09-20-12 Meeting CITY OF SCANDIA WASTEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 20,2012 7:00 P.M. Scandia Community/Senior Center Board Room 1. Call to Order, Chair Chris Ness 2. Review Notes of Previous Meeting (July 19, 2012) 3. "201" Community Wastewater System a) Draft 2013 Budget b) Anderson-Erickson Collector System 1) Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System Monitoring Report (Phil Gravel, City Engineer) c) Bliss Collector System 1) Operations Agreement with EcoCheck/Natural Systems Utilities 4. Uptown Wastewater System a) Uptown Wastewater System Improvement Project 5. Set Future Meeting Date(s)/Agendas 6. Adjournment Committee Members: Staff/Ex-Officio: Chris Ness, Councilmember/Chair Kristina Handt, City Administrator Jim Schneider, Councilmember/Vice Chair Phil Gravel,City Engineer Steven Philippi, Planning Commissioner Tim Kieffer,Maintenance Superintendent Daniel Cartier James(Moose)Maimquist Wayne Schmitt Holly Kaufhold Micheal Peterson Doug Salmela Brad Bergo � � ' July 19, 2012 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, Doug Salmela, Brad Bergo, Council members Chris Ness and Jim Schneider, Staff Anne Hurlburt, Tim Keiffer, Colleen Firkus, Engineer Brian Malm. Members absent were James Malmquist, Wayne Schmidt, Mike Peterson, and Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi. Council member Ness reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. Anderson-Erickson An Operations Agreement with Natural Systems Utilities, MN, or EcoCheck, was reviewed. This agreement will fulfill the city's requirement for a licensed operator for both the Anderson-Erickson and the Uptown Sewer systems. The cost to the A-E system is $240 per month and $334 for Uptown. Additional expenses with be for any additional service calls beyond the basic service of twice per month, as well as time and materials to coordinate repairs, and monitoring well sampling. Public Works Superintendent Kieffer reported there has been a second round of sampling of monitoring wells for chloride and nitrates.Also, new run-time meters have been installed and readings are being taken daily. Further repairs may be done after the city has received Stantec's report and recommendations. Bliss Superintendent Kieffer reported staff are continuing to read meters and identified a faulty pump which was replaced. Administrator Hurlburt said she hopes to bring budget information with rate information for the 201 System to the next meeting.With all the engineering work and repairs happening, reserves are expected to decrease this year. Untown A proposed Ordinance governing the Uptown system was reviewed. The new ordinance defines private versus public parts of the system and a monthly billing system with rates to be set separately. It also addresses Connection issues, Maintenance and Operation requirements, Prohibited Waste Discharges, and Cost of Repairs. Holly asked for clarification on the wording for Item H in Section 8 regarding the allotted volume of wastewater for each user. Users are charged for volume of water used from meter readings and assigned volume is based on design. It was agreed that the language is not for the city to police water flow, but to identify and resolve July 19, 2012 Page 2 problems when spikes in flow happen. Huriburt said they will look at rewording that item. In regards to Section 8, Item B, regarding maintenance, Brian said it is best for tank owners to have tanks monitored to determine the frequency of pumping.While pumpers are required to measure sludge levels and report to the owner, Brian said pumpers should not be the ones determining the frequency of pumping. Council member Schneider suggested the Elim church/parsonage and Gammelgarden be required to have a pumping contract to make sure they are pumping their tanks. The language of this item needs to spell out the city's expectations for tank inspections, pumping and maintenance. Section 9, Item E was also discussed regarding prohibited waste discharges. This can only be measured at the drainfield. Any problems occurring would have to be tracked backwards. The item gives the city a tool to address continual problems, not isolated incidents. Brian reviewed the Flow Comparison Chart which compared flow data from Original Design Flow, 2010 Flow, 2012 Flow (April - June), and Peak Day Flow. Designs and specifications for the recommended improvements have been approved by the city council and are going out to bid. Bids are to be opened August 15 with the city council expected to award a bid at their August 21 meeting. The pump tank in the church's driveway will be replaced and moved to a more accessible location. The system is now being dosed as demand requires. Brian indicated the improvements will regulate dosing which will be better for the system. The new tank will also help filter wastes before pumping to the drainfield. The improvements being made at the Community Center will be handled mostly by city workers. There are no monitoring wells by the Uptown drainfield as they are not required for such a small flow system. However, that may change in the future as regulations change or when the time comes to replace the drainfield. Next meeting is scheduled for September 20, at 7:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer � . a <� � � , J � r� �,� �. ,,�--..� � '; 8+*�' ��'� �,j a_% SC.����►NI�I� Memo • � To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Date: September 14,2012 for September 20,2012 Meeting Re: Draft 2013 Budget,"201" Community Wastewater System Attached for your review is a draft 2013 budget for the"201"Community Wastewater System. It has not yet been reviewed by the City Council. The revenue budget assumes the same user rates as in 2012. The rate of$658.72er year(paid on a quarterly basis)has been in effect since 2009. One issue for discussion will be whether or not rates should be increased for 2013. While the operating expenses are projected to be less than revenues,it would be desirable to increase the fund balance,which has been reduced because of recent increased expenses for repairs,testing and engineering wark. Attachments: • 2013 Draft Expense Budget,201 Sewer Project Fund(Fund 602) • 2013 Draft Revenue Budget, 201 Sewer Project Fund(Fund 602) • Fund Balance Assumptions 1 2013 Draft Budget 201 SEWER PROJECT(FUND 602)EXPENSE 2009 2010 2011 2012 08/31/12 2012 2013 Change Actual Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '12-'13 Account Description Expenses Expenses Expenses Bud et Expdtrs Expdtrs Budqet Bud et Notes Materials&Supplies 200 O�ce Supplies 29 100 75 203 Printed Forms&Papers 71 #DiV/0! 210 Operating Supplies&Equipment 853 853 200 221 Equipment Parts 240 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 4 445 4 445 Total Matenals&Supplies 71 5 327 5 398 275 Contractual Services 303 Engineering Services 17,486 17,486 #DIV/0! 304 Legal Services 528 1,056 #DIV/01 311 PermitFees 855 505 680 855 505 680 1,316 53.92% 321 Telephone 962 814 962 900 518 888 824 -8.44% 322 Postage 176 -100.00% 361 Liability/Property insurance 1,938 1,299 2,756 2,839 1,638 1,638 1,719 -39.44% 381 Utilities 1,625 1,446 1,757 3,500 1,071 1,800 1,800 -48.57% 385 Sewer Pumping 20,236 4,510 10,000 13,700 -32.30% 1 386 Operation&Maintenance 24,650 32,418 54,091 21,661 18,403 21,661 13,376 -3825% 2 404 Machinery&Equipment Repair 1,449 5,000 #DIV/01 3 414 Equipment Rental 135 #DIV/0! 420 Depreciation Expense 30,000 30,000 30,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 4 438 Misc Contractual 938 742 360 360 6 325 #DIV/0� 5 Total Contractual Services 60,030 67,420 90,987 55,667 46,468 66,569 49,695 -10 73% Capital Outlays 570 O�ce Equipment 2868 2 868 2 868 #DIV/Oi Total Capital Outlays 2 868 2 868 2 868 #DIV/0� Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 3 600 3 645 3 645 2 825 2 825 2 825 7 131 152.42% 6 Total Transfers 3,600 3,645 3,645 2,825 2,825 2,825 7,131 152.42% Total 201 Sewer Project(602) 63 630 71 065 94 703 61 360 57 488 77 660 57 101 -6.94% Notes: 1.Pumping 2.EcoCheck contract, 3.Replace 3 pumps 4.Add to depreciation for long term reserves 5.Locater calls,Electricians,Well Testing 6.Transfer to General Fund for staff time,postage&supplies 1 of 1 201 SEWER 4:48 PM 9/13/2012 2012 Draft Budgef 201 PROJECT SEWER FUND 602 REVENUE 2009 2010 2011 2012 08/31/12 2012 2013 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue 36100 SpecialAssessments 3,763 5,475 4,258 5,000 1,904 3,704 5,000 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,441 1,358 1,205 725 725 563 36250 Misc.Refunds 17 Total Other Income 1,458 1,358 1,205 725 0 725 563 Proprietary Fund Revenues 34401 Sewer Charges 59,652 61,236 61,945 62,000 38,882 62,000 62,000 37250 Sewer Connection/Reconnection Fees 0 Total Proprietary Fund 59,652 61,236 61,945 62,000 38,882 62,000 62,000 Total 201 Project Sewer Fund 602 64,873 68,069 67,407 67,725 40,786 66,429 67,563 1 of 1 201 SEWER REV 327 PM 9/13/2012 Sewer Funds Assumptions 602 201 Sewer Fund Beginning Balance 1/1/12 $204,859.05 2012 Expenses 8/31/12 YTD Expenses $97,534.25 Est.Total Expenses $77,660.00 $19,874.25 8/31/12 YTD Revenue $59,326.09 Est.Total Revenue $66,429.00 $7,102.91 8/31/12 Fund Balance $166,650.89 2012 End of Year Projected Balance $193,628.05 2013 Estimated Expenses -$56,301.00 2013 Estimated Revenue $67,563.00 2013 End of Year Projected Balance $204,890.05 \\SERVER\SharedDocs\Departments\Finance\Budget\2013\Worksheets\Sewer Fund Balances _ � �� � �,� � , �� �. � �� � ��� ;�-� ��,�� �� � � ��� � �.��� ;��� �' Memo - � � To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Date: September 12,2012 for September 20,2012 Meeting Re: Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System Monitoring Report At their September 11,2012 work session,the City Council referred the attached report to the Committee for your discussion and recommendations. City Engineer Phil Gravel will be present at the September 20 Committee meeting to answer any questions you might have about the report. 1 : • -�� _-_,_.. �, .�-J ,� �� _ ; � � , � ''� � `��` �,�`� 3. � `��... '� ��, �� �'; �'r� � �, . , � <-.:. �: _ , ���E��� Memo - � � To: Mayor and City Council From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Date: September 4,2012 for September 11,2012 Work Session Meeting Re: Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System Monitoring Report and Continenza Application for Variance and Lot Line Adjustment The Council will receive the City Engineer's report(attached) at the September 11 Work Session. After you have reviewed this report,you will be asked by the Continenzas to act upon their Variance application,which includes a request for two connections to the Anderson/Erickson system: one for the proposed new home(Lots 9 and 10,Anderson's Big Lake 2nd Addition) and one for the existing home(Lot 8),which would have its sewer system removed as a result of the proposed new construction on Lots 9 and 10. There appear to be several options: 1. Allow no new connections to the sewer system. Continue monitoring as recommended by the City Engineer. 2. Allow both homes to connect to the system. Connection fees would be as provided by the current ordinance($4,250 per unit.) This option would involve some risk that flows and/or loading would exceed the capacity of the system. This may also raise equity issues as other homes adjacent to the system may not be able to hook up. 3. Allow only one home,the existing cabin on Lot 8,to hook up to the system. The status of the existing sewage treatment system is unknown,and there appears to be no location on the lot to replace it if it is removed due to the construction on Lots 9 and 10. There is a location for an individual sewage treatment system on Lots 9 and 10, even though it is not the most desirable option to the property owners. A connecrion for this one small home would pose less risk. 4. The Council could refer the report to the City's Wastewater Advisory Committee for a recommendation before making a decision. They have a meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 20. If direction is given by the Council at the September ll meeting, staffwill prepare appropriate resolution(s)to bring the matter of the variance request to a close at a future Council meeting (tentatively,October 16.) Attachments: • Memo Dated August 28,2012 from Phil Gravel,PE—Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System,Update on Flow Monitoring and Monitoring Well Sampling Information g/ � Stantec Consulting Services Inc. �� ^ 2335 Highway 36 West St. Paul MN 55113 � Tel: (651)636-4600 Fax:(651)636-1311 Stantec -- — August 28, 2012 Mrs.Anne Hurtburt,Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System (201 Collector System) Update on Flow Monitoring and Monitoring Well Sampling Information Our Project No.: 193802153 Dear Anne: A Condition and Capacity Assessment Report for the Anderson/Erickson System was presented in March of this year. Based on the report and Council discussions regarding the report, several system repairs have been completed and several process improvements have been implemented. The City has been closely monitoring the fiows from the system for the past four months. The City has also completed monitoring well sampling and testing as well as sampling of some nearby drinking water wells. This monitoring and testing information can be used to better evaluate how the system is functioning. The following paragraphs present an update of the information received to date and an analysis of our findings based on the information. MONITORING WELL AND GROUNDWATER INFORMATION The treatment system includes 4 sets of nested monitoring wells and shallow piezometers along with one additional shallow piezometer. The wells and piezometers are used to monitor the performance of the system. The wells and piezometers are useful in monitoring groundwater quality (i.e. nitrate nitrogen levels), determining groundwater flow direction,and detecting if there is"mounding"beneath the system. The attached Tables 1 and 2 show the results of well measurement and sampling over the past 5 months. One round of sampling was completed in March 2012. A second round of sampling was completed in July 2012. The March 2012 sampling exhibited high chloride concentrations and nitrate concentrations above the drinking water standard. The July 2012 sampling showed high chloride levels, but the nitrate levels were below drinking water standards. Given the inconsistent groundwater quality results, additional sampling seems prudent. SYSTEM FLOW INFORMATION The treatment system was installed in 1987. There have been several reports and studies over the past 10 years that have evaluated the design capacity of the system and possible methods of system expansion. The current system Operating Permit with Washington County lists a system design flow of 6,700 gallons, a target peak flow of 8600 gallons and a target average flow of 5300 gallons. Flow measurement data available prior to last spring is unreliable due to issues with etfluent back draining into the lift station. Improvements to the flow measuring capabilities on the system were made last April and the flow information since that time appears to be more accurate. A table of ineasured flows for the last four months is attached (Table 3). Daily flows over the past few months have ranged from 1,410 gallons to 7,622 gallons. The high 7-day rolling average was 4,958 gallons. �n� August 28,2012 Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Page 2 of 2 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The available monitoring well information is limited. Only two samples have been analyzed this year. While the most recent round of sampling produced encouraging resuits,the fact remains that we have one round of sampling that showed elevated levels of nitrates and one round of sampling that showed acceptable tevels of nitrates. Flow monitoring over the last four months indicate that the flows are trending near the top of the permitted range but under limits. However,the flow information is based on only a short period of time. Additional sewer conneciions would add approximately 200 gallons per day per connection for an average two bedroom home. Larger dwellings could add up to an average of 350 gallons per day. It this time, we have the folfowing recommendations regarding the Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System: • Since there is a limited amount of monitoring data available (especially well sampling data), a conservative approach would be to not allow additional connections to the system until more data is available. Additional connections could be considered next spring if an additional two rounds of well sampling show acceptable results and if flow levels continue to be under the permit target levels with a factor of safety. • Continue daily flow monitoring up to winter and again in the spring. • Complete a round of well sampling this fall and plan on at least three rounds of sampling in 2013. • Continue to take steps to complete the system repair/maintenance recommendations included in the March 2012 Condition and Capacity Assessment Report. Consult with the new system operator to see if they have recommended maintenance improvements. • Continue to work with Washington County and the MPCA on system monitoring and compliance issues. Note that the County permit requires that they approve any new connections to the system. . Evaluate the current hook-up fee and ongoing charges for the 201 Systems to determine the fees needed to support the system operation and maintenance for the long-term. As presented in the March 2012 report,the Anderson/Erickson system will undoubtedly require some treatment system improvements in the near future. Once additional flow and well monitoring data is available, we will present specific system expansion recommendations to meet the anticipated long-term needs of the Anderson/Erickson service area. Please contact Clint Jordahl or me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, STANTEC � ��`'"`� Phil Gravel, PE cc: Tim Kieffer, Public Works Sherri Buss, Planning Aitachments: Tables 1-3 Table 1 Groundwater Field Data Summary Anderson/Erickson System Stantec Project I93802153 MDH Top of Depth to Well Unique Well Well Riser Groundwater Groundwater Conductivity Identifier Number De ha Elevation Date from TOR Elevation mfw cm H Tem .°C 3/22J12 47.% 938.57 1,966 7.21 9.87 A-Deep 938453 59° 986.53 7/17/12 48.22° 938.31 -- -- -- 7/26/12 48.12 938.41 1,030 7.30 11.63 3/22/12 Dry -- -- -- -- A-ShalloW 421449 13.9 986,69 7/17/12 Dry° -- - - -- 7/26/12 Dry -- -- -- -- 3/22/12 46.99 939.41 2,448 6.92 10.30 B-Deep 438954 57.5° 986.40 7J17/12 47.24 d 939.16 -- -- -- 7/26/12 47.17 939.23 1,569 7.14 12.06 3/22/12 11.22 975.98 -- -- -- B-ShaUow 421450 14.1 987.20 7/17/12 Dry° - -- -- -- 7/26/12 12.95 974.25 -- -- -- 3/22/12 51.95` 937.83 637 7.24 10.57 C-Deep 438455 57.9 969.75 7/17/12 51.85° 937.93 -- -- -- 7/26/12 51.74 938.09 449 7.34 14.29 3/22/12 Dry -- -- -- -- C-Shallow 404748 14.2 99D.40 �/17/12 Dry° -- -- -- -- 7/26/12 Dry -- -- - - 3/22/12 51.42` 937.65 1,987 7.14 10.64 D-Deep 438452 62.4 989.07 7/17/12 51,56° 937.49 -- •- - 7/26/12 51.28 937.79 1,187 7.15 11.42 3/22/12 Dry -- -- -- -- D-ShaRow 404749 14.0 988.60 7/17J12 Dry° -- -- •- -- 7/26J12 Dry -- -- -- - 3/22J12 Dry -- -- -- -- E-Shallow 40975� 15,5 990.42 7/17/12 Dry° -- -- -- -- 7/26/12 Dry -• -- - -- a-Measured from top of riser unless otherwise indicated b-Pump stuck in well,depth from construction recards and dces not indude riser stfckup c-Pump removed to measure water level,full Techarge not verified prior to recording water levei d-7/17/12 groundwater measurements provided by Natural Systems Utilides,MN LLC(EcoCheck) Tabie 2 Groundwater Analytical Results Anderson/Erickson System Stantec Project 193802153 (all values reported as mg/L) Total Kjeldahl WeU Nitrate Plus Nitrite Chloride Ammonla Nitrogen Nitrogen Identifier Date NOz+N Cl' NH 3/22/12 1b.2 377 <0.04 <1 A-Deep 7/26/12 1.6 237 <0.04 <1 3/22/12 19.6 493 <0.04 <1 B-Deep 7/26/12 1.3 426 <0.04 <1 3/22/12 1.4 7J <0.04 <1 C-Deep 7/26J12 0.46 4,3 <0.04 <1 3/22/12 12.9 415 <0.04 <1 D-Deep 7/26/12 0.73 327 <0.04 <1 < Parameter not detected at a concentration greater than or equai to the reporting fimit indicated Table 3 2012 Daily Flow Data AndersonlErickson System Stantec Project 193802153 Apol May June --- ��"- July Augusl Oale Daily Total 7-Day Dele Datly TWaI 7-Day Dale Dalty Tolal 7-0ay Date Daiiy 7otal 7-Day Date Dairy Tolal 7-Day Roilinq Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Aver e qvera e Avera e Avera e Avere 1 2332.4 2636.79 1 2597.4 4033.18 1 30353' 2927.07' 1 2290.0 2806.42 2 3095,1 2762.5 2 3700.0 4033.18 2 30353' 2886.54` 2 2555.0 2765.55 3 3434.9 3007.85 3 4579.9 3995.32 3 3169.9 2898.65 3 2247.6 2724.63 4 3434.9 3069.64 4 1430.0 3341.04 a 4272.5 3012.24 a 2950.8` 2693.34' 5 3169.9 2982.1 5 3392.6 3045.72 5 3700.0 325>.6 5 2950.8' 2668.09` 6 4495.1 3171.42 6 2024.9 2894.26 6 4230.1 3496.89 6 2950.8` 2724.63` 7 3477.3 3347.1 7-- 2247.6 285034 7 37qLA 3597.91 7 2820.1 2680.71 8 3700.0 3542.48 8 2024.9 2768.55 8 4537.5 3812.52 S 2024.9 2642.85 9 2555.0 3466.75 9 3392.6 2724.63 9 2820.1 3781.77 9 2290.0 2604.98 10 3127.5 3422.83 10 4845.0 2762.5 10 2597.4 3699.99 10 2247.6 2604.98 11 2024.9 3221.4 11 3477.3 3057.83 11 4537.5 3737.85 11 2854.0' 2591.15' 12 42301 3372.85 12 2597.4 294413 12 6212.6 4096.8 12 2854A` 257>.32' Li 3169.9 3183.53 13 2555.0 3019.96 13 5989.9 4348.21 13 2854.0' 2563.49• 14 2555.0 3051.77 14 3392.6 3183.53 14 6276.2` 4710.18• 14 2854.0• 2568.33' 15 2862.5 2932.12 15 1717.5 3139.61 35 6Z76.2' 4958.56' 15 2854.0' 2686.77' 16 2820.1 2969.99 16 2862.5 3063 88 16 2512.6 4914.64 16 2555.0 2724.63 17 2555.0 2888.Z 17 2247.6 2692.83 17 2555.0 4908.59 1� 2555.0 2768.55 18 2555.0 