11-01-12 ww committeeNovember 1, 2012 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Wayne Schmitt, Holly Kaufhold, Michael Peterson, Brad Bergo, Chair Chris Ness, Council member Jim Schneider, Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi, and Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, Colleen Firkus, Engineer Phil Gravel. Members absent were James Malmquist, Daniel Cartier and Doug Salmela. Also present was council candidate Dan Lee. Chair Ness reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting, asking for additions or corrections. There were none. “201” Community Wastewater System Engineer Gravel gave an update to test results of the Anderson-Erickson monitoring wells. Nitrates were low like the July reading, but ammonia levels were up. Analysis is needed to see the implications of the increased ammonia levels. Flows are running at 3,000 to 4,000 gallons. There was discussion about a Connection Policy. Gravel said issues like the Service Area, Parcel Size, and Zoning on multiple lots need to be determined to start drafting a policy. He suggested we use County criteria and our zoning codes. Also, the city needs to define the number of future potential connections allowed to keep within the flow limits. Ness also asked that the policy address how to treat people with their own on-site system. Gravel will work on a policy draft based on these guidelines. Uptown Wastewater System The proposed ordinance governing this system was reviewed. Kaufhold asked if all the current flow is split between current users is there a way for existing users to expand/get more flow. There was discussion about if users are using low flow toilets. Schmitt and Kaufhold indicated they are using low flow toilets. Kieffer will check with the church to see what they are using. Philippi suggested showing the cost savings the church would achieve with low flow toilets. Design flow is 2,000 gal/day. Kaufhold asked the city to consider ways more flow can be achieved as business increases. Administrator suggested sprinkler meters on outside faucets. Schneider, with a second by Ness, moved to recommend the proposed ordinance governing the Uptown Wastewater Treatment System to the city council. The motion passed unanimously. Rates for Uptown Administrator Handt gave an overview of proposed rates estimating the total costs for the upgrades at $155,000. She showed three payment plans at with interest rates of 0%, 2% and 4% based on full loan repayment, and at 50% of the loan forgiven. Also, shown was what the rate would be with no debt payment loaded into it. The base rate in all cases was the same at $114.18, with a varying Use Rate based on past average water use. Schmitt and Kaufhold indicated they have not been able to pass on their increased costs to their tenants. Paying back the full loan with interest would not be feasible financially. Just the upgrade alone to the Edward Jones property increased the taxes from $400 to $4,000, according to Schmitt. The proposed sewer bills are as much as rent charged in some cases. It is a bad time to cover these costs now. Users would prefer no debt payment. Schneider said the city has a responsibility to the users due to neglecting the system. Also, the city has historically supported the system through tax revenue. Kaufhold, seconded by Ness, moved to recommend the proposed User Charge and Connection Fee ordinance with the change to eliminate the debt payment from the volume charge. The motion passed unanimously. Draft 2013 Budget Ness, seconded by Kaufhold, moved to accept the draft 2013 budget as amended with removal of the debt payment. Motion passed unanimously. Future Meeting Date / Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for January 10, at 7:00 p.m. A draft connection policy will be discussed. Also, it was noted that Malmquist will no longer be able to attend meetings. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer