. There is no proposed wetland impact. 7. Application fee and surety are detailed below: • Rule 2: fee = $3,500, surety = TBD • Rule 3: fee = $2,000, surety = $2,500 (5.0 acres) = $12,500 • Rule 4: fee = $1,750, surety = $1,500 • Total: fee = $7,250, surety = $TBD Board Action: The CMSCWD Board will consider this application at their April 10th, 2024 Board meeting. RE: MWCA NOD for Laurel Ridge Delineations Jay Riggs <JRiggs@mnwcd.org> Thu 3/28/2024 2:03 PM To: TJ Hofer <tj.hofer@bolton-menk.com> I do not recall if we discussed the MnRAM onsite, but based on our observa ons I would classify it as a Manage 2. Jay Jay Riggs, District Manager Cer fied Wetland Professional #1298 Washington Conserva on District 455 Hayward Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: 651-796-2229 Email: jriggs@mnwcd.org Web: www.mnwcd.org From: TJ Hofer <tj.hofer@bolton-menk.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2024 4:34 PM To: Jay Riggs <JRiggs@mnwcd.org> Subject: MWCA NOD for Laurel Ridge Delinea ons Jay, The a ached NOD was submi ed with an applica on for a preliminary plat. Were you able to provide a MnRAM determina on for the wetland on site? Thanks, T.J. Hofer he/him Planner II Bolton & Menk, Inc. 3507 High Point Drive North Bldg. 1 Suite E130 Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: 612-271-6984 www.Bolton-Menk.com 5/1/24, 3:07 PM Mail - TJ Hofer - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAMkADFjNzJlYjA5LWIwODgtNGY1Ny1hNjQyLWZmNzY5YjJlMTJkMABGAAAAAABnWVF1sVCLT7CuDtObP…1/1 You don't often get email from roger.humphrey@graef-usa.com. Learn why this is important This message may be from an external email source. Do not select links or open a achments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security Opera ons Center. RE: Laurel Ridge Scandia Smith, Todd (MPCA) <todd.smith@state.mn.us> Fri 6/28/2024 12:22 PM To: Humphrey, Roger <Roger.Humphrey@graef-usa.com> Roger, As we discussed, the MPCA has taken a flexible approach for sites like this where the proposed impervious surface is s ll low and where the stormwater is already being held on the landscape by natural depressions. The permit does require C or be er soils and a 48 hr drawdown me for infiltra on systems, however we find there are many natural depressions on the landscape already collec ng stormwater runoff that may not meet the requirements. The spirit of the permit seeks to maintain the natural hydrology of the area, specifically stormwater volume discharge on an average annual basis. It would be counterproduc ve to decrease the volumes in the depressions just to a empt to meet the drawdown mes. The design requirements set forth in the permit were developed assuming one is building an infiltra on basin where there wasn’t one before. I understand the Carnelian-Marine- St. Croix Watershed District is prepared to approve this proposal and the District has a provision in their rule for minimum storage required in a natural depression. The district rules are, as a whole, more stringent and specific then the state rules and the MPCA would concur with the decision by the District. If the City of Scandia or anyone involved with the project would like to discuss this further, I am available Todd M Smith P.E. (He/Him/His) Principal Engineer Municipal Division 520 Lafaye e Road North | St. Paul, MN | 55155 651-757-2732 todd.smith@pca.state.mn.us | www.pca.state.mn.us Our mission is to protect and improve the environment and human health NOTICE: This email (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510- 2521. This email may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply back to the sender that you have received this message in error, then delete it. Thank you From: Humphrey, Roger <Roger.Humphrey@graef-usa.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 3:58 PM To: Smith, Todd (MPCA) <todd.smith@state.mn.us> Subject: Laurel Ridge Scandia 7/23/24, 11:35 AM Mail - TJ Hofer - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/id/AAMkADFjNzJlYjA5LWIwODgtNGY1Ny1hNjQyLWZmNzY5YjJlMTJkMABGAAAAAABnWVF1sVCLT7CuDtObPuLDB…1/2 Hi Todd, Thanks for the time. Please find the information you requested. The regulatory concerns are the 48 inch draw down time and 16.8 piping the system. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks again. Roger Roger Humphrey PE Practice Area Leader-Site Development | GRAEF 3433 Broadway Street NE, Suite 220, Minneapolis, MN 55413 | 763 / 898 4185 763 / 898 4180 direct | 651 / 706 3855 mobile | Roger.Humphrey@graef-usa.com Connect with us: www.graef-usa.com | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter GRAEF is the trade name of Graef-USA Inc. Roger Humphrey’s PE is registered in Minnesota and Wisconsin. This email and any attachments may contain confidential information to be used only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are expected to disregard the content, delete the email message, and notify the original sender. 7/23/24, 11:35 AM Mail - TJ Hofer - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/id/AAMkADFjNzJlYjA5LWIwODgtNGY1Ny1hNjQyLWZmNzY5YjJlMTJkMABGAAAAAABnWVF1sVCLT7CuDtObPuLDB…2/2