2963.93 18 43149 Z812.47 18 2024.9 4549.64 18 2631.9' 2736.83' 19 2862.5 2768.55 19 3085.1 2882.15 19 3392.6 4146.78 19 2fi31.9• 2705.1' 20 4007.4 2888.2 20 2820.1 2920.01 20 2555.0 3656.07 20 2631.9' 2673.37` 21 2024.9 2812.47 21 3742.4 2969.99 21 4272.5 3369.83 21 2631.9' 2641.64' 22 3127.5 2850.34 22 3434.9 3215.34 22 5110.0 32D3.Z3 22 2024.9 2523.2 Z3 1675.1 2686.77 23 3319.0' 3280.56` 23 3392.6 3328.93 Z3 1675.1 2397.5 24 2597.4 24 4007.4 2894.26 24 3319.0• 3433.62' 24 2290.0 3291.07 24 328L2' 250L24' 25 2205.2 25 762L6 3618.21 25 3319.0' 3291.36' 25 2555.0 3366.8 25 3281.2' 2594.01• 26 1717.5 26 3�00.0 3737.85 26 3085.1 3291.36 26 282D.1 3Z85.01 26 3281.2` 2686.77` 27 2862.5 27 4945.0 3857.5 27 3477.3 3385.25 27 2555.0 3285.01 27 3281.2' 2779.53' 28 3922.7 28 5990.0 4423.94 28 1982.5 3133.84 28 3169.9 3127.5 28 29 3169.9 29 5459.9 4757.13 29 2555.0 3008.14 29 3127.5 2844.28 29 30 2247.6 2674.66 30 3085.1 4958.56 30 3035.3' 2967.61` 30 2555.0 2724.63 30 31 2555.0 4�51.07 31 3127.5 2844.26 31 'Daily flow was manually averoged aaou one to four days to account for missing data Shaded values are apparent peak and average flows � �3 � c�� ��� ��� ��, ` �,,� �� �� ����4. � � � .�' �� � �r Memo - • To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Date: September 12,2012 for September 20,2012 Meeting Re: Agreement with EcoCheck/Natural Systems Utilities,MN,NSI�for Operation of the Bliss Collector System At their September 18,2012 meeting,the City Council will be asked to approve an agreement with EcoCheck for operation of the Bliss Collector System. If the agreement is approved,the City will terminate its contract with Washington County, and EcoCheck will ta.ke over as operator effective December l, 2012. Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer will be present at the September 20 Committee meeting to answer any questions you might have about the transition to the new operator. 1 Meeting Date: 09/18/2012 Agenda Item: '�:P � , �./� ..R:� � /.' � 4 � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve an agreement with EcoCheck (Natural Systems Utilities, MN, NSU) for operation of the Bliss Collector sewer system. Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • The city currently has an agreement with the Washington County Department of Public Health and Environment for operation of the Bliss Collector, which may be terminated with a 90-day notice to the county if the City hires another service provider. • Earlier this year, the City contracted with EcoCheck for operation of the Uptown and Anderson-Erickson Collector systems. The County has phased out of operations of the Anderson-Erickson. Staff has been very satisfied with the services provided by EcoCheck and has formed a good working relationship with them. • Under their proposal for their operation of the Bliss Collector, the annual cost of basic services would be $555 per month ($6,660 per year.) Services not included in the basic rate (septic tank pumping costs, repairs and emergency service calls) will be billed separately according to the fee schedule in the agreement. • The agreement would be effective December 1, 2012 and continue for 2 years. It can be terminated by either party with 45 days notice. • The City Attorney has reviewed the agreement. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council: 1. approve the agreement with EcoCheck (NSU, MN LLC) and authorize the Mayor and Administrator to sign on behalf of the city; and 2. direct staff to provide the required 90-days written notice to Washington County terminating the agreement for operation and maintenance of the Bliss system, immediately after the agreement has been signed by both parties. Page 1 of 2 09/11/12 Attachments/ • EcoCheck (NSU, MN LLC) Proposal (September 1 l, 2012) Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Wastewater Operations Agreement EcoCheck Bliss) Page 2 of 2 09/l 1/12 �1� �coCheck Natural Systems Utilities, MN (NSU) ; `, l 1347 North Ave, Suite 4 �,_ r"_.:, :t_r -,. ChisaO Clt MN SSO�3 '`� - NATURAL SVSTEMS UTILITIES g Y� �.�r, ?„� �'E.�-���'-� Phone:651-257-3511 •Fax:651-257-4490 '�"�' September 11, 2012 City of Scandia 14727 209`h Street North Scandia, MN 55073 RE: Proposal for Wastewater Operations of Scandia Bliss Collector Wastewater Facility City of Scandia: Natural Systems Utilities, MN (herein referred to as "NSU") is submitting the following proposal for wastewater operation services for the Scandia Bliss Collector Wastewater Facility State Disposal System (SDS) Facility Permit MN0054119 This facility consists of STEP septic collection systems, a small diameter force main, two lift stations, a stilling basin comprised of three septic tanks in series (7,500 gallons total), a dosing station and three pass-through sand filter beds, and a dosing station for filtered effluent going to a three-cell drainfield trench system. The drainfield system consists of three cells of drop box drainfields with ten laterals each. One or two cells rest at any given time. The system is designed to treat up to 19,800 gallons per day. There are no known bypass points in this system. We look forward to discussing this opportunity with you further. If you have any questions about this proposal or our services, please feel free to contact me at (612) 616-8392. Sincerely, Natural Systems Utilities,MN LLC Tom Birkeland Senior Project Manager Winners of 22 Wastewater Operation Awards from the Minnesota Pollution Contro/Agency in 2011. Scandia Wastewater Operations Proposal September 11, 2012 I. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were considered: NSU Assumes the Followin�: 1. The term of this contract will begin on December 1, 2012. 2. The City's Maintenance Superintendent will be assigned to serve as NSU's "point of contact" to facilitate communications. This person will relay communications to the community and will contact NSU in event of an alarm condition. 3. NSU will be granted access to the wastewater site to perform services as necessary. 4. NSU will provide 24/7 emergency services for the facility in the event they are needed. Emergency service calls will be responded to as soon as possible. NSU has a history of responding to alarms within a 2-hour timeframe. 5. The duration of this contract is for 2 years. 6. If additional monitoring is required for permit exceedances or other permit requirements, services will be provided on a time and materials basis. 7. If permit or regulatory changes occur during the contract period, the terms of the contract will be revised to reflect the increase in monitoring to maintain compliance with permit requirements. 8. Contract price will increase for lump sum contract amount and standard billing rates based upon the percent change of the United States Department of Labor Consumer Price Index (May report) for all urban consumers U.S. city average starting no sooner than December 1, 2013. 9. NSU assumes easements are provided for NSU to enter onto private property to perform the necessary maintenance services. If easement or rights of entry issues occur, the City will work with the property owner to resolve. 