01-10-13 ww committeeJanuary 10, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Jim Schneider at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Brad Bergo, Wayne Schmidt, Council member Jim Schneider, Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi, Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, Colleen Firkus, Engineer Phil Gravel. Members absent were James Malmquist, Mike Peterson, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, and Councilmember/Chair Chris Ness, which resulted in no quorum. A discussion of issues followed. Council member Schneider reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting, asking for additions or corrections. There were none. It was noted the City Council decided on the capital improvements repayment plan in which 25% is billed back to the users of the Uptown Sewer System. Connection Policy – Amending Ordinance No. 108 for 201 System Engineer Gravel presented the proposed changes to Ordinance No. 108 governing the “201” Community Sewage Treatment System. In the past, new connections were prohibited unless sufficient capacity was available, and limited to residential users and to properties adjacent to the existing collection system. New wording would specify property owners seeking a new connection would have to prove it was not “feasible” to accommodate an onsite sewage treatment system. Proof would constitute a survey and an analysis from a State licensed onsite sewage treatment system designer. A discussion ensued as to the definition of “sufficient capacity.” Gravel was directed to determine numbers for maximum peak flows and permitted flows. It was also suggested the word “feasible” be changed to refer to the language in Washington County’s Septic Ordinance. The new ordinance would also spell out that the new user is responsible for all costs associated with hooking up to the system including, but not limited to the septic tank, sewer laterals, road repair related to the installation of the new equipment and any costs incurred by the City in the use of engineers or consultants. Kieffer asked that wet wells, pumps and control panels be added to the list of equipment. Salmela questioned the number of connections left on the Bliss side. He referred to a study done by TDKA a number of years ago. Salmela thought the study indicated there was room for five (5) more connections, with a couple of connections having been made since that study. He also mentioned there were still a lot of cabins on the Bliss side that if converted to year-round use would increase flows. Salmela asked if joint connections would be allowed to existing tanks. Staff recommended that all future connections be separate. The committee also discussed the pros and cons of private versus city ownership of pumps and tanks, and how unusual it was for the City to own and maintain tanks and pumps on private property. It is customary for homeowners to own and maintain everything up to the main line. It was pointed out that the users are paying the city for maintenance through their user fees and that turning ownership over to property owners may result in a lack of proper maintenance. Mr. & Mrs. Continenza attended the meeting and asked when their connection request would be reviewed. It was determined the committee needed to wait for March flow results prior to making a recommendation to the Council. Future Meeting Date / Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. The revised ordinance, flow results and the Continenza request will be on the agenda. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Recording Secretary/Treasurer