09.e Public Works - Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: 8/20/2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: PW - Staff Report
Staff have continued ROW brush clearing with the addition of the new drum mulching cutting
head. Areas of ROW which have been cleared will be able to be maintained at a higher
efficiency in the future from elimination of the overgrowth. Over growth within or ROW’s has
been caused by deficiency of time and resources to remove in past years.
Tree trimming in small sections of ROW is also taking place clearing low hanging branches and
branches restricting site lines. Substantial trimming will begin in September and run through
the winter season.
A local tree service has also assisted with removing additional high risk Ash trees which City
staff are unable to clear due to height and/or size of the tree.
Public Works is now back to one seasonal staff member to continue mowing and trimming
maintenance of the City properties. We were fortunate to have a two-week window where
both seasonal staff members were able to work together in the transition period from
spring/summer seasonal to summer/fall seasonal. We will be able to run into October with
seasonal help this year.
Upon completion of the yearly sludge and scum inspections of septic tanks both in the Bliss and
A/E systems, 44 tanks will be pumped before the end of the year. Tank pumping started the
week of August 5th and will be on and off until complete.
The Bliss System nitrogen reduction project remains in the planning phase as the funding
source for the project was delayed, due to Legislators not proceeding with a bonding bill in
2024. The City and the MPCA have been in conversation on project deadlines and scope of work
to keep pace with our mandated Track #2 Nitrogen Mitigation listed in the Operation Permit. A
request for extending deadlines or augmenting the permit language will be made to the MPCA
if or when necessary to stay in compliance with the MPCA, while waiting for potential funding
sources to become available.
The Public Works single axle Mack plow truck received new tires this month in preparation for
the upcoming snow season.
The Western Star single axle plow truck has been under diagnostic to repair transmission
communication problems since the end of the plow season. The truck will be repaired prior to
the upcoming season but has been unavailable for use since delivered to the repair service