10. NSU will manage all work completed by third parties (septic tank pumping, major repairs). Below are other permit driven responsibilities of the Owner: 1. The Owner shall comply with the terms and conditions specified in the SSTS Permits issued from Washington County. NSU will operate the system in accordance to the permit conditions. This Contract Excludes: 1. Septic tank pumping costs, repairs and emergency service calls for the wastewater system are in addition to the contract amount. 2 II. PROPOSED NSU SERVICES WASTEWATER OPERATION SERVICES BLISS COLLECTOR FACILITY 1. Perform site visits to the facility a minimum of twice per month to evaluate system performance. 2. Perform analytical monitoring as defined in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency issued permit MN0054119, dated Apri102, 2010. 3. Coordinate with the analytical lab for analysis of samples and report results to the City. 4. Complete and submit monthly Discharge Monitaring Reports to the MPCA. 5. Provide correspondence on a monthly basis on items that arise at the wastewater system. 6. Record pump run times, event counts and amp draws for all pumps including collection and treatment system to ensure proper operations. 7. Perform drawdown tests on lift station pumps to calibrate flow rates. 8. Confirm all equipment in the control panel and motorized valves are functional on each site visit. 9. Perform flushing of sand filter dosing piping and filter cleaning (if applicable) two times per year. 10. Maintain records of active trench rotation and ponding status monthly. 11. Measure sludge and scum in septic tanks at the treatment site as required by the MPCA permit. 12. Note maintenance activities reyuired at the site and maintain a logbook. 13. Implement a winterizing plan (as developed by NSU) to minimize the potential for freezing prior to winter. 14. Perform periodic operational control monitoring prior to equipment adjustment. 15. If so desired by the City, place competitive bids for a pumping contract and recommend a pumper with the best bid. ADDITIONAL TASKS 1. Provide 24/7 service calls as needed at the community treatment system site. Service calls are events that fall outside of the "Wastewater Operation Services" tasks and need urgent attention (i.e. responding to grinder pump alarms). 2. Perform additional performance sampling. 3. Perform annual individual septic tank inspections for tank integrity and sludge and scum measurements.. 4. Perform other services as requested by the Owner that are beyond the scope of this contract. III. COSTS OF NSU SERVICES Wastewater Operation Services will be invoiced on a lump sum basis of $555.00 per month ($6660.00 annually). Expenses such as mileage, analytical lab fees and field materials are 3 included in the fee. Such amount may increase as provided in Section I (7) above beginning no sooner than December 1, 2013. Additional Tasks will be charged as stated below: • Service Calls (Item 1 under Additional Tasks) will be charged at $100 per event, plus time and materials in accordance with the NSU Standard Billing Rates including calls to coordinate repairs by subcontractors. • Perform additional sampling (Item 2 under Additional Tasks) will be charged at rate based on analytical lab assuming sampling is performed during routine visits. • Individual septic tank inspections (Item 3 under Additional Tasks) will be charged at a rate of$35 per tank. • Other services (Item 4 under Additional Tasks) will be provided as requested on a time and materials basis, in accordance with the schedule attached here to. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE The Owner accepts this proposal including the attached General Terms and Conditions, and NSU is authorized to proceed with the services described herein. This proposal is valid for 30 days. City of Scandia Natural Systems Utilities,MN LLC `�_-��� By: By� Name: Name: Ryan Brandt Title: Title: President Date: Date: September 11,2012 4 NATURAL SYSTEMS UTILITIES,LLC STANDARD 2012 BILLING RATES For WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATION SERVICES POSITION STANDARD BILLING RATE Project Principal $125.00/hour Senior Water/Wastewater Operator III $120.00/hour Senior Water/Wastewater Operator II $100.00/hour Junior Water/Wastewater Operator I $90.00/hour Field Services $85.00/hour Administration $85.00/hour EXPENSES Mileage $0.555/mile (prevailing rate) Travel expenses At Cost Other expenses At Cost plus 10% OTHER OPERATION SERVICES Confined Space Entry $75 per entry permit Use of HAZMAT Monitoring Equipment $40/hour(minimum 1 hour) EMERGENCY SERVICES/SERVICE CALLS Service Call $100 each response Labor associated with repairs or services Time and Materials in accordance with standard billing rates 5 General Terms and Conditions 1. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE All services of ("WASTEWATER OPERATOR") and its affiliates, subsidiaries, independent professional associates, consultants,and subcontractors required by this agreement between OWNER and WASTEWATER OPERATOR("AgreemenY') will be performed in a reasonable and prudent manner in accordance with generally accepted WASTEWATER OPERATOR practice. All estimates,recommendations,opinions,and decisions of WAS7'EWATER OPERATOR will be made upon the basis of the information available to WASTEWATER OPERATOR and WASTEWATER OPERATOR's experience, technical qualifications,and professional judgment. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY SERVICE PERFORMED OR MATERIALS PROVIDED UNDER THE AGREEMENT 2. INVOICES Invoices will be submitted periodically (customarily on a monthly basis) and, unless disputed by Owner, are due and payable upon receipt Unpaid undisputed balances shall be subject to an additiona]charge at the rate of one and one-half(1.5)percent per month from the date of invoice, if the unpaid balance is not paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice. In addition, WASTEWATER OPERATOR may, after giving 30 days written notice to OWNER, suspend services without liability until OWNER has paid in full all undisputed amounts due WASTEWATER OPERATOR on account of services rendered and expenses incurred, including interest on past-due undisputed invoices. Payment of invoices is not subject to discounting by OWNER. However, Owner may dispute some portion or all of an invoice in which event the parties shall meet to attempt to resolve such dispute pursuant to Section 16. Owner shall not be required to pay any undisputed invoice or portion thereof until the dispute has been fully and finally resolved. 3. CHANGES OR DELAYS For work outside the scope of the June 14`h, 2012 agreement between parties, unless the accompanying proposal provides otherwise,the proposed fees constitute WASTEWATER OPERATOR's estimation to perform the services required to complete the project as WASTEWATER OPERATOR understands it to be defined. For those projects involving conceptual or process development services, activities often are not fully definable in the initial planning. In any event, as the project progresses,the facts developed may dictate a change in the services to be performed,which may alter the scope. WASTEWATER OPERATOR will inform OWNER of such situations so that changes in scope and adjus[ments to the time of performance of the services, whether or not changed by any order,and equitable adjustment shall be made,and the Agreement modified accordingly. 4. PAYMENT Where the method of payment under the Agreement is based upon cost reimbursement(e.g.,hourly rate,time and materials,direct personne]expense,or per diem),the provisions of subparagraph a.shal]apply in addition to the provisions of subparagraphs b. through d. a. Direct costs, excluding trave] and subsistence, are payable at actual documented cost plus ]0% for handling and administration. 6 b. The minimum time segment for charging fieldwork is two(2)hours unless specifically addressed in the proposal. The minimum time segment for charging work done at any of WASTEWATER OPERATOR's offices is one-half hour. c. If a lump sum fee is proposed, expenses are included as part of the lump sum fee. Otherwise project related office expenses such as shipping,communication, subcontracrors,printing and reproduction,computer services, supplies and equipment will be calculated with a 10% mark-up. Travel and subsistence expenses of personnel when on business connected with the Project are reimbursable at cost. The use of re-usable field and support equipment owned by WASTEWATER OPERATOR will be billed at pre-determined rates. d. When applicable, renta] charges will be applied to cover the cost of pilot-scale facilities or equipment, apparatus, instrumentation,or other technical machinery. When such charges are applicable,OWNER will be advised at the s[art of the assignment, task or phase. Analyses performed in WASTEWAT'ER OPERATOR's or WAST'EWATER OPERATOR's subconsultant's laboratories will be billed on a unit cost-per-analysis basis, unless specified otherwise in the accompanying Proposal. e. Invoices based upon cost reimbursement will be submitted showing labor (hours worked) and total expense, but not actual documentation. If requested by OWNER,reasonable documentation will be s�pplied. 5. TERM AND TERMINATION If not defined otherwise in the CON7TtACT ACCEPTANCE portion of the contract,the term of this Agreement shall be for a period of two(2)years(the"Term"). Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,WASTEWATER OPERATOR may terminate the Agreement by giving forty five(45)days' written notice to OWNER if OWNER is in default under this Agreement and fails to cure such default within such forty five(45)day period. OWNER may terminate this Agreement at anytime during the Term by giving forty five (45) days' written notice ro WASTEWATER OPERATOR. In the event of any such termination, OWNER shall pay all fees and expenses associated with the Project up to the effective date of terminarion. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Notwiths[anding any other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, and unless otherwise subject to a greater limitation,WASTEWATER OPERATOR's total]iability to OWNER for any loss or damage,including but not limited to special and consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the performance of services or any other cause, including WASTEWA7'ER OPERATOR's professional negligent acts, errors, or omissions, shall not exceed $250,000, and OWNER hereby releases WASTEWATER OPERATOR from any liability above such amount. 7. INSURANCE During the term of this agreement,the WASTEWATER OPERATOR agrees to provide evidence of insurance coverage with limits of liability coverage of not less than$250,000 and naming OWNER as an additional insured there under. 8. PROJECT SITE OWNER shall furnish or cause to be furnished to WASTEWATER OPERATOR all documents and infortnation in OWNER's possession that relate to the identity,location,quantity,nature,or characteristics of any hazardous waste at,on,or under the site. In addition,to the extent reasonably available to it,OWNER shall furnish such other reports,data,studies,plans, specifications, documents, and other information regarding surface and subsurface site conditions requested by WASTEWATER OPERATOR for proper performance of its services. WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall be entitled ro rely upon OWNER provided 7 documents and information in performing the services required under this Agreement;however,WASTEWAT'ER OPERATOR assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of said documents and information. OWNER-provided documents will remain the property of OWNER. Except for contractors or subcontractors retained directly by WASTEWATER OPERATOR,WASTEWATER OPERATOR will not direct, supervise, or control the work of contractors or their subcontractors. WASTEWATER OPERATOR's services will not include a review or evaluation of the contractor's(or subcontractor's)safety measures. Except for contractors or subcontractors retained directly by WASTEWATER OPERATOR, WAS'I'EWATER OPERATOR shall be responsible only for its activities and those of its employees on any site. Neither the professional activities nor the presence of WAST'EWATER OPERATOR, its employees, or it subcontractors on a site shall imply that WASTEWATER OPERATOR controls the operations of others;nor shall this be construed to be an acceptance by WASTEWATER OPERATOR of any responsibility for job-site safety. 9. DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED MATERIAL It is understood and agreed that WASTEWATER OPERATOR is not,and has no responsibility as a handler,generator,operator, treater or storer,transponer,or disposer of hazardous or toxic substances found or identified at a site. OWNER shall undertake or arrange for the handling,removal,treatment,storage,vansportation,and disposal of hazardous substances or constituents found or identified at a site. 10. CONFIDENTIALITY WASTEWATER OPERATOR will comply with the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act relating to information or data generated on behalf of OWNER or supplied to WAS'fEWATER OPERATOR by OWNER". WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall maintain as confidential and not disclose to others without OWNER's prior written consent all information obtained from OWNER that was not otherwise previously known to WAST'EWATER OPERATOR or in the public domain and is expressly designated by OWNER in writing to be"CONFIDENTIAL." The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to information in whatever form that(1)is published or comes into the public domain through no fault of WASTEWATER OPERATOR,(2)is furnished by or obtained from a third party who is under no obligation to keep the information confidential,or(3)is required to be disclosed by law on order of a court,administrative agency,or other authority with proper jurisdiction. OWNER agrees that WASTEWATER OPERATOR may use and publish OWNER's name and a general description of WASTEWATER OPERATOR's services with respect to the Project in describing WASTEWATER OPERATOR's experience and qualifications to other clients or potential clients. 11. RE-USE OF DOCUMENTS All documents,induding drawings and specifications,prepared or furnished by WASTEWATER OPERATOR(and WASTEWATER OPERATOR's affiliates,subsidiaries,independent professional associates,consultants,and subcontractors) pursuant to this Agreement and instruments of service in respect to the Project,and WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall retain an ownership and property interest therein,whether or not the Project is completed provided however that OWNER shall be entiUed to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof'.Owner may make and retain copies for information and reference in connection with the Project;however,such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for re-use by OWNER or 8 others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any re-use without written verification or adaptation by WASTEWATER OPERATOR' for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to WASTEWATER OPERATOR or WASTEWAT'ER OPERATOR's affiliates,subsidiaries,independent professional associates,consultants,and subcontractors with respect to any and all costs,expenses,fees,losses,claims,demands,liabilities, suits,actions,and damages,whatsoever arising out of or resulting there from. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle WASTEWATER OPERATOR to further compensation at rates to be agreed upon by OWNER and WASTEWA7'ER OPERATOR. 12 CONTROLLING AGREEMENT These General Terms and Conditions shall take precedence over any inconsistent or contradictory provisions contained in any proposal, contract, purchase order, requisition, notice-to-proceed, or like document regarding WASTEWATER OPERATOR's services. If any of these General Terms and Conditions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or part by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the parties hereto. Thc parties agree to reform this Agreement to replace any such invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that as closely as possible expresses the intention of the stricken provision. These General Terms and Conditions shall survive the completion of the services under this Agreement and the termination of this Agreement for any cause provided,however,the Ow�er and NSU MN,LLC each acknowledge and agree that this contract shall be automatically extended on an annual basis following the expiration of the initial term unless(i)this contract is terminated in accordance with Paragraph 5 of the General Terms and Conditio�s attached hereto and made a part hereof, or(ii) either the Owner or NSU MN, LLC provides written notice to the other, no less than sixry (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term of this contract or any annual exte�sion, of its desire to terminate this contract upon the expiration of such initial term or annual extension term,as applicable. 13. PROPRIETARY DATA The technical and pricing information contained in the accompanying Proposal or Agreement is not to be disdosed or otherwise made available to third parties without the express written consent of WASTEWATER OPERATOR. 14. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement is to be govemed by and construed in accordance with the]aws of Minnesota. 15. COPYRIGHT All reports, plans specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents prepared by WASTEWATER OPERATOR as instruments of service shall remain the property of the WASTEWATER OPERATOR. The WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights,induding the copyright thereto. 9 16. MEDIATION In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, t6e Owner and the WASTEWATER OPERATOR agree that all disputes shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. The Owner and the WASTEWATER OPERATOR further agree to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants to include similar mediation provisions in all agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. 17. INDEMNIFICATION The WASTEWATER OPERATOR agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold the Owner harmless from any damage,]iability or cost(including reasonable attorneys' fees and cost of defense)to the extent caused by WASTEWATER OPERATOR's negligent acts,errors or omissions in the performance of professional services under this agreement and those of his or her subconsultants or anyone whom the WASTEWATER OPERATOR is legally]iable. The Owner agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold the WASTEWATER OPERATOR harmless from any damage, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys' fees and cost of defense) to the extent caused by the Owner's negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services under this agreement and those of his or her contractors,subcontractors,consultants or anyone whom the Owner is]egally liable and arising from the project[hat is subject to this agreement. The WASTEWAT'ER OPERATOR is not obligated to indemnify the Owner in any manner whatsoever far the Owners own negligence. 18. SUBCONSULTANTS/SUBCONTRACTORS The WASTEWATER OPERATOR and the Subconsultant/Subcontractor mutually agree,to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold each other harmless from any damage,liability or cost,including reasonable attorneys' fees and cost of defense arising from their own negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services under this agreement to the extent that each party is responsible for such damages,liabilities and cost on a comparative basis of fault. 19. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS The WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall indicate to the Owner the information needed for rendering of services hereunder. The Owner shall provide to the WASTEWATER OPERATOR such information as is reasonably available to the Owner and the Owner's consultants and contractors, and the WASTEWATER OPERATOR shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. The Owner recognizes that it is impossible for the WASTEWATER OPERATOR to assure the accuracy, completeness and sufficiency of such information, either because it is impossible to verify, or because if errors or omissions 10 which may have occurred in assembling the information the Owner is providing. Accordingly,the Owner agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the WASTEWATER OPERATOR and the the WASTEWA7'ER OPERATORs subconsultants harmless from any claim,liability or cost(including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of defense)for injury or loss arising or allegedly arising from errors,omissions or inaccuracies in documents or other information provided by the Owner to the WASTEWATER OPERATOR. 20. STANDARD OF CARE Services provided by the WASTEWATER OPERATOR under ffiis agreement will be performed in a manner consistent with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. 21. ASSIGNMENT Services provided by the WASTEWATER OPERATOR may not be assigned to another business entity without written consent from the Owner. 11 �' � � �� ��� ¢ ��.Ft���. � �. .-.? "� � � �� / �;� ��� `,���` `��} l�/Iemo To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator Date: September 12,2012 for September 20,2012 Meeting Re: Uptown Wastewater System Improvement Project At their August 21,2012 meeting,the City Council awarded the bid for the Uptown Wastewater Improvement Project to Septic Check in the amount of$138,693.25. A copy of the bid results is attached for your information. Engineer Brian Malm reported at the meeting that he hopes to reduce the cost by approximately $13,750 by making some changes to the plans,which would be handled through change orders(not yet submitted.) Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer will be present at the September 20 Committee meeting to answer any questions you might have about the project. 1 Meeting Date: 08/21/2012 Agenda Item: �` �. ��� City Counc�l Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209�' St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive and consider awarding a bid for the Uptown Wastewater Treahnent System improvement project. Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • The Council approved advertisement for bids at the July 17, 2012 meeting. • The Uptown Master Plan estimated the cost of the equalization tank and aerobic pretreatment unit to be $73,209. The new , uptown pump tank was at $25,564. • Bids were opened on Wednesday, August 15. The bid results were as follows: Septic Check, Milaca MN $138,693.25 Dunaway Construction, Forest Lake MN $143,298.00 Ellingson Drainage, West Concord, MN $194,991.60 Penn Contracting, Inc., Blaine MN $204,405.50 Recommendation: Engineer Brian Malm is reviewing the bids and will ha�e a recommendation at the August 21 City Council meeting. Attachments/ None Materials provided: Contact(s): Brian Malm, P.E., Bolton&Menk, Inc. (507) 625-4171 ext. 1264 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Uptown award bid) Page 1 of 1 08/15/12 �� • ` ����`�� C� �� �N �'� � � ��►� � � �ar�suftir�t� Er��ir��ers & Surr���r+�rs '` 1960 Premier Drive•Mankato, MN 56001-5900 Phone(507)625-4171 • Fax(507)625-4177 www.bolton-menk.com August 21,2012 Anne Hurlburt City Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209�' Street North Scandia,MN 55073 RE: 2012 Uptown WW System Improvements City of Scandia,MN BMI Project No. N11.104656 Dear Ms. Hurlburt, Attached is the bid abstract for the project referenced above. Bids were received at City Hall at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday,August 15,2012. Septic Check $138,693.25 Dunaway Construction $143,298.00 Ellingson Drainage,Inc. $194,991.60 Penn Contracting, Inc. $204,405.50 Engineer's Estimate $105,390.00 As you can see,the low bid is 30%higher than the Engineer's Estimate. However the bidding was competitive and the two lowest bids were separated by only 3%. Our estimate was based on comparable project costs from approximately 3 years ago, and we attribute the underestimated cost to unforeseen increases in construction material costs(higher than 3%per year,which was the basis for our estimate) during that period. Based on discussions with representatives of the low bidder, Septic Check,we believe the project cost can be reduced by approximately$8,000-$10,000 by change order following award of the bid,by making some non-substantive changes in the specification requirements for the septic tanks and pump control panel. We recommend awarding this bid to Septic Check in the amount of$138,693.25. We are familiar with their work and consider them a responsible Contractor. Sincerely, BOLTON&M K,INC. �����.: Brian P. Malm, P.E. Senior Project Manager BPM/rm Enclosure H:\SCNDW l]104656\1 Corres\104656 abstract]tr.doc DESI�NIl�1G F[7R,4 BE7TER T�NORROW I3�lion&Menk is an equal t�pponunity emplc�yer ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2012 UPTOWN WW SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SCANDIA,MN BMI PROJECT NO.N11.104656 1 2 3 < oete: ensi2oiz ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Septic Check Dunaway Constructlon Ellingson Drolnage,Inc. Penn Contracting,Inc. ITEM �vanox. Bolton&Menk,Inc. Milaca,MN Forest Lake,MN West Concord,MN Blaine,MN NO. ITEM CUANT. UNIT UNIT 7RICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNI7 PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 MOBILIZATION 1.0 LS $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1.0 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $2.800.00 $ 2,800.00 3 CLEARING&GRUBBING 1.0 LS $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $1.500.00 $ 1,500.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $1,650.00 $ 1,650.00 $1.500.00 $ 1,500.00 4 REMOVE SEPTIC PUMP TANK 1.0 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $750.00 $ 750.00 $2,600.00 $ 2,600.00 $2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 5 SALVAGE PUMPS 8 CONTROL PANEL 1.0 LS $500.00 $ 500.00 $500.00 $ 500.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 $1,025.00 $ 1,025.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 6 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 161.0 SY $3.00 $ 483.00 $12.25 $ 1,972.25 $6.00 $ 96fi.00 $40.00 $ 6,440.00 $5.00 $ 805.00 7 REMOVE SANITARY SEWER PIPE 130.0 LF $2.00 $ 260.00 $20.00 $ 2,600.00 $3.00 $ 390.00 $16.50 $ 2,145.00 $10.00 $ 1,300.00 8 RELOCATE/REPLACE FENCE 1.0 LS $500.00 $ 500.00 $500.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 9 BITUMINOUS PATCH 161.0 SY $35.00 $ 5,635.00 $33.50 $ 5,393.50 $24.00 $ 3,864.00 $49.00 $ 7,889.00 $55.00 $ 8,855.00 10 SANITARY SEWER BYPASS �.0 LS 51,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 35,000.00 $ 5,000.00 51,500.00 $ 1,500.00 11 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE/SEPTIC TANK 7.0 EA $500.00 $ 3,500.00 $100.00 $ 700.00 $500.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,100.00 $ 7,700.00 $500.00 $ 3,500.00 12 4"POLYSTYRENE INSULATION 40.0 SY $3.00 $ 120.00 $24.00 $ 960.00 $40.00 $ 1,600.00 $32.00 $ 1,280.00 $35.00 $ 1,400.00 13 1.5"FORCEMAIN PIPE 5.0 LF $15.00 $ 75.00 $48.00 $ 240.00 $100.00 $ 500.00 $25.00 $ 125.00 $55.00 $ 275.00 14 2"FORCEMAIN PIPE 60.0 �F $15.00 E 900.00 $48.00 $ 2,880.00 $10.00 $ 600.00 $30.75 $ 1,845.00 $45.00 $ 2,700.00 15 4"SANITARY SEWER PIPE 50.0 LF $20.00 $ 1.000.00 $52.00 $ 2,600.00 $10.00 $ 500.00 $33.25 $ 1,662.50 $45.00 $ 2.250.00 16 8"SANITARY SEWER PIPE 25.0 LF $25.00 $ 625.00 $58.00 $ 1,450.00 $12.00 $ 300.00 $53.50 $ 1,337.50 $55.00 $ 1,375.00 17 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 8.2 LF $200.00 $ 1.640.00 $600.00 $ 4,920.00 $500.00 $ 4,100.00 $631.00 $ 5,174.20 $570.00 $ 4,674.00 t8 SANITARY CASTING ASSEMBLY 4.0 EA $750.00 $ 3,000.00 $400.00 $ 1,600.00 $800.00 $ 3,200.00 $350.00 $ 1,400.00 $700.00 $ 2,800.00 19 72"DIA.LIFT STA?ION,PUMPS,AND CONTROLS 1.0 LS $13,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $19,633.00 $ 19,633.00 $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $25,500.00 $ 25,500.00 $50,000.00 $ W,000.00 20 10,000 GAILON E�UALIZATION TANK,PUMPS,AND CONTROLS 1.0 LS $27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 $42,175.00 $ 42,175.00 $35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $48,500.00 $ 48,500.00 $50.000.00 $ 50,000.00 21 4,000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK WITH AEROBIC TREATMENT UN�T t.0 LS $25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $32,661.00 $ 32,661.00 $25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $36,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $42,000.00 $ 42,000.00 22 EIECTRICAL 1D LS $10,000.00 5 10,000.00 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 $12,000.00 $ 12.000.00 $11.000.00 $ 11,000.00 23 SEEDING 02 AC $3,000.00 $ 600.00 $2.500.00 $ 500.00 $5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $19,500.00 $ 3,900.00 $10,925_00 $ 2,185.00 24 SILT FENCE 226.0 LF $2.00 $ 452.00 $2.25 $ 508.50 $3.00 $ 678.00 $3.40 $ 768.40 $5.25 $ 1.186.50 25 INLET PROTECT�ON 2.0 EA $300.00 $ 60D.00 $200.00 $ 400.00 $300.00 $ 600.00 $250.00 $ 500.00 $150.00 $ 300.00 TOTAL 5105,390.00 5138,693.25 E143,298.00 S19d,997.60 5204,405